His Prey

Story by Kreo on SoFurry

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Arc Travis hummed softly to himself as he drifted through the crowded street, clearly not in much of a hurry as light blue eyes danced from person to person, simply taking in the atmoshpere and enjoying the end of the day. The feline couldn't quite help but pause in mid-step however, when his wandering gaze drifted across one particular other being.. Definately feline, and definately female. Eyes narrowed to slits as the male tilted his head slightly to one side, allowing himself a brief glance over her slender refined figure as lips slowly twitched into a sly grin. A female like this was a rare find indeed. Slowly, with purpose, the male drifted forwards, coming up right beside the slightly smaller female and matching pace with her as a single paw drifted outwards, curling firmly around her midsection as he eased her in against his side, eyes facing forwards as he spoke in a low murmuring tone, laced with confidence. "Now you are a sight for sore eyes.."

Eeli gasped as she was grabbed and pulled against the male. Her heart fluttered slightly from sudden fear as she tried to pull away from his grasp. She has heard about males finding females that they liked and doing this before taking them down a dark alley and forcing them to do unspeakable things. She shied away, somehow slipping out of his arms. Stepping back, she eyed him, her eyes narrowing. Suddenly, her hand flashed up, striking him hard across the face. Without a word, she spun on her heel and began walking brisquely away, her ebony hair flowing behind her.

Arc Travis's sly grin remained, even after the smaller female slipped out of his grasp, blue eyes flickering just faintly before she suddenly struck him, chin tilting to one side from the sharp blow. Sharp teeth clicked together at the slight burn of his pride as a few others turned to glance towards what had happened.. then quickly continued on their way. People in these parts weren't exactly known for their willingness to intervene in other's problems. A slow breath was drawn in by the male, pulse racing now as paws flexed at his sides, the feline advancing after the smaller female with a more definate purpose now as a single large paw lanced forwards, grasping her right wrist and twisting her back around to face him. Sharp teeth were bared as the male growled low in his throat, confident tone edging on threat now. "Now that's no way to respond to a compliment.."

Eeli felt the male's hand grab her wrist, and without hesitation, spun, lashing her hand hand across his other cheek, her claws extended this time. She snarled at him, baring her own teeth. "You need to learn some manners, brute! Unhand me this instant or I promise you will be wearing your balls as a necklace." Her eyes flashed viciously, showing more than simple promise. She hated men like this, the ones that just walked up to a woman and laid their filthy paws on them without provocation. Anger replacing fear, she held his gaze and refused to back down under its intensity. "Let. Me. Go." She spoke each word clearly, commandingly, warningly.

Arc Travis was expecting an attack this time - though not quite the speed and efficiency of her delivery. It seemed he'd picked quite the little firebrand, that knowledge sinking in as her claws raked across his cheek, leaving several lines of crimson to matt his fur. Blue eyes flared wide as adrenaline rushed, his own claws baring as he griped her wrist sharply, free paw darting forwards in an attempt to grip against the soft smooth fur of her neck, rough advancing movements beginning to back the smaller female towards a nearby wall. Words came sharply now, growl building as the male was pushed dangerously close to losing his control. "I think you're the one who needs to learn manners. And I know just the way to teach you some."

Eeli hissed, enraged. She suddenly lunged forward, her fangs sinking into his shoulder as she ripped her claws into the crotch of his jeans, going for the femural artery. This feline knew very well how to defend herself. Perhaps this brute had underestimated her. Simply because she was a female didnt change the fact she was no stranger to the hunt and the kill. Spinning out of the attack, she wrenched her wrist out of his grip and spun away from him, dropping into a crouch, ready for his attack, which she knew would be coming considering she had missed the artery. She knew what he had in mind for her, and she wasnt about to let her virginity be stolen from a dirty brute like this. Ears and whiskers laid back, she let out a gutteral hiss of warning, her tail fluffed out and the fur on her bare shoulders bristling.

