Our Love So Pure Part Two:The Proposal

Story by Nar on SoFurry

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#2 of Our Love So Pure

Our Love So Pure, Part Two:

"The Proposal"

(M/M romance, oral, anal)

By Narilva Greymantle (7.26.03)

email: [email protected]

Webpage(temp): http://www.livejournal.com/users/narilva_okada/

I really poured my soul into this one (it has a yiff scene in it too!), but it's 1:15 AM, and I'm going to bed. My bourbon doesn't agree with me. You know all the rules. No altercations, copyright infrigments, blah blah. Just be nice okies?

~ ~

I groaned and turned over in bed as the morning rays of light invaded my sleep. I was stopped from turning over too far by my mate's arms, which held me fast in a loving hug. I sniffed at the scent of his pure black fur, then played with his fingers, careful not to wake him. However, I gasped in sudden pain as I felt my tail get kinked at an unnatural angle as Talus moved in his sleep. I quickly burst out of the loving German Shepard arms and almost fell out of the bed, my heart racing as I lost my balance. Talus instanly awoke and grabbed at my shoulders, keeping me from falling, then holding me to his chest. I panted at the sudden adrenaline rush and tried to calm my heartbeat down.

"Shh, shh. Are you ok honey?" Talus asked softly. I took a deep breath and sighed.

"I'm just fine. Thanks."

"No need to thank me, just looking out for the one I love." He said, kissing my head and yawning.

"What are we doing today?" I asked innocently, crawling out of the bed. Talus snickered and followed me to the dresser.

"Let's go to the park. I heard the roses are blooming." He said, his canine arms wrapping around my waist as I looked for something to wear. I turned to face him.

"White roses?" I asked excitedly. Those are-

"Your favorite." Talus said, finishing my thoughts.

I smiled broadly and quickly looked for something to wear. In the end I decided on a well-fitting blue silk shirt and a pair of generic black shorts. Talus kissed the back of my neck and walked off into the bathroom. I peeked in on him as I was pulling the shirt over my head in time to notice him putting something into his pair of pants that were hanging nearby. I jumped inside and reached for his pants which he had not put on yet, but he yelped and yanked them roughly away. My smiled faded and I felt a little insulted. Talus' face softened and he pet my head.

"You'll find out what it is later." Talus said compassionately. "Let's go see the roses shall we?"

I sighed and put on a fake smile. "My favorite. . ."

Talus hugged me lovingly. "I didn't mean to be so rough, I'm sorry. Please don't be angry."

I sighed again and hugged back, my eyes closing. "I forgive you."

Talus broke the hug and led me out of the bathroom, pulling on his pants. "C'mon sweetie, let's go smell the flowers."

~ ~

I breathed deep, the wonderous smell of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass wafting through the warm park air. Talus simply stared at the sidewalk and I shook his hand in mine, trying to snap him out of whatever he was thinking about. He smiled at me, then looked away, his smile fading. I leaned into his arm, resting my muzzle on his shoulder and kissed his cheek.

"What's wrong love?" I asked. He was never this serious. Talus turned to me, his eyes looking a little worried.

"N-Nothing." He studdered. I stopped our walk through the park and turned his head to face me, holding him so he couldn't look away.

"Talus Seraph Miller, what is wrong?" I asked commandingly. We never used each other's full names unless something was wrong. Talus' sighed and led me towards a bench by my arm.

"C'mre first." He said, sitting me down on the bench and holding my hands in his. He locked eyes with mine and gulped.

Oh, God. Something has happened! "Talus, what's happened sweetheart?" I asked, my voice full of worry. My mate shook his head.

"Nothing's wrong Adras. I'm just nervous." He looked up at me, and I knew I had a puzzled look on my features. "Adras, I love you very much. . ."

"I love you too, but tell me something I don't know. What's wrong?" I said, squeezing his hands.

He averted his eyes and I followed his gaze, locking on a beautiful white rose bush. Talus stood up and walked to the plant, pulling his pocketknife out and cutting off the most gorgeous blossom he could find, then taking the thorns off. I blushed as he walked back, placing the rose in my hand and sitting back down.

