Two Warriors

Story by Neiko on SoFurry

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Two Warriors

The glint of steel flashing by, and blood splashing out against thin leather and tan fur. Sure, it makes him feel powerful, makes him feel like a man, but that isn't his whole reason behind his blood-lust. He has to protect the little wolf by his side after all.

His daydreaming ends suddenly as well-placed thrust pierces his arm. He grits his teeth, but the pain really isn't a big deal to him. If anything, the smell of his own blood just adds to his strength. He brings his axe back, dodging the next thrust, and stepping forward with a hard downward swing, breaking through his opponent's weapon and skull in the same swing.

Looking around him, he sees no further adversaries on his side, unclenching his teeth finally. He turns around to see a wolf, his wolf, plunging a sword through the last standing highwayman. The bull hoists his axe up onto his shoulder, and breaks out in a grin. "I win this time."

His lupine companion just chuckles, "Yeah, looks like it. I guess my streak is over."

With a huff, the bull sheaths his axe on his back, "You didn't let me win, did ya? I know I've seen ya move faster'n that."

With a shake of his head, the wolf wipes off his sword, and re-sheaths it. "Hey, listen to me, you won fair and square. Ten to eight."

Looking around at the forest clearing, the bull is honestly surprised. He tends to get into a bit of a battle frenzy once the fighting starts, but he had no idea how many men had attacked them until now. Bodies litter the forest floor, and the grass is stained red. "Wow. There was a lot more than I thought."

The wolf lets out another little chuckle, "You know, sometimes I wonder how you manage to kill everything but me when you go into those trances of yours."

With a smile, the bull pats his companion on the back. "Bah, ya know I work off'a scent when I get like that. And I know yer scent very well." His hand starts to move lower, fingers touching the base of the wolf's tail.

It's then that the wolf jumps back. "Hey now, I know how you get after big battles like this." He grins, "Let's at least go someplace where we can lay down and not get any more bloody than we already are."

It's the bull's turn to grin this time, letting out a soft grunt as he moves his other hand down to adjust the front of his leather loin-guard. "Yeah, I think we could both use a bath. And somethin' to eat. Let's see if any 'a these guys had food on 'em."

Searching the bodies turns up a few loaves of bread, though some of them have gone stale. There's also some water in the water-skins they'd been carrying.

"Let's find a stream, I'm sure I heard running water back when we were following the road, so we can start there." The wolf suggests.

His partner nods in agreement. "We'll eat on the way."

They leave the bandits where they are, not really caring what happens to the bodies of a group of immoral brigands. They enjoy the bread, which is satisfying to the two adventurers, who'd had no more than wild game for a while now.

A pat on the rump makes the bull jump a bit, his head turning to the wolf with a huff of air from his nose, eyes shining with desire. The wolf speaks up. "I'll leave the firewood to you, once we've found our site."

Crossing his arms across his chest, the bull just walks on, pointing his nose up a bit. "Why am I always stuck on firewood duty. You can do it jus' as well, y'know."

A grin appears on the wolf's muzzle, "Yeah, maybe, but you're the one with the big axe. You know I have trouble with that thing. The way you walk around, everything within a mile of us can hear you coming."

A hearty laugh follows that remark, the bull's hand feeling up his partner's butt as well, "Yer the one they hear comin'. Y'always were a screamer."

The broad smile on the wolf's face belies the truth to that statement. "Whatever I do with regards to that is your fault, and don't you forget it."

The thought of the wolf screaming and howling under him makes the bull drool in anticipation. "I have a feelin' you'll be screamin' tonight."

Thinking about that has the wolf's tail wagging a little higher. Suddenly, the wolf stops, his ears perking up, "Hey, I hear the stream. I knew it'd be around somewhere. Come on." Without warning, the wolf breaks out into a dash, shifting back and forth between trees.

The bull admires him a moment, then races to keep up, being much more burly, and less maneuverable than the wolf. "Hey, don't leave me in the dust, wait up!" He hears laughing coming from up ahead, doing his best to dodge between trees, finding it difficult to keep up with his more slender partner. He runs toward the sound of the stream, hearing it get closer and closer, stopping just before the sudden drop off. He almost hadn't seen it in the dim light of dusk.

His muscles tense up as he feels something touch his back, then two arms wrap around his waist. As hands stroke at the front of his leather codpiece, he groans out in lust. "Yer gonna end up dead doin' that one of these days..." He widens his stance a bit, letting those hands explore further.

