A Fox Behind Bars part 11

Story by Wip on SoFurry

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#11 of A Fox Behind Bars

Part 11! Picking up on that cliffhanger ending that saw the guards talking to Jake.

This part was a fun to do. I'm finally getting to work in a few incidental details to flesh out the broad setting of this tale's world. :-)

Thank you for reading, and hope you enjoy!


I only had a moment to gawk at the scene before Dimitri lightly smacked the back of my head. The guards were talking to Jake, and there was a doc with them. Blake was there! The second we were back in Dimitri's cell I made my concerns know.

"Sir? Did you see that?"

Dimitri, as usual, was unconcerned. "Calm down, pet. No one knows anything. And remember that, in case they question you. You know nothing."

I tried to keep that in mind as I sat in my corner, hoping to take my mind off things by rereading my orientation booklet again. When I took it out I saw the teeth marks from when I gave Jake something to bite down on. I bolted to my feet. Everything pointed to us, and Jake was down there, probably telling the guards everything.

Has the cell always been this small, I wondered as I suddenly tried to guess at the amount of air a fur needs to survive and if I was getting enough through the thickening bars. Am I suffocating?

"Here, boy." Dimitri's command cut through the panic. Regardless of all my indignation and internal rebellions to keep Elliot Regal from becoming pet, I had been trained with the simple truth: Dimitri owned me. Anything but a complete show of obedience could bring pain. When he said "here," I dropped whatever I was doing- panicking, as it were- and went to him. I dropped to my knees before him.

Dimitri shook his head and patted his lap.

This was different, I thought. I stood back up, staring quizzically a moment before sitting down on his knee. Dimitri's hand stroked my back and I could smell his powerful musk with every breath. It disturbed me to know I was find this relaxing. My rigid posture melted into Dimitri and I let my head rest on his shoulder. I wanted to express how much I liked it when he was like this, but before I found the words I heard the familiar crackle of one of the guards radios.

"All accounted for," the voice said.

As I began hearing the guard walk away the radio buzzed with a different voice. "Keep them in lockdown." It was hard to tell from the low sound quality, but I was willing to bet the voice was Blake's.

Dimitri slowly stood, sliding me off him. While he leaned on the cell door, observing what was going on, I was left feeling the loss of his physical contact.

"Looks like Jake didn't talk," Dimitri commented. "If they can't pin it on his cellmate, they'll start interviewing the Pack members in here, one by one." Before I could decide if I should feel some relief at that, he added, "that includes you."

"What?" my ears drooped at this.

"When someone gets as fucked up as Jake, it's almost always the cellmate. If it's not that, it's prison politics; internal species shit."

I walked up next to him. "I can barely be considered a Pack member. I just do enough to keep them from killing me. They couldn't think I was involved." This was not good. I crack under pressure. "I'm barely in the Pack," I repeated, "They can't just question me because I'm a fox."

"Don't get too concerned. They won't have anything on you."

I swallowed. If Jake really stuck to the unspoken code that forbade convicts from ratting each other out, then I misjudged him. He was a lot stronger than I guessed, hell, a lot stronger than me. Surrounded by those intimidating guards, and after what he endured, there was no way I could have kept my mouth shut.

"They probably won't suspect you," Dimitri said. "But when you first got here, you said you weren't gay. You can see what the pressures of this place can do. They'll just ask if you have any problems with anyone in here. And your answer would be?"

"No, sir," I said without hesitation.

"Good boy. That's all you have to say, and they'll breeze over you."

Dimitri sounded so confident, I almost forgot the lack of trust I had in him. "What will happen next? When they find out the Pack wasn't involved?"

Dimitri shrugged and turned on his TV. "They'll probably let it go. If a crime like that was an interspecies crime, that's the sort of shit that leads to retaliations and wars. If they can't get a confession from the cellmate or a Pack member, it's in their best interest to sweep it under the rug.

"You didn't get much sleep last night," he pointed out. "Why don't you lay down for a while... unless you want me to pet you?"

On principle, I should have just said I'd try to sleep, but after everything I've been going through, I might never sleep again. And as much as I really, really hated to admit it, any physical contact, even from Dimitri, would feel nice right now. I sat on the floor, resting my head on his thigh while his fingers ran through my hair, tingling my scalp while he watched his TV.

