Intermediate Species Studies - Chapter 9 - The Marine Park by Night

Story by Tailen on SoFurry

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#9 of Intermediate Species Studies

Intermediate Species Studies

Chapter 9 - The Marine Park by Night

by Tailen

A brief glimpse of the familiar dull-grey ceiling branded itself onto Tane's retina and took a few seconds to disappear. It was just long enough for the husky's brain to clear the haze of dreams and realize where it was. He made his usual oh-no-not-this-reality-again morning groan and pulled the blanket up tighter against his chest as he rolled onto his side.

The gooey sensation was warm, but the sudden panic that went through the back of his mind felt like ice and he opened his eyes up and looked down at himself under the covers. The patch of seed was mostly dry and flaky, tugging at his bellyfur, but it still felt somewhat slimy the way it had seeped through the fur and onto his skin beneath. He groaned and then felt the same viscous wetness on his rump and up along his back. His eyes glared over at the sleeping black wolf across the room on the other bed.

Tane's memory was not completely up to speed yet -- for instance he was not entirely sure why he was in his roommate's bed and the black wolf was in his, or why he was sticky on both sides, why he was naked, or even how much he had to drink last night. But he was certain his roommate had everything to do with this.

Carefully he peeled the blanket off himself and rolled it up before tossing it on the floor, trying not to spread the stuff around too much, but as he rolled carefully out of bed himself he could see that the sheets needed washing anyway. Darn that wolf and his capable paws.

Hunter was unaware of the eyes upon him and he just snored away innocently. Or, as innocently as the black wolf could look with his paw under the covers, clearly having fallen asleep while groping himself. The rustle of sheets and the familiar creaking of his own bed on the other side of the room managed to wake him up, however. Lying in an unfamiliar bed made him sleep lighter than usual, and he opened his narrow eyes just in time to see Tane bend over the bed and start pulling off the sheet. His grin spread slowly over his black-furred muzzle and he licked his lips at the sight of that grey huskybutt with the tail in the air and bits of his cum from last night still running down the back of it.

"Mornin', hot stuff." He said to the butt and waited a moment for Tane to turn around and face him so he could get a good view of the front too.

"You made a mess!" The husky snapped at him with an accusing expression, his paws pointing at the bed and the blanket on the floor. The black wolf was not fazed, and his thoroughly mellow look just became calmer.

"Not exactly, you're the one who made a mess. You were too drunk to paw off last night so naturally, being the helpful sort that I am, I had to come to your rescue." Hunter grinned from ear to ear and was not intimidated by the way the husky trotted over to him, in fact he just reached out with his arm and hugged Tane's rump closer so he could bury his face in the boy's grey crotchfur.

The motion took Tane by surprise and he was about to shout something angrily, when his mind just sort of collapsed like a leaky balloon. The tongue lapping wetly over his sheath as well as the sight of his roommate pawing himself off under the covers were too much for him to resist, and he just gave a little whine of surrender and leaned into the caress.

Hunter made a satisfied grunt from down there and started suckling on the husky's sheath while his own paw sped up, making lewd squishy noises now as his plump black sheath was dragged up and down his stiff morning wood.

"Mrff.. you're a bad, bad dog." Tane sighed and leaned over the bed, raising his tail and putting both his paws down on the other side of Hunter's body to sort of stand like a bridge over his prone, black form.

"You know it, pup." His roommate grinned with obvious contentment as he pulled his muzzle away from the grey sheath and slipped his groping paw up underneath the husky's tail.

"Don't call me that." Tane snorted in short reply.

"I'll call you whatever makes my dick hard, pup." Hunter grunted in insistence and stopped pawing himself off. His paw slipped from his crotch to one of Tane's paws on the bed next to him and he pulled it away, forcing the husky to shift his weight back again since he could not lean this far over the bed without the support of both his paws.

The husky did not resist as his paw was grabbed and guided down underneath the covers all the way until he felt his friend's fuzzy sheathfur tickle between his fingers. He closed them around the swollen shaft of the wolf as he had many times before and obediently began jerking him off.

"Mmmmmmm, that's gooooood... so much better when someone else does it." Hunter almost purred like a kitten and wriggled a bit on his back to get comfy. His legs spread out more and he let Tane take over entirely, just leaning back, closing his eyes and enjoying the pawjob he was getting.

"I don't have time for this, I need to get the bedsheets to the laundry room before it gets too crowded." Tane sighed and pulled his fingers firmly up and down his roommate's throbbing cock, feeling how the wolf bucked his hips a bit and murrred with delight.

"And you need a bath." He commented and dragged his own black paw up the back of Tane's rump, smearing some of his own cum from last night deeper into the fur there.

"And I need a bath." Tane repeated with a stern expression and felt the paw caress all the way up his back. The way he was hunched over the wolf and leaning down, that paw easily reached the back of his head and he was pulled down with just a bit of protest -- especially since Hunter's serene, oblivious, and silly expression did not at all reflect the kind of seriousness Tane had hoped to foster about this whole laundry situation.

"Don't worry, *mmm* I'm almost there.." Hunter panted softly and kept on pulling the husky's head down until their lips met in a reluctant kiss. It took a few moments for Tane to warm up to it, but he eventually let the charms of the black wolf wash over him and as the very next thing found himself moaning slightly while their tongues entwined playfully and took turns suckling each other. His paw moved automatically with little concentration on his part, and Hunter absolutely adored the way those fingers kept brushing down over his engorged knot and made him squirt watery precum into the blanket.

He parted their kiss and Tane was surprised at the change in pace of the wolf's panting breaths now.

"Mmm.. ohh, you know what I like..." The black lupine licked over Tane's lips tellingly and winked up at him.

It took a moment for the hint to sink in and Tane gave a wistful sigh. Their eyes met again and Hunter just grinned wide and hung his pink tongue out the side of his muzzle to pant faster. His paw on the opposite side of Tane grabbed the edge of the blanket and lifted it up high, for the first time showing them both what the husky's paw was actually doing down there.

The wolf watched with anxious little breaths and swiftly bucking hips as his friend ducked his head down under the covers to join his paw that had never faltered for a moment during this whole thing. If there was one thing Hunter could take credit for, it was the fact that his roommates always had strong wrists from all the practice he put them through.

