Gym Fling

Story by Ragnar Faerhir on SoFurry

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Victor has another weary day at gym, but having caught the eye of the object of his lust and envy, it ends up in a way he did not expect.

Victor put the dumbbell down on the floor without leaving his seated position, breathing heavily, sweat dripping from his brow onto the floor. The tiger kept his eyes focused on the ground, trying to shut the rest of the gym out. He groaned in disapproval of himself, for feeling like a newbie who didn't want to see the veterans and realize how bad he was by comparison. He wasn't bad by himself, far from it. He had as much muscle as the regulars, but a layer of fat kept some of his achievements hidden. His solid set of abs was forever unseen due to the round, soft belly on top of it. He was 25, and yet his own 50-year-old father teased him for having better definition than his own son.

While his mind was busy with the self-deprecating thoughts, his eyes betrayed him. He didn't notice himself raising his face and looking ahead. As if the universe was mocking him, the person right in his line of sight was the one he least wanted to see. Tall, dark-furred, muscles bulging with every flexing motion, alert, perky ears in the air and an elegant, noble air common to the breed; the Doberman basically strutted into the gym. His posture, his smile, everything about him emanated confidence, and in Victor's opinion some amount of narcissism, but he reproached himself, thinking it was only his own bias due to some envy.

As the canine stopped to check the time on the wall clock, Victor took a moment to check him out. He wore a very flattering, very form-fitting white tank top, which contrasted with his mostly black fur in a rather tempting way. His shorts were dark red, and while they were not tight like his shirt, the fabric seemed so light and soft that it perfectly delineated his big, firm buttcheeks, leaving considerably little for the imagination. And above that paragon of ass perfection was the traditional stubby tail, which would look adorable under different circumstances.

It was short-lived, though. The moment Victor realized he had been staring way too long, he looked up to see if the Doberman had seen him, and the answer made his heart almost stop. The canine was still facing the clock, but his eyes were not. He was looking sideways right back at him, with a smug smirk spread across his muzzle. Victor abruptly looked away, even if it was futile at that point. He heard the Doberman let out a small chuckle.

'Perfect...' he thought to himself. Now he was going to be the joke of the gym. The Doberman was going to tell his friends and whenever he entered the gym from that day on, he would have to contend with the looks and the whispered jokes. 'Just... move along, forget about me...'

His heart made another sudden stop when he felt someone sit down right beside him on his bench.

"Hey Chuckles" the Doberman said, still grinning.

'You gotta be fucking kidding me...' Victor thought.

"Excuse me?" the tiger said, finally turning his face to look at the canine.

"Y'know... 'Chuckles'. 'Cuz you so happy all the time".

"I'm really not..."

"Exactly!" the Doberman said, pointing a finger at him as if he had reached an amazing punchline.

"Right..." Victor suppressed a groan. "Can I help you?"

"Just figured you could use a spotter. Do you?"

"N-no, I'm good... Thank you..."

"Can you spot me, then?" the Doberman said, standing up.

"Uhh..." Victor remained seated, dumbfounded.

"Oh, come on..." the canine said, pulling him up by his arm. "Name's Tony, by the way. Over here, Chuckles". He made his way to a bench with a barbell and started to add more weights.

"Victor..." the tiger corrected.

"Chuckles" the dobe persisted absent-mindedly while sitting and positioning himself on a bench for some presses. "C'mon, I've had to skip some days, so I'm counting on you, man".

'Is this guy for real?' Victor thought, standing behind him with his hands hovering under the barbell while Tony suspended it and started doing his set.

He was actually not doing a good job as a spotter, as he gradually stopped paying attention to Tony's grip on the barbell, and to the count of the presses. His eyes were far more drawn to the canine's muscles flexing and bulging with each push. The short, rough fur allowing the full definition of his biceps and pecs to be on display, rippling under his skin, some veins showing up here and there... His rough breath with each press made Victor swallow dry, his furrowed brow and concentrated expression adding to the visual buffet of masculinity and power.

He cursed in his own mind as his loins began to react. Slowly his cock started to tense and grow inside his sweat pants. A sting of panic struck him when he felt the smell of his own arousal. He had already been aroused by the sight of the Doberman from before, so the smell had gotten pretty thick with a second turn. He prayed to all the gods he didn't really believe in for the canine not to notice, but a flare of Tony's nostrils and a very brief pause in his set told him that yes, he had. But he made no mention of it. He simply finished his set and placed the barbell in its place with Victor's help before sitting up. He flexed and stretched his arms forward and back, letting the burn dilute itself over his body.

"Phew... man, I've missed that feeling. Know what I'm talking about?" Tony said, turning back to the tiger.

"Missed what?" Victor asked, still tense.

"Oh, come on. That burn, man. You don't like it?"

"Not really..."

The dobe raised an eyebrow. "And you still pushed yourself to get this big? Damn, no wonder you're so grumpy all the time..."

"Hm..." was all Victor said in response, trying to hide his tension. He didn't understand his own reactions. By all accounts he should be happy that Tony was being so receptive, but... something about the whole thing bothered him, and he didn't understand why.

He spotted Tony's next two sets, and finally it was his time to do the presses.

"Get down, buddy, show me whatcha got" the dobe said with ambiduous mischief in his tone. Victor did not display any affectation, though.

