A Place in the Universe

Story by Kitt Da Folf on SoFurry

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#1 of The Great Balancing

A Place in the Universe

Chapter 1: Burning with Desire

The hall was dark, cold and very damp, made of ancient stonewalls over grown with moss and stank of stagnant old air. He stalked silently down into the darkness the occasional moonbeam shined though the cracks in the stone, reflecting off the mirror finish of his katana blade held out defensively in front of his body.

He stepped out of the hall into the moon lit courtyard; his sweat soaked dark blue gray fur glistened in the light. The yard was circular with two other entrances besides the one he just came out of, loose gravel shifted and crunched as he moved to the center.

His lupine ears and amber eyes twitched and darted from side to side trying to locate any movement. The six foot tall wolf relaxed for a moment dropping his sword guard. Only then did he notice and narrowly twist his agile body out of the way of an incoming spear tossed at his neck.

The wolf straightened his body out and was immediately attacked by a cloaked individual armed with a staff adorned with hook blades on either end. The wolf swung his sword out at frantically, trying to block the much longer weapon. He growled as the assailant swept his legs out from under him, landing with a dull thud on to the gravel; only having a split second to push himself to the side as one of the hooked blades came crashing down at his head. He climbed to his feet, panting and lunged at the figure only to have his sword spun out of his paw and a vicious boot to the muzzle sending him careening to the ground. Turning over with a whimper of pain he had the tip of the hooked blade is pressed to his chin.

"Still too much aggression Kitt, you have to learn to be calm, only then will you be able to manipulate your opponent."

The wolf just sighed and pushed the hooked blade away with his paw "Ya ya, I know..." he stood up and brushed himself off picking up his sword "You could probably take it a little easier on me...I mean the spear, a bit excessive"

The figure took his cloak off, exposing his aged lighter beige fur, his green eyes layered with experience also being wolf but a bit smaller than the younger Kitt. He chuckled at Kitt's comment "If you ever want to make it to Hun-gar, you'll have to be better than that."

Kitt rolled his eyes and walked back to the small transport ship that was parked just out side of the ancient coliseum.

As the two flew through the dark rain storm clouds they sat silently Gall piloting and Kitt just staring out the window.

"You know, you shouldn't take it so hard...this isn't the first time you've lost to me. I mean I am your teacher"

Kitt just sighed "It's not that Gall.... I'm just tired of the constant meaningless sparring matches..."

"Trust me Kitt, once you pass the trails you've be in more fights then you ever thought possible...now what's really bothering you?"

"Nothing...." Kitt said bluntly

"C'mon, don't be like that, tell me what's on your mind."

Kitt turned and looked at the old wolf "Okay.... I'm tired of hiding Alec and I, we can't even go out as mates together."

The beige's wolf's expression went extremely cold. "Look you know as well as I if the council or anyone else found out especially your family that you were gay and that you were mated to a rouge male. The council would strip you of everything you have and your family would probably try and kill you."

Kitt sighed but got a cocky grin on his muzzle. "You and I know that they don't have anybody who could challenge my skill."

Gall shook his head. "Silly child, how about this think of what they'd do to me for keeping this a secret, getting Alec his identity card and a place to stay in the capitol."

"Point taken but I'm still getting really, really tired of this" Kitt responded.

The transport came through the cloud and was instantly doused in a torrential down pour as the skyline of the massive lupine capitol city became visible. Densely populated and extremely technologically advanced, with some buildings stretching two hundred plus stories into the air. Gall sat the small gray transport down in front of a large hexagon shaped building the sides stretching for almost a kilometer built out of lavish reddish brown stone.

Kitt and Gall stepped out of the ship carrying their weapon cases. "You've got a week before your trial. See you in six hours, we're going again" Gall said.

Kitt nodded and pulled out the keys to his car and walked though the completely empty parking lot, the rain falling down in hard spatters that soaked Kitt's fur within moments, as he only wore a tank top and black jeans. He climbed into his car and rev'd up his engine roaring out of the parking lot and down the street.

It was late in the night so no one was out, which was good because it gave Kitt time to think as the bright orange glow of the city beamed off the clouds. Soon he pulled into the underground parking lot of his condo complex. He locked his car and slumped against the interior wall of the elevator as it lifted up, sometimes it sucked living on the fifty fourth floor but at leas it had a nice view, spanning out on the edge of the city overlooking the almost endless high mountains and dense green forests.

