The Wayward Fang

Story by Forgotten Omen on SoFurry

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#2 of Alone, Together

Maciah and Lyuan enter the Urrwood in search of a fugitive dragon, but don't quite find what they were seeking.

Maciah crouched in the underbrush and examined the signs of passage. A bent twig, a depressed bit of ground devoid of leaves, the unfelt marks left by scales. Easy to see now that she knew the dragon had gone through here, but that was not to say that dragoness was a fool. She had hidden her trail well and was probably only becoming careless now due to a combination of fatigue and a certainty that she had lost her pursuers.

That Serrobos had done, more or less. If not for Lyuan's genius they might not have had a trail to follow at all.

"She's starting to get tired," Maciah murmured.

Lyuan growled and snapped his tail. "Well, so am I."

Maciah stood up and glanced threw the dense woods. The light of dawn was filtering down through the aspen trees and birds filled the silence with their endless chirping. The land was awakening, insects buzzing in the air and the hunters of the day flitting about in search of elusive, cautious prey.

She sighed. "This is ridiculous."

Lyuan stepped beside her and mimicked her glance across the woods. "It'll be our last Hunt if we succeed, you know. Freedom."

"Lyuan," she replied, looking over at him. "It's Serrobos, and we don't know why a Hunt was placed on her in the first place."

"She agreed to the damn duel knowing full well what it would mean if she won and then went into it expecting to win. Karma's one of your gods, right? Well, I might start worshiping him since he apparently has our backs."

"Not a him, idiot," Maciah said with a laugh.

"Her, then."

"Not a god or goddess at all," she said, rolling her eyes. "Just a saying, but either way you're being an arse."

Lyuan oriented his head on her, eyes obscured by thick black cloth. "One of us has to be."

"We can argue about this later, all right? Let's just find her and make sure we're the first to do it."

Lyuan watched her for a moment longer, tail tip twirling low to the ground. She had put on his eyeguard as the sun begun to rise, so that sightless gaze of his was a bit on the side of eerie, but she was used to it. Maciah teased him about it often, saying that the eyeguard made him seem fearsome and mysterious, but the truth was that she had come to see it as a piece of his image, like someone who always wore a particular hat or other beloved article. He really didn't need it since midnight dragons had a scale-covered membrane much like a thicker, singular eyelid that they could pull over their eyes, but he found the reduced intensity of light more preferable than absolute darkness. That, and I think he's begun to grow a bit of a fashion sensitivity. Maybe I could trick him into some bows on his tail--

Lyuan snorted and shook his head with a sigh.

"It was just a thought," she said, grinning. "We're getting off track, anyways. Both literally and figuratively."

"Well," Lyuan said turning his gaze back toward the woods. "I've done what I could."

"Oh, that was more than enough, Lyuan. In fact, it was brilliant."

He perked up at that and she felt his pride swelling through their Bond, but allowed him it because it was the truth. They had awoken to the alarm bells and had been greeted by a red-faced high warden who was marshaling whatever twinfangs he could find. The high warden had then announced a Hunt on Serrobos, offering an extensive increase in Rank.

Extensive enough to push them over the edge and save them months of work.

It had probably been a rage-fueled mistake that they had been included, but she had a signed and stamped copy of the writ now. Having seen an opportunity they had been quick to take to the Hunt and Lyuan had been quick to provide a clever response to their prey. Serrobos had, for whatever reason, fled into a portion of the Urrwood that both she and Lyuan were well familiar with. Thus, Lyuan had cast a widespread illusion to subtly alter the Urrwood so that Serrobos' attempts to hide her trail would become misaligned with reality. Even though there still hadn't been much to follow it had also simultaneously thrown off the other twinfangs, so overall it had a been a solid push in their favor.

Now we just have to find out what all this mess is about. She sighed again. Never mind what I said to Lyuan, you better have a good reason, Serrobos.

"Found something," Lyuan announced.

She cocked her head and glanced at him. He was licking at the air with his muscular tongue, then sniffing. I've always wondered, hmm. Somewhere between a snake and a dog, or...?

"I smell a dragon," he added. "Just caught it on the breeze."

She walked up and scratched him at an earhole. "Is it Serrobos?"