The tiger lied down, gripped the barbell and started lifting. He tried his best to block Tony's presence out. In his current position, with his legs spread, an erection would be visible for everyone. The canine's body was there, looming behind him, the muscles tightly hugged by white fabric, looking all the most inviting from below... And the smell... The heavy, musky smell of sweat. The smell of man, emanating from him, invading his nostrils and forcing him to fight the daze that was trying to take over his mind. He looked up at the dobe's face, and he still had that smug look that annoyed him so. And right near the tiger's face was...

'Son of a...!' he exclaimed mentally when he realized how close Tony's crotch was to his face. He had done it on purpose, he knew it! He hadn't noticed before how big it was, and so close to his eyes it seemed even... No, he looked past that, past Tony, and stared into the ceiling. He managed to do all his sets without getting a full, noticeable erection, but it was a hard-fought battle. And the war was far from over. Tony managed to drag him into doing all their exercises of the day together, and that prolonged torment took its toll on the tiger, who had to sit down after it was all done to hide an erection he simply could no longer contain.

"Phew... Not doing so bad after taking half a week off" Tony said, stretching a bit.

"Coulda fooled me..." Victor said.

"Let's go take a shower, man" the dobe said.

The tiger's ears perked up. "N-nah, I'm good. I'll shower at home"

Tony tilted his head. "C'mon, man... What, you shy?"

"So what if I am?" Victor replied, standing up and walking fast out of the weights room, heading for the lockers.

Tony calmly stood up and followed him, with no rush. He found his workout partner in front of his own locker, grabbing his duffle bag from inside, hanging it around his neck and taking a few gulps from his bottle of water. The canine leaned against the neighboring locker, really close to him. Victor only looked at him sideways, trying to seem ambivalent, but he felt small and cornered even though he was a couple of inches taller.

"Y'know..." Tony said, with a low, rumbling tone. "We could shower at my place. It's not very far".

Victor let out a small gasp, and his hands slowly gripped the strap of his duffle bag nervously, close to his chest, making him not only feel small, but look small. He cursed himself for letting himself look like a damn 'moe' anime girl, but he found himself unable to do differently. He could not even find the words to answer.

"It's okay if you don't want to, I'm not trying to pressure you..." the dobe clarified in a slightly louder, less seductive voice to ease the atmosphere a bit.

"It's not that...!" Victor exclaimed before he could stop himself, and looked away.

"Then what is it?" Tony said, resuming the low, near-whispering tone. "Y'think I didn't notice you staring all those times? Oh yeah..." he added when Victor turned with a shocked expression. "When you check someone out, Chuckles, you gotta mind the MIRROR in front of them..."

The tiger brought his hand to his own forehead in sheer disbelief of his own stupidity.

"Hey, don't feel bad, buddy... I'm not complaining. I did my fair share of checking you out too". Tony's hot breath was falling gently on the tiger's whiskers, so close he was.

Victor's grip on the strap tightened, an anger inside him growing. His posture changed. He stood straight and took one hand away from his duffle bag, letting it hand beside him, and he turned to face Tony better, with a serious, determined look in his eyes.

"And you liked what you saw?" he asked.

Tony grinned when he saw that change.

"You bet your ass I did" he replied. "You took so long to talk to me, though. I half-thought you were teasing me..."

"You're one to talk..." Victor's eyes scanned over his workout partner's body, from the tightly clad pecs and abs to his hefty crotch, straining his shorts even in its resting state.

The dobe chuckled. "You, on the other hand, keep the goods hidden... You're such a tease, I count myself lucky if you bother to show up with a tank top..." he said as he slowly reached forward and tugged a strap of Victor's dark green tank top with his finger, pulling him slightly closer. "Will you let me see more tonight, buddy?"

"Do you think you can handle it?" the tiger said, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Oh, I'll do more than handle it" Tony chuckled. "Can I show you?"

"Alright, Tony. Your place it is. Let's see if you can deliver as much as you say" Victor said, closing his locker door. "I'll wait for you at the reception".

"See you there" the dobe said with a smug triumphant smile.

It wasn't until Victor finally arrived at the reception that he realized that despite his confident expression, his legs felt as if they were going to give away at any moment. He leaned against the wall near the receptionist's desk and grimaced.

'Dear God, what the fuck are you doing?' he thought to himself.

But he halted that rush of doubt. He was sick of it, and he wouldn't let it ruin that night for him. Tony came to the reception with his own duffle bag, left the key to his locker at the desk, and led him to his motorbike in the inner parking lot. Victor took a moment to admire it. It was a Chopper, metallic black with dark red linear patterns running over it, not too flashy, just enough to be stylish. The wheels had an interesting pattern to them as well, the structures between the center and the tires bent to form a swirling shape, to give the feeling that they were spinning even though the motorcycle wasn't moving. The handle bars were high, good for long travels, and the overall look of the vehicle was pleasantly robust, emanating power and potency.

"Damn..." Victor said.

"You like it?" Tony asked, his voice muffle from inside the black helmet, patting the tank affectionately. "Made it myself. I work at a garage, so I had the pieces for it. Had to buy some of them, though, for looks. Like the wheels".

"Did a great job". The tiger put the spare helmet on.

"Hop on, Chuckles" Tony said, mounting the Chopper and starting the engine.

Victor's ears flattened against his head with the sudden roar of the engine, and he too mounted, settling behind Tony, and reaching for the handle bars he would normally hold when riding with anyone else, but found none. The dobe shook his head lightly, reached back, grabbed the tiger's hands and brought them to his sides for him to grip.

