Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 20: The Ram’s Revenge

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#21 of Counter Earth Chronicles

Last Chapter-

The were-creature killed and devoured a couple of hikers who were unfortunate to cross its path and was preparing to do the same to Alex after it made the acquaintance of a she wolf. The werewolf changed its mind however and decided to treat the she wolf to sex, a walk in the forest and dinner in that order, and Alex was to be that dinner....

Counter Earth Chronicles

Chapter 20: The Ram's Revenge

Day 79 continued

Some time later I awoke to a smooth soothing sensation on both of my shoulders and back. It felt very, very good. I also realized it was late evening and cold. I took a good look at my surroundings- I was back in the ram's tent.

"You still with us boy?" Sir Ram asked.

"What? Where am I?"

"Keep very still." The beastial scientist said while holding a star shaped electronic device to my head. "You have a severe concussion. No wonder you have been blacking out."

The he beast made me remain still for a few minutes longer while he moved the star shaped device all over my body to treat my injuries.

"Swallow this." He commanded handing me a pill. "I stabilized your condition, reattached your shoulder, sealed the gash on your chest, and repaired the bite marks you received, but you will still feel slight pain from those injuries until you are fully healed."

"What about my blackouts?"

"I repaired what I could so your dizziness and blackouts should stop for now, but you and I will need to see a healer to be fully made whole." The he beast said to me.

"Sir Ram, what time is it?"

"It's late boy. After you collapsed I set up camp here and treated your wounds while you slept. I see you have had a rough day."

"Sir Ram it was horrible!" I said tearing up. "I have never felt so all alone! That thing's a monster. It killed the hikers and ate both of them! It tried to eat me this afternoon only stopping when I fed it my rations."

"I know it must have been very hard for you boy, being alone with the creature and its bitch for that length of time." Sir Ram said as he took off his chest plate. "But rest assured I was making my way to you as fast as I could."

I turned to Sir Ram. "That reminds me, I have so much to tell you about that thing. But first I wanted to thank you."

"For what?" He asked.

"For coming to my rescue and saving my life." I said to the perplexed ram. "Just before you found me that thing and his girlfriend were about to eat me. I ran for my life. If you hadn't been searching for me when you did, Fuzzy would have caught up with me and killed me right there. I owe my life to you Sir Ram."

"Your welcome boy. Say, we just had a moment didn't we?" He asked while I embraced him.

"Um Hmm." I responded looking at his now exposed torso.

"I would normally collect on that debt." The ram responded. "But I promised your mistress that I would keep you safe and she would have had my hide if that thing had killed you."

At that moment my opinion of Sir Ram changed. The same creature I had considered truly evil for trying to take my life three months ago had saved my life in the space of five hours. I realized that I had been wrong. He wasn't truly evil- only evil.

"Say, how are your wounds?" I asked.

"I am almost completely healed except for my neck." He said pointing to the bandage around it. "I will look at that wound again in the morning."

The evil beastial then climbed on to his thermal unit with me. It was then as I was coming to my senses that I realized we were both in our underwear near naked.

"Sir Ram why am I near naked?" I asked as the evil beastial.

"Your clothing was torn and bloody. I had to remove it to treat your wounds." Sir Ram said gently and the pill I just gave you is an experimental drug I developed. It should clear your head. But it will also make you my slave- one of the side effects." He said smiling wickedly at me.

I just stared at him.

"Kidding!" He responded.

(He wants to joke after what we have just been through?)

I then glanced at the front of the tent and saw the were-creature glancing back at me.

"What is that thing doing in here with us?!"

"He is my prisoner and will be resuming his captivity tonight." The ram said.

As we sat there on his thermal unit I noticed that Sir Ram had unrolled it to cover the entire floor of the tent. I think he wanted to give our crouching werewolf something comfortable to sit on. I just stared at it.

"You know Sir Ram even though that thing is sitting, it is still a good four feet tall. It gives me the creeps."

"Relax boy. The danger has passed and 001 is now under my COMPLETE control and will pay dearly for his transgressions...." The ram warrior said with a very wicked grin.