"There's a good pup." He murmured and let the blanket fall down behind Tane's shoulder blades as if to somehow conceal the naughtiness, even though anyone who saw the wolf on his back with the dog kneeling next to him and having both his paw and his face moving under the blanket at the same height as the wolf's groin, could probably figure out what was going on.

His head laid back against the pillow and he looked up at the ceiling with fitful breaths just as his friend's lips swallowed his cocktip and sank down further. With a good couple of inches of his cock engulfed in hot, wet puppymuzzle, Hunter began humping his hips more vigorously and could already feel the point of no return approaching fast as his breathing turned to mostly just sharp inhales. Tane's fingers grabbed tightly behind the wolf's knot and squeezed him there, which always managed to make Hunter whimper in pleasure, and whenever done under these circumstances it signaled quite clearly that he was ready to swallow all that his friend had been saving up overnight.

Tane stepped into the shower room with a towel tied around his waist. The rows of showers were all empty except for one that had Redmond finishing up there. The large bear looked up at the new arrival and grinned toothily when Tane tossed his towel on one of the benches just outside the shower area. The husky had not gotten himself off after servicing his roommate, and even the trip down to the laundry room had not managed to get his erection down yet.

"Well, well... and a very good morning to you too." Redmond smirked and waggled his eyebrows at the dog. He laughed out in his usual rumbling voice when Tane just blushed and quickly crept in under one of the showers.

He lifted up his head to welcome the gush of cold water from above and opened up his muzzle to catch some of it. Hunter's cum was still hot on his breath and he could not help wondering whether the wolf had eaten a pack of eggs or something the night before. He certainly had a given off quite a load.

Tane rubbed his belly with a paw and felt a bit bloated. Almost too full to eat breakfast now. He stood under the shower and bowed his head down, letting the water fall down his neck and his back as he leaned a paw against the cold tiles of the wall in front of him. Slowly, but surely the gooey stuff slipped out of his fur and he lost all sense of time as he stood that.

When he looked up again, Redmond had gone and he was all alone in the room. He grabbed some fur shampoo next to him and started rubbing up and then rinsing it out again. By the time he turned off the taps and shook himself off before grabbing his towel, he heard heavy footsteps approaching.

Cealan's big, grinning face greeted him after he had wiped the water out of his eyes with the towel.

"Hey, puppy. Thanks a lot for the other day." He winked and tossed his towel on the bench before stepping into the shower next to Tane. The orca always had that energetic and enthusiastic air around him that made others feel happier.

"No prob. We should do that again some time." Tane smiled and stepped out onto the floor next to the benches so the spray of the shower would not get him all wet again.

"Actually, Wenceclas and I are going to stay at the marine park after school today and close it up tonight. Boss is out of town. Wanna come too? I could show you all the animals, and when the park closes we could make a picnic on the beach." The orca stepped closer to him and out of the drizzling water so he could rub the soap he brought all over his rubbery skin.

"Oooh. That sounds like a lot of fun. Do I need to bring anything?" Tane smiled up at him and lifted his ears up. The fuzzy headfur between them pointed randomly in all directions after he had just rubbed it dry with his towel.

"Just your sunny disposition, pup." The orca grinned and smacked the husky's rump before turning and walking back under the shower to rinse off.

Tane gave the obligatory little *yip!* of surprise and smirked back at him. Seeing the orca's tail sway as he walked made him wonder briefly just how in the heck anthro orcas even got out of the water and walked on land in the first place. That tail was huge and seemed to be more in the way of walking than his own tail was, or even the tails of most other creatures he could think of at the moment.

Cealan's whistling brought the husky out of his daydream and he quickly dried the rest of his fur off with the large cetacean watching and smiling just a bit too wide for a casual interest in what he was seeing.

Tane grinned and stuck his tongue out at him before he wrapped the towel around himself, tied a knot at the side to prevent it from falling down and then stepped out into the hallway. Seeing the naked orca again had admittedly not helped calm him down the slightest bit.

"Focus, Tane. Need food." He murmured to himself and set off with determined steps down the hallway, but he only got a few feet before he froze in mid-stride and spun around on his heels to head back to his room, "..clothes. Need clothes first."

Tane had a blast at the marine park. Cealan had gotten him a Visitor Pass that let him come backstage after the dolphin show to pet them and toss them fish and meet the trainers. Wenceclas was back there and introduced him to his co-workers, most of them aquatic species like himself, and they took him to the large tanks in the back where the dolphins lived. The front one was where they went for the show a few times every day.

The husky was certain Wenceclas could read his mind, because the otter brought him a swimsuit in his size and took him swimming in the tank. He tried blowing the whistle and making the dolphins do tricks. Normally being in the tank back here meant that they were off-duty, but the presence of a new person in their tank made them curious and playful. They kept bumping their beaks against Tane's feet and belly, and pushed him around a bit.

The otter taught him how they used signals underwater to show the dolphins what tricks they should perform. Tane left with the -- perhaps somewhat dangerous -- knowledge that if he should ever get a dolphin's attention through the glass of a tank, all he had to do was draw a large V check-mark in front of it and the dolphin would do the high jump trick. The really high jump with somersault and everything.

It was every little pup's dream to touch and talk to the animals, and it did make him feel a lot younger again. There was simply something about hanging out with animals that made one feel primitive and connected to nature again. It was refreshing for the soul to be reminded of the creatures one shared the world with; especially for those folks who lived in the big city like him and did not get to meet nature as often anymore.

Tane tried petting the rays and whatever else they would let him near. He watched the colorful exotic fish in their small tanks where he could push a button and a black-light showed their neon colors. Hidden beauty of the deep.

He also stopped by the penguin exhibit, watching them zoom around underneath the water and leaving a trail of tiny bubbles everywhere they went. Being a dog, he could not even imagine moving that fast in water. All he could do was... well... doggy-paddling. And here were these tiny critters flying underwater from one end of the tank to the other in less than 3 seconds. It was like watching small torpedoes in tuxedos. He giggled like the cubs standing next to him whenever one of them would swim along the side of the tank and make a trail of bubbles that looked like a bobbing wave.