"Don't be shy, kitty... We'll be getting very close tonight" he said.


They rode out of the parking lot and into the streets, which were relatively empty due to it being so late. It gave Tony the chance to ride smoothly without stopping much, letting them both enjoy the feeling of freedom only riding a motorcycle can bring. The wind lashing them, the buildings, trees and cars passing by them... Half of Victor's mind enjoyed that, while the other half was a bit more focused on the body he was clinging to in front of him. The proximity and the time he had spent with Tony made his usual hesitation cease a bit. He felt emboldened (perhaps a bit late) by the dobe's advances, and he felt compelled to wrap his arms more tightly around the canine's torso, his hands sliding over his abs through the sweaty, wet shirt, his fingers trailing over each bump and valley... He saw Tony's head shake a little, as if he had let out a small chuckle.

They didn't go too far, Tony happened to live in a small apartment block in another, humbler neighborhood. The gatekeeper slide the gate open for them to ride in, and Tony parked in a more secluded part of the internal parking lot. He shut down the engine, and his workout partner dismounted before him.

"Been a while since you rode a motorbike, Chuckles?" the dobe said, removing his helmet.

"A few years" Victor answered, already without his. "Didn't realize how much I missed it".

Tony smirked. "C'mon".

They went upstairs to the third floor. The place seemed kind of run-down, but Victor didn't mind. The canine unlocked the door to his apartment, turned on the light and they walked in. It was a tiny bachelor apartment, with just one main room with an old-looking TV, kitchen facilities on one side, and a queen-size bed, with a door to a bathroom near it. It was, as expected pretty messy. Clothes were lying around on the bed, the TV stand, the chairs, there were notebooks and pens thrown over the table, a laptop was charging on one end, a PS2 was on the floor in front of the TV stand with the controllers unrolled...

"Eh... sorry for the mess" Tony said, scratching the back of his head with his first display of nervousness. "Hope you don't mind".

"It's fine" said Victor, sitting down on the bed and putting his duffle bag down on the floor.

"You wanna shower first, or...?"

"You go first. Gives you the chance to hide any incriminating things you have lying around there".

Tony raised an eyebrow. It SOUNDED like a joke, but the tiger looked dead serious. "Haha, so the kitty can crack a joke!"

"Hurry, or I'll take forever when it's my turn and waste all your water".

"Oh noooes..." Tony chuckled and dropped his duffle bag before taking his shirt off. The sweat had already mostly dried, so it no longer clung to his fur like it did before. His bare torso was still a heavenly sight. The abs that Victor had touched before, now they were in plain sight, toned, defined and rock-solid, like his pecs. Big, bulging and powerful. The dobe glanced back at the tiger, who wasn't very worried about pretending he wasn't looking this time, and grinned. He turned his back on him and slowly lowered his shorts, taking the care to bring his dark red boxer briefs down with them only a little bit, to show a little of his perfect, firm buns, the start of his crack also visible. His buttcheeks partially bared and his massive things put on display as he bent over more and more to bring the shorts down to his ankles for him to step out of them and throw them aside. He stood straight again, glancing back to see Victor's sideways stare, feeling his lustful gaze devour his body from afar. The dobe hooked the waistband of his boxer briefs with his thumb, pulling it a little, teasing the idea of stripping completely right there, but when he saw Victor's eyes widen with anticipation, he released it and just walked slowly into the bathroom.

"You fucking tease..." he heard the tiger say under his breath, and chuckled to himself before closing the door.

"You can turn on the TV in the meantime if you want" Tony said from inside.

Victor shrugged, reached for the remote on top of the bed and watched the late night news while he waited. He was only partially listening to the news anchor, though. He was mostly anxious for what was coming, fighting off the hesitation. After a few minutes, the bathroom door swung open and out came Tony, smelling fresh, his fur lightly moist still, and a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Your turn" he said with a smirk, walking past the tiger and sitting on the bed as he was.

The feline stood up and went into the bathroom, not noticing the dobe suppress a mischievous laugh. He went in, the air feeling heavy and moist from the previous use. He took a deep breath and started taking his clothes off for the shower, his cheeks under his fur tinted red, as if dobe could see him through the walls. He got under the shower and tried to focus on just enjoying the relief of being cooled down and having the sweat washed away. He looked at the soap in the small opening in the wall, hesitated for a moment, but just went 'Fuck it...' and grabbed it to wash himself.

As he showered, he kept thinking about what awaited him outside. The dobe would probably be waiting, lying in bed, stark naked, maybe just with the towel carelessly thrown over his crotch, and they would waste no time getting right down to business. He felt his cock harden and stand in attention with the thoughts. He groaned, hoping it would go down before he was done drying himself. He switched the water off, and reached for the towel. But there was no towel. He looked all over the bathroom, there was no spare towel for him to use.

"Tony!" he called.

He heard a short burst of laughter outside. "Yeah?"

"There's no towel here..."

"Oh, riiiiight. Sorry about that".

"Liar" the tiger said, annoyed. "Hurry up and bring me one".

He was expecting a knock after a few moments, for him to walk over and a towel to be delivered to him through the half-opened door. Oh no. The door swung open shortly after, and in came Tony, with a folded towel in hand, his own still wrapped around his waist.

"Son of a...!" Victor cursed and tried to cover his crotch with his hands, but the erection made it pretty much impossible, and only served to draw the dobe's attention right to it.

