The Bandleader: First Movement

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#1 of The Bandleader

Here's the start of a series that I plan to focus on after I finish Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year. It is another romance, but it will be far more realistic. It's set in the same universe as EoaUFY, and will deal more with themes, such as speciesism, that I only touched on in EoaUFY. Enjoy.


"Here he is," A voice from offstage began, "The one, the only, DAMON KANE!"

The in house band played a jazzy fanfare as Damon Kane walked across the stage in his best suit and tie. The middle aged Dalmatian smiled and waved at the audience, a mix of Furs and humans, who were cheering raucously. The host, a heavyset older man wearing an atrocious looking green suit and orange tie, stood up from his spinning leather chair and gave the canine a hug. The Dalmatian returned the hug and sat down in his red leather chair. He hadn't ever been on this talk show before, but he masked the discomfort from the overtly familiar display. It wasn't hard, after all, he was an Oscar nominated actor.

The man, his face now beet red, waved his arms wildly in an attempt to quiet the audience. Brutus chuckled and smiled again, showing his perfectly white teeth. After a few seconds of cheering, the crowd finally quieted. The host wiped his face with a red and black handkerchief and cleared his throat.

"I've been trying to get you on my show for years Damon," The host chuckled, "It's alright if I call you Damon right?"

Damon chuckled and nodded politely.

"Let me end the formalities and get to what we all want to talk about," The human continued, "You are up for your first Academy Award for Best Actor for your work in the controversial film Spots."

The audience applauded and cheered again.

"How does it feel?" The host asked, "You are the probably the first Fur actor to actually have a shot at winning in film history."

"It feels great Chester," Damon smiled, "I'm happy to have been involved in such a challenging film, and happy that the Academy saw fit to give me a shot at an award."

Chester nodded and looked over a stack of papers on his desk.

"How would you describe your experience filming Spots?" Chester asked, "As a Fur, an openly homosexual one at that, the intimate scenes with actress Kathryn Burnett had to have been very uncomfortable. If you haven't seen the film, the sex scenes are very graphic. Were they unsimulated?"

Damon took a deep breath.

"The sex scenes were unsimulated, but it wasn't Kathryn and I, urm, preforming," Damon replied while rubbing his chin, "We actually hired actors who had portrayed the both of us in adult films to do those more explicit shots. I did do a scene both nude and fully erect, that scene was by far the most uncomfortable to film."

"What did she think of that?" Chester chuckled, "Had she ever seen one before?"

"She hadn't," Damon began, "I think she liked it, but you'll have to ask her."

The audience laughed.

"So kissing her wasn't weird at all?" Chester asked.

Damon shook his head.

"She had more reservations about those scenes than I did," Damon replied, "But she was very professional, and it shows, she got a nomination for Best Actress after all."

"The film was nominated for five Oscars," Chester held up five fingers, "That is correct right?"

Damon nodded.

"This must be one of the most sexually explicit films to ever be given this sort of consideration by the Academy," Chester chuckled, "What do you attribute the success this film has had to?"

Damon sat back in his chair

"Probably the quality of the filmmaking, acting, hell, of everything that went into it," Damon began, "It's groundbreaking in the way that it depicts Human/Fur relationships. This has got to be one of the first mainstream films that show these types of relationships in a light that isn't played for laughs. I also think that society is becoming more accepting of this type of relationship. Things are going quite well in that department."

Chester nodded.

"That they are. That being said. Would you pursue an intimate relationship with a human?" Chester asked, "Or do you stick strictly to Furs?"

Damon shrugged.

"Up until now I had only been intimate with other Furs," Damon began, "But I'm open to a relationship with a human."

Chester leaned forward and looked over the Dalmatian.

"Do you believe it's damaging for Furs to play comical roles in human films?" Chester asked.

Damon blinked in surprise at the sudden change of subject. Chester had a reputation for this kind of thing. He'd ask his guest about simple things, or subjects that the guest expected to talk about, and then abruptly change the subject in an attempt to weasel more answers out of them about subjects that they would otherwise be uncomfortable discussing. Damon smirked, he caught this fat man in his game.

"Urm," The Dalmatian rubbed the back of his neck, feigning discomfort, "I don't think so, there's nothing wrong with doing comedic roles."