In fact, the only point at which he felt slightly adult again was when he saw Wenceclas, Cealan and the rest of the crew in those skin-tight half-body swimsuits that they used. It was like a regular divesuit, all rubbery and sleek, but the arms only went halfway down to the elbows and the legs stopped halfway down the thighs. It allowed for the freedom of movement that the trainers needed, but it also looked incredibly smexxy. If you were into that sort of thing. Which all three of them were.

Around evening the last dolphin show ended with a big bang and fireworks. This was when the audience was largest, and having caught every show that day Tane noticed that even the dolphins knew this was the highlight of the evening. They all seemed to jump a little higher and swim a little faster than they had done at all the other shows.

Cealan was waiting for him after the show at the place right outside the stadium they had agreed on.

"Hey Tane, I wanna show you something." He grabbed the dog's arm and hauled him off in another direction than the crowd of people who were being guided, and guiding each other towards the exit. It was like watching a mass of salmon migrate -- just this long snake of people going all the way from the stadium to the front of the marine park and the parking lot outside, and back to reality.

They walked past a few locked gates that yielded to the magic of Cealan's keycard and the last door they pushed through was built into the great beige wall that surrounded the entire park.

Tane stepped out into the cool evening and felt sand under his paws. He looked down and saw a path leading right down to the beach on the west side of the park. A small bit of dull red sun was still peeking up over the horizon, but it was swiftly being overwhelmed by the darkness. It tried to make its brother in the water help light up the evening, but the reflection was all jagged and cut into shards by the dark, rolling waves of the sea. The ceiling of the sky went from red to blue to black at the opposite end of the horizon and a few of the brighter stars were faintly visible already.

He followed Cealan down to the beach, noticing a great big hole in the wall a bit further down, as well as some sort of fence in the water and off the shore a bit. Farther up the beach on both sides he noticed that the wall extended all the way into the water, which closed off this long stretch of shore. Obviously it was private and belonged to the park.

The orca stopped near the water and waited for his friend to catch up. He pulled off his t-shirt with the park logo on it, tossed it on the ground, and walked a little further to get to the wet sand so the playful waves could reach up and tickle his toes.

"This place is where the dolphins come out to roam." He gestured out towards the area in front of the hole in the wall, which had been caged off with large nets, floating meshes, and plastic walls so the dolphins could not simply leap over the barriers and into the sea.

"Hardly anybody comes out here, it's a nice private spot to just be alone and watch the older dolphins swim around. The younger ones grew up in captivity and don't find the sea all that interesting."

Tane could spot a dorsal fin popping up briefly here and there in the water. The distant light of the city and the gibbous moon made it possible to still see a lot. The creatures apparently had their own extension of the tank that went right out the beach and into the sea. There was a long, broad half-pipe that they had learned how to navigate in order to get out here, and there were large gates to seal it off on both ends.

"It's great to watch the sunsets here." The orca's voice had lowered to a near-whisper and he put his arm over the back of Tane's shoulders and pulled him up close to his side. They leaned against each other and watched together as the ball of fire looked like it was being put out by the sea as it retreated towards the blue edge of the world so far in the distance.

"Wow." Tane heard himself speak as if time had slowed down and left the two of them staring in wonder at how the sun used its final strength to splatter its presence across the canvas of the sky. The breeze picked up at that moment and ruffled his fur, making him shiver a little as the air went right through it and chilled his skin beneath.

They stood silent together for a while and enjoyed the magnificent colors of nature just plain showing off. The orange imprint that was left receded quickly as well, like an oil lamp running out of fuel, and the invisible flame of the west faded more and more until a dark blue color took over and put the sun to bed.

The chill that went up Tane's spine and gave him goosebumps was not just the wind anymore. He could not remember the last time he has actually seen a sunset that was not on film or in a picture. None of those did it any justice at all.

Cealan leaned down and gave a light nip at the husky's shoulder that managed to bring him out of his trance and turn his head. Without warning, the orca's lips pressed against his and the hug tightened when Tane was turned against him and they stood belly to belly, kissing deeply in the smoldering grey-blue twilight.

The sudden show of affection made him blush, but Tane could not deny the nagging uncertainty in the back of his mind. He felt like they were sneaking away from a good party right beyond the walls and were doing things that they probably should not. At the first chance he saw to politely break the kiss, he pulled his head back.

"Doesn't your boyfriend Wenceclas--"

"Sssh. He knows already," Cealan interrupted him with a lick across the canine's muzzle, "He doesn't mind. My otterboy knows I'm not gonna leave him for anyone."

The killer whale winked and kissed him again, only this time Tane barely resisted at all before he got completely into it and let his knees grow weak while he made out with the undeniably handsome orca. There was no denying how much he loved those powerhugs and he snuggled up against him, pulling his head back and licking the underside of his beak.

Cealan chuckled and lifted up his head some, letting the long, slobbery puppydog licks continue under the amused rumbling of the larger beast. Eventually he gave the dog a thorough beaknuzzle and got his nosepad all slippery.

In the midst of the euphoria of that beautiful sunset and the sweet kiss they shared, Tane cheekily groped the orca through his swimtrunks and caught his attention.

"Mmm, careful there, doggy." Cealan smirked at him.

"Why's that?"

"When you reach a certain point of teasing an orca, there's no turning back."

"You should be flattered," Tane toothy-grinned and his tail curled up while wagging, "Huskies are in high demand these days."

"What, they appreciated in value again? Dammit, I knew I should have invested while you were still cheap."

Tane laughed merrily and elbowed his big hunk of fish friend, his tail wagging playfully.

"Ah well, at least I have you." Cealan grabbed the husky in a hug and pulled him off his feet, leaving him squirming and dangling his footpaws a bit.

"Noooooo," Tane made grunting and exaggerated choking noises until the orca set him down onto the sandy golden beach again.

Cealan put his hands to his hips and gazed sternly at the husky, looking so absolutely deliciously muscular, shining wet and hunky all at the same time. The worst thing about orcas was that they knew just how irresistible they were.

"Hey, you're the one who started licking me."

"That was.. uhh, just for the salt, you know. Canines love that." Tane offered a sheepish grin. His eyes roamed over the sleek black shape of his friend, from his shoulders down his bared chest to his middle, then farther down to his legs and tail before moving up again.