(Uh oh, Fuzzy was going to get it now!)

"I was thinking about our conversation the other night while I was searching for you earlier." The ram remarked.

"Oh?" I replied.

"It pains me to say this, but I realized that you may be right I should move on with my life- along with the other stuff...."

"Ok?" I said trying to see where this was going.

"It would be logical to take little steps until I am ready for one big one." He said sternly. "Which brings me to 001 and his punishment- remove your undergarments boy."

"Sir Ram? I asked shocked. "I knew we're bonding and all- but I am not ready for this! Don't get me wrong, I love you furries and all, but- I am not into males!" I stammered.

"You're not my type either boy." The ram said removing his.

Soon we were both as naked as the day we were born during the cold spring night.

"Now lie down." He commanded me carefully resting his paw on my right shoulder and pulling me close to him. The werewolf watched curiously.

"I don't understand." I blurted out confused.

"Easy, Alex. We are going to punish our prisoner over there for ambushing and nearly killing us as well as forcing us to have to track and capture it here in the wilderness." He said evilly. "It won't make up for all that has transpired but it will be a start. Now lie down and relax completely." He ordered me. "You are really going to enjoy this...." The ram said doing the same.

The were-creature continued to stare at us curiously.

"001! As punishment for your actions, you will orally pleasure myself and my charge here for the rest of the night as- your master I command it! You will alternate between both of us until we are completely satisfied. When we cum, you will drink all and I mean all that is given to you without complaint and you will not spill or waste a single drop. If you use your teeth on either of us, you will be severely punished!"

"Yes master!" The were-creature said.

"When we are satisfied, you will use that tongue and maw of yours to clean our genitals!"

I turned to look at Sir Ram. "Are you serious?!"

"I know without your mistress to comfort you the last few days you must be pent up." The ram said to me. "So relax boy, this is our REVENGE- remember to cum and often."

I was the were-beast's first target. He swiftly and deftly placed his snout over my penis and started caressing my shaft with his tongue. He moved up and down, down and up stimulating me to a full erection. When, I was aroused- he moved to my scrotum, licking one testicle and then the other.

I started moaning as Sir Ram just watched with a wicked grin on his face. It felt so good!!!

After thoroughly drenching my testicles with his saliva, he moved back to my penis where he started sucking on it like a cub drinking milk from its mother.

"AH!! Sir Ram this is wonderful!!" I said to the ram while the werewolf's chin brushed my scrotum.

From the creature's gentle administrations my orgasm was building and due to my lack of sex the past few days it was going to be big!!! A few more licks with that magnificent tongue of his before I knew it my orgasm was upon me. I screamed much to Sir Ram's amusement and came hard into the creature's maw firing at least nine ropes of my goo.

It had to struggle at first to keep up, but it drank everything I had to offer it without missing a beat duly obeying his master's commands.

"That was incredible!" I said in the haze of my afterglow while the creature licked my penis clean. No sooner had the words left my lips the creature reluctantly moved on to Sir Ram's tapered penis and oval shaped testicles.

I stared in amazement. Apparently Sir Ram hadn't had sex in a long, long time because he testicles were quite swollen and he didn't last long either. I still stared in perverse fascination watching his creation suck him off in the same matter it had done to me only moments ago.

It started at his testicles licking each one. It then moved on to his brown tapered penis sucking on it like a straw.

Sir Ram still had his arm around me pulling me close to him while all this was going on. I just stared as the ram moaned and moaned as he was brought closer to firing his load. I was also curious as to what sound Sir Ram would make when he came.

It didn't take long to find the answer. A few more sucks and licks on this ram's tapered penis by the were-creature and Sir Ram bleated and loudly as he exploded into the werewolf's maw.

Of course he is a sheep - what other sound would he make? The volume of semen that exited the ram's penis was overwhelming to the werewolf and he struggled hard to keep up and not spill any of the ram's copious amount. Ultimately he managed to swallow it all.