"Why don't you do them?" Chester asked, "If there's nothing wrong with them, why don't you act in those roles?"

Damon scoffed.

"Because I'm not a funny guy," Damon replied, "Does it really matter?"

Chester looked over the canine.

"One more question before we bring out your co-star," Chester began, "Do you think that Fur actors are disadvantaged in the film industry?"

Damon nodded.

"Yes," Damon began, "It's very hard to find filmmakers, particularly human filmmakers, who are willing to cast Fur actors in the lead roles of their films. It's getting better though, I wouldn't be able to do what I do without the brave furs that came before me."

Chester shook his head.

"I meant do you believe that Fur actors are somehow inferior to human actors?" Chester asked, "Historically, there haven't really been any Fur actors with the same clout that you or other human actors have. Is there some sort of biological reason for that?"

The fur on Damon's neck bristled.

"I'm not going to glorify that rampant speciesism," Damon began, "This is filmed live correct?"

Chester looked around awkwardly.

"Urm, yes," Chester nodded, "We film this show live."

Damon stood up from his chair.

"Wonderful," Damon made a show of dusting off his shoulders, "Go fuck yourself Chester, this interview is over."

The audience erupted in a mix of cheers and gasps as the Dalmatian stormed off of the set. Kathryn who had been waiting in the wings stood aside as Damon walked past her. The human shook her head, her apricot colored hair shaking as she did, and grabbed the Dalmatian's shoulder. Her red dress rustled as she did so, and Damon stopped in his tracks.

"If you're going to scold me hold your breath," Damon growled, "That bastard deserved way worse."

Kathryn shook her head.

"I was going to ask if you were ok," Kathryn sighed, "That guy's a dick, we should have done the Tonight Show instead."

Damon sighed.

"I'm ok," Damon began, "I'm just going to take off. Believe it or not, this is actually great for my night. My agent's daughter is getting married tonight. This means I can actually catch some of the reception."

Kathryn smiled.

"That sounds like a blast," The woman replied, "Tell the bride I congratulate her."

Damon nodded.

"Why don't you come with me?" Damon asked, "This guy's just going to ask you the same bullshit he asked me."

Kathryn sighed and shook her head.

"I've got to do this show," Kathryn replied, "I'm contractually obliged to give a certain number of interviews. I can't just leave."

Damon Kane flashed his practically patented smile.

"I left," Damon chuckled, "Come on, take it from a veteran in this business, there's better interviews. Just go talk to Buzzfeed or one of those internet tabloid sites, they count."

Kathyrn looked down at her red high heels.

"What would people think?" Kathryn sighed, "I don't know, after the whole drunk driving thing my agent wants me to avoid scandal."

"Hanging out with me is a scandal?" Damon scoffed and sarcastically made his wrist limp, "Sugar, I'm gay. Just tell them I'm your gay best friend. No scandal, no issue, just two friends hanging out."

"Well-," Kathryn began, but stopped as Damon put an arm around her waist.

"Perfect," The Dalmatian smirked, "We'll take my car."

Damon led the actress out the backstage door. The bouncer, a scarred up Pitbull, stood in front of the door and shook his head.

"I'm sorry sir," The bouncer began, "Chester told security that you couldn't leave until after the show finishes filming."

Damon blinked.

"Why?" Damon chuckled, "Does my reputation precede me?"

The Pitbull laughed and nodded.

"He wanted every advantage," The Bouncer began, "You are an infamous interview."

Damon reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He looked over the other canines, black and white uniform and smiled. The Dog had a nametag, made of brass, pinned above his right breast pocket.

"Alright Matthew," Damon opened his wallet, showing a stack of green bills, "How much do you make a night?"

"About 150 a night," Matthew rubbed the back of his neck, "Not counting tips."

Damon nodded and counted out a hefty sum of money. The other Dog's eyes widened as Damon put the money in his breast pocket.

"That's a week's pay, plus a little extra," Damon smiled, "Can we go now?"

Matthew nodded and stood aside, his jaw agape as he pulled the money out of his pocket and counted it. The pair of actors walked outside into the alleyway, and walked through it to get to the nearby parking garage. The Dalmatian reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the keys to his car. He unlocked his car, a green Jaguar, and helped Kathryn into it.

"This is a nice car," Kathryn began as she fastened her seatbelt, "How much did you pay for it?"

