Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year: Starting Anew

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#11 of Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year

Chris hummed idly as he got ready for Mitch's party. Brutus watched him out of the corner of his eye and sighed. Brutus had been distant from Chris all week, something had changed and the Dalmatian knew it. Chris looked back at Brutus and frowned.

"Are you ok?" Chris asked.

Brutus paused and nodded.

"Yeah," Brutus replied.

Chris waited for a few moments for the Dalmatian to say something else. The human moved to his bed and sat down, crossing his legs. Brutus turned from his desk and rested his chin on the back of his chair.

"If you're going to fuck him spend the night there," Brutus shook his head, "I don't want to smell that on you."

Chris bit his lip and turned away.

"It's not like that," Chris replied, "I'm not going to do anything like that Brutus. I promise."

Brutus scoffed.

"I know you've been texting him all week Chris," Brutus began, "I know for a fact something happened. You've been smelling different since you went out to his place last Sunday."

Chris sighed.

"I'm not mad Chris," Brutus continued, "I should have known you would have found someone else. I just didn't expect it to be so soon. God, I really hoped it wasn't going to be him."

Chris looked away.

"I think he really cares about me," Chris sighed, "I feel terrible Brutus."

"The part of me that wants to act my age says that you should," Brutus whined, "But I don't get to act like that Chris, not anymore. So, I'm just going to let you go, and hope that he makes you happy."

"What?" Chris asked, "What do you mean?"

Brutus chuckled and got up from his chair.

"Did you really think this was going to last?" Brutus asked, "I knew you weren't going to stay with me. You're young. You don't want to spend the rest of my life with me."

Chris looked down at the floor as the Dalmatian started to pace back and forth. Brutus smirked and looked over at the human.

"It was nice to have a relationship with someone," Brutus began, "At least I'll have one before I die."

Chris stood up from his bed and shook his head.

"Stop talking like that," Chris walked over to the Dalmatian and hugged him, "If I was going to go screw Mitch why would I invite you to the party with me?"

Brutus hugged the human back and took a deep breath.

"I wish I could believe you," Brutus broke away, "You've been distant since you came back. It's easy to see that you want nothing to do with this relationship."

"Me being distant doesn't mean anything," Chris sighed, "Do you want to be done with this? That's the only reason I can think of for you bringing it up."

Brutus sighed and nodded.

"I want to let you go," Brutus began, "You shouldn't have to worry about getting sick every time we try to be intimate. It's far too stressful, and it's not fair to you. You would have been perfect for me 20 years from now. You'd have had somewhat of a life before you threw it away to be with me."

"That shouldn't matter," Chris replied, "Who cares if we need to be a little bit more careful? I care about you a lot Brutus, and you really make me happy. "

Brutus growled.

"So what?" Brutus bristled, the fur on his neck standing up, "If I ruined your life the way I ruined mine..."

Chris backed away.

"It wasn't your fault Brutus," Chris shrank up against the wall as the Dalmatian advanced on him, "Please, it's not what you think."

Brutus chuckled.

"It's exactly what I think," Brutus shook his head, "You are a terrible liar Chris. Even if your words did convince me, your scent doesn't lie."

"Can you give me some space?" Chris shuddered. "You're really freaking me out here."

Brutus whined and backed away. Chris took a deep breath and looked over the Dalmatian.

"If we break up, we can still be friends right?" Chris asked, "You are an awesome guy and I do want you in my life."

Brutus nodded.

"I was hoping you'd say that," The Dalmatian looked away from the human, "You should go, I don't want you to miss your party."

"You should come with me," Chris put a hand on the Dog's shoulder, "It'll be fun."

Brutus chuckled and shook his head.

"I just need to be alone right now," Brutus began, "I might show up a little later."

Chris nodded and kissed Brutus's cheek. The Dog's paw went to Chris's waist and lingered there. Chris pulled away and sighed.

"Have a good night," Chris began, "I'll see you later."

The Dalmatian sighed.

"Yeah," Brutus managed to crack a smile for the human, "Have fun."

Chris put on a jacket and walked out of the dorm. His phone buzzed as the door close and a smile crept onto his face. He pulled out the phone.

Hey cutie, you still coming out tonight?

Chris responded and started walking.

Yeah, I'm just leaving my room now

Chris's phone buzzed again as he got on the stairs.

