T.H.O.Z; Lies

Story by Zato on SoFurry

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#3 of T.H.O.Z

((Characters in this story belong to me and are copywritten as such, and etc etc))

As Rick finally began to open the door, his body and mind screamed to him that this was all too much. This big house, suddenly getting accepted into an army, respect coming from nothing. On top of it all, he did not even know who he was or how he remembered most of everything else, save for his own identity and how he came to be in that situation!

Yet, he was calmed drastically, as the door opened to its limits and revealed that the house was rather barren. A simple sleeping mat over to one side of the room and nothing else. Though, it was clear that this house had a lot more in store. A staircase running up and another going down, next to each other.

"Aye Sire."

Rick turned to see one of the guards behind him, a simple smile on his face.

"The house is barren now, but that is because you have not made your lists as to what you want in here. The shop keepers are outside awaiting your permission to come inside and ask you what you want made, but first sire, I suggest you look in the basement and the second and third floors."

A few blinks answered the guards before Rick made his way to the basement, as suggested, and his eyes opened in pure shock. It looked as if it was a training ground! It was set up as a ring, or at least a training room. It had two wooden enemies, two archer lanes, and five weapon racks. One for swords, another for great swords, halberds, spears, and then even axes.

He shook his head and made his way back up to the main floor before moving up to the second floor. This at least calmed him as it was like most other houses. Two doors for bedrooms and a third that was smaller then the other two, showing itself as a closet. And of course, windows here and there on the walls with picture frames hanging between them.

-Now whats on top...-

Rick thought to himself as he made his way up the stair case once again and was rather baffled to now find faced with a door at the end of it. He just shrugged it off and simply opened it and made his way through with out a second thought, only now to find himself on the roof of the...his house. There were no rails or anything along the top of his house, but he sort of liked it like that.

"Well...know where I am going to be staying most of the time."

He muttered out to himself before he made his way back down to the guard. The guard could only chuckle to himself as he seen Ricks baffled and shocked expression. This house was the fourth largest in the Kingdom, the average house nothing more then a shack, above average a single room and floor. You had to be quite rich to even afford a above-average home. Though, most were sailors, so homes were not needed.


Rick looked to the guard and thought for a moment, before giving him a soft nod.

"Send them in, one at a time. I don't want to be mauled by shop keepers hungry for gold."

Once again the guard laughed and gave a bow.

"Wise choice, Sire."

And with that, the guard was outside as Rick reclined against the nearest wall with his head facing the roof. Oy...something was not right on getting this stuff. Yeah, the house had enough room for a legion of soldiers, yet it had two rooms, and access to the roof? How much would a normal person have to pay in gold to live here, while he got it free?

Since he was deep into his own thoughts, he did not notice a rather round otter came into the home and made his way up to Rick, bowing low. And as he did, Azura snuck him behind him and looked to her new liege, sighing a bit.

"Sir Armor!"

Rick shook his head and gave a few blinks as he looked to Azura, then the otter.

"Oh...you are the first shop keeper?"

"Aye, sire. I am the one for crafting...tables, chairs, and such."

Another sigh escaped from him as he thought it over for a moment before looking dead into the shopkeepers eyes.


"Four tables, two beds, three weapon racks, five cabinets..."

The shopkeeper was busy writing that down while he looked over to Azura, Rick giving her a soft smile. It was cute to see her so shocked and confused, specially how her tail began to twitch a little.

"Well? Anything else you'd like?"

She gave a few blinks to him and began a series of stutters, trying to figure out what to say. She was a servant, she didn't deserve to get stuff like he did. Upon seeing this, Rick moved up next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her.

"Look, from the kings words, you are now my servant. Correct?"

She looked up to him and nodded, still holding a soft blush, rather embarrased to be treated like anything more then a servant.

"Alright. Now Servants must do whatever their masters say, correct?"

Another nodded answered him, with her head now hung a bit.

"So...I ORDER you to say what you'd like him to make you."

She looked up to Rick and was about to decline that order, but his smile and the face he was giving made her feel...comfortable. He wasn't acting like other masters she had in the past. He was more like...a brother.



"King Glander, if I may."

The king shifted his attention to the pudgy man with a short goatee, dressed in regal clothing just like himself, with many others sitting around a large table. It was clear it was a meeting of various higher-ups in the kingdom, and most of them seemed to have used that role to do nothing but eat.

"This...Rick Armor....how can you give him a knightly position? Sure, he was found in armor, but what if he is from an enemy kingdom? How do we know he isn't a spy?"

The king simply waved a hand at the mayor and reclined in his chair. The others began mumbling agreeances and muttering out their own thoughts, before the king spoke out.