Arc Travis again was taken a little aback by the shear ferocity of this particular female - though that only served to further his interest in her, pulse racing as eyes flickered, muscles tensing as she drove forwards in another offensive. Twice the male had tried to subdue her calmly.. and twice the tactic had failed. Realizing that he was going to need to fight fire with fire, the male braced himself for the feline's rush forwards, strong paw rising up to partially fend off her lunge, though the ripped fabric of his shirt was proof that she'd at least grazed him with those sharp fangs. The other paw fared better, deflecting those sharp claws away from his more sensitive regions. Even as the female shyed away, crouching down, the male was advancing, one paw arcing up at to the side, trying to catch her across her face while the other jolted sharply forwards, fully intent on impacting his paw against her muzzle with jarring force. The male was done playing around. If this girl wanted to be treated like a threat, then she'd have her wish.

Eeli swayed, paw flashing up to deflect the sweeping blow, but not seeing the other blow coming until it was too late. The blow connected, throwing her from her feet. However, she used the momentum of the blow to bring one foot up and lash it toward the side of her attacker's head. She thrusted one paw out, planting it onto the wall behind her as she flew toward it. Using the continuing momentum, she brought her feet up to her chest and launched herself from the wall, high over the male's head. She grasped the railing of the fire escape just above them and flipped herself into an open window, disappearing into the darkness of the room beyond.

Arc Travis snarled out sharply as he was again grazed by the female's foot, staggering back a step as the feline showed off her dexterity and dissapeared into the darkness of the window. A single paw rose upwards, wiping a bit of blood from his cheek as he let out a low grunt, fully lost to instinct now in the feral mindset of stalking and dominating his prey. Letting out another low rush of breath, the male made a mental note of the window that the female had dissapeared within.. an old apartment building, from the looks of it. Knowing that even if he managed to duplicate the female's manuever, which was unlikely, she'd merely be waiting for him from her vantage point, the male chose to use the front door instead, stalking slowly up the stairs towards the door that led to that particular apartment. Pausing outside the room, the feline's ears perked and twitched, trying to pick up on any signs of life beyond.. before sharply shouldering the door, using his weight to force it open and preparing himself for another ferocious attack. Despite it all, the male couldn't quite help but growl out a few tormenting words into the darkness, maintaining a bit of humor with the entire situation. "Knock knock.."

Eeli, once in the window, began to shed her dress as quickly as she could. The cloth was hampering her movements. Using her claws, she shredded the bindings of her corset and ripped it free, throwing it across the room. Dressed now in black lace panties and white stockings, her chest bare, she glanced quickly around the room. She could most definately fight with at least five times her former dexterity and agility without the hampering dress, but she knew that, in her current state of dress, the male would only be driven to berserker ferocity. Her breasts were firm, and perfectly rounded, and would most likely drive any male crazy at the sight of her. This aside, she was still a virgin, and closely guarded her chastity. The last thing she needed now was for some rapist to steal it from her. Her instincts told her that she now had about 30 seconds before the male came bursting through the door in front of her and she began frantically searching for another way out. Her eyes landed on a small vent in the ceiling. It appeared to be an intake vent leading to the air conditioner system. Cliche, but it would have to work. She gripped the vent, and after some struggling, finally got it open. She slipped into the ducts and gently pulled the vent closed behind her. She could still see into the room through the narrow grating, but she didnt want to take any chances as she crawled through the vents and found herself looking down into another room. "Knock knock...." The males voice sent a thrill of fear through her and she now realized how vulnerable her position was. She held her breath, going completely still.

Arc Travis's sly grin twitched into a bit of a frown as he braced himself for an attack.. which didn't come. Head tilted slightly to one side as the male stalked carefully into the room, feline eyes adjusting to the dim light and spying the remnants of clothing. It took a moment for the male to figure out just what that meant, but the end result brought a slow grin back to his features. She'd done some of his work for him.. even if it meant that he'd be dealing with an obviously well trained huntress. Lips were licked slowly as tunnel vision set in, the male glancing around through all the various hiding spots.. but coming up empty. Slightly confused, the male made his way back towards the window, curious to see if she'd perhaps doubled back.. before suddenly halting, catching just the faintest sound echoing down from above him. Turning around, the male glanced up towards the source, a slow smile etching itself on his face. A good hiding spot.. but one that caused even the slightest breath to echo in the confined space. And in the relative quiet of the obviously abandoned complex, it would be fairly easy to hear her descent into another room. Moving beneath the vent, the male pulled the metal grating off, letting it fall noisily to the floor as he glared up into the duct. "You can't fight in there, little kitty.. Come on down and we'll settle this face to face."

