Little Sister: Chapter 7, Nightmares

Story by BigFurryMonster on SoFurry

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#7 of Little Sister

She tried to remain quiet while running through the trees. She'd agreed to come out here with her date but she hadn't known his true intentions until he had taken the keys out of the ignition and put his hand on her leg. They'd gone to prom together but Karen didn't have any intentions of sleeping with Kevan when she had agreed to go with him. Panting hard she hid behind a tree and tried to stay quiet though it was hard because she was frightened. He was an animal, a totally different person when he wanted it apparently.

Karen had been unwilling to do what he wanted, though in retrospect she should have just given him a hand job when he had offered that out to her. It would be preferable to what she thought was coming if he caught her. Yelling in a certain direction she stalked in the direct opposite trying to throw him off. "Kevan, I'll give you that hand job if you'll just stop chasing me."

"Too late, you're my prey now." He called in reply, his voice sounding excited.

Putting a hand over her mouth to stop the coming sob she continued walking in the opposite direction hoping she could get back to the car and get out of here before he could catch her. Her beautiful black dress had been ripped in a few places from getting caught on the plant life in this spot, they called it makeout point. Another detail she should have been keen on when he had brought her here. She remembered choosing it; the dress was modest but sexy, coming down mid thigh with black velvet trim. It had a little cleavage showing but not much, and it was strapless. Her usually meticulously groomed fiery red fur was matted with sweat, some not her own. She perked her ears backward, they were relatively small for a fennec and her face had small, fine features like her mother. The jade green of her eyes scanned the trees around her looking for him.

It didn't take much effort to walk almost silently back to the parking area where the car was. She didn't see him so she made a mad dash toward the car, hoping the keys were in the ignition. As her eyes scanned the tree line she failed to see the black-furred form standing up behind her.

Kevan had guessed right, the only place for her to go was back to the car. As such he had just hidden behind it and waited for her to approach. Creeping up silently behind her he grabbed her wrists and pinned them down to the car, she yelped terror and squirmed against him but that only succeeded in rubbing her ass across his crotch, causing a stir then resulting in an almost involuntary stiffening. "Oh you're so predictable, where else do you have to go but back here?"

"No!" She cried out, trying to free her hands from his grasp.

"Shut it if you don't want me to hurt you." Kevan demanded, pressing his body against hers. He had shed most of his tux before hand, leaving just his pants, boxers and shoes. Forcefully he grabbed her dress and hiked it over her waist, resting it on her lovely round ass. He had to use one hand to keep her restrained so pulling her panties down her legs was difficult. "Keep quiet girl."

She was dripping wet so sliding the head of his member inside of her was relatively easy. Her pussy was nice and tight, just like he enjoyed. Slowly he buried himself inside of her and pressed his hips against her ass. She was whimpering and breathing heavy, after a moment of enjoying the sensation he pulled himself almost all the way out then slid back in fast, picking up the pace when she cried out a little. Using one hand he pulled her arms behind her back and with the other he covered her mouth, careful not to let her get a bite of his fingers.

His pace quickened and he pulled his body away from her, looking down to get a nice view of her back and rear. He watched his cock pull out glistening only to push it back in with a wet slapping sound. She was moaning under his hand so he let her arms and mouth go and put his hands on her hips, pulling her back against him to match his thrusts. Her legs were wobbling so he arched one arm under her flat stomach and steadied her, using his fingers to toy with her clit gently. As she arched her back and grunted he pulled himself out of her and stroked his cock fast, splattering a long stream of his thick juices across her back and ass. "Oh yeah baby, that's it."

"That was good, just what I wanted. You do realize you're paying for the dress though." Karen said through a growing smile and a giggle. "My mother's going to kill me when she sees this."

"Just change out of it and hide the dress, we brought a change of clothes remember?" Kevan grinned broadly and licked his lips. "Why don't you clean this off?"

"Why don't you clean me off?" She replied just as quick, shaking her head. "That's your problem, I got my rocks off."

