The Sleepover

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#3 of Puppy Tails

Guil has his little book bag on him as he approaches the house of Brigg's brother. The grizzly was babysitting his nephew and asked the wolfpup to keep the bearcub company. He walks up to the porch of the house and knocks on the door.

"Sam, can you get the door?", Brigg shouts.

"OK, uncle!", the bearcub says and goes to open the door.

"Hiya! You must be Mr. Briggs' nephew! I'm Guil! Nice to meet you!"

"Hi, I'm Samson. But you can call me Sam. Or Sammy." The cub was really eager to meet the wolfpup and smiled happily. "This is gonna be awesome!"

"I know right?", he yips as he starts to bounce around and he wasn't even in the room yet.

"Come on in, I'll show you around." Sam also starts bouncing.

"Alright!" Guil smiles and walks inside the house.

The bear shows the wolf around the house, giggling and smiling, really excited at having a new friend for a sleepover.

In the kitchen the two boys meet Brigg, the huge grizzly bear mechanic. "Hey there Guil. I can see that you guys already started having fun. Sam, why don't you show Guil your room? I still have some work to do." The big grizzly smiles, he can't help but think back to the time he got to meet the wolfpup - in more ways than were appropriate. But not today with his little nephew around...

"Ok, unca", Sam smiled. He practically flew up the stairs and dragged the puppy along to his room. "Ta-dah!", the bearcub said with theatrical gestures and started laughing.

Guil looks around the room, his ears perk up and he says: "Your room looks almost like mine."

"It does?" He stares at Guil in awe. "That must mean we like the same stuff! Way cool!"

"I know, right? This is really awesome!"

"Yeah!" The bearcub smiles. "So, what do you wanna do? Oh, I know! We could play Smash Bros! Let's find out who's better!" He bounces up and down.

Guil giggles from this and grins. "You're on!"

"Who do you wanna play as? I kinda prefer the bigger guys like DK and Bowser", Sam says and smiles.

"Do you like bigger guys? I... I do too." He blushes deeply on saying this.

"Yeah, Bowser's so strong and he has those spikes and can breathe fire! And DK has that groundpound and all those other awesome attacks!"

"I... uh yeah...." Guil was now distracted and couldn't stop blushing.

"Why are you acting all weird?", Sam says as he notices his new-found friend stammering and blushing.

Guil shakes his head and laughs a little. "It's nothing. Let's play Smash!"

Sam chooses Bowser. "Let's see who'll win!"

Guil chooses Mr. Game and Watch and nods. "Let's."

The bearcub starts spamming attacks and imitates fighting sounds. "Boom! Whack! Chuck!" He loses. "Huh? I guess you're good at this", Sam says and smiles.

"I play a lot of this at home."

"Ok. Hm... shall we keep playing Smash?", Sam asks not wanting to lose again and again.

"Hehe, sure until you win."

Sammy tries again, Guil whipes the floor with him. "Woah, you're really good. I... I think I'll keep losing then..."

The puppy giggles. "Sorry. Here." He picks Olimar. "Let's play now."

Sam picks DK, loses again. "Aw... I'm just too bad at this. And I thought I was decent enough." He shrugs.

"Hehe, I believe you can win." Guil picks Jigglypuff.

The bearcub chooses Dedede and loses. "Aw, normally I'm much better at handling my big guys... Normally the larger size of their big bodies let's me show how much stronger than the little guys they are... Um... Could we try something else?" He suggests and smiles.

"Sure... um... what else would you like to try?"

"Uh... well... I don't know. Do you know any new games?"

"I'm sure a big guy like you can still win."

"I guess, I am kinda big...", Sam says, being at least a head taller than Guil and just bigger and broader overall. He was always a bit self-conscious when it came to his size. Most cubs he knew where small cats or lean canines and some teased the bigger bear for being quite a bit tubbier than his peers - although he was far from being fat, just a bit more padded than them. And even if he didn't recognize it himself, he had a pretty normal stature for a member of the ursine species, even if he was a bit tall for his age.

"OK. Do you know any new games I might win?", the bearcub says sounding more confident than before.

"Uhhhh... hmmm... Mario Kart!"

"Hm... I don't know... Aren't there any other games we could play? I have so much stuff!"

Guil blushes as he thinks of something. "Well... there is something. Something your uncle showed me."

"My uncle showed you a new game?" Sammy looks up, surprised and not quite believing it. "Why didn't he show me? Do you think you could show me, Guil?"

"Er... uh... I um... Well... I-I guess... But..." The little wolf blushes and stutters an awful lot here.

Sam pets his back with his bearpaws. "It's just a game. Why are you blushing? It can't be worse than my Smash Bros run." He smiles.

"Well... um... it involves you... t-taking off your clothes."

"Huh? Why would you do that?"

"J-Just trust me. It's part of the game."