Eeli panicked, hearing the grating being ripped from the ceiling behind her. Without thinking, she punched through the grating just in front of her and dropped, what would be soundlessly, into the other room. She landed deftly, spinning to face the door of this room as she dropped into a fighter's crouch. She calmed her heartbeat. She knew he would never be able to fit into the air ducts. Suddely, she cursed under her breath. The realization that he would never be able to get into the duct system bringing her deadly mistake to light. Too late now. She estimated about 5 seconds before the door was thrown from its frame. No way she could get back into the ductwork before then. She was screwed if she couldnt fight him off here and now. This would be her last stand, considering there were no windows in this room that she could esacpe from. It was over and her only options were to kill him, knock him unconcious long enough for her to make her escape, or to submit. The last one caused fear to clinch her heart. Growling, she forced the unwanted emotion down, taking a few deep, calming breaths. A deep ease settled upon her then and her muscles relaxed, her shivering subsiding, allowing her to drop more comfortably into the stance she had so long been taught.

Arc Travis's sharp ears flickered and twitched to the sound of another grating being forced from the ductwork, not entirely sure if the female was descending into the adjacent room.. or just trying to throw him off. Regardless, he needed to check it out. Doubling back out of the room, the feline headed to the next door down, sharp ears flickering as he forced himself to calm, muscles tensing and burning, ready to continue the fight. With one last slow steadying breath, the feline charged, bursting through the door as he had the previous one, with two large paws coming upwards in a mixture of protection and offensive action, acting purely on instinct now as he charged towards the waiting female. Breath spilled out in a heated rush as the realization of the female's current state of dress hit home - though instead of shocking him into a momentary stupor, it only seemed to reinvigorate the male. He now knew just exactly what the prize he was fighting for was.. And he was going to do anything to get it.

Eeli waited silently, patiently, knowing that the old hinges on the door wouldnt hold up to a good blow. What she didnt expect, was the door to come flying off of the hinges--directly at her! She ducked under it as it slammed into the wall behind her and dropped to a knee, never taking her eyes off of her assailant. She met his gaze with an almost unnerving calm, completely different from the ferocious glare that she had showed him before. Her senses were peaked. She could hear every movement, every breath. She could hear his joints bending and his muscles rippling under his thick pelt of fur. She could smell his arousal, his fury, and his impatience. She knew this wouldnt be a long fight. Couldnt be a long fight. Eeli was painfully aware that his stamina could outlast hers and that she had to deliver the ending blows right in the start, the first few seconds of the fight, or she was done for. In this state, she knew well that if he was able to grapple her, she would be finished. Best to stay out of reach. This being said, what she did next was highly dangerous. She waited for him to come close. Waited for him to step within range... He did. Suddenly, stillness became movement, and her beautiful, topless form turned to a blur as she spun, sweeing a lightning-fast blow toward his ankles, hoping to knock him from his feet just as he shifted his weight to his leading foot.

Arc Travis played right into the smaller feline's plans.. for the most part. The male did indeed advance, perhaps a little impatiently, though to his credit his eyes only took in a quick sweeping glance of the female's beautifully exposed upper half, using his increased arousal to fuel his movements as eyes locked onto their target. Breath spilled out in a sharp growl as the larger male was caught slightly off guard, staggering in mid-step and losing his balance. But what ground the female had gained she also lost by moving in close. Even as the male fell, he used his momentum to sweep downwards, strong paws jolting outwards towards his prey, one managing to catch a firm grip on her hair, while the other curled around her, using his weight to force her down to the floor with him - and then trying to spin her around onto her back. This was exactly what the female had likely been trying to avoid.. up close and personal contact, with the male trying his very best to get the little feline beneath him.. and pin her down.