Not soon after this happened, the wolf's maw was back on me to trying to drain my testicles of any semen that remained. The werewolf finished us both off this round. I was dry. I couldn't cum anymore if my life depended on it. Sir Ram was as well.

He then ordered the creature to clean our genitals with its tongue which at first it hesitated then complied without question.

I couldn't help but think deep down inside that thing, it is staring, watching and realizing what Sir Ram was forcing it to do against its will and unable to react at all. Serves it right.

After thoroughly cleaning our genitals Sir Ram pulled me close to him. (We were still both naked.) I couldn't help but stare at his penis, he was quite well endowed.

For its part the were-creature returned to a seated position at the end of the thermal unit still trying to forget the taste of ram and human semen in its mouth.

"You aren't done yet!" The beastial warrior said to his creation. "001 you will use that pelt of yours to keep us warm for the rest of the night."

"Yes master!" The beast reluctantly said as it lied on top of us. Like a big thick blanket.

"That is power boy." The evil beastial said to me. "Having the ability to order others around to do what you want, when you want and without question. This creature's life is in my paws. I can punish it, torture it or even end its life if I chose- all at my whim."

Apparently Sir Ram got off on that.

"So what is your next command sir?" I asked the he beast.

"For you to hush and go to sleep, you too 001, we will talk in the morning."

"Yes master!" The were-creature replied as it snuggled us both.

"Uh, Sir Ram we are both still naked." I interjected.

"Go to sleep Alex." He replied.

"But this creature's "package" is on my leg!"

"Alex, I thought you believed in peaceful coexistence?! Well, when you practice peaceful coexistence, sometimes you have to live with unintended consequences like being cuddled by a werewolf or have him rest his genitals on your legs." Sir Ram chided me. "Now rest we have a bit of a hike back to civilization you will need your sleep."

"Yes master!" I replied imitating the werewolf.

Sleeping with a seven foot tall werewolf was quite an experience I must say, wolf fuzz everywhere but at least his pelt kept us warm during the cold night and he did not snore. I was also curious to see what the creature's package looked like -human penis, wolf penis or a combination of both? But I lacked the courage to take a good look.

Day 80

Morning came too soon as did the creature's incessant whining. "Master!" It keep repeating while pacing back and forth at the entrance to the tent.

"What is it going on about?" I asked yawning. Sir Ram stretched and looked at the pleading demeanor of 001.

"It needs to relieve itself." Sir Ram said handing me a leash from his supplies. "Now go and walk the dog. When you return you can thank me for saving your life and treating your wounds by looking at mine."

At that moment I had another epiphany, I turned to Sir Ram, crawled onto his stomach, embraced him, and looked him in his eyes- much to his shock and paraphrased the verse the High Evolutionary told the man to recite at the presentation several days ago:

"Sir Ram, I forgive you for trying to dissect me when we first met, I honor you and respect you as a fellow sentient creature and I acknowledge your right to exist."

He realized what was going on and in turn embraced me and in kind and said:

"Alex despite my deep hatred of humans, I have come to realize that you are not typical of those I despise, you are something quite special- I honor, tolerate and respect you as a fellow creature and I acknowledge and respect your right to exist and live among us on this world...." He said looking into my eyes. ".... Now go and walk the damn dog!" He said as he smacked me on my rump and handed me my underwear.

(Damn! It was worth a try.)

As I hobbled out of the tent, I was instantly chilled by the cold morning air and rushed to put on some spare clothes and a jacket. I then attached the leash to Fuzzy's control collar.

As I started leading the werewolf err... 001, away on his leash, Sir Ram ordered the creature to obey each and everyone of my commands as though they were his.

Actually, 001 led me away from our tent down the forest path. The creature was walking on all four paws anxious to find a good spot to relieve itself.

While 001 was pulling me away from the camp, I realized that Sir Ram's pill had worked. My head no longer hurt but my back and shoulders still did. I also was thinking about the power that evil beastial had just given me. Last night the ram took revenge on his creation and now he had given me the opportunity to do the same.

"All right stop!" I commanded.