"Listen. I know of all the other kingdoms armors. None have a black knight with cherry blossom patterns in them. We have our own spies, remember? And before it is said, his memories are truly gone. He has no clue who he is, where he is from, and no clue how he got to be in the hands of a dragon. HOWEVER!"

The last one spoken in a near yell as the muttering began to kick up again, and he had to get their attention again.

"I believe he is..was one of the dragon slayers."

Now the muttering became full-out speech as they began to talk to each other. The Dragon slayers were a secretive sect of knights dedicated to nothing more then killing all dragons who have shown themselves to be nothing more then a danger to humans. None who joined them could leave unless dead, and none could join them without first killing a dragon.

The mayor now stood and looked dead into the kings eyes.

"What makes you so sure he is?"

The king smiled a confident smile as he stood up and stretched his arms out to his sides, in triumph of finally being able to shush the paranoid chattering of his royal families.

"Simple, I have seen the signs of a dragon slayer on him. The scars of wings and a brand of a tail! The second right of becoming a dragon slayer! I should know! I have gotten a spy to be accepted by the dragon slayers!"

The room feel silent now. Even the guards were in shock as they looked upon their king. The kingdom of Freehaven haven't even been able to get a spy into the Dragon Slayer ranks, yet the much smaller kingdom of Glander has?

"That's right! We have a dragon slayer in our ranks now! With him in our ranks, we can keep our kingdom safe! The other kingdoms will now think twice before attacking us!"

The mayor glared to the king and slammed his fist onto the table.

"Like they don't know! Our army is top notch! We hold the strongest navy! We get war weapons unlike any other from the island nations!"

The king grinned once again as he sat back down and simply laughed.

"Yes! But do to our size, if you remember, we are constantly on everyones attack list! Now, we have truly, NOTHING to worry about! Even the slave dragons of Freehaven!"

The mayor silenced himself at the sound of the slave dragons. They were breed in the kingdom of Freehaven and truly no other kingdom could stand up to them. They blocked out the sun and would sink even the mightiest of galleons before they could fire a cannon. And with no troops trained in how to kill them, and the Dragon Slayers price way too high, they were unstoppable...were.

Everyone raised a fist to the air and cheered now. One veteran dragon slayer could slay ten dragons! They truly had nothing to worry about now!



Azura sighed out and plopped down onto the sleeping mat, the only sleeping mat, before she realized her mistake and bolted upright. Only to have an armored hand gently push her back down onto the mat.

"I know it is not a bed, but sleep Azura."

She opened her snout to decline but he held it shut, holding that same smile on his face.

"Sleep, I order you too."

She gave a soft huff at that and plopped onto the mat, while Rick pulled the blanket over her. And before either knew it, she was out cold. Rick only gave a gentle chuckle to her before making his way up the stairs and onto his roof. He looked to the night sky and the stars that dotted the horizon and let the sea breeze wash over him. He wasn't sure when, but his armor was on the ground around him, yet he never realized it as he simply enjoyed the breeze in nothing more then his loincloth.

-Who am I...what the hell happened to me? How in the hell did I get magic armor? How do I know how to use all sorts of weapons and read people?-

He was so quickly and so deeply lost into his own thoughts, trying to remember how he came to be into the position he was found in, that he did not hear nor realize Silva had positioned herself on his roof, some five feet behind him. Her eyes were locked onto the scars along his body while making sketches of them, while his own were locked onto the horizon of the nights sky and the faint lights of some ships.

-Why did the king have ME to do a sketch of his scars? Sure, I can draw fast thanks to blasted magic, but that doesn't make me the one to get for these jobs! I'm drawing a half-naked man!-

She slinked back as she thought and continued to draw, hiding back near the other edge of the roof and continued to draw what she saw. Thanks to her magic, she was able to blend in with the scenary behind her while able to see in the night. His roof having no means of light, save for his own skin. She shook her head hard as she ended up staring at him and growled internally.

-He had to pull me away when I was pleasing myself, didn't he!-

She was going to murder Red when she was done with this mission, if you would call it that. She was just about to hit her climax when he interrupted her about what the king had ordered, but by the nine gods couldn't it have waited until morning! Or at least until after I had finished!

She got so lost into her own thoughts that she failed to realize that she had long since finished the picture and had began to add little details. Each speck of hair out of place, muscles and little ripples in them from how he was standing, which ones were tense. That was, until he suddenly shot back and snapped her out of her thoughts.

Before long, it was evident that he was just training. Punches, kicks, spinning kicks, bends, dodges, and even rolls in the air. She was rather mystified that he trained so hard, most of the others did an hour or so and gave up, and nothing near as demanding as this. She glanced down at her at her picture and blushed brightly. She had a bit too much detail in it, she even had it detailed enough to show how his rear was clenched from how was standing on the edge of the roof. However, when she looked to the sky to see that morning was coming, she knew she did not have enough time to change it. So, when the coast was clear, she bolted off the roof and began to jump from roof to roof towards the castle to give the king what he had ordered. A picture detailing Zatos scars on his back.

