
Story by _Draken_ on SoFurry

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Kaya inserted his key into the lock, a soft click as each of the pins in the Yale lock aligned and turned it one full turn a short clunk as the bolt retracted from the lock in the wall. The handle turned and the door opened, he walked in, putting his keys on a small table beside the now open door. In front him there was three white, wood panel doors, the door closest to him on his left lead into a bathroom, the door directly ahead of him lead to a spacious open play living room come dining room come kitchen, the final door, which was on his right lead into his bedroom. A sky light lit the hallway. He walked forward and pushed open the door into the living space, inside this room there was a small but well equipped kitchen on the same wall as the door which he had just entered through, to one side there was a rectangular table with four seats around it, he liked to entertain and often had people over for dinner or a barbeque. At the other side there was a settee and a television which was rarely used, he preferred the outdoors, especially the water, he often thought that it was to do with part of his ancestry, for he and many other creatures came from the sea originally.

Kaya had a pure white belly which ran from his rounded chin and down to under his crotch and finished on the underside of a tail which was black, like the rest of his body. The skin was slightly rubbery and covered the whole of his chunky yet muscular frame. the tail ended in a pair of broad horizontal flukes. His body was completely free of hair. Behind each of his dark eyes there was a white patch on his skin, atop of his rounded forehead there was a small blowhole. A large black fin protruded from his back. He had finished his 4 years at university and was now working at a café on the beachside. He had moved to California 8 years ago, just before starting college.

He unlatched the large sliding glass door and pulled it across, sunlight streamed into the room and looked at his garden which took up most of his spare time when he wasn't working. There was a decked out area directly outside of the glass door. The centre of the garden was dominated by a large swimming pool and was by far the most striking part of the garden, a set of tiled steps lead into the warm waters of the pool. Surrounding the pool there was grass and young palm trees which fed on the blazing hot Californian sun.

He walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge then retrieved a can of lemonade from the door of the fridge lastly he closed the door. Kaya turned round and walked out onto the decking, to the far side there was a well used barbecue and a set of outdoor teak furniture then sat down on one of the chairs. He often had done this once he got home from work.

The orca morph worked long hours but it wasn't all that bad, he met new people, the pay was good and also he worked only 10 meters from the beach. He often caught himself staring at it, looking past the hoards of other creatures. At the end of the day when the holiday makers had left he would often walk along the sand, letting the cool sea water lap at his black, web-toed feet.

He heaved a sign as he watched the sun set plants and trees casting long shadows against the lush green grass. Pulling himself up from his chair he gazed around his garden. A smile spread across his face, showing his many conical teeth, a little thinner than an orcas teeth.

He moved back inside to prepare something to eat.

Chapter 2

She was breathing hard, as she ran down one of the dark alleyways which snaked through the city blocks. Her breasts bouncing gently in her t-shirt. She exited an ally into a curving quiet suburban street lit by the occasional lamppost and security light. Her pace slowed as she approached a house. Cara's pace slowed to a walk as she turned and walked along the block paving path to her.

Cara, as well as Kaya was an orca morph. She had lived in California for the whole of her life. Although an orca she was not blubbery, through working as a lifeguard on the coast her shape was gently curved, which showed off her bosoms more than she would have liked. Cara had lost track of the number of males she had seen drooling over her, she pushed the thoughts out of her head as she rang the doorbell.

There was a clap of thunder overhead as Kaya walked to open the door; Cara was stood there, smiling at him showing a few of her frontal conical shaped teeth.

"H-hi" Kaya stuttered, his eyes transfixed at his girlfriend who he had met 2 years ago and who had been going out for more than 18 months, h wanted tonight to be the night. "Please, come in."

"Thank you" she said and stepped foot into the house, Kaya closed the door. As soon as the door was closed Cara flung her arms around his thick neck and kissed him, Kaya followed suit, gently caressing her back, enjoying every second of the kiss, wishing it would never end. They entered the living space. The table was set for two; candles emitted a low glow which reflected off the cutlery and glasses.

