Broken Chapter 2: The Cum-Cat in the Festering Lands

Story by jizzerman3 on SoFurry

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#2 of Broken

Our broken tiger finds that he is in the place of his nightmares, and becomes a cum-cat, while meeting a new friend.

I am a person that believes the only way to get better at something is to practice. So using this logic, If I want _Broken _to be a better story, then I have to write more chapters for it. As always I love critiques so please feel free to comment bellow or send me a PM. I always respond and if you are another writer feel free to offer me any advice you might have. Before I get into the story I want to address why sometimes there are typos and repeated words in my stories. I am dyslexic and I don't realize that I have added or forgotten words to add to a sentence. For example, say I meant to write, "The cat ran up a tree", I might accidentally put "The ran up a tree". I am not making up excuses, I just feel that readers of my work have a right to know. Please continue to be honest and I will fix any typos that are found with later revisions. Now lets get into the story.

When I awoke and saw a blue eye staring me in the face I thought that it was my master Pied, but upon closer inspection I realized this was a very different mouse. To start with his fur was a rich brown like the color of milk chocolate, and his ears were large like my masters. Although his ear on the left side looked like a dog had chewed on it relentlessly, but instead of lying down in defeat like you would expect it to in its condition, it stood up proud just like its twin. Almost as if in defiance of the natural order. He was short, but also ripped like Adonis. His shirt looked like at any moment it would explode off his well built chest. He was wearing a pink work-out tee-shirt that some how did not subtract from his masculinity, but only added to it. His shorts were lime green, and only barely manged to keep down the humongous bulge of his crotch. He smelled of sweat, but was weirdly unoffensive to my nose, instead he just smelled wild and natural.

When I opened my mouth to speak he immediately covered it with his hand, and then he pointed to the bulge in the bed that was cuddling into my stomach and hugging me possessively. The mysterious brown mouse then lightly peeled back the covers exposing my master Pied Piper. He appeared to be dead to the world, but I knew that the slightest sound would cause him to awaken. Then the mouse flicked my master on the ear , waking him up instantly, and said "I see you couldn't leave our sickly kitty alone could you big bro." My master looks at him with big blue innocent eyes and said, "How could I" ,then lightly nipped my flat stomach causing me to moan out loud.

Then my master hopped out of bed and proceeded to introduce me to this bulky brown mouse. "My pet", He said in his soothing jazz voice," I'd like you to meet my little brother Rodney Piper". The beefy mouse known as Rodney then gave me an over exaggerated bow while blowing me a kiss. Then Rodney said, " And you are" , his voice just as deep as his brother's, but was somehow more commanding. "I'm" I started, but my stomach growled interrupting me for the second time that day, "Hungry... I mean Elvis Teach". My maser strode over to my bedside and said, " Hungry,but I just fed you" teasingly reminding me of my breakfast of cock cream. "Yes, You did master", I said giving his face a lick, "But I can't live on a liquid diet, no matter how tasty it might be."

A nervous cough from Rodney broke up our banter "I'll order some food from the kitchen, and while we wait my brother and I will answer any questions you may have" he said while grabbing his phone "Any requests, we have something for all pallets". " Fish tacos with shrimp on the side" I said silently wondering if they had my favorite dish."Sure " he said nonchalantly. He ordered roasted peanuts for himself and My master ordered baked chicken for himself. When ordering was done Rodney and my Master set down on the couch and looked me in my eyes then said simultaneously said, "Shoot"

To put things lightly I was nervous, I mean to have the chance to get to ask a question without a beating following it, was basically a foreign concept to me. So I started with something small, " Where... are we?". Rodney answered, "Your in the King of the Kettle's mansion". Noticing my immediate confusion he elaborated further "Your in the 'Festering Lands' as the Bissa call it". I nearly screamed out in shock to hear that I was in such a dangerous place. The Festering lands was the homeland of every cutthroat and unforgiving bandit alive, it was the place where all of the most dangerous prisoners of Bissa were sent to live out their days. The stories I had been told called it hell on earth, and to be sent there was a fate worse than death.

"The kettle is the capital and melting pot of the...." Rodney started to say, but stopped when he noticed the shocked look on my face. My master walked over to my bedside and started to rub my chin, which caused me to purr uncontrollably , and calmed me instantly. Seeing this Rodney continued, "...Festering lands, and the king is none other than the very mouse rubbing your chin." That through me for loop, because my master was a short and skinny mouse that didn't look like he could take car of himself, let alone run the capital of the worst place on Poilu. My master must have sensed thoughts because his aura changed from a bright light, to pitch black all around him and he leaned into my ear and said, "Yes, I am the king, I gained rule here through all the battles and bloodshed necessary for this position." "My blades have tasted many and the blood of my foes have stained them crimson".