The creature froze right in its tracks as we came to a row of trees near a clearing in the cold misty forest.

"Sit!" I ordered.

001 sat its rump right down on the cold forest ground.

(Hmm... now that's power.)

"Stand and walk on your back legs!"

The creature stopped walking like a quadruped and turned into a biped like the werewolf of lore. The beast was following my commands like a well trained dog.

After I discovered I had complete control over this creature that had kidnapped, attacked and otherwise terrorized me for the last day and a half, I decided it was time for some payback of my own.

"Turn and face me 001!"

When he did I saw the 7 foot tall creature (this time not under duress) in the morning light. I also got a good look at his 'equipment' which was resting against my leg the whole night.

"Keep still!" I ordered the creature as I found the courage to examine its genitals closely. To my surprise the creature's penis was not a combination of human and wolf but looked to be completely like a wolf's penis complete with a triangular head and small knot.

"Young master!" The creature whined as I closely examined his cub maker.

"That's right you need to badly relieve yourself don't you?!" I smiled at 001 wickedly. "What if I ordered you not urinate for the next two days or the rest of your life?"

"Please young master. I must pee!" The creature whined and continued to beg.

"Very well I will allow you pee on that tree over here, but I won't make it easy for you. You will have to pee standing up- like a human, fully erect and without privacy!"

I dropped 001's leash as it placed both of its paws on the tree with its back to me and prepared to 'water' it. Just as it was about to release the first trickle of urine. I snuck up behind it and placed my left hand on its scrotum and gripped its penile shaft with my right hand and started masturbating the creature to a full erection. 001 was shocked and surprised I had interrupted it while it was trying to take care of a very personal matter.

The creature glanced at me.

"Payback is a bitch!" I said to the were-creature. "Now you can pee!"

001 relieved itself the best it could while I was holding its fully stimulated genitals. It must have watered the tree for a good two minutes before it had emptied its bladder completely. I knew that it had been completely distracted by my efforts.

When it had finished it continued to whine and swish it tail excessively. I got the message instantly- I was disgusted but the were-creature had to eliminate waste from it's bowels- most likely the remains of the poor fox couple.

"Go ahead." I ordered it. I wasn't about to mess with that bodily process or was I?

"001 you can eliminate what is in your bowels but not here- go inside that thorn bush over there and do it!" I said to the creature wickedly.

The werewolf walked right into the bush and yelped as it was getting pricked and scratched by the sharp thorns. It looked at me pleadingly.

"Go on!" I ordered it.

001 dug a hole within the thorn bush sat on it and voided its bowels. Then returned to me, sat and crouched like an obedient dog.

(Perhaps that wasn't exactly the best idea.)

I spent the next several minutes removing thorns from its pelt.

"Before we leave, what else can I make you do?! How about you run head first at full speed into that large tree over there? After that you can run into that larger tree next to it."

(Werewolf versus tree? I wonder who would win?)

"Young master please...." The creature begged. He seemed so pathetic.

"Very well, I won't order you to do that. But I want something else from you." I told the were-creature. "I want you to apologize to me for the hell you put me through the last day and a half!"

001 stood on its hind legs reached out with both arms and hugged me as it said:

"Sorry young master!"

I know it was the control collars making it obey my commands- but it sounded somewhat sincere.

"Close enough." I said to the creature. I guess I was done being vengeful and vindictive. I got it good yesterday during my escape anyway. However, I did make it carry me back to the tent. More payback.

I arrived as Sir Ram had started eating. "Took you long enough!" He said.

"I was enjoying a little pay back of my own." I told the eating ram. "How are your wounds?"

"See for yourself boy."

Sir Ram allowed me to inspect has chest and back. It was remarkable save for the bite marks around his neck everything else had been completely healed.

"That is one incredible invention of yours. I can see that it will be quite useful to the knights as well." I said.

"More testing needs to be done before I make more. I do need your assistance with something though." The ram warrior said pointing to his neck.

"Of course." I replied removing his bandage. The bite marks that the were-creature had given the ram were ghastly and quite deep. Sir Ram was very lucky he didn't wind up like Fushia.