I'm out front, want a ride?

Chris walked outside and opened the passenger side door of Mitch's Jeep. The Wolf beamed and moved the bags full of liquor and cases of beer to the back seat. Chris smiled and got into the front seat.

"It's way too cold to walk tonight," Mitch began, "I was in the neighborhood. I'm glad I caught you."

Chris chuckled and looked back at the liquor in the back seat.

"Did you get enough?" Chris asked, "We should go back just in case."

Mitch rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry about that," The Wolf chuckled, "You really haven't been to a party before have you?"

Chris raised a hand.

"I've been to parties," Chris began, "Just not hockey parties."

Mitch looked over at the human in the front seat and sighed wistfully. Chris looked over at the Wolf and chuckled.

"What's up Mitch?" Chris asked, "Everything ok?"

Mitch nodded and looked back at the road.

"I just wish that I wasn't having a party tonight," Mitch sighed again, "Oh well, when Lance wants something he gets it."

"Who's Lance?" Chris asked, "Friend of yours?"

Mitch scoffed and turned into his community.

"Yeah, I suppose," Mitch turned down the road his apartment was on, "He's the captain of the hockey team. He's ok I suppose, he's more or less accepted that I'm gay. He just expects us to do what he says."

Mitch pulled up to the curb behind a long line of parked cars. Chris's eyes went wide as he heard the music coming from inside Mitch's place. They were six car lengths away and every word and note was audible. Chris got out of the car and rubbed his arm.

"Isn't it a little loud?" Chris asked, "Aren't you worried about cops?"

Mitch chuckled and shook his head as he pulled the booze out of the back seat of his Jeep. The Wolf locked the doors behind him, and picked up the bags and cases, precariously balancing them on arms and chest.

"Practically the whole neighborhood is in the house," Mitch replied, "Why do you care? Are you worried about the cops?"

Chris paused for a moment and nodded.

"Why?" Mitch asked, "There's not going to be any problem. We've done way worse than this."

"Well," Chris began, "My lawyer said I should stay out of trouble until the trial."

Mitch whined and set the alcohol on the curb. The Wolf walked around the car to hug the human tightly. Chris hugged the Wolf back and nuzzled up against his chest.

"We don't have to go to the party if you don't want," Mitch began, "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

Chris smiled and looked up at the Wolf. This was a change, Mitch must have really been serious about this if he was willing to put him before the team. Chris looked down the road to Mitch's apartment.

"You aren't going to get in trouble right?" Chris asked, "I don't want Lance or anyone to give you any crap."

Mitch scoffed and shook his head.

"I'll just bring the booze," Mitch winked, "Might even tell him I'm trying to get laid tonight. He doesn't like to see that shit at his parties."

Chris sighed and looked away.

"As long as that doesn't actually happen," Chris rubbed the back of his neck, "I think Brutus and I might be through."

Mitch whined and hugged the human again.

"I was just about to ask about him," Mitch sighed and rubbed Chris's back, "Are you ok?"

Chris allowed himself to be lost in the feeling of the Wolf's embrace. He pulled away from the hug and nodded.

"I just didn't expect it to happen this way," Chris began, "I honestly thought I'd be the one to break up with him. It sounds terrible, but it's true."

Mitch nodded and sat on the hood of his car.

"What happened?" Mitch crossed his legs, "You guys didn't have a fight or anything right?"

Chris sighed and shook his head. The Wolf pat the car beside him and smiled as the human took a seat beside him. Mitch took the human's hand and rubbed it soothingly.

"He wanted to let me go," Chris replied, "He thought I'd be happier with you."

Mitch looked over at Chris.

"And what do you think?" Mitch asked, "Will you be?"

"I don't know," Chris replied after a long pause, "I really don't. I feel really shitty right now. The only reason I came out was to give Brutus space."

Mitch sighed and nodded.

"Guess that means your place is off the table then," The Wolf began, "We could probably hang out at Owen's if you wanted."

Chris smiled.

"I'm down for anything as long as it's with you," Chris replied.

Mitch smiled and his tail started wagging. The human chuckled and got off of the car.

"Let's get that booze in to Lance," Chris began, "We want to keep him happy."

Mitch beamed and jumped off of the hood. He picked up the alcohol and started walking towards his house. Chris walked close alongside him and looked over the Wolf's precarious situation. He reached out and grabbed the cases of beer. Mitch whined.