Then he was back to being my soothing master again when he leaned back and said, "But those foes are dead and gone, for now is the time of peace and I shall keep it that way my dear sweet pet." "Those that inhabit my kingdom are called the scum of society, viewed by most as the disease that infests these so called Festering Lands." He then walked over to the window and gazed out of it with hope and determination. When he spoke again it was with conviction, "But these are the thoughts of an outsider, We here know what the truth is... we are those that chose to give in to our base instincts and to not be bigots like those in Bissa", "We are those that fought our way out of the darkness, to carve out a path of hope, for our children." He smiled at me and then walked back to sit with his brother.

Rodney gave a low whistle, "Wow, you managed to get my brother preaching again, that takes a lot of skill my feline friend... Ouch" that comment having earned him a light slap to the back of his head from my master. "Hush little brother and let my pet speak, I am very interested in hearing what he thinks about all this." They both leaned in to look me in the eye with blank anticipation.

"Well... I'm terrified", I said nervously while slightly cowering in my sheets, " I mean ... no offense master... but I grew up with so many horror stories about this place, that it still haunts my nightmares." I glanced around the room not wanting to look my master in the face , because of the fear that he would reject me for my craveness. Instead he stood up and grabbed my cheeks, as he did I awaited a blow or a slap to my face, like I had gotten many times over the years for answering a question honestly. But what I expected to happen did not come to pass, and what did happen was more than I could have ever hoped for.

He made me look into his eyes as he said, " Your fear is well justified our homeland is a very dangerous, but you have endured one of the worst experiences possible in my kingdom..." his eyes turned to pure hatred and loathing as he spat the last word, " Slavery." He looked at me with absolute sorrow as he said. " I apologize for whatever a few of my more twisted subjects may have done to you, I also promise that such a thing will never happen to you again as long as I live." He then plunged his tongue into my mouth,and locked me into a passionate kiss, that left me gasping as my master took his seat. In that moment I new that my life had changed for the better, and that I had nothing to fear in this world, as long as I had my master with me.

Just as I had opened my mouth to give thanks to my master the door was opened, and in walked a tall husky gorilla dressed in a chef's uniform to deliver our food. The gorilla had fur so black that it seemed to suck the light out of the room, and a beard that hung down to his chest in silky black curls, but what caught my attention the most were his glasses that had lens tented a bright green, that looked simply smashing on him . He strolled over with the try of our food, not speaking a word, and set my master and Rodney's plates on the table in front of them. Then uncovered both their plates simultaneously with an air of dignification that was astounding. As he took the tops off of the plates the smell of herbs and roasted nuts engulfed the room and set my stomach a fire with hunger pains. The nuts were in a bowl and lightly salted, while the chicken was on a plate and covered in green herbs that smelled heavenly. The strange chef then set my plate on the table near my bedside and uncovered the a dish that I hadn't tasted in year's . The shrimps had been roasted on a stick and lightly dusted with what smelled like garlic and paprika. The tacos were a blend of different onions and peppers topping salmon meat all contained in a soft shell tortilla.

I nearly fainted at the sight, but my hunger gave me strength. I manged to give a hurried "Thank you" to the chef and rapidly scarfed down the shrimp. I sucked the shrimp lewdly off the stick and and barely chewed them. The gorilla waited until I had finished my shrimp to say, " Your welcome Mr...", in very upper-class tone. "Elvis Teach.. thanks for the food again chef..." I said wanting to now this culinary genius's name. " My name is Cuttler Lane, but I am not the regular chef that's Hal, I am normally the second in command of the king's royal guard." ,"Pleased to meet you and I wish you a speedy recovery my feline acquaintance."

Rodney's ears perked up at the the word acquaintance, " That would be master Teach to you ape!" he shouted in a scolding, but warmhearted tone. Cuttler's voice dripped with contempt and sarcasm for Rodney as he said, "Please excuse me master Rodent" That set a fire under Rodney, and it looked like he was going to fight Cuttler, but a raised hand from my master calmed them down. "Easy" Master said like a tired parent."I don't want your bad habits rubbing of on my pet, why isn't Hal working today,"

"Sorry sir", Cuttler apologized," Hal had to go see about his wife, it seems that she is due to give birth any day now." Cuttler then grabbed the tray that had held our food and started to walk out. It was then that I noticed that Cuttler had a very sexy ass, that was held snugly inside the prison of his pants. His ass seemed to slowly munch on the seat of his pants as he walked, giving me the impression that it probably wanted a nice hard cock inside it. The sight was almost enough to make not eat my fish taco,"Almost" , I thought as I downed the taco in two bites and one gulp.

"I hate it when he comes... but he does make one hell of an exit," Rodney said voice dripping with lust, his eyes literally raping Cuttler's beautiful backside.

" Why don't you just fuck him already" my master said bluntly, while munching on Rodney's nuts, "I mean you're already hard just from looking at his ass" eyeing Rodney's shorts. At my masters words I looked over at Rodney's crotch, and saw that his obvious erection was straining his shorts. It was also left a massive stain at the top of cock, which caused Rodney's shorts to turn a deeper green.