"Use this." He said handing me the star shaped device.

"Uh what does this do?" I asked.

"It will seal the wound and regrow the damaged cells around it. I used it to close your physical wounds."

Gently I aimed the device at the bite marks on the beastial warrior's neck and was amazed as they magically seemed to close. Pretty soon you could not tell that the warrior had been bitten on his neck.

"Nice device." I responded.

"It has its uses, but it won't do anything for the pain. We will have to see a healer for that." The ram said rising to his hooves.

"Sir Ram!" I said realizing that the he beast hadn't clothed himself after punishing 001 yesterday evening.

I got a clear view of his rump. To my surprise it was very humanoid- like with a tail. For some reason I thought it would look more like that of a big horned sheep- a ram or at the very least a combination of both.

"Please tell me that you weren't wounded anywhere down there..." I asked him pleading.

"If I were, would you kiss it and make it better?" He asked wickedly.

"You know for a proud Knight of Wundagore you can be quite goofy at times..." I told the smirking ram.

After treating the ram's wounds, I sat and ate the remaining rations I had in my pack and gave some to 001 as well. It was around 7:30 when we packed up camp and started to the hike out of the Great Forest and toward the transport vehicle. 001 led the way followed by myself and then Sir Ram.

"Wait a minute." I said to the pair. "We can't leave just yet."

"What is it boy?" The ram warrior turned to ask.

"Two of our fellow citizens have fallen and we need to pay our respects." I said turning around.

Sir Ram and 001 followed me. I lead them both up the hill and to the cave 001 had held me in the day before. We arrived to discover the white wolf there waiting for her mate.

"This is the one you told me about?" The ram asked.

"Um, yeah that is his mate. He called her Honey."

"Hmm..." The beastial scientist said thoughtfully. "001 bring your mate here. I want to examine her."

The were-creature approached his lair and nuzzled his mate and then carefully guided her back to us.

Sir Ram ordered Fuzzy to tell his mate that she was not in any danger and that we were friends- members of the pack he was trying to form. Sir Ram apparently wanted to check on her condition.

"Alex you said that these two mated with reckless abandon yesterday?" The beastial scientist asked me as he aimed some device at her womb.

"That's right. For about an hour."

"Well he didn't give her something to remember her by or it didn't take. I suppose I could let him try again...."

I looked at the were-creature as Sir Ram said that and I swear it had a goofy smile on its face.

"But first we you have work to do." The ram said.

"How are we going to bury the two hikers? We didn't bring any shovels." I asked Sir Ram.

"Not us boy. The werewolf. It will be part of his punishment. 001, you will dig two holes one for each of the lives you took. You will then move their remains from the cave and burry them. Place the female's remains in one hole and the male's remains in the other! Do not confuse either of the two."

"Yes master!" The creature replied.

Sir Ram and I sat next to the white she wolf as we watched the were-creature dig two holes in the ground quickly and efficiently. I started tearing up as the were-creature continued to work.

"You all right boy?" The ram asked me.

"I think so." I responded.

That was until I started seeing 001 bring the bloodied remains of the fox couple from the cave severed arms, legs, torsos- in pieces. When it brought out the head of the male fox, that was when I lost it. I ran to a nearby bush and vomited.

Sir Ram followed me over and rubbed my back. "You surprise me boy." The knight responded as I caught my breath.

"How is that?" I asked.

"You witnessed misery, pain and suffering like this on your world many times over how is this any different?"

"Sir Ram, you never ever get used to it. Not on Gaia, not here. I realize that Fushia and Zed were collateral damage in all of this, but still...." I said to the he beast.

"Look at it this way boy. It was unfortunate that they were killed. But they were the only ones. We were able to stop 001 from taking any more lives and that is a victory in itself." The evil beastial said to me.

"Sir Ram.... I require your help with something I want to know more about these two, who they were, their accomplishments, their likes and dislikes in order to honor their memory."

The ram nodded as we started to head back to the cave. When we arrived, the were-creature had finished burying Fushia's and Zed's remains.