"You don't have to do that," Mitch began, "I don't want you to get in trouble."

Chris chuckled.

"I'm with you," Chris nudged the Wolf's side, "No one should bother me right?"

Mitch nodded and nudged the human back.

"You learn fast," Mitch said as he walked up the steps to his house, "I like that in a guy."

The Wolf opened the door and a very drunk Ferret fell out and landed in a heap at Mitch's feet. The Wolf shook his head and stepped over the mustelid's slowly stirring form. Chris stepped around the Ferret and followed Mitch through a large swath of people and Furs. The party must have been going for a long while, everyone that Chris saw was very intoxicated. Mitch walked to his dining room table and put the alcohol down amidst a pile of empty beer cans. Lance, a very tall and muscular Grizzly Bear, walked over to the Wolf and slapped a paw onto his shoulder.

"Mitch!" Lance shouted over the loud music, "I'm so glad you're here."

Mitch chuckled and clapped the Bear on the back.

"I'm sorry but I've got to take off," Mitch began, "I've got a hot man to smooze."

Lance looked like he wanted to protest, but blanched and nodded.

"Yeah yeah ok," Lance replied, "Thanks for not doing it here."

Mitch nodded and clapped the other male on the back before collecting Chris and walking out of his place. After the door closed behind them the Wolf chuckled and looked down at the human.

"Well that was easier than I thought it would be," Mitch chuckled, "Gotta love homophobia right?"

Chris chuckled awkwardly in response.

"Want to go to Owen's place?" Mitch asked, "Or I don't know, we could go for a movie or something."

"Can we get dinner?" Chris asked and rubbed his stomach, "I didn't eat that much today."

Mitch whined.

"Why not?" Mitch replied, "Don't you have a meal plan with the dorms?"

Chris nodded.

"Yeah," Chris began, "But I ran out, and I really don't want to cost my family any money. I don't know if Brutus is going to take that lawyer away. If he does, we'll need all the money we've got."

Mitch scoffed.

"That's not going to happen," Mitch hugged the human, "Don't worry about it. We'll go to Owen's and I'll make you dinner."

Chris smiled.

"Is he okay with that?" Chris asked, "I don't want to get you in trouble with your friends."

Mitch nodded and led Chris to the car.

"Of course he is," Mitch began, "He'll probably spend the night at my place anyways. He has a habit of getting too drunk to function."

Chris chuckled and got into the front of the car. Mitch smiled and watched him for a moment before walking around the front of the Jeep to get into his seat. The Wolf put on his seatbelt and started the car.

"What are you in the mood for?" Mitch asked, "We're going to the supermarket first. I'll cook you whatever you want."

Chris reached for the Wolf's paw and squeezed it. Mitch looked over and leaned in for a kiss. The human hesitated, but ultimately leaned forward and lightly smooched the canine on the lips.

"That's really generous of you," Chris replied as he pulled back with a blush, "I don't want anything too fancy. What are you in the mood for?"

Mitch chuckled.

"I'll make you my famous cheesesteaks," Mitch started driving down the road, "Those'll quench your hunger for sure."

Chris smiled and put on his seatbelt. He took a deep breath and looked down at his phone. There was a missed call from Max. The human blinked and called the older Fur back. After a couple of rings, the Dog picked up.

"Hey Chris," Max began, "How are you doing?"

Chris smiled.

"I'm doing great," Chris replied, "How are you?"

"Who is that?" Mitchmouthed .

Chris waved his hand to dismiss the wolf.

"I'm good," Max took a deep breath, "What are you doing tonight?"

"Mitch is cooking me dinner," Chris began, "Me and Brutus, well, we broke it off."

"I heard," Max began, "Brutus messaged me on FurFinder earlier. I assumed something had happened."

Chris chuckled.

"Well you assumed right," Chris sighed, "I'm Ok, it just sucks."

Max took another deep breath.

"You know, if you wanted to maybe, go on a date or something," Max said ponderously, "I would absolutely love to take you."

Chris gulped and hurriedly looked over at Mitch.

"I don't know if I can, or should," Chris began, "It seems like it's too soon to date again."

Mitch's ears perked up.

"Then lunch, as friends?" Max asked, "I really like you Chris, it would be nice to see you again."