Damon chuckled.

"I don't tell my secrets Kathryn," Damon replied as he started his car, "Big or small."

Kathryn scoffed.

"Why not?" She asked, "No one in the entire business knows anything about you. What's your secret?"

Damon wagged his finger.

"I'm keeping it that way for a very good reason," Damon began, "When I'm old and washed up, I'll write a tell all, and, in a desperate attempt to stay relevant, tell all my secrets at once."

"That's about as stereotypical Hollywood as you can get," The woman replied and crossed her arms.

"That's what the people want," Damon rolled down his window and waved at the paparazzi fringing the front of the studio as the pair drove past, "They want familiar. They don't want to change it up."

Kathryn sighed.

"How do you put up with it?" The woman asked as they sped away, "Doesn't it seem empty?"

Damon nodded.

"When you are standing on the edge, looking into the abyss that is your life," Damon turned on the radio, filling the car with EDM music, "There's only one thing you can do."

Kathryn looked over at Damon expectantly.

"What?" Kathryn asked after a short pause, "What is it?"

Damon chuckled.

"Don't look down," Damon replied, "Because the second you do, you will never climb back up."

The pair fell silent as Damon drove the short distance from the studio to the Hotel Leon. Damon drove up to the front of the hotel and waved politely at the young human valet. The teenager jumped down from his seat on the concrete wall that fringed the vegetation in front of the hotel, and walked around to Damon Kane's driver side window. He was of average height and physique, and had long, greasy red hair.

"Is the Pitzl party still happening?" Damon Kane asked, "I'm aware that I'm terribly late for the reception."

The teenager chuckled and nodded.

"They said they were going all night," He replied, "You two may be the only sober people at the whole reception."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Damon chuckled and got out of his car, "Is there any room for my car?"

"There's always room for you Mr. Kane," The teenager began, "I'll take care of her for you."

Damon chuckled and let Kathryn out of the car.

"My car is a he," Damon chuckled, "I vastly prefer being inside of males."

The human chuckled uncomfortably, but perked up when the Dalmatian slipped him a couple of small bills. Damon put an arm around Kathryn as the valet gave Damon his ticket. The pair of actors walked into the hotel, and followed the sounds of drunken revelry and loud music to the reception. Kathryn put her hands on Damon's chest.

"Are you sure it's ok if I come?" She asked, "I don't even know your agent."

Damon scoffed.

"What's one more celebrity in a celebrity party?" Damon asked, "You'll be fine, if anyone gives you any crap, just tell them that you're my date."

The door to the reception was wide open. The guard, a tall, cue ball looking man was on the inside of the door, making out with a very drunk, spray tanned, hotel heiress. Damon chuckled and snuck him and Kathryn past the entangled pair. The DJ was playing a poorly done mash-up of a collection of Lil Jon songs, and nearly everyone in the large room was grinding against each other in front of the stage. Damon patted Kathryn on the rump.

"Go get yourself a drink," Damon began, "I've got to track down my agent."

Kathryn didn't need to be told twice. She made a beeline for the open bar. Damon shook his head and walked around the fringe of the crowd until he saw his agent, sitting at a well-decorated table, alone. He had two plates loaded with food sitting in front of him. The Dalmatian grinned and sat beside the older Peccary.

"How was the wedding Cory?" Damon Kane asked loudly, trying to make himself heard over the loud music.

The Peccary wiped the seafood chowder off of his muzzle and belched.

"It was a blast, a truly lovely ceremony, thank you for recommending your wedding planner friend," Cory snapped his fingers, "I can't remember his name."

Damon chuckled politely.

"It was Jacques," Damon began, "He really appreciated the opportunity. I'll let him know that you liked it."

Cory nodded.

"How was the interview?" Cory asked, "Was it as painful as I told you it would be?"

Damon nodded,

"It was worse," Damon sighed, "I walked out. I may have caused an issue for you."

Cory scoffed and shook his head.

"As long as you didn't whip your cock out we should be fine," Cory began, "Chester's show has a bit of a reputation for celebrity meltdowns. It'll be on the news for a couple of days, but it'll go away as soon as he pisses off the next interview."

Damon nodded.

"I brought Kathryn along with me," Damon chuckled, "I stole her away and brought her to the bar."