Eeli felt her body go rigid. She had made another mistake. Damn it all. The 16 year old had overestimated herself and she knew she would now pay the price if she couldnt somehow turn the tables back onto her attempting rapist. She squealed as her head was snatched back and her body dragged to the floor with the large male. Her breasts bounced as she hit the hard wood floor, pinned under her attacker. Her eyes locked onto his once again and widened at the victory shown there. Tears began to well up in her eyes as she realized she had failed to defeat him and would now pay the price: her virginity. No! It wasnt over! Not yet! She still had a chance, didnt she? She looked into his eyes for as moment before slamming her head forward into a vocious headbutt aimed directly as the bridge of his nose, praying to God it connected. It would be the break she needed to get away and out the door as he recovered from being temporarily stunned from a broken nose. As an afterthought, she also brought a knee up, aimed at his exposed groin.

Arc Travis was realizing for the first time just how young the little feline was.. significantly younger than himself, in fact - though that didn't diminish just how alluring she was.. not to mention fiery! Blue eyes flickered wide with impending victory.. though perhaps a bit too soon, picking up on the feline's sudden rough jolt forwards with her head, tightening his grip on her hair to halt the impact - likely saving himself a broken nose in the process. Instead, all the male recieved was a brief jolt against his own muzzle. Not the most fun in the world, but hardly distracting enough to allow the female the time she needed to wriggle away. Now that the feline had her in his grasp, he was hardly going to let her go that easily. A sharp hissing growl was taken in as the female kneed up at him, wincing sharply at the impact but biting through the pain as adrenaline kicked into overdrive. He was so close to his prize.. With a sudden rush of energy, the male shoved down hard with his grip on the young girl's hair, forcing her head roughly against the hard wood floor as he loomed down over her, muzzle bare inches above her own as he snarled down sharply, a mixture of blood and saliva from the ferally enraged male drizzling over her cheek as hips adjusted themselves, straddling the female's waist to avoid any more kicks and bucks. Free paw again jolted downwards, clamping firmly against the feline's throat and letting sharp clawtips graze mercilessly through soft tender fur, leaving angry red scratchmarks against her flesh.. but not causing any permanent damage - yet. "It's over. And you.. Are mine." With those rough cruel words, the male's muzzle shot downwards, forcing itself against the female's own in a mockery of a kiss - more teeth than lip.

Eeli knew it was over when she felt the sharp pain of her hair being viciously pulled back. Her knee connected, but he showed no reaction. This was her worst nightmare come true, and as he strattled her and closed his fingers about her neck, she broke. Sobs racked her body as tears welled up in her eyes and spilled into her hair. Each sob caused her breasts to bounce slightly, a fact which was not lost on her. She hated him, hated him with every tear, every sob, every fiber of her being. She knew that he would soon posess her body, drive his heated shaft into her and rip away her virginity forever. Her fight was over, and she fell limp against the floor, sobbing as he raked his claws through her fur. She tried to scream as he clamped his teeth down on her lips, but all that issued forth was a strangled squeak as she arched her back in one last attempt to escape him. With that, she was his, and they both knew it. It was over. The hunt had ended, the spoils laid out before the victor. She wanted to die.

Arc Travis let the last vestige of controlled thought break away as he fully surrended himself to the feral heat that was driving him, the urge - need even - to take this little female and dominate her in every sense of the word. Blue eyes flared with pure unadulterated lust as he kissed his prey viciously, drawing back and growling out in victory, leaving her lips a tattered bloody mess. One paw remained rough on the female's hair, holding her head down roughly to avoid any further attacks, while his free paw drifted down from her neck, grazing through soft untouched fur to the swells of her developing breasts, cupping over her right breast and testing her firmness with a cruel squeeze. Lips were licked slowly as the male loomed over his prey like a beast, panting steadily now as his palm pad pressed flat against her nipple, raised paw finally releasing the young girl's hair in order to caress the soft features of her face almost gently, admiring his prize.