"Well, if it's as friends," Chris thought over it, "That would be ok, when would you like to do this?"

"Are you free this Monday?" Max asked, "I've got it off."

"I'm free Monday evening," Chris pulled the phone away from his ear as Max yipped with joy.

"Great!" Max replied, "Oh my god I'm so excited, I'll see you then!"

Max hung up before Chris could even think about a reply. The human chuckled and put the phone back in his pocket. Mitch sighed as he pulled into the grocery store parking lot. Chris watched the Wolf get out of the car. Mitch did his best to avoid eye contact.

"Do you want to go in with me?" Mitch asked.

Chris nodded and got out of the car.

"Are you ok?" Chris asked, "You aren't upset about that phone call are you?"

Mitch shook his head and sighed.

"I'm not upset," The Wolf replied, "I'm just worried. I get lucky enough to get another shot with you and some other guy is already trying to get his paws on you."

Chris walked up and kissed Mitch on the cheek.

"You don't have to worry," Chris began, "We hooked up once, but I don't think of him the same way I thought of Brutus, and the way I think of you."

Mitch's tail started to wag. He looked around the mostly empty parking lot and gave Chris a quick kiss on the lips. The human smiled, and nuzzled into Mitch's side as the pair walked through the parking lot. The Wolf looked down at the human and rubbed his back.

"Hey," Mitch sighed, "I haven't told the guys yet, but I think I'm going to quit the hockey team."

Chris blinked and looked up at Mitch.

"Aren't you on scholarship though?" Chris asked, "How will you pay for school?"

The pair walked into the store and grabbed a basket. The greeter, an elderly Mexican woman, turned her nose at the couple as they walked by. Mitch sighed and shrugged.

"I don't know," Mitch began, "I guess I could get a job. I know I can't ask my parents."

"Why do you want to quit?" Chris asked, "I thought you got along pretty good with the team, is it for your grades?"

Mitch shook his head and led Chris back to the meat section. The Wolf grabbed a steak and threw it into the basket.

"I do," Mitch led the human over to the neighboring dairy section, "It's just not a very supportive environment. I get a lot of shit unless I act and do what Lance and his goons want. It sucks."

"Aren't they seniors?" Chris asked, "If they aren't they can't be too far from that."

Mitch nodded.

"Then it'll be better next year," Chris continued, "Don't worry alright. It'll change."

Mitch smiled and nudged the human's shoulder.

"You should have stopped me as we passed by the produce section, now we've got to walk all the way back," Mitch chuckled as he turned around.

"I don't mind," Chris nudged the Wolf back, "Call me weird, but I find it fun to walk around and look at stuff."

The Wolf leaned down and licked the human's cheek, much to the disgust of the few people in the produce section who noticed the display of affection. Mitch sighed and grabbed some green peppers and onions. Chris looked down at his feet, but moved closer to the Wolf. Mitch put his paw on the human's shoulder and led him to their last and final stop, the baked good section.

"Can we be a little bit more careful?" Chris asked, "Last time I did something like this in public Brutus and got into trouble."

"What?" Mitch began, "What happened?"

Chris told Mitch what happened the night of his first date with Brutus. The Wolf growled and slammed the bag of hoagie rolls into the basket.

"God people just piss me off," Mitch walked quickly toward the cash registers, "They just need to get over themselves."

Chris scoffed and nodded.

"I love the idiots who use the Bible to justify it," Chris began, "You are not the same as a feral wolf, I'll tell you that much."

"Hey, go easy on the Bible," Mitch put up a paw, "I may not be the best Christian, but I still consider myself to be one."

"Let me guess," Chris chuckled, "You vote Republican as well."

Mitch looked down at his feet as the two of them got into line.

"You're kidding me," Chris began, "Why would you support a party that wants to stop gays from being married."

Mitch looked up.

"That's only human Republicans, the Fur Republicans care more about the economy and government than preserving old social norms. I don't vote if a Fur isn't up for the nomination," Mitch explained, "I don't support the crazy human ones."

Chris scoffed.

"You should vote," Chris replied, "It could help those human idiots in the Republican party from getting elected."

"They aren't all bad," Mitch began, "It's just the crazy ones are the ones who get the most funding and support."

Mitch put his basket on the conveyor belt and waited while the cashier, a young, bored looking, tabby Cat, rang him up. She looked over the Wolf and lazily blew a bubble with the neon green chewing gum in her mouth.

