A Green and Her Rider

Story by dragonwise on SoFurry

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*THIS IS NOT MY WORK. This is another commission from the same artist as my last, who likes the claim they DO NOT do fanfics, that wishes to remain anonymous :) *

This is also a quick write with limited editing.

This was done as a match to the earlier story, it seemed unfair that only males got to enjoy themselves. In this story a green attempts to rise while injured and her rider finds a, creative, solution.

Do not let the vore tag scare you off, it is very soft, mostly just sticky.

The warmth of the late evening sun still hung over Southern Weyr and radiated up from the white sands as C'tin settled his back against one of the towering trees and propped the aging record hide in his lap so he could read it before it grew too dark. Everything about the weyr was peaceful and relaxed, as if time had little meaning here and there was no great rush for anyone to attend anything. The few active and healthy dragons weyred here spent most of their days on easy patrols near the beach, keeping a keen eye to the sky for signs of Thread, but otherwise were allowed to spend their time how they saw fit. How strange to live in a place where Thread fell so seldom, and when it did it was little more than a small disruption with light Wings fighting before letting the grubs handle the worst of it. It was something that he would never get used to, but he could definitely appreciate what it meant for him.

The green rider settled the record in his lap and tilted his head towards the sweet scented weyr made up of sun warmed rock and thick heavy trees hanging overhead where Natiath was relaxing and still dozing as she soaked in as much of the warmth as she could possibly get. The blue-green color of her hide was nearly glowing from the recent oiling he had given her, though there were darker markings where recent thread score was slow to heal. His eyes automatically went towards her wing and his chest tightened with a pang of guilt as he saw the way that it was bound tight to her side, thick cuts of wood used to pin the bone in place where it wouldn't be shifted even if she turned. There was no ceasing that sick feeling of guilt when he regarded his dragon, it had been his fault she'd been scored so badly.

I shouldn't have taken it so quickly, I knew it going down that we were going to be hard pressed to make it under the clump in time to turn and flame. He set the Record aside, his earlier delight in finally receiving a freshly printed copy of the first days of the dragonriders was now tainted with the memory.

Natiath stirred slightly in her sleep as he remembered signaling her to take the too steep dive towards the queens. He had known T'rill had been watching them both execute the move. The larger brown had always been daring when they were fighting Thread, he had wanted to prove that he and Natiath could be just as brave and canny when it came to the fight. It had been stupid and silly of him, but as their attachment to one another grew, the more he felt as if he had to do something to show that he was worthy of the other rider's attention.

Ever since the day brown Fanith had flown his beloved green he had been in a state of delighted exultation. He could admit to himself just how in love he was with T'rill, a fact that he had kept hidden both from the other rider and even his own dragon. A man became devoted from his dragon from the time that she hatched, it was her choice that mattered, not his own. He had been exalted the first flight when Fanith had twined necks with his beloved dragon, and he had been relieved when the next two flights the brown had risen to challenge all others to make his claim. After two years he was pleased to have T'rill as his weyrmate, their affections firmly secured together to the point he had little fear that Natiath would ever tolerate another to fly her.

Which makes it all the more embarrassing I behaved like a child.. C'tin thought ruefully and stood up as the green shifted and spread her jaws in a great yawn.

They hadn't made the catch, if they had it would have been miraculous. His green was swift on the wing, but the timing had been too tight and she had turned to flame the Thread just as it came too close to be safely lit aflame and destroyed before it could do damage. An ear splitting shriek and the cold of between had saved them, but it would be nearly an entire Turn before she was able to join a fighting wing again.

I will dodge better when I return. Natiath offered and opened her many colored eyes towards her rider.

"It's not your fault, my love." C'tin pushed himself up and walked over to catch her wedge shaped head between his hands, leaning in to hug her to his chest. "I should have never sent you after it."

The green hummed her pleasure at his attention, his fingers rubbing along the line of her ridges and up towards her head knobs. Her eyes swirled blue and green in contentment at his attention, but he could feel a faint restlessness lurking just under the surface. It was like an itch as she turned her head against him and pushed gently, blowing out a sweet scented breath when he leaned in to work his fingers harder against her eye ridges as she kept shifting in her wallow. At least being in Southern meant they were able to have ample time to relax, an easy climate and the entire ocean where she could swim as her wing healed. He didn't know what they'd do if they had been forced to remain in Fort and watching the wings rise up with each klaxon call announcing Threadfall.