I began to drift into a half-sleep, thinking it was hard to keep reminding myself this tiger was the source of a lot of my problems. So hard, when he could be like this sometimes.


I felt a hand musing my hair, waking me.

"You're next," said Dimitri.

My hip hurt from the awkward position I'd been in. I yawned and chided myself for falling asleep. Dimitri helped me to my feet and we walked to the cell door.

"How long did I sleep?"

"Few hours. They took the wolf, a few cells over, about a half hour ago," he looked at me, "Remember, you know nothing and neither do they. They might try fishing, saying someone said you did it, or promising shit for anything you can tell them. Do not believe them. Got it?"

"Yes, sir." I agreed with him about not trusting anything presented by the system. I don't think there was anything Blake could offer me that would make me trust him. I looked over the cell one more time, checking if I missed any obvious signs of our crime. Without bleach and an ultraviolet light, it was as good as I could get it. All I could do now is hope I didn't say anything stupid.

When I saw the two guards bringing back the wolf from wherever the interrogation took place Dimitri walked to the far end of the cell, leaving me alone at the door. The two guards, a zebra and a rat, neither looking happy at the long evening they spent ferrying prisoners back and forth, walked down to me. "Regal, turn around and cuff up."

I turned backwards and stuck my hands through the bars, keeping my eyes on Dimitri. He seemed unphased by all this after the years he's spent in here, I, on the other hand, still felt fear every time those metal bracelets clicked shut. The cell door opened and I was pulled out, strangely wishing Dimitri could come with me.

As they walked me past the cells I was serenaded with threats and blame. I'm sure everyone pulled in for questioning during a lockdown was treated to similar expressions of annoyance and anger, but I felt worse because I actually was to blame for this lockdown. Just act innocent, I told myself. Later, I would reflect on that being the same advice I gave myself at my trial.

I was taken to an area of the prison I'd never been before. The administrative section. It looked so office-like, I started getting the urge to rebel in my artistic nature. I missed my cans of spray paint now more than ever. The guards put me in a room crowded with a desk and filing cabinets. I looked around, wondering if I was going to get questioned for a near fatal assault, or interviewed for a data-entry job.

I had to sit sideways on the chair because of my hands being cuffed behind my back, and when I heard Blake's voice, I nearly slipped off. The black furred wolf walked past me briskly, waving away the two guards.

"Regal," he greeted me. "Still alive," he sighed with disappointment and took a manila folder from the stack on his desk. Casually, he flicked through the few sheets in it before closing it. "I hear your lawyer left ya hangin'."

"Where'd you hear that?" How did he know what my lawyer was doing?

Blake laughed softly. "Oh well. He knows a hopeless case when he sees one."

"Did, did he leave a message for me?"

Blake ignored me again. "Let me be straight with you, you're too much of a pussy to have committed the assault on inmate Jake, but you're not blind either, so tell me what you saw."

"I didn't see anything, sir... you say Jake got assaulted?"

Blake wasn't buying my fained ignorance. "Cut the crap. You know, you owe me. That scene you caused in the cafeteria was about to land you in solitary for two weeks."

"You were the one... Wait," there was no way Blake would have done anything nice for me. "You just wanted me to stay locked up with Dimitri, so he might kill me." The wolf's smile confirmed it. My anger was rising. "I hate to disappoint you, but me and Dimitri are getting along just fine!" Almost true, I thought.

"Watch your tone, Regal. I haven't even begun to make your life the living hell it could be." His lips curled back revealing his lupine teeth. Very intimidating when you're a small fox with his hands cuffed behind him.

My ears flattened and I looked down. I let the wave of his anger crest and wash over me, leaving just the fear that was my constant companion. "Why do you hate me?" I asked in a small voice. It was a valid question, there were plenty of furs who were in here for worse crimes than mine.

Blake's chair creaked as he leaned back, two thuds brought my eyes back up to see he'd propped his feet on his desk. His rage had subsided back into his cool, detached disdain. "So, you won't tell me who assaulted, and probably raped, Jake?"