Rick's training continued on for about hour or two before he finally decided to stop and kneel down for a breather. Time had flown by when he was lost in his thoughts and then he had suddenly began training. And now, here he was, drenched with sweat and probably smelled to the heavens above and the hells below.

"Might as well ask Azura where the nearest bath houses are..."

He gave a little stretch as he began to make his way back down stairs. He took each step gently, even though the house rarely creaked, but he wanted to make sure he did not wake her incase she was still asleep. However, as he came to the main floor, he found she was wide awake. She had seemingly rolled the bed mat up, stuffed into into the closet (Which was open) and was now resting on a little counter/table thing staring right at him.

"Seems you are in need of a bath."

Rick just gave a little nod to that. So early in the morning and she was this awake? Servants must have one chaotic life style, but truly he couldn't say much, he hadn't slept and he was fine.

"Springs at the castle are open for all knights. Come, follow me. You might want to throw on some more..."

She paused for a moment and giggled.

"You wouldn't wear anymore clothes if I forced you too, would you Sir Armor?"

He answered her with a firm shake of his head and chuckled, her own giggling soon joining his.

"Alright, come on."

With that, she jumped up and made her way outside with him right behind her. However, he did keep his distance to be polite, yet she just giggled at it. He was so careing about everyone else, it seemed as if he ignored everything about himself and what he wanted.

"Sir Armor, you do not smell. Come on."

She moved her arm next to her, coaxing him up. At first, he kept his distance, yet after a few more moments he decided it was best and moved up beside her. And as he did, he noticed that she was glancing about, and for good reason. Seems him walking about in a loin cloth, which barely hid anything about him, was drawing quite a lot of attention. Everyone was stopping and looking, and yet he did not know why. There were some others in loinclothes as well. Not like he was the only one in the world to wear them. The scary thing about it all, was that it seemed Azura was reading his mind, as she was smiling up at him.

"You know Sir Armor, it is not because you are not in a loincloth, it is because of all your scars. A lot of them seem...fatal."

Rick couldn't help but give a little nod to that effect. He had noticed some of his scars some time ago, and some did look nasty. Yet, he knew none of them killed him, or else he wouldn't be here. However, his mind was cleared instantly and he gave a jump as Azura trailed a finger along one that ran down his arm.

"Like this one...most who have one like this can not use their arm, even with healing."

She lifted her finger and trailed it over a rather oval-ish shape over his heart, proving just how many fatal scars he carried. He had this one over his heart, who knows how many along his torso and stomach, and a lot would have rendered his limbs useless.

"All I know, Azura. Is that I am still alive, still walking, and in need of a bath."

A blush instantly appeared on her cheeks as she nodded and continued on her way leading him to the springs. He just smiled to the back of her head and continued to follow her, all the while ignoring all those that looked to him.


"Silva, do you have what we requested?"

Silva moved up to the table with all of the royal families still at their chairs. However, the most imposing figure was that of the kings. She did not know why, but she was always afraid around him. Yes, he was normally a kind, gentle, and loving king who had seen his fair share of horrific wars.

"Yes, my liege. The picture you all requested. I took more time in detailing it as much as I could in the time you alloted."

She prayed to the gods that the king bought her excuse as he lifted the picture up and examined it. He didn't say anything and just looked to the picture. For an excrutiating eternity to her, but only about a minute before he pushed it to the next royal and he took his time to look at it.

"Its perfect. It details every scar and shows just how much he keeps himself in shape. What some of the royals should learn from."

A few of them grumble out before shifting their attention to the portrait. It was true, this Rick did carry a lot of scars with those three outstanding ones. The ones that looked as if wings had been there and a perfect circle at the base of his spine.

"He does bare the marks of a dragon slayer, King Glander. Yet, how do we know he was anything more then an initiate? What about an outcast, thrown aside due to some wrong he had committed against the sect of dragon slayers?"

The king smiled and simply stood, readying to make his exit.

"Simple. He has been nothing more the a loving, perfect example of a knight and one of his position. Remember, he does not remember who he WAS, but knows who he is NOW."

Each and every royal looked to the other before they all let out a simultaneous cheer, while the king and Silva made their exit, both holding a wide smile.

"My liege?"

The king smiled to his best spy and assassin. In two years of service, she had been unbelievable. She had gathered intelligence on all kingdoms in three months, found so many lost spies (Though sadly they were dead when they were found), and last she had even began to become quite the excellent thief AND artist.

"Yes Silva?"