Eeli held her eyes closed as he went about touching her body. She trembled as his paw slid down over her neck and cupped her breast. Moaning through her sobs as he squeezed the soft orb, rubbing the nipple until it stood erect. Shame burned through her, flowed with her tears, but that didnt stop the soft moans from escaping her lips. She hated him for it. She hated the pleasure, hated herself for feeling the pleasure of her first touch. She tried her best to detatch her mind from her body, but she couldnt. She couldnt clear her mind. Che couldnt escape the torturous pleasure and pain. The knowlege of this drove a fresh wave of sobs from her frail, dominated body.

Arc Travis's lips twisted in a perverse grin as sensitive ears perked to the sound of the female's soft sobbing moan, his paw slowly tracing down a bit further to allow a single clawtip to toy over that now erect nipple, slowly moving to the other to repeat the attention as the male offered a low growling chuckle. Lips were licked slowly as the male gave another growl, letting the heat of his breath spill out over the young girl's neck as his muzzle traced downwards towards those exposed curves, lips locking onto an already tortured nipple and sucking lightly, almost teasing the girl now as a single paw drifted lower and lower through her tender fur, until he was toying around the band of her panties. Hips shifted and adjusted, urging his knees to the floor between the female's own legs, forcing them apart even as he began to work her panties slowly down along her thighs. As much fun as tormenting this girl was, all this roughness had worked the male up far past the point of pure lust. He'd toy with the girl just a bit, if only to further damage her.. But then he'd take exactly what he wanted from her.

Eeli wimpered softly as he began to torture her super-sensitive nipples. She couldnt find the strength to speak through the moans. Moans she hated. Moans that showed her rapist just how much she was unwillingly enjoying his touch, his torture. Shame was now all she knew. Shame and hatred. All she could do was submit, knowing what he had planned. Even so, she couldnt help but feel a spike of fear as he slipped between her legs. She tried to hold them together, but for some reason, they wouldnt respond to her body's commands to hold cosed, and parted easily, exposing the crotch of her damp panties. She felt them being pulled from her hips and wimpered, pleading. "No.....god.....please...Mmmn..." Her ears lay back and she mewed softly, like a child pleading for her mother to come save her, but knowing that there was no salvation from the dark night, only death and fear....and pain. So much pain...

Arc Travis's ears perked to those soft moans, only increasing the haze of lust that clouded the male's vision as he panted steadily, low dominant growling building even as he inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of the female's own unwilling arousal as he exposed the soft warmth of her most private spot. Clawtips arced out as he deftly cut through the thin fabric of her panties, shredding them from along her hips and discarding the scraps, a single paw mercilessly closing in on the warmth of her virgin entrance, rough pawpad rubbing in torment over her tender sex, feeling the heat and wetness radiating out from within. Muzzle rose upwards as the male descended fully over his prey, darting in against her neck as he offered sharp little teasing nips and kisses to her soft fur, free paw roaming all over her soft fur, touching her and violating her as he kept her pinned with his larger frame. ..And suddenly, that tormenting paw would abandon its rough touches against her virgin entrance, retreating just a bit as the dull metallic sound of a zipper being undone could be heard, followed by a rustling of cloth.. to allow the fully swollen heat of the male's own powerful arousal to surge forwards, pulsing sharply as it rested just over the soft fur of the female's belly, looking monstrous and hungry for its prey.

Eeli gasped and moaned loudly as he pressed a paw against her sex. God... His rubbing felt so good.... so god-damned good.... Why.... She almost lost herself in the pleasure and realized that her body had been responding with a gentle, pleasured writhing as she humped against his rough paw, spreading her virgin fluids over his fingers and pawpads. No... Not like this... Please... She said those words, didnt she? She couldnt remember... She moaned again. ..Or was that another figment of her imagination? She couldnt tell. All she could do was pant softly and beg her body to stop begging her rapist for more... She wanted to die... She wanted it to fade... She begged the floor to open up and swallow her. As if across a great distance, she heard the sound of a zipper being roughly jerked down and she began to cry again, deep, racking sobs that caused her swollen clit to throb and her soft, tortured breasts to bounce lightly. She felt more than saw his large shaft throbbing less than an inch from the soft velvet of her pubic mound and felt shame burn her chest as she cried out, pleasure gripping her body in a vise-like grip. He wasnt touching her, but she found herself in the throes of her first orgasm, juices suddenly erupting from her virgin slit and spilling over his heated scrotum. Her eyes flared open and she saw her rapist's manhood hovering above her heated, dripping lips, and snapped. She screamed in terror and began struggling again, trying to get away from his strong grip before he could punch through her hymen and take her virginity, her life.

