Dragons & Lions

Story by Inotamira Orani on SoFurry

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The room was fairly dark considering it was 9 A.M. A dragon slept on a bed alone with no one beside him, even though he had someone in mind, he'd never quite picked up the courage to ask him because he was afraid to, his name, was Inotamira Orani, Ino for short. The reason was quite easy, it was considered quite dishonorable to mate to any other species then his own. The one he'd come to adore and admire was a lion, his name was Leo.

Leo was known around the local bar/rave joint Ino worked at as "Leo The Kid". It didn't really have much to do with his speed about anything, just that had been his nickname for a very long time. Ino sighed and sat up, he'd hit the snooze button 4 times now as it kept interrupting his day dreams about that lion.

"Why does he get stuck in my head so much, I even cum harder when I dream of him getting on top of me." Ino shook his head still day dreaming about the many things he'd love to do to Leo as he turned on the shower whipping the recently sprayed cum off of his front. After cleaning his scales properly he toweled off causing the golden scales to shine and glisten.

He looked in the mirror, his strawberry red eyes seeming to express his dreaminess better then he had hoped. His fairly effeminate body looking wonderful, if it weren't for the fact he told people his sex, he could have easily been mistaken for a female, as both male and female had slits between their legs, just one hid a penis and the other didn't. He worked on correcting this and managed to pull of a bored/uninterested look and held that.

He walked into his room and picked out a somewhat sexy lion cloth type garment and strapped it on smiling. He loved being able to show off his scales, gold was such a beautiful color, even if blinding at times, thusly why he liked it dark when he was inside. He stepped into the kitchen and ate his usual breakfast and sighed, the bar didn't open till 12 and it was only 9:30, he hadn't stayed in bed as long this time daydreaming.

After he finished eating as discarded of the dishes into the sink he walked into his living room and flipped on the Wii and began playing thinking about what was going to happen today. The bar had an early start into it's rave today, only at 5 instead of the usual 7, some sort of celebration. Ino didn't have much care for that, he just hoped that Leo would be there at 5, a full 2 hours more to possibly talk to him today.

If Ino was lucky he might be able to slip out of his job for a few hours and sneak Leo to one of the rooms. Him and Leo could be considered friends but Ino had always kept his feelings to himself as he didn't want to start an uproar with his boss or any of the other dragons in the bar. His boss was a fairly strict red dragon, but at times he had a playful nature and joined in the fun when the bar became a rave.

The clock above his television clicked off that it was now 11:50, Ino clicked off the Wii and headed out the door. He stretched his wings and pushed them into the proper flight position and hopped into the air taking off doing something of an in air back flip to face the opposite direction and soared towards the bar, his scales glimmering beautifully in the sky. He landed fairly heavily and saw his boss out front hanging a sign.

The sign cause Ino to falter and look at the boss in question. The boss didn't notice as he was already drunk, the sign read, "Leo's 32 Birthday (early rave) 5P.M.", the boss turned after a few moments as if just noticing the thud Ino made from his landing and smiled. "Ino, your on time today, hey it's your friends birthday today, you know the lion guy who always shows up."

He laughed loudly as if this was funny, obviously he wasn't enjoying that fact as he usually didn't get drunk to the point of instability. Ino looked at this as a good sign, it'd make dragging him off easier as the boss would most likely pass out early today giving Ino plenty of time. By the looks of it people where already inside waiting for drinks.

Ino walked in and began taking orders, running through his daily routine trying to hold the blank look while dreaming about Leo as the clock ticked the hours off. 5 hours, then 4, then 3, 2, 1, finally the time had come and Ino flicked the few switches turning the bar from just a bar to a well fitted place for raves. Right on cue Leo walked in and let out his usual, "WOOT", which was a little more enthusiastic seeing as not only was the partying starting early, but it was also his birthday.

The DJ for the night was already booting his equipment up, their was meant to be two tonight, but the second was supposed to come later. Hopefully neither Ino OR Leo would be downstairs long enough to notice. Leo walked up to the bar and pated Ino and the shoulder laughing.