"What is it with you and wanting to put things on me? That's a resounding 'no' to collars."

"Listen, you, stop poking around in my thoughts and focus. We can talk about the collar later."

"There's nothing to talk about..." he muttered, then turned and pointed in a direction with his muzzle. "That way."

They moved forward side by side, Lyuan panning his head. She knew he was applying his senses fully and was likely shrouding them in illusion for good measure, but Maciah still kept a hand on her sword hilt. Though they weren't expecting any trouble from Serrobos the Urrwood had its own host of threats.

Unfortunately it wasn't easy going. The dense brush pulled at them as they strode through, high bushes and grass obscuring the boulders and gnarled roots that littered the region. Maciah grew annoyed as they traveled deeper into the more remote parts of the wood, especially as her original confidence began to wane and her conscience provided an easy excuse to abandon the search. A dip in the steam springs and a full day of sleeping was sounding awfully tempting at the moment...

She paused, realizing that Lyuan was staring at knoll. Not many of them in the Urrwood, true, but nothing out of the ordinary. It was rather big and steep, with a copse of absolutely ancient trees twisting and bending and entwining. Vines and moss were strewn between them and a mixture of gold and white flowers covered the hill like a carpet.

"Well, at least this wasn't all a waste. What a pretty place. How come we don't come here more often, Lyuan?"

"It's far, is why," he said strangely, tail waving side to side as he continued to stare. "And... maybe I'm more tired than I thought but I don't remember this being here."

"Huh?" She cocked her head and squinted, her mind racing through a mental map of the Urrwood. "Hm, me either, though we don't come out this far often. Usually we stay closer to Daest."

"Maybe she's hiding in there?"

Maciah snorted. "Because there's absolutely no way it would stand out."

"Fine, so we won't--"

"Oh no, we're still climbing it. I'm starting to give up on finding that damn dragon and maybe that's for the best, all things considered, but I am not going back empty handed."

Lyuan curved so he could face her and gave a draconic grin. "Race you to the top?"

"Fine, but loser owes the winner."

"Hah, you might want to reel that confidence back a bit and get those lips ready then."

Maciah raised an eyebrow, then glanced back at the knoll. "I've seen you struggling with the underbrush so far, so good luck getting through that."

"Masculine bravado and arousal are a potent alliance."

Maciah just barely held back a laugh, crouching down into a sprinting position. "On the count of three, all right?"

"All right."

Maciah licked her lips and eyed the slope, picking her path. "One... two..."

"Would it be rude to ask if I have a say in this?"

Maciah and Lyuan both jumped, her heart immediately pounding. She drew her sword while Lyuan bundled up, muscles taut, so that he could spring at whatever presented itself. Maciah doubted that he had been careless enough to avoid shrouding them in illusion so the raw surprise and panic storming through their Bond told her much and she didn't like thinking about its meaning.

"Oh, dear. It seems I have gone and startled you. Relevant? Certainly. Rest assured that at the moment I mean you no harm."

_At the moment?_Maciah turned to glance at Lyuan who bobbed a draconic shrug. "Fine, but show yourself!"

A chuckle that sounded like wind sweeping against branches. "Show myself? An amusing request seeing as I am quite visible. Relevant? Not at all. Rather, you should endeavor to see, but ah, such is ever the case for mortals." The comment was punctuated by a surge of motion as the trees and shrubbery upon the knoll began to move, crawling downward and off as if they had legs. Even though she was watching it all with her own Maciah would have found it difficult to describe. The trees simply flowed off to the sides. Something large rose from the earth, or rather more correctly simply stood up. The very woods seemed to be politely shifting to give it passage, the trees around it shrinking back and drawing inward their branches, the foliage and underbrush residing, the earth opening and closing not a moment after the figure rose from its depths.

Then, with a powerful wave of presence, everything stopped. The dire dragon towered over them both, its emerald scales the texture of leaves and littered with flowering protrusions and root or vine-like bits. Though it seemed random at first, Maciah saw that it all made an ornate pattern. Wide wings parted for but just a moment, shifting soil and debris down in a swirling cloud around it, then the dragon resettled into the ground with a heavy plomp. It oriented one half-closed eye on them, the slitted pupil a stark black that was bold against the gold of its eye.