"O...ok..." The ursine child pulls his t-shirt over his head. "Um... like that?"

The wolfpup nods and watches him undress. "Keep going." He blushes as he takes off his own shirt.

Sammy's jeans land on the floor, now only rainbow-coloured socks and Bowser undies remain on his body. "Do I have to take off everything?"

Guil was staring at his Bowser underwear and slowly nods at him. "Y-Yeah...everything."

Sam nods and thinks 'What a weird game'. He pulls of his socks and on pulling down his undies exposes a nice-sized fuzzy sheath and two nuggety balls.

The pup blushes deeply as he stares down at the bear's sheath and balls. As he was staring, he was starting to get a little aroused.

"Ok. We're naked. What do we do next?", the cub asks smiling. "What are the rules?"

"What? Oh, um... Well... Th-The rule is...uh... W-We...rub each other...d-down here." Guil blushes as he reaches down and starts to rub at Sammy's large balls. "Wow...Y-You're really big..."

"I am? Uh... Thank you." He blushes but is still a bit proud. Guil's paws on his bearballs feel weird but good. "But isn't down there were pee comes from? Are you sure about this?"

"I thought the same way but it was really fun." The little wolf smiles and continues to rub at his balls.

The bear grunts from excitement. Slowly but surely blood is pumped down between the bear's legs, his furry sheath ever so slightly rising.

"And you really think these are big?" Sam shyly nodded towards his balls. He had never really thought about them, not really knowing what they were good for anyway, but still hearing Guil praise their size seemed to have sparked something inside the young bear. All the other kids mocked him for being plus-sized but his little wolf friend actually seemed to enjoy that.

Guil smiles and nods, using his other paw to rub at his sheath to get his cock out. "Yeah, they are... I... Like bigger people..."

"Uhm... ok... most kids make fun of me for being big. I'm glad you like me... and I... I like you too." Sam smiles. "But what are you doing with my wee-wee?" Confusion and anticipation are both written across the bearcub's face.

"You're going to see. It's part of the game", the wolf says with a blush as he continues to rub his cock and his balls.

"OK. It feels weird... but I guess it's a good kind of weird." His penis starts slowly slipping out of his sheath. "What's my wee-wee doing? Is it supposed to be like that?"

Guil nods and looks up at him in the eyes. "Yeah, it's supposed to do that. It means you're getting excited. "

Sam nods and looks down at the wolfpup. "Oh... OK... but... excited for what?" More of his cock starts slipping out, growing longer and harder.

"You'll see", Guil says with a slight smile as he leans down and applying what he learned from Brigg he starts to suck on the bear's cock.

Sammy gasps and stares with his eyes and mouth wide open as his penis grows to its full size in Guil's mouth. The puppy looks up at him and continues to suck on his large cock. The bearcub looks down, unable to really grasp what is happening to him, but really liking it as Guil's mouth is sending waves of pleasure through his system. He starts moaning.

Guil wags his tail and continues sucking on his cock, then reaches up and starts to rub at the bear's butt. Sam closes his eyes, overwhelmed by so many new sensations. He can't see what his new friend is doing but he trusts the wolfpuppy and let's him continue.

Guil's tail wags behind him as he continues to suck on the cock while giving Sammy's butt a massage. The bearcub enjoys the new game. This was real fun! The puppy tries something a little new as he slips his little finger inside the bear's butt, fingering him a little bit.

Sam squirms and yips a little at the sudden intrusion. "Ooh... is that... *hng*... uhm... the next level? Ooh... do I get... *hmph* more points now?"

The little wolf nods with a faint giggle as he continues on sucking on his cock and fingering his butt.

"Oooh... I... *grrr* really like this... oooh... game!", Sammy groans.

Guil giggles and winks up at him, still sucking on his cock and continuing to finger his hole. The bear groans and grunts feeling his whole body growing tense. The puppy pulls off of his cock and opens his mouth, again something he learned from Briggs as he rubs and paws off Sammy's cock.

"Oooh... Guil... *hng*... oooh... what's... happen... *ung*... ooooooooooooooooooooooh", Sam moans loudly as he is completely overpowered by his first ever orgasm, his cock starting to flood the wolfpuppy's mouth with the bearcub's first copious load.

Guil yips a little too loudly, even enough for Brigg to hear as he is soon covered by Sammy's seed, some of it getting into his mouth as he gulps it down, taking his finger out of his butt.

Brigg hears strange noises coming from Sammy's room and decides to look after the boys. He walks up the stairs, knocks at the door and enters. The huge grizzly can't believe what he's seeing and just stares in shock.

As his balls aren't that big just for show Sam keeps on shooting squirt after squirt into Guil's eager muzzle. Out of the corner of his eye he thinks he saw his uncle standing there. But that must be his imagination.