"May I return to my room now?"

He simply nodded and smiled to her as she got ready to bolt down the hall. Yet, before she could, he had a hand on her shoulder and stopped her dead in her tracks.

"However, first I wish to thank you for a wonderful job Silva. I did not expect the picture in such quality."

She gave a nod and smiled in return to her king, yet still hiding her shakes and fear.

"Thank you my liege, now may I go?"

He gave yet another nod and let her go before she bolted off down the hall, leaving the king laughing his lungs out while he continued on his way to his thrown room.


Rick reclined down into the hot springs and sighed out heavily. The water was at a heavenly warmth, with smooth, natural stones to rest on and beautiful scenary to look at while you bathed. It was near the back of the castle where all natural life had gone untouched and uneffected. So the trees grew naturally, animals roamed here and there, and the sky could be clearly seen through the small clearing over the springs.

-It is utterly perfect...if only I could have come during the night to see the stars.-

His eyes slowly eased close and he just laid there in perfect peace. Only the peaceful sounds of the nature about him and nothing else. The springs had been closed just for him and another, who he was unsure of who it was, but none-the-less it was peaceful. However, before long, he heard someone gently wade into the water and felt the water ripple against his skin. Yet, he did nothing about it.

The water continued to ripple against his skin so he knew the person who had joined him continued to move in the water. The other person was most likely cleaning and constantly moving as he did so. Rick on the other hand was more then comfortable just relaxing right now.

"Sir Armor..."

He opened his eyes upon hearing Azuras voice and instantly shut them again. She was naked in front of him! Sure, the steam and water blocked his view, but what was she doing in here!

"Sir Armor, I am your servant. I am here to wash you."

He shook his head and kept his eyes shut.

"I am quite capable of it myself, Azura."

"Sire, I am your servant and if I do not do my duties the king will have me hung or turn me into a slave for the other knights...I've seen him do it to other slaves. He may be a nice king, but like all, he is strict."

Rick thought that over some and slowly opened his eyes. He would be the last to lie that he did not instantly look her over, but something in him thanked the highest gods that the stream was blocking most from being seen.

"Alright Azura. Do my back, I've done the rest."

She gave a little nod and smile to her master as he turned on the stone and she fished for the clothe she had brought before putting some rather horrid smelling, least to her, soap. It was made from roses or something, but it was positively horrid to her nose.


She gave a gentle tilt of her head of she began to rub over his back, causing a low "Mmm." to sound from him as she did, which greatly pleased her.

"I wish to talk to you about something once we return home. However, before then, please see if the king can aquire something made from Cherry Blossoms."

She held back a giggle at that and continued to slowly and gently run the cloth over his back. moving it along each scar, over his shoulders and massaging them as she did, and even doing under his arms. Which, to her humor, got laughs out of him.

"Sire, if I may?"

He smiled as he leaned over and placed his head to rest on a stone. The maybe rock, but they were oddly comfortable. Mages must have done something to them.

"Sure Azura, speak."

"What is with you and Cherry Blossoms?"

Her mind wondered after she had asked that and caught her blunder and with a squeak tried to correct it.

"Sir! I am so-"

"Enough Azura, it's fine."

She lowered her head a bit and continued her work as he clearly went into thought. He went silent for some time. She feared she had upset him, yet before she could utter a word to apologize, he spoke.

"Truly, as you can recall, I do not know nor remember. Yet, I remember them. A long row of cherry blossom trees where I would rest and relax. The smell, the feeling, the sight, everything was just so calming. Everything I shut my eyes I see them and smell them. I am sorry I can not be more descriptive..."

She blushed brightly and thanked the heavens that she could not be seen right now. He treated her as if an equal, spoke freely, allowed her to order things from the shop keepers and more then a simple skirt or cheap blouse, even so much as giving her an entire bedroom and not some closet with a bed mat! And now here he was talking as if he was a Priest and not a knight!

"Sir Armor....I must say you are quite the welcomed oddity."

Both of them laughed now as he stood, making sure to keep his lower half hidden under the water, and leaned forward to give her a tight hug. She let out a meep at that and blushed even more, but happily returned the hug.

"Thank you Azura. You've, more then all, have helped me feel......myself. If I can say that."

She gave a slight nod and felt a little sad as he moved away from the hug. It was clear he was about to get out, so she looked away and did her best to not look, but she couldn't stop herself stealing glances at her masters rear. First human she was truly attracted too, and she was a servant to him! The king would be furious!

"Azura, come on. We need to get home. Shop keepers said we'd only have to wait until afternoon."

"Aye Sire!"

She couldn't help but smile as she seen he was looking off to the wall to allow her to get dressed. She actually found herself hoping he was stealing glances at her. She didn't even know why! She hadn't even been on a date with this man, and even then he was still her master! It was not accepted in the kingdom for such a thing!