"I love you more than anything else in the world. I would die to protect you and I would do anything to always be with you. . ." Talus' voice died and he grunted to get it back. "I want to always be with you my love."

I felt a tear form at the corner of my eye at Talus' comments. "I love you too." My voice was little more than a whisper. Talus stood to his feet and helped me up. I felt ready to burst into tears at the love that emenated from his body. I felt my joy disappear though when I felt Talus' paw begin to shake uncontrollably. Soon the trembling passed and I looked at my mate in fear.

"Talus, what's the matter? Do you feel all right honey?" I begged. Talus shook his hand at me.

"I'll be fine. I'm just. . .well. . ." He looked up at me, then bent down on one knee, still holding my hand.

Oh my God! My heart felt ready to burst its way out of my chest. Talus struggled to find his voice, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small velvet box.

"Adras William Saffire," He whimpered, opening the box to reveal a triple diamond studded gold ring. "will you marry me?"

For a split second, my mind refused to work as I tried to reconcile what I had just seen and heard come from my mate. My breathing raced and I blinked hard at the beauty of the ring and Talus' offer. My mouth opened and shut several times before I realized that I had a voice. I held my hand over the ring case and looked at Talus' bright blue eyes.

"Yes." I whispered, my eyes already pouring tears of pure joy.

Talus looked at me and kissed my hand in the most romantic way I had ever seen him do. I screamed in happiness and hauled my new fiancee to his feet, jumping into his arms and kissing his neck passionately. I didn't care that everyone in the park was looking at us. All I knew was that I was to be married to the man I loved and would spend the rest of my life with him as his lifemate. I cried into his chest, feeling his own tears mixing with mine.

"I love you so much!" I mumbled into his chest as I cried in joy. "I've always loved you."

Talus laughed and gave me a loving kiss. "I know, I've always loved you too." He looked down and picked up the white rose he had given me, handing it back to my shaking paws.

"Thank you sweetheart." I said softly, a wide grin plastered all over my face.

Talus took me in his arms, opening the jewrey box and removing the mind-shattering ring and taking my left hand in his paws. I nearly fainted with the sight of watching him slide the beautiful ring on my finger. He looked up and smiled.

"You know what this means don't you?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'm all yours for all eternity." I said, stroking his hair.

"Not only that, but we have a lot of phone calls to make to tell everyone about the wedding." Talus said, smiling.

I smiled and wiped my eyes, admiring the ring in the bright sunlight. Suddenly the world took on a more vivid color, the smell was more pleasant, and the birds sang more beautifully. My world had changed forever and I was going to spend it with the one I loved more than life itself.

"I love you." I breathed. Talus nodded, pressing his forehead against mine, our eyes locking.

"I love you too." My fiancee said, kissing my nose. "Now let's get back to the house. We have a lot of work to do."

~ ~

I shouted in glee as I ran inside our house, running straight for the phone and dialing.

After a few seconds of ringing, I heard the reciever pick up. "Hello?" Came a very delicate voice on the other side. I calmed my breathing so I wouldn't yell into the phone. It didn't matter, I was still almost screaming into the phone.

"Mom! Guess what?! Talus proposed! We're getting married in June!" I shouted. Talus slapped my ass as he walked past and I kicked at him playfully, shaking a finger and smiling.

I heard the phone drop onto the table and my mom running out of the room shouting the news to my father, whose boomy voice came back to the phone.

"WHOO-HOO! Good for you Adras!" I heard him shout and I smiled. My mom ran back and slammed the phone back to her ear.

"Honey is this for real?! Did he really propose?" She asked breathlessly.

"Yes! I can't believe it either!" I said, all of my words blending into one in my excitement. "We're really getting married!"

I heard Mom sit down, crying in joy just as I had done. "I'm so happy for you. Talus will be a good lifemate, I don't have any doubts about that."

"Thanks Mom." I said, my voice calming a little.

"What kind of ring did he get you? Is it as beautiful as he is?" Mom said, covering up the phone mic and whispering. I laughed.

"Aw, come on Mom. He's all mine now, and you can't have him. Besides, I think Dad'll be more than mad if you replaced him."