"I am not hard", Rodney lied, ".... and besides he is straight" he said with an unmistakable air of disappointment. My master winked at me and then pulled Rodney's shorts down with lighting speed to reveal an angry throbbing hard-on. Slightly shorter than my master Rodney's cock was ten inches long, but it was thicker by about a inch. But that wasn't what caught my eye, instead it was the large amount foreskin covering his cock-head. "Really,this says differently", My master said, while teasingly giving Rodney's cock a quick stroke.

"Mmh... I don't like Cuttler" Rodney said as he moaned from the stroke, "..but his ass is a different story." My master started to quickly stroke as he said "If you don't admit you love Cuttler,or I will make your next orgasm very painful." my master accentuated the word love, as he tightly griped the foreskin of the thick cock with his index finger and thumb, creating a seal of skin around Rodney's cock head.

"I don'" Rodney stated through gritted teeth and glazed eyes, because of his approaching orgasm. "Fine then cum" my master said calmly ,".. Rodent". At the word rodent, Rodney silently moaned out "Cuttler..." and sent his cum rocketing out of his thick lurching cock, but because of the tight foreskin seal around his cock head the cum had nowhere to go.

This caused his foreskin to inflate with cum, much like a water balloon. A delicious cream filled water balloon, but unfortunately a water balloon that must have caused Rodney a lot of pain, because he would wince with every throb of his cock. After a minute of cumming, Rodney's cock finally stopped , but this left his foreskin heavily bloated with semen. "Say you love Cuttler or else this gets more interesting" My master said while smiling, which left me with the feeling that he wanted it to get more interesting.

"Never!" Rodney exclaimed his teeth still gritted in pain. "Fine then have it your way" my master said matter-of factly. Master then stood up and tugged Rodney ,by the tip of his brother's foreskin, to my bedsde. "Elvis I know your thirsty after that big meal, so I thought you might like something to wash it down." He spoke in a rather playful tone for his deep voice, "but unfortunately this cock's foreskin is keeping the cum away from you." Master gave me wink." it quite selfish if you ask me....I've got an idea why don't you teach it a lesson. You can be as rough as you like my sweet pet." He then pulled Rodney's cock over the bedside, placing the foreskin bulge right in front of my face. How could I resist such a graceful offer.

I gave the bulge a long lick, causing it to wobble back and forth, which gave me a naughty idea. I started to assault the bulge with quickly timed swipes of my tongue, this caused it to wobble at high speed like a speed-bag. My master smiled at me with approval and said, "I'd admit the truth if I were you. You see my lovely pet will do just about anything to a cock to get the cum inside." I stopped licking and lightly brushed my fangs up against his sensitive foreskin. This unfortunately was enough to make Rodney weakly say, "Yes, I do love him.... You... White... Bastard."

"That's all I wanted." Master said contently. You may now feed my cum-cat." Before I had time to be puzzled at master's strange new name for me, master pushed the end of Rodney's foreskin into my mouth and removed his fingers, and unleashing the torrent of cum held inside the foreskin. Which I eagerly sucked down my thirsty throat. Rodney would moan out at ever suck of mine. When the flow finally began to dribble out I sucked out what ever remained. I even stuck my tongue inside the foreskin to give it a thorough cleaning, while I savored every drop. "His tongue is like sandpaper." Rodney moaned out, hearing that I swept my tongue all over his cock head not letting an inch go untouched by my rough organ.

When I was finally done Rodney barely managed to pull up his shorts and hobble to his seat. "Not... Okay... Bro" he said while panting.

"But it was fun" my master said while giggling at his brother's pants. " Right my big cum-cat" he said while giving my bloated stomach a light poke.

" Right master, but what's a cum-cat" although I liked the name, I had never heard it before.

" While cock-hounds love cock, you seem to love cum more than cock so you are a cum-cat." he said as though this was common knowledge. "You made it up on the spot didn't you." I accused. " Guilty as charged my pet, but does it really matter" he said. "No, in fact I find it more romantic" saying that earned me another hot blooded kiss, before my master crawled into my bed and snuggled me.

"Mind if I join in?" Rodney asked rather sheepishly for a big bulky guy like himself. It was really rather cute to see him acting sheepish all of a sudden, so I pulled the covers up and motioned for him to join us. He literally jumped into bed and then I covered both their heads with the cover, somewhat hiding them from the world.

They both must have noticed my straining erection, which was hard because of our previous activities, because they started to assaulting my cock with their small tongues. I was moaning out loud in a complete haven of pleasure. That is until the door slowly opened and a short husky in a familiar policeman's outfit walked in and bowed down in front of my bed.

"I heard you were awake and.......I wanted to say thank you." he said .......