"Sir Armor?"

Rick kept his gaze on the wall before him, making sure not to even twitch to look behind him.

"Yes, Azura?"

"Why is it that you treat me like a normal....I still can not fathom it. I'm a servant, I'm nothing more then a blanket you pull over yourself at night. The pillow you rest your head on....the armor that protects you..."

"It's simple Azura."

She slightly tilted her head as she moved up next to him, clad in her normal servant clothes and waited for an answer.

"You are a person. You are a living, breathing, individual. You're not a feral dog, you are not a little feral bird you keep in a cage to hear its diluted song. Yet, most of all, you treat me as an equal as well, even though you do not realize it. However, you need to stop with the Sir Armor, Master, all of that. My name is Rick."

A blush settled on her cheeks and she looked to the ground as she felt his arm wrap around her shoulders, causing her to squeak and blush even brighter. Yet, that was nothing, compared to when she was suddenly hoisted into his arms and began to carry her back to his home.

"Now, you've already been working your tail off. I want you to relax once the stuff gets here. I'll do the work and I will set your room up first."

A shocked expression hit her and she opened her snout to refuse, yet he moved a hand forward and held it shut, though rather gently.

"Its an order."

She gave a huff and tucked her arms over her chest like a child and he just laughed as he continued on the path home. The sun was positioned high above them so it was true that it was around noon, which did mean the shop keepers would most likely be there soon, if they were not already there. They knew the faster they got there, the more gold they would get. However, they also knew they had to have them all made in perfect condition, any mess ups and the guards would force them to close shop.

After roughly ten minutes of walking, their home finally came into view. Though, some new scenary was around it as a line of shop keepers and their carts were positioned outside of the path and near the water line. Oh, how funny it would be to see some of their stuff fall in, yet with all their hired help, both Rick and Azura knew that would not happen.

"Alright......you rest here. Let me get this all sorted out."

He gently put her down on the ground and she stood in place as he moved up to the front shop keeper, the same as yesterday, and began to talk to him. She couldn't make out what they were saying and truly did not want to. Dealing with shop keepers was always the same. How much gold do I get? Same line they ALL used at some point or another, they cared for nothing else.

Before long, She watched as Rick hauled one of the tables up and a few of the helpers grabbed some as well, and moved them inside the house. She had to admit, it was...nice to relax, not do anything. Now she knew why most of the royals became fat slobs who had to have sex slaves to get any tail. And at that thought, she burst into laughter. Most of the royals here couldn't even get their slaves to look at them naked! She knew! She talked to most of them!

"I see his stuff got here fast."

She jumped out of her thoughts and nearly out of her skin as she heard the kings voice behind her. In a flash, she spun and bow, repeating how sorry she was for not doing anything over and over again.

"Oh, silence Azura. A man like that doesn't let others do work for them. You are his servant though, so please, do at least help him now and again."

She gave a nod and moved to the side as she seen the king give his five royal guardsman the signal to go help him.

"Of course, even if they don't like help doesn't hurt to give those king of people some."

The king moved his arms a bit and slipped off his cloak before promptly handing it to her, who took it without a word but gave him a shocked expression.

"Please watch that for me."

He smiled to her as he moved past and began to help along with all the others, as Azura just stood there bewildered. The king helping one of his...men? Not something you see everyday. And from the shopkeepers, their helpers, and the others on the street, they did not believe it either.


The whole day of work promptly turned into a few outs and ins of all the helpers before they all began to leave. The crowd that had gathered earlier had long since vanished, leaving only Azura holding the royal cape. And every time someone left that house, she did not see the king nor Rick. Only the helpers, then guardsman, then...just no one. The guardsman had rallied up behind her some fifty paces, the merchants and helpers back in their shop, and the night sky now dominant over the horizon.

Finally, after felt like years, the king left with a smile on his face. He made his way straight to her, grabbed his cape and placed it back upon his shoulders, and left with a thank you to her. Still, she stood there and waited, only listening to the sea and the distance tings of armor behind her.

-D-did something happen?-

She took a few steps towards the house, then another few, before breaking into a full sprint towards the open door and slammed her way inside. She looked around and ignored all of the new furniture, pictures, vases, weapons, all of it did not matter. Her mind was set on finding Rick.

-Where is he?-

She bolted down into the basement and seen it was now truly a training ring, before bolting straight up to the roof, ignoring the middle floor, and began looking on the roof. Still the same as before, save for two chairs around a table with a little tree on it.


She bolted back down stairs and moved up to his door. It was closed, so, she placed a hand on the door handle and pushed it open. Instantly she was hit the strong smell of Cherry Blossoms, and her eyes fell upon Rick, dead asleep on his bed. The king must have been moving him onto his bed...