"That'll be 29.04," The feline began, "Cash or credit?"

The Wolf handed the cashier 30 dollars in cash. The Cat took her time ringing the pair up and bagging their groceries. She unceremoniously plopped a handful of coins into Mitch's paw and looked down at her phone.

"Thank you," Mitch shook his head and grabbed the bags.

The pair walked out of the grocery store and out to Mitch's Jeep. The Wolf plopped the groceries onto the back seat and yawned.

"You tired already?" Chris asked as he got into the car.

"No, just bored," Mitch stuck out his tongue, "One of the reasons that I don't like discussing politics."

"Now it's going to look like I'm rolling my eyes," Chris replied sarcastically as he rolled his eyes, "But that's exactly what I'm doing."

Mitch laughed loudly as he started the car and drove out of the grocery store parking lot. It was a quick drive to get back to the apartments. Chris gasped as they drove by Mitch's apartment. Two university police cars were in front of it, police lights running. Mitch chuckled and drove past the scene, parking a few apartments down by the curb in front of Owen's place.

"Good thing we weren't there," Mitch began as he turned off the engine, "They must have been doing something really stupid."

Chris looked back at the police cars. They were hauling Lance into the back of one of them while the rest of the party watched, awe-struck.

"How often does stuff like this happen?" Chris asked, "Have you been arrested before?"

Mitch shook his head.

"We have an agreement with the university cops," Mitch replied, "As long as the actual cops, the ones from the city, aren't called, they leave us alone. Generally, especially in this neighborhood, it never gets that bad."

Mitch got out of the car and picked up all of the groceries. He walked up to Owen's apartment and tried to open the door. It was locked.

"Chris," Mitch began as Chris got out of the car, "Can you grab the spare key? It's under the rock closest to you."

Chris looked down at the walkway that led to Owen's front door. It was fringed by large, roundish rocks on either side. He lifted the one closest to him, a pinkish colored one, and grabbed the key. The human walked up to the door and unlocked it.

"I thought students were only allowed to have one key," Chris began, "Isn't it university policy?"

"Yeah," Mitch chuckled, "But Owen is the most scatterbrained guy that I have ever met. The coach got one made for him, we were all pretty sick of him locking himself out of his apartment three times a week."

Chris walked into the apartment and held the door open for the Wolf. Mitch reached down and turned on the lights. The apartment had the same layout as his, with a short hallway leading to the living room. Mitch took off his shoes and walked through the living room into the kitchen. Chris followed suit and sat down at the bar that divided the kitchen from the living room.

"Gross," Mitch shook his head as he picked up a used condom from the kitchen counter and threw it in the trash, "This boy is way too messy for his own good."

Chris rested his elbows on the counter and his chin on his hands.

"Thank you for this Mitch," Chris began, "You must have really grown up in a short time."

Mitch chuckled and unpacked the groceries.

"I saw that I needed to change," Mitch replied, "Not just for you, but for myself. I'm not some stupid jock, and pretending to be one because it was expected of me wasn't healthy."

Mitch started cooking the steak, flooding the apartment with the smell of cooking meat. Chris stood up and walked into the kitchen and stood to the side, watching the Wolf get the next step ready.

"How long have you been cooking?" Chris asked as the Wolf started cutting green peppers and onions, "You seem pretty good at it."

Mitch dumped the vegetables into the pan.

"Since I was little," Mitch began, "Both of my parents had to work a lot, so I learned to take care of myself and them. They loved my little dinners."

Mitch leaned against the counter and looked over the human. Chris blushed and looked away.

"What?" Chris asked, his foot tracing a slow pattern on the floor, "What are you looking at?"

"You," Mitch chuckled, "Come here."

The human hesitated, but only for a second. He walked up to the counter and sat beside the Wolf, his side flush against Mitch's. The Wolf moved his paw to Chris's arm and, slowly, moved up and down. His fingers gently rubbed and probed. Chris reached up and grabbed Mitch's paw with his other hand.

"Is it wrong that I want to kiss you right now?" Chris asked as he slowly leaned forward.

"Why would it be wrong?" Mitch replied, "You're single aren't you?"

Chris stopped his motion and looked down at the floor. Mitch sighed and moved his paw up to rub the human's cheek. Chris nuzzled into the paw, a stray tear rolling down his cheek.

