The Moon's Touch Ch 2

Story by ArcticRed Fox on SoFurry

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#2 of The Moon's Touch

The blue haired Tasha held Corlo for the longest time feeling his heartbeat through the fur and muscle of his chest. Thinking back on the dreams she remembered that they had all ended without any of her desires for that voice being fulfilled. Now she was leaning up against the body that held that voice and she would have those desires fulfilled before the night came. A deep purring sound came from the chest as she leaned up against it the golden brown fur rippling with movement from it. Feeling the slight buldge in his shorts she smiled realizing he was equipped much like any other guy that she could have gone with, just fuzzy. Placing a kiss on his chest she looked up into his eyes and stepped back from him. Reaching down to unbutton her shorts she let them drop to the wooden floor as she spoke to him.

"Well, now that your here I want to see all of you and feel all of you. I know you must feel the same after the way you talked to me in the dreams."

Pulling her shirt up over her head she let it fall beside the shorts as the cougar chuckled at her directness then began unbuttoning his shorts as she watched completely nude in the cabin he had made for her.

His member was partially filled out as she got her first glimpse of it. Four inches long at its half awakened state, she would have to hope it did not get much bigger when it was fully enflamed with his passion for her. She was small and she had heard that the larger the better unless it was too large. Corlo's purr was reaching her ears now as she looked at his penis longingly, he clearly enjoyed being close like this to her as much as she did. Reaching down she rubbed her slit unconsiously and she heard his purr raise in volume as his member began growing with each beat of his heart. Filling out at to a full length of six inches Tasha gasped as she finally realized that her tunnel and fingers were wet from touching herself. Blushing a bright crimson she saw him motion her into the bedroom with a nod of his head. Nodding vigorously her acceptance she turned and rushed onto the grassy bed her hair whipping behind her like a storm. Reaching the bed she heard the soft footfalls of her lover behind her and laid down on the bed flinging her hair behind her to be out of the way of anything he may do.

"You are very beautiful Tasha and I will give you as much as you want now, but I think you should save some for tonight if you want to change like you gave mention to."

Corlo said in his burly voice the purrs finding their way into his speech as he neared her soft flesh that lay on the grass beneath him. A slight nod was all she gave to him to tell him that he was probably right her eyes still on his now pulsing member between his legs.

As he leaned over her putting one knee on each side of her she realized then just how much larger he was then her and it sent a thrill down her spine that her first time would be with the one she thought of as her true love. He leaned over her as she lay on her back looking up into his eyes as he got closer and closer to touching her. The first thing she felt was his member lieing just below her belly button on her skin, the warm pulsing flesh beating with the time of his heart sent the air from her lungs in a long sigh. Closing her eyes she felt his muzzle press between her heaving breasts in a soft wet kiss as she breathed deeply enjoying the time of his heartbeat through the fleshy mass she felt on her belly. A rough cat-like tounge caressed her left breast sending a wave of arousal through her body as it left her skin to flick back and forth over the nipple. Just as the tounge began its work she felt something furry and round scrape across her absently drooling slit upwards to her clit as it poked its head out of its hideing place when she opened her legs at the touch. Snapping her eyes open with supprise and a moan of pleasure she saw his left paw come down on top of and begin to caress her other breast a single claw hitting the nipple of this breast in matching timing with the tounge as it left wet trails along her soft skin and hardened pert nipples. His tail had gone to work on the outer lips of her pussy and it sent a wave of pleasure through her. The deep purr still resounded from his body and traveled into hers along all points where fur met skin. Her body wracked by wave upon wave of pleasure from the man above her Tasha moaned and felt her legs go wobbly as slowly and steadily her pussy relaxed and wettened. A brief spike of pleasure erupted from her clit as the tail again brushed its way past this time downwards in the opposite direction it had been running. Her eyes opened again and noticed that he had moved slightly farther down her body but the waves and heat of her body had not let her notice the movement.

Corlo's throbbing member touched her ready, wet, and blossoming lips as he continued his minstrations to the rest of her body. Briefly looking up into her eyes he continued to flick her nipple with the tip of his tounge. Giving a squeeky yes in response to his unasked question she went back to her moans her body writhing with the pleasure he gave her. He was gentle as he pushed into her an inch and gave her body time to acustom itself to his large girth. He leaned up away from her stopping the pleasure of her breasts as they looked at each other connected only by their genetalia. Her breathing beginning to regain its steady rythem again she nodded to the cougar-man above her and felt his thick shaft pierce farther into her sending a wave of pleasure through her body. She had heard rumors that the first time was the worst, but from what she had felt this was the best feeling in the world. He had stopped to let her body acustom itself to her again and when she nodded he pushed into her further. Inside her tunnel it felt as if something was being streched more than it should and as she was about to ask him to stop she felt it, the intense pain caused her to cry out in pain and tears come to her eyes then it dulled as he slid into her all the way his balls pressed up against her fully inside her body. A paw came up to wipe the tears from her eyes.


He said as he dried her tears.

"The worst is over and you will never again feel that pain."