"I don't believe it..."

She smiled a bit and looked around his room. Armor arranged nicely on a figurine of himself, a few swords and spear resting along the wall, and a desk next to his bed. It was rather simple for a room, yet he didn't seem like the king of person to over indulge himself. Yet, she did wonder where he cherry blossom smell was coming from. Yet, as her eyes wondered, she soon found the source. It was a simple row of runes along the walls in a line, "Cherry Blossom Scent". She didn't know he had talked to one of the rune mages.

"Well...he is alright...so I shall go to my room, I guess."

With that, she stood there for a few more seconds to admire how he looked. He looked like a child, he slept so...peacefully. Other knights she had seen sleep tossed, turned, rolled, mumbled out in their sleep about everything they had done and seen. Yet...he did not remember his past, so that could have helped...However, before she lost herself there, she moved out of the room and shut the door to his room. Without much thought, she had opened her door and positioned herself inside her room before closing the door right behind her.

A gasp left her as she looked around the room. He had set it up...perfectly to her likings. Everything was set how almost any dolphin would dream. Everything was...moist. Random treasures from the sea, sea shells, star fish. Though, the thing she loved the most was an actual bed set like a tub. It was full of water, yet set with a soft bottom to sleep on and yet there was enough room over the water for her to still breath.

She didn't even think of another thought before dropping her clothes and jumping into the bed he had gotten designed for her and happily fell asleep. It was heavenly in it, the water the perfect temperature, runes set to keep the water moving a bit to wash over her and keep her entire body wet. Perfect.


The sun slowly snuck into the nearly finished home and began to shine of Ricks eye-lids, forcing him to kick and stir a bit before he immediately sprang up out of his bed and was standing there, rapidly blinking. Of course, such an action after waking, did not go unpunished as he suddenly dropped to a knee and held his head, the world spinning around like a childs top.

He gave his head a few shakes before he stood back up, looking around before last night slowly returned to him. He had been so focused on Azuras room and the work of placing all those runes, that it had tired him out and he passed out on Azuras floor. Yet, now here he was waking up in his bed. Maybe the king moved him...doubtful Azura could since their frames were so much different.

"Bah...no more runes..."

He finally began to do as his body wished and started to stretch out his body. Arms, legs, neck, and back. Working out all and every tight muscle before he felt ready to do as he had planned for the day, more training. He had to do something to pass the time at least, and that was all he could think of.


Rick gave a few soft chuckles as Azuras voice rang out. She was pushing herself harder then he pushed himself. It would take some time to get that servitude mind set out of her head and get her relaxed down. He really didn't feel right having someone work for him, nor having one such as herself doing it. It felt like she could be doing so much more in her life other then wasting it away as a servant.

He didn't feel the need to answer with another yell, so he moved to his door and just made his way back down to the main floor where the little cooking area had been set. It wasn't much more then any simple family would have, but he was happy with it. He didn't want to be spending oodles of gold, so he kept most things simple.And like he had imagined, there she was, cooking some meat over the flames with other slices already set on a plate on the table along with some water and bread. Though, out of everything, he was extremely happy seeing her wearing a black silken shirt and some skin tight leggings, something most would probably be wearing under their armor to keep some form of comfort from the metal.

As he was essentially gawking at her, she had turned and was holding a smile to him as he stared. She was going to say to take a seat and eat, yet it was..cute to see him like this. However, her fun was soon ended as he shook his head to bring himself back and looked to her.

"Take a seat Rick and eat, just finishing mine now."

He would have probably fought that, but he decided to just sit and begin to eat. As he took his first bite, he simply had to take another, and another. The food was...unbelievable. Spiced perfectly, cooked just right, everything about it was just as he liked it.

"Azura, you are not a mind reader are you?"

He managed to say in-between mouthfuls of food, simply continuing to eat as she only giggled to him.

"No, I just made it how I thought you would like it, and it seems I was right."

She got her food and settled down in the chair in front of him, happily beginning to munch on it while he did the same. They kept like this for the better part of an hour until Azura finally broke the silence, nothing left on her plate as she did so and likewise for Rick. The last ten minutes just spent in silence.

"Rick, what do you have planned for the day? If you do not mind me asking?"

Rick reclined in his chair a little and stretched out a bit. He had planned on training today, but it seemed as if she would like to do something.

"Oh...nothing really. Have you got something in mind?"

She gave a nod and smiled with a little flap of her tail, happy that it was hidden behind her.

"Aye, that I do. However, first we must go get the kingdoms emblem burned onto your armor."