"Would you like an evening swim?" He asked attentively and leaned backwards as she nosed him. "The dolphins might even be about to swim with you."

I would rather fly.. Natiath thought wistfully at him, the longing palpable. But swimming is not so bad as flying and it will feel good to cool down after being in the sun.

"Of course it will, come on. There's that little cove where we can get away from the bronzes." C'tin gave a half smile. The bronzes were in the ocean with the queen, dancing attendance. She'd be rising soon enough and they had begun to crowd her just as much as the riders were chasing poor Hanora. "I'll oil and get more numbweed on your wing as well, you'll feel better by the end, I promise."

~ ~ * ~ ~

C'tin realized something was wrong when he heard the wild screams coming from far back at the weyr as he was hauled into shore by one of the dolphins. He knew those screams, they were taunting and challenging a heart beat before a flash of gold erupted from above the tree line. Seventeen bronze shapes were not far behind as the queen rose with wild beats of her wings and made the dolphins chatter and squee at one another in excitement. He released Tip's fin with his head tipped back to watch the wildly aerobatic group fleeing higher into the skies, rapidly becoming dots as the chase was on. He couldn't help but grin to himself, feeling a pleasant shiver run down his spine at the echoes of emotions being broadcasted wide from the mating flight.

"About time." He chuckled and waded in through the sands with relief. "If she held out any longer there would have been fights."

There are already fights, the bronzes want her. Natiath responded, her thoughts turbulent as he came onto the sands and felt the waves hitting his back as she surged to the shore.

Her mind voice had a tone of disappointment, longing and desire mingled together as he snagged up a towel and watched the metallic bodies tearing through the sky. They were just dots, but it was obvious the chase was hot and fast. It was the new queen's first mating flight, and while the leadership of the Weyr wasn't in the cards, an unpartnered queen meant that all the males were on even ground to claim her affections.

"You'd be wasted on a bronze, my love." C'tin murmured affectionately. "They're not nearly interesting enough."

They could be. The response came with another roil of emotions that made him sway slightly. It wasn't simply the echoes of the queen above that rushed upon his mind, but the hot grip of his green's arousal.

"Shards!" C'tin swung around to see Natiath sitting upright on her haunches with her neck extended out, her eyes speeding up with flashes of fiery red and orange. "No... no. Natiath! Call Fanith!"

His response was a sudden blaze of heat and raw emotions that pushed over his thoughts demandingly and tried to roll him under. He knew the sensation all too well, she had risen well over a dozen times, but each mating heat was still something that took his breath away. Her green color was luminescence and streaked through with blue as her eyes flashed with the first streaks of red lust. She began to call out with a shrieking challenge, only being stopped as he reached out to grab her uninjured wing finger and pulled it down. The green hissed down at him, her jaws opening up in affront as her rider struggled to keep his mind clear, despite feeling the way that they were trying to entangle him.

"Natiath!!" He called out, trying to dominate her mating fire to make her answer. "Call T'rill! Fanith! Fanith.. Natiath!"

They fight Thread. Her words were filled with beating need as she took a step forward, her wings starting to spread open, her body tense.

"No! You can't! Natiath.." Panic started to rise up in C'tin's cheeks. "You can't fly, you're hurt, you'll hurt yourself more."

She answered with a hiss and lifted her wings up, but the brief attempt to leap up into the air, but the moment she did he felt her flash of pain and confusion. He panicked, he had never been told as a weyrling what to do if your dragon tried to rise when she could not fly, he had only been told how to handle it when they did. He knew how to deal with the emotions, but a green in season and on the ground was bait for any male that could catch her. The thought sent terror through him, the cold sharp enough to keep his thoughts clear as he tried to get her attention focused on him.

In the air the males would be able to outfly one another to compete, the swiftest or the cleverest would be the one to claim the female for his own. It was a healthy sense of competition that prevented things from turning violent, but on the ground.. On the ground she would have nowhere to escape to lead them on a chase. The winner would be the one to beat the rest and that meant fighting, true fighting, the sort of fighting that he had only ever heard of queens doing if they rose too closely to one another. Those sorts of fights could, and had in the past, ended in death.

"Listen to me!" He pushed his thoughts into the command, but his only response was a surge of heat and desire that made it difficult to keep himself in control.