"Ah, so I see. Then I think it's my turn to lick now." Cealan grabbed the edge of the dog's shorts and pulled them down past his knees in one swift motion. The chill of a sea breeze brushed against his furry rear just before a big, black hand grabbed it. The orca had knelt down on the beach in front of Tane and without any further ceremony he bowed his head and started to lap his broad, slobbery tongue over his sheath and sac. Absolutely shameless he was.

Tane sucked in a breath and his tail jerked as he grabbed the beaked head in front of his crotch in pure shock. Not sure if he should push it away or pull it closer.

"Oooh!" He said, pointlessly, and felt almost embarrassed at how quickly his shaft was growing and poking a bit of red out of the tip of his sheath after only a few licks.

"Like that, do ya?" Cealan asked superfluously and kept licking at him, getting those dangly doggybits all slathered in orcadrool while he purposefully stayed clear of the emerging cocktip so the precum it gave off would squirt over his forehead.

Tane's toes curled as he was licked under his nuts, covered up with drool till it literally ran down the insides of his legs. He rocked onto his toes and pushed against that tongue with a little growl, his length swelling up and squirting pre up over the black melon-shaped head in front of him,; fluids gathered at the top and dribbled down the sides and over the blowhole.

Cealan bowed his head down a bit more, his inquisitive and very large tongue slurping the underside of the dog's rump as it reached all the way between his legs and behind him. It did so a few times before his big hands reached around to grab his fuzzy rear and spread his cheeks apart so he could poke in closer and lick wetly over that tailhole of his as well. After a few very successful ventures back there he went back to nuzzling the husky's balls.

Grey paws were sliding over the wide head and Tane lifted up onto his tippy-toes once in a while with a little gasp each time that massive slurping organ brushed across somewhere particularly sensitive. The wide tongue pushed his cheeks apart and left them dripping wet as he squirmed against the drooly caress. Amidst it all he pulled one pawfoot up into the air to spread his legs out more for the tongue that teased up his crack and touched him so wonderfully under his tail.

"Oooooh!" The canine could not help but squirm and rub his swollen erection over top of the orca's head as his balls were nibbled so nicely, the orbs full of seed after this much attention. They were nuzzled a few more times, smooth skin teasing his furry sac.

"You seem nice and full.. as doggies always are." Cealan winked up at him and finally put a hand up to grab his reclining sheath, dragging it up to his cocktip and then pushing it down again while squeezing the shaft firmly inside it.

Tane's eyes closed to mere slits as more of his shaft was sliding free of its confines. Before long it stood out fully with the knot pushing free of the sheath, looking enormous on a boy his size. Such were the blessings of the canines, after all. He panted softly at the nice squeezing and more precum painted the orca's face, dripping down the black and white skin.


Cealan continued to pull the plump grey-white sheath up over his length, rubbing it firmly even if that thick doggy member had insistently grown too large to be held inside the fuzzy sleeve by now. The stimulation from his fingers around the knot was just magnificent.

"Come now, you can do better than that." He grinned at the clear squirts of precum that landed on his round, smooth head.

"Tell me what you want.." The orca licked his lips and looked up at him expectantly.

Tane's sheath drooled from the slobber that was all over it, making him positively drippy with fluid when he also added his own pre in constant amounts. He arched his back and looked down with a soft little whine.

"Um... well think you might wanna... slide your tongue deep in a husky, then something else?" His imagination was not in top form at the moment since most of his brain power seemed to be inexplicably missing.

"Mmm, I've got a particularly naughty idea for you tonight.." The orca said ominously and sticked his head back down between those furry thighs, his hands moving around to spread the rumpcheeks again. The agile cetacean gave another quick lick and then poked at the tailhole with his tonguetip before trying to force it deeper as instructed.

Tane's muzzle dropped open, the young husky's paws gripped onto the beak, and he held on tightly, gasping at the wide tongue pushing up along his crack. He arched his back and closed his eyes, squirming against his friend as the wide, wiggly tonguetip was pushed at his little ring and eventually managed to pry it a little ways open. He curled his toes in the sand and panted, "Ooooh... like... rrrrf... what?"

The monochrome whale ignored him for the sake of pushing his tongue deeper once he felt an opening. When the husky relaxed his tailring again, he curled up his tongue and shoved it forward, the strong muscles in his slobbery appendage helping him squeeze the otherwise broad and thick thing right up inside the boy.

Tane's eyes squinted shut in pleasure when the tongue worked at his little opening, but he nearly collapsed in the sand from the intrusion, pushing at his cheeks, spreading them wide open and boring in deeper than he thought a big thing like that could ever possibly go. He bit his lip and was nearly pushed right off his feet at the sensation of warm slobber all over his asscrack that was running down his tailhole to his nuts. It was incredible.

Just as sudden as the sensation had been forced on him, it disappeared again when Cealan pulled back and sat up again in front of him with a grin, not actually touching him anywhere, but still making sure to bow his head enough to keep it under the drooling cocktip. In the moment that seemed prepared for Tane to express his gratitude and plead for more of that wonderful whale tongue, he paused at a cool breeze that made his entire wet rear and nuts contract a little with chilly sensation. He was not at all enough by his senses to notice the enigmatic, awaiting smile that Cealan had on his face.

By the time he opened his mouth to speak to the orca, someone grabbed around his chest from behind, hugging him backwards. Tane barked out at the pair of arms that suddenly surrounded him and he was craning his neck back, not immediately recognizing the face of the other male. Also, he felt quite flustered at being caught like this, half-naked on a beach with his shorts around his ankles and a stranger pressing the bulge of his swimtrunks right into the husky's soaking wet crack. His erection was sticking out and bobbing up and down in the air heavily, dribbling precum onto the sand below.

"About time you showed up." Cealan remarked to the other male with a smile.

The sleek otter let go of Tane again and stepped around while Cealan got up on his feet, dusted sand off his knees, and smirked at the confuzzled dog, "You remember my boyfriend Wenceclas, surely. I'm sure at least he remembers a horny husky like you."

Tane had of course met him earlier today, but Cealan was not aware of that.

