An Unexpected Mission.

Story by Liengod on SoFurry

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An Unexpected Mission.

Category: M/M, Oral, Anal, Three Some, Rape

(A bit of authors note: This is taking place before he meets Krystal on Dinosaur planet. Another note, this is a Oneshot...however if you all post enough comments and want more of this story, I might, MIGHT turn it into a series.)

Once upon a time, in the Lylat System, exists a team of elite space troopers, who has been saving the Lylat System much longer than anyone can imagine. This team is known as the Star Fox. A team dedicated to protecting the Lylat System from corruption of any kind. They have taken down powerful threats time and time again. From a rebellious force, to aliens wanting to dominate the system, Star Fox has always triumph over them, and kept the peace. The current leader of the Star Fox, is a young ace pilot named Fox Mc.Cloud. Following in his father's footsteps, Fox has taken the role in leading a powerful team, to protect the Lylat System of all dangers that come it's way. When there is trouble, Fox and his team are the first to jump in, and take them down quickly, and swiftly. Fox has taken on many missions in his life, weather he was going solo, or being accompanied by his team. But today, his newest mission will be far different from any mission he's ever taken in his life.

It was just a normal day on board the Great Fox. A large ship that is home to the Star Fox team. Fox was currently in the Arwing hagar, checking on the conditions of the Arwings, and thinking of taking a flight around space for a while, to keep his skills sharp and always ready for action. But all those plans changed, when his best friend, and right hand man, Falco, enters the hagar.

"There he all his glory. Fox... How the hell did someone as good looking as he is remain single for so long?" Falco thought to himself as his eyes scanned Fox's body from head to toe. Observing Fox's well done fur, his body in such good shape, his gorgeous emerald eyes, and that soft bushy tail. It was more than enough to give Falco such a huge erection, and today, Falco was going to get in Fox's hind, one way or another. "Yo, Fox. What are you up to?" Falco asked, while keeping his intentions to himself.

"Ah, just making sure the Arwings are up and running." Fox told him as he crawled from under one of them, and rises to his feet. "Why? You need anythi--" Was all that escaped Fox's mouth before Falco made a quick move by pulling Fox in, and holding him tightly as he kissed him hard, and deeply on the lips. Fox's eyes shot wide open when Falco performed such a gesture on him, something he was not expecting from him of all people. When their lips part, Fox backs away a bit, and still very bewildered by Falco's actions. "Wh-What the hell?! Falco what has gotten into you?!"

"Oh don't pretend you didn't like that Fox." Falco told him and placed a hand on his belt, losing it, and taking it off, then unzipped his pants. "We've been in space for how long...and you have not have any action in such a very long time..assuming you lost your virginity that is.." Falco came closer to him with a grin, and his pants dropping to the ground, exposing his now bottomless half, and exposing his member, surrounded by the small blue feathers of his body. "My whole point is..even you can get excited over any type of action as it comes." Falco told him, walking closer as Fox backs away more.

"Hold on, Falco...look, I respect your orientation, weather your gay or not. But you have to respect mine to you know.." Fox told him as he kept backing away from him. "If your into it then go right ahead..but don't include me or the other team members into what you are into." Fox told him, as he backs away further and further to the sliding door.

"I had a feeling you would resist. You may say your straight Fox...but we can turn you." Falco grins and folds his arms, as the door makes it's hissing sound when it rises.

"Wait a minute..what do you mean, "we?" Fox questions him at that last statement, the door opening behind him with a "Shhh" sound. Then all of a sudden, Fox felt a pair of arms embrace him tightly from behind, holding him still. Then a bone chilling feeling travels down his spine as a familiar voice enters his ear. "I got you now...Fox." Then it followed by a warm tongue.

"Wait a minute..I know that voice...W-Wolf?!" Fox was shocked to see Wolf of all people. He and Wolf were always battling each other in the skies as enemies. But now he's here to...take him?

"That's right Fox. What's the matter, scared?" Wolf said with a huge grin as he holds Fox firmly in his arms, making sure he does not escape.

"You see Fox, we all have something here in common. We all want to get laid. But with no females around here for miles, desperate times calls for desperate measures." Falco told him simply, and walked closer. "Hold him still Wolf, while I undress him."