"Kinky and sassy, my kind of woman." He pushed his body up against her as she turned around and grabbed her arms again, more than willing to do her again. When she kissed his mouth aggressively he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head backward, kissing her neck and biting down but not enough to break her skin. When she wrapped one leg around his waist he put his hand in the crook of her knee and guided himself inside of her again, not bothering to start out slow.

She moaned against him and growled, biting down on his shoulder hard. Slapping her cheek gently he pulled her head back again and slammed his hips into her crotch, burying his dick deep inside of her grasping womanhood. He could feel her muscles tightening on him as she slipped her arms around his neck. Lifting her from the ground he put his hands under her ass and lifted her up and down on his throbbing meat.

She leaned her head back and let out a yell of pleasure, digging her nails into his back forcefully. His efforts renewed Kevan pushed a single finger into her puckered ass and worked it fast like he did the rest of her body. She looked surprised and she tried to pull it out by grabbing his arm. He ignored her attempts to gain control again and crammed himself deep inside of her, putting her back against the window of his car.

Using her position as leverage he lifted her body up and rapidly moved his lower torso while still sliding his finger in and out of her forbidden orifice. Giving her no warning he groaned lightly and his hips began bucking of their own accord when he spilled another load deep inside of her pussy. He grinned at her glare and kissed her again, forcefully.

"You bastard, do you know that you're the first guy to do that?" She glared at him for a moment then looked away. "You weren't supposed to come inside."

"Yeah but you liked it." He replied, nibbling her neck lightly.

"That doesn't matter." She pulled herself out of his iron embrace and dusted her dress off, heading for the trunk. "I have to change now."

"You sure you don't want to go for round three?" He said to her slyly as he removed his pants and boxers followed by his shoes and socks, following her so he could retrieve his clothes from the trunk.

"You're a monster; no I have a curfew unfortunately." She said with a shrug. "But I'd like to relive this fantasy some other time if you're game."

"Always." He smiled as he pulled a new pair of boxers, jeans, and a shirt over his head followed by socks and shoes. Taking his keys and wallet in hand he stuffed the latter in his pocket and watched her change. Her body was perfect, unsurprisingly. She was young and virile like his sister and Gina. All three were still in high school though they were all getting ready to graduate.

Thinking about the two of them swapped his thoughts from the sex-hungry animal to his normal self again. He marveled at how easy it was getting for him to go from one to the other. When Karen had told him one of her fantasies was to be forced into having sex he had instantly become the other person. He found himself staring at her body though his mind was elsewhere.

"Keav?" She asked lightly, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You alright?"

"Huh? Oh sorry, I just got lost in my head there for a minute." Kevan smiled for her and put a hand on her cheek. "You're so beautiful."

Karen blushed at his compliment and looked away from him, smiling a little. "You go from being such a gentleman and a smooth talker to a sexual predator so quickly it's almost scary. Thank you for not thinking I'm a freak for that fantasy, and thank you for helping me live it out."

"The pleasure was mutual I assure you." He replied, kissing her lips fleetingly with his own. She looked surprised at first but she smiled.

"Now none of that, I can't go falling in love with you now can I?" She said softly. "None of that romantic crap."

"Sorry." He replied, leading her to her door and opening it for her. "Home then?"

"Yeah if you don't mind, I have a long day tomorrow." She said with a smile as she sat down in his car. Karen watched him walk around the front of the vehicle and sighed a little, knowing that she was having problems not falling in love with him. He was so kind and gentle but so fiery when he wanted something. He was also very easy on the eyes, he was an athlete so his body was cut and chiseled as if he was fashioned from a statue. From his soft black fur to his wonderfully baritone voice he was perfect. "God what am I doing?"

"What was that?" He said as he opened the door and sat down next to her starting up the car so they could depart.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Karen smiled for him and then sighed lightly, looking out of the window.

"Hey, I didn't hurt you did I?" He put his fingers under her chin and turned her gaze toward him as they drove down the road.

"No! No, no not that I just have a lot on my mind." She smiled again and shook her head. "Nothing you need to worry about."