"Prolly doesn't recognize me with clothes on," Wenceclas grinned, fuzzling the dog's headfur between the ears. He moved over to the cooler he had brought with him to the beach, full of food and booze. Popping the lid off, he grabbed a vodka mix soda and tossed it to Cealan. His eyes fell on the half-naked husky and he smirked, "None for you till you've shown your worth."

"I got him wet for you, almost thought you weren't gonna show." The boyfriends exchanged pleasantries casually right over his head as if he were some kind of dogtoy for them. He kinda liked that idea.

Cealan gulped down half of the soda and pressed the bottle into the sand next to him to keep it from falling over.

"So how've you been doing today?" The otter's chirpy cute voice rang in his ears, and Tane's breathing was short as the huge orca stood up and grabbed him in a hug from the front while Wenceclas went behind him. He felt almost like looking up at a pair of giants as the arms surrounded his chest, the bulge of the otter's sac resting against his tailbase when the male pressed up close. He swallowed as his tail flicked and slid over it, rubbing along the bulge while he simply could not help but melt into the many arms rubbing him everywhere. In wonderful concert, the two of them grabbed his t-shirt by the bottom and pulled it up over his head and off to the side somewhere, leaving him entirely naked, exposed, bared, ready...

He closed his eyes and panted, "Rrrrrf... I'm, fine. Nice to see you again Wenceclas.."

Wenceclas grinned, "Hey, you know me. I'm never one to pass up the opportunity for some good tail. And this is prime stuff." His paw brushed slowly down the husky's fuzzy chest to feel the fur there.

The bigger orca leaned down and snuffled through the dog's neckfur and over the top of his head, tasting his scent and even licking behind his ears a bit. Wenceclas pulled away for a moment and the ruffling and shifting of clothes was heard as he hurried to get naked. Predictably enough Tane soon felt the expanding length of ottermeat push up his lower back and the grinding just made it grow stiffer and bigger with every passing moment.

"Mmm, nice doggy." Wenceclas breathed into his ears from behind. He could feel that seashell necklace brush against his neck and the slender arms with the surfer armbands and whatever other primitive jewelry stuff the otter was wearing today. His thick, oily fur was brushing against Tane's and left its scent on him.

Cealan looked down at Tane, "So... you interested in this naughty thing I had in mind?" the orca licked his lips again, seeing how his boyfriend was checking him out. He grabbed the edges of his swimtrunks and pulled them down, sliding them to his ankles and then kicking them off him to the side on the beach.

All three of them were finally naked in the dull twilight. Cealan stood there to the great admiration of both of the other boys, their eyes soaking in the view of the muscular, athletic, bulky killer whale, perfectly proportioned, and that wonderful, wonderful maleslit of his blushing a bit of pink to show his excitement. They both sighed softly at the sight of that completely streamlined orcan form, only a slight bulge between his legs from the internal scrotum, and the rest was perfectly hidden away from prying eyes in his foreslit.

Tane could feel something thick and huge slide up his back as he leaned himself back against Wenceclas, and the husky gulped, licking dry lips after he gazed up at the pair. He was not quite sure how this was going to end up but he was reasonably certain the orca had something nice in mind, even if he did feel very ganged up on right now.

He bit his lip and murmured softly, "I think... yeah" he panted as his erection never wavered, bobbing and dribbling warm precum all over the sand and even his own footpaws. He leaned back from Cealan and against the otter's frontside, standing between his legs, tail brushing the insides as it wagged cautiously.

Wenceclas looked around and behind him to make sure they were alone on the beach here. The park was certainly deserted after the show had ended, and it did not look like they were going to be interrupted at any point. "I have to warn you, I'm almost as big as my boyfriend." He said in a low voice, grinning broadly.

Cealan mrfed and rubbed his rump, "Yeah, don't remind me." He got down on his knees in the sand again, only this time facing away from Tane. Before the canine could even become confused, the otter lifted him up a bit with both arms around his chest and put him down right behind his boyfriend with one of his footpaws on either side of the orca's tail. It was almost as if they had rehearsed this. None of them said anything, for the moment. They just let him discover on his own how close his stiff doggydick was to Cealan's blowhole in this position...

Tane swallowed as he was pulled up on his feet a bit more, the sea breeze cooling his groin and the otter warming his butt in wonderful juxtaposition. His paws were at his sides while his aching erection was bobbing, slapping the soft skin near Cealan's blowhole. There was even a little line of precum that was dribbling over its rim and nearly down inside as he curled tightly with those footpaws of his. He breathed deeply, looking down with a little groan, the two males on either side of him were more than a little intimidating now as he shifted his position about on Cealan's head, cocktip lightly grazing past the opening. His subconscious had already realized what naughty idea it was the that orca had in mind for him, but his conscious self refused to believe it.

Cealan shivered at the first touch. The skin around his blowhole seemed to be very sensitive and the big black plug of flesh that closed off the hole when he was not using it to breathe appeared to be fluttering a bit in anticipation.

"You know, I told him he was crazy.." Wenceclas remarked from behind and slipped his strong arm away again to let the nervous husky breathe deeply once more. "But he said he wanted to try it."

The otter leaned back a bit and left the dog on his own for a moment while he reached down to stroke his thick shaft and get it fully erect. The two towering figures might seem daunting, but deep down Tane did know that they were gentle giants, and both very interested in him.

Tane's small paws slid over the back of Cealan's head as he looked down and he could see right down inside of that soft warm opening. His tip leaked over it and dripped down in as he angled his hips to slide himself along it, gradually rubbing his tip over the vent until his cocktip bent down and dipped slightly inside. The boy groaned at the smooth, oily touch when the fleshy lid quickly closed upon feeling a slight irritation back there. A lifetime of instincts was difficult to suppress.

Wenceclas was stroking himself hard behind the boy, small rivulets of precum leaking down over Tane's tailbase and running slowly down his rump by now. The husky's tail was curled up and Wenceclas could see the little pucker snugged underneath. He wiped a good amount off on one of his paws, gathering enough of the precum till it ran between his long ottery fingers and then he leaned up close against Tane's back and held the paw in front of his muzzle. The dogboy took one sniff and opened up his maw, making Wenceclas grin with red excitement as he stuffed three fingers into the husky's muzzle and got them licked clean.