Cory groaned.

"Don't drink too much tonight and make sure she doesn't get behind the wheel of a car," Cory began, "If she gets caught driving drunk again it'll be bad publicity for the movie."

Damon chuckled.

"I thought that there was no such thing as bad publicity," Damon replied, "I drove her, don't worry about it."

Cory nodded and started to dig into his very large bacon wrapped steak. Damon sighed and rubbed his ears.

"Did you have to get such an obnoxious DJ?" Damon asked, "I thought wedding receptions were supposed to be classy. If I knew this was going to be a Dothraki wedding I wouldn't have worn my best suit."

Cory laughed.

"It's what Evie wanted," Cory shook his head, "If you were a father you'd understand. You don't tell your baby girl no at her wedding. Hopefully, this will be the only one. That spoiled little brat has cost me so much money already."

Damon shrugged.

"That's why I plan to adopt boys," Damon sat back in his chair, "I wouldn't know what to do with a little girl, let alone a teenage one."

"The boys can be just as bad," Cory sighed, "I would know, I had two."

"Speaking of that, how are your boys?" Damon asked, "I haven't seen either of the twins since they graduated college."

The Peccary shrugged.

"One of them is in Laos, finding himself," Cory scoffed and put the last two words in finger quotes, "And Gary joined the Navy."

"At least they're staying out of trouble," Damon replied, a smile creeping onto his face as the DJ left the stage, "Is that it for entertainment?"

Cory shook his head.

"I got a singer," The pig began, "He's a jazz singer, you know, like Micheal Buble, but for cover songs. For weddings he'll do arrangements of newer stuff. He's quite talented."

Damon chuckled and got up from the table.

"That sounds like something I want front row seats for," Damon replied, "Before I go, did you get any movies for me?"

Cory nodded.

"I sent the scripts to your house," Cory began, "Just like you've always been telling me to do."

"Any good ones?" Damon asked.

The Peccary shrugged.

"A couple dramas and a superhero flick, I think it's the Fantastic Four" Cory began, "They want you to play the Human Torch."

Damon blinked.

"That's insane," Damon chuckled, "I'd love to do it, but won't the nerds be pissed off?"

Cory laughed.

"They can deal with it," Cory began, "Give me a call once you've looked those scripts over, and I'll let you know about auditions. Go have some fun, the bar's open."

Damon clapped his agent on the back and walked up to the bar. He waved over the bartender, a chubby Corgi wearing a pink tank top, and flashed him a smile. The Corgi blushed and smiled back.

"What can I get you sir?" The Corgi asked.

"Double scotch on the rocks," Damon replied, "How has your night been cutie?"

The Corgi blushed even harder as he poured the Dalmatian his drink.

"Good," The other canine began, "I've made quite a bit of money, and things slowed down once the DJ took the stage. Most of the people here are too drunk to keep drinking."

The Corgi slid the drink to the Dalmatian, who reached down and rested his larger paw on top of the Corgi's. Damon reached into his pocket with the other paw and handed the Corgi a twenty dollar bill. He pulled away and blew the other canine a kiss.

"Thanks for the drink," Damon flashed his patented smile, "Hopefully I'll see more of you."

The Corgi pocketed the twenty and blew a kiss back. Damon made his way to the front of the stage. There were tables and chairs with no occupants. The drunken revelers had moved back to the bar, leaving Damon and a few other sober people alone in front of the stage. Damon took a sip from his drink and set it down on the table in front of him. His ears perked up at the sound of shuffling feet behind the curtain.

He smiled as he heard the sound, saxophones, trumpets, and other assorted jazz instruments warming up. This was more of the Dalmatian's speed. He had to be drunk in order to appreciate newer music, and tonight, was not one of his drunken nights. If it was, he would have got that Corgi's name, number, and had the canine spend the night at his house. The band started to play, and the heavy red curtain opened up. Standing in front of a large jazz band, was the most beautiful male that Damon had ever seen.

He was tall, slender, fair skinned, and devastatingly handsome with sparkling sapphire eyes and light golden brown hair. Damon leaned forward, rested his chin on his paws, and enjoyed the view. The band broke into a rendition of Michael Bùble's Fever. Damon gasped and his jaw dropped. This human had the voice of an angel. He moved on stage with practiced grace and swagger, the drunken revelers slowly came back to the stage, equally as spellbound as the Dalmatian.