"Talk to me, we're friends right? I mean we just had some rather un-casual sex so it's not like we haven't seen the intimate side of one another." Keeping his eyes on the road he decided to leave it at that and let her decide if she wanted to talk to him.

Karen thought about it for a long time, wondering if she should reveal what was really on her mind to him. Things were complicated in her life but his was even worse. Having to take care of his sister and Gina also, plus going to college and working at the same time, she just didn't know how he did it. He was an amazing man, who wouldn't have feelings for him. "Well I don't know."

"I guess I could just spit it out." She closed her eyes for a moment and tried to organize her thoughts. "I know we promised each other we wouldn't have feelings, we'd just leave it as a friends with benefits sort of thing but I think I'm breaking my promise."

"Oh." He said quietly, looking over at her. "I... I don't know what to say honestly."

"There's another girl?" She inquired, looking up at him even from her seated position. She was short compared to him. "Who is it?"

"Gina, actually." Kevan didn't want to lie to her, and it wasn't an odd thing for them to date since Gina had hit eighteen this year and she was ready to graduate. His sister's birthday was not far off either so they would both be legal. "We've been going out for a short time now. Honestly every since she hit eighteen, can't be too careful you know."

"Yeah I know. How does she feel about this little arrangement?" Karen asked with one eyebrow arched.

"She actually encouraged it; she said I needed another girl sometimes because she has a hard time keeping up with my needs." He shrugged a little and looked over at her apologetically. "I'm sorry, if I weren't already involved with someone I'd ask you out in a heartbeat."

"I believe that." She couldn't help but smile in the face of his honesty. "Well if I can't have you one way at least I get to have you in another."

Kevan smiled like a predator, making her laugh. "My thoughts exactly."


"Daddy no!" She cried out, sitting bolt upright in the bed. Luckily for her Gina wasn't a light sleeper. Keva ran a hand across her sweat-matted brow and sighed softly. She'd been having that same nightmare ever since her father had hit her and her brother had attacked him in return. She'd not seen her parents since. They had a restraining order against both their mother and father, Kevan had officially battled for and won custody of his sister until she turned eighteen which was soon.

Gina had stayed with them as well; she was eighteen so they were more open about their relationship. Keva knew she could never really be open about theirs, at least not in this town. She lived for the times when they left for the city to shop or see a movie because their relationship could be more open and free. Hiding it made her feel a little wrong but she wouldn't change what they had for their life. Glancing at the clock she realized it was way past time for her brother to be home from work.

He worked way too hard, even paying for their prom dresses with his own money. She'd wished they could have gone to the prom together but they had decided against it, Gina and Keva had gone together and Kevan had taken a friend of theirs. They'd felt bad for Karen because she didn't get asked out by anyone.

Standing up out of the bed she made sure not to disturb Gina as the silken sheets drifted off of her body. Fully nude next to the bed she stretched out luxuriously. Her body had filled in nicely; she had curves in all the right places and a nice sheen to her coat. Her breasts had grown significantly. They had even growing bigger than Gina's more-than-enough B cup. Keva had taken to wearing her hair long; it was down past her shoulders but not mid back. It still held the white-and-black streaking that she'd had since she was a girl, and thankfully she'd inherited her mother's genes so her hair didn't require too much maintenance. Usually she'd wear her hair long, it went strikingly well with her angular features and lithe body.

Walking caused the thin night gown she wore to shift and play around her curves, the light blue garment matched her eyes. Her brother had gotten it for her as a gift, she knew now it was more for him than her but she didn't mind that at all. As she hit the bathroom she opened the door and yelped when she found Kevan lying on the ground curled up in a ball. He was obviously sleeping but she couldn't tell why. Her nose twitched, she didn't smell booze on him so he wasn't drinking. Gingerly she put her hand out and touched his shoulder, rocking him gently. "Kevan, hey wake up."

"Huh?" He said, blinking at her a few times. "Keva?"