Guil didn't hear or see Brigg standing in the door as he wipes his mouth. He smiles and looks up at Sam. "Heh, you got lots of points for that", he says and giggles cutely.

Sam is still reeling from his orgasm. "Finally a game I'm good at", he wheezes.

Brigg just shakes his head. I should have expected that... I created a little monster... "Uh, hi boys. We need to talk about this", he says in a quiet voice.

Guil's ears perk up as he looks over and stares at the big bear. "Uh... We'"

"I'll give you credit for trying, but we both know that's not true." Brigg sighs. "Look, Guil, I'm not even blaming you for doing this with Sammy, but he's even younger than you are. I made a mistake when I did these things with you. And now this mistake is getting even bigger."

"Hi unca!", Sammy says.

"Hi Sammy, but right now I'm talking to Guil. This is between me and him, ok?"

"Uhm... ok..."

The wolfcub stares cutely at Brigg and scratches his nose. Guil's cute look makes Brigg's reserve falter. "Please don't give me that look. Would you mind talking with me instead of avoiding me?"

"Sorry... He just...reminded me a lot of you... and... I guess... this happened..."

"Yes, this happened. So, what are we going to do about this situation?" The tone in the grizzly's voice makes it obvious that he himself doesn't know how to handle all of this.

"Guil showed me a great new game!", Sam says and smiles.

Brigg rolls his eyes and sighs... this wasn't going to be easy...

The puppy's ears wiggle and then he looks over at Sammy. "Hey Sammy, you want to see how your uncle showed me how to play?"

"Yes! I do! Uncle Brigg, please show me", Sammy says with a smile.

"Look, boys, this isn't right."

"But it's a fun game!", Sam says.

"Still. We can't do this and I won't show you."

Guil was a quick little devil as he was already behind Brigg, his paw in the bear's pants and touching him at his sheath and balls. "Oh, he's going to show you alright... But Sammy, we have to keep this between the three of us. It's our secret game. We can't tell anybody. If we show you, you can't tell or show anybody. Deal?"

"Deal!", Sam says, looking very curious.

Brigg feels Guil's paws on his package. "Boys..." He sighs. "OK... fine... as long as you keep your promises." He starts undressing.

Guil smiles and nods, watching the big bear undress while still keeping his paw on his balls.

Brigg pulls his shorts down, throws away his shirt and his socks. "So, boys. This is me."

Sam gasps at seeing his uncle's big sheath and enormous balls. "Woah, uncle Brigg, you're way huge!"

The big grizzly blushes a bit on hearing his nephew's compliments. "Yeah, I know. But from what I've seen you're not so small yourself", he says and gives his nephew a wink.

"Th... thank you, uncle." The smaller grizzly blushes and giggles.

"Th-The both of you are really big... and... I really like the bigger ones... I don't know what it is really..." He blushes from saying this as he really is getting excited from being the smallest one in the room.

"Yes, two big, strong grizzly bears and one weak little wolfpuppy. If Sam and I decide to have our way with you, you can't do anything about it. You're our little toy", Brigg growls playfully but chuckles. He wants to have a bit of revenge for getting roped into this but he doesn't want to intimidate the puppy too much either "What do you say, Sam, shall we play with our new toy?"

"Yes, I think I'll like that", the smaller bear says shyly.

"Oh, we all will", he growls deeply and stares into Guil's eyes, waiting for a reaction.

The wolf's ears lower as he looks very terrified. But he was only pretending and his cock also starts to erect from this so that's also proof that he was looking forward to it.

"I remember you liked my butt, little puppy. But I think you should start with my nephew. Any objections?" Brigg playfully bares his razorsharp fangs and growls. "Yeah, I thought so. Sam, you just go and push your butt into his face."

"W...what? I...", Sam stammers.

"Samson, you're a man today. And a man does what he's told. Understood?"

"Y... yes, sir." He does as he is told and pushes his big fuzzy bear butt into Guil's face.

"Attaboy", Brigg he says and smiles, proud of Sam. "Little puppy, you better get to work", he growls.

Guil yips as he had a face full of fuzzy butt, blushing deeply as he nosed at Sammy's butt a little bit and then proceeds to lick at his exposed hole.

Sam moans softly. "Ooh, this feels nice."

"Yeah, it does. But it'll feel even better once you're sitting on that little puppy's face and show him what a big bear you are."

Sammy looks up, a bit unsure. "Uh..."

"No 'uhs'. You're a big man. Prove it."

The smaller bear nods and starts pushing Guil down with his hairy ass.

"Yes, Samson, that's the spirit. Show that little wolf what we grizzlies are made of", he chuckles.

The wolfcub yips as he was suddenly pushed back, now being face sat on by the larger bear, his cock starting to get really erect from this.

"Um... uncle... what do I do now?", the bearcub asks.

"Tell him to lick your butt."


"Do. It."

"Guil, lick my butt. Please."