The human finished the first song, looked out in the crowd, and pointed at the bride.

"This next song is for the lovely bride," The human smiled, "I'm Douglas Bracy, and this is Sunday Morning."

The band started to play the intro to the song, the trumpets taking the lead. The crowd started to dance as the rhythm section kicked in and Douglas started to sing. Damon would have closed his eyes and lost himself in the music, but that would mean taking his eyes off of the beautiful human. For what seemed like an eternity, Douglas rocked the house. At the end of his set, he rubbed his brow and looked out over the audience.

"I'm going to do one more song for you," Douglas began, quickly putting up his hands as the crowd began to protest, "But don't worry, the band will still play. This song is dedicated to all of you out there who haven't been fortunate enough to meet that special someone."

Douglas locked eyes with Damon and cracked a smile. The Dalmatian barely managed to maintain his cool, and flashed a smile of his own back at the human. Douglas chuckled and broke the eye contact.

"Here's another song by Micheal Bùble," Douglas began, "I know that you all know it."

Douglas's band started to play the intro to Haven't Met You Yet. The crowd went wild again. Damon's heart started beating, hard. He had never felt like this before. Could it be? Could love at first sight actually be real? Douglas grinned, it sure felt like it. The band finished the song, and Douglas waved as he walked back stage to applause. Damon finished his drink and walked over to the backstage exit as the band started to play.

Damon waited for a few moments before walking backstage. Douglas was sitting down, taking deep breaths with his head in his hands. Damon smiled and sat down beside him, startling the singer.

"You were awesome," Damon outstretched his paw, "I'm Damon Kane."

Douglas nodded and composed himself.

"Thank you very much," Douglas shook the paw, "You heard my name out there."

Damon chuckled.

"Say it again," Damon began, "I'd rather hear it with no one else around."

Douglas smirked.

"Fair enough," Douglas shook Damon's paw again, "I'm Douglas Bracy."

Damon looked over the human and smiled.

"Want to get a drink with me?" Damon asked, "I'd love to get to know you."

Douglas bit his lip. He started to fidget, nervously rubbing the backs of his hands.

"I don't know," Douglas began, "I'm a busy guy. Besides, I don't think I want to go out there again. That crowd might riot if they see me anywhere but on that stage."

Damon patted Douglas's back.

"Why don't I bring you one?" Damon asked, "It'll give us a chance to talk where it's quiet."

Douglas shook his head.

"I appreciate it," Douglas began, "But I don't really make friends with celebrities."

Damon blinked.

"Why not?" Damon asked, "I'm a nice guy, a lot of celebrities are."

Douglas sighed and got up from his seat.

"I'm sure you are," Douglas began, "But it's a long story, and I really don't share my stories with strangers."

Damon stood up as well.

"We wouldn't be strangers if we shared a drink together," Damon replied, "I think we'd make good friends."

Douglas shook his head.

"Maybe some other time," Douglas began, "It was nice to meet you."

Damon was going to protest, but stopped in his tracks. He reached forward and put a paw on the human's shoulder. Douglas blushed and looked away for a split second. Damon inwardly jumped for joy. That was definitely a good sign. The human was probably just playing hard to get.

"It was very nice to meet you too," Damon smiled, "You have a good night. You'll probably see me at one of your future shows."

Douglas nodded.

"I'll see you there," The human replied, "You have a good night as well."

Damon watched the human start to walk away. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card.

"Hey, wait up," Damon walked up to the human, "You dropped something."

Douglas looked around his seat and blushed as Damon put the business card into his hand. The Dog gave the human's very soft hand a tender squeeze before pulling away.

"That's my personal number," Damon began, "I only give that to very close friends. Call or text me whenever, I'll always respond."

Douglas nodded and put the card in his pants pocket.

"Thank you," Douglas smiled and looked up into the Dog's eyes, "Maybe I'll try it out tonight."

"I'd like that," The Dalmatian replied, "Have a good night cutie."

The human smiled and waved as he walked away from the canine. Damon smiled in return and watched the human walk out of the building. The smile didn't leave his face, even as he walked back out to the bar. He was ready to leave, this night couldn't possibly get any better. He walked up to Kathryn, who was slumped over the bar, and gently shook her shoulder. The human grumbled and slowly turned to look at Damon.