Arc Travis was panting sharply now, almost uncontrollably as his freed manhood swelled and pulsed against the soft fur of the female's belly, engorged tip slowly oozing thick white stickiness into her fur. Blue eyes hazed slightly as a single paw drifted upwards, cupping in against the female's cheek -almost- in a comforting manner as she writhed and bucked beneath him.. and then surprised him slightly as her body wracked and twisted with what was obviously an orgasm. Lips arched in a wry grins as the male offered a low chuckle, manhood flaring out in response, eager to cause a repeat performance from the female.. but for a different reason. Before the male could properly allign himself however, the female seemed to have a moment of clarity, her body writhing and bucking fiercely, forcing the male to divert his paws down to her hips, holding her steady with shear force as sharp clawtips sank into tender flesh, still having no qualms about damaging his prey. The larger feline straightened up a bit as he eased his waist back just an inch or two, dragging the thick swollen tip of his shaft down along the soft damp fur of the female's mound, gliding it over the tender lips of her untouched sex as he held her roughly in place - though her upper half was likely twisting and writhing for dear life. That didn't matter to the male now, however, as powerful hips began to push forwards, angling that heavy shaft straight up against the female's entrance and applying steady unrelenting force.. until with a sharp growling groan of victory, the male pushed through, inch after inch of heavy manhood flaring out as it sank within the young girl's body, piercing her virginity and sinking perhaps halfway within her as the male claimed her as his own.

Eeli screamed as she felt him push into her. Pain flared through her body as his thick shaft spread her wide, ripping through her hymen, ripping through her chastity, ripping away her will. She fell limp once again as he thrust deep, knowing that it was all over. Her virginity was gone, blood mixing with her juices and coating his thickness as it slid deeper, pressing finally against her closed cervix. She gazed up at him, her heart aching, eyes filled with tears. This man was her first mate, whether she liked it or not, and she hated him. Hated, hated, hated.....everything.... Her gaze hardened and she stared silently at him as he bagan to move over her. Everything was now clear and she didnt even offer a sob, despite the tears still streaking from her bloodshot eyes. Her body limp, the only signes of life she offered him was her hard, staring eyes and her gentle, soundless panting.

Arc Travis vented heat through his rough panting as he tilted his head back and growled out loudly in victory, manhood offering several sharp throbs at it pushed against the female's tight inner walls, forcing her wide as thick heat surged within her, pushing deep into her belly as a sudden spasm shot from the male's spine all the way through to the tip of his length, sudden warmth spilling out into the female's depths as a heavy surge of precum flooded within her. The male's chest rose and fell sharply as he turned his narrowed gaze down to the suddenly silent feline, watching her intently and offering a cruel grin to her obvious pain as blood and a mixture of their juices drizzled out from within her tight folds. Paws abandoned their rough grip on the female's hips, drifting up to settle on the floor on either side of her chest, using it as leverage as he descended onto her once more, powerful hips beginning to drive forwards in cruel unrelenting thrusts, urging the last few inches of his manhood back and forth within the tight grip of her once virgin sex, the male clearly enjoying every movement.. Even if the female had just lost everything dear to her.

