The Mistake (Preview)

Story by Damianboy on SoFurry

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The Mistake

A 10 year old girl named "Tina" was sitting in her room, she heard the phone ring and her mother answer.

"This is Miss Thompson, who is it and how can I help you," she asked.

"Yes hello, this is your daughter´s dance teacher, I´d need to talk to Tina," the man on the other side said.

"Sure," the mother said and went to her daughter´s room and knocked on the door, "Tina your dance teacher is on the line, he wants to talk to you about something," she said, Tina opened the door and her mother gave her the phone.

"Hello, this is Tina," Tina said.

"Yes, hi Tina, this is Joseph," the man said, "I wanted to tell you that we have a competition this Saturday and we need you," he said.

"Hm... I got to check my Calendar," Tina said, she walked to her desk and got out her Calendar, "hm... this Saturday I have to be in school for a school event I can´t miss that," she said.

"We can´t do this without you," Joseph said.

"Hm... I have a idea, I´ll call you back," she said and hung up, "Mum, Timo I need to talk to you both," she called and soon her mother and her brother Timo who was also ten and the same hight as Tina, came into her room.

"Okay Tina, what´s wrong," her mother asked.

"Well this Saturday my dance class is having a competition," Tina started.

"That´s cool sis," Timo said, "I bet you win," he added.

"That is not the problem, I also have to be in school on the same Saturday, I can´t be in two places at the same time, but I have an idea that would alow me to be in two places at the same time," Tina said.

"What is that," the mother asked.

"Well, Timo is a great dancer and he dances the same dance-style like I do, he looks just like me, so...," Tina said and paused.

"Wait, you mean you want me to take your place in the dance competition," Timo asked.

"Yes," Tina said.

"But I am a boy, there is no way I can pull this of, besides that I have short hair and in a tight dancesuit you´d see the buldge," Timo said.

Tina and her mother thought this over, "well we can make your hair longer with extensions and if you wear a tight pantihose it will seem that you have a flat front, when we are finished with you you will also not recognise yourself," the mother said.

Timo looked at his sister, "please Timo, you´d make me very happy and I will pay you back for the effort, I promise," Tina said.

Timo thought for a while, "well, I guess I could do it for one day," he said. Tina jumped up and hugged her brother.

"Thanks bro, I owe you one," Tina said.

"No problem sis," Timo said.

"I will call my dance teacher and tell him that I will be coming," Tina said.

"Okay, then me and Timo will get started turning him into you," the mother said, so Timo and his mother left the room.

Tina picked up the phone and called her teacher, "hey Joseph, yeah... I wanted to tell you that I will be coming to the competition... okay I´ll be there," she said and hung up.

"Okay Timo, we need a skin coloured pantyhose and blond extensions," the mother said, "i will go into town to get the stuff," she added.

"Okay mum," Timo said, his mother headed to town to get the things.

His mum returned after a hour, "okay Timo I have the things let´s get to work," she said, "oh tell Tina to give you her dancing suit, then come into the Bathroom," she added.

"Okay mum," Timo called, he walked into his Sisters bedroom, "sis I need your dancing suit," he said.

"Sure, here you go," Tina said and handed him her dancing suit, it was blue on the front and back, the arms and shoulders were white with blue stripes. Timo then walked into the Bathroom where his mother was waiting for him.

"Okay Timo, first put the pantyhose on," his mother said.

Timo did as told, he pulled the tight Pantihose up and as soon he had them up to his hips he re-arranged his Penis he seemed to have a Vagina, "is this good," he asked.

"That is perfect Timo, your Penis has completely vanished," his mother said.

"Yeah, my Penis is squished pretty good," Timo said.

"Okay put on the Dance suit," his mother said and Timo did, "good now for the last touch, your Hair," she said. When his mother was finished Timo looked in the mirror and his jaw dropped.

"Damn, I really do look like my Sister," he said.

"Yes you do, I want you to leave the Pantihose on all the time," his mother said, "go and show Tina," she added, so Timo went into his sister´s room.

"Well sis what do you think," he asked.

Tina´s jaw dropped, "wow Timo, you do look like me, even I cant see a boy, it´s like looking in a mirror, you´ll pull this off easily," she said and smiled, Timo smiled back.

****Same Time Not Far Away****

Just a few miles away, in a old castle sat a Man in a white laboratory coat, this Man was a mad Scientist. "What Experiment could I do this time," he asked himself, "maybe I´ll find some ideas on the Net," so the man turned on his Laptop and surfed the Net, after a few minutes a found a picture of a female Husky who had human futures, like standing on her hind legs and talking like a normal person, the Title over the Picture said "ANTHRO HUSKY GIRL". "So I guess a Anthro is a animal that walks on two legs," the man said to himself and a grin appeared on his face, "I will breed Anthro´s, but I´d need a girl that will birth the kids, maybe I´ll find the perfect girl for the job on the Net," he said, the man searched the internet and found a dance competition that was due this Saturday, he looked threw the girls who would be at the competition, all of the girls looked boring until his eyes landed on a picture with a smiling ten year old Girl with long blond smooth hair, "she´s the one," the man said, the picture showed Tina, "but what animal would be a good start," the man asked himself, just then his male Husky came into the room, "of course, first I should breed some Huskies, then some horses, then some Foxes... actually I should become a anthropomorphic Animal myself, I think a sly fox would suit me," the man said and with that he got to work. He made a liquid that would turn him back to human than he made the fox potion, "okay here goes," the man said and he drunk the liquid, he started to groan as his face changed, he took of his clothes as his tail started to grow, soon a fox was standing in the laboratory with a evil grin, "this is so awesome, this will be my true form from this day on," then a idea hit him and his evil grin grew wider, "I shall keep the girl as my queen, I will give her a potion that will allow her to birth all kinds of animal no matter what form she is in I think I will make her into my vixen, but she can birth anthropomorphic Foxes, anthropomorphic Dogs, anthropomorphic Horses and so on, it depends on the Animal that fucks her and we will rule the World," the fox said then he laughed evilly.

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