With a grin, the wolf behind him starts pulling off his bull's codpiece, leaving him bare from the waist down. "Don't underestimate me. I know just how to deal with bulls like you." One hand firmly grips a tan-colored soft shaft, the other reaching down to lift up the heavy dangling balls beneath it. Slowly, he slips around the bull, looking up at the pleasure and lust on his face, before letting go of his nether regions, "C'mon, bath, and firewood, then we can have some fun."

The bull grunts, looking down at the wolf. He reaches down with strong arms, gripping his partner by the rump cheeks and lifting him up, holding him close. "Fine, a bath it is." He walks forward and slides down the short embankment on his bare feet, hopping into the water and carrying his wolf with him.

His wolf chuckles, "Hey, you didn't let me get my pants off."

The bull sets him down, and steps back, arms folded across his chest. "Well, go ahead." He flashes a grin at the wolf, then focuses his eyes on his crotch.

With a grin, the wolf turns, undoing the tie on his breaches, and slowly lowering them, giving the bull a rather nice view of his rump, his tail flagged to sweeten the image. Tossing the short pants to the bank, he turns back around, showing off a rather full sheath, and heavy balls beneath it, though no contest to what swings between the bull's legs. Once the little peep show is over, the wolf removes his tunic, and the bull removes the axe from his back, tossing it into the trunk of a tree on the shore, his harness soon following the wolf's clothing, so the two stand before one another, naked and beginning to feel the effects of their attraction to one another.

The bull is the first to speak up, "Rrrr, yer gonna get it good tonight, wolf." He steps close, hands holding onto his wolf's hips, pressing their bodies together. Leaning his head down, he presses their lips together, his head slightly tilted to make the kiss deeper.

A soft moan flows out from the wolf's lips, who leans up on his toes to make the kiss deeper. The feel of slick lips rubbing against his own easily makes his sheath tingle with excitement.

Their tongues slip forward to find one another, colliding slickly and sliding along lips, teeth, and each other. Feeling up the bull's firm rump, and powerhouse thighs, the wolf clings to the moment for a long while, before breaking it off again, panting deeply and shivering. "Huhhh... That's enough now. Time to get clean."

The bull isn't thrilled to break off the sexually charged moment, but he reluctantly pulls back. Then, with a grin that simply exudes evil, the bull rushes forward at his wolf, pulling the smaller male down into the water.

This starts a long water war, the quicker and more agile wolf doing his best to keep away from the large, powerful bull, whose muscles seem to cut through the water with apparent ease. In the end, after several dunkings and near misses, the pair are thoroughly soaked. The bull looks a bit winded, but his companion doesn't even seem bothered by the activity.

"No... no fair. You don't got all this extra weight'ta carry around." The bull says with a huff from his nose.

His lupine companion just laughs, "Aw, come on! You were keeping up with me so well!"

The bull stops in his tracks, and just grunts indignantly. "That's 'cause I can push through the water harder'n you can. S'tough for me to keep it up, though. 'Specially after the fight t'day."

The wolf crosses his arms over his chest, a look of disbelief in his eyes. "I was out there fighting too, you know. I'm not tired."

"Well you don't got all this extra weight to carry 'round, like I said!" The bull pounds on his belly a few times for effect, making the slight layer of fat covering it shiver a bit. "'Sides, I got a few years on ya too. Don't got as much energy as I used'ta."

His companion just shrugs. "I guess you've got me there, you fat old fart." He just barely manages to say it with a straight face.

That statement alone brings a snarl from the bull, a little drool oozing from the corner of his mouth. "I hope ya got some muscle ta back up that mouth, bitch!"

The wolf knows he's gotten to his bovine counterpart, but it's simply too much fun egging him on. They could only ever have fair spars when the bull got really angry. "Come on, you geriatric cow, I've been letting you win until now. If you can't lay a hand on this ass of mine, I get to have yours tonight!" The wolf is the only one capable of challenging the bull's masculinity. He usually didn't win, but the few times he did, they'd had rather long, and rather hot nights. Of course the same was true of nights he lost...

Regardless of which way it turns out, he now has a huffing mad bull rearing his horns in his direction. And not seconds later, charging him. With the bull leaned down so low, the wolf runs right back at him. It catches the bull off guard, and suddenly a weight on his horns stops him in his tracks. He goes to lift himself up, but the wolf has already cleared the dangerous horns, kicking the bull square in the backside and landing him face down in the water.