"So troublesome," it breathed half-heartedly. "Relevant? No, I do not think so."

Maciah blinked. "A verdant dragon..."

The creature chuckled again, its deep voice rumbling enough to sway leaves. "Relevant? Indeed, for I am a true verdant dragon, yes. Your people's tendency to bestow such descriptions on our little cousins is quite amusing, but not seen as an offense." The dragon tilted its head ever slightly. "Speaking of which, you two must be a twinfang. Relevant? Yes, yes indeed! Mm. Your kind tends to flock together and Hunt and all of that silliness, if I recall."

"Not us..." Lyuan said, trying his hardest to sound confident and calm though his mind was a whirlwind of fear. "We were, uh, just heading on home to forget just about everything that happened today. Our favorite pastime, you see, forgetting..."

"Lyuan, you're starting to sound the other half-way to stupid." she whispered fiercely.

"He can still hear us, you know."

"Then why are you whispering too?"

"Because_you_ were. Listen, Maciah. What if he thinks we're going to tell the wardens about him?"

"Wardens?" the large dragon rumbled. "So they still guide the Order of Fangs, then."

"Unfortunately," Maciah muttered and Lyuan grunted an agreement.

The dragon chuckled. "Relevant? Ah, yes. The wardens are not pleased with the little one's existence nor with your protection of him."

"My protection?" Maciah gave a dry laugh. "No, I think it's Master Warden Ridill that's doing all the protecting."

The dragon's eye narrowed. "A master warden?"

Lyuan flicked his tongue and let out a sigh. "Yes, and Maciah's more or less right."

A long silence from the dragon, then, "Wardens, yes, but wardens of what? Have you ever wondered?"

Maciah and Lyuan exchanged glances, then Maciah shrugged and said, "Of the regions they protect and the twinfangs assigned to them, I'd assume."

The giant dragon made a grunting sound, seeming unsatisfied with her answer.

Maciah frowned. "Are you suggesting something?"

"Am I? Relevant? No, not now," the dragon rumbled.

She rolled her eyes then regarded the dragon again and sheathed her sword. "I don't think he's going to harm us."

"Oh?" the dragon said.

"You sound awfully sure," Lyuan said, sounding frustrated. "I hope you're right because I already tried draping an illusion over his mind. It was like throwing leaves at a mountain."

Deep, honest laughter from the dragon, then he oriented his eye on Maciah who stood defiant in that gaze. "Interesting. You are not afraid of me. Relevant? It will be."

"Nothing about your body language is screaming a threat to me," she said with a shrug. "I'm more curious than afraid. Besides, if you did wish us harm I doubt there's little we could do."

"Luckily for you I share that curiosity. That, and it would take far too much effort to chase after you two, I think. Relevant? Yes, for I grow too old, mm. My bones creak and crack."

"Curiosity? About us?"

The dragon chuckled. "Yes, about the 'us'. A midnight twinfang is rare indeed, and in particular you two are quite... close. Relevant? I do not know."

Lyuan snorted. "What makes you think we're anything but partners?"

"Many clues, yes. For one, the way you treat each other. Friendship there, yes. Differs from camaraderie, indeed. Relevant? Of course. When I rose you stood before her protectively, yet she seems quite capable of defending herself."

"So?" Lyuan said, sounding defensive.

"It was instinctive. Just as it was when you attempted to reshape my perception by casting an illusion. You began with the human instead of yourself without hesitation or thought." The dragon rumbled thoughtfully, the deep noise emanating from its throat. "Relevant? Certainly. The mind is a cage capable of filtering truth and lie. Important what escapes unwanted, secrets most do not even notice missing."

Maciah grinned and cocked her head. "Maybe you're just reading too much into it"

"Perhaps, but you do not live through several rebirths of the world without a dabble of wisdom."

Maciah and Lyuan blinked, then glanced at each other wide-eyed.

"What did you just say?" Maciah asked.

"The cycle is locked into a loop. Time is old yet the world is young and it ever shall be. Relevant? No, not for you." The dragon rumbled again, deep from its throat. "Then again, I suppose, none of this is relevant to the moment. Tell me, what brings you so deep into the Urrwood?"