"It's not your fault," Mitch leaned down and licked the tear off of Chris's face, "It's just biology. I felt the same way when Russell broke it off with me. I was lucky though, I met you."

Chris rubbed his arm.

"But I didn't stay with you," Chris looked up into the Wolf's eyes, "Wasn't that bad of me?"

Mitch shook his head.

"You didn't do anything wrong," Mitch began, "I wasn't the Fur that your body told you I was when we first met. You met the Fur in the process of hiding who he really was. I'm trying though, if you give me a chance, you'll see that I'll be more and more right for you with each day we're together."

Chris sniffled and looked down.

"What if it happens again though?" Chris asked, "What if either of us meets someone better?"

Mitch sighed and gently wiped the new tears off of Chris's face with a finger.

"We can worry about that if it happens," Mitch replied, "You shouldn't stress about the future Chris, just live for the moment. Be happy because the present is good, don't spoil it with worry."

Chris nodded and looked over at the food.

"It's starting to look pretty done," Chris began, "Is there anything else you have to do?"

"Yeah," Mitch replied, "This."

The Wolf leaned down and locked lips with Chris. The human gasped and blushed, his legs shivering as Mitch kissed him like he had never been kissed before. Chris closed his eyes, and kissed back, trying his hardest to make Mitch feel the same. After what seemed like an eternity, Mitch broke the kiss. Chris smiled, his eyes not leaving the Wolf's body as he finished making dinner.

Mitch threw some shredded mozzarella cheese onto the mixture of steak and veggies, seasoned the hoagie rolls with garlic salt, and toasted them for a few seconds in the oven. Shortly after that, Mitch and Chris sat side by side at the bar, with two cheesesteaks steaming in front of them. The pair shared another kiss, but were interrupted by a sharp gasp from the doorway.

"Chris?!" Owen gasped, "What are you doing here?"

Mitch chuckled.

"I'm Just making my new boyfriend some dinner," Mitch nuzzled Chris's cheek, "I can call you that right?"

Chris nodded and blanched as he saw Owen's boyfriend walk into the living room with Brutus in tow. The Dalmatian sighed and looked away from the human. Mitch put his paw on Chris's shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Do you guys want some food?" Mitch asked, "There's more than enough for everyone."

Brutus nodded after a short pause and walked into the kitchen to fix himself a plate. Owen looked over at his boyfriend, who shook his head brusquely.

"I'll pass," Owen began, "Tyler's a vegan, and so am I now."

Mitch nodded.

"Suit yourself," Mitch replied, "You don't mind if we eat here do you?"

Owen looked down at the floor.

"W-we, urm, had plans," Owen looked back at Tyler, "We ran into Brutus at the party and well, asked if he wanted to come home with us."

Chris looked down at his plate as Brutus sat down beside him.

"Sounds like fun," Chris said, "I'm glad you decided to go out to the party."

Brutus sighed.

"Me too," Brutus replied, "So you and Mitch are together now huh?"

"Hey," Mitch began, "You guys should eat before it gets cold."

Chris and Brutus nodded and dug in, clearly grateful that the conversation had been avoided. Mitch took a couple bites of his own food.

"Did the cops finish at my place?" Mitch asked in between bites.

Owen nodded.

"They busted Lance, and made us all clean the place up," Owen began, "They got everyone's names except the three of us. We were kind of... occupied."

Mitch nodded and continued eating. He finished his sandwich quickly and walked over to the sink to clean it.

"Just set it there," Owen began, "I'll do the dishes in the morning."

"We'll be out of your fur soon enough," Mitch began, "I'm glad you guys stayed out of trouble. Why did they take Lance away?"

Tyler sighed.

"They caught him with cocaine," The Pronghorn began, "A lot of cocaine."

Mitch gulped.

"So, jail time?" Mitch asked.

"Probably," Owen sighed, "He also tried to punch out one of those cops."

Mitch groaned and shook his head. Chris cleaned his plate and set it on top of the Wolf's plate in the sink. He looked over at Mitch and did his best to sound cheery.

"Ready to go?" Chris asked.

Mitch looked over at the human.

"Yes," Mitch replied, "My place sound ok?"

"Ok," Chris looked over at Brutus, "Have fun tonight."

