Working In

Story by DJgalven on SoFurry

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Thump thump thump thump thump. That was the only sound DJ‘s feet and chest made with each heavy step on the treadmill. Going at the pace of a slow jog was still a workout, and a rather heavy one at that, at least to him. His headphones played some invigorating classic rock, giving him more reason to focus on the task at hand rather than what he'd normally do at a gym and stare at all the cute guys.

Finally, he stepped off the treadmill and shut it down, taking a few moments to take in as much air as he could. His breath somewhat returning, he grabbed his water bottle from the holder and started gulping the cool liquid down as much as he could per swallow. Finally feeling cooled down enough and his heart slowed down to a more normal rate, he did a few leg stretches and headed towards the showers.

A rather tall and muscular lion, doing some lazy free weight curls, was doing just the opposite of DJ. On top of that, he was staring right at him as the bird worked out on the treadmill. When he saw that DJ was heading to the showers, he simply grinned to himself, set down the free weights he'd been working with and headed to the showers while feigning that he'd done enough for the day. He peeked in slowly and when he saw no one around and heard the sound of the shower running, he simply walked in and headed towards the sound of water.

DJ sighed as he scrubbed away all of the grime and sweat he'd built up over exercise, somehow finding dirt where there shouldn't be any. He didn't think anything when he saw movement in the locker area. Normal movement in a normal part of the room, who'd pay attention to something like that? When at last he felt clean enough, he shut off the water and walked to his locker. Dialing in the combination, he grabbed his clothes out of their bag and put his sweat-drenched ones in. The sudden touch of a heavy paw on his shoulder startled him out of his thoughts and he wheeled around to come face to chest with a broad, amber-colored chest.

The lion looked down at DJ with a little grin that spread across his entire muzzle, feeling the surprisingly warm plumage of the bird under his great paw. He saw the look of mild shock in the bird's face as he turned his face up to look at him, but saw it melt away not into concern but rather one of interest. The big cat chuckled softly and tapped the bird on the beak with the tip of a claw.

"Little birds shouldn't wander so freely around such bigger guys." He said, purring rather richly as he slowly laid on the charm with the bird. He was a little surprised when DJ's paw came up and traced down the line between the lion's firm pecs, following the sharp lines of the muscles slowly.

"And where does a big kitty benefit from passing along such wise knowledge?" DJ grinned, pressing a little closer to the lion. DJ was pleasantly intrigued by the rich scent of musk coming off of the lion, churring softly up at the lion's face so high above him.

"Well now, I don't know, but... I do think it'd be nice if you took another ‘shower' with me as thanks." the lion smirked.

DJ knew that the emphasis on the word shower meant only one thing, and he had to admit. The prospect of going at it in such a public place was rather... intriguing? Enticing? And he showed that in the only way he could think of how. He reached down and gave the lion's crotch a rather firm grope.

He squawked a little as he found himself in the lion's big arms and carried over to the showers without so much as a sweat from the big guy. He was carried much more tenderly than he would have thought from the lion but he didn't mind a bit. They finally reached the shower and he was set down as the water spigot was turned, cool water soon cascading down on them.

DJ looked on in some sort of awe as the lion's paws came down and undid the belt on his shorts, tossing them out into the locker area. When DJ looked back from following the shorts with his eye, he let out a little gasp. In short, the lion was massive! His balls looked about as big as one of DJ's fists and the sheath looked like it carried anything but the lion's shaft. The lion took a few steps forward and took the bird's own sheath and balls in paw, stroking over them slowly with surprising tenderness. It wasn't after much attention that DJ's modest, ebony colored member was brought into the air of the shower, gently throbbing with need.

With not even much of a change in the placement of his paw, the lion started to slowly stroke along that member and easing out pleasure from it. Beads of pre started to slowly form as DJ's eyes closed in pleasure, slicked back down onto the very length that had produced them. DJ started to slowly hump into that paw, his breathing getting ragged and shaky as he felt surge after surge of toe-curling pleasure rocket through his body, somehow more sensitive to such things after his workout.

And just as suddenly as it had started, it stopped, DJ's shaft left pulsing and throbbing, needing just one more stroke, one more squeeze, anything to get him off. He made a motion to grab it and finish it all up but that heavy paw stopped his, moving it instead somewhere else, right over the lion's own crotch.

DJ looked up at the lion with a little bit of confusion at first, his mind a little muddled from the quick flash of pleasure that he'd been given, but soon caught the idea. He slowly rubbed over the sheath and the heavy balls, tenderly nurturing what was within to life with each stroke. The signs of life within were almost incredible to DJ as he watched and felt what was already a thick sheath become even thicker as blood flowed into it. And within a matter of minutes, DJ saw exactly why the container was so big... ‘it' was big too! At least a quarter as tall as him, no... maybe even bigger than that! Where the lion's crotch came up to his stomach, the shaft... oh it came all the way up to in front of his eyes! It was incredible to behold it... and without even realizing it, DJ's thoughts turned to what he could /do/ with that shaft.

DJ wasted absolutely no time in his first order of exploration. He stroked over it slowly, not even noticing the lion above him biting his lip in subtle anticipation. Fingers traced over veins, barbs were pulled out to their full length slowly, and even the opening to the urethra was not left alone, a finger prodding the entrance gently and being rewarded with a big glob of pre. And that pre led DJ to do more with it, his beak lowering a bit to take the thankfully tapered tip into his beak and gently suckle on it while his paws pumped the thick, engorged length up and down, from the root to near the tip.

Without warning though, his exploration was cut short by a dominant roar from the lion, thick gushes of warm cream quickly filling his mouth and making him cough and sputter, swallowing what he'd gotten down while his black face was quickly stained white with the lion's essence. The lion stood there for a moment in his afterglow, thick globs of cum still rolling from the shaft as it throbbed lazily, while DJ cleaned his face off in the warm shower water, licking some of it off of his fingers. DJ turned into the waterfall and scrubbed and scrubbed at his face, determined to not let any set. His cleaning was cut short when the lion picked him up and pinned him to the wall of the shower, the thick head of his shaft threatening to break his rear wide open.

And it did. Oh, it hurt so much at first, DJ's fingernails scrabbling at the tile as his anus was stretched far beyond what should be, but when the lion finally got himself all the way in and he could feel that entire meat inside of him... he felt so much differently about it, heavy moans coming from him as he ran a paw over the bulge in his gut. And without any hesitation, the lion started to pump in and out, basest instincts taking over the both of them as they fucked right in that shower, the stall door wide open to the locker room as the lion's shaft took DJ's tail hole over. And over. And over. And over again, the bird being drawn to little orgasms each time the lion's shaft rammed against his prostrate, quickly sapping DJ of all his energy. And when that shaft slammed in the final time and the lion roared out his orgasm once again, DJ hit his own and coated the shower wall with his own essence before passing out into warm, wonderful blackness.


DJ woke up several hours later, a heavy weight on what felt to be a bed beside him. He gave a little groan and sat up slowly, crying out softly as he fell back down, his gut swollen a little. He poked it, only to hear a subtle sloshing sound, which brought everything rushing back at once. And when that heavy arm wrapped around him, he scooted closer and managed to mutter the only thing he could think of.

"The name's DJ... what's yours, handsome?"

A soft chuckle rose up from the bed beside him and the rich purring voice answered. "Name's Shane..."