"We're looking for someone," Lyuan said. "A solar dragon named Serrobos."

"Why do you seek her?"

Lyuan cocked his head and snapped his tail. "I thought you knew of twinfangs? It's a Hunt, so we hunt. We don't know what she did to get a Hunt placed on her, but I doubt it was anything good."

"An answer. Relevant? Of course not. I did not ask why you were told to her seek her."

Maciah and Lyuan exchanged glances before regarding the dragon again.

Lyuan hesitated, then said, "For... personal reasons."

The dragon snorted. "I see. Though much is left unsaid it is a far more honest answer. Relevant? Soon, perhaps. Soon." Maciah got the impression that he knew more about them than he let on. "You will not find her here. I would suggest beginning your long trek home."

Maciah sighed. "Fine. Thanks for not eating us, I suppose."

The dragon chuckled. "Yes, you are most welcome." He hesitated, then closed his eyes fully. "I admit that I may have had some part in our meeting, but know that it will not be the last. Relevant? Assuredly so."

Maciah frowned, but nodded. "Why did you want to meet us?"

"Just as you have come to known the Urrwood during your childhood the Urrwood has come to know you in return."

Not an answer as far as she was concerned, but she could tell that the dragon would only say what it wanted. For whatever reason they tended to be a damn stubborn species. She sighed. "I'm Maciah, by the way, and my partner is Lyuan. I don't believe we ever caught your name."

"I know who you are," the dragon rumbled, rising once more. The wood began to gather close and again the soil gaped open. Maciah got the impression of a blanket being drawn tight, though here the blanket was the Urrwood. The dragon chuckled as it snuggled back and the land once again began to make himself appear like a knoll. "And my name you should well know. Relevant? Yes, for it is Urr."

Maciah and Lyuan made their way through the Urrwood, their minds reeling from their meeting with the gigantic verdant dragon. The sun rose high overhead, but was filtered by the swaying branches. The smell of spring flowers drifted on the breeze and the buzzing of insects filled the silence between her and Lyuan, though through their Bond she could tell that he was mulling over their recent encounter. The remainder of the morning had passed uneventfully and though they were eager to return to Kein Bharr they had decided to make the best of the day and enjoy a stroll through the woods.

She smiled to herself. After all, the only thing waiting for us back home is a long chewing for not finding Serrobos if no one else has found her.

As for Urr, well. She didn't know what to think of him. She and Lyuan had spent long days playing out in the woods that nestled alongside the fortress Kein Bharr, never knowing that an ancient dire dragon resided within. Urr had more or less admitted that he had been watching them since they were but children, but why? Even more mysteriously, he had questioned the wardens of the Order. Maciah was no fool. A dire dragon's intelligence was said to be vast--she doubted a single word of his had been wasted. So then, what?

Maciah frowned, running through the Order's structure in her mind. Orphans and volunteered children were given to the Order and trained as cadets. She had been volunteered herself, following a long line of tradition. Those cadets that formed a Bond and completed training become a twinfang. Wardens and high wardens however were the administrative leaders of the Order, often handpicked yet mundane military commanders that bridged the Order with the remainder of the realm's military forces. These then met with the civilian leaders of the region they protected and then assigned Hunts to twinfangs. It was a system that worked, a system that kept the greater horrors of the world--beasts, aberrations, and priority criminals--controlled by the deadly force represented by twinfangs and the Order of Fangs.

Why did Urr specifically focus on the wardens, then? She had dealt with several before and while none of them had felt comfortable around her, or more specifically, around Lyuan, none had directly wished her harm either. No, they were just stubborn and believed they were doing the right thing. Most wardens focused on ways to remove Lyuan himself from service while a few others felt that if they pressured her enough through disciplining she would get fed up with their partnership. Like Warden Ourn.

Still, they were ultimately as their title suggested: wardens of the region their fortress protected. Hm, maybe it was what I said about Ridill. Master wardens were a little different, being only selected from the highest Rank twinfangs, often after they retired. The human component would become a master warden, overall generals of the Order's forces and trainers for the twinfangs that followed. Dragons retired to each fortress' Grand Aery to live the comfortable lives they had earned through service, provide eggs, and aid master wardens in training the dragon components of a twinfang.