"Ohhhh, someone's eager to play" he said with his annoying smug grin. "Not bad".

"Just give me the towel already!" the tiger said angrily reaching for the towel, but Tony pulled it out of his reach.

"Nah-ah-ah, first you gotta get over this shyness, buddy. It's not like I'm not gonna see it again in a couple of minutes".

"Uuugh..." Victor groaned.

"Come on, buddy, show me what you've got there" the dobe urged him more.

"Unbelievable..." the feline shook his head before finally pulling his hands away from his crotch and crossing his arms, annoyed, letting his seven-and-half inches of tiger meat hang out, pointing rigidly towards the dobe, throbbing a little.

"Hmmm... That's nothing to be ashamed of, buddy" the canine said, examining the tiger's cock. It wasn't the longest he had ever seen, but the thickness seemed quite inviting, and the balls hanging underneath looked big, hefty and juicy. Not that the rest of him wasn't worthy of attention as well. For someone who seemed so insecure, the tiger had an admirable physique to him, the wet fur clinging to his skin and making every detail of his form clearly visible, as opposed to how to dry fluff normally would hide some of it. His arms were thicker than the canine's, but possibly had the same amount of muscle, only surpassing in volume due to the pleasant amount of fat softening his figure. His pecs were also big and inviting. A little more jiggly than his own when not flexed, but that only made his hands itch to grab them. His legs were thick and strong, proportional to the rest of his body, stout and robust, his limbs and back covered in the traditional tiger strips, helping to bring out some of the muscle definition that would otherwise be hard to perceive. And finally, his belly. Round, soft-looking and, he had to admit, make his mouth water almost as much as his cock bobbing underneath. He wondered if biting it would upset the tiger. Well, he would just have to wait and see.

"You done?" Victor asked.


The dobe handed him the towel and slowly left the bathroom, without closing the door behind him. The feline sighed and dried himself, having to take the extra time to improvise a comb with his claws as to not drive Tony into a laughing fit by coming out with his fur all fluffed up. He hanged the towel on the hook on the wall and left the bathroom as he was, buck naked, with his erection bobbing side to side with his steps. His face was blazing red under his fur, but he was determined to out-do the Doberman for once.

The light in the ceiling was off, the only source of light was a weak, pale desk lamp on the table, giving the place a pleasant, soothing half-light. Tony was indeed lying in bed, with his arms folded back and his hands under his head. The weak light only brought is muscles out more, the contrast of light and shadow highlighting every mountain of hard flesh in his body, darkening every valley, like a god resting in wait for his mortal lover. Predictably, the towel was covering his crotch, in a messy bundle so he couldn't tell if he was hard or not. The canine grinned.

"Well, looks like you're all ready to go" he said.

Victor walked over to the bed and slowly and climbed over, crawling towards the dobe until their faces were barely two inches apart. They looked into each other's eyes, the tiger's green, stubborn ones, shaded by his thick and bushy eyebrows, into the dobe's brown, mischievous ones.

"Come here, kitty..." the canine whispered, bringing his fingers gently to the feline's chin and pulling him closer, his hot breath colliding with Victor's own, making they want to close the gap even more intensely.

"What happened to 'Chuckles'?" the tiger asked.

"In my bed..." Tony's other hand reached around Victor and pulled their bodies close, chest on chest, abs on belly, hard cock against wet towel. "'re my kitty". And he pulled him in for a kiss.

Their lips touched and Victor's eyes widened, his mind going blank for a few moments, the feeling of the bed and the ground vanishing under them and falling into emptiness for a split second startled him, but slowly he began to relax while the canine caressed his lips with his own, gently, in a sensual, inviting fashion, slowly ushering him to lower his guard and open his mouth more. When that happened, Tony slipped his tongue in. Another sensorial surge in Victor, his claws momentarily digging into the mattress. The invasion was sudden, but as he realized, welcome.

He reciprocated the kiss, playing with Tony's lips as well, entwining his tongue with his own, slowly, deliberately for Tony, timidly for himself. The dobe liked to tease and play, occasionally nibbling on the tiger's lower lip and letting out a muffled chuckle before going in for a deep kiss again. Meanwhile, the canine's hands busied themselves with the rest of his partner, going up and down his back feeling the valleys between his back muscles, down to the base of his spine and the start of his long striped tail. Victor let out a muffled moan into the kiss when the dobe playfully tugged on the sensitive base of his tail, earning in response another muffled chuckle from Tony.

Victor opened his eyes, staring defiantly into the dobe's. His hand trailed up from the mattress to the canine's torso, slowly brushing over his abs, and reaching his big, perfect pecs. He grabbed one, feeling it up, getting as much of it as he possibly could, devouring its hard, firm feeling with his touch. He repositioned himself, mounting the canine's waist so he could use both hands to explore him, one hand on each pec now. Tony let out slow, warm breaths and low moans into their kisses as he did so, ushering him to continue. The tiger ran his thumbs over the dobe's hard, perky nipples, earning a short moan and a chuckle from his partner.

The feline slowly moved his kisses away from the canine's mouth, down his chin, his thick neck, his collarbone, his bulging pecs, running his tongue down the valley between them, circling around the underside of one, and finally stopping at the nipple. When his wide, slightly rough feline tongue gently lashed over it, Tony let out an audible moan of satisfaction. Victor looked up to see his face while he lightly nibble on it. The dobe was looking right back at him lustfully, biting his lower lip, from the sensation. The tiger brought his hand to the dog's other nipple and started playing with it, lightly pinching it, tugging it, twisting it, making Tony throw his head back in pleasure.

