Distant Earth CYOA part 20

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#24 of Distant Earth text adventure

OK well sorry it took a few days longer than normal, had some issues and had to take my poor puppy to the vet(wasn't cheap either) and a house guest who stayed a few nights. Plus it was my birthday last week and I had a lot on...so you know excuses and all, anyway please enjoy and vote on the next page and I'll try and be quicker with it.

Option B finally get some sleep, I think Zack will thank you for letting him lay down before he passed out.

The rabbit thought about going to find his sexy red panda, he wanted to talk about his raid and find out what happened to Qerry. He wondered what the panda was up too, he could almost see the red furred guy hunched over a console, he little stomach bulging cutely as he worked. Qerry's tail flicking in excitement as his brain fought some weird cyber battle. His eyes felt heavy and began to close as he lost himself to thoughts of the panda.

He awoke with a start as Reggie shook his arm, "wakey, wakey. I think you need to go lay down before you pass out."

Zack yawned and stretched as he nodded n reply, his right hand was taken by the soft grip of a raccoon hand. Reese looked up at him and smiled. "Palm trees, gather no storms."

"You guys go ahead, me and Reggie will tidy up and then I'll head back to join you guys," Kelo said as he pulled on his pants, then began to clear tools and put them away carefully. The importance of ensuring everything you need was in the right place was paramount on a ship that might find itself in a fire-fight. On more than one occasion the pony had had to fix some key system while under fire. At times like that you don't want to be crawling around looking under benches for the correct electro spanner.

Zack barely remembered the walk back to their cabin, he didn't remember getting undressed or climbing in to bed. He certainly didn't notice the raccoon getting into bed with him, or half an hour later the pony joining the other two. So it was a bit of a pleasant surprise for the rabbit when he woke, late in the morning, to find himself against a wall of warm pony on one-side, and a blanket of sleeping raccoon on-top of him.

He would have liked to remain in the very warm, yet enjoyable, embrace of his two cabin-mates. However, the warnings of his bladder told him that wasn't a good idea, unless he wanted to risk upsetting his friends and ruining his blankets. So he pushed Reese off, the raccoon opened his eyes and mumbled something before rolling off and the closing his eyes again. After relieving himself the rabbit jumped straight into the shower.

The hot water felt wonderful, he hadn't realised how grimy he had gotten, then again it had been a long day and he'd had far more sex in that day than he ever thought he would be able to manage. He was surprised at how his lapine body didn't seem to feel it, he was sure if he'd done everything he did the day before as a human then his cock would be raw to the touch. Instead it was actually getting aroused at the thoughts of what he did, and who he did; Qerry, Qeith, Kaz, Shep, Kelo, Reese and Reggie. His whole human existence his sexual partners numbered two, as a lapine he'd done more than three times that in one long day.

A damp and slightly erect bunny finished the shower and after a few minutes with the hot air blaster wandered back into the cabin. He found Kel and Reese, both awake. Reese had the device the rabbit had looted in front of him as he sat cross legged on the floor. They looked up at the rabbit and Kelo asked the question on both their minds, "what's this?"

Blushing a little at the lack of reason behind his actions,Zack shrugged, "I don't know, I found it on that ship we raided. I know what it is... I mean I feel like I know but I don't know, you know?"

"Rainwater shining on the fire," Reese muttered more to himself as his fingers stroked over every inch over the device careful not to press any buttons. The rabbit knew the raccoon was a capable engineer and he had no worries that the raccoon would damage it, hell Zack was just as likely to cause damage as either of the other two.

"I think we both know what you mean, I've seen this somewhere before... I just can't remember where, it's familiar and yet not so." Kelo replied and she squatted down next to the device. "Well we got nothing on today, ships running cold just hanging in space to avoid any pursuit from the raid. We could get it down to the engine room and have a bit of a poke around see what we can find out about it."

As Zack began to agree Reese stuck his head up and muttered, "clean the dark bright knight."

The pony and the rabbit looked at each other in shared bafflement. Eventually Kelo said, "sorry, my love, I think you need to give us more."

Rolling his eyes the raccoon pointed at the ships intercom and Kelo gasped, "Oh yeah, Qerry tried to call you while you were in the shower Zack. He's had a really late night and he said you could join him; his brother and let's face it the pack, for breakfast."

OK short one but I'll try and make it up next time with something more substantial, vote as ever with thumbs up on the corresponding comment.

A) Go with Kelo and Reese to try and try to figure out what the device is,

B) Go have breakfast with Qerry and the pack,

C) Call Qerry on the Com and invite him to breakfast in the engine room while the three engineers try to figure out the device together.

_Oh and if you'd care to tip this hard working bear then you may do so at my tip jar below. _