"Good job 001!" The ram said as the were-creature sat next to his mate.

"What next?" I asked.

"An opportunity for scientific study." The beastial scientist said sitting down on the forest floor. "001 I want you to mate with the white she wolf and do not stop until you have impregnated her several times over."

"Yes master!" The werewolf responded almost gleefully.

I sat down next to Sir Ram and watched the two wolves mate like they had the day before. The sex fest lasted a good forty minutes. When it had concluded. The beastial scientist held a scanner to the white wolf's side and confirm that she had Fuzzy's jizz flowing inside of her, before inserting at tracking chip beneath her fur.

"I will monitor her progress to see if anything comes from that union. I hope that it does- I will be very curious as to what the offspring will look like; this just might be another method of producing beastials." The ram said as we started to leave.

"By the way how would Fuzzy know if he impregnated his mate?" I asked.

"Hard to say- he would have to FEEL his way through it. Come along 001. Tell your mate good bye and that you will come back and visit."

"You know that is a blatant lie." I said to the ram. "More of your revenge?"

The evil beastial said nothing as we resumed our walk back to the transport vehicle.

"This is going to be a long hike back!" I told the ram warrior- we are what about a day's walk from the transport vehicle?"

"Relax Alex, the morning 001 attacked us, I hiked back to the transport to get additional supplies. I also moved it to a clearing about half a days walk from here. You have no need to worry. That is unless you want to resume being afraid of the forest and the creatures within it."

(Very funny.)

In actuality, I was glad our dangerous mission was over. During our hike back to the transport vehicle I told Sir Ram about the horror I had experienced being 001's prisoner.

"...After we were attacked I awoke in that thing's lair with the fox couple. At that point 001 had devoured the male and had tied up the female and myself. After learning my fate, we tried to escape. The werewolf caught and threw me against the wall of the cave knocking me out until the following morning. When I awoke it had killed the female. It started eating her that morning and was saving me for lunch and dinner. You know the rest." I told Sir Ram.

"It must have been difficult for you." He said gently.

"You have no idea. I started talking to my captor trying to get to know him- to buy time. In the process I discovered that you made a breakthrough with this creature. Unlike the other werewolves you created, this thing is sentient."

"How so?" Sir Ram asked

"Sir Ram, all of this was premeditated. This creature escaped your lab and hid in the Great Forest to lure us into a trap. It placed it's control collar on the fox couple the day it attacked us- so we would be pursuing them while it came in from behind. Those actions alone proved that it is sentient and intelligent and capable of reasoning. Hell, it even wanted revenge against you for imprisoning it. In short you have made the first successful human to beastial transformation. Too bad the result is evil and vindictive. But regardless it is still a step up from the other soulless killing machines that you created." I told the stunned ram.

"Hmm.... it is going to take some time to find out what were the variables that caused 001 to become more than the others." The ram said. "Speaking of human to beastial transformations it looks like you will become the second." He said gently placing his paw on my shoulder.

"What?! How?" I asked shocked.

"001 bit you repeatedly." The ram replied. "You will most likely become a werewolf by the next full moon."

My heart stopped at that declaration. 001 just stared at us in amusement.

"Just think Alex, you will shed your pathetic mortal coil to become a sleek, powerful, voracious killing machine not plagued by intellect or morality- but bloodthirsty feral instinct. You probably will have a nice black/grey pelt, cute elongated snout, powerful jaws, sharp fangs, razor claws, huge paws and a bushy tail just like 001 here. Won't that be nice?" He sneered.

"That's is going to really happened to me?!" I asked.

"The first transformation is the worst." The ram said. "But I will be by your side. It will get better as time goes on."

"My life is over! I am going to kill, maim and hurt people uncontrollably! I am going to be a monster!" I said.

"But won't it be fun to just give in to the raging beast inside?" The ram asked.

I didn't respond.

"Wait a minute! The were-creature bit you too! If what you said is true then we are both doomed."

The evil beastial smirked wickedly. I realized he was just screwing with me.