Kitt stepped out into the hall and walked down to his door, where he noticed it slightly open and instantly went on alert, his ears stiffened and stalked forward; gently pressing the door open looking into the darkened apartment. Kitt, with a soft whoosh pulled his ivory handled sword from the sheath, eyes swayed from side to side as he scanned his home.

Within a second he caught a scent, followed by a whip of reflected light as a blade came in towards his chest, which Kitt easily blocked by just flipping his blade straight up. Kitt slid into the assailant and wrapped his arm under his, tossing him over Kitt shoulder to the floor, pressing the blade down a mere inch from the figure's neck.

"Lights!" Kitt called out. The light sparked on showing Kitt leaning down over a similar sized white wolf, although his fur was mottled with stripes of brown and dark gray, Kitt sword pressed almost into his throat, "You looking to get yourself killed sweetie?" Kitt asked.

"Just keeping you on your toes darling.... besides I knew you'd catch my scent coming a mile away."

They both smiled and dropped their weapons to the side; Kitt took the wolf into a deep passionate kiss.

The rain was followed by an eerie silence as the two laid in Kitt's bed cuddled up against each other under his thin blankets. Kitt starred at the ceiling as Alec's muzzles was buried in his chest fur sleeping soundly.

A few minutes pasted as he slipped out of bed, only wearing his boxers he walked into the bathroom and doused his face in cool water looking at himself in the mirror and one of the scars left on his side from a battle years before, he closed his eyes but for a moment then had Alec's warm strong black furred arms wrapped around his waist, causing a low soft 'mmm' to slip his muzzle.

"What's keeping you up hon?" Alec questioned in a soft tone.

Kitt at Alec through the mirror, "Just thinking that's all"

Alec's paws moved up and down Kitt's soft creamy silver colored chest and stomach fur. "Oh, what about, that silly trial thing...or are you back on telling everyone that we're mates?"

"Both actually more the second part of that" he stood up straight pushing softly back into his lover.

"Erf...give it a rest...Kitt, seriously, it'll never happen. I already lost my family over that. You don't need that hassle." Alec said a bit more sternly, and took his paws away from Kitt.

"Hassle, what the hell do you call this? The only way I get to see you, is in the middle of the night when we're alone, you can barely show your face in public as it is!" Kitt's voice rose up more and more.

Alec's expression went dead serious as he starred in to Kitt's eyes. "Look, you dumb wolf with whom stole my heart...you need to listen to what I'm saying, it's not worth it. But if you're insistent on it, wait until you pass the trial. Then you might have some bargaining power." He padded forward and took Kitt into a tight, tight hug.

"I was intending that love." Kitt's paws wondered up and down his mates back fur, finally resting on his firm rump.

Alec's ears perked up as he 'mmmphs' "Looks like someone's still hungry "

"For you always..." Kitt grinned.

"I wasn't talking about you..." Alec grinned back breaking the hug and slipped down his mate's body........

The room echoed with the loud clang of cold steel banging against itself. Kitt whipped his sword off from one side to the other blocking attack after attack as four wolves assaulted him, each armed with a different weapon. Kitt back flipped off one furs and cleared himself to the center of the room, his sword glimmering in the light as his teeth barred starring down the four wolves that surrounded him. They paced around him until one decided to make a full frontal assault, his lance being thrust at Kitt's chest. Kitt leaned his body backwards swirling around the lance and snapping it in half with his sword, in turn lifting off his feet and nailing the wolf with a spin kick.

Two others leapt in from behind each carrying broad swords. Kitt's blade moved between the two, deflecting the barrage of strikes before Kitt wrapped himself against one of them and caught him with an elbow strike to the ribs then one to the side of the head taking him clean out. The other practically walked right up as Kitt planted a foot right into his chest, knocking him on his back. Kitt smiled at the forth and shrugged off the two, betting the last one on, he was carrying a similar sword to Kitt only not as elaborate.

Just as they were about to get into it, a booming voice sounded from the side of the arena. "Enough!"

Kitt looked seeing a caped big black wolf, nearly seven feet tall, wearing this intricate vest of armor and a red long cape flowing down his back. The other wolf bowed down to his knee instantly. Kitt however simply swung his blade behind his back and tilted his head.

The big wolf stepped forward and towered over Kitt. "Shouldn't you be kneeling commoner?" Kitt was about to respond when he saw Gall behind the wolf shaking his head.

Kitt let a growl out under his breath and knelt down.

"Good boy" The large wolf said. Gall stepped forward, and took a small bow.

"Well Alpha, what do you think?" Gall said as Kitt stood up again.