Cealan shivered again and lifted his head up some more to try and give the dog a better angle. He felt the poke at his sensitive opening and the plug closed quickly in response. It was not used to anything coming the other way in.

"Better be quick and careful." Wenceclas said from behind him, guiding his way. "Think of it like the first time you got deepthroated."

The otter had a point; Cealan's blowhole was used to close quickly upon any intrusion, so Tane would have to outwit him. Wenceclas waited patiently behind him, letting the husky get comfortable and started first before he planned on joining, although he could not resist gathering up another glob of his own precum and smear it against the husky's tailpucker.

Tane's eyes were focused on the soft blowhole in front of him and he pulled his hips back, then rocked forward, teasing his tip around it and then with a little growl, he dipped inside on the intake of breath so that he could press in a few inches, leaving his cock there and letting the orca get used to it for a moment as he spread his legs around the orca's back. His precum dribbled down inside, unable to keep it from spilling out as he murmured, "Relax and you won't... rrrrrrf!" he was caught by surprise at a sudden push from behind, two otterpaws shoving at his rump and forcing Tane's hips forward.

Cealan tensed up and *gasped!* at the sudden push inside. Just as suspected, his blowhole closed tightly when Tane pushed into it, trying to clamp down on the meaty intruder, but just like the orca's natural oily skin, the insides were smooth and slippery. Even Wenceclas waited to see if this was going to go over well and he looked over the dog's shoulder to watch, his own member squirting precum up over Tane's rump at the mere sight. So sexy.

Tane's eyes closed and he got more excited at the sensation of precum shooting up along his back. He leaned over and began to ease the shaft deeper into the orca's blowhole, pushing down in him to sink the length right inside and leave it there with his balls against the orca's neck. He wiggled his hips slowly as his curly tail showed himself off to the otter behind him.

"Mmmmmm... it's so... soft, warm!" He panted.

Cealan kept gasping and tried to relax, but his control over his breathing reflex was fleety at best. To Tane it felt even better than being deepthroated. Waaay better. The tunnel he was pushing through was tight and slippery, and with the orca gasping in hot breaths, he got a warm whisk of air around his sensitive cocktip from beneath at the same time. Not to mention the fact that the fleshy plug went so much deeper than it appeared from the outside, practically massaging his entire length. He had not even poked down past the end of it yet.

"How do you feel?" Wenceclas asked his boyfriend in a playful tone. The initial hesitation and anxiety about the whole thing seemed to have disappeared now.

Cealan blinked and felt that knot grind against the rim of his blowhole while the dog's nuts rested on his neck.

"This is... the weirdest fucking thing I've ever tried." He half-grinned and looked up at the darkening sky with an expression of awe and amazement.

Tane's own eyes were half-closed in utter bliss as the blowhole closed around his shaft, squeezing it and then relaxing as he breathed. He tried not to thrust too hard when it was open, his knot still tucked outside of the opening where it hung on the lip of it. He gently prodded with his shaft though, pulling back out and then waiting for the orca's next breath before sliding right back in again to find his cocktip getting deeper into the warm, spongy entrance. He leaned over the black whale with his legs spread wide around his sides, groaning softly, "Nnn-niiiice!"

Cealan blinked again and tried closing his mouth and holding his breath, feeling his blowhole contract around that slowly pumping meat. The precum dripped onto the back of his tongue inside his maw and he swallowed when it pooled up. The orca reached his arms back and curled them around the canine's legs that stood right behind him, holding on to him so he could more easily slide back and forth. There was no way he was going to learn how to control that reflex this time around, so he would just have to make the dog thrust harder to get inside.

Wenceclas grinned and stepped up behind him finally. Tane felt a paw grip his tail near the base and pull it up to expose his rump. Tane's breath came out in a soft groan as the otter behind lifted his tail and nudged him with that tapered tip. He licked his lips and tried to hold still for him, leaning forward and gliding through the orca's blowhole. His shaft slid in and out, even the knot grinding against the opening once before pulling back again. He looked back to see Wenceclas lining himself up and then his eyes blinked open as he saw the thick lutrai shaft aimed at his backside.

Unceremoniously, the otter prodded Tane's tailhole with his small, pointy tip and started to slide inside. At least it was not as bad as the orca. Those species were incredibly devious about this -- they started out so small that one would think he could easily take them, but after several inches sliding up his rear, he would start to feel the girth spread his tailring, and spread and spread and spread it more, with no end in sight.

He trembled, the little opening shuddering and squeezing back at the tip nudging his entrance, easily rubbing up against him and dipping inside, "Oh... it's warm" he blurted out.

Wenceclas churrrred in bliss and Tane could feel the twitch of his shaft inside him, squirting precum up his rear as the other male kept sliding more and more up inside. He only seemed to stop when he heard him grit his teeth and pant in a more panicky manner, the dog's paws desperately gripping at the black melon head of the orca..

The otter gave a wicked laugh and pulled back out again a bit, only then letting him realize how sore he was when the burning sensation overwhelmed his rump. "I'm disappointed. That's only two-thirds you took, dogboy." His arm reached around Tane's chest as he bent over him more, fitting his chin on the other's shoulder.

"We'll definitely have to work on getting you looser now." The male started to push back and forth, letting the desperate clenchings of the moaning husky massage his thick otterdick. His paw reached down to wipe up some of the husky's precum that was spread all over Cealan's head, and then hugged the boy closer, smearing his paw into his fuzzy chest and belly.

Cealan impatiently rocked back and forth a bit, trying to get the dog's attention again so he would hump his own tight opening even if he knew Tane was getting more and more distracted. The weirdness of the whole thing did not seem to have discouraged him the slightest.

The husky's eyes widened as the older otter pushed in deeper, sliding his shaft in until it was tickled by the soft fur lining his asscheeks. He gave a soft *yelp* as it stretched him wider and Wenceclas could feel the young dog's insides cramping. He whimpered and pushed back against him, then jerked forward, a solid jab of his cock piercing through the opening.

Tane let out a *yip* when the large body behind him started to skewer him on the length of that almost monstrous shaft and he pitched backward to encourage the lutrai to take him harder.