"Legally, without his consent, we can't take DNA samples, or even fully examine him, unless it's life threatening," he cut me off. "Tell me, where is the justice in that? There is none. Whoever's guilty is going to get away with it... You killed- took a life. You're right here," he pointed to me. "A rare chance for justice to be done. Why do you deserve anything but my hate?"

I whimpered at his dogmatic reasoning. "Hate me if you want, but could you please just stop trying to get me killed? Can't you trust that I'm suffering enough? Please?"

Blake leaned forward. "No."

He wasn't going to stop until I was dead. "Why?" I whined on the verge of tears.

"Tell me who assaulted Jake," he said.

"Sir, I can't tell you what I don't know."

"And I'm not the one who can forgive you." He gave a sharp whistle and the two guards came back in. "This idiot is useless. And here, when you take him back, give this to Michael." He passed a set of stapled papers to the zebra.

"Another shake up?" the zebra asked.

Blake shrugged. "Won't do any good until I catch some of them in the act. If you see Gabe, tell him it starts with his shift, he's trading with whoever's got E-Block tonight."

The zebra pulled me up by my arm. "Want us to end the lockdown?"

Blake looked at his wrist. "Nah. Fuck 'em. They can spend the rest of the day thinking about what they did."

How could I come in to be interrogated about something I was intimately familiar with, yet leave with all these new questions? Blake had a personal grudge against me. Why was that? It sounded like the guards were being rotated and Blake didn't like whatever they were doing. What the hell could Blake not approve of? Why didn't Jake just say it was me and Dimitri? Where the fuck was my lawyer?


I told Dimitri everything that happened, everything Blake said to me. The tiger seemed most interested in the behind the scenes issues the guards were having. I asked him why Blake could hate me so much, he just shrugged and said that the wolf hates everyone. Maybe I was just being paranoid, thinking I was getting singled out, but I didn't think so.

In the line for breakfast, the following morning, a wolf approached us. I tapped Dimitri to get his attention, but he'd already noticed. The wolf put his hands up, telling us he wasn't looking for trouble, he was just a messenger. He then took out a folded sheet of paper and passed it to Dimitri.

Before he left, he looked at me. "Oh, Regal, you know Piter?" he jerked his his head in the general direction of the husky.

"Yeah," I whispered.

"He says for you to watch your back." And with his messages delivered, he walked back into the crowded canine territory.

At our table I sighed and shook my head. Hopefully the sausage links and grits would be delicious enough to take my mind off the growing number of furs who wanted me dead. As I bit into that gray, shriveled, greasy alleged meat, I knew I put too much faith in the power of my breakfast.


Dimitri looked at me.

"Can I ask what the note was about?"

He put down his fork and pushed the folded paper to me. "Read it to me. It's probably about you anyways." He resumed eating.

I unfolded the letter, not wanting to give myself time to think what it could say.

Clearing my throat, I began. "D. Good news, talk on Yard... E. has a job after breakfast, if cool with you." I put down the letter. Vince wasn't even going to pretend I had a say in who I was whored out to anymore. I'd become a commodity, a slave.

"Pet," Dimitri was looking at me. "Take a deep breath."

Goddamn it, I cursed, I was never good at concealing my emotions. I took a shaky breath.

"Look at me," Dimitri commanded. "If you don't want to do it, tell me. I won't have my good boy upset." He stretched his hand out and I leaned into it. Not long ago those hands represented pain and punishment, now I was beginning to see them as comfort, and, dare I say it, affection.

I moaned softly at his caress. "You mean it, sir?"

"Of course." He took his hand back and resumed eating. "Does it say what the 'job' is?" he asked while chewing.

I picked the paper back up. "It says that I'm supposed to follow the scalies when the religious services start... meet a raptor named Tox. Do you know him, sir?"

He shook his head no.

I squinted at the last few lines of Vince's small, sloppy scrawl. "Vince says that Tox paid to feel me, before fucking me."

Dimitri laughed, almost choking on his breakfast. "Feel you?"

"It's what he wrote..."

"Can't blame him, I guess. You are soft."

"Thanks," I said.

"It doesn't sound all that bad," Dimitri said. "And you know, the scalies do their church thing outdoors, so you'd probably be getting some fresh air."

