The Alley Cat

Story by stinkin_weasel on SoFurry

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A new commission I did for the awesome DeaDGod. This one contains himself and a timber wolf character named Alex as they enjoy each other's company in a public alley. Had a lot of fun with this one, nothing like a good romp with scat on a summer afternoon! :D

DeaDGod's eyes darted back and forth as he spotted out some possible locations around the planned meeting spot. He was meeting up with a friend of his, the two planning quite a bit of naughty fun for that afternoon. He kept checking his phone for any updates, getting equally nervous and excited as anticipation rose up in him. The feline paced back and forth, anxiously awaiting some sort of reply until finally he heard his named called,

"Yo DeaD, there you are!" the voice had come from a rather handsome timber wolf, holding his arms open as he approached the quadruped Kyawl cat.

"Alex!" DeaD called back brightly, standing on his hindpaws to meet his friend in a warm hug.

"Sorry I'm a little late, traffic was pretty heavy, and I couldn't find a parking spot for the life of me!"

DeaD's expression was warm and excited as he smiled back, "It's alright, I'm just glad you're here... you wanna grab a coffee first?"

"Sure," the wolf said as he scratched behind his ears, blushing a tad, "Might be best to relax for a few minutes before we do this..."

It didn't take long for the two to settle on their coffee shop of choice, the two sitting at the Expresso Eagle's outdoor cafe, each sipping a drink in the warm summer sun. Alex caught site of DeaDGod emptying a small little packet of something into his drink, delicately sprinkling it in. "What's that you got there?" the timber wolf asked curiously, ears flicking up a bit.

"Well I'll tell you one thing," DeaD chuckled as he gulped down a good amount of his drink, "It ain't sugar."


A short while later the two found themselves in a nearby alley, just out of sight but close enough to the street front that they could hear all the hustle and bustle of the busy Saturday. Alex kept careful watch for the pair as he leaned against the shaded brick wall, letting out heavy groans as he ran his fingers through the Kyawl's hair. "Damn DeaD, that's wonderful just like that!" He complimented his friend, nestled between the wolf's legs as he swallowed his whole cock down in long swallows.

"This is exciting isn't it?" the Kyawl whispered to the wolf, winking as they continued their risky activity, DeaD tugging gently on the wolf's knot with his lips.

"Yeah," Alex replied, taking in a deep breath when his friend swallowed his length down again, "It's a little overwhelming, but super hot!" The wolf had already eagerly discarded their clothing, leaving him as bare as feline friend.

DeaD grinned as he kept sucking his friend off, his eyes squinting a bit as his stomach felt a little uneasy, a rumbling sound coming from his tummy before he rasped out a little fart, "Well, it's about to get a lot hotter!"

The timber wolf's heart beat a little faster as he gripped his saliva soaked shaft, giving his surroundings one more once over before asking, "Are you ready for me?"

The cat grinned as he turned himself around, stretching his cheeks apart to show his tight hole, all the while his tail wagging about. "Oh yeah," DeaD said lustfully, "I'm ready for ya stud!"

Alex gave his lover a deep smile as he knelled down just a tad, rubbing the tip of his cock against the cat's tight pucker. It took a moment for DeaD to relax, but soon the wolf's entire shaft was sliding into his backside with relative ease. "You sure you don't need any more lube?" the wolf sighed as he thrust over and over, the feline's warmth covering his shaft.

"C-coming right up!" DeaD groaned as he strained himself, a gooey rasp ringing out as a sludgy brown poured out over the wolf's knot and waist, his shaft already covered in the smelly muck.

Alex let out a low growl as he thrust faster, feeling the slickness on his shaft as he looked down, watching DeaD's shit run down his legs, "That's more like it!" He continued to moan as he kept pounding against his friend's prostate, DeaD pushing more of his scat out each time Alex pulled back a little. The slapping of his waist against DeaD's rump was starting to sound quite nasty, the sloppy sounds and little farts filling the alley. A small piled started to escape as Alex pulled his shat out a tad to view its greasy state, the wolf quickly catching it with his paw to smear over his knot, squeezing the bulb as he moaned in ecstasy. "This really stinks DeaD, what did you eat?"

DeaD chuckled as he gave Alex a playful wink, "That's my secret."

"Shit," the wolf moaned as he slid back in, watching as more shit was forced out into his fur, "How're we gonna get this cleaned up when we're done?"

DeaDGod gave his friend a toothy grin as he revealed his sinister plan, "I was thinking we make a mad dash to your car... then we can just lay in this mess at your place."

Alex's eyes got wider as he gulped anxiously, his cock squirting out pre as he throbbed with sexual hunger, "Y-you're disgusting!"

"Yeah?" DeaD asked as he pushed, letting a full log smear against the wolf's prick, "...and you love it!"

"Fuck!" Alex groaned as he kept humping away, his knot stretching the cat's ass open wider, "If you keep this shit up, I'm not gonna last much longer!"

DeaD sighed contently as a little more of his waste poured out, giggling as he turned to look at Alex, "At this point, I really can't help it hon."

Alex looked down, still panting as he squeezed the cat's cheeks, he smackd into his rear a little harder until the knot had edged in just a little, his waist whipping forward as he moaned out, "Oh god DeaD, I-I, I'm gonna, ahh!" With one more heavy thrust forward he buried his knot in, DeaD letting out a low howl from the stings as he was forced to accept the entire bulb of flesh. A little more scat bubbled out just as he was filled with cum, a mixture of white and brown pooling out around the wolf's waist.

