Milo's Tale (Kaido and Taimet Part I)

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#1 of Kaido and Taimet

This is my first story, so I don't expect it to be popular. I think I may have tried to hard to set up a backstory... all comments and criticism appreciated.

And yes, a chose my username because of this character.


Milo ran flat out, desperate to get home before dark. He'd been walking home after staying late from school, so late he'd forgotten about the curfew.

The curfew had been imposed after the Dream-weavers came. Anyone caught outside after dark below the age of eighteen was never seen again. Milo was fourteen, fair game for the hunters that stalked the streets after dark.

His trainers skidded on the slick flags, and he went down hard. He lay wincing, fire running up his leg and hip, and heard a voice from behind, "you alright, pet?"

He froze, risking a glance behind him, and saw a figure in a jet-black bodysuit. It looked almost human, except the body had strange, lupine qualities. He gave a cry of fear, and scrabbled to his feet, but the figure was ready, pouncing and pinning him.

"No! Please! Let me go!" he cried, but the figure was too strong. He felt his arms and legs being bound, a gag put into his mouth, and a hood draped over his head. Satisfied, the hunter lifted him bodily, and carried him into the night...

Felt himself placed onto a cold, metal floor, and two sets of hands grip him. His binds and hood were removed, but the gag remained. He was stood inside a small room with six cages, three each side, all too small for him to fit in upright. One was occupied by a girl about Milo's age. The girl was naked, curled up and sobbing quietly. The figures holding him were Dream-weavers; strange human-animal hybrids. One was a black cat, the other a blond-furred wolf. The wolf smiled at Milo, and nodded to someone Milo couldn't see.

The pair began to strip the boy. Milo struggled, but they were easily stronger than him. A fourteen year old boy was no challenge for two fully-grown males. Once stripped, the gag was removed, and he was pushed into one of the cages. The third figure, now visible, squatted infront of the cage and smiled to him. She was a Renamon, her fur was white and gold, and her eyes were a sparkling blue, but with a hardness to them that frightened Milo. She was naked, and Milo risked a quick glance downwards, rewarded with a peek of her slit. However, he was too scared to become aroused by it, or to linger.

"My name is Taimet," she said, "I'm the slaver in charge of this hunt. If you behave, I'll be nice. If not, I'll be harsh. Understand?"

Milo nodded, trembling with cold and fear. He felt tears welling up in his eyes.

"Good. If you need something, ask." She reached through the bars, and pulled his face closer. Milo felt the gag removed as Taimet whispered in his ear, "and if you're very good, I might give you a better look."

Milo blushed, ashamed at being caught. Taimet smiled at him, and stalked away, leaving the two humans alone.

Milo wasn't sure how long he had been left in the cage. He'd tried to sleep, but he couldn't make himself comfortable on the hard floor, that and he was too frightened. The blond wolf was stood near the door, watching him constantly. He felt like he wanted to scream, and was shaking constantly. He couldn't fight it anymore, and began to cry. Almost immediately, he heard a voice from outside the cage, the voice he'd heard when he was taken. "It's okay... everyone cries."

He glanced up, and found the wolf smiling at him, "best to do it now when there's only me and her to see you. I'm Kaido, by the way."

Milo wiped his face with his hand, "what are you going to do to me?"

Kaido reached through the bars, and began to stroke Milo's head, "you're going to be put to auction... any minute now, in fact. You're aboard a vessel, a simple craft to carry us to our home. You won't be waiting long; I'll make sure of it."

Milo wasn't sure what to make of Kaido's words, but as soon as he had finished, Taimet returned. She spoke to Kaido in an alien tongue, the strange haunting notes of the Dream-weavers, and the cage opened. Milo was taken out, and walked from the room.

He realised he'd been aboard some form of ship, a small craft designed to carry a few slaves at a time. He stepped out into the cold night, and found himself on a platform overlooking a market. Music and laughter floated up to him, as well as inviting smells of food. He realised how hungry he felt. Kaido gripped his shoulder, and Milo looked around. The wolf was smiling, and nodded to a doorway at the edge of the platform. He was not forceful, seemingly happy to let Milo absorb the surroundings.

"What is this place?" Milo asked, walking slowly towards the door.

"This is Evernight. It is... a hub, of sorts. Dreams are linked to this place, allowing us to travel from one Dream to the next."

"Dreams?" Milo asked.

Kaido smiled, "yes, Dreams. Your language doesn't have a word for them... but I guess you'd call them 'alternate realities'. It is very complicated, and I am not patient enough to try and explain." It seemed clear Kaido did not want to talk more.

The two entered the doorway, and walked down a flight of stairs to another chamber. This one was lined with cells, each containing two or three slaves, mostly human. Milo was handed to a large vulture male, and Kaido spoke with him quickly in their own tongue. The vulture nodded, and Kaido gave Milo a brief smile, "see you soon."