(Stupid ram.)

"Boy, you are so impressionable and you read too much lore; 001 is a genetic werewolf." He said laughing. "But if you want to volunteer for my program I would be glad to have you. At the very least I could give you a nice bushy tail!"

I realized at that very moment I had gained some sort of rapport with this prejudiced, evil beastial. Unlike my first week on Counter Earth where this creature regarded me with disdain and hatred. During our mission something changed. We bonded sort of. The hatred and disdain were gone. In its place was hazing and partial tolerance. I guess my mistress' objective for me on this mission had been completed.

It was mid afternoon when we arrived back at the transport. Sir Ram locked up 001 in the back while I loaded our supplies in the front of the vehicle.

"....And so ends our adventurous mission in the Great Forest..." I said to Sir Ram as we lifted off from the clearing and proceeded back to his lab at World Five. "So what will happen to 001 when you return to your lab?" I asked the ram warrior.


"I mean will the creature be punished for killing the hiker couple?" I asked. "You know judged, punished, devolved or the living death?"

"No Alex, 001 will never see the light of day again. He will be locked up in a lab deep under the city where he will never have the opportunity to hurt anyone again." The ram told me.

"What of the fox couple- will their families be notified of what happened?" I asked the ram as we exited the Great Forest.

The he beast was silent.

I placed my hand on his arm. "Please Sir Ram on your honor as a knight, don't tell me that you are going to cover this up?"

"If I do what are you going to do about it- pet?" He asked condescendingly.

(Did he just pull rank on me?)

"Please Sir Ram, I was there when the female died. They were citizens of the empire and some beast's loved ones. They didn't ask for what happened to them nor did they deserve it. This can be covered up from the public, but at the very least their relatives need to know what happened to them and where to find the remains. If it was your mate who had been devoured by this thing I think you would want to know the truth."

"Very well human I will consider it." He huffed. "However, this is going to lead to a lot of difficult questions...."

I read Sir Ram well enough to understand what he meant- he was going to get a major ass reaming from his master over this incident.

"Sir Ram listen to me, I know this is going to be difficult for you- but it is better to get this out now then to cover it up and then be discovered later. The consequences would be even more severe."

"Is that a prediction little human?"

"Look at it this way, when the fox couple fails to return home, their relatives will come looking for them. if their remains are found- an investigation will be started eventually the truth will come out. Please Sir Ram don't cover this up."

He grumbled at this but knew I was right.

We arrived at Sir Ram's lab near World Five during late afternoon. Sir Ram drove the transport vehicle to a below ground entrance where he parked it and escorted 001 to a large room that housed five very large glass cylinders that stretched from floor to ceiling.

In each of those cylinders were his recent human/beast transformation experiments. I looked at the occupants of the four other cylinders while he placed 001 in the fifth. One contained what looked to be a man/tiger experiment a weretiger. Another looked to be a werebear, another weredragon and the last was another werewolf this one with a tan pelt. All of them had control collars on and looked dazed. My glance then turned back to 001. He looked so sad in his enclosure. But knowing what he did and what he tried to do to me, I felt no remorse.

When my mistress first adopted me, she had forbade me from exploring this world on my own. She claimed it contained things I was not ready to see let alone deal with. From what I saw that evening in the ram's lab she was right.

Sir Ram brought me back to reality. "Don't feel sorry for any of them he told me. These former humans are all killers, murders and enemies of the the empire- they deserved this."

"So the moral of the story is if you are a second class citizen of Counter Earth be a good one otherwise you will be imprisoned, punished and experimented on." I said to the ram in disgust.

"Let's get back to the castle." He said as we departed his lab.

I suspected that I hadn't seen everything there. He most likely had more experiments in there than he wanted me to see. Things I could not begin to comprehend and if I did see them, my opinion of him would have changed.

It was near evening when we arrived back at castle Wundagore. Sir Ram and myself had Lea tend to our injuries in one of his labs.

"You were a great asset to me on this mission boy." The he beast said to me. "I may rely on your skills in the future."