He felt her need as he always did, luring his mind to hers in a tight bond that he normally reveled in. It was supposed to be a time of passion, when he would feel T'rill's arms around him and glory in the way that his dragon would lead the brown on a merry chase. Now he was struggling to get her head down, to stop her from crying out her challenge as she hissed at him. Her body was warm to the touch, far warmer than could be accounted for because of the sunbathing. He was able to draw her head down, feeling the beat of the fire blossoming through him, narrowing down his vision so it grew harder to breathe. He couldn't let her rouse the males from the weyr, he couldn't let them fight on the ground where she was vulnerable and they could do each other serious injury. He had to stop this.

Natiath hissed again and let her head drop down to the ground as he gripped it, her eyes flashing with her heat as he stroked along her eye ridges. She was radiating warmth against him, her hide soft feeling against his hands as she began to shake. Her eyes flicked back up to the sky again, watching the blue overhead before going down and C'tin rubbed his hands downwards. He had to calm her, and he had no idea how. He wanted to send a summons to the Weyrwoman, someone, anyone, but the queenriders were gone and any male dragon that approached would only react to her heat.

Her tail swung out and caught him, the forked edge nearly cracking his chest as it lashed back and forth, sending him falling into the sands with a yelp. His fingers settled into the soft warmth, digging down into it before lifting his eyes up to see her good wing flaring out with a flash of the large sail before it bumped against him once more. She started to stand, but he stopped her, struggling to hold her with his mind and hands at her leg, sweat beading along his forehead as she paused again. Natiath's thoughts were growing more turbulent by the moment, stirring and making his own thoughts harder to control, his body harder to control.

When she crouched down, she did so with her legs tucked under her and half lifted up as if she were ready to leap into the sky the moment he released his hold on her mind. She couldn't fly, her body didn't bother with that reminder, her body knew what it wanted and refused to let her forget it. Every breath was coming faster, the bursts rising up in his throat as he reached up and pressed his hand right against the side of her hind leg and tried to press her down. As he did so, he saw the darker green coloration right along the underside of the blue-green lips were glistening and dewy wet, puffy and soft looking as she snapped her long tail back and forth.

A thought came to him, it was obscene and wrong, embarrassment flushed his features as she trembled and tried to rear up again to call out her heat. He kept her restrained with every ounce of will he could, she needed to be 'caught' to come out of heat and have it satisfied. He could try and keep her here until Fanith could come, but if he was fighting Thread it would be hours and he did not trust himself to hold the green back for that long.

C'tin wasn't thinking right when he moved, there was no way to think properly while he was in the midst of her lust fueled mind, he only did what he thought was right. He reached down and ran a hand beneath her tail, his fingers hesitantly brushing against the silky soft outer folds and trailing against them so that Natiath went still and her thoughts turned to those of confusion. Greens were a lusty color, their passion was readily lurking beneath the surface, a gold might have knocked him over in outrage, but his dragon only paused and shivered as he ran the palm of his hand right along one side of the folds. She smelled as she always did, of sun warmed sand and sweet spices that came from the oils he used on her hide, delicious and delightful.

He had groomed every inch of her in his time as her ride, but now he was stroking her with a light touch to feel the dewy wetness clinging to the tips of his fingers. The tail hiked up as her thoughts rippled and her emotions pushed over him, threatening to swallow him. He just had to bring her back as he always did when she had a flight, sharing her pleasure in that moment of ecstasy would bring her from the heights. Well, not heights, it would bring her mind back to where it needed to be to keep everyone safe, he just had to give her reason to come back to her rightful mind. He stroked gently and felt her tail lifting as she shifted, his fingers easily slipping along the interior of the folds and running in a caress that brushed along the silky smooth inner folds as the wetness coated against his touch.

Natiath shivered and dropped her forelegs a little nervously, wings fluttering as her confused whirling eyes looked back at her rider. C'tin could feel her mind against his own, not frightened or unhappy, but confused and pleasured when his touch began to running inwards with a gentle curl. The outer lips were velvety feeling, much like the rest of the sleek hide he had always tended, but the inside of them were far more appealing to brush with his fingertips. They were smooth and sleek, wet feeling as he moved to his dragon's haunches and felt his hand slipping forward past the outer lips.