"No "please". Samson, you're a man. You're not asking. You're giving orders. And he'll regret it if he doesn't listen", Brigg growls.

"OK. Guil, lick it!"

They could hear faint whimpers from under Sammy as the puppy starts to lick at his butt even more, sliding his tongue all over his hole.

"Whimpering won't help you now. You wanted two big bears, you got two big bears. Deal with it", Brigg sarcastically says. "How is he?"

"He's really good. It's weird but I think I like it." Sammy smiles.

"Glad to hear it. Guil, keep going. Show him your talents, you weak little pup." Brigg can't help but laugh, this over-the-top dominant persona is just too much.

Guil whimpers more and more as he continues to lick and wiggle his tongue around Sammy's butt and hole, his puppy dick fully erect and throbbing right in front of them.

Sammy groans loudly, really enjoying the things the puppy's doing to his hole with his doggy-tongue, his dick having grown hard once again.

Brigg decides he can't act evil all the time, gets down on his knees and starts sucking on the wolfy's cock. The wolf yelps and wiggles around from the blowjob he was getting as he shoves his tongue up the cub's butt, wiggling it around inside.

Brigg keeps on sucking passionately on Guil's puppycock and he also watches Sam's reactions on the rimjob. Sammy moans and grunts, totally loving all of this, his cubby cock dripping precum onto the little wolf. Guil whines loudly as he continues to lick away everywhere, his pre dripping into Brigg's mouth.

Brigg eagerly laps up the continuous flow of Guil's precum, really liking the taste. With one paw he starts jerking Sam's bearcock. Sam looks surprised at his uncle but after sharing a look, they both nod.

The wolfcub whimpers, not knowing if they were planning something, whining as he was now getting close to cumming. Sensing that Guil isn't gonna last much longer Brigg sucks even harder on the wolfpuppy's cock and also speeds up his paw's movement on Sam's cock, the bearcub also getting close.

Guil whines as he thrusts up hard into Brigg's mouth and starts to release his seed down his throat. Brigg greedily swallows every drop of hot puppycum, savouring the taste as he feels Sam's cock throb in his paw and soon the bearcub cums as well, coating his new friend and his uncle with his seed.

Guil blushes as he stops squirming and he finishes his orgasm, lying there under the two bears. Brigg smiles, lets go of Guil's cock and gently lifts the spent form of Sammy upwards. "Let's get the little pup some room to breathe", he says and snuggles Sam.

The puppy was panting very loudly as he laid there but his cock once again wouldn't go down from this.

"You're a real 'horndog', Guil", Brigg chuckles.

The cub grumbles and throws a plushie at the bear's face. "Stop with the puns, Brigg!"

Brigg puts Sammy dow, growls and bares his fangs. "Do you want to make this big grizzly angry?" He moves over Guil, his face next to his. "Do you, little puppydog?"

"Yes", Guil giggles and cutely licks at the big bear's nose.

"Aw." Brigg licks the puppy's nose as well.

Guil giggles cutely as he could feel the bear's cock rubbing against his belly.

"Do you like my cock? Do you want it?"

"You sure that isn't my cock you're talking about?"

Brigg rubs his big bearcock against Guil's smaller puppycock. "Oh, I know that you like my big meat." He grins.

Guil blushes and looks away, wiggling a little bit. "But you know what I like even more..."

"What makes you think you might have earned that? Hm?"

"Well... I-I am always... A good boy... Always..."

The big grizzly laughs. "Nice try, but we both know that you love being naughty. And I can't even blame you for that. But I don't want Sammy to feel left out. So, can we come up with a plan?"

" you want to do with Sammy?" The wolf blushes as his own cock was still hard and erect.

Sammy had remained quite the whole time, mostly having to recover from two orgasms in short succession. But now he just had to say something. "Uhm... what are you two planning?

"Oh, you'll see. It'll be fun", his uncle replies.

"Uhm... ok."

"Between the two of you? Er, um, okay... What...did you have in mind?"

"I'd say Sammy gets to try out your tight little backside while you show me what this little wolf can do."

"I... what?", Sammy stutters.

"Just trust us, Samson. Today you'll become a big man."

"Oh.... ok..."

"Can do...? I don't know what you mean by that but... he can... hump me back there...", Guil says.

Brigg wiggles his big butt. "Oh, you know what I meant", he says and winks.

The wolfcub whimpers and blushes but slowly nods. "Yes, sir..."

"You better be careful with calling me sir. This big bear might like that", he growls deeply." Brigg gets on his arms and knees. "Why don't you get to work, Guil?"

Guil whines from this as he was too excited to even move to pleasure his butt.

"Well, I guess we'll have to use a little force. Sammy, push his face into my ass."


"Samson!" The tone in Brigg's voice didn't leave a room for a no.

The smaller bear grabbed Guil and did as he was told. "I'm sorry."