"Ahhhh, fuck, kitty..." he would moan out.

"A kitty, am I?" Victor said with a low voice, rumbling in a way peculiar to big felines. He dismounted, lying on his side, and reached down to slip his hand under the towel covering Tony's crotch, and grabbed hold of the rock-hard cock hiding underneath. "Looks like the pup's enjoying the attention". He pulled the towel off, to reveal the whopping nine inches of pink canine meat, throbbing and glistening in the half-light, pre trickling down from the head, over the long, thick shaft, and onto the engorged base, the famous (or infamous) canine knot. "You're not a pup down here, though..." the tiger said, squeezing the engorged shaft, stroking it ever so slowly up and down, causing Tony to throw his head back again and his spine to bend, lifting his lower back off the bed for a moment. "No, certainly not down here..." he whispered, reaching lower and grasping the big, heavy balls, feeling them around gently, running his thumb over them, letting his middle finger "accidentally" run over his taint beyond...

"Heheh... the kitty wants to be in charge, does he?" Tony taunted.

"It's not up to debate" Victor replied, before straddling the dobe further up so his cock was lying in-between his black-and-tan pecs, inches from his face. "You were pretty persistent about seeing my cock back there. Is this what you wanted, pup?"

The canine licked his lips. "Fuck yeah".

"Open up" said the tiger, and Tony obeyed, letting his mouth hang open for him to slowly reposition himself a slip his meat into his mouth.

Victor suppressed a moan from just feeling the tip of his cock touch the mechanic's wet, warm tongue. He really hadn't done it in a while, so he would require a lot of self control not to embarrass himself. This did not go unnoticed. Tony's hands gripped the tiger's fluffy buttcheeks and pulled him closer, easing more of the feline's length into his mouth. Victor could not hold a sudden moan, and he ground his teeth trying to stop himself from getting too close to cumming. He looked down angrily, and was met with Tony's smug face, the corners of his mouth curled up in a grin, and he winked at him teasingly.

Slowly, the tiger moved his hips to slide in and out of his partner's mouth, the underside of his cock sliding oh-so-smoothly over that deliciously velvety tongue, the canine's lips enclosed around his cock, adding another layer of pleasure. Tony started to actually suck and use his tongue more actively, making it wiggle and wrap itself around his friend's meat, tasting every bit of it, drinking in the salty flavor of his skin, swallowing the pre that would ooze into the back of his throat. He pulled his head away slowly until only the tip was gripped by his pursed lips, and he stayed that way for a couple of seconds, until Victor bucked his hips forward slightly, longing for more, and then he leaned back in, taking the whole length into his mouth and some into his throat, causing the tiger let out a long, low moan.

"You like that, kitty?" Tony teased after he pulled away again, lightly licking the head, circling it with his tongue.

"Ohhh, fuck yeah..." the feline moaned out, his eyes focused on nothing in particular, lost in his own pleasure.

"How about this, then?"

The dobe rolled over, pushing the tiger down on his back on the bed. He got off the bed, walked around it and pulled Victor by his legs to the edge until he was sitting on the edge. Tony knelt down on the floor in front of him, in-between his spread legs, and leaned over to keep working the tiger's cock with his skilled mouth. He licked his way up from the base, and gently kissed and suckled on the tip. Victor leaned back, supporting himself up with his arms, and let out long, low moans. The dobe lolled his tongue out and ran it sideways over Victor's length, coating it with saliva, and then took it all into his mouth again, slowly bobbing his head back and forth, taking the tiger meat in and out with gradually increasing pace.

"Oh, fuck, Tony...!" the feline gasped out, his head thrown back.

"What happened to 'pup'?" Tony taunted after pulling away again.

"You are my pup..."

"No sir"

He pushed Victor down on his back and really started going to town on his cock, sucking it hard and hungrily, taking it deeply into his mouth and throat as if determined to swallow it. The tiger lost his composure entirely, moaning louder, his head rolling from one side to the other on the bed, his body writhing, his claws digging into the sheets.

Tony pulled away to breathe, busing Victor's meat with his hand, stroking it up and down. "Enjoying yourself, kitty?"

"F-fuck you, pup...!" Victor replied, reaching down to hold Tony's head and control his movements, but the dobe pulled his hand away and pinned it down on the bed.

"Heh... Let me show you who's in charge here" he said before going down on the tiger cock again, his hand reaching up to play with the feline's nipple, making it even harder for the other to keep himself from moaning and writhing on the bed in such loss of control.

"S-slow down...!" Victor moaned. "I... I'm gonna...!"

"So soon? That's cute..." Tony teased, stroking the feline's meat mercilessly. "Give me that load, kitty". And he resumed his dominating, merciless blowjob.

"Ahh... haaah... AHHHHH...!!!" the tiger couldn't hold back anymore. He threw his head back, and lifted his waist off the bed, instinctively trying to bury himself as deep as he could into that delicious mouth, his awareness of his surrounding leaving him as the pleasure in his loins exploded, and he shot thick loads of hot cum into the canine's mouth, who swallowed it all rather easily, but during the last shots he pulled away on purpose, to let them hit him in the face, making him feel the hot cream drizzling down his cheeks, his brow, his chin...