The Alpha smirked and stared Kitt down "He's a bit scrawny if you ask me..."

Kitt's lip rose a bit. "What? Does the little wolf want to say something?" the Alpha pushed.

"No sir...nothing...." Kitt's grip on his weapon tightened.

"Good" the Alpha turned almost whipping Kitt with his cape as he strode off. "He'd better be ready for this I'm putting a lot into this kid. It's your tail if he fails Gall" The Alpha said before leaving the arena.

Kitt sighed and looked at Gall. "Is it just me or does he stop by every time just to try and get my tail?"

"He is just trying to make sure he's real intimidating to the others, because he knows as well as you do that if you succeed with the trial you can openly challenge him for the title of Alpha."

"Heh, maybe I should...I mean think of what I could do as Alpha..." Kitt said.

"I wouldn't try it I know his abilities and yours. I trained you both after all, and you've got a long way to go before you could take him." Gall said as he and Kitt walked out of the arena.

"So..." Kitt started as he sipped at his coffee. "...Do you think I have a chance Gall?"

Gall sat back on the chair and shrugged and stared out the café window onto the street.

"Well, Kitt I've seen worse candidates for this. I can't really say, the title of Hun-gar, supreme warrior is different for every one who takes it but I can say I've been training you for 4 years and I've rarely seen skill like yours before. I also think that's why the Alpha is so interested in pestering you."

Kitt sighed and took another sip of his coffee. "Perfect, sometimes I wish I hadn't even said yes to do this."

Gall looked at Kitt "Don't ever think that. You have unlimited talent and unlimited potential look at all you've done for your family for you pack and for yourself. Don't let it go so easily."

"Well in two days we'll see if I can put my money where my muzzle is..."

The hush over the crowd was nearly deafening as Kitt marched out into the large stadium like room, thousands of wolves littered the stands observing the festivities. In the center a podium with a throne where the Alpha sat proudly over his people, around the podium stood the other candidates and their masters five in total, Kitt now occupying the sixth space.

The Alpha rose to his feet and looked down at the competitor's then out to the crowd. "These brave souls have trained a great deal for the opportunity to stand here tonight but now, at this moment, only one can ascend to the rank of Hun-gar, supreme warrior. That one will have the greatest honor of protecting his pack his family his planet, should we ever be challenged. "

Gall leaned forward towards Kitt. "Just remember, stay calm, clear, focused and remember what I taught you."

Kitt nodded and adjusted his sword slung over his back. "No worries Gall..."

As the Alpha finished up his rousing speech the crowd burst into cheering as the competitors approached the platform, which would drop them into the trial. Just before stepping on Kitt sniffed at the air and looked behind him, seeing Alec in the stands and smiled to him before the platform began to sink down.

Kitt looked up to the disappearing light, the platform finally coming to a rest but it was pitch black, the only sound heard was of the competitors shifting around.

The crowd anxiously peered into the large holographic displays hovering above the floor watching the competitors make their way through the maze Alec sat there completely silent his elbows resting on his knees just watching.

"You shouldn't be here Alec..."

Alec snapped from his trance and sneered a bit but didn't look back. "You expected me to stay away Gall?"

Gall took a seat next to Alec, and eyed the screen. "No, I suppose not..."

They both turned back to the action on the holographic display in the middle of the arena. Kitt appeared in the center as he enters a completely clear stone room, followed by two of the other competitors. Kitt stopped for a moment, panting softly. A younger, completely white furred wolf carrying a scimitar like weapon, dashed out and was near instantly cut down by a barrage a red lasers bolts, the shots pierced straight through the young wolf, splattering his crimson blood all over the floor.

Kitt looked at the other competitor who stopped along side. The wolf beside Kitt sighed and took a cautious step into the room. A few steps in there, was a small click the wolf dodged to the side narrowly avoiding a bolt. Kitt listened and watched the wolf dodge bolt after bolt he almost made it across when a bolt punches right through his thigh toppling him to the floor. Kitt gasped and leapt out in the room, a click was heard, Kitt reacted and dove to the side, only having to pick himself up and flipped his body again to avoid yet another blast. The crowd gasped and was nearly silent, Alec and Gall practically on the edge of their seats as Kitt took a bolt grazing his back as he picked up the injured wolf and barreled both of them out of the room.

The crowd yet again let loose an up roar of cheers and yelling, the holographic display turned to some of the other contestants, Alec and Gall slumped back into their seats.