Eeli simply stared into his cruel eyes, refusing to outwardly show the pain of the rape. Truely, it almost felt as if his girth was tearing her apart, and she struggled not to wince as he pumped himself in and out of her tight sex. Precum, vaginal fluid, and blood slowly ran from her invaded slit over her anal pucker to the floor where it pooled around her tail, soaking into the fur, matting it. She kept her legs raised, allowing him to have his way as she fought to keep back the tears and the moans as the hated pleasure began to overpower the pain. Not now.... she pleaded to her body. Please... not again.... She didnt want to orgasm again... Didnt want to give him the pleasure of her silky walls milking the semen from his throbbing shaft... Please...no.... She trembled suddenly, betraying her cold mask and a sob broke through the tiny crack, followed by a moan, until her entire display of cold defiance crumbled around her. She began to wimper and moan, gripping at the faded wood of the floor, her claws digging into, and splintering the rotting floorboards. Her body spasmed and she cried out, "No!!" before arching her back. She found herself watching helplessly from outside her body as she began bucking her hips up to meet his pounding pelvis, breasts bouncing as his pistoning bumped her body up and down against the floor as she panted and let out a series of chittering, squeaking sounds. She could feel her already tight walls convulsing, spasming, tighting, milking, and she hated herself for it. For giving him the pleasure he wanted, for being his prey, his little sex kitten. His prize.

Arc Travis's lips parted to allow sharp rough panting as he gazed down at the female, watching her facade slowly crack and fade away, lips twitching in a cruel grin as hips continued their relentless assault, each movement causing his body to impact sharply with the female's own, fur mingling with fur as thick swollen heat stabbed deep into her belly - violating her to the fullest. Blue eyes fluttered faintly before closing fully, a low growling groan escaping the male as another sharp spasm shot through him, manhood seeming to swell and thicken all the more as the female's body seemingly acted on its own accord, jerking up against him even as he rocked her roughly down against the floor. A single paw moved to grip the female's jaw, further proving his dominance over her as his muzzle moved directly over her own, all but snarling down at her in a feral rage, fully intent on burning the image of him raping her into her very core. Teeth gnashed as the male growled and groaned, muscles contorting and flexing as he increased the roughness of his thrusting, floorboards creaking and straining as the teenager's body was shoved mercilessly down against them, throbbing shaft aching within the female's body as she clamped down tight around him. The male wouldn't last long at this rate.. not with such a hot tight once-virgin sex milking him for all he was worth.

Eeli found herself slowly drifting down from her orgasm, but suddenly was thrown into another. Her rapist's hard, ferocious pounding against her clit driving her over the edge again and again. All rational thought left her then. All there was was the sex. The pleasure. The hatred. Again and again, she found herself squealing out her pleasure as she came, tight inner muscles milking him lustfully. Unthinking, her claws abandoned the floorboards and found perch in the flesh of the male's back as she threw her arms around him and pulled his body down against hers. She arched her back, pressing her rounded, suprisingly still underdeveloped breasts against his thickly muscled chest. She writhed in pleasure, in her hatred of the man she was now clinging to in her orgasmic nirvana. Writhed in the hatred of herself that she felt so strongly alongside the sheer, undiluted, unwilling ecstasy of her continuous orgasm. Eyes squeezed shut, she bit into the large male's shoulder, both out of the pleasure and her hatred of him, and the desperate need to hurt him like he hurt her.

Arc Travis's teeth gnashed together as he tried to keep himself steady, tried to keep his calm and hold on. He didn't want this to be over quick for the female after all.. But bit by bit, that control was giving way to pure heated pleasure as the female seemed wracked by continuous orgasms, her body tightening in around his own thick length, sending spasming jolts of pleasure through the feline's body even as she grasped onto him for dear life. Chest descended over her own as blue eyes squeezed tightly shut, the male's muzzle arching down to mirror her action of biting into his shoulder, the distinct taste of blood tinging his senses as he bit down into the female's own shoulder, arms grasping her slender frame as all hell broke lose.. Hips jolted forwards with unrelenting force, pace speeding to recklessness as muscles burned and chest heaved, body all but pounding the little thing beneath him against the floor as he growled out heavily into the soft fur of her shoulder.. and came. One last sharp shove of his hips sent his manhood deep into her belly, tip flaring as it swelled up sharply, hips grinding against the female's own as pulse after pulse of pure hot sticky seed shot within her, the male all but squeezing the life out of the little kitten as he clung tight to her in the throes of a powerful orgasm.