"Fuuuuck yeeeaaah, kitty... That's what I call a load" he said before licking the tiger's cock clean, slowly and gently not to hurt the oversensitive meat.

Victor stayed there, lying down, breathing heavily, his mind foggy. He was only partially brought back to his senses when he felt Tony's mouth and tongue making their way up from his cock. The dobe licked all the way over up his belly, stopped at the pecs to give them the attention he had received himself earlier, licking around their circumference, the valley between them, sucking and nibbling the nipples, pinching them. It all earned long satisfied breaths and low moans from the tiger, which were silenced when Tony found his way up his neck and back to his mouth, giving him another slow, teasing kiss.

"Now it's your turn, kitty" the dobe whispered onto his mouth, and rolled onto his back, his legs spread, and his painfully neglected cock throbbing and drooling pre like crazy. He beckoned him over. "Bring that sweet little mouth over here".

Victor let out an annoyed huff, but crawled over to the dobe's cock. He couldn't deny that the sight made his mouth water. He let his mouth hang open as he slowly leaned over, taking the head in, feeling its salty taste mixed with the pre. He suckled it lightly cleaning the pre off, hearing low groans of light pleasure and anticipation from Tony. He was not exactly experience with that part, but he let instinct guide him. He pulled away and licked all the way up from the base, drawing circles around the girth as he neared the tip, and finally took it more into his mouth. He took great care not to scrape his teeth on it, and it took a lot more concentration than he anticipated. He slowly lowered himself onto it, feeling Tony let out long groaning breaths and moans as his thick member slid over the tiger's tongue. Unfortunately, he could not take more than half of the length in, his gag reflexes were too strong from the lack of practice. He tried to do his best to compensate, using his hands to stimulate the rest of the canine meat, squeezing the sensitive knot, stroking the rest of the shaft, moving his head back and forth, sucking it hungrily, drinking in the copious amount of pre drizzling into his mouth, some of it oozing from the corners or his lips.

"Mmmmm, yeaaahhh... You're pretty good, kitty. Mmmmph, give me that sweet mouth... Ahhh..." Tony would whisper, lightly throwing his head back. "Eat that doggie meat, kitty... Swallow that cock..."

Victor slowly pulled away, a string of saliva and pre briefly connecting the tip of Tony's cock to his lips.

"I'll show you just how good I really a... pup" he said, before grabbing the dog's legs and pulling them up, exposing the canine's pink pucker, nestled in-between his perfect, firm cheeks.

"Whoa, hold on!" Tony exclaimed, genuinely surprised, but his protest abruptly turned into a sharp intake of breath and an irrepressible moan when he felt the tiger's tongue lash over his sensitive hole.

The feline admired the little circle of flesh, winking in anticipation. It was such a weird, but insanely pleasurable feeling, to deal with that part of men, especially muscular ones like Tony. Such strong, powerful men, and yet back here they were just as fragile and sensitive as anyone else.

"That hole looks sooo tight, pup..." Victor said in a low tone, letting his warm breath fall onto the quivering hole, making it wink more. "And it looks delicious".

"Eat it, kitty! It's all yours!" the dobe said, grinning.

Victor leaned in and licked slowly again, letting his broad, warm feline tongue envelop it entirely, then pulled back for a few seconds, waiting for the canine to writhe a bit, as if asking for more, and then leaned in again, drawing circles around the pucker with his tongue, spiraling down towards it, but stopping just short of finally reaching it, earning a frustrated moan from Tony. He blew on it lightly to see it wink more, and bit down on one of his buttcheeks.

"Mmmm... you like that dobe ass, kitty? Does it taste good?" the canine taunted.

"Most delicious piece of ass I've ever had" the tiger replied before lunging onto the hole in front of him, earning a gasp from Tony as he started ravaging his tailhole with his tongue, licking it hungrily for a few seconds, but again he stopped to frustrate him. He looked at it, contracting, begging. He grinned and gave it a little kiss, which made Tony gasp again.

"You dork..." the dobe said.

"Am I?"

He started licking it again, it very tight circles around the entrance, feeling it gradually stop putting up resistance, opening up more, getting easier and easier to go in... He finally started trying to push his tongue in. It was loose enough for him to go right in, but he pretended to have trouble, prolonging Tony's torment, making him bite his lower lip in anticipation...

"Come on, come on, come on, come on!" the dobe pleaded, wiggling his ass a bit, trying to instigate him. "Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me--AHH, you son of a bitch!!"

He was interrupted by Victor's sudden entry, the warm, soft tongue wiggling its way inside him, extending that wet, hot pleasure deeper in. Victor's cock throbbed and dripped pre onto the mattress. The feeling of Tony's asshole tightening and loosening repeatedly on his tongue was far more erotic than he was hoping. He slid his tongue out, then in again, in, and out, in a teasing tongue fuck.

"Ahhh, fuck yeah, kitty, get in there...!" Tony reached down and pulled Victor's head closer, trying to get more of his tongue in, his hole hungry and pleading to be fulfilled, his cock bobbin and drooling pre onto his abs.

Victor groaned in annoyance and pulled the dobe's hand away before also pulling himself away from his ass. "Get on all fours" he ordered.

"Heh" Tony scoffed with the tiger's attempt at dominance, but he obeyed nonetheless.