Kitt panted as he looked over the wounds of the injured wolf, then to quickly stop the bleeding he tore his shirt from his chest and tied it quickly around the young wolf's leg. "You should be alright until they can get you medical attention." Kitt said reassuringly.

The white furred wolf growled a bit from the pain then smiles weakly to Kitt "Go on Kitt, you still have a chance...thank you"

The monitors cut out as Kitt entered a pitch-black area, leaving the crowd in suspense and Alec and Gall left in terror about what's going on. "What's going on Gall, why aren't they showing us what's going on?!" Alec exclaimed.

"What's to come isn't for us to see, the first part was just a show for the masses, and the real trials begin."

Kitt entered a long audience hall, constructed out of light gray bricks with several large pillars lining either side of this red carpet. The room was adorned with tapestries outlining the history of the past Hun-gar warriors. At the top of the room was a large colander lit a blaze with a huge bond fire, already three contestants were kneeling around the fire.

Above the fire red a banner, 'Know thy self, know thy weapon and you shall have victory'. Kitt slowly and cautiously stepped along the carpet to the fire and made a bow of courtesy before kneeling down placing his sword down in front of him he took a deep breath and begun a slow deep meditative state.

As Kitt drifted further and further into his meditation he saw the fire billowing around him as if it were a cloak, then it suddenly stopped, leaving Kitt in the audience hall except it's completely empty and devoid of motion not even the fire was lit.

"Do you hear the voices Kitt?" a soft echoing voice resembling Alec's said.

"No I don't, I don't hear anything but you love..." he responded.

"Look harder..."

Kitt wandered the room concentrating, and then he heard something coming off from one of the side rooms. He goes to it softly.

As Kitt padded through the door way he enters the coliseum where the trials began, the crowd roared up, he saw two figures fighting it out. He couldn't quite make it out until he got a bit closer. Kitt gasped as he recognized one of them, it was the Alpha, his clothes ripped, torn and his nose bloodied. The other figure dashed at the Alpha, leaping in the air some how defying gravity as it delivered two consecutive mid air kicks to his chest followed by a flipping kick, knocking the Alpha helplessly away.

Kitt tried to get closer to see the figure then stopped dead in his tracks, the figure growled loudly, some how emanating a flaming golden aura that pulsated out from his body, his hair standing almost on end a blood thirsty glare on his muzzle teeth bared.

Then Kitt's jaw dropped when he saw himself there...this wolf surrounded by gold.

Then he stumbled over something slumped on the arena floor, a body, a light tanned fur with brown patches. He turned it over and his heart nearly dropped out from his body seeing Alec's face dripping with blood his fur matted and torn, there was a large stab wound just along his side.

Kitt went to turn away when his vision jerked back to the fire circle in time to see a foot paw come crashing towards his muzzle. He inhaled quickly and dropped down to his back, then flipped to his feet, flinging out another block to yet another attack. He gripped the attacker's wrist and twisted it around, tossing the attacker into the fire pit. Kitt looked around seeing the four other wolves strung around the fire; Kitt guessed they weren't fast enough to see the attacks.

Kitt drew his sword and waited, panting a bit from the vision, his eyes darted from left to right as he saw six wolves armed with similar katana's approaching. Kitt sighed and grinned dashing at the group.

Alec stared hopelessly into the monitor yearning for a picture. Then the Alpha sitting still at his thrown, grimaced and stood up, calling for a hush over the crowd which quickly followed. "The winner has been selected..." He bellowed out.

The lift rose up sending Alec dashing out of his seat and headed down to the court level. The figure came into the spot light, standing there was Kitt, cut and bloodied and panting his sword limply held at his side, dripping with crimson blood.

The crowd almost instantly leapt in to a mixture of howls, cheers and boo's several wolves broke the security barrier and rushed towards Kitt. He simply stared them down and passed through Alec waited just off to the side and took Kitt under the shoulder and helping him off the arena floor.

The streets were littered with advertisements and parties, Kitt's pack celebrating their victory even though it happened nearly three days ago.

Kitt sat out on his balcony still bandaged up, idly sipping at a bottle of lupine beer and having a smoke, staring out into nothingness.

With a soft whoosh, the balcony door opened and Alec stepped out taking a seat beside his lover. "Kitt...? It's been three days hon, shouldn't we be partying or something? I mean you made it you're finally a Hun-Gar."

Kitt sighed and looked over at his mate then swigged back some of the beer. "I-I..." he so desperately wanted to tell Alec what he saw but he couldn't. "I just need to be alone right now Alec."