"Kevan, love why are you sleeping on the bathroom floor?" Keva crouched down next to him and put a hand on his head, stroking his hair softly. "Are you alright?"

"I don't know, all I remember doing is coming in here to take a shower before bed." He sniffed lightly and shrugged a little, still partially asleep. "I guess I got the shower part done, I must have passed out or something."

"You're not getting enough sleep. Between school and work you're going to kill yourself if you keep it up." Keva frowned at him and sighed, closing her eyes. "Let's get you to bed."

"Just a little while longer, I'm almost done with my degree." He argued as she helped him up. He put his arm around her and marveled at how beautiful she had become. She was truly a woman, full figured and sexy. He was proud to be her lover, to be her master when the time struck him. "Did I get Karen home on time?"

"What?" Keva turned her head toward him, her face painted with worry. "Kevan the prom was a week ago."

"Oh." He scratched his head as she laid him down next to Gina and closed his eyes.

Keva was worried about him; he had fallen asleep so fast he didn't even get to finish his sentence. Sitting down on the bed next to him she ran her fingers through his hair and hummed lightly. It soothed him, that was the one thing she remembered from her childhood. When their father had done something bad to Kevan the only way to sooth him was for Keva to run her fingers through his hair and hum a tune to him. It was the one time in their lives that she had been taking care of him instead of the other way around. When Gina stirred next to him she held her finger to her lips and shook her head, trying to keep her friend quiet.

Gina nodded in response and walked over to the bathroom, which was when Keva remembered she had to pee. Having a one bathroom one bedroom apartment was a tight fit sometimes but when Kevan finally finished his doctorate in psychology and his internship he had plans to start his own practice. She hoped that would be sufficient to get him out of their current predicament, he was working way too much.

"Was he in the bathroom again?" Gina asked quietly, sitting next to Keva.

Keva gave her a surprised look and then shifted her gaze back to her brother. "Again? You've found him there before?"

"Yeah, two nights ago, he was having a nightmare." Gina shrugged and looked down at him also. "I didn't think anything of it; I thought he was walking in his sleep or something."

"I'm worried Gina, he can't keep up this pace forever." Keva shook her head and sniffed a little as she fought back tears she knew were coming. "I can't lose him, you two are all I have left and he's the only blood relative I still associate with."

"Hey now, don't get upset okay? We're not going anywhere. He's almost done with school and once he graduates he can start his internship and quit the minimum wage job he's doing. He'll be working weird hours but not what he's doing now." Gina put a hand on Keva's cheek. "He knows a lot of people so it shouldn't be hard for him to get an internship; he's really smart when it comes to that stuff."

"I know, but that doesn't make me worry any less." Keva laid down next to her brother and closed her eyes, she felt Gina do the same thing on the other side of him and for a long time she couldn't seem to fall asleep. She didn't know if it was worry or because of the nightmares she'd been having recently. Slowly though she lost consciousness, her last thoughts were of her brother before sleep claimed her.


Kevan sat staring at the smartboard at the head of the classroom trying to pull the last week from his garbled brain. He could remember flashes, bits and pieces that didn't fit together well. His obedient teacher was dutifully sucking on his cock and had been for longer than he could have expected any woman to hold on. Finally she lifted her head and ran her hand across her jaw.

"I can't go on anymore, I'm sorry." She looked up at him from her kneeling position and frowned a little. "You're so distracted today, what's the matter?"

"Don't worry about it." Kevan put his hand on her head and looked down at her for a moment, helping her up off of her knees. "Did we have sex last week?"

"What?" She said with an arched eyebrow. "Yes, twice. What kind of question is that?"

"I've lost a week; I don't remember anything about it besides the occasional flash." He shook his head and put his face in his hands. "I don't understand this."

"Okay well tell me this then, what is the default IRQ and DMA for an old soundblaster card functioning in DOS?" She queried, going over a simple subject they had gone over last week during class.

"IRQ 1 and DMA 5." Kevan stated without thinking, surprising himself.