"You got it. He's not going anywhere." Wolf said as his grip tightens, then nibbles on Fox's ear tenderly, as Fox tries to desperately escape by kicking Falco away, and squirms. Then Fox was right about to kick Wolf in the nuts. But that all came to a stop when Wolf held a gun to Fox's head. "I wouldn't even think about kicking me there. Unless you want to be a head shorter."

Falco grabs some leather straps, and ties Fox's legs, and arms together, to keep him still, while he and Wolf starts to rip his clothes off. Then Fox had to ask them, "But why me of all people?! I mean hello! There is still Peppy, and Slippy aboard! And I'm sure with some fine tuning you could turn ROB into a sex doll too!" Fox asked them, trying to move, but the leather straps kept him nice and binded.

"That's sick Fox." Falco answered as he rips off his pants. "Peppy is old as ever. There is no way I'm putting my cock in that old fart." Wolf added, while he rips off Fox's vest. "And Slippy is too weird, and way to ugly for the job too." Falco explained as he ripped off Fox's boxers, exposing his fine ass. And those balls are pretty damn impressive too. "And besides, do you have any idea what it's like to fuck a robot? No matter how much cushion you put on it's ass, it will always feel like I'm fucking a ton of bricks." Wolf told him, and rips off Fox's shirt, exposing his well defined upper body. "The boobs are always easy to make, but dammit, no matter how big the ass is, it must be natural." Wolf explained to him, as he takes off his own vest, and shirt, undressing himself. "And lastly...of everyone on the whole team, between Wolf's and your own, You are the most attractive on here. With a bit of make up, we could make you look like a girl. And it wouldn't make a difference with who we fuck. But we won't degrade ya that much buddy." Falco told him while he spanked Fox's ass, and took his own jacket and shirt off.

" that we're all set, lets decide on who gets to take Fox in the ass." Wolf told Falco with a grin as he pulls off his pants.

"Rock paper scissors?" Falco asked him with the same exact grin.

"Sure, why not." Wolf nodded his head in agreement.

"Hey, don't I have a say in this?" Fox asked, still trying his best to escape, but no avail.

"Shut up and look pretty!" Both Wolf and Falco said, before they started playing.

Fox has looked fear in the face many times before, and never has he flinched, tremble, or tie his tail in between his legs and ran for his life. But for once, he was actually scared out of his mind. He does not know how he'll be able to handle this, or get out of such a mess. The only thing he can do, is just get it over with...after was only until they are satisfied..

"Aw that was a fluke Falco!" Wolf said in a rather upsetting tone. "Come on! Just one more go!"

"Wolf, you lost three times already. Just be happy you'll at least have your dick sucked." Falco told him with a chuckle, and they both looked at Fox.

"You guys...Im serious..I will make you two regret doing this to me!" Fox told them in a fit of anger as Falco positions himself right behind Fox, and Wolf sits directly in front of him, his cock poking right out of his sheath, and almost touching Fox's nose.

"Don't you worry about a thing Fox. You may hate it now...but we promise that you will enjoy it real soon..we'll just get some lube here and the fun will begin." Falco told him with a grin upon his face, and grabbed a container of petroleum jelly (A/N: Think Vaseline) then he put a nice amount of it on his feathered fingers.

"This is it..." Fox's heart was racing in his chest, and the look of fear sunk deep in his face, unable to shake it from him, no matter how brave or tough he'll try to look. "This is the moment...where I lose all my pride..and respect...all because of this.." The mentality was sinking into Fox's head, and every second that passes inches closer towards an event that he wish he can forget in the future. "Even if it's kept a secret...just knowing that it happened to me...will scar me for the rest of my life.." These thoughts kept crawling into Fox's mind, as he waits for the worst. He jumped and yelped when he felt Falco's cool fingers inside of his ass, lubing him up now. "Can I really...lead the team after this...? Can I really consider..myself as a lea--" His thoughts came to a halt when he suddenly felt Falco's cock penetrate his ass, his eyes shot wide open, and Fox kept his mouth shut tightly, knowing that Wolf was waiting for him to scream. "HAGGHNNN!!"

Wolf grinned at Fox's attempt to keep his mouth shut, but he knew that once Falco got him started, Fox's mouth will open as wide as a bat cave. "It's going in your mouth sooner or later Fox. You minus well get it over with." Wolf placed his hand on Fox's head, his fingers stroking his fur sensually, while Fox stared up at him with such a glare upon his face. "Give it to him good Falco. Make sure he opens his mouth wide."