"Samson, what did I tell you about being a man? You're not sorry. There's nothing to be sorry for. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good boy. Start licking his butt."



Sammy was a bit intimidated by his uncle and started licking at the puppy's fuzzy butt. Guil yips as he was suddenly at Briggs ass and he slightly wiggles from Sammy licking his butt.

"Little wolfy, you better get to work. You don't want this big bear to get angry, do you?", he growls playfully.

The puppy whimpers very loudly as he starts to lick away at Brigg's big ass.

"There we go. I knew you'd be a nice little puppy. Keep going. And Samson, you do to."

Guil continues to let out a whine as he continues to lick away at his ass.

"Keep on whining and I might make Sammy go even harder on you. Actually, that's a great idea. Sam, get your tongue in there as hard as you can!"

Sammy complies and starts lapping and licking at Guil's hole as hard and deep as he can. The wolf yips and stops whining immediately from hearing this as continued licked his backside.

"Yeah, little wolfy. You're doing great. Keep it up!"

Guil blushes as he felt Sammy lick his ass. At first Sammy was really skeptical but now he is really getting into it, driving his tongue in and out of Guil's ass hard and deep. Guil grunts and really holds back a whimper from this action.

Brigg hears Guil struggling with himself. "Little puppydog, if you like it, let us hear it. No need to fight it."

The wolfcubby shakes his head no as he keeps his face at Brigg's butt, his eyes shut as he doesn't really know if having his rear licked felt good or not.

"No? Well, we'll see about that. Samson, I want to hear this puppy moan. Take your penis and push it into his hole where your tongue is right now."

Sammy hears that and stops licking Guil but he doesn't make a sound.


The bearcub positions his cockhead at Guil's tight hole, very unsure about all of this, but since his uncle insists he starts slowly pushing it inside. Guil winces a lot and soon Brigg could feel his muzzle move away and claws at the ground. "Ow..."

"You're always making this harder than it has to be, puppydog. Just relax and have some fun."

The cub growls in response and clenches hard on Sammy's cock. Sammy grunts and inadvertently pushes his cock in even further.

"O-ow...", Guil whines out loudly in deep pain.

Brigg turns around and snuggles Guil, the wolfpuppy almost completely disappearing in the thick grizzly fur of his body.

"Sh-shhhh. Little puppy-dog, you had me up there. I know you can do it. Also you've taken advantage of Sam, you've used him for your own pleasure. I'd say it's only fair if you give him a little bit of pleasure back."

Guil doesn't say anything as he continues to feel Sammy entering him and still clenches hard on the bearcub's cock.

"Sammy, keep going." Brigg continues to snuggle Guil. "Little puppydog, I know that you actually like what Sam's doing to you." He ruffles the puppy's head. "I don't know why you can't just admit that you like it. This is fun and you're making it much harder than it has to be. Just relax and enjoy it. OK, Guil?" Brigg speaks in a soothing, warm voice.

Sammy does as he is told and keeps pushing his bearcub cock into the wolfpup's ass. "Guil, uncle Brigg is right. Let's just have fun, ok?"

The wolf doesn't say anything as he just gives up, lying on the ground with a blank expression on his face, not really objecting to anything that was going on.

Sammy picks him up and hugs him, continuing to fuck him. "C'mon Guil, I want you to be happy. You're my bestest friend in the world and showed me this awesome game. Why are you so sad? We had so much fun together!"

Guil whimpers as he continues to not say anything, though his cock was flopping out as he was being fucked. He wasn't turned on at the slightest, but just embracing the pounding he was getting.

Brigg engulfs his puppycock and starts sucking on it as his nephew really gets into the fun and picks up his rhythm. The wolf grunts and grabs Brigg's head and actually tries to push him off this time.

Having Guil trying to push him of made Brigg chuckle and spurred him on to suck even more passionately at the little wolf's cock while one hand started to softly rub the puppy's balls which by now were being slapped by Sammy's bigger pair from behind.

Guil had a very weird look on his face as he wasn't sure to enjoy this or not and just gave up and took his paws away from Brigg.

Brigg kept sucking on Guil's cock, while he moved his paws up. One started petting and ruffling the boy's head the other one started teasing his nipples. The puppy doesn't really make a sound as his cock starts to throb in Brigg's mouth from the sucking.

Brigg stops for a while. "Should I keep going? Are you liking this? Or should we do something else?"

Guil just shakes his head as his cock is now covered in drool and fully erect once again.

"No? Huh... but what should we do then?"

"N-No... I mean...keep going... F-Finish... P-Please...", the wolfcub mutters softly.

"Finish what? And where?"

Guil grumbles and just stares at the grizzly. He should know what he means: The blowjob and the pounding to his rear end.

Brigg wiggles his butt in front of Guil's face. "I'll ask again: Finish where? Hm?"