"What does that actually mean kind and gentle Sir Ram?" I asked jokingly.

"It means boy that you have my word as a knight and warrior that you will never wind up a test subject in any of my experiments, willing or unwillingly." He said.

"That's good to know." I replied.

"However, that doppelganger of yours is not off limits. The sample Lady Vermin gave me from your last mission was quite interesting. If your mission report is incorrect and he is indeed still an enemy- he would be a great candidate for some experiments I would like to run. Think of it, two seemingly identical individuals from different realities. How are they different? How are they the same? The information obtained would be invaluable to science!" He exclaimed.

"There, the residual pain should just be a memory." Lea said putting down some sort of weird oval instrument she had been running over the ram's neck, back and side.

"Thank you my dear." The ram said to the sexy lioness.

Lea then started treating the residual pain in my arm, chest, back and shoulders as well as my concussion as Sir Ram rose from the table we had been sitting on.

"Oh and before I leave there is one more thing Alex. Remember our first night in the Great Forest?" The he beast asked me.

"You mean when I was talking in my sleep about our up coming visit from 001?"

"Yes, that." The ram replied. "I haven't been entirely truthful about that. That night in addition to your warning about 001. You also stated I was proceeding on a path. A dark path that would ultimately lead to my ruin." The ram said looking me in the eyes.

I gasped when I heard this.

"What did you mean?" The he beast asked point blank.


I thought carefully and then responded:

"Sir Ram, each individual- human and beastial is given free will to perform acts of good or acts of evil.... I will tell you what I told Alexander on my last mission, the universe rewards or punishes us for the actions we choose. For instance the rebels Lady Vermin and I observed committed evil and heinous acts against beastials and the empire as a result met a violent and untimely end."

"My first week here on Counter Earth I saved Lady Ursa's life during a rebel incursion. I didn't have to but I did- it was the right thing to do. Days later she turned around and saved mine and subsequently offered me a new home and new life. It was the universe way of rewarding me for performing a good deed."

"Ultimately each of us will have to decide and when we decide the universe will reward or punish us accordingly." I told the stunned warrior.

"You know Sir Ram, after all we experienced you still intimidate me- you even scare me at times. Despite understanding and sympathizing with your goal to preserve the empire and your way of life at all costs, I still disapprove of your methods."

However, I have seen the side of you that is capable of good- the side of you that came to rescue me- when in reality you could have cut your losses, run and left me to perish. I would hope that side of you surfaces more and more in the future and ultimately defeats the other."

"I will keep that in mind- pet. That is a very interesting theory not based in scientific fact." He chided me.

(For being one of the greatest minds on Counter Earth Sir Ram could be very dense at times.)

"Thank you again for saving my life Sir Ram I will never forget our time together and what we shared and experienced on this mission and that you opened up to me- perhaps a little too much as well." I said to the he beast.

Lea was intrigued when I said that.

"Too much?" He asked.

"I saw you naked good sir knight." I said gently.

"And I you- twice." He responded as he headed toward the door of the lab.

"That wasn't quite as intimate and pleasurable as communal bathing, but it was interesting. See you next mission!" He said as he departed.

"There will be others? Oh God no!!!"

Lea laughed at hearing our little exchange.

"There you are Alex all done." The sexy she beast said placing the oval object in a drawer at the far wall.

My concussion had been treated and cured as it was and the pain from my werewolf bites had been eliminated.

"That is really amazing Lea." I said. "On my world, I would have been in traction for weeks from that blow to the head I received."

The young lioness approached me and patted me on my head.

"I know, I know technologically advanced society."

"You know Alex, your conversation with Sir Ram reminded me of a project I have coming up. Well actually it is a mission that I could really use some help on...."

(Oh really?!)

Hearing that I stood up from the table, ran over to the sexy she beast and hugged her.

"Lea thank you for making me whole again. You are one of my dearest, dearest friends and I love you." I said giving her a kiss on her cheek. "BUT HELL TO THE NO!!!!"

I then exited the lab and ran from the stunned lioness as fast as my feet could take me.

To Be Continued....