Fox smacks Falco across the face with his tail, and it made Falco pretty mad. So to hold his tail still, he grabs a hold of it, and sticks it in his beak, biting down on it. It wasn't a hard bite, but it kept Fox in line. Then his hips begins to move, letting his cock move around inside of him. He was getting used to Fox's ass first, then once he was feeling comfortable enough, he started to slam his hips into Fox's ass like a hammer. His hips smacking into Fox's cheeks, and their balls smacking into each other with every thrust, making Fox scream out loudly.

"GRAHHH--- MMPHHHNNN!!!" The scream was cut off a little early, because the moment Fox's mouth opened, Wolf shoves his cock right into Fox's mouth, and pretty deep too. "And if you even think about biting off my cock, I'm going to blow off your fucking head." Wolf uses his hand to make Fox take him in deeper, and he lets his cock sit right in his mouth. Fox begins to choke and gag on his cock, shutting his eyes and wishes that Wolf would take it out of his mouth already. His ass was hurting like crazy while Falco kept pounding into him, feeling trapped by the two of them. Fox stopped his struggling, as the mentality sinks into his mind, that any course of action is futile right now.

Falco noticed that Fox was being less hostile. And to test this theory, he opens his beak to let go of his tail. Fox's tail falls limp, and does not move, while Falco continues to fuck his ass so roughly. "Heh, looks our Fox is starting to realize that it's useless to fight it. Just let it happen...Let's shift these gears into high power." Falco then started to ram his cock into Fox's ass, making him scream against Wolf's cock. Falco then grabs Fox's cock, and starts to wave it around in his hand, squeezing his length at the same time.

Wolf felt that Fox had enough choking and gagging, then slips his cock out of his mouth, Wolf's cock currently covered in Fox's saliva. Fox panted hard and coughed harshly, his saliva getting all over the floor. Then Wolf shoves his cock right back into his mouth, this time he begins to thrust his cock into Fox's face now. Wolf's hand keeps a firm grip on Fox's head, while Fox can only bare with this torture.

"See, Fox? It's not so bad anymore, isn't it? And everyone is going to win in the end." Falco told him as his hips started to slam into his ass like a wild jack hammer, and his hand moves at a rough fast pace. Jerking off Fox's cock harshly, but sensually. "I get to fuck someone's anal, Wolf get's his dick sucked, and you get a hand job. Yeah your at the bottom of the barrel, but hey, at least we're all getting action." Falco laughed while he kept giving Fox one powerful thrust after another.

Wolf's ears lay flat on his head as the pleasure surges through his body, while he continues to thrust into Fox's face, Fox's screaming, gagging, and choking making it so much more arousing, his cock hitting the back of Fox's throat, and scratching it with each thrust. "Maaaan! Falco this is the best idea I've ever seen you come up with. And here I thought Slippy or Peppy were the brains here." Wolf laughed while he thrusts his cock into his mouth at a quicker pace. "How is the "Great Fox" doing?"

"Mayday! Mayday! The "Great Fox" is about to explode! I repeat, the "Great Fox" is about to explode!" Falco shouted while he felt Fox's cock pulsing so violently in his hand. "I say we all bomb it at the same time and evacuate the ship. Now activating full throttle!" And with that, Falco slams his cock into Fox's ass as hard as he can now. Making Fox scream in agony against Wolf's cock.

"Alright, activating full throttle! On my mark we release the bombs on three!" Wolf told him while he thrusts Fox's face as hard as he can, the impact on both ends making Fox feel very dizzy, and his eyes roll to the back of his head, wanting it to end right now. The pain becoming far to unbearable. "One......" Wolf counted down, as Fox braces himself.

"Two....." Falco counted down as well, Fox on the verge of passing out.

"THREE!" The both of them shouted.

"HOOOWWWWWWWLLL!!!" "UGHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA!!!" "MMMMMMMMPHHHHNNNNN!!!!" All three of them had released their climax right at the same time. Falco releasing it on his ass and tail, along Fox's thighs. Wolf releasing it all inside of his mouth, and most of it oozing out, and Fox released right on the floor. Wolf takes his cock out of Fox's mouth, and stands up, while Falco releases the binds on Fox's arms and legs. The two of them high fived each other, and left the hagar, leaving Fox on the ground, passed out from all that has happened. The only thing that ran through Fox's mind right now as he wanders in the dark world of unconsciousness, was he'll get it, only he will know.