"Hey, you can't replace me! I fix this piece of crap house up when it breaks." My Dad's voice came over the line, startling us both as he chatted over another line.

"Dad!" I greeted.

"Mark dear!" My Mom greeted, snickering. "You can still be the fix-it man."

"Aw, stoppit Mom." I laughed, my eyes rolling. Dad's deep voice filled the reciever.

"So, the wedding's in June?"

"Yeah, just a month and a half away." I said. "I can't wait."

"Neither can we." My parents said in unison.

I felt another slap on my ass and turned to see Talus standing there completely naked, his head bent to one side and a seductive smile on his face. My eyes traveled further down his sleek body, his hips angled and hands on his hips. He looked more than beautiful, he was stunning. My eyes went wide as I eyed his swollen sheath and I winked at him, licking my chops. I realized that my parents were still on the other side of the line and gasped.

"Adras, you still there?" My father asked at my sudden dropout of the conversation.

"Oh, sorry. Talus is distracting me because he's. . .well. . ." I said, eyeing his body.

"Butt naked!" My love yelled so my parents could hear. I quickly covered up the phone and stuck my tongue out at Talus. I could hear my parents laughing histerically on the other side of the call.

"Oh, go on honey. Go take care of your to-be-lifemate. Call us when you start planning." Mom said lovingly. "I may not be able to help with the wardrobe though since you refuse to wear a dress. . ."

"I am NOT wearing a wedding dress!" I said firmly.

"Aw, but you'd look so cute in one, you'd probally blind everyone with white compounded on top of your white pelt." Dad laughed. My Mom scolded her lifemate.

"Ahem! Dear, Talus is still waiting for his mate to get off the phone." She said. I shifted about uncomfortably; Talus' display making me intensely aroused.

"Oh yeah! Bye son, we love you." Dad said, then leaned in to whisper. "Go show Talus what the Saffire family can do!"

Mom eeked at the suggestive comment. "DEAR! Bye Adras. Remember, call back!"

"Bye, love you." I said, dropping the phone onto the cradle and turning to tackle my mate.

I kissed Talus' chest in a frenzy, my wedding ring feeling like it was fueling the love I felt inside. Talus watched intently, a smile on his lips as I quickly moved lower on his body coming to his swollen sheath and stopping. I took a deep breath of his scent and my muzzle opened in ectasy before I dropped down to lick at him, my own cock already rock hard in the cool air. A few inches of Talus' cock jumped from its protective sheath and I clamped my muzzle down on him, licking and sucking on his warm member. Talus gasped and rubbed my head as he became harder, his cock easing quickly out of its sheath and hardening to its full length. I moaned as Talus filled my muzzle, pawing at his balls and gently squeezing them, Talus' breathing becoming faster and more shallow. I sucked harder on my mate's hard shaft, loving the taste and smell of his arousal, the phermones driving me mad and making my instincts kick in. I lapped away at the sweet precum that formed at the cocktip, then allowed myself to lose control, turning around and raising my tail for him.

Talus opened his eyes to see the tight pucker below my tail and quickly sat up, his cock bouncing a bit at his movements. I closed my eyes and tried to relax my tight tailhole to prepare for my mate's entry. I felt Talus' hands wrap around my waist, then he bent down to whisper in my ear.

"Are you sure you don't want lube for this?" He panted, his cockhead pressing wantonly against my hole. I nodded.

"I'm sure." I whimpered, moving around a bit to feel his cock pressing under my tail. "Take me."

"I love you Adras." My mate said, slowly sliding a few inches of his almost dry cock under my tail. "If it hurts too much, just tell me to stop."

I gritted my teeth as I felt Talus' shaft penetrate me. I had never allowed Talus to mate me with this little lube, so I wasn't sure what to expect. My tailhole felt like it was on fire as Talus slid gently inside me, careful to not be too rough even in his intensely aroused condition. I groaned in pain, but patted Talus' hand to tell him I was all right.

"I'm ok, keep going." I grunted through the pain. Talus stroked my face worriedly.

"Are you sure you want this? You don't have to if you don't want to."