Giving a halfhearted smile to him was difficult then she felt his thick shaft retreating from her and the waves of pleasure began again as he slowly began going in and out of her in time to his own heartbeat she could feel through his cock.

The waves of pleasure surrounded her and consumed her as she felt her lover begin quickening his pace as her body became fully acustomed to him being inside her tight tunnel. Moaning with pleasure again she felt her body go numb and then a wave of sparks crested throughout her body sending her into a gripping sea of jolts each one trying to vie for her attention as her back arched upwards and shoved her orgasm to her lovers penis inside her. As she receeded back into almost a normal state she began feeling the thick member of her partner still pushing in and out of her and his moans of pleasure were taking on a distinctive cat-like howl. Her body still close to its peak began tingling again as she felt him quicken again now hitting her with the hard tightened ballsack beneath his thick member wet with her cum. Moaning again as she felt the heat build inside her Tasha felt her love go stiff as he pushed as far into her as he could. Looking up at his face she opened her eyes wide as she felt his hot cum errupt within her. This sent her groin again into numbness as she felt her body go rigid with a second more powerful orgasm that bent her nearly in half till her love lifted her off the bed and into his arms. Both the cougar and the girl crashed to the soft grass of the bed their bodies spent with love and they each drifted off into dreamless bliss wrapped in each others arms.

Waking up with a dull throbbing in her groin Tasha sat up and reached down to her slit. It was wet and red from the day's earlier events. The yellow light that she remembered streaming through the window as replaced now by a soft flickering light from the other room. Her groin ached dully as she stood reminding her that she was freshly plucked and then she smiled remembering the feelings she had during the time. Walking to the archway between rooms she saw Corlo sitting on one of the chairs a lantern upon the table where none had been before.

"When did you get up?"

She asked innocently knowing that she had probably slept well past time that she should have.

"Is there still time to do whatever it was I need to do to become like you?"

Grinning at him she caught the clothes he tossed in her direction. Aparently she needed to get dressed to do this.

Slipping the shirt over her head she felt the fabric press up against her breasts like a second skin sending a jolt of lovely bliss through her body as her nipples hardened and poked their heads into the shirt. Grasping her hair to bring it outside the shirt she listened as the cougar spoke to her.

"It is just before moonrise. We have plenty of time to make it to the clearing where the ritual is preformed. You will be stripped by others of my village and then you will dance as your heart feels compelled when the moon reaches its pinnacle above the clearing. The dancing will continue until moonset when you will feel sleepy, do not fight the sleep for it is the sleep of change."

Nodding briefly she slipped the shorts over her hips and then moaned in a brief pain as her groin sharpened briefly from its dull trob to a sharp stinging pain. Corlo spoke again as she buttoned the shorts over her acheing waist.

"Your first time I see. My mother will be able to give you some herbs that will allow you to dance without pain and sleep comfortably through your change. Do not worry, you will never feel that pain again I am told. From what I have heard I am supprised you have held on this long for your first time and I am pleased that I was able to give you enough pleasure that you only felt it briefly. Now, lets head to the village so that we can get those herbs."

The walk to the village was a quick one, it was tucked away between two hills fairly close to the cabin on the edge of the woods. Looking around Tasha saw the firelight from the main bonfire sending smoke into the night sky. Corlo had told her on their way here that this place had not the one sun and one moon that her planet had had, but it had two suns and a single moon that each traveled a different direction. The first sun, the orange one was cooler and traveled slower.

"This is the sun that the Terra travels around. The second sun, the yellow sun travels around Terra in the same direction but it is quicker and hotter. The moon also travels around Terra, but it is always on the opposite side of Terra from the sun."

He had told her before they reached the village. As they entered the village she saw they were all huts or cabins made much in the same way that hers was out in the hills. Looking around she saw various different types of animal species all living together in the village. There were squirls talking to birds and even a lone wolf that seemed to stare through her until she realized that the old wolf was blind and couldnt see her at all. Looking at the old wolf in pitty she heard her cougar lover continue as they walked through the village towards a low hut with two burning torches standing outside the entryway.

"This is a good time for you to decide to do this, if you had not it would have been another three months before the suns and moon were in alignment to offer this chance again."

He cut off just as they reached the two torches, motioning her forward into the hut he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I will see you later, I must go inform the elder that the dance will be preformed tonight."

Giving a half hearted smile to him as he walked away in the direction of the largest bonfire in the village she bent her head and entered through the doorway into the hut.

The smell of herbs and the sound of bubbling reached her ears and nose at the same time from within the hut making the girl stand in the doorway the door still in her hand.

"Come in derie, you will let in bugs at this rate."

A small elderly racoon female was kneeling on the ground next to a bubbling pot of something brown and green as she stirred it slowly. Tasha couldnt tell exactly what it is but the sound and smell were comming from it.

"Child, will you stand there all night or will you close the door and tell poor Cara what ails you?"

The voice was soft yet carried the hint of displeasure. Closing the door behind her Tasha looked around for some place to sit. Seeing one close to where the elderly racoon was she slipped into the seat a slight moan escaping her lips as her groin again sent a sharp stab of pain into her. The racoon raised an eyebrow and then smiled the two black patches around her eyes offering comfort.