"Correct." She smiled at him and put a condom on his throbbing dick. Once he was convered she straddled his lap, making sure his cock was positioned just between her lips as she moved her hips slowly. "See, you do remember some of it then."

Even though he had not achieved penetration it still felt good to have her warm spot running up and down his shaft. Taking the initiative he reached behind her and pushed the head of his cock higher, sliding it inside of her wet pussy. Her purr rumbled through his body because she was so close to him. She was wearing a long black skirt that was rolled up her legs and a white blouse that hugged her body, especially her breasts, tightly. The coat she wore over it had been discarded on her desk. The chair beneath him rocked back and forth with the thrusting of her hips, making enough noise for them to feel a little bit of danger.

It was almost time for her next class so they had to hurry. Kevan wasn't really into it this time but any nut was a good one in his opinion. He dug his nails into her thighs and pushed himself upward forcefully against her thrusts. Each move of his hips caused her to moan softly, she had taken to biting down on her own fingers so she wouldn't moan loudly. He crammed two fingers into her ass, a signature move for him if there was one and stood up, leaning her body backward so he could watch her breasts bounce underneath the shirt.

Her tail worked hard and she bucked and strained against him as if she was trying to get away. He knew better, she had insisted they keep the physical relationship going even after he had left her class. Roughly he pushed her against the wall and wailed on her like a railroad worker driving spikes. She was soaking wet between her legs, he could feel her honey running down and around his fingers as they pumped back and forth like his manhood inside of her vagina. Kevan pumped himself hard one final time burying himself deep inside of her as he shot off a load into the waiting condom.

After a few involuntary twitches he pulled himself out of her and set her down, discarding the condom in her trash can and exiting before she could say anything else. She had been harping on him to extend their relationship to something more than sex so he felt that it was about time to cut off their little interactions.

That was his dominating thought as he left the college and headed home. He actually had a day off for once so his plan was to relax and maybe spend some time with his sister. Kevan hoped he could take a shower before she got home because he hated going home smelling like the teacher. He didn't even care to call her by her name anymore. "Well, that's the end of you babe."

The drive home was relaxing even through traffic because he hadn't really had a day off from work in weeks. He usually worked seven days a week after college to make the payments and bills on time. Since he had gotten a raise he had been able to catch up with his bills and rent, enough so that he could pay for his girls to go to prom and take a much-needed day off. Once he pulled into the apartment complex he turned off his car and sat there for a moment staring at the steering wheel. For once in a long time he questioned his relationship with his sister and her best friend Gina. He knew the reason why he had done it; his father had taught him a long time ago that blood relations didn't mean anything when you wanted sex.

Kevan thought back to his first interaction with his sister, when he had discovered her masturbating in the bathroom with a small dildo that Gina had given her. He had eaten her out and forced her to suck him off, then days later he took her virginity but not by force. He had taken it by coercion, his convincing tongue and their raging hormones had given way to a relationship that had fostered into so much more. He loved her more than he should love her, and he loved Gina just as much. Even though he had been harsh on them in the past and made them into his little sex slaves they had stuck by his side and even learned to love him in return.

He exited his car and stood, looking around at the various cars and a few people meandering around the complex. Most of them were shells, hollow and worthless. He had embraced himself and shaped his favorite girls into something more than just your average cow walking off to the slaughter. He had made their lives rich and fruitful; they were one big happy family. Now smiling again he ascended the stairs and walked into the living room of their apartment to find Gina and Keva both sitting on the couch, apparently waiting for him. "Girls? What's up?"

"I don't know how I'm going to say this so I guess I should just spit it out." Gina said first, looking to Keva for support. "Kevan I'm pregnant."

His jaw dropped to the floor and for a moment he stared at them both, stunned beyond recognition. His mind reeled at the possibilities and avenues that he had worked through to get to this point. He expected to feel as if his life was crashing down around him but deep inside he felt a spark of joy. Kevan's tone was cheerful, and both girls looked at each other then back at him as he spouted out his words like a fountain and hugged them both tight. "I can't believe it! The three of us are going to be parents!"