Eeli felt him bite her shoulder, but didnt feel the pain. However, she did feel him force his throbbing shaft into her cervix and shoot his seed into her womb. The pain was intense, her cervix having never been intended to hold the girth of a male's member. She screamed as his heat spread through her body, spreading into her womb and spilling out of her cervix into her vagina. The volume was so large in her tight space that it spurted out around her rapist's shaft, coating his pelvis and scrotum. Her eyes were now wide with the pain and pleasure as she gasped and cried out, knowing what was happening. It was the final violation as his seed threatened to impregnate her. She crumpled to the floor and lay there, saliva running from the corner of her mouth, tears matting the fur of her face, semen, blood, and vaginal fluids soaking the rotten floor beneath her. Her ebony hair was a tangled mess around her head, a few strands matted in the fur of her face. She averted her eyes from the brute over her and stared at the wall opposite, now lacking the energy to hate. Lacking the will to live.

Arc Travis had withdrawn his muzzle from around the female's shoulder just before he'd climaxed - and a good thing to, since his jaw had shut tight and teeth grinded fiercely until the finally few spasms shocked through him, the male all but collapsing over the little feline in pleasured relief. Muzzle lay crooked in against her own, an oddly intimate position, as the larger feline panted heavily to try and regain his wind, accutely aware of the warmth that was flooding out from around his now satisfied manhood. Heated breath rushed out against the young girl's neck as paws flexed and tensed, gently tracing through the soft fur of her sides even as muscles spasmed seemingly at random. Finally, the male seemed to recover from the intensity of it all, paws planting themselves on the floor of the abandoned apartment as he hefted his chest up a bit, hips slowly drawing back and withdrawing his length from within the feline's belly, bringing with it a sudden rush of crimson tainted fluid.

Eeli wimpered as his shaft was pulled from her sensitive sex. Was it over...? God... let it be over... All she could bring herself to do was silently beg him to be finished. Please... Let it be over.... Her entire body throbbed in both pan and pleasure. Her vision blurred and she squeezed her eyes shut, blinking away the fresh flood of tears that threatened to engulf her. She stared at a dark blotch on the floor, vaguely trying to figure out what it was. As she watched, it began to shift, rising up from the floor and taking the form of a man that seemed vagualy familiar. She stared into his blood-red face and he grinned maliciously. She wimpered as his eyes bore into her own, causuing her tortured vagina to spasm, sending a wave of fresh pain through her body. She silently asked the little man why he had done that to her, but he dropped to the floor and became a small pool of blood. She turned her head and saw the man now leaning over her and vaguely wondered why he was there.

Arc Travis was still panting lightly as he began to come to his senses, the dull aches of the injuries the female had managed to inflict before he'd subdued her finally catching up with him as a paw rose up to press against his cut cheek, a single breath spilling out in a light groan as he flexed lightly. It was likely going to take a while to recover from this particular incident.. But it had been well worth the effort. Adjusting his pants and trying to smooth out the ripped fabric of his shirt, the feline glanced down at the pathetic little teenager laying in a heap on the floor, offering a low cruel chuckle before lowering a paw down to pat her lightly on the cheek, murmuring a few low words. "See you around, kitten.." Just what she wanted to hear, likely. The male had no plans on being brought to justice for what he'd done. But if he saw her again - and he likely would - then he would go through just about anything to have his way with her. Even as the male brushed himself off and walked out of the room, he was already planning their next meeting, grinning lightly to himself as he smoothed out ruffled fur.

Eeli swirled in and out of conciousness, hallucinations plaguing her tattered mind. She felt once again his vicious blows to her body, his first penetration... She remembered it all with a clarity as her dreams grew darker and darker, turning to hallucinations as the light faded to darkness and night fell over the city. Still, she hadnt moved. The blood dried in her fur, the mix of fluids glueing the soft velvet of her exposed, tortured vulva together. The temperaturew began to drop, but her feaverish body couldnt feel it. Hallucinations swarmed about her, demons glaring and laughing at her from the dark corners of the room. At one point in the night, she watched as the door stood up and walked back into its position in the door frame. She blinked, but it disappeared. In its place was a dark, square hole in the universe. It pulled at her and she fell through, finally drifting off into a deep, tortured sleep.