"I see, first time with a male and he broke you."

The old woman cackled. Nodding politely she watched as the racoon got up and handed her the spoon.

"Stir once every three heartbeats child and I will get you something for the pain."

Taking the spoon into her hands Tasha counted heartbeats as she stirred the bubbling pot noticing for the first time that there was no fire or heat, the pot was just bubbling along by itself. Continuing her counting and stirring she tried to listen to the old racoon as much as possible as she did her job.

"These herbs you will ingest and your pain will go away never to be felt again. Dont worry dearie, we have all felt that pain at one time or another. From how easily you walked and when you groaned I would say that you found a very nice man to be your first. Though I dont see what he saw in you with that strange blue hair."

Chuckling the old lady had handed her two leaves from some plant she didnt recognize then taken the wooden spoon back into her hands and looked at the mixture. The mixture had changed from its brown and green color to a soft and smooth blue. Tasha hadnt noticed the color change as she stirred but it was clear that it had.

"Girl, you counted the heartbeats perfectly."

The old racoon cooed as she tapped the spoon to drip the liquid remaining on it into the pot which had ceased its bubbling.

"You have a talent for being a healer just like me it seems."

The lady looked at Tasha as she chewed on the two leaves the old lady had given her.

"Where do you come from? I have not seen you around here before, ahh but you must be one of the boys friends if you had that hurt and are here with me now."

Nodding in fear to the raccoon she relaxed somewhat as she realized that it was just an old woman trying to meddle in the afairs of her village.

"Oh dont mind me dearie, you have nothing to fear from an old healer like me. Its your business and you can stay silent if you like. If it is possible though I would like you to come learn from me when you settle down with the young man."

Coughing on one of the leaves Tasha looked at Cara with eyes wide as the healer patted her on the back to give her a little relief.

"Me? I am just a child from another place. I was brought here by a very nice golden haired cougar."

Her smile said it all as the old raccoon looked at her and then began crooning the way an old lady would.

"Ahh, so my son has finally found someone to be with him."

Noticing the bright smile and the shining eyes Cara smiled back at her.

"And aparently that someone likes him back. If he is the one that brought you here, why is he not in his mothers hut with his pretty lady humm? Where did you come from and how did you get to this village?"

The questions were honest ones and ones that Tasha felt she must answer. Corlo's mother had a power about her that Tasha couldnt refuse now. It was something that the girl from another world had never felt before and she opened her lips to speak.

"I came from another world Cara. I have been having dreams about your son's voice for a long time now and after the last one found myself here. When I woke up I was nude and in a small pool of water last night and I walked shivering to a cabin over the hills in that direction."

Pointing off towards one of the walls behind her near the door Tasha continued unalbe to make herself stop.

"At the cabin I saw a message that swam in my vision until I was able to read the words written on it. It was a note from Corlo telling me the cabin was mine. It also said that he would meet me at first dusk which I didnt know what it meant at the time. I fell asleep in the grass bed that I found in the cabin and woke to find him in the other room. I was able to get my first look at him then and I liked it. I am in love with him and I asked if there was a way for me to look like him. He told me that there was but that I may not be exactly like him, which i did not understand truely until I got to this village. We held each other for a while and then made love on the same bed I had dozed on before waking to find him with me. I felt wonderful every time he touched me and I could feel his love for me in return. During our lovemaking I felt something snap inside me but it dulled and was overcome with the feelings he gave me. We both collapsed afterwards and slept."

Her body had become sensitive again to the press of the clothing and Tasha knew that her nipples were showing through the shirt but the compulsion pushed through the embarassment and she began speaking again.

"I woke again and dressed as Corlo told me about what I would be doing tonight to change myself and about you, his mother, and how you would be able to help the pain. Then just before we got here he told me he had to speak to the elder about the dancing ritual so that I would be changed."

Blushing again as she remembered the goodbye kiss she felt the compulsion release her as she spoke the last words.

"Then I entered the hut."

Breathing deep the air back into her lungs Tasha glared at Corlo's mother from her stool. She knew it had come from the old woman and she disliked it.

Seeing her reaction Cara raised her eyebrows and nodded.

"I am very impressed. You felt the compulsion and you stirred the pot perfectly. Do not worry, if he has gone to tell the elder then you will get your chance to dance in the moonlight just like everyone over Terra. You were able to hold bits and pieces back from me even untrained in the ways of the witchwoman. You are special child and will most likely be the best replacement for this old woman when I die. I just ask that you come back and get trained. And make sure you tell my boy that if he hurts you he deals with me."

Giving a chuckle as she walked over to where some bottles are she lightened the mood and it let Tasha relax.

"Now wait outside girl, I have to put this mixture into these jars before the ritual begins and there is little time for me to do so. You can wait outside the door, I am sure that my little Corlo will be along shortly to get you for the teaching."

Tasha stood up and politely bowed to the witchwoman as she made her exit. The lingering smells tickled her nose as she closed the door behind her unsure that the smells or the feeling of the compulsion would ever leave her.