I let out a breath of happiness as I felt Talus' cock ooze a little more pre to lube up my painful back passage. "I'm sure honey, just go slow."

Talus kissed my back and continued thrusting. As each inch of his cock slid slowly inside, I felt as if at any moment I should tell him to stop and pull out, but I wanted to give Talus something I had never given him before so I closed my eyes tightly and let him continue. Finally, I felt his balls touch mine and gasped as I got used to the pain. As hard as I tried, I still cried a bit at the pain, making Talus cry a bit too.

"Honey, I have to stop this and go get lube. I can't hurt you like this." He said, his tears dropping on my back. I felt his length moving about inside me and the pain slowly dying away, an intense pleasure replacing it.

I moaned and shuddered a bit. "No, no, don't Talus. The pain's gone now."

Talus hugged my waist close to his chest. "Are you sure? Please tell me the truth."

"Yes, I'm sure." I moaned again lustily, Talus' hot shaft now feeling too good.

Talus started a gentle thrusting, careful to listen and feel if I was uncomfortable. The truth was, the pain was still there, but Talus' rapid production of pre was beginning to ease our mating. My mouth opened in pure pleasure and I humped backwards at Talus' thrusts. The pain had vanished now and I wasn't the only one in bliss; Talus began to moan in pleasure as my tailhole bit down hard on his cock, the dryness adding to his experience. I grabbed my own cock in both hands and started a rapid pumping, eager to time my orgasm with Talus', my knot already swollen. He grabbed my waist and started a quicker pace, ramming my tailhole and groaning in pleasure. His tail flailed in the air behind him, and he leaned over my back, holding me close as he humped me hard and fast.

I moaned loudly and came prematurely, spurting my load all over the living room floor. Talus continued his rapid slamming of my hole, his body enraptured in pleasure. After a few more desperate thrusts, his knot swelled to its full size and he popped it into me, making me cry out with the sharp pain, then moaning with the intense pleasure that followed. He gripped my sides with his claws and climaxed, shooting his seed deep inside me. He let out a long, broken breath, oohhing loudly as he came, spurt after spurt of hot cum polling inside. I groaned and collapsed, my mate's shaft moving around inside me and his knot still holding us together. He panted loudly, trying to gain his breath back as he held me close to his chest, stroking my arms softly.

"Are you ok sweetheart?" He whispered. I moaned.

"I feel wonderful." I said in the afterglow of our experience.

"Thank you so much." Talus said as he kissed the back of my head. I smiled.

"Only for you." I said. "I love you."

"I love you too." He whispered. "I'm so glad you accepted."

I sighed softly. "How could I not accept? I love you too much to say no."

Talus' knot softened enough for him to pull out and he turned me around to face him, kissing me passionately and licking at my tongue with his own. I closed my eyes and eagerly returned the kiss. Talus sighed then broke the kiss unwillingly, putting a finger to my muzzle.

"I just remembered that if we keep doing this, we'll never get the wedding preparations done on time." He stated, rather matter of factly. I sighed, then kissed him lightly.

"You're right. Besides we're laying in a pool of my cum and matting up our nice clean fur." I said smiling.

Talus smiled back and swooped me into his arms, carrying me out of the living room and into the bathroom. I simply stared at his eyes the entire time, the sheer romancticism of what he had just done making me swoon. He gently set me down and turned on the water both of us testing it before stepping inside the shower. I poked my ring in his face as we washed off.

"You're all mine now!" I said, my heart content. Talus wrapped his arms around my waist.

"And you're all mine, you lovely wolf." Talus breathed before we kissed again.

This was the most perfect day of my life. I thought as I allowed Talus to explore my mouth, my eyes closed. I'll never forget today. Thank you my love.

What made the day even more perfect was I knew Talus was thinking the exact same thing I was as we kissed each other. I didn't even care when the water turned ice cold, we just stepped from the shower and hugged each other close for hours.

The most perfect day of my life was to be followed by the most perfect years of my life with Talus always at my side, his love matching mine.

~The End~

Look for Part Three: Wedding Day!

email: [email protected]

~Greymantle Studios~

Don't break my copyright or I'm coming after you. I mean it.