That devil...

Story by silversnake on SoFurry

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#9 of Commissions & Gifts

I say hi again with a small, lovely piece! A small practice for first person narrative that doubles as a sudden inspiration from Kokuhane's art; specifically these lovely sketches

Digimon © Toei

What? What is this? There's on my chest.

I open my eyes. I'm lying on my bed, just woken up from a pretty good dream. I feel the sharp tips still scratching on my chest and I just know. I turn around and surprise, surprise, guess just who is lying next to me.

"Oh! You're awake," Devimon says with that wicked smile on his face. I sigh. So annoying, yet so tempting. I know what he wants; he couldn't be more transparent. Might as well humor him. I reach under the sheets for my pants, but then...

"Why am I naked?" I ask him when I see my own bare chest and feel my legs, my hips and his hand dangerously close to my crotch. The dirty devil.

"You are?" he has that false innocent tone. So that's the angle he wants to go for tonight. Fine, I can work around that. "Goodness, you are! Well, isn't that curious?" I just lift an eyebrow. I'll let it happen, but I won't bother playing along. I'm too tired for the theatrics; I want him to get to the good stuff. "Might as well make the most out of the situation since we're at it," there we go.

He starts scratching my chest a bit deeper. I guess it counts as clawing by now? Whatever it's called it feels good. I hold back my moans, though. I don't wanna give him the satisfaction... And I want him to try harder.

His other hand reaches for my cock and starts rubbing my balls with the tip of those bony fingers of his. He must be pretty horny to be this impatient. Holding back gets harder because he knows where the nice, sensitive spots are. He has learned over the years, the wicked little thing.

Should I really call him little? He has big arms for a Devimon, and his own chest isn't something to ignore. And those abs, God...

One of his legs rests on my own and before I know it he's already on top of me, leaning with his arms next to my head. He closes in and our mouths start approaching. Those sharp fangs give him an alluring air, somehow. I can barely notice my own mouth opening just a bit and I fight the urge to close the gap and just kiss him.

He got me now. I know it, he knows it. I want to make him mine. I want him to make me his. Either way is fine.

He moves down. He never gives me the pleasure. Those fangs always brush against the skin on my teeth, making me shiver. I don't know how he has that effect on me. Devil shenanigans? Or maybe I'm just that much of a perv. Whatever the reason, he knows just what to do. He never bites; I just feel his warm breath against my neck and that's enough.

My own cock starts hardening. I can feel the pressure between my legs, almost painfully so. I hear Devimon chuckle. He's good at this and he knows it. My erection touches something and I let out a small gasp. I don't need to look down to know what it is; I've seen it before. It's big, black and hard. And there he goes, grinding it against my own. Boy does he love that.

He starts clawing my chest again and it pushes me over the edge. I can't help the moans starting to leave my throat. It hurts so good, a part of me wants him to go deeper. He moves even lower and his mouth is now over my pec and I just know how bad he wants to bite it.

"Go ahead," I say. Might as well let him; it won't be bad, after all.

He bites. His fangs sink on my flesh and even though it stings what reaches my brain isn't pain but an exquisite, almost morbid arousal. It's strange, enjoying this so much, but damn! He just has this strong aura around him that makes me wanna give myself in to his whims.

He stops, though. That's strange; he shouldn't be satisfied by now. He usually takes his time, sinks in more, pulls a bit, and starts all over again. What's different tonight?

I get my answer almost immediately, when the tip of his own rock hard cock pokes against my hole. The tease; he wouldn't let something like biting distract me, or him from what's about t happen. As good as it feels, that's just an appetizer; this is the main dish.

He pushes forward and I reflexively clench. He gives me a weird look. I look away. I'm already cursing myself for my lack of control and I don't need him piling up to it. I want it bad, and he knows it; he's just trying to bug me.

I feel something wet and my whole body immediately tingles. Something brushing against my nipple, slobbering all over it and making me moan harder than before, like an animal in heat.

Fuck... His tongue slowly moving all over my chest drives me crazy and he knows it. But the naughty bastard has his reasons for doing it and damn, it works. My muscles relax and he can't wait to slip his boner in me. Hell, I can't wait. His tongue moves towards my neck and I scream. His cock reaches the tilt of my ass and I scream more.

I no longer have any control over my body. The hands pulling at the sheets are no longer mine. The chest and neck being coated in saliva by that deliciously rash, rough tongue of his are no longer mine. The hole being rammed harder and faster every second is no longer mine. I belong to him now. And I'm loving it.

His hands start rubbing my arms and I'm not too sure if he likes them or he just doesn't know what to do with them anymore. Not like I care. I'm too focused on his length invading my insides. I want him to go harder and rougher. To ram me wide open.

My own erection, left unattended, twitches and begs to be touched, but experience has told me that the more you wait the better it ends. Besides, it's not like Devimon would let me play with it now. No, he wants me to feel the cum building up only to go back down. He knows I love it and I kinda hate him for it. It's so strange, but I won't care when I cum, so why should I care now?

He gets so much faster. So much harder. I can barely tell what's going on anymore due to the haze in my brain. The only things in the world are his cock inside my ass, his chest against my own, his tongue brushing on my neck. Yes! It all feels too good. I know him and I know he's close; hell, I can feel him itching to bite me one more time the second his load sets loose inside me. And I can't wait!

He just keeps pounding, and pounding and it feels so damn good that I might explode from the pleasure. He's close. So am I. I can feel his mouth opening and he starts letting out his own deep moans and all I do is scream to him. He's close. I can feel it.

I scream out loud one more time as he shoots his load in me. The heat of his semen travels down my whole body and he screams as well before muffling his sounds with my neck. His fangs sink in deeper, like his cock inside my ass, and it's all just too much for me as my own load jumps out of my own twitching cock, covering our chests in white, warm, sticky mess. And it all feels too good. Too damn good, fuck!

His cock still pounding and filling my ass, his fangs piercing my flesh, my cock showering us with my seed; it's all too much to keep track and I eventually just fall back and enjoy. I scream and bask on the century-long seconds of our shared orgasm.

It all ends, however, and I'm left panting to catch my breath with a nearly passed out demon stuck to me by semen. He looks up at me, but he doesn't take his cock out. I don't want him to. He seems like he wants to say something but has trouble breathing.

"Is that it?" I beat him to it. He wants me to stroke his ego, but I'd rather riling him up and getting stroked myself.

"Oh?" He took the bait. "Why? Are you tired already? Because I'm just getting started"

Good. Go all night long if you want. You won't hear me complain.