Guil rolls his eyes, getting a little irritated from this and looks back at Sammy. "Sammy...can you...keep going...?" He was actually ignoring Brigg and his butt.

Brigg chuckles. "Your loss. Sammy, fuck him hard! Show him what a big bear you are! Use all of your strength."

Sammy starts going hard, feral instincts taking over his mind and soon he is tearing into Guil like a wild beast.

"Yeah, that's my nephew!"

Guil yelps out very loudly, tears coming down his cheeks. He was actually in a lot of pain but he didn't tell Sam to stop.

Brigg pets his head. "There, there, Guil. No need to cry. You can take it."

Sammy keeps rutting him hard, slamming his bearcock in and out of Guil's ass, using all the strength his young body can muster.

The wolfpuppy continues to yelp out loudly and tearing up in sheer pain but continues to take it all the way.

Sammy slams his cock in one final time as he reaches his climax and starts filling the puppy's body with loads of his seed. He roars loudly. It takes him a while to calm down and regain his breath. He sees Guil's tear-covered face and is shocked.

"Guil... oh no... I'm sorry... I... I... didn't know what I was doing..." He lowers his ears and sobs a little.

Brigg embraces both cubs in a big hug. "Sh-sh... it's ok." Guil's and Sam's face are soon buried deep in the big grizzly's warm, fuzzy fur. "Just calm down for a moment."

Guil backs away a little bit, wiping his face. "I'm fine..."

"Are you sure?", Brigg asks with genuine concern, still holding Sammy in one of his paws, the cub hides his face in shame.

"I-I'm fine... D-Don't worry... A-As you said... I'm tough..."

"Still, you know that I don't want anything bad to happen to you", Brigg says and smiles.

Sammy's muffled voice can be heard. "You're ok?"

The little wolf just looks down at his still throbbing cock and starts to rub it. "I guess I'll take care of myself now."

"Uh... Guil... w-why don't you... uhm... do with me what I... uh... did with you?", Sam timidly says.

"Sammy, are you sure you want that?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"OK then. Samson, I'm proud of you. You're becoming a real man."

Sammy blushes. "Thank you, uncle Brigg."

"Um... I'll do whatever you guys want then..."

"Uhm... ok... so how do we do this?", Sammy says as he presents his nice fuzzy bear butt.

"Um... Uh... L-Like that..." Guil blushes as he sighs, slowly coming over and then he starts to push his cock a little inside Sammy's bear butt.

Sammy grunts and squirms a bit but he takes Guil's cock bravely. Guil purrs and manages to push it all the way in.

"Oof!" Sammy feels stuffed but he actually likes being filled with Guil's puppycock.

Guil's expression had changed as he soon started to thrust in and out of the bearcub's butt. Sammy grunts and moans as he enjoys being pounded by his wolf friend.

"Heyhey, someone's finally happy. Took you long enough, puppy-dog", Brigg smirks.

The wolfcub didn't reply to that as he continues on thrusting into Sammy.

"Guil! This is awesome! I don't know why you were crying!" Sam shouts out in bliss.

Guil still says nothing as he continues on thrusting into the bear.

Brigg positions himself in front of Sam. "Lick my cock."

Sam nods and does as he is told. Guil continues to focus on thrusting his cock deeper into his butt. The bearcub manages to continuously take more of his uncle's big cock into his mouth and loves being pounded hard by his new best friend who grunts and grips his butt driving deeper into it.

Sammy grunts around Brigg's penis from having a wolfcock slammed hard into his backside, taking the meat in his mouth even deeper. Guil's cock starts to throb and it drips some pre inside the bear.

Sammy feels two cocks throb inside of him, one deep in his throat, one deep in his anus. Guil's knot slowly starts to form now as he was getting close to cumming.

Brigg feels himself getting close. "Sammy, when I tell you, I need you to swallow my cum, ok? If it's too much that's ok, but you'll at least try."

Sammy looks up at him and nods slightly. Guil hears Brigg saying this and suddenly starts to slow down a little bit.

"C'mon Guil, fuck him good!", Brigg says.

Guil sighs and gives a few more thrusts before he starts to release all of his puppy batter into his new friend.

"Yeah! That's it! Here it cums!", Brigg shouts as he starts cumming as well, flooding Sam's gullet with hot bear seed.

The wolfpup blushes as he finishes up his load but he doesn't push the knot in.

After a few shots Brigg takes his cock out of Sammy's mouth and lets the rest of his load cover the bearcub's face, some spurts even hit Guil as well.

"Wow... that was... awesome...", Sammy moans, completely out of breath. Brigg nods in agreement.

Guil blushes as he pulls all the way out and wipes his face a little bit.