Alec stared at the dark bandaged wolf for a minute then leaned over and kissed him on the cheek barely getting a response; he stood up and patted him on the shoulder.

"Okay Kitt, I'll come and check on you in a day or two." Alec left but not before taking one last long look at the slumped over wolf.

Alec opened the door to his apartment dropping his keys on to a table by the door, and then shutting it. "Lights!" he commanded, being greeted by ten large wolves all dressed in Lupine Internal Security uniforms, "What the hell is going on here?!"

"Alec Drominez...you are here by placed under arrest for illegal possession of an Identity card and for suspicion of being a traitor to the state." Two of the security agents approached Alec; they were promptly met with a fierce growl. They tried to place cuff on

Alec wrists only to have them tossed up in their faces followed by two punches to their faces. He threw those two into the group in his living room and dashed out the door.

Alec raced down the back fire escape then out onto the street he was met by twenty local police squad cars and his chest littered with forty plus laser sights. Alec sighed and lifted his paw into the air.

Kitt was sharply awoken by a pounding at his door. He stumbled to answer it to see Gall panting heavily and looking very distraught. "Gall, what do you want, it's late?"

"Kitt they got Alec!" Gall stammered out.

Kitt shook his head "They did what? How, when?"

"They some how tracked the false identity I got him. They picked him up just a couple hours ago he's at the forty first penitentiary for holding."

Both Kitt and Gall, barged through the two large steel and armored glass doors, Kitt, with his katana slung over his back and his upper lip curled up showing his teeth. Gall stepped up to the security desk, where a largely built brown wolf sat, dressed in a black military uniform.

"Guard, we wish to see the prisoner who was brought in a couple hours ago, names Alec Drominez."

The guard looked up at Gall then over to Kitt. "I'm sorry sirs but that prisoner is under a no visitor priority."

Kitt sighed stepping up to the desk. "Look, you know who I am, I out rank any of your priorities now let us in." he snarled out.

The guard stood up and placed his large paws on the desktop leaning over Kitt, having a good foot on him. "Yes, sir I do know who you are but these orders come from the Alpha himself so, no visitors."

Kitt stared at the massive male and balled up his fist; Gall seeing this grabbed Kitt and pulled him back outside. "Kitt what do you think you're doing?!"

"What do you mean, I'm gonna get Alec out of there....what are you doing?" Kitt said

"And then what...you two would be mowed down by a thousand bullets, just hold off, he'll be fine in there." Gall said reassuringly.

Just then both Kitt and Gall's emergency beepers went off, signaling to them they had to report in to the red brick citadel, the center of the lupine government. Kitt sighed then looked back at the cold steal structure that contained his love, so close yet so very far away.

"Kitt, we need to go..." Gall said quietly then started to walk back to Kitt's car, he soon followed.

At the citadel, Kitt and Gall entered the main conference hall, a very large circular room, the walls a shiny black marble, with a dark blue viewing screen, wrapped all the way around. In the center of the room was a huge gray steel oval table with several chairs littered around it. Government official and military personnel, as well as the twelve other Hun-gars already sat; the Alpha stood at the head of the table and grinned a bit evilly as Kitt entered.

"Ah, you're finally here, good. I've called you all here because of a few important issues which have become apparent in the last few hours..."

Kitt and Gall both took their seats looking at the Alpha as he spoke.

"A few hours ago, our internal security forces tracked down and captured this fur..." the vid screen band around the room flickered and displayed Alec's picture and a list of the information they had on him.

"IS, as been looking for this person for over three years, his name is Alec Drominez, he was a member of the Cloud-stalker pack, and a very distinguished warrior...until he became a traitor, he is extremely dangerous. We are holding him, until we can find out who has aided him in keeping him out of IS's paws" The Alpha's gaze on Kitt and Gall never wavered almost as if he were talking to them. Kitt sat there, trying everything he could to keep from blowing up right there. The Alpha continued. "Drominaz will be detained indefinitely, and will be subjected to every method we have of getting information out of him, we must find out who has helped him and bring them to justice, there after all of them will be executed as with Lupine law. I will need your full support, if any of your departments receive any information bring it forward immediately. Thank you...dismissed" The Alpha quickly exited the hall leaving the room to converse with each other. Kitt stood up with a jolt, shifting his chair back with a loud creek as the steel shoots backwards, Kitt practically bolted out of the room.

"Kitt, wait!! Don't do anything stupid." Gall shouted

Kitt turned back with a large snarl on his face. "He practically betting us into trying to get him out...he knows!!"