Brutus whined quietly.

"You too."

Mitch led the way out of Owen's apartment. Chris followed and quickly put on his shoes and ran outside. The Wolf sighed and followed after him. The human was sitting on the hood of Mitch's jeep, his head in his hands. Mitch walked forward and knelt down in front of the human, taking his hands into his paws.

"Are you ok?" Mitch asked.

Chris shook his head.

"Can you take me home?" Chris sniffled, "I just want to go home."

Mitch shook his head.

"I don't want you to be alone right now," Mitch began, "You're a cocktail of negative emotion right now. You should be in a friendly environment."

"I wish I could be mad at him," Chris looked away from the Wolf's gaze, "But I'm doing the exact same thing. I'm no better than he is."

Mitch chuckled.

"Yes you are," Mitch began, "I wouldn't be trying so hard to be your boyfriend if I thought he was better."

Chris managed to crack a slight smile.

"If I come home with you," Chris began, "We don't have to do anything right?"

Mitch shook his head.

"I would never make you do anything you didn't want to do," Mitch began, "Now come on, get in the car, it's freezing out here."

Chris nodded and got down from the hood of the car. The pair got into the car and drove to Mitch's apartment. Mitch chuckled as he parked the car.

"At least it's going to be clean," Mitch began, "There's nothing worse than cleaning up after a hockey party."

Chris looked over at Mitch and blushed.

"Can we have a three-way?" Chris asked, "I mean not right now, but in the future."

Mitch blinked and shut off the engine.

"Sure," Mitch replied, "Can I ask why you want to?"

Chris shrugged.

"I saw Brutus was having one," Chris began, "They've got to be fun right? I want to see for myself."

Mitch chuckled.

"I can assure you that they are quite fun," Mitch leaned over and kissed the human on the cheek, "It'll have to be in the far future though. I'm not ready to share you yet."

Chris grinned from ear to ear as the Wolf got out of the car and walked into his apartment. The human stepped out of the car and followed the Wolf into his apartment. Chris walked in and locked the door behind him. Mitch smiled and took Chris's hand in his own.

"Drinks or bed?" Mitch asked.

Chris thought for a moment.

"Drinks," Chris began, "I'm not ready for bed yet."

Mitch chuckled and gave the human a quick smooch.

"Go ahead and wait for me on the couch," Mitch replied, "I'll be right there with two glasses of champagne, unless my sexy boyfriend wants something different that is."

Chris giggled and shook his head.

"Good," Mitch sauntered into the kitchen, "I'll be right there lovely."

Chris smiled and walked into the living room. He kicked off his shoes before stepping onto the Wolf's short, arctic gray carpet and walking towards Mitch's couch. The canine came in shortly after and set the two full champagne flutes on the coffee table before sitting beside Chris. The human nuzzled up to Mitch's chest and sighed happily.

"Don't you want your drink?" Mitch asked, "We could have done this in bed."

Chris shook his head.

"Not just yet," Chris replied, "Can't we just sit like this for a little bit?"

Mitch nodded and kissed the top of Chris's head.

"You don't mind if I," Mitch picked up his glass, "Have a little drink right?"

Chris rolled his eyes and sat up.

"If it means you'll be quiet and cuddle with me," Chris grabbed his class and clinked it against Mitch's, "Cheers."

Mitch took a sip of his, while Chris finished his in one motion. Mitch scoffed and set his glass down. Chris looked at the Wolf's mostly full glass and blinked.

"Did I do something wrong?" Chris asked, "I thought this was like shots."

Mitch laughed.

"It's not," Mitch replied with a chuckle, "My god you are adorable."

Chris blushed and nudged the Wolf's side.

"Stop laughing at me," Chris huffed, "I'm sorry I'm not an alcoholic like you."

Mitch scoffed.

"That's rich coming from the guy who's had more to drink than I have today," Mitch chuckled and took another sip, "If you want to head in to bed, I'll finish my glass, get ready for bed, and be right there."

Chris nodded and stood up. The Wolf smiled and downed his glass.

"There," Mitch began as he stood up as well, "Now we're both alcoholics."