This, of course, only makes the bull more angry. He quickly gets to his feet and spins around, surprisingly fast in his execution with water up to his knees. He isn't in one of his rages, just really pissed off. That wolf knows he hates being called fat, or old, or feminine in any way. His slightly lesser intellect fails to notice the wolf's less obvious goal, as it always does. But he can handle being called stupid. Hell, he knows he is. He doesn't need smarts to rend nearly anything in his way in two, axe or no axe. While he won't rend his wolf in two, he does intend on giving the wolf quite a rough ride once he gets his hands on him.

No more than a few moments after righting himself, the hulking bull charges at his partner again, this time with his eyes forward to see any moves the wolf tries to pull. This is, however, his loss once again. The wolf ducks down, and expecting an escape through his legs, he leans down to intercept, only to have his eyes splashed with water. He lets out a loud bellow, stumbling forewards and falling into the water again, while listening to the laughter of a certain wolf.

Said wolf taunts the bull once more, wanting a greater challenge. "I'll only give you until the count of ten to catch me, or you become my bitch for the night!" He grins. Setting a time limit always made the bull push himself to his utmost before. This should make it interesting.

Before the wolf can even count to one, his partner, turned temporary mortal foe, rushes at him with arms out-stretched. But, still partly blinded, is unable to grasp at his partner before the wolf moves to one side, out of reach. The splashes in the water alert him of the new direction, however, and while he works on clearing up his eyes with one hand, the other gropes clumsily about toward where he heard the splashes.

Then he hears several more splashes heading off down the stream. He starts in that direction, wiping his eyes clear finally, only to look around and see nothing. Behind him, a single syllable sends rage rushing through his blood. "One."

He turns, starting to run at the wolf, noting the smooth river stones held in that grey-furred hand. That explains the splashes. He barely even gets a step closer, when the wolf makes a winds up, and tosses a stone as though he were throwing a dagger. It collides with the bull right above his collarbone, sending a shooting pain into his shoulder and right down his arm. "Two." The wolf says, before chucking another stone. Then another, the last he has in his hand.

Of those last two stones, the bull shifts his leg to one side to dodge the first, catching the other in the hand opposite his hurt shoulder. He clutches that stone tightly, nearly breaking it as he rushes at the wolf, seeming to move faster than a moment ago. His partner still moves faster than him, however, even having the energy to spout out "three" and "four" between dodging left and right. "Five" comes as well, just after a powerful fist barely misses the wolf's muzzle. He tries to grasp at his partner, but misses again, gaining him another number. "Six," the wolf simply states.

The rather dangerous play continues, the bull finding his brute strength to be lacking against his partner's speed and flexibility. He starts about ten feet from the wolf with one last plan, battle instincts making up for his slightly lacking intellect. A diversion is a basic form of combat for the bull, and he knows it well. In the matter of a second, he formulates his plan, chucking the stone at full force toward the wolf's right leg. He'll have to dodge, knowing that wolf knows when he's using his full strength, having studied his muscles intensely over the years. And indeed, the wolf dodges to the left. The wolf utters "seven."

With as swift a movement as he can muster, his right hand shoots down into the water, and flings a spray of it toward his target. A direct hit! The wolf stumbles back, falling into the water with a loud splash, followed very quickly after by another as the bull flops down atop him. Both of the bulls hands curl around and grip his wolf's backside tightly, while they both tumble into the water, their faces both submerging. Thinking fast, the wolf shoves his muzzle forward, lips clinging to his enemy turned lover again, tilted slightly to make the seal complete. As he does, breathes out some of his own air into the bull's mouth. After a moment of surprise, the bull relaxes, letting out all of his heated breath into the wolf's lungs.

They won't last like this too long. Eventually the oxygen will start to run too thin within the air they have between them. But until then, they both close their eyes, laying peacefully on the bed of the stream and enjoying each other's closeness once more.

Now that their games are at an end, the victor decided, they throw away any hostilities toward each other. After all, the fighting was all in fun. And was, of course, simply to decide exactly how their fun this evening would progress. The bull pulls his companion up, sitting on his legs, the wolf sitting up beneath him. He breaks the kiss, water dripping from everywhere on his face, off of his chin and his nose, and from every stray strand of fur. He smiles, the wolf looking exactly the same. He holds his partner close, and just grins. "I won twice t'day..." He leans back, shooting a piercing glance at the wolf. "Ya didn' jus' let me win, did'ja?"