Victor knelt up, marveling at the beautiful sight in front of him. That huge, buff hunk of a man, down on his hands and knees, with his big, perfect ass turned to him, saliva drizzling down the crack and onto his balls dangling underneath, his stubby tail waggling a little above it all.

"Fuuuuuck yeah..." the tiger whispered, bringing his hands to those perfect buns and squeezing them, kneading them, feeling that firm flesh and short, coarse fur under his fingers. He pressed the buttcheeks together, and then spread them again, seeing that hungry, soaked hole inviting him. He went in and gave it another tongue-lashing, unable to keep himself from tasting it again, making Tony moan. He pulled away, with saliva running down his chin.

"You got lube?" he asked.

Tony briefly left his position only to reach for the nightstand and pull a little bottle from the drawer, and handed it to the tiger. Victor opened it and let some of the cold clear lube drizzle onto the canine's crack, making his rump jump a bit from the sudden coldness. He reached forward and spread the clear liquid around the rim of his friend's asshole with his fingers, and finally, when his index finger was coated and slippery with lube, he pushed it in, earning a sudden intake of breath from Tony, follow by a long, low moan, as the tiger's thick finger snaked its way inside him, leaving and entering some more with more helpings of lube.

Finally, he added the lube from the bottle to his cock, his body jumping slightly due to the low temperature of the fluid, and stroked it to spread it evenly around his length. He closed the plastic bottle, threw it away and grabbed hold of Tony's buttcheeks, sandwiching his cock in-between them, sliding it up and down his slippery crack.

"You ready for this, pup?" he growled.

"Heh... You think you can handle all this, kitty?" Tony retorted, reaching back and patting his own ass. "You think you're man enough for this ass?"

Victor growled. "Let me show you how much!"

He guided the head of his cock to the dobe's entrance with his hand, and pushed in, finding little resistance, but he knew better than to go all the way in right away.

"What's wrong, kitty? Shove it in!" the canine egged him on.

"Huh? But, isn't it gonna hurt?"

"I know, just do it!" Tony looked back at him with pure lust in his eyes, and his never-ending smugness in his grin. "You know you want it, kitty... You want aaaall this tight man ass... Do it, baby, stick it in!"

Breathing heavily from his own lust, Victor stopped resisting and did as he was told. With a mighty thrust of his hips, he plunged all of his thick tiger meat inside of the dobe's ass, and now both let out very loud, rumbling moans in unison. Tony for reveling in the pain he was inflicted with, along with the blissful feeling of being stuff with man meat, and Victor for the overwhelming warmth and tightness of the canine's hole. The feline ground his teeth and stayed motionless, trying with all his might to stop himself from cumming instantly. As the dangerous sensation started to dissipate, he finally released his breath, panting, just now realizing his claws bared and digging into his partner's buns. Tony chuckled.

"I told you I was too much for you, kitty" the canine teased.

"Shut up" Victor replied, flexing his cock inside the dog to make pressure and show off his girth, which made Tony gasp.

"Heheh... C'mon, kitty, give me a good pounding, show me whatcha got"

Victor growled, and slowly slid his cock almost entirely out, and then back in... He did it a lot of times, enough for Tony to find it strange that he was taking so long. Long enough for his sudden mighty thrust to be surprising, earning another loud moan from the dobe.


The tiger gripped the canine's waist and pulled it in, rotating his own hips and grind his meat around inside him, stretching him and making him writhe, his toes stretching and curling. He pulled out again and started fucking him in a wild, fast pace, pounding him for what he was worth. The feeling was hard to describe. He had a form of raw, animalistic rage inside him, pushing him to pound away at the dobe's ass with reckless abandon, make him writhe, make him submit, establish himself as dominant, and that was something he did not remember experiencing before. He was almost as surprised as Tony was when his hand mercilessly smack on his buttcheek.

"OHHH, yeaaah, kitty, give it to me! Show daddy what you got!"

"Heh... 'daddy'? Hardly" Victor retorted.

"What, you still think you're in control here, kitty?" Tony looked back with an eyebrow raised.

"That's exactly what's happ--GAAAH!!" the tiger was interrupted by sudden, vice-like pressure Tony's asshole suddenly applied to his cock, forcing him to stop his thrusts from the intensity.

Tony chuckled. "What's wrong, kitty? Too strong?" He pushed his rump back onto his friend, making his cock sink into him more, making the feline's hands release his buttcheeks and his fingers to stretch in the air in sheer bewilderment and shock from the intense pressure and unimagined pleasure. "Heh..." Tony pulled himself away, letting Victor's cock slide out of him, and pushed Victor down on his back. "Let me show you how it's done".


The dobe straddled him, his rump hovering above the tiger's cock, which was quickly positioned by Tony's rough hand, and soon it was swallowed by that impossibly tight asshole again, making Victor throw his head back and cry out in ecstasy. Tony was watching his reaction with great delight.

"What did I tell you?" he said. "In my bed..." he pulled up until only the tip was inside him. "You're my kitty". And he sat back down, making Victor cry out again.

"FUUUCK!! NNNGH, GOD!!!" the tiger would moan and cry out as the Doberman slowly began to ride him, all with such a masterful control of his movements, of the pressure his asshole was exerting, it made him wonder if he was just having a really intense wet dream, because that sort of mastery HAD to be impossible. At least he had never experienced it before.

And that was just with Tony going slow. He would stop for a few seconds, then impale himself with the tiger's meat again, letting out his own moans and groans, but all with that eternal confident smile.

