Ch.5. The Herd.

Story by Equusaz on SoFurry

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#5 of Home of the Pioneers

So....some more layers. Adan, while prideful has a lot of issues he needs to be broken of. Not that Dex doesn't either, but thats for later. I hope you enjoy!

So what do I do? I mean I have the pony under my hand. I could do anything I wanted. The tables have turned. I chuckled eagerly as I sent the message. Time for your chickens to roost my friend.

It wasn't that I disliked the young colt, but he had a lot to learn before I let him inside. And no I don't mean physically. That is a separate issue. a little hint. Something bad happened at my last school that required grief counselors. There are you happy? I didn't think so, but at least its out. Now read on....

No this young colt was raised in the wrong type of household. I'd been around horses to know that a stallion controlled Colt is a bad thing. It can lead to bad behaviors. I grinned as I thought about the next few weeks. It looks like some training is in store....He had a lot of redeeming qualities but a lot of bad training would need to be reversed first!


I sighed as I sat down. The big bull from the team sat behind me in English. He never said much, but something had piqued his interest.

"So what's up with this Dex guy?"

My ears went flat.

"What do you mean?" I asked calmly.

"Well first you hate him, then you avoid him, then you're all chummy. What gives?"

I laughed. It sounded weak in my ears. That was NOT how I was supposed to act. I turned and snarled.

"Mind your own business Roast Beef. Are you ready for the game this week? It's the first of the season. I hear West High has another linebacker bull like you.

The bull snorted. He had the traditional ring in his nose. I smirked a smile.

Dex sat down next to me. His face was expressionless. I found my ears going flat again.

Fuck, what the hell! Traitors!

"How's it going?" I asked. Dex ignored me.


I'd ignore him.


Lunch came around. I saw Adan avoid me again. I grinned. Time for the poor equine to have some payback.

Adan had sat at a table near me, but not next to me. I finished my sandwich and walked over. He was stolidly munching through his sandwich. I calmly put my hand on the back of his neck and squeezed.

"How's it going filly?"

"Wa.....What?" He spluttered.

I leaned down to his equine ear and bit it quickly before anyone could see.

"You heard me."

I straightened up and walked to the trash. Maybe this school wasn't going to be so bad after all.


Fuck! What the hell!? We have to 'talk' and then he totally dominates me during lunch? I mean he ignored me during English. It's bad enough Bruce noticed everything going on. But this?

Fuck it. It's on....maybe....fuck.....I'm conflicted....he's the herd leader right? Or is that me?

Heard leaders didn't give head. Or did they?



I walked to the PE locker room and changed to my clothes quickly. I spied that Adan was avoiding me again.


The coach was waiting for all of us by the warm up area. I did the stretches, and other jazz that heralded a good workout. We began jogging along the track. Adan pulled up next to Me.

"Hey!" The equine tossed his head in inquiry.

I snorted. It wasn't an equine snort so much as a human snort.

I pulled ahead. I made certain that Adan was always behind me. We finished our laps sweating. Adan more than I.


During practice he did, well ok. I saw the poor equine trying to impress me. He was brutal in his play, shouldering other players roughly, and tried to make shots he had no hope of making. I knew what stance to take. I cocked my head to him, and did my best imitation of an equine neck arch. I noticed the ears first. They turned to me whenever I talked. That was a good sign. It would take time though. He had given me the key he just didn't know it.


Ok. So this is way more hot than I even imagined. This poor colt was eating out of my hand. I had to be careful. I could feel that I was falling for him. Not good. Not like last time. That hadn't ended well.

Anyway....I was determined to make him my friend, but first like any stud he needed to be broken. This was going to be a lot of work.


The steam rose around me. I stood there showering. I nodded at Adan as he took the shower stall next to me as welcoming as I could be. I smiled inside. This was going to be a major point for the colt.

I showered a bit, not concerned for what people saw. My hardon stood out in great relief to my thin body. I didn't hide it or the long line of pre that leaked from it. I turned.

I saw Adan stand there naked, save for his speedoes as usual showering. I frowned. I stood staring, not caring and waited. I arched my neck as much as I could for a human.


Something nagged at me as I showered. Something was wrong. I mean, I had shampoo, I was all lathered up, and the water was hot. What could be wrong.

I turned and saw the stance Dex had taken.

Uh oh....I was in trouble.

"What are you doing?"

Dex asked. The other kids watched. My ears went flat. My stub of a tail went flat against my rump.


"I said what are you doing?"

Dex strode over to me and stared me in the eye. I tossed my stubby mane.


Dex snarled at me. I backed up....

"With this?"

He reached down and tore my speedo off.

There was nothing I could do....

** here I am now naked. Happy? Sure you read about the scene earlier with him, but this is full on public nudity. I can only close my eyes now and think happy traitor! My cock is hardening....


I felt my cock harden. I could hear whispers come from the other students. People were watching me.

I had no choice....the heard leader had spoken. I ducked my head in submission and resumed showering.

I felt the water cascade for the first time in this shower over my entirely naked body. I felt my heavy balls drip with soap. It was freedom in a way. I could only shudder at the feeling.

Suddenly I was alone. The other students had left. Only Dex stood before me. He had a smile on his face. I grinned back weakly. Submissively.

Fuck......this sucks and is awesome at the same time!

He nodded once at me and left to get dressed. I finished showering. I tossed the speedo into the trash as I clopped carefully to my locker.


Fuck! What am I some type of filly? But well, like I said, you don't oppose the herd leader. Never. Its a lesson hard won. I ducked my head. I bared myself to the other students, cursing under my breath, and all the time I wished I was on my back with Dex....

No not yet. It's too soon for that. I am not broken that easily. I still have some fight in me.

Which gives me an idea......