"Ino it's mah frigen birthday!" Leo was obviously very excited as he was practically jittery, Ino smiles and shook his head knowing why.

"Let me guess you managed to get ParagonX9 here." He nodded almost furiously giggling gleefully his arms in the air wooting. Ino couldn't help but giggle at him which got him a few awkward glances from his keen eyed and eared brothers.

Ino put himself in check regaining his composure not wanting them to assume the wrong thing, even if it really was like that, he didn't want Leo to find out that way. Especially not the way that would happen, both of them would be pushed out of town if any one found out. "So Ino, I want to talk to you in the rooms upstairs before this party seriously gets started...I've already talked to your boss ahead of time, he's giving you a two hour break."

Leo then leaned up closer to Ino so he could whisper in his ear. "I gave him some really good stuff, makes him lots more cooperative." Leo and Ino both laughed about this, it was a simple laugh, no odd glances.

Then it his Ino like a brick to the face, Leo had gotten him two hours off during work, and was dragging him up to the rooms? This could be good or very bad, either way Ino didn't have time to think about it as the boss was already hobbling over. "Get your assh up stairsh with da birf dah boi and hurreh bach, I dunnew eff I khan lash tew howers."

Ino was fighting blushing as it would become a very apparent copper on his face if he did and followed leo up the stairs and into one of the rooms where the noise was significantly reduced. Leo turned around still smiling in a slightly suspicious pose, his arms where tucked behind his back, his smile was strange. "So I dragged you up here so that you can talk to me, because obviously you've needed to for quite a while."

Ino wasn't exactly sure how he'd known this, but his blush was coming on very heavily by this point. "H..H..How do you know I wanted to talk to you?" Leo giggled at this, his giggle made Ino's insides squirm pleasurably.

Leo sighed and shook his head coming just a little to close for Ino's comfort, but he never pushed him away. "This is why, your always looking at me, your reactions towards things I say are apparent even to lions. We're just as keen with hearing and almost as keen with sight as you dragons are...and your very obvious."

"The difference is, we don't shame our kind for loving outside of the species, or for the same sex, but thats fairly unanimous now. So tell me Ino, have you fallen in love with me?" By this point both of them where blushing very heavily and Leo seemed to become more and more bashful with every word.

Ino sighed and slid down on the door placing his forehead into his palm not sure if it was a good idea to admit it now or not, nothing was going the way he planed. What was worse, everyone already knew, meaning if he'd said yes, took him home with him, it would spell doom for their life in this town, and any other dragon run town. Leo came over and put a paw on Ino's shoulder and another on the bottom of his maw lifting his face up to his own.

"I don't care if they shun us, if you love me...let me know, because...I'm...in love...with you." Ino's eyes popped open and he felt his blush return with a vengeance as he felt Leo press his maw against his own. At first Ino tensed up and intended to move to get out of it, but his body seemed to have other plans betraying the act he'd been putting on.

Ino wrapped his arms around the back of Leo and pulled him onto himself pressing his tongue into Leo's mouth, wrapping his tongue around Leo's. Leo giggled and suckled on Ino's tongue for a while before breaking a kiss. "Ok, so we can't do that much with our tongue's like you can..but do I take that as a yes?"

Leo was smiling even though he was still blushing bashfully, Ino giggled and nodded. "So, um, while we're in the private rooms...would you...like to do anything else?" Ino blinked and felt his insides squirm a little, his slit suddenly parting as his fantasy's quickly flashed into his mind.

"Well...if...if we do that...I've..always been...the bottom type...and I've...very often...thought of you....on top of me." Ino's cock was now pushing against Leo's leg causing Leo to giggle, both of them clearly blushing again. Leo leaned into Ino to whisper in his ear brushing a hand along his chest and muzzle just exciting Ino more.

"And I've dreamed of getting on top of you and pounding your tail hole till you can't walk." Leo the moved his face back in front of Ino's an apparent smirk on his face leaning in to kiss Ino again. Leo got off Ino and picked him up fairly easily seeing as Ino wasn't a very large dragon.

He placed Ino onto the bed and rubbed his cock which had gotten hard during their "foreplay".