She cocked her head. So maybe that's it. Ridill had definitely argued that the supposed threat poised by midnight dragons was more superstition and less fact... and he allowed me to Bond with Lyuan when everyone else had been too afraid._Maciah sighed. In fact, if not for his constant protection the other wardens might have already gone to less than legal or honorable methods of ridding their partnership. After all, fear was a powerful thing. _Hm, I had always wondered why Master Ridill let me have Lyuan. The bastard had always jokingly said it had been because of my puppy eyes, but now I wonder at the real reason...

"Argh," she said scratching her head. "I don't want to think about it any more."

Beside her, Lyuan snorted. "I saw you going at it and gave up."

She frowned. "What?"

"No need for both of us to fry our brains. If you can't figure it out then I think we should just stop trying."

"We met a damn dire dragon, Lyuan," she said with a sigh. "Most people don't even believe they exist, and we met one!"

"I think you mean he met with us," Lyuan muttered, sighing. "And it's going to haunt us, I promise. I didn't like the way he looked at me. But pondering over it ain't going to get us any Rank."

She shrugged. "You're right, I guess."

"I know what would make you feel better though..."

Maciah groaned. "Lyuan."

He gave her a draconic grin and swerved out in front of her.

"I'm too tired," she said, crossing her arms.

"That's fine with me. You won't have to do a single thing other than lay back and relax, I promise." At the glance she gave him, his grin widened. "We're all alone in the woods and let's be honest; I'd much rather spend the morning giving you my love than receiving Warden Ourn's when he finds out we slipped into the Hunt."

She sighed. "Yes, he isn't going to let that go at all, is he? No, he has to stretch out every damn marr on our records in the hopes the weight will crush us someday." She shrugged, deciding it was best not to think about it, and gave a Lyuan a look. "Calling a rut in the woods loving doesn't make it romantic, by the way."

"I wasn't trying to be romantic," he replied with amusement. "Besides, have you've looked at yourself recently?"

Frowning, she glanced at herself and self-consciously began to smooth her hair. "Yes, I know I stink, I'm all sweaty, and my hair's a mess. But we've been hiking all through the damn woods since--"

"Exactly, love, and you're still so beautiful that I find my imagination entrapped," Lyuan said, head cocking as he settled his sightless gaze on her. "Everyone wonders if I'm using my sorcery to enthrall you, but I definitely think I'm the victim here. You should feel terrible."

Maciah giggled, her face flushing despite herself. "Terrible enough to take responsibility, mm?"

"Of course."

She sighed and shook her head, then ran her fingers along the ridge of his muzzle while she kissed his nose. "Your complimenting needs work, but I love you all the same."

Lyuan snorted and flicked his tail, smugness radiating from their Bond. "Your face was as red as a solar dragon's arse."

She raised an eyebrow, but began tugging off her leather jerkin. "Just remember that you promised I wouldn't have to do anything."

"I know, I know. Just take off your clothing and lie down."

She did as he asked, piling her armor, clothing, and underthings neatly to the side, her sword and dagger across but still within arm's reach. When she was completely naked, the forest's light scattering on her tanned skin, she brushed back her hair and ensured It was still bound together before lying down. The forest leaves crackled as she lay on them, the coolness wonderful against her skin. She stretched for a moment, then blushed as she caught Lyuan's head watching her and felt his appreciative gaze through his mind.

He came over and placed his muzzle near her face, his warm breath brushing across her lips. He didn't touch her, but drew closer several times. She tensed, having long loved the intense warmth that dragons radiated and the smooth feeling of his scales, but he of course knew that and so teased her with the promise of his touch.

"Damn it Lyuan," she breathed, pouting.

"Hush," he replied, touching his nose against hers. "You're the one who didn't want to do anything, so now I get to do whatever I want."

"I don't know if it quite works that way."

He drew near her again, but backed away just before brushing her with his muzzle. He continued this along her neck, her cheeks, and along her collarbone, his head close enough that she could feel the warmth rolling off him, but the damn bastard continued to tease her. Just as her frustration was mounting--and just as he sensed through their Bond that she was about to snap his neck--Lyuan nuzzled her. She tensed at the sudden warmth, the smooth caress of his scales. A moment later his tongue lashed out, muscular and sinuous, brushing against the crease of her neck. He continued nuzzling her, flicking his tongue against her earlobes.