She was a good size for a green, she always had been, the sleek vent nearly as long as his body so his hand was easily able to caress her lightly and caress the estrus swollen lining. His fingers danced within her, his other hand reaching up, daring to move more securely behind her as she let out a deep throated hum and her body went tense. The wetness clung to his fingers, sweet and slippery feeling as he pushed forward and began to slide his touch in deeper. He had never been very fond of females, he could perform with them, but it had all been automatic and instinctive, he hadn't taken the time to understand what he was doing or look it over. Now he was stroking his dragon, caressing her far more intimately than a light stroke on her eye ridges, he traces and felt the taut opening blossoming around his hands as he pushed them forward and braced himself.

That.. feels strange.. Natiath's emotions were churning inside of him, making him experience his own touch as his hands and forearms pushed inwards. Not bad... different. Do not stop.

His cheeks burned a flaming red, but he didn't stop as he pushed his arms all the way in, pushing the inside of the taut passage open and feeling muscles he had never experienced closing around him. They contracted and squeezed, the powerful movements delighting him as he let out a hissing sound. It was nothing like the feel of being trapped by another dragon and taken from the skies, this was far more intimate, if he had ever imagined something this intimate. He closed his eyes and pushed forward, forcing the walls apart as his dragon thrummed and let out a low call, her hind legs splaying open and dipping down awkwardly. He could feel how strange this was for her, it certainly wasn't what her body craved, but it was caressing a part of her that was reacting with powerful contractions. He pushed forward, his cheek sliding along the sweep of her haunch as he tried to push both his arms in as deep as they would go. The wetness coated along him in strands, his body throbbing while he became aware of the fact that he was starting to thicken and grow harder along his belly, arching up to press against his dimpled navel.

This felt so terribly wrong, but when he drew his hands backwards he could only echo his dragon's cry of pleasure as the walls quivered and he ran his hands along a certain spot just along the inside opening. He knew how to make her feel pleasure, her mind wrapped round him, throbbing and urging him to continue as he pushed his hands and arms back into her, this time some of the wetness escaping to spill against his chin and he could taste her. She was strangely sweet on his tongue as she stretched herself out and gave a rough buck, her tail trying to twine around him naturally. It was instinctive for her to want to hold onto her mate, but there was nothing he could provide for her there, he only drew back and echoed her hiss of shock when his hands rubbed over a particularly ripe and sensitive spot, feeling the walls suddenly pulling inwards.

He wasn't prepared for it, the powerful interior muscles were meant to hold onto a dragon's cock in midflight, to keep it in place, but now they were drawing around him and he let out a muffled noise. He couldn't feel panic, not as he was drawn forward and his head was pressed against the folds and he felt her shuddering in absolute pleasure. Her walls massaged him and suddenly the soft vent lips spread open and engulfed him with a powerful stroke. He was pulled inwards, drawn along the inside passage and squeezed, his head and shoulders swallowed into her passage as his arms stretched out and for one moment he felt a wave of terror. The walls were closing around him, rippling and the sweet taste coated his senses and tongue before he struggled backwards again. His cock flexed and rubbed against his dragon, so hard it was nearly painful as he withdrew from the length of the passage and fel the intimate hold that wrapped around him. The tightness and squeezing, the way that he was embraced, the greedy clutching before he dragged his way free.

The wet arousal clung around him in messy strands, his breathing came out in bursts as he felt the wetness running along his lower lip and his eyes squeezed shut. It was pleasure and heat, fire and need, all of it was building around him as he moved his hands out and felt his dragon twisting in the sands before him. Never in his life had he basked in the heat of it all building to the point that his vision was blurred and unfocused. His own thoughts put in the back drop as he pushed his hands forward and slowly, steadily, pushed his way into the sleek passage and felt the walls opening up around him. The suckling tight movements closed down about him, pulling along the length in such a way that he easily found the sensitive ridge just within her body to tease his fingers over. He ran them back and forth, fluttering and rubbing, the fingers kneading and curling downwards, kneading before driving forward.