Leo practically ripped off Ino's loin cloth like dress that was hiding the rest of his body. Leo smiled down at Ino and put two fingers into his mouth then pressed them firmly against Ino's tail hole with a very "evil" look on his face.

Leo pressed into Ino's hole just a little causing Ino to gasp in pleasure just slightly and leaned over to whisper in his ear again. "I want you to beg for me, for me to be inside you." This would honestly be Leo's first time, but after the many things he'd seen done online he wanted to see how easy it really was to make some one squirm hotly, and so far wasn't dissatisfied.

Leo pressed his two fingers firmly inside Ino's Warm depths causing Ino to pant in pleasure. Leo couldn't get the smirk off his face, his cock was throbbing very hard now but he didn't touch it, instead he bent over and lightly stroked Ino's to continue the torment. Ino was now panting and murring, but his whole body was crying and twitching for more, much MUCH more.

"L..Leo...please...I...I want you in me..." Leo smiled and pulled his fingers from Ino and bent over giving Ino's cock one last playful lick before climbing onto the bed positioning himself atop Ino. He pressed himself just slightly against Ino's tail hole pushing in only slightly, he wasn't quite done teasing yet. Ino whimpered under him wrapping his arms around Leo's waist and pulling him in finding only minor resistance.

Ino let out a fairly loud but satisfied moan as Leo had his entire length slammed into Ino. Leo smirked and leaned in to give a tiny kiss on Ino's maw giving a gruff, almost growl like, hmhmhm. "Such an eager little draggie...care for more?"

Ino let out a tiny moan and nodded his cock throbbing against Leo's chest. Leo began to thrust into Ino, slowly at first but quickly increased his pace and his brutality. Ino began to moan loudly the tip of his cock rubbing wonderfully against Leo's beautiful body. Leo began to growl slightly as the feeling in his cock began to increase in volume.

Leo reached down and griped Ino's cock causing Ino to gasp slightly in pleasure as Leo began to jerk Ino's length up and down almost in pace with his own thrusts. Ino's back began to arch a little as he felt himself coming increasingly closer to his climax. "Oh...Leo, I'm....I'm gonna...I'm gonna...OHHH!"

Ino let out a loud moan and came onto both of their chests his tail hole clenching around Leo's cock causing the lion to climax as well and he let out a roar spraying many strings of warm lion seed into Ino. Both of them lay on top of each other panting in pleasure as Ino's cum was smushed between the two of them making a pleasantly gooey mess. Leo gently pulled himself out of Ino causing Ino to give a small moan.

Leo leaned up and kisses Ino deeply pulling him in as tightly as he could with out hurting either of them then pulled back to look into Ino's very happy, and very satisfied eyes. "Lets skip the party....you and me, your place....I don't want a party....I just want you". Leo rubbed a paw along the back of Ino's head lovingly before kissing him again.

After a while they parted and just held each other for a few seconds before Ino whispered in Leo's ear. "I've wanted this since the day I met you....I love you Leo...lets go home." Leo purred and they both got up, Ino placing his lion cloth like thing back on, Leo wasn't wearing anything to begin with. They both walked outside practically every dragon in the party glaring at them as they left.

Ino took Leo in his arm's and soared off to his house where they continued their love fest. Leo's birthday was the best he'd had in his entire life, and according to him, would ever have.

A Dragons Hopes

Sorry for the long absence guys, life and the story keep getting in the way, but I finally found the time to bring you a new one ˆ-ˆ. This one is mostly dedicated to my fiancé Lutra Mustil, but that's why I wanted to put it up here :p. °ω° I got...

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A Day Hiding In Plain Sight

I awoke in the morning feeling a little groggy. Sariantona and I had been together for three days. We mostly got to know each other in between having sexcapades when we became lustful for each other. Up until now the ship had provided plenty of food...

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Long Lost Friends

I sat there thinking about what was wrong with this world. I already knew what was wrong with it but it was all I could do to keep from going mad from boredom. I was a slave on a merchant ship where we were constantly used as either sexual tools or...

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