Lyuan paused his muzzle just over her lips, then slowly brushed his tongue against them. She opened her mouth in response, but he continued to tease her by playing with her lips, avoiding her own tongue as she brushed it along her own lips. Then, without warning, he pressed down and slid his tongue into her mouth, wetly binding it around hers like a snake and its pray. The warmth of his tongue inside her mouth as he kissed her--well, kissed her as much as someone without lips could do--sent little thrills rushing through her. The tip of his tongue rubbed along the surface of hers, brushing against the roof of her mouth, exploring as if it owned the territory it traveled. Her escaping breaths were quick and warm, his hot and steamy, brushing over her like the sun's own warmth.

After a few moments of this intense attention, Lyuan parted their kiss wetly, allowing glistening strands to connect them. He grinned as she panted, then craned his neck down and wrapped his tongue around a nipple. He pulled at it, eliciting a squeak from her, but he ruthlessly continued tugging before taking her breast in his mouth. A claw reached down to clutch at her other breast, a hard claw rubbing against her painfully hardening nipples. She moaned, raising a hand to stroke at his head, urge him to be rougher, but Lyuan growled a warning.

"What?" she asked innocently.

He let go of her nipple and instead rested his head on her breast, letting his scales and warmth tease that stinging nipple. "You get to do nothing but sit there and relax, remember?"

"Oh, come on--"

"No, my little morsel," he said amusedly. "I'm a dragon who keeps his promises."

Maciah rolled her eyes, but set her arms back at her sides.

He returned to his careful attention of her breasts and nipples, sucking at one while his tongue tugged and flicked at her nipple. His claw kneaded the other, claws drawing circles around her nipple.

Despite her earlier complaints Maciah's heart began to quicken at his careful touch and she felt her mound becoming sticky and wet. She knew the point Lyuan was trying to prove. You don't have to remind me that you know how to push my buttons so well, you smug lizard. Mmm, and I do mean that both physically and literally. At that thought she heard him chuckle, which caused her to flush.


"You thought it out loud, love," he insisted. "Maybe something is distracting you?"

Face reddening, she refused to respond, but cried out when something thick and warm slapped against her pussy. She glared up at Lyuan, but he only gave her a draconic grin before slapping whatever it was against her pussy once more. She tensed each time, a mixture of slight pain and jolting pleasure. He patted it against her slit a few times, then whatever it was began rubbing up and down across her slit slowly. His tail, she realized.

"I thought of this just now because of how much you love my scales, but I got the idea from last time," he whispered while watching her reaction.

She closed her eyes and gasped as he quickened his rubbing. Definitely going to become a favorite of mine. "Well, you better not put it in my butt again."

"We can skip that... this time."

She grinned, but didn't reply and instead enjoyed the rough rubbing of his tail. The mixture of the warmth and the texture of the scales was paradise and it wasn't long before Lyuan's tail was slick and sticky with her own generous flow of arousal. He began to increase the pace of his tail while hungrily suckling on one breast, the other captive beneath the careful grip of his hard claws. She felt a flash of heat rushing through her, then shivered and gasped as she came hard.

While she was cuming Lyuan slapped his tail against her gushing pussy one more, then wrapped it around her waist and tilted her upward. Without warning he plunged his own rigid arousal straight into her, sticky wet and naughty sounds both gushing from between her thighs as she took him inside her. Caught by surprise, she grunted then yelped before cuming again. Powerful waves of pleasure crashed through her body, the erotic sensations overwhelming her mind and muddling any coherent thoughts.

"I don't think I'll ever get over how wonderfully tight you are," Lyuan breathed as he shivered in delight.

Her pussy clenched as as he worked on taking care of himself, his hind quarters thrusting into her with unbound eagerness. He pressed close, using his tail to hold their warm, wet crotches together. Maciah wrapped her arms his neck, relishing the heat and the soft, supple smoothness of his scales. After a moment she felt him grower warmer, his thrusts more desperate, his breathing ragged. His mind filled with need and a climbing peak of pleasure. Maciah squeezed her thighs around him as he thrust her into the ground, letting out a hot breath of pleasure as he came.