This brings a coy, yet serious smile to the wolf's lips. "No, I didn't. I gave it all I had. You got me with that nice diversion at the end. You're a brilliant strategist when you're pissed out of your mind."

That brings another wide grin to the bull's face. "I do ma best work angry."

This in turn brings a grin to the wolf. "Except in bed." He clutches his arms tightly around the bull, pressing his face against a broad chest, still catching the last bit of his breath. Nothing is said between the two for a while, both males embracing each other.

After a few long minutes, the bull shifts his body weight, lifting himself from where he straddled the wolf. He stands, and picks up his partner in his burly arms, carrying him over to the bank of the stream, where they'd tossed their clothing. "I'm gonna go cut us some firewood. Why don'cha see what you c'n scrounge up fer food?"

"Sure thing, Deckard." The wolf says softly, drawing the bull's head down to lock lips with him again. Soon after the kiss breaks, the wolf hops out of his lover's arms, shakes himself out to dry off a little, then picks up his pants, putting them back on. He re-sheathes all of the daggers that fell out of the various inlaid sheaths along the waist of the pants, as well as down the outside of the thighs. Finally, he puts on his shirt, and the shoulder strap for his sword, brushing off the clothing as it had become somewhat dirty from where he'd tossed it.

Meanwhile, Deckard the bull just stands there, watching. It isn't often they use one another's names. Often times, they're the only two about. If one of them speaks, the other listens, and vice-versa. Saying his name is like speaking 'I love you' a thousand times over. And it fills the bull with a never-ending lake of pride. Especially because he never gives his name to anyone he does not deem worthy of it. This wolf is one of the few who has beaten it out of him, and proven himself time and again.

After a few moments, the bull realizes he's been standing there with a goofy grin on his face, staring at the dressing wolf while he himself remains completely nude and dripping onto the bank of the stream. Of course, he doesn't have much to put on in the way of clothing, pulling the rather minimal leather groin-guard up between his legs, and fastening the straps at both of his hips. Then he puts back on his chest leather, another piece of clothing that doesn't really cover much at all, save his chest. The strap on its back for his axe is vital, however, so he has to wear it. He walks over to the tree the axe had become lodged into, and tugs the enormous, two-sided axe from its trunk.

Looking around, he notices the wolf has already left. Silent as usual. He never hears the male approaching or leaving, and it unnerves him sometimes. He really is concerned about harming the smaller male one day because of the way he is surprised by his sudden appearance or touch. But thus far, the wolf has shown that he can easily deal with such attacks, at least until his identity is discovered. Regardless, he figures he'd better have some firewood ready by the time his partner gets back. No point in standing around fretting.

After an hour or so, the bull has a suitable fire going, using it to keep warm as the sun has begun to set beneath the horizon. He looks rather bored, waiting for his wolf to return with something to fill his growling stomach. Despite the bread he and the wolf took from the bandit group they took down earlier today, his stomach can't seem to get enough. It's no wonder his belly has been sticking out a bit more lately. He rubs the offending stomach, then shrugs a bit. It doesn't feel that large, and he can still feel his abs in there. One more thing to chalk up to aging, he supposes.

Not two seconds after he relaxes again, a touch on his furry shoulder has him rolling to one side and grabbing his axe on the way, brandishing it threateningly in the direction of the offending touch. Seeing the wolf standing there, a sly grin on his face, just makes him groan out in frustration. "Yer gonna kill one 'a us doin' that one 'a these days. An' I got a feelin' it's gonna be me."

All the wolf has to offer back is a light chuckle. "Bah, you're too stressed out. Lighten up, you'll live longer."

That statement earns the wolf a glare. "Ya know I gotta stay alert to protect ya. What if we get attacked, huh? An' I'm all relaxed an' such, watchin' the grass grow? I damn well know you ain't gonna be ready fer it. We'd 'a died a long time ago if I weren't watchin' yer back."

The wolf, in his usual way, just shrugs, walking back a bit from the fire, and lifting up a deer carcass onto his shoulders, well near dragging it over toward the fire. "Fine then, I won't make fun of you being a tight-ass if you don't make fun of me being a useless laze. Deal?"

At that, the bull just laughs. "Yeah, deal. Now let's get cookin', I'm starvin'!"