Milo was marched down through the cells, until they reached a doorway. He was pushed through, and saw more rooms either side. Most were closed, but he heard sounds of music, voices, splashing of water, and the occasional whimper or cry. The vulture took him through an open doorway, and out into a wide room. He was taken onto a central platform just as another, a young woman of around twenty, was removed. His arms were bound to the poll, and the vulture left him.

Milo glanced around the room, and realised it was full of furries. Most were naked, although many wore tabards inscribed with strange runes. A few wore collars, indicating them as slaves. There were a few humans there as well, all naked, all chained, sitting besides their Masters.

"Next slave, fourteen year old white human male, unmarked, unexamined, untrained. Opening bid is 2,000."

"Bid," Milo turned to the speaker, and saw Kaido standing by the door, smiling at him. A few more bids came, back and forth, slowly rising. Milo couldn't help but feel ashamed. Bound to the poll as he was, his entire body was fully visible. He glanced down, and saw one of the bidders staring at his penis, smiling naughtily. He closed his eyes, feeling the urge to erect.

"6,000 bid. No more?"

There was a soft chime, and the binds released. Milo turned, and found he was staring at Kaido, "come on, pet. You're mine now."

Kaido led his new pet home through the winding streets. The boy's hands were bound behind his back, and he was gagged, pulled along by a leash around his neck. It took half an hour of walking to reach Kaido's home, a simple building, far too small for someone to live in. Kaido opened the door, and pushed Milo gently inside.

Milo felt his body tingle, and looked around the house. He was outside somehow, stood in ankle deep snow. He turned around, and saw Kaido step in behind him, closing the door. It wasn't attached to anything; it just stood there, upright, in the snow.

"Don't ask," Kaido said to him, "I won't explain how it works, remember?"

Milo was led into the house itself. It reminded him of the Japanese houses he'd seen in samurai movies. He was led into a bedroom, and told to lie upon the bed. He did so, and felt Kaido bind his hands and feet in place.

"You're new to this, so I'll be gentle," he whispered, and began to kiss Milo passionately. Milo felt the male's tongue slip into his mouth, lapping the underside of his own. He tried to fight, but Kaido had him bound tight, and in the end he surrendered to the kissing. He closed his eyes, and felt an erection building. Kaido placed a single finger onto Milo's nipple, and began to run it slowly down the boy's body. He traced down his side, and up into the inside of his leg, tickling the soft, sensitive skin where his leg met his crotch. Finally, he ran the digit back and forth under the boy's sack, before sliding it onto his ass hole.

Milo fought a little, frightened of being touched there. Kaido broke the kiss, and stroked his head, "it's okay... you'll like it."

Milo shook his head, "please, don't." He felt the finger tease his ass a little, then move away, back up towards his balls,

"alright," Kaido said, "but I expect you to do something for me, if I'm going to do that for you." The binds were released, and Milo was allowed to sit upright. He glanced at Kaido, then bolted for the door.

He felt Kaido grab him, and throw him back onto the bed. He curled up, giving a cry of fear. He heard Kaido crawl onto the bed, and could smell the male's musk as a long, hard cock was pushed into view. He looked up into Kaido's smiling face, "No running away," he whispered, pushing his cock gently against Milo's lips. Milo turned his head, and felt Kaido place a hand on his head. "Come on now, pet... I left your ass alone, so you should do this for me..." Milo looked at the smiling wolf, but kept his mouth shut.

Kaido sighed, "alright, pet, here's how it will work. I've tried to be nice, but you're not having any of that, so we're going to play rough," he grabbed Milo, and turned him onto his front. Milo felt the wolf's cock press against his ass.

"No! Please!" he cried, squirming in the wolf's grip.

"You'll be good then?" Kaido asked.

"Yes," Milo nodded frantically, "I'll be good, I promise!"

Kaido released his grip, letting the boy roll back onto his front. He pressed his cock against Milo's lips again, and this time his slave let it in. Milo felt the cock slide deep into his mouth, touching against the back of his throat. The taste was strange, and he found himself becoming excited by it. He began to suck slowly, as Kaido thrust his cock slowly in and out of the boy's mouth. Milo felt his master's precum dribble down his throat, and his face turned red, finding he enjoyed the taste. He could feel the cock swelling, filling with the desire to cum, and pulled back a little. Kaido held his head in place.

"Come on now, be a big boy and swallow..."

Milo closed his eyes as thick, salty jets of cum sprayed into his mouth. He choked, fighting to breathe, but swallowed them at his master's bidding. He felt the cock slide out of his mouth, and composed himself, silently admitting the cum hadn't tasted as bad as he'd thought it would.

Kaido lay down beside Milo, and pulled him onto his side. He stroked the boy's head, Milo's breath smelling strongly of Kaido's seed.

"Did you like that?"

Milo closed his eyes and blushed, unwilling to admit the strange, almost frightening feelings within him. Kaido didn't wait for the reply before kissing him again.

He broke the kiss, "well, we will have plenty of time to play together. You're mine now, pet. All mine..." he held the boy closely, stroking his head, until the pair drifted gently into sleep.