Painfully hot, powerful spurts of thick cum shot into her. The sensations sent her over the edge yet again, her tongue licking over dry lips as a shiver thundered through her, followed closely by her own orgasm. She cried out as Lyuan began to roar.

"Oh, Lyuan!" she cried, her fingernails digging into the grooves between his scales.

Lyuan gave a low growl as his climax leveled out, his twitching cock and spurting seed both deep inside, then he tensed all of a sudden. "Serrobos!"

Frowning, Maciah glanced up at him. "Did you just call me--"

"No, idiot. Look!"

Maciah twisted as much as she was able and looked. A red-hued dragon stood in the shade of the swaying leaves, eyes wide as she stared at them, her every muscle frozen. Maciah recognized the solar dragon as Serrobos, the dragoness they had been looking for all morning.

"Er, we were looking for you, Serrobos," Lyuan said. "Good to see you're, uh, well."

Serrobos' eyes narrowed as Lyuan spoke and she snapped out of her reverie. "I knew there was something off about you two!"

"What?" Maciah frowned, then her face began reddening as she suddenly understood. "Lyuan!"

"I_thought_ I had an illusion up," he growled, sounding frustrated.

Serrobos' voice was full of smugness. "Urr, of course. He sent me here to learn the truth about you two!"

"Stop being melodramatic," Maciah said, sighing. Well, this just what we need.

Lyuan snorted in agreement. "Aye, we haven't done anything wrong."

"Are you serious? Lyuan, you're _currently_scales deep inside your partner."

"Er," Lyuan glanced down at Maciah, whose face only reddened. He pulled out as he lowered her back to the ground, then backed up, his massive cock dangling between his legs and dripping a mixture of their fluids.

Maciah crawled to her hands and knees, then stood with as much calm as she could muster. Serrobos' eyes had widened a little again as she glanced between them. Lyuan's tapered cock was slow to soften and though he was curled up around it almost like a snake it only emphasized the fact that he had an erection. Maciah, on the other hand, was stark naked and covered in strands of Lyuan's precum. Her hair was all tussled up and had twigs and leaves in it. She didn't even want to think about the mess between her legs or the warm wetness running down her thighs, but decided it'd be impossible to hide all of it so decided to not bother with any of it.

Scratching her head, Maciah regarded Serrobos. "So Urr was hiding you."

Serrobos blinked, looking back between the both of them. "We're not just going to step on by the fact that you two were rutting like--"

"Fine, you caught us," Maciah said. "Now what?"

Lyuan growled and nodded at Serrobos. "You have a Hunt on you. Who are you going to tell?"

Serrobos snorted. "That was all just a... misunderstanding." She hesitated a moment, then glanced at Maciah. "Did he force you into it? Is that it?"

"Huh?" Maciah replied, exchanging a glance with Lyuan. After a moment she shrugged and looked at the dragoness. "Of course not."

"Maybe it's him who I should be asking..." Serrobos' muttered.

"I didn't do anything to her," Lyuan snapped, his sightless gaze on her. "Unless you want to count the mind shattering orgasms."

"Lyuan!" Maciah exclaimed, face reddening.

He gave a draconic shrug which was more or less bobbing. "I'm sure she heard your cries a league away."

It helped that Serrobos seemed equally embarrassed at that remark, but only a little. The female dragon looked away, tucking her head. "That's disgusting."

"Is it?" Lyuan insisted. "You're telling me you never thought about doing it with Federik?"

At that Serrobos blinked, then appeared upset. "No, of course not. We were close, but we were friends. Not... whatever you two are. I mean, look at the both of you!"

"To be fair," Maciah said. "You were the one peeping on us..."

"Peeping! I was just stunned by what I was seeing, is all!"

"Why did Urr send you back to us?" Maciah demanded.

At this Serrobos hesitated, her tail curling. The waving branches above scattered shadows over her muzzle as she seemed to debate over what to say. Finally, she gave a draconic shrug and said, "I don't know. The stupid fool said he'd watch over me for the meanwhile, but after you two showed up he told me to follow you back home... he said I would see something I needed to see."