"Some party huh?" She slurred, "Thanks for bringing me, I'm having such a good time."

Damon grimaced at the strong smell of alcohol on her breath.

"Of course," Damon began, "Come on, I've got to take you home now."

Kathryn grumbled and got up from her stool shakily. She advanced towards Damon angrily, and fell forward as she tried to strike him. Damon chuckled and held the human up.

"Easy there tiger," Damon shook his head, "Come on, let's get you to bed."

Damon practically drug Kathryn's body out of the party. The human swore loudly the whole time and unsuccessfully tried to claw herself out of the Dog's grasp. Damon waved down the valet, who briskly ran to where the Dalmatian's car was parked and brought it back. The Dog nodded and smiled in gratitude as he crammed Kathryn into the car and put her seatbelt on.

"Looks like you got your paws full sir," The teenager began, "Did Mrs. Burnett have too much to drink?"

Damon scoffed as he got into the driver's seat.

"Yes," Damon began, "I've got to get her home. Thank you very much for your service."

The valet nodded and stood to the side as Damon sped off. Kathryn's neck lolled over as the human looked over at the Dog.

"Does it bum you out that our movie was banned in seven countries?" Kathryn asked, "I think it sucks that people in Pakistan don't get to see me naked."

Damon shook his head.

"They've got the Internet," Damon began, "That footage will get over there eventually."

Kathryn sputtered and ungracefully moved her head to look forward.

"Why'd you have to take me home?" She asked, "I was having a really good time."

Damon sighed and turned onto the freeway.

"I was worried about you," Damon began, "You drink way too much. It can't be healthy."

Kathryn scoffed.

"Don't worry about me," Kathryn replied, "It's how I cope. We can't all be like you Damon."

Damon chuckled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Damon asked, "How am I like?"

Kathryn sighed.

"Strong," Kathryn began, "This life, the fame, everything, gets nearly every other actor I know down. It doesn't do that for you. Why?"

Damon sighed and looked over the human.

"Because I don't let it," Damon replied, "I just think of this as a career. I don't think of it in terms of the fame, it's just work. I make time for play, it keeps me from being a dull boy, or a dead one."

Kathryn nodded and looked out the window. Damon pulled onto the exit that led to the ritzy suburb where the female actor lived.

"How do you know where I live?" Kathryn asked, "Have you ever come over before?"

Damon shook his head.

"I drive your drunk ass home a lot," Damon began, "I don't think I've ever been over when you were sober."

Kathryn nodded and put up a finger.

"I'll remember," Kathryn replied, "I'll have you over for dinner, and I'll make sure I'm totally sober."

Damon chuckled and shook his head. She had made that promise every time he had driven her home.

"Ok Kathryn," Damon began as he started navigating through the tangled mess of streets that led to Kathryn's hilltop home, "I'm looking forward to it."

Kathryn's house was at the end of a cul-de-sac, which over looked the city. Damon parked the car and got out and stretched before walking around to help Kathryn out of the car. Damon helped the staggering woman up her path and opened the door for her. Kathryn stumbled inside, took off her shoes, and turned to look Damon in the eyes.

"Want to spend the night with me?" Kathryn asked, "Have you ever been with a human woman before?"

Damon chuckled and shook his head. Kathryn had to be very drunk to even think of suggesting something like that.

"Yeah," Damon began, "I've been with one all night."

Kathryn snorted and put a delicate hand on the front of Damon's coat.

"You know what I mean," Kathryn slurred as she did her best to sound seductive, "Let me rock your world Mr. Kane."

Damon took the human's hand in his paw, bent his head down, and kissed the human's hand.

"Maybe some other time," Damon replied, "You have a good night darling."

Damon closed Kathryn's front door and walked back to his car. He was pretty tired, but he really wanted to tell someone what had happened tonight. He knew where to go. His ex-boyfriend, who was also one of his best friends, owned a bar in Silver Lake. Damon turned the radio to the weather and began driving across town to the bar. It was the middle of winter, and the weather was going to stay in highs of the low 50's throughout the week.