After another hour has passed, the two adventurers have managed to cook and eat a good deal of the deer, just a bit left, which they take over near the stream, and leave for the wildlife. They don't take anything with them when they leave, and the dead deer will just stink by the time they wake up.

Once back at their small make-shift camp site, Deckard approaches his wolf from behind and engulfs him in a pair of burly arms. He makes certain that his leather loin-guard is quite prominently nudged just above the wolf's tail base. A constant reminder of the things to come. His hands stroke all along the wolf's chest through his shirt, slipping down to grip at the hem, and raise it up slowly. He whispers softly into his wolf's ear. "No where t' go now, Zane. Yer all mine..."

Zane, the wolf, blushes at the mention of his name, which he doesn't get to hear spoken lovingly very often. He hasn't always been the one stopping brigands and thieves. A few years ago he would have been part of a group just like the one he and the bull had just torn down. But that was then, and this is now. His mind is drawn back to the present by a hand slipping down into his pants. Sometime in the midst of his thoughts his shirt had been removed.

Deckard's hands slowly slip down the front of his lupine mate's pants, their warm grip bringing a deep moan from the wolf as his sheath swells against that groping palm. Fingers hook down beneath the testicles that hold the wolf's essence, lifting them slightly, feeling their weight. The touch makes Zane's sheath slide down a bit, exposing some of his slick, pulsing meat to the outside world.

After a few minutes of slowly fondling his partner to arousal, the bull draws his hand out of Zane's pants, and starts to fool with the clasp holding them on in front. Once that and the tail-clasp in back have been removed, those pants sink to the ground with a solid sounding clank. The now naked wolf presses back against his bull, tail now lifted up to flick against the broad chest behind him.

More clasps unfasten, the bull's leather harness being removed from his chest, and his loin-guard falling down to land next to the wolf's pants. With both males free of their clothing, they press together, the bovine's large shaft pressed snugly against his partner's furry backside. There, the hefty slab of beef starts to pulse to life, growing firmer against the wolf's rump cleft. Soft moans issue forth from them both.

Zane slips out of his large companion's embrace, turning about to place a firm kiss on the bull's thick lips. Their tongues meet in the middle, wet with saliva, sliding slickly past one another as they search the opposing mouth for nothing more than a taste. The sensation of wet flesh stroking wet flesh makes both participants groan softly into the near-silent night air. Their heads tilt slightly, allowing a deeper kiss; their tongues search this newly found ground openly, becoming further wetted by each other's saliva.

Down below, their members continue to harden. The wolf's sheath has completely retracted, sliding down behind the slight bulge of his yet-to-expand knot. The bull is also fully hard, his shaft another few finger-widths longer than the wolf. Its tip is still enshrouded in a fleshy foreskin, which must be very long indeed to still cover the head of the thick member that out-classes even a relatively large wolf cock.

Slowly, their lips pull apart, strands of saliva stretching out between their lips and tongues, remaining only a few moments before they too disconnect. The bull and wolf stand next to the fire, staring into one another's eyes, breathing heavily amidst their growing arousal. Deckard releases the wolf, leaning down to pick up his companion's pants and pulling a rolled-up animal hide from one of the side pouches. He unrolls it over the rough ground, their own make-shift bedroll, then pats his wolf's backside and grins lewdly at him, speaking in a low, deep tone. "Go on 'n lay out all nice an' sexy, like ya know I like."

Zane just grins right back, fondling his bull's massive shaft for a few moments. Letting go of that lovely male flesh, the wolf lays out on his back, holding his legs up and spread apart slightly, his tail resting down against the animal skin. Just above the base of that tail, the wolf's tightly puckered anus winks up at its soon to be invader. Deckard watches his wolf for a short while, rubbing his fully hardened cock up and down, sliding the foreskin back off of his helmet-shaped tip, then forward to cover it again. Soon, his shaft is gleaming with pre-cum, a thin strand of the sticky liquid dripping down onto the animal hide.

Once the bull feels ready, he kneels down on the animal skin, leaning his body forward and resting a calloused hand on Zane's chest, holding himself upright while he aims his oozing shaft down at the wolf's warm backside. Once properly aligned with the warm tailhole he intends to take tonight, Deckard shoves forward into his partner's tightness, wedging the thick mushroom tip of his shaft behind Zane's tightly gripping anal ring; he stops there to let his partner adjust. The wolf, upon feeling that thickness pierce him suddenly, cries out hotly into the cooling night air. His arms curl up around Deckard's shoulders, and he hangs onto the bull as though his life depended on it.