Wenceclas gave a surprised grunt at the pup's eagerness, but did not hesitate. His strong arms around the boy's midsection and chest held him somewhat loose to make sure he could still breathe freely, but other than that the bigger otter just started to pound that fuzzy little doggybutt into submission. His powerful strokes helped propel him forward and Cealan found he had to brace himself against the thrusts when his boyfriend forced Tane to start humping that tight blowhole at a rapid speed.

Tane barked at the harder thrusting by the otter behind him and he rocked back to meet him, shoving forward and making sure every thrust he did caused his knot to pop through the tight opening of the blowhole. He let out a little whine and hung on for dear life as the otterboy began to bugger him in earnest, shoving deep into his ass and stretching it around the thickening ottershaft, grating the sides against the inside of his hips, stretching the young dog out so much that he was likely to walk funny for a week. His heated panting moans teased Tane's ears as he felt the otter nearly thrusting too hard for him to take into his hot hole.

Cealan groaned and hung his maw open, feeling his breathing-tunnel clench and squeeze around an oozing doggydick while his blowhole was fucked with wild abandon now. His closing reflex could not keep up with the natural breeding pace of a canine and Tane finally felt both the sensation of a relaxed, spongy entry that he could ram his cock through until the knot resisted around the rim -- yet also the tight resistance of a closed tunnel, all in one chaotic mix.

The added knot only made it even more strange to have his head humped like this. The slurping noises of that precum-wet cock humping the orca really seemed to turn his boyfriend on and the dominant grunts increased in strength, as did the power of his hips when Wenceclas tried to keep up with the mad pace of the canine's thrusts. Even so, he was trying to restrain himself and not push in harder than he thought the boy could take. Would not want to damage such a good little pup, after all.

At this point Tane's knot plunged right into that open blowhole and his shaft slid down inside the inner lining of Cealan's breathing tube. He let out a little bark as the thick shaft behind him plugged his backdoor in return, slamming right up against his cheeks until they spread wide enough to let a bit more through, stretching him out even more, and certainly nearing the husky's limit which the big brute of an otter thankfully respected. Still he gasped and squirmed between the pair of hulking figures and by this time, the otter was pinning him to the bigger one, making him howl when he was shoved up against the blowhole, his husky length wedging deep inside.

Cealan could practically feel his boyfriend's thrusting into the hot canine tunnel since they spread right through to the husky's own hips.

"Nnnnnnnngh!" Tane trembled right up to the edge of his climax, tensing up and squeezing like a vice around Wenceclas's thick member. The engorged knot at the base of his cock was pumping itself up to an almost unbearable size, and he found it was impossible to pull it out again now. The canine just kept it inside and slid back and forth as much as the clenching vent would allow him to as he kept humping with the few inches he had from the back of his knot to his cockbase.

Wenceclas humped faster at seeing how close the other boy was. They both seemed surprised when that knot suddenly tied with Cealan's blowhole and he was left moaning and grinding against the black whale with his groin and balls while the horny otterstud assfucked him mercilessly.

Cealan was groaning and gasping at the weirdness, his own erection having long ago pushed out of his foreslit, and the other two males overtly enjoyed watching the orca jerk himself off rapidly while facing away from both of them. The beauty of the sunset and the ocean was flashing before his eyes when he stared out over the water, completely preoccupied with the sensation of having his breathing tunnel stretched beyond belief by a pistoning doggydick.

"Oooh, good pup.. cum for me," Wenceclas growled from behind and leaned over his shoulder to look down at his own gasping boyfriend who tried to tug on the knot and the big doggydick now stuck in his head. The slippery shaft in Tane's rear pumped faster still, otterballs slamming against the back of the dog's own as he worked them both to climax.

Tane's lips curled as he pulled his head up, bumping it against Wenceclas'. He let out a deep moan as his tailhole was stretched wide by the massive ottercock plowing into him, pushing deep and nearly too far but mercifully he knew when to stop. Tane bit his lip and looked up, finally giving in to a primal howl as his hips lunged forward and the knot locked tightly with Cealan's blowhole, cutting off his air supply. His haunches clenched down as tight as he could around the otter's thick aquatic shaft and he started to shudder, blowing hot jets of his cum down into Cealan's vent, firing deep with his pulsing shaft, which made his wide-stretched rear entrance grip down around the churning cock attacking his prostate and shoving much deeper into him as well.

Cealan blinked and cried out with a whale-ish *honk!* at the sudden rough humping, but his noises turned to surprised gurgles when Tane started to cum in his blowhole. The tight, resistant contractions gave the canine the best milking stimulation he could possibly imagine, and Cealan almost comically coughed and drooled his doggyseed down his chin as he was filled up from the inside of his mouth like this. It was really not all that different to him from giving a blowjob, it was just a different place that all the warm goo entered his mouth from.

Wenceclas huffed out loudly and thrust deep and fast inside the tight huskyass that was all his, letting the massaging clenches bring him to orgasm. And orgasm he certainly did. Tane's own pleasured twitches and jerks triggered a deluge of thick, boiling hot ottercum that burst into his rear. Wenceclas *squeaked* with enjoyment as he emptied his balls in the dogboy's rump, the hefty pair brushing the back of his thighs as he positively flooded him with goopy release.

Tane's insides were suddenly overflowed with a huge amount of hot seed that plowed up through his intestine from the continuous thrusts of the otter's hips as he kept unloading deep and hard. He closed his eyes and howled again in pure ecstasy, his knot locked in his friend's snug blowhole as his boyfriend was shooting the very core of his white hot pleasure deep into the husky's bowels.

The big muscle in Cealan's vent that was supposed to close underwater to keep the tunnel water-proof was still panicking a bit with every movement Tane made, evidently unused to having foreign objects pushed into it. Fortunately the plug was more like a long muscle that went deep down and with the help of Cealan's gasping contractions, Tane shuddered and with a powerful yank of his hips at the right moment, he popped his knot free of the hole. It was somewhat painful, but definitely better than suffocating the orca as Tane slumped over his head with a deep moan, leaving his butt upturned and his tailring widely spread around the jerking ottershaft that connected him to Cealan's boyfriend. The knot squeezed against the outside of the hole now and the dog just kept cumming endlessly as canines typically did.