"Fuuuuck, yeah, kitty, it's so fucking thick... Hnnnngh, feels so good back here... Does it feel good down there, baby?" he asked, reaching for Victor's nipples and lightly pinching them. "Does it?"

Victor's head rolled from one side to the other, lost in pure sexual bliss.

"Fuuuuck, it feels fucking amazing! I can't...! Nngh! I can't...!"

Tony chuckled, seeing the tiger with such a helpless, vulnerable expression.

"You're so cute, kitty..." he said before leaning over to plant a little kiss on his lips. "But now the rough ride really begins".

The room was filled with their voices, moaning, groaning, crying out, cursing, while Tony's ass smacked itself onto Victor's lap, the tiger's thick meat sliding in and out of a hole that swallowed it voraciously and was not at all willing to let it go. Victor's hands found Tony's waist, which he gripped for some leverage and an attempt to regain control over the situation, but the battle was lost already. It was his cock that was being slammed into the dobe's ass, but it was still the dobe who was owning him. It was a new sensation he was unused to, but he was unable to fight it. He was unable to deny to himself that it felt amazing. He opened his eyes, looking at that god of sex bouncing on top of him, his muscles tense as he pushed himself up and down on him, his pecs bouncing up and down slightly with the movement, and his eyes fixated on Victor's, watching every reaction, making him feel even more exposed and vulnerable, as if the dog could see right through him and know what was going on inside him at that moment.

Tony sat down and did not come up again. He just rotated his hips, grinding Victor's meat around inside him, this time making the TIGER gasp and moan. He leaned over and gently gripped the feline's chin, making him look at him.

"Who am I?" he asked, locking the tiger's gaze with his own.

Victor was confused for a moment, but then answered, "Daddy..."

"And who are you?"

"Your... kitty..." the tiger answered reluctantly, his face blazing under his fur.

Tony's smile widened.

"That's right, baby... Now hold tight, I'm almost cumming"

The dobe resumed his wild ride, squeezing every bit of pleasure he could from his kitty's cock, ramming that thick meat on that one key spot inside him, that made his cock throb harder.

"Ohhh, fuck... here it comes... Nngh..." he said, slamming himself down one final time and letting out a loud, long moan as his insides clenched round Victor's cock even harder than before, and his cock jumped repeatedly while thick, steaming cum shot out into the air, falling all over the tiger. His manly chest, his belly, his cute, submissive face... "Fuuuuuuck yeah... Ohhhh... Nnnnph..." the dobe whispered as the apex of pleasure slowly faded away, his cock bobbing a couple more times, oozie the last bit of cum onto the tiger's belly.

After long moments of recovery and heavy breathing, he chuckled.

"Your turn to cum, kitty. Brace yourself" he said, feeling his kitty's cock throbbing painfully inside of him, begging for release.

As abused and spent as his asshole was at that point, pain was just another pleasure for him, as he started to ride the tiger again, picking up the pace, Victor's moans accompanying the acceleration, until they were at the same rhythm as before. Victor gripped Tony's waist tightly, but the canine pushed his hands away and pinned then down above his head against the mattress, dominating him even harder.

"Fuck... Oh god...! Oh, god...! I'm cumming! I'm...!!!" Victor cried out, and finally he started to empty his second load into the dobe, flooding his insides with his burning hot cum, making him gasp and let out a long satisfied breath. The canine reduced his speed, but did not stop riding, wanting to make the orgasm as perfect for his kitty as possible, squeezing every last drop of cum from him, his already stuffed hole feeling even more stretched and full. He let out long, content breaths, reveling in the feeling. The tiger's moan gradually turned into a series of short, adorably helpless moans as he fired the last, weaker shots, and finally it all settled down.

Tony finally stopped, breathing heavily from the exertion. After a minute of recovery and his mental goodbye to the feeling of fullness, he pulled himself up, letting Victor's cock slide out of him, followed by a small flood of cum escaping his abused asshole. He let out a long breath of delight with the feeling of the warm liquid leaving him. The excess was gone, but he knew the rest was still inside, and that was totally fine with him. He lied down beside the tiger, who too was breathing heavily, his eyes closed, the same helpless expression on his face as before. Tony chuckled and gently ran his fingers across the kitty's jaw, stopping at his chin. Victor's eyes opened to meet his, and slowly Tony pulled him in for another kiss. It was slow, but it lacked the feeling of suppressed urgency and anticipation from before. Now it was deliberate, satisfied, content. The canine broke the kiss gradually, with a smile and a little lick on the tiger's lips, before letting his kitty nestle up on his body. He wrapped his dark-furred arms around the tiger's large, striped body, and felt his breathing ease and slow down, as he slowly fell asleep in his arms.

"That's my kitty..." he whispered to himself and closed his eyes to let himself sleep as well.

(To be continued.... maybe....) _______________________________________________________________________________________

Author's comment: Hey guys, Ragnar here. So, this is definitely not the first porn story I've ever written, but it's the first I felt confident enough about to upload here. It really breaks my usual M.O., it plays a little with the conventions about topping and bottoming, and which one implies more power, etc, and I really wanted to try not only a story with a power bottom, but also one where the "power" of the whole thing is disputed rather than assured to be in one partner's hands from beginning to end. I hope you liked it, and please post your comments on something in particular you liked or disliked about it, how I can improve in your opinion, etc. See ya!