Chapter 5: First Premonition, First Time

Story by Keith Redfield on SoFurry

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#5 of Road Rover's Degeneration

Keith sprinted through the cold metal halls of Umbrella as fast as he could, avoiding the encroaching guards and the gunfire that ensued. He ran and ran when he saw a stick of C4 on the ground. He lit it and threw it at the encroaching mob. It exploded with a flash of brilliance, taking all of the guards with it. The only bad thing was he was forced to push on....the exact way he wanted to go. Okay let's do it. He continued on until he came to a door that read "Biohazard Level 4". He took a deep breath and went in. What he saw were giant test tubes filled with various subjects.

Typical Umbrella. Okay, but where's the data I'm looking for?

"Well well.....if it isn't Redfield's pet!" a familiar voice rang out.

Keith slowly turned and his jaw dropped. Albert Wesker?! I thought he was killed back at Rockfort Island?!

"I see you've grown up a the T-Virus had some effects on you....."

Keith raised both of his 45's at Wesker.

"Such toys! Does your master know you're playing with them?" Wesker mocked.

Keith said nothing and just began to fire uncontrollably at Wesker. Wesker began to move at the speed of light.

How is he moving so fast?!

"You're not the only one who's been affected by the virus...." Wesker evilly laughed out.

"OOOF!" Keith yelled out and was slammed in to the wall.

"Hahaha....just like your master...TOO SLOW!" Wesker yelled.

He picked up Keith and slammed him into the wall once more . Keith fell to the floor hacking in pain.

"Cough...Cough...." Keith said. "I'm not done yet...." Keith raised his gun.

"Good....because I have a surprise for you......" Wesker grinned. Keith saw a test tube light up.....and was nearly brought to tears at what he was Exile. He was now transformed into something....horrific. He was now one of those tyrant dog form. His heart was beginning to pulsate on the exterior of his chest....and opened his now white soulless eyes.


"S.T.A.R.S.!" the creature rang out.

Keith raised his 45's......he couldn't pull the trigger.....the creature immediately ran up to him screaming and Keith just froze.....he felt Exile's claws tearing through him...killing him.

"No.........NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Keith yelled out.

He woke up in a cold sweat automatically pointing his 45's in every direction.

What the hell was that! It felt so real! Wesker?!

"Comrade? What is wrong?" Exile said stirring.

He saw Keith with his 45's pointed and immediately jumped up.

"Who is there?! Show yourselves!" Exile commanded.

"It's okay Exile.....I just had nightmare....." Keith said calming down.

"Nightmare?" Exile asked. "You seem really freaked okay?"

Exile sat down and put his hand on Keith's shoulder.

"It's nothing....." Keith lied.

It was a dream......just a dream....but is Wesker still alive?! I have to tell Chris! I have to hurry! He could be in danger!

"Comrade.....lay down here beside me....there is something I want to do to make you feel better...."

Keith pulled himself from his thoughts and said nothing, he only did as he was asked.

"Comrade....come closer...put your head on my chest.....I just want to hold you....make you feel better so you can sleep....."

Control yourself Redfield....even if you're wildest dreams are coming true.

Keith lay down next to Exile and got closer till he was practically on top of Exile. Keith laid his head on Exile's chest and was listening to his was calming.

I shouldn't be doing this....this is a mission....but I just....

Exile embraced Keith in a gentle hold and began rubbing Keith's back in a slow circular motion.'re so sweet.

Keith let out a small whimper of pleasure and nuzzled Exile's strong chest.

"Exile......I....." Keith started.

"Shhhh......I see someone's feeling better!" Exile laughed.

Keith froze.....he was getting hard! However this time, there was nothing to conceal his excitement. Keith moved to get up.....but Exile had a firm....yet gentle hold on him.

"Don't worry comrade....I find it flattering you find me attractive.....because I feel the same for you......." Exile whispered softly.

Oh my god! I'm gonna lose it!

"Exile I...." Keith responded.

"Shhh......comrade I want to show how I feel.....that okay?" Exile said with so much love it made Keith's heart melt.

Keith nodded and smiled. Exile then pulled Keith into a deep passionate kiss, making the German shepherd moan uncontrollably. Their tongues wrestled in the tight space their mauls made and they eventually had to pull away to breath.

"How did that feel?" Exile smiled. Keith was utterly stunned, his fantasies were coming true.

He managed an "Amazing...."

"You think that's good, you've seen nothing yet!" Exile shouted.

Exile's blue paw eventually found Keith's black furred crotch, and began to fondle him. "Oooooh...." Keith moaned. Keith felt his crotch swell and began to extend to its full eight inches.

"Comrade you're pretty big! Care to do the honors?" Exile said with a mischievous smile.

Keith gulped and took in the sight again. Exile's balls were huge, and his sheath alone was intimidating......he was so beautiful. Keith hesitantly obliged and slowly made his way to his treasure. He rubbed over Exile's sheath, causing Exile to moan deliciously. Keith then began to massage and fondle his massive balls gently, causing a hint of pink to come out slowly, but surely. Eventually Exile finally extended to his full eleven inches, Keith blushed at this.

"Hehheh.....sorry comrade where I come from everything is big!" Exile heartily laughed.

Keith smirked and chuckled. Exile continued "Now shall we let our little friends get better acquainted?"

Keith nodded and Exile placed Keith on his back. Exile climbed on top of him and gave him a sweet, reassuring smile. Keith knew Exile would never hurt him, and Keith gave a nod of recognition. Exile began to rub their members together slowly in a smooth humping motion, making both the canines moan in sheer ecstacy. Keith never felt so good in his entire life, it felt like he was going to combust!

Both canines were moaning and saying each other's name over and over until Keith finally said "I'm gonna....."

"I too!"

Then both were instantly covered in each other's love and passion. Exile began to slow down and was panting, as was Keith.

"Exile....that was......" he was silenced by a kiss.

"Amazing......." He finished.

"I love you Keith......from now on we are partners! Not just in war.....but now in love and brotherhood.....we are equals." Keith felt tears well up in his eyes and embraced Exile with all his might

"I love you.......partner...." Exile smiled "Now how about another shower?"

Keith happily obliged. They both went to the showers, meticulously cleaning one another till all their love was gone....the physical traces anyway. Both climbed back into bed and embraced one another....and both fell asleep in each other's arms.....smiling and whole.

Exile....I am now whole...thank you.