Brigg bursts into laughter. "Guil, you're simply amazing. Always wanting to be the big guy on top and if someone actually lets you do it, you're bashful about it. And you're in constant denial about not liking a nice cock in your backside. You're just a little puppy who doesn't know himself, but I'm more than happy to help you find yourself." He smiles and winks.

The puppy grumbles and just stares at the grizzly.

"Aw, don't be like that, little puppy-dog. You're always so uptight and I just want to help you relax a little bit. Nothing wrong with that, wolfy. And be careful who you grumble at." Brigg bares his fangs, snarls at Guil and then bursts into laughter again as his strong paws once again pull both cubs into a loving hug. "Boys, I love you."

Uncle and nephew now both snuggle and hug their canine friend, both keep rumbling deep sounds of contentment.

"Aw, this is sweet. I could do this all day", Brigg says with a warm tone.

"This feels really nice, uncle Brigg", Sammy whispers.

"So, boys, what are we gonna do now?", Brigg asks, smiling.

"Uhm... Guil, what should we play next?", Sammy asks timidly as the wolfcub remains silent.

"Yeah, Guil. I'm sure you know many games", Brigg smirks.

Guil just shrugs ignoring his erected cock once again. "I dunno..."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure you do know. Don't be shy. Just tell me what you want", Brigg growls.

"I don't know..."

"Well, then I guess I'll go and prepare dinner", the big grizzly turns around and wags his big fuzzy butt. "C'mon, little puppy-dog, we both know you want my big fuzzy butt."

Brigg starts rubbing at his ass, spreading the cheeks with his paws. "Something's itching back there. If I only knew someone who could scratch that itch."

Guil tilts his head at Brigg and hands him a back scratcher.

The bear laughs loudly. "It seems I was to subtle. I want your puppycock in me."

The wolfpuppy tilts his head again as he looks down at his cock as it throbs a little.

"Lil puppydog, I want it, you want, just do it!"

Guil's ears flutter a little bit as he starts to push it in.

"There we go. For someone who likes this you sometimes need a lot of pushing to just do it. Fuck me, little wolfy. As hard as you can!"

Guil ignores what Brigg says and pushes it all the way in, grunting and beginning to thrust into him.

"Harder! Show me what you got!"

Sam just stares at the two, his cubbycock has grown hard yet again.

"Sammy, come here. We'll take care of that."

Sam does as he is told and Brigg starts sucking on his nephew's meat.

Guil watches the two of them playing around while he still thrusts into the big bear. Brigg grabs Sammy's butt to get him to pound his muzzle harder. The big ursine moans as he is fucked from both sides.

The wolf blushes as he continues on thrusting his cock hard into the grizzly. Sam starts fucking his uncle like the wild grizzly he is, slamming into his muzzle with all the strength of his youthful body. Brigg grunts and moans as he tries to push back onto both cocks that are continuously driven into his mouth and his anus.

Guil starts to slowly moan as he continues on thrusting in and out of his ass. The trio has become a blur of thrusts and moans and grunts as the two cubs keep fucking the big grizzly hard

Guil blushes as his knot forms early but he was still thrusting. Brigg feels Guil's knot form and starts grinning around Sammy's cubbycock, his own penis hard and throbbing between his legs.

The wolfpuppy whines as he was now getting close to cumming but holds back on the orgasm. Sammy groans as he releases his hot seed into his uncle's mouth. Swallowing his nephew's cum Brigg starts to cum as well, shooting his cream all over the floor and his belly.

Guil whines and he starts to cum into Brigg's butt with his knot slammed in hard. Brigg grunts in pleasure as Guil knots him and shoots his seed deep into the bear's ass while he gobbles down Sammy's load and the last drops of his own cum fall onto the floor of his nephew's bedroom. The wolfcub blushes as he finishes cumming and pulls his cock and knot out.

Brigg pulls himself off his nephew. "Wow, boys. That was really something. But I really have to play the grown-up for a while and prepare us some food for dinner. Why don't you get cleaned up?"

"OK, uncle Brigg. We can take a shower. Maybe we can take one together, Guil?", Sammy suggests.

Guil blushes and rubs his nose a bit. "Um... I have something else in mind."

Brigg leaves the two cubs and walks down the stairs, still naked but he takes his clothes with him.

"Huh? Another game?"

"Well... not really... I don't... want to take a shower..."

"Uhm... OK... But my uncle told us to get cleaned up."

Guil nods and starts to head to the bathroom.

Sammy follows him. "C'mon, let's take a shower together."

Guil nods but instead turns the sink on.

"Uhm... ok... that's not the shower. What do you wana do, Guil?", the bearcub says and smiles, curiousity written all over his face.

The wolfcub covers his paws in soap and starts to rub over his body.

"Ok, that's a good idea!" Sam smiles and starts to do the same. "Uhm... Maybe we can do each other's backs?"

The puppy blushes as he had something else on his mind and his paws rubbed lower.

"Why are you blushing, Guil?"