"Then messed with my illusions to make sure you saw it," Lyuan muttered. "Maybe he's just a dirty old dragon."

"Hm," Serrobos said thoughtfully. Her gaze seemed distant, then after a moment she straighted out and delicately sat back on her hunches. "Well, you'll both be glad to know that I have indeed decided to go back."

"What?" she and Lyuan said together. Maciah shook her head, then said, "You have a Hunt on you!"

"Yes," she said quietly. "A misunderstanding, like I said. If I explain everything... well, I think it'll be fine."

Maciah frowned. "But--"

"Hush, you." Serrobos said sternly. "I had a... disagreement with Federik and instead of getting him in trouble I decided to take my tail elsewhere, but I'm sure he's suitably apologetic by now."

Lyuan growled. "But the Hunt--"

"Will probably be called off. Now, then." She glared at Lyuan. "You walk over there into those bushes and think about something horrible until you calm down."

"Are you still hard?" Maciah asked Lyuan, wide-eyed.

"Uh, apparently..."

The solar dragon veered to face Maciah. "And you need to clean yourself up as best you can and get back into your damn clothes."

Maciah hesitated, then sighed and nodded. She gave Lyuan a sidelong glance and said, "Yes ma'am."

Nearly three hours later they found themselves at Kein Bharr. The sun was beginning its descent over the high walls, the distant tiled spires of Daest poking above. The clamor and smell of the city still reached them, but it was a faint thing. Kein Bharr still had its own sensual experiences however, the pungent sent of dragons and the muskiness unique to libraries and places of study alongside with the distant sound of training twinfang.

Maciah and Lyuan stood in an empty training courtyard at the position of attention, the sun beating down on them. It had been over an hour and a half since the wardens had spotted them with unhidden horror and had ushered Serrobos into the council chamber. Though they had technically completed the rather unique Hunt the wardens had placed on Serrobos she doubted they'd receive any Rank. No doubt they'll point out that Serrobos willingly returned with smug smiles.

That, of course, wouldn't spare them from a chewing. Though they'd been entitled to pick up the hunt as much as anyone else--and they had been specifically corralled up with the others--the wardens would twist it before long.

"You two still out here?"

The two of them turned to see Serrobos approaching them. Maciah frowned, but before she could say anything the solar dragon spoke up.

"You're free to go home," Serrobos said. She hesitated a moment, then said, "I spoke with the wardens and told them without your help I never would have decided to come back. That should keep them off your backs about this whole mess."

Maciah frowned and shrugged. "Thanks, I guess. Uh, about--"

"What you and Lyuan did stays between us," Serrobos said, sighing. "I debated telling them but... I am having my own issues with my partner. I suppose that I am in no position to make a judgment just yet. But--" She glared at Lyuan. "--if I find out you've forced her in any way..."

Lyuan shook his head and snapped his tail, but said nothing.

"And either way," Serrobos said, looking back toward Maciah. "It's wholly inappropriate. Rest assured that I will keep an eye on you two."

"Go for it. Everyone else already does," Maciah said, scoffing.

"Yes, but let me tell you," Serrobos said with a smug look. "Even here Urr extends his influence so Lyuan's sorcery will not work on me."

With that she turned and trotted off, tail waving. Maciah and Lyuan watched her go, but Maciah didn't know what to make the of the solar dragon. Or, for that matter, what to make of Urr's interference in their lives.

"She's going to be a huge headache," Maciah said with a sigh. "I can already feel it coming on."

"Not as much as Urr," Lyuan muttered. "He's the one meddling... Serrobos is just the tool."

"Well," Maciah said with another sigh. "I'm ready to go home."

Lyuan grunted in agreement, then began to lead the way. Maciah started to follow, but paused as movement caught her eye. She frowned, glancing over to the council chambers and saw a figure move to watch them from the third story window. She could recognize the broad outline of Master Warden Ridill from a league away, so she waved at him. He gave a wry smile and nodded, his eyes sweeping towards Lyuan and looking thoughtful. At that moment Urr's words rushed to her. "_Wardens, yes, but wardens of what?"_Frowning, Maciah pondered those words.

"Maciah?" Lyuan called, curiosity flavoring his mind in their Bond.

Putting aside her worries, she smiled and followed after him.