Damon sighed and turned the radio off. After listening to Douglas perform, no other music would do, at least not for tonight. Damon pulled into the parking garage a short walking distance up the street from the bar, The Velvet. Damon got out of his car, locked it, and walked into the bar. It was packed full of Furs, dancing to gay pride anthems and drinking. The Dalmatian walked up to the bar and flashed the bartender a smile.

"Hey Vincent," Damon began, "Is Yuri in?"

Vincent looked up from the glass he was cleaning and nodded.

"He's upstairs," Vincent replied, "In the main office."

Damon nodded and walked upstairs to his ex-boyfriends office. The Dalmatian knocked on the main door and walked in. Yuri, a lanky Cheetah, looked up from a stack of paperwork on his desk with a smile on his face. His fur was dyed jet-black, his spots and other assorted tufts of hair dyed pink.

"Damon!" Yuri smiled and kissed the Dalmatian on both cheeks, "What's the meaning of your visit tonight?"

Yuri walked back to his desk and offered the actor a chair. Damon took it and grinned.

"You'll never guess what happened to me today," Damon began, "I don't think I've ever felt lighter than air like this before."

Yuri chuckled.

"You're right, I couldn't guess," The Cheetah replied, "Who'd you meet?"

Damon's tail started wagging.

"It was more than met," Damon explained, "I fell in love tonight."

"Again?" Yuri scoffed, "Who is it this time?"

"A singer," The Dalmatian sighed wistfully, "God, he's beautiful Yuri. He made me believe in love at first sight."

One of Yuri's dyed pink eyebrows rose.

"Love at first sight?" Yuri chuckled, "Honey, if that were real you'd still be with me."

Damon stuck out his tongue.

"He feels the same way about me," Damon began, "I know it. I gave him my number, and he's going to text me tonight."

Yuri blinked and leaned over the desk.

"Wait, let me get this straight," Yuri rubbed the top of his muzzle, "You gave this total stranger your personal number? What if he gives it out?"

Damon shook his head and leaned back, resting the back of his head on his paws.

"I don't have to worry about that," Damon began, "He says he doesn't get involved with celebrities. That means he wouldn't even think of giving that number out."

Yuri facepalmed.

"If he doesn't get involved with celebrities, then why in the hell would he text you back?" Yuri began, "Damon, you are way too foolish for your own good."

"I thought you liked that about me," Damon smiled, "Don't worry about me. This guy wants me just as much as I want him. I guarantee it."

Yuri sighed.

"I do," Yuri replied, "I just don't like to see you get all hopeful and excited, and then get absolutely crushed when things don't work out like you want them to."

Damon opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Yuri's paw.

"Be careful," Yuri continued, "Please, don't get your hopes up too high again. I don't want to see you get hurt all over again. You remember what happened with Victor?"

Damon whined. Victor was the last male he had been involved with. He was a diver, bound for the Olympics, who had stolen the actor's heart away after the first date. The Labrador humored the Dalmatian for a few dates, and then never contacted him again. Damon was devastated, and found solace in the only place he had ever found it, Yuri's arms.

"I'll be careful," Damon replied after a long pause, "Do you know this guy? His name is Douglas Bracy."

Yuri thought for a moment and started to look through the stack of papers on his desk.

"You know, that name does sound familiar," Yuri chuckled as he pulled the relevant paper out of the stack, "Oh yes, he's preforming here next Tuesday. Is he any good?"

Damon chuckled and nodded enthusiastically.

"Holy hell yes he is," Damon replied, "He's one of the best singers I've ever seen."

Yuri smiled and wrote something down on the piece of paper.

"Tell you what," Yuri began, "Why don't you come in and see him. He's playing for one of our charity events. Maybe you could make an appearance too, celebrities and charities are a match made in heaven. "

Damon flashed his trademark smile.

"'I'd love to," Damon replied, "Thank you for letting me know."

Yuri nodded and purred as the Dog leaned over the desk and kissed his cheek.

"Anything for you my dear," Yuri began, "I'm almost done here. Want to go back to my place after this?"

Damon hesitated.

"Well," Damon replied, "What would we be doing?"

Yuri chuckled.

"The usual," The Cheetah started putting papers away, "Drinks, snacks, maybe more."

Damon shook his head.

"Sorry Yuri," Damon put up his paws, "Not tonight."

The Cheetah smiled.

"I hope this guy is the real deal Damon," Yuri stood up and locked up his desk, "I really do."