He made sense. And I trusted Vince and Dimitri enough to believe they wouldn't let anything too bad happen to me. "I think I'll do it, sir. With your permission."

"Don't get too worn out. I think we'll mess around tonight."

"Yes, sir," I said with a smile. I might have been getting too optimistic for my own good, but I doubted Dimitri would fuck me like he did Jake... What happened with Jake still didn't sit right. I promised myself I'd do what I could to set things right, but for now, I'd need to put it out of my mind.

My thoughts turned to the scalies religion. Primeism, they called it. They were always bragging about how theirs is the oldest set of beliefs, like it made them any less absurd. But from an academic standpoint, I thought it might be kind of cool to see what they got up to.


When they lined us up for our respective religious services, I was asked four separate times by the guards if I was in the right line. Like most other social aspects of prison, the religions were fairly segregated by species. I wasn't the only fur lined up for the Primeism service, but I did stand out.

Shortly after we started walking someone cooed in my ear, "heeey, foxy."

I turned around to see the face of a grinning raptor. "You're the client?" I asked, knowing it had to be Tox.

"Remember me?" he ran his tongue over his lips.

"No. Should I?"

His smile never faltered. "In the showers last week. You and I were gonna have some fun before that fucking tiger got you first."

My eyes widened with the recognition. I turned back around to watch where I was walking and tented my fingers, tapping my muzzle, wondering if it was too late to back out.

"It was lust at first sight," he continued wistfully. "I asked around, and you can't imagine my joy when I learned you'd just come on the market."

This might work better if I didn't give him a chance to speak his mind so much. I spun back around, walking backwards, hoping to guide the conversation. "So, Tox, where are we doing this?"

"Oh, this so fun! You're so new, they didn't tell you about the love shack?"

Fuck. "You mean that dirty maintenance shed behind the picnic tables?" The raptor nodded. If Vince kept using the same spots, I was going to talk to him about sneaking a pillow out there, or maybe smuggling in some lube.

I took a coat much the same way as I went out on the Yard after lunch. "Why do you guys do your... worshiping, outside?" I asked Tox.

He shrugged. "I dunno. I'm not really religious, I just like the fresh air. I think it has to do with communing with nature or something." He pointed at a guard and we followed him as the rest of the congregation meandered toward that slight hill that the scalies liked hanging around.

I looked at Tox as the guard unlocked the shed. Despite seeing him naked, briefly, I really didn't remember much. He was taller than me, wiry, with a long thin tail curling about behind him. He kept his eyes roving up and down my body. Maybe I was getting jaded, but I wasn't as creeped out as I'd have thought I been. His crest of yellow feathers fluttered in the light breeze, adding to his restless appearance, like he'd had one too many coffees.

Tox pulled me into the shed as soon as the door opened, brushing off the guards warning about stealing anything or getting caught. The light came on and he was still looking at me.

"Aww, you're pricey, but I can tell you're worth it!" He started rearranging sacks of grass seed, probably the same ones Vince took me for a test drive on.

"Um, I heard you wanted to touch, for a while before we..."

Tox turned around, saliva glistening on his fang-like teeth, a physical manifestation of his lust. "I love you furs. Your soft fuzz, your ears, even your smell."

That was kind of flattering, I thought. "How about our taste?" I tried to ask seductively, lowering my voice.

"Gods, yes!" He started pulling off his clothes, I followed his lead and took my shirt off. It was cold, but bearable.

He motioned me over to the makeshift bed of lawn care bags, laying me down and straddling me in on fluid move. His hand pressed down on my chest, fingers spreading through my soft fur. I stretched my arms over my head, twisting them at the wrist, displaying my tawny frame in all its slutty glory for Tox to explore.

The raptor's hands traced every contour of my chest, his fingers traveled in concentric circles moving towards my nipples. When he got there-

"Owowow! Nails, Tox!" The playful pinching stopped.

"Sorry," he said, bending over me. I felt a wet pressure as his tongue flicked to my tweaked nipple. I couldn't help by moan, my arms sprung forward holding onto his shoulders. I wanted him to keep doing that.