The wolf soon relaxes his inner muscles, aided by soft kisses and licks along his neck from Deckard. Then, slowly, the bull starts to thrust. In he pushes, slowly back out a bit, only to shove back in a bit deeper. By the time half of his shaft is rubbing along Zane's inner walls, the wolf is panting with ecstatic glee. And once it finally bottoms out inside him, he lets out another groan, clinging to the bull's shoulders, by now his claws have pressed against flesh, his own wolfhood pouring pre-cum out at an astounding rate onto his toned stomach.

Now, finally together, the two warriors, friends, and lovers, share a deep, loving kiss. More saliva is traded between them, dripping down from the bulls mouth to saturate the wolf's. Deckard dips his tongue down into the exotic concoction, lapping that wonderful mix of tastes back into his own mouth, even as it drips back down again. As such, their kissing becomes as wet as their love making, both acts causing lewd, wet sounds to fill their ears.

Up and down, Deckard's powerful hips move, sending his shaft deep inside his partner, then nearly out again, repeating the motion slowly and carefully for a short while. As the sounds of their love making start to get to him, he picks up his pace. Slow and easy gives way to swift and powerful, the bull's heavy hips slapping against Zane's upturned backside with ever-increasing force. If not for Deckard holding the wolf down, he would surely be shoved right off of the animal hide.

With both wolf and bull writhing atop the animal skin, their bodies colliding over and over in crashes of pure lust, it doesn't take long before one of them can't hold out any longer. Zane is the first of the two to experience the intensity of the night's orgasm. His lips pull away from Deckard's forcefully, saliva oozing from the corners of his mouth as he lets out a long, drawn out howl into the night. His body spasms beneath the bull's bulk; hot lupine seed starts to spray out over both of their fronts, his knot trapped beneath his lover's slight gut.

As Deckard's own climax starts to rise from his low-hanging balls, he plunges his lips down over the wolf's throat, suckling, licking, kissing and slurping as his saliva starts to soak into Zane's neck fur. Both bodies now writhe in the pleasant grasp of orgasm, hot bovine cum starting to pour into a tight lupine body. The lovers cling and grasp at one another, riding out their own orgasms and basking in the heat of one another in the slight chill of the night.

Both of their passions seem to run dry at about the same point, the bull drawing his head up slowly from his wolf's neck, licking at his lips to catch any stray saliva that still clung to them. His companion does the same, feeling the fur matted in a small line along his cheek where he had let the saliva drip from his mouth during his climax. He wipes it up with a thump, then hugs his arms around Deckard again. As the two lovers finally touch back to earth again, the bull slowly draws his softening shaft from Zane's tightening hole, both of them feeling an immediate need for a different kind of relief. Deckard smiles, and slowly rises, helping Zane onto his feet. Both of them usually need this as part of their nightly procedure.

After a few more minutes, the couple find themselves back at the animal hide, laid out next to the fire, the wolf on his side, facing the burning wood, while his partner lays right behind him, supporting his back, and hugging both arms around him. On the lower arm, the wolf rests his head, hugging the upper one to his chest.

Deckard speaks up after a bit of quiet peace, still enjoying that wonderful glow the body gets after sex. "Hope I wasn't t' harsh with ya. Was mighty worked up after the fight n' the river."

Zane just pats the big bull's biceps gently. For being such a large, manly bull, he really has a soft side when it comes to caring for his partner. "It was perfect. Exactly what I wanted."

The bull lets out a relieved sigh, then cuddles in close against his wolf, holding the smaller form against his front. Today had been a satisfying day for them both. And tomorrow, they probably wouldn't have any bandits to deal with. As they both fall asleep, they have rather similar thoughts on their minds. What to do to fill in the time tomorrow...

copyright 2005 - Neiko Mitaki

Go ahead and e-mail me comments at [email protected] I love to hear what I can do to improve my style.

This story has been my efforts to re-kindle my writing flame. I have no intentions at this time of continuing the story of the characters there-in. However, while the story itself is my intellectual property, I am leaving the characters as public domain. You may add them to your stories, write stories about them, whatever you wish to do, as long as you do not simply change a few choice things about my story, and try to write it off as your own.