He felt his heart racing, pounding against the swell of his chest, throbbing in time with his cheeks as he began to tease her deliberately. A stroke of his hand there made her call out, the muffled noise as her legs splayed open wider, her mind losing all focus. She forgot about him, forgot about the sky and dragons that should have chased her, she was concentrating when he drove forward and filled her with his arms, spreading them apart. He spread them to the point that he was stretching her passage open wide, feeling how they were quivering and trying to close around before drawing back again. Her wetness was coating him, he felt it on his chest, his cheek, on his lips, some part of him might have questioned what he was doing, the rightness of it, but the only rightness he knew was the way his green was pushing back against him. The next thrust forward drew him briefly forward, swallowing and stretching over him, slipping higher up along the rise of his shoulders before he was drawing backwards again. His breath came out with a croon to match his dragon as her mind pushed over him, her body tensing as she tried, once more, to twist her tail around him.

The sleek cunny lips were spread wide, the inner lining a pale rich blue-green that was swollen feeling as he ran his fingers over it, gripping his hands together to form one solid bulbous tip before pushing forward. She shrieked like the caught green she was, her body convulsing around him with a powerful stroke that closed over his arms. The tightness of the hold making him suck in a breath as his arms were drawn together and he leaned forward , fighting her clutching walls to seat himself as deeply as he possibly could within her passage. The wetness ran downwards, spilling along his upper arms as the first quiver rippled over him. He felt them, a dozen tiny spasms designed to lock around him as he held still, shaking and gulping down each breath. He didn't trust himself to make a noise, he only knew her need washing over him and leaving him trapped in it, holding her mind within his own as she gloried in her own pleasure.

He didn't feel the sweep of cold air rushing down over them both, nor the deep bugle of a brown dragon that emerged from between and brought with him the harsh scent of firestone. C'tin remained leaning against his trembling green, his head resting against her haunch, panting in deep swallowing breaths. He had done what needed to be done, what he had always been told must be done, to put the welfare of his dragon ahead of himself and all else. Surely T'rill would understand it.

~ ~ * ~ ~

I do not understand why they are upset. Natiath trilled through his mind in confusion, her thoughts laden with sleepy contentment. Valoth says that we must not speak of our mating flight that was not a flight.

C'tin groaned at the term 'mating flight' and ran a hand over his face as he stood in front of not only Southern's Weyrwoman and Leader, but his own Weyrwoman had been summoned about what had happened. He had never felt so small as the two women watched him and he was left standing dwarfed beside T'rill who had, thankfully, not gone right back between when he had come upon the show on the beach. Whatever hopes he had on keeping it quiet were lost in that moment as Fanith had been filled with his own curiosity and questions.

"You understand why you will not speak about this?" His Weyrwoman Cassa put a stern note to her tone as she watched him. "This is not to be discussed, and I will make sure that Valoth will warn off all draconic gossip that might occur."

"You can count Eath in it as well." Southern's Weyrwoman interjected firmly, her eyes flashing a little. "You can stop squirming, C'tin, you're not in trouble."

"I'm not in trouble, but I am certainly not out of trouble." He answered and rubbed a hand nervously over his freshly washed hair.

"You're not the first rider to attend the needs to his dragon." Cassa let out a soft sigh, blowing it out as she leaned backwards. "I know when you were a weyrling, especially after you Impressed a green, that you were told how important it is to be subservient to their needs, but this is different. I must admit, that when we nearly lost T'rill during Threadfall to come here I was surprised, but if I had but known I would have let him go. A green in season may not be a queen, but she can be very demanding, you are to be commended on how well you handled it on your own."

"I.. I didn't know what else to do, if males had come in answer to her they--" He halted and glanced towards his weyrmate.

"Yes, it doesn't often become a problem, most of the time a green doesn't rise to mate when she's injured, but when it does and she can't obtain flight the males may fight, especially if the bronzes become involved." Cassa gestured a little bit. "Although, you certainly were.. unorthodox in how you behaved, no one can deny that what you did was effective, but this will not get out. I not need green, or worse, queen, riders believing they can deny their beasts a natural part of their lives because they are Holdbred and unsure of the consequences."

"Yes, ma'am." C'tin answered with relief, almost swaying backwards, he wasn't in trouble. They weren't even disgusted with his actions.

Why would they be? You are my rider and I am your dragon, and you made me feel very very good.. Natiath's voice was thick with satisfaction and pleasure, making a flush rise up to his cheeks. You would make a very good brown.

C'tin did his best not to choke at his dragon's words, only T'rill gave him a sly smile to one side, eyes glittering as if he had heard his greens comment.