Tox pulled back, "patience, my fuzzy friend. There's still more of you to explore." He took my wrists and leaned forward to plant them back where they were and leaned his head onto mine. I opened my mouth, expecting his kiss, but he buried his muzzle into my neck, taking a long, slow breath.

His fingers moved down my sides, and I watched the look of pure triumph as he fondled his prize. I giggled as he moved even lower.

"Ticklish?" Tox asked.

"A little," I admitted, trying to keep my arms where he placed them.

He smiled and kept his hands raking through my fur, down to my waistband. "I'm gonna take these off. You're not too cold, are you?" he asked.

It was nice of him to ask me, but I didn't really have the option to say I was cold. I'd been naked out here when it was a lot colder and Vince wouldn't want me disappointing a paying customer. "I'm good."

With that, I struggled to help him as he yanked at my pants, they became tangled around my shoes. He had my legs bent upward, he drummed his fingers on the soles of my shoes, thinking something over before tilting my legs so he could look at my face. "Hey, how would you like me to rub your paws?" he asked excitedly.

"That would be nice, but, I don't know, Tox, you should have arranged this for after the showers."

"That's alright. I like my furs marinated," he told me with a laugh.

I scooted back as the last of my clothes were tossed aside. He greedily dug his thumbs into my foot. My eyes rolled back at the unexpected explosion of pleasure, he clearly knew what he was doing. "Fuck," I moaned.

"Not just yet," he said and lifted my foot to his muzzle.

I heard him take in a deep, shuddering breath. Whatever, I thought, I don't judge. But when he started sucking my toe, I felt my cock twitch with the tingly sensation playing over sensitive nerve endings. I could definitely see why Dimitri liked when I did this sort of thing for him.

After Tox had got his fill, he resumed his tactile safari, caressing and nuzzling down the inside of my legs. I was starting to crave his touch as much as he craved my feel. I was being kept in a state of semi-arousal, needing release. His head was hovering over my cock, his long feathers drooping forward and brushing against my courser pubic fur.

"Hey," Tox said, pulling me from my fog of desire, "I know I didn't talk to Vince about it, but if I owed you, would you let me blow you?"

I lifted my head, weighing his smile, displaying potentially unpleasant raptorian teeth, against my own lust for release. Who was I kidding, he could have said I'd owe him, and I still would have let him. "F-fine, just bring me a little something when we see each other in the showers. Like a candy bar or something," I reached for my shaft, wanting to urge along what his warm breath was doing. "Just don't tell Vince," I grunted. "Or Dimitri. Or anyone." God, I was getting reckless.

I felt his teeth as Tox hungrily took me in, but that slight element of danger just turned me on, almost like the rush I got that time I spraypainted a mural on the side of a police station. His reptilian tongue was so much more dexterous than mine was, curling around my cock, constricting and stroking with the wet friction of his rough tastebuds. It only took me a few minutes after the prolonged teasing he'd put me through. I heard him hum in appreciation as I splurted into his hot, primal mouth. I whimpered as he continued working his tongue over my sensitive, spent member.

"You furs are so tasty," Tox reiterated and licked his lips. As worn out as I was, when he dipped his head and began to rim me, I jumped with a yelp. Tox just laughed at my surprise, pushing my legs further apart, continuing to loosen me with his magic tongue. Tox was leaving me splayed and wet for him to get his own gratification, backing up just a moment to take in the sight of me before grabbing me to maneuver us into position.

I was obligated to try and live up to the apparently high prices Vince was putting on me, so with one leg bent over Tox's shoulder and the other wrapped around his waist, I gave my best attempt at writhing in what I hoped would be most pleasing for the raptors cock. Soon our moans were as tangled as our bodies. His nails dug into my hips more with every thrust, but I was too overloaded and spent by what Tox had done to me to complain. A few scratches was more than a fair trade in my opinion.

He shoved in deep, one last time as he climaxed, the pain from his nails became one with the pleasure of his seed filling a lust shaped hole in me.

"You soft, sexy, fox," Tox panted, leaning on my stomach, "next time, I want to play with those pointy ears."

I had no idea what he meant, but I did agree with him one count. "Yes. Next time." I wanted this again.