"I know he knows Kitt, so that's why we have to be all the more careful, just give it a couple days let the IS and military cool out..."

"Cool out?! Do you have any idea what they're gonna do to Alec?" Kitt said practically in tears.

Gall looked to the ground. "Yes I know....what do you suggest?"

Kitt stammered for a moment, realizing he had no plan. "I don't know......" Kitt sighed then perked his ears up. "I do know! I'm gonna turn myself in."

Gall's jaw dropped and an extremely exasperated look across his muzzle. "You're gonna do what?!?"

Kitt grinned then turned around. "Trust me."

The city bustled and was lit a blaze with activity, everyone in shock over the events of two nights ago. Gall sat just outside Kitt's cell, sealed with a transparent blue energy field. Kitt stood on the inside grinning to himself as he went through a fighting pattern he once learned.

"This is stupid Kitt, how is this gonna get you and Alec free? You and he are going to be executed today, don't you realize that?"

Kitt turned and smiled leaning against the wall inside the cell. "Oh I fully realize that Gall; thank you for the reminder."

Gall sighed and just shook his head.

Once again in the audience hall where the trials were held, the roar of the angry crowd filled the arena the Alpha again sitting at his thrown looking out over the masses.

Two pedestals stand on either side of the arena with a spot light over both there Kitt stood shackled to it, with Alec also restrained on the opposite pedestal.

The Alpha stood with a confident grin on his muzzle. "These two furs, have struck deeply into the heart of the Lupine way of life and today they will be punished, Kitt Alistair and Alec Drominez have both confessed to being homosexual partners, a most grave crime, as well Alec has been found guilty of treachery concerning the death of several Hun-gar during the Cannis incident. Today they will be executed by beheading. May whatever gods they pray to have mercy on their souls."

"Alpha!!" Kitt yelled out.

The large framed wolf raised an eyebrow "The low life wishes to speak..."

"Yes I do...I still hold the title of Hun-gar do I not?" Kitt shouted out the speakers echoing it out over the crowd.

The Alpha slowly nodded "Yes, that title can never be removed, unfortunately. What is your point?"

"My point is, I'm challenging you for Lupine leadership, right here right now!" the crowd went deathly quiet; the Alpha's jaw dropped in sheer amazement.

"Well if you refuse I automatically win. So what's your answer?!" Kitt said with a confident grin.

The Alpha chuckled and shrugged standing up and stripped off his cape "Lower the little whelp."

Kitt and Alec were lowered from the pedestals; Alec was taken under heavy guard to the side of the ring. Kitt stood at one side facing Alec, the Alpha on the other side, now only wearing his silken pants, his jet-black furred chiseled chest glistening in the light.

"You do realize Kitt, you have no chance." The Alpha bellowed.

"Shut up and fight!" Kitt raised his paws to the Alpha in his fighting stance.

Both wolves stood there motionless, the arena as quiet you could hear a pin drop. Suddenly in a blast of intense energy Kitt leapt at the Alpha, throwing his leg out coming right at the 7 foot tall wolf's head, he ducked, swinging out with several of his own attacks. The battle raged on for numerous moments neither fur gaining much of an advantage.

The Alpha wolf planted his huge boot into Kitt's chest, sending him careening backwards. Kitt straightened himself out landing on one knee his left paw held out for balance. He panted and grinned at his jet black furred opponent. "I don't know why everyone was so intimidated, you're not that good."

The Alpha smirked and stood up straight. "Silly child, I'm just toying with you, you really don't have a chance, allow me to demonstrate." He inhaled sharply letting out a deep growl, a fierce wind picked up swirling around his large muscular body and a series of thin small bolts of lightning streak into the air, his eyes started to glow yellow; his body seemed to levitate up into the air and seemingly disappeared, reappearing behind Kitt, before he even has a chance to respond the Alpha's leg crashed into Kitt's back.

With a loud yelp Kitt skipped and flopped across the arena floor dripping blood from his muzzle he slowly got up and turned to the Alpha only to have his fist crush into his battered ribs, sending a fountain of blood out of his mouth.

Kitt collapsed to the ground his head spinning with pain and blood loss. He looked up at the Alpha, his palm pointed towards Kitt's head; a small red sphere of energy appeared.

"You never had a chance." Was the last thing Kitt heard before his entire world went black.........

To Be Continued...

A Life Story

Chapter1: Smack! Was all I heard as the hard concrete floor collided with my head, my world went spinning; I tried to focus on the one who had attacked me but by the time my sight returned all I could see was the vacant sterile hall way of my...

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