Rick gave a nod and with that, he was out of his chair and on his way back up to his room to put his armor on while Azura cleaned up the table and did the dishes with a wet cloth. When that was finished, she made sure the house was tidy and positioned herself at the door just as she heard the tell tale sound of someone in armor coming down stairs, the heavy creaks in the wood and the metal hitting metal. Before she knew it, he was behind her with his helmet firmly placed on his head.

"Ready, Rick?"

A nod greeted her before they both made their way outside, Azura first with Rick right behind, and began on their walk to the castle forge. It was something she was suppose to have had done yesterday, yet the king didn't seem all that mad at her last night and plus, being Ricks servant she felt...safe. She could not really explain it, she just felt safe.


Pink stood out on her balcony with her eyes locked onto the horizon. Ever since the meeting with the council she had felt as if they had been lying to her, yet why would they? She had never done nor shown anything to make them believe or even think she was a traitor to the kingdom. She would rather die then become a traitor. She still held onto the thought that her mate had suffered a different, and maybe far worse, fate then what they had spoken of.


Aditi's soft voice rang out behind her, forcing her to turn and look to her daughter. She was dressed in nothing more then a simple top and skirt, just like she was. Both of them believed the same thing about what had happened to Zato, yet neither spoke about it, only thought.

"Yes, my daughter?"

Pink watched as Aditi shifted a bit before a smell hit her nose, causing a soft giggle to emit from her as she moved up to her daughter and gently hugged around her.

"You ask for release, yes?"

Aditi gave her mother a nod and blushed heavily. She always hated having heats yet she knew her mother would always be there to help her. Though, the looks she got from the males on the way up here, made her disgusted. She had always hated males, least in the sexual since, and would never even think of bedding one. Something her mother found out some time ago, and took rather well.

"Alright my daughter, come to me later tonight. Until then remember the spell to mask the scent, least the male guards attack you."

Aditi gave a nod and bolted out of the room with her mother giggling behind her. However, the giggling soon died and she was back on the balcony over looking the horizon once again. It would be a month before Boros would first go check the area he had spoke of, yet...something told her he wouldn't.


"Do be careful with the paint on it, rather hard to get people to do that king of work."

Rick stated to the rather large man manning the forge and branding iron. He had asked before if he should take off his armor or not, but the man said nothing. So, there he stood, with Azura behind him and the bear of a man before him with a branding iron that was white hot. Something in him screamed "IDIOT!! MOVE!" yet he stood his ground and before he knew it, the branding iron was placed upon his right shoulder. He knew it was a simple Raven with a rose in its beak. Yet, with all the others, he felt like some...message board in town.


Ricks eyes shot open as the deep tone of the forge master sounded out and he went back to work on his weapons with Azura giggling behind him and tugging on his armor.

"Come come come!"

Yet more blinks came from him before he followed behind her. She was leading him like a school girl leading her little boyfriend. That thought made him think a bit before he the tugging suddenly stopped and he went tumbling onto the ground, happy he was in his armor and helmet.

The sound of children laughing caused him to lift his head a bit and before him stood an army of dolphin children, at least twenty, all laughing at him and his tumble. Now he was completely confused but as Azura ran up to an older pair of dolphins and gave them each a kiss before locking them in chat, he knew where he was, and he felt he was a toy right now with the gleam in the childrens eyes.

Before he knew it, the children were upon him and he began to wrestle them, being extremely careful while in his armor. The sound of Azura and her parents laughing sounded out as they watched the little brawl, smiling happily all the while.

"See, I told you he was different."

Her father moved up a bit and rested upon his cane, looking to his children pondering on the knights armor.

"Yes, but he is still a master."

Both watched as her mother made her way to the pile of fighting shapes and shoed away her children, leaving Rick laying there staring up at her from behind his helmet. It took him a minute, but once he realized who was looking at him he bolted up and bowed low.

"Hello my lady."

Azuras mother smiled and returned the bow, before straightening out and extending her arm for a hand-shake. It took him another minute to realize before he gripped her hand and shook, both smiling to each other. Once the shake had ended, she turned to her daughter and her husband.

"He is no master, he is a gentlemen."

Rick couldn't help but chuckle at that and lifted his arms up to take off his helmet. And once it was off, Azura gasped. There was now a three slash claw over his right eye, when had that gotten there? Or maybe she had not realized it....she had just missed it.

"Oh my, quite a looker too."

All of them laughed now as they moved up into the home and began a full out chat. Speaking of everything they could think of, question after question firing at him, while shooting his own right back. Yet, over the time, he began to realize that the kids would constantly pass into what looked like the storage for food and leave with nothing.

"Miss Azura?"

Azuras mother tilted her head, having found out Azura was named after her, and smiled to the human before her.

"Yes hun?"

He pointed to a little girl that was leaving the storage room and he seen they all knew what he was about to ask.