The wolfboy was still blushing as he starts to rub at his balls.

Sammy stares and blushes as well. "Oh..."

Guil Grins at him and continues to rub and wash at his balls. The bear smiles timidly and starts to 'wash' his own balls. The wolf smiles warmly and looks up at Sammy with his tongue out.

Sammy smiles back, blushes and nods. Guil continues washing and then starts to rub at his butt and crotch.

"Uhm... do you think we could wash each other?"

Guil giggles and nods. "Sure!"

"OK", Sam smiles as he starts rubbing and washing his friend's cock.

Guil shivers a little bit from this as he wiggles. Sammy rubs his cock with one paw and washes his puppyballs with his other one. The wolfcub stops what he was doing and winces a little bit, getting erect once again.

Sammy giggles. "It seems like your dinky wants to play again."

His friend nods and blushes. "Yours too."

"Huh?" Sam looks down at his erect cubbycock. "Oh. Yeah." He smiles.

Guil blushes and starts to rub Sammy's cock.

"Now we're washing us AND having fun! Awesome!", the bear chuckles and keeps rubbing Guil's cock up and down and massaging his puppy balls.

Guil shivers and nods, his cock throbbing and drips a little bit of pre. Sam notices the pre and starts rubbing it over your cockhead with one finger and then with his whole paw, his own cock starts drooling pre as well.

The wolfcub blushes and does the same to the bearcub's cock while using his other paw to play with his balls. Sammy moans as he keeps jerking his new friend and massaging his testicles.

Guil grunts and bucks into his paw as he keeps up the jerking on his end. Sammy feels his body slowly tighten as his paws fly up and down your cock.

"Mmmmf.... Are you going to finish...l-like I'm about to...?"

"I...I... th-think so...", Sammy moans.

"Then l-let's do it together..."

Sam jerks Guil's puppycock as hard as he can as he feels his own climax nearing. Guil yips and starts to cum while still jerking the bear's cock. Sammy starts to cum as well as he feels his new friend's cock throbbing in his bearpaw.

Guil giggles and finishes cumming.

"Now we REALLY have to get cleaned up before my uncle gets mad at us", Sammy chuckles.

The wolfcub giggles and nods. "Yeah, we better." They both shower together and walk downstairs.

"Took you long enough. You 'played' again, didn't you?", Brigg says and shakes his head. "Well, I guess I can't really blame you. Now let's eat, I made lasagna."

Guil's ears perk up and he barks. "Lasagna!"

"Oh, you like that? You and Sammy are practically twins, except he's a bit bigger than you." Brigg ruffles Sammy's and Guil's heads.

Guil yips and bounces in excitement. "Yeah!"

Sammy does the same. "Yeah! We're twins!"

"OK, calm down guys. Let's grab a bite." The big grizzly serves them lasagna and sits down to eat. "Aw, this is delicious. I might have to pat myself on the back."

"Or pat yourself on the butt!" Guil giggles as he starts to eat.

"I might spank yours if you keep being such a naughty boy", Brigg *growls and stares at the wolfpuppy.

"I can spank you too! I did try something new with Sammy that I never did before!"

"Nope, you won't." The bear flexes his strong arms. "Guil, I like you and I let you get away with many things. But don't make me prove just how much stronger I am, little puppy", he growls and bares his fangs. "Well, what did you do? Tell me."

Guil holds up his finger, ignoring the other stuff he said. "Fingering!"

"I created a monster...", Brigg chuckles. "You horny little devil."

"Nobody said they didn't like it."

"Ah, it's ok. I can't really blame you for wanting to have sex all the time since I'm not much better myself", the bear says and gives the wolf a wink.

Guil laughs at him and folds his arms.

"Aw, you're cute. Isn't he cute, Sammy?", Brigg chuckles.

"Uh... uhm... yes, he is cute." The bearcub blushes and looks down.

Guil giggles and continues to eat. Uncle and nephew keep eating too, munching on the tasty lasagna. They ate and then sat down to watch some movie. What was supposed to be a harmless sleepover turned into a whole weekend of sexual activity between the wolfcub and the two bears.

Becoming a Bear

Kenai wanders around, completely lost in thoughts until he bumps into a wall. A furry wall. A... bear? Oh crap. Tug... Kenai was still a bit intimidated by the big lug of a grizzly. "Oh... um... hi, Tug. Sorry for bumping into you. I'm still a bit...

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Beneath the Tree II

Shifu just couldn't get that day out of his mind. He always had to think back about watching his pupil doing something so private. He shouldn't have watched. But the image of that mighty member and those equally impressive testicles constantly...

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The Garden Wall

The truck of a construction company, the logo reading R & R Construction, stops in front of a suburban house. A big rhino and an equally big boar, both dressed in workpants and sleeveless white shirts exit it. They walk to the door. "Anyone there?",...

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