"Have a seat, ill be through soon." Cara done as she was told and sat down at the table. Kaya reappeared a few moments after she was seated with a pair of plates with a fish in sauce dish on both. He set one down in front of her and then sat down at his own place.

"Did you make this yourself?" She started slowly breaking apart the fillet of fish, steam rising from it.

"Yeah, do you like?" He replied, watching her take her first bite. No response was heard, just a gentle nod of her head.

They quickly devoured the fish and moved to the comfort of the sofa where they curled up around each other while watching a film.

"Wasn't bad that film." Cara said as she stretched and yawned.

"No it was quite good. Aww... I think someone is tired."

"I'm fine, honest, but I really should be going now." She said before stifling another yawn. They both stood and moved towards the door.

"Well looks like this is good bye, I had a nice time."

"Yeah I did as well; perhaps we could do it again sometime." He said as he slowly turned the handle leading to the world outside, they were confronted by a scene of lashing rain, thunder and the odd flash of thunder which lit up the sky. Cara instinctively wrapped her arms around the beefy orca, her large breasts pressing against his side. Kaya gently closed the door and looked at the arms around his middle, slowly following them to the being the spawned from. They both made eye contact, and looked into each others eyes for a long time. She gently rubbed a hand over his ripped stomach muscles. In her eyes he could see a mixture of thoughts, one been unconditional love for him, he knew that there wouldn't be as many chances as this.

"So where am I sleeping?" She asked, interrupting his train of thought.

"Where would you like me to sleep?" taking his hint in mind she slowly lead him to the bed room and pulled of her T-shirt showing her pure white belly and large breasts, which she began to gently fondle, teasing him into the room. Taking her hints Kaya moved into the room. His slit gently pinking under his shorts. Next she pulled down her shorts, giving him a clear view of her bottom before stepping out of them and sitting on the corner of the bed, stark naked. To Kaya the experience was all too much and so he slowly walked into the room, pulling his shorts off before pouncing on her.

They both tumbled round on the bed until Kaya was on the bottom, the pair already sweating in the hot room.

Kaya knew his penis was growing within his slit; he knew any moment it would burst from its slit. Slowly the tip poked out but the growing quickened, pretty soon the whole of his pink veined member was out of his slit and as hard as a rock, begging to be played with.

Her eyes filled with glee as she watched the pink rod grow thicker and longer in front of her. Gently she touched it with one of her fingers causing Kaya to moan in pleasure. Slowly she drew a finger down his muscular chest using her other hand to play with the hardened flesh, caressing every inch of it. Cara's pink slit wet to the point where it was dripping out Kaya's thick corded legs and running onto the bed sheets. Slowly she shuffled forward, raised her hips and repositioned herself over the pink length protruding from the slit. Looking once into Kaya's lustful eyes. Gently she pressed the tip of it against her slit lips. Kaya moaned as Cara's pink lips parted allowing entry to her hot, wet, sticky temple. Slowly but purposefully Kaya's penis slipped into Cara's temple forcing the opening wider. A series of grunts and moans emitted from both partners. Cara screamed and bucked forcing whole of his penis inside of her. She gently contracted her vaginal walls enhancing the pleasure for both of them. Kaya wrapped his arms around her and slowly rolled to one side so that he was now on top his penis was still buried in her to the hilt. Slowly to start Kaya starting to pump is shaft into her, his speed quickening with each thrust. Their hips clashed together as the thick meat was forced in, to the hilt. Both of them trapped in a world of love and lust for one another. Quickly the pair fell into a rhythmic thrusting movement. Every few moments Cara would scream pleasure as she spewed out lubricant making the movement easier for him. Kaya continued thrusting, slowing to catch his breath sometimes, but never stopping.

His thrusting quickened as he could feel himself approaching his finale. Yells and moans came from the room as he reached his orgasm. Kaya's body stiffened as he pumped her pull of his orca seed. Wave after wave of pleasure swept through the pair. Slowly he came down from his climax and lay there for a while with his pink shaft buried inside of her, before removing it, juices and seed clung to the vein riddled shaft as he slowly pulled it out. He moved and lay next to her. The orcas lay there breathing heavily until the drifted off to sleep.