"Mmm that feels wonderful!" DeaDGod moaned deeply, stretching his arms and legs out as he enjoyed the slick feeling of cum filling his rear. The knot throbbed in his backside, tugging gently as the wolf adjusted himself. Both lovers let out ecstatic growls and groans, unaware of just how much noise their orgasms were causing. The two relaxed themselves as afterglow set in, DeaD carefully turning himself around so he could lay on his back. It stung a bit to twist himself around, but it was worth it as he was given a much more relaxing position.

"That was nice" Alex said gently as he rubbed his friend's chest, ignoring the fact his paws were still somewhat muddied.

"You call that nice?" a disgruntled voice called out from behind them suddenly, the pair freezing as a complete stranger walked towards them, "Looks disgusting to me!" The other two had no idea what to say as they were left in shock, the stranger's presence so sudden and problematic they were left fearful. "Not only were you two sickos fuckin' in public, but you got shit everywhere! Hell, I think the only place you missed was his muzzle."

"W-well I mean-"

"Save your breath," the skunk interuppted Alex, his blue eyes staring the two down, "You're gonna need it!" He suddenly started pulling his pants down, his long black and white tail swishing back and forth as he held his rump out to the naughty lovers. "You two like being little piggies huh? Might as well mark ya then." The other two were left dumbfounded, completely shocked by the fact the intruder was challenging the duo rather than judging them. Before they could further inquire the skunk's intentions however, his pucker stretched open, good and wide until two little glands popped out, shooting a quick jet of musk onto the two.

The pair quickly shielded their eyes as they were sprayed with the noxious cloud, both coughing and gagging as they began to tear up. The gas quickly dissipated up into the air, leaving the two coated in the harsh scent of skunk. "Wh-what the hell?" Alex whimpered out, his eyes stinging as they quickly became bloodshot.

The skunk laughed, dropping his pants and underwear to the ground, his belt clanging as it hit concrete, "That's more like it! Now everyone will know for sure just how sick you both are!" He soon turned his full attention to the still knotted feline, lowering his rump down over top of his lips, "Wanna taste it piggie? I know you do!" DeaD was reluctant at first, but soon found himself lapping at the skunky pucker, shivering at just how strong it tasted post-spray. "Yeah, you like it!" the skunk said with a content sneer, rubbing the cat's noticeable erection.

He wiggled his butt over DeaD's lips as he kept stroking, sighing as his pucker suddenly opened again. "Oh, what's this?" he teased, straining a little as a thick, hard log coiled out into the Kyawl's maw, "Looks like you're gonna have a little treat piggy!"

DeaD let out the hungriest growl as he bit down on the smelly shit log, chomping down with his teeth before swishing it around his muzzle. He swallowed it down quite quickly, burping as the richly bitter taste made his stomach argue a little. "More!" He begged as he began lapping at the skunk's tailhole, digging in in search of more lovely waste.

"God damn you're nasty!" the skunk mocked DeaD as he rubbed his butt over the Kyawl's nostrils, letting a fart shoot up his nose before moving back down, another fresh log pouring out into his hungry maw. DeaD feasted on the thick, creamier second log as it filled his muzzle, making rather lewd moaning sounds as he slowly chewed it down. "Oh, hold on, ahhh!" The skunk moaned as he let out a loud fart, more liquid shit running out over the rest of the cat's face, "That's better."

"Mmmf!" DeaD gurgled out as he gulped down a heavy pile of the muck in his mouth, struggling for breath as a good amount still sat in his muzzle, causing a few stray gags. A second later the skunk had dipped down, pulling the feline up by the shoulder blades before shoving his cock in. DeaD moaned out as the stiff cock slid into his mouth, getting smeared by the skunk's own shit as he began thrusting away at the warm maw.

The Kyawl cried out over the skunk's shaft as the wolf's knot pulled out suddenly with a pop, extra shit and cum leaking out as the now flaccid cock pulled away. "Sorry DeaD," the timber wolf whispered to his friends as he could tell that must have hurt a little, soon turning his attention to the skunk, "I don't know who you are, but you're lucky I like this smell!"

"Ah, no need to get angry," the skunk said as he rubbed the wolf's shoulders in a friendlier manner, "I knew you guys could take it." He kept thrusting into the cat's mouth, moaning as he got closer and closer to cumming, little piles of shit dripping from the feline's mouth. "Yeah, keep it up," he moaned with another push, giving the wolf a quick glance, "You wanna help him finish?"

Alex nodded with a "Yeah." before dropping down to his knees, gulping down the feline's leaky shaft. He started with slow slides, gulping it down until his tongue was covered in pre. As DeaD gave appreciative moans, the skunk began to pant out himself, his paw gripping the back of the Kyawl's neck as he shot a long fire of cum down DeaD's throat. DeaD gulped it down along with the rest of the skunk's shit, nuzzling his balls as he sighed from the nice blowjob he was receiving. "Alex, that feels incredible!" DeaD moaned as he scritched the wolf's head, his breath tightening as his legs began to shake.

It didn't take much longer before he was clutching his friend in a ball, letting out a long exhaling groan as he emptied his own load into the wolf's muzzle. "Mmm, thanks for that!" Alex said with a wink as he wiped his muzzle clean, pulling the cat in for a hug.

As the two cuddled the skunk began to sneak away, stopping his tracks as DeaD called out, "Hey! Where are you going? How are we supposed to get this smell off us?"

The skunk laughed as he finished doing up his zipper, waving one paw as he walked off back down the alley, toward the street, "That's the trick piggies... you don't!"