"Why is it that no food comes with your children?"

Both Azuras lowered their heads as Cris shook his head.

"Azura works as a servant for a little gold to get food, while me and the wife try to do all we can...we never have much food."

Rick couldn't help but burst out in laughter, he knew from their angered expressions that they took it the wrong way even the kids that looked in, but he stood and extended his arms out.

"I am your source of food! My house is stock-piled with the stuff, just come over and get whatever you want, whenever you want."

All three dropped their jaws as they looked to him, He could not be serious about that!

"Do not joke about stuff like this Rick! It is not right!"

Azura screamed her head off with that. It was not right to joke about giving away food, which was really a rare thing around her with the current status of the neighboring kingdoms blocking the supply lines.

"I am not, take whatever you want from my house whenever you want. I, nor the guards, will stop you. I will tell them once I get home."

Tears began to appear in Azuras, her mothers, and her fathers eyes before they all locked him in a hug around his armor. He couldn't help but happily return the hug and smiled.

"And should you need the room, you are welcome to come to our place, or send your children there. Either or, your choice."

He smiled as the could tell they hugged against him tighter and he missed it once they yet go, but the feeling didn't last long as he was suddenly on the ground under all twenty of their kids.

"Though you must tell me why you had so many children! I can't win against these numbers!"

They all burst out into laughter as he once again began to rough house with the children. Throwing them on a pillow, rolling them away, gently bopping them and a wide variety of other little fun moves. Yet, he always let them win in the end. Both to have his own fun and the most basic law, children always win in rough houses.


The king sat on his thrown over looking the assemble Dragon Slayers he had paid to come. He had to fish over a carriage full of gold, yet it was worth it. He got the three leaders to come with how much he paid and from the get-go he told them about how he wished for information.

"So...was this man among your kin?"

They were all looking to the picture Silva had painted, this time with another of his front, and they were all chatting to each other. While doing so, the king couldn't help but over look their armor. They all wore heavy platemail fashioned after the very creatures they hunted. The leader wore gold, the second-in-command black, and the third-in-command was green. Each bore a spear and wore a necklace of dragon teeth, some small and some as big as a fist.

The leader looked up with his other two comrades continued to look over the picture, his head hidden behind his helmet as he thought over the picture. There was a slight resemblance to someone he had seen once, but he couldn't exactly tell someone outside the sect.

"I do not remember the man. However, where is this man?"

The king couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. He gets no information, they get none. Did he really think he was stupid? That he would let them go find this man that had already joined his army and boosted his strength at least ten fold.

"He left for the Kingdom of Freehaven three nights ago. I was wondering if we should fear him joining their army for their next attack, whenever it should come. Thank you for lifting our worries."

The leader nodded to the king and made a sign to his comrades, before they all lifted in a hurry. The king still perched on his thrown, once again holding the image of Rick, laughing full out now. IT was so grand to know someone such as a dragon slayer was now among their ranks. They could control fire, could shake the earth! Some could even turn INTO dragons for a short time to use their own strengths against them!


In a flash she appeared in front of him, kneeled down with a fist over her heart and hood hung over her head.

"Yes, my liege?"

The king smiled down to his assassin slash spy and chuckled to himself. She had done so much excellent work it was almost, almost, unbelievable.

"Your gold is waiting for you in your home. Thank you for your excellent work once again."

"Thank you my liege, if I may?"

She looked to him now just as he nodded and as fast as she appeared, she vanished. Her time was better spent training with the other Ravens, she could not let herself be distracted. And plus, they had been discussing their newest foot soldier and his supposed position in his previous life.


"Rick! Its past noon and yet you train!"

Azura stood along with two or so of her siblings, not really taking the time to look only hearing the occasional gasp from them, while her eyes stayed locked on Rick as he sparred against a random knight he had found in the training grounds. The knight was using a spear, while Rick used a sword. Most would think the sword would be outclassed, along with the spear. Should the spear miss, the sword would win. Yet, you would first have to get past the spears range and if a could pikeman was armed with it, you wouldn't get that close.

Though in the end both seemed to be equally matched, yet a trained eye could see that Rick was holding back his best. It was nothing more then a spar to train your body, and in a sense, he was just really helping the knight with his own. It was could excersice none-the-less.

This continued on for the rest of the day until the knight was far too tired to continue. So, with their own farewells, Rick bid farewell and walked off with Azura. The siblings having left some time ago before darkness came and before either knew it, they were both asleep on Ricks bed. Azura having gone in to help Rick with his armor.

To Be Continued...

((PS; I wrote this fast and rarely checked it, forgive me for not. But Ive been making you all wait, so I want to push them out to keep you all entertained, at least I hope I am. Also, marked Other (Adult) for safety))