Mitch picked up Chris's empty glass and walked into the kitchen. He set the glasses down on the counter and walked into the bathroom. Chris walked into the bedroom and blanched. Brutus's underwear, along with an assortment of other undergarments lay in a pile on the floor. Chris kicked them to the side and sighed. He took the sheets and blankets off of the bed and piled them in the corner as well. He shuddered, he could almost taste Brutus's scent as he moved the bedding. Mitch walked into the bedroom, the handle of a lavender toothbrush sticking out of the corner of his mouth.

"What are you doing?" Mitch asked after pulling the toothbrush out of his mouth, "I know the sheet doesn't match the blankets, but that didn't bother you the first time you came out here."

Chris shook his head.

"Owen and Brutus were on here," Chris looked down and rubbed his arm, "It would have really bother me if I slept here smelling him the whole time."

Mitch nodded and swallowed his toothpaste.

"Ok," Mitch replied, "Let me take this to the hamper and get some clean sheets and blankets."

Chris stood aside as the Wolf picked up the dirty laundry and walked out of the bedroom. Chris waited outside, his back up against the textured beige wall. Mitch came back to the bedroom, wearing nothing but a red pair of boxers and holding a pile of sheets and blankets. Chris blushed and looked down.

"You should strip down cutie," Mitch kissed the human's cheek, "I want to see that hot body of yours."

Chris blushed and watched as the Wolf made his bed. When he finished, the Wolf jumped into it and looked at Chris's still clothed body. The human looked down and slowly removed his shirt. He knew that his body wasn't ugly, but compared to Mitch's buff tone body, he felt that way. He was by no means muscular, or even toned. He had a small amount of body fat that only made its presence known when human did anything other than stand up straight.

He covered himself up slightly as he took off his pants. His black briefs hugged his body nicely, and showed off his petite butt. Chris wished that he was bigger down there, even in briefs his package didn't look special. Chris would have killed to see the studly Wolf on the bed in briefs, he knew that he wouldn't be able to contain himself.

"Well," Chris did a fast and awkward turn, "How do I look?"

Mitch smiled and sat up, propping his back up with the pillows.

"Beautiful," Mitch replied, "Like a dream come true."

Chris blushed and sat at the edge of the bed. He looked back at the Wolf and sighed.

"No you're beautiful," Chris began, "I'm just average."

Mitch shook his head and moved to sit behind the human. Chris leaned back into Mitch's chest, his breath catching as the Wolf started to feel his torso up.

"Not to me," Mitch felt up the human's neck, "You need to realize how good looking you are Chris. Once you figure that out, I'll have to worry about other, hotter, Furs stealing you away."

Chris shook his head and chuckled.

"You won't have to worry about that," Chris looked up into Mitch's eyes, "You've got to be the sexiest Wolf that I've ever seen."

Mitch beamed and kissed the human softly.

"Come on," Mitch began, "Let's go to bed. We'll sleep in, and tomorrow, I'll take you out to lunch."

Chris smiled and got under the covers. He crawled up to his pillow and laid his head down. Mitch followed suit and pulled Chris into a spooning position. Chris blushed and giggled as the Wolf kissed down the side of his neck. Mitch chuckled and held the human tightly to his chest.

"Good night Chris," Mitch gave Chris's back a couple of kisses, "I'll see you in the morning ok?"

Chris closed his eyes and smiled.

"Ok," Chris began, "Good night."

Mitch fell asleep a few moments after that. Chris's phone went off in his jeans, waking the wolf up. Chris grumbled and got out of bed. Mitch groaned and covered his ears.

"Who is it?" Mitch asked.

Chris looked down at his phone with wide eyes. There was a text message from Brutus.

Chris, I fucked up

Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year: I Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore

Chris sighed happily and stretched as he woke up late the next morning. He looked to his left and saw Brutus, his head in his paws, sitting on the edge of the bed. The human sat up and kissed the Dalmatian's cheek, frowning as the Dalmatian shied...

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The Headsman and The Pianist: Rains in Africa

Hello everyone, I know that this isn't the next chapter of Events of an Uneventful Freshman year, but I hope that you enjoy it anyway. I wrote this just to take a little break from that series. I probably won't be able to post anything this upcoming...

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Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year: The Cat's Out of the Bag

Brutus, Chris, Thomas, Sarah, and Daniel, sat around the large mahogany table and began to dig into the imposing Thanksgiving dinner that Sarah and Chris slaved over all day. It was late, about 8 o' clock, but Daniel and Thomas had stocked up on snacks...

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