Cealan cried out when the knot was pulled back and after a few moments longer of feeling the thinner aftercum of the canine spew onto his tongue from above inside his head, he let himself fall down onto all fours in the sand, coughing and spitting out some of the seed while the rest went down into his belly. His blowhole fluttered desperately in an attempt to clear out that sticky, hot sensation inside it, but it was impossible.

Both the males got to watch as the rest of Tane's cum painted the orca's back and dorsal fin in this position. Wenceclas did not care that by now most of his warm goop splattered out of Tane's overstuffed rear and over his thighs and down his own balls and legs too. He just kept thrusting back and forth, spurting load after voluminous load up his rear.

The fresh dogseed splattered all over the orca's back, adding more white streaks to the black saddle and after several moments, he slumped forward and bent himself over to lay flat over Cealan's sticky backside. His arms and legs draped around either side as he laid there with a deep moan, every once in a while clenching hard around the otter-boyfriend's meat with his sore tailring, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh..!"

Wenceclas exhaled deeply and _chrrr_ed with satisfaction from behind. His arms had slipped away when Tane bent over to lie down, and he put his paws on the husky's lower back near his rump, pulling him back a bit as he kept seeding his ass.

"I have to.. *pant*.. admit, you were right. Fucking a dog on the beach was a good idea for an evening of entertainment." He grinned and scratched Tane's rumpfur nicely with his blunt otterclaws. Finally, his strong grip relaxed and he left the husky to slump over his boyfriend in this nice bent-over position as he withdrew his long, cumsoaked shaft from his tailhole.

Tane's eyes rolled as the otter behind him started to pull back and slowly slide free, easing the long shaft from his tailring and allowing it to narrow once again. He took his sweet time to make the tip clear the tailring and finally free him with a wet *plop* that made the soft pucker close down behind it. He bit his lip as it pulled free completely and he was left to lay there over Cealan's back with exhausted, panting breaths while idly nuzzling over the blowhole and giving it soft licks. He kissed around its sensitive opening while the cockhead cleared his backside completely and left the two of them huddled together. Cealan on all fours in the sand, shaking from the experience, and Tane resting on his back.

The black whale licked his lips a few times, still feeling some of the dog's semen drip onto his tongue from the hole in the roof of his mouth, and it drooled down the side of his beak and dripped into the sand to make little dark cakes of liquid there. From behind, the orca looked most of all as if he had just snorted a pint of milk out of his blowhole. The white liquid ran down his neck and dorsal fin, and he was adorned with a nice splatter pattern around the breathing hole itself.

Tane shivered lightly as Wenceclas grabbed him by the tail and lifted it up to look down and see the snug little entrance he just had all of his huge shaft inside, and the husky trembled a little more as some seed dribbled from his backside.

"Mmmmmmh... and two aquatics... are twice as hot as one," he grinned and felt a cool breath from the otter against his overused little tailpucker.

Cealan stood on elbows and knees, panting and gulping, still reeling from the rough and strange sensation he just experienced for the first time. Despite his condition he supported Tane's weight on his back quite effectively, however, and there seemed to be no reason he could not just lay there indefinitely. In his mind, at least.

"Heh, was there ever any doubt about that?" Cealan remarked and shook his rump a bit, letting that thick tail twitch between Tane's legs as he lay there, leaking otterspooge down the back of his own nuts and onto the orca's tail.

Tane did not seem to mind laying on his friend's back like this, his spent shaft half out of its sheath and kept there by the amazing sensation of smooth orca skin rubbing against it whenever he moved a little. He felt a big paw from behind silently grab his neck and push his head gently, but insistently down until his lips and tongue pressed against the blowhole right in front of him.

He wiggled his hips slightly and looked briefly over his shoulder with a soft smile, the paw grabbing his neck and head pulling him down with his muzzle firmly attached to the soft blowhole. Wasting no time to play around, his tongue slipped down inside to lightly tease the inner ring, cleaning it out while his tail wagged over his backside.

Cealan's otherwise perfectly monotone *churr* broke when he suddenly felt the dog start to make out with his blowhole. He gasped again and got aroused at the tender attention, squeezing the smooth passage around the invading tongue while Tane was eating his own seed out of the warm cave.

"Oooh, naughty lil' husky." Naturally he did not know about his boyfriend's involvement in all of this.

Wenceclas smirked to himself and had one paw pushing the dog's head down while the other milked his own cock slowly, squeezing out the last globs of warm semen and letting it fall into Tane's backfur.

Tane's tongue licked out the soft hole he had just shot a fat load down into, sealing his lips to it with a hungry little growl. His paws slipped around the orca's sides to hug himself against him while resting on his back. He felt the ticklish sensation of cum seeping through his fur down his back and his sides, giggling lightly when the otter wiped his cock clean in the husky's bushy tail.

"You guys are the naughty ones... I'm completely innocent," Tane joked.

Wenceclas laughed, "Yeah, right." His big paw pushed Tane's head down again, apparently enjoying the sight of him cleaning up after himself.

All of them were somewhat exhausted and felt like dozing for a while to recover from the physical exhaustion. But there was still food and cold drinks waiting for them, and the night was young.

"I can't help but notice that my boyfriend hasn't gotten off yet." Wenceclas remarked with a grin and grabbed both arms around the husky's chest to pull him backwards and off the orca so he could get up on his feet.

They all needed a quick break, however, and Cealan grabbed his half-drunk bottle of vodka mixer from the sand where he had parked it, and Wenceclas went for another, offering one to Tane as well this time. He had certainly earned it.

Some of the sandwiches and snacks they had brought also disappeared quickly and it was not long before Tane found himself facing the ocean on his paws and knees, tail in the air while a large orca slid smoothly over him and mounted the husky from behind. That massively intimidating shaft of his curled and squirted precum down Tane's back as well.

"Time for sloppy seconds, eh?" Wenceclas winked at his boyfriend just before he knelt down in front of Tane, one paw grabbing the dog's jaw and lifting it up and the other grabbing his ottersheath and stroking it to get himself hard again as he inched closer in the sand to get in the right position.

"Open wide, huskyboy."