Damon smiled and stood up as well.

"Why do you say that?" Damon asked, "I know it's got to make you a little bit jealous."

Yuri laughed and put on his long, grey coat.

"It does," Yuri hugged Damon tightly, "This guy will be damn lucky to date someone like you."

Damon smiled and gave the Cheetah a kiss on the cheek.

"Come on," Damon began, "Let me walk you to your car."

The Cheetah purred and nuzzled up to Damon's side. The Dog wrapped an arm around Yuri's waist and led him out of the bar and into the cold night.


Douglas breathed a sigh of relief as he walked into his rundown apartment. It was four in the morning, it had taken him a couple of hours to get a ride from the hotel, and even longer to do everything that the driver wanted to do. He stripped off his suit and hung it on the inside of the door. The human walked across the small apartment in a white tee-shirt and boxers, and collapsed face-first onto his small twin mattress. He nearly fell asleep, but was disturbed by a quiet meow and an insistent pawing at the back of his head.

"Sorry Casper," Douglas reached up to pet the seven year old white cat standing on his neck, "Give me a second. I'll feed you."

Douglas groaned as he sat up on the mattress. Performing always took a lot out of him. He flexed his toes, grimacing at the tightness in his feet. Casper meowed again, louder, and skittered into the kitchen. Douglas stretched, his back popping loudly, before standing up with another loud groan.

"I'm coming you impatient bastard," Douglas yawned, "God I spoil you."

Casper meowed again and pawed at the drawer his food was kept in. Douglas bent down and pulled out a small bag of cat food. He took the food and dumped a small pile into a turquoise bowl. As Casper went to town on that, the human freshened up the cat's water bowl. Douglas backed away and watched the cat eat, slowly becoming more aware of his hunger all the while. He walked over to the fridge and opened it up. There was nothing, aside from some orange juice, a couple of dubious looking onions, and a half gallon of milk that had been expired for a week.

"Well crap," Douglas sighed, "Looks like I've got to pay for rent and groceries this week."

Douglas groaned and sat down at his rickety table in his equally rickety chair. He sighed, and rested his elbows on a pile of bills. The human took a deep breath and rubbed his temples. Life had been difficult ever since he had moved out to Los Angeles. His boyfriend, who had since became a famous TV actor, left him on his own three years ago. Since then, Douglas had struggled to make ends meet. He would have called his folks back in Missouri for help, but his pride wouldn't let him.

Douglas sighed and looked over the apartment. He took another deep breath and walked over to his suit. He pulled out the phone and Damon Kane's business card. The human rubbed over the small piece of paper. Douglas was nervous, he hadn't reciprocated anyone's interest in him since his last boyfriend, the one who had left him in this torrid situation. He rapped the table with his fingers, his leg shaking and rattling against the table's thin wooden leg. Douglas slowly picked up his phone and typed Damon's number into it. He rubbed his arm, hoping that the Dalmatian wasn't just fooling around with him. He sat there for twenty minutes trying to find out what to say. Finally, he settled on something simple.

Hey, this is Douglas

The human sat at the table for another twenty minutes his eyes determined to look at everything in the apartment but his phone. He had been looking over a small patch of mold behind the sink when his text tone startled him out of his musings. Douglas looked down at his phone and stopped fidgeting, an excited grin forming on his face. He picked up the phone and looked over at Casper.

"He texted me Casper," Douglas laughed and held the phone to his chest, "He actually texted me."

Douglas walked over to his bed and laid down. He held the phone above his head and read the text out loud.

"I'm so happy you texted me back," Douglas began, "I would absolutely love to see you again. If you have time, I'm filming pick-ups for a war movie at Lot 18 at Pangolin Studios tomorrow before noon. Just come onto the set and see me. If anyone gives you trouble, tell them I sent you."

Douglas giggled and looked over at his cat. Casper meowed contently and curled up next to Douglas on the bed.

"Sounds good," Douglas read out loud as he texted the Dalmatian, "See you then."

Douglas smiled and set the phone down beside his head. He didn't have to worry about setting an alarm. Casper always woke up around 8 or 9 in the morning to ask for food. Douglas yawned again and smiled as his phone pinged for the final time that night. He read the text, smiled, and closed his eyes.

I'm so looking forward to it :)