I Double Dog Dare You

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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Heya! Here's a commission for miketest603! It was a shorty, fun, erotic piece featuring his character Axel and one of my adopted characters Bimini finally getting some screen time! Woot Woot! :D Let me know what you think and rate my funny ending on a scale of 1 (please stop) to 10 (you're so funny I died).

As always, comments make my day but faves and votes are nice too! Please enjoy a lot!

"Okay! Your turn! Truth or dare!" The feline turned her head sharply with a little, playful flourish for drama which sent her long, blonde hair splaying out down her back before it settled onto the blanket of purple fur coating her body. For a second, her partner in the classic and dangerous game let his eyes stray over her body, taking in the sight once more.

She wore a simple white dress, faintly embossed with polka dots, but the designs couldn't compete with the intensity of her vibrant violet fur that coated her petite frame in its lush, rich color. Over her shoulders, barred in the strappy, open backed dress, bright yellow speckles freckled over the purple backdrop which peeked out from the bottom of the flared skirt as well, leading into wide patches of speckled patterning on her thighs hidden under the skater skirt. With an impatient flick, her wide tail smacked into his side, using the bright yellow tip like a poker.

"Stop stalling! Truth or dare!" His gaze swung up to her eyes, rimmed with thick lashes and heavy kohl liner that made them pop out even more. The left eye, in addition, had a blotch of green circling it with her final patch. Her parents had been huge fans of Woodstock, back in the day, and she joked they'd made her with pure free love and then spilled a lava lamp over the womb for good measure to end up with her coloring.

"Axel! Come on! We can't play if you just stare at me!" She smacked him with her tail again, though she was chuckling. He waved a hand at her, dismissing the complaints. "Sorry, Bimini! I just got distracted by all the colors!" He waggled his fingers, smirking before she hissed and held up clawed fingers in return and his hands went up into a wave, miming "I give up!"

"Now, truth or dare?"

"Truth." Axel shifted, watching the girl's lip purse thoughtfully, giving a small glimpse of her white fangs peeking out from over her lips while she gave a thoughtful purr. "Hmm... playing it safe to start, huh?"

"Okay, for your first truth, I want to know if it's true that... you're really big-" She hesitated, flicking her eyes down to the front of his jeans with a little jump of her eyebrows before she nodded, "down there?"

Axel chuckled, his muzzle momentarily tipping back before he nodded. "Yeup! Over eight inches!" His ears perked up a bit taller, standing at their full point atop his head while his chest puffed proudly, ego a bit inflated at her interest.

"Nuh-uh! No way!" she blurted, though for a second she seemed embarrassed at her investment. Her eyes went wider, showing off their glowing yellow hue before she flicked her tail. "Your turn to ask! Your turn!"

"Okay! Okay!" He appeased, waving his hands in the air before returning the question, "Truth or dare?"

"Since you were a wimp, I will be too!" she huffed, giving a little flick of her hair that sent it rippling down her back. "Truth!" Her eyes were bright with attention, glittering at him before she looked to him with an expectant stare.

"Hmm... Truth, huh. Is it true that you went skinny dipping last summer?" He shrugged, dismissing his question already as lame, but his mind was racing ahead and lingering back. "Why was she thinking of my size? Was just just trying to embarrass me or was she really interested?" he thought to himself, imagining her face if she actually saw it.

"Psh, yeah. That's true!" Bimini scoffed, sitting forward on her knees suddenly with newfound interest in the game. He breasts strained forward against the fabric of her dress, filling the chest up to the brim with clear crease of cleavage visible with even her slightest bend forward. "Okay! Truth or dare?"

"I'll be brave this time. Might as well make it interesting- dare."

"I dare you to prove how big you are! Show me!" Her eyes went wide, sweeping down over the entire length of his body in an instant. For a brief second, her gaze washed down his slim, but chiseled chest hidden under a simple t-shirt and a layer of blaze orange fur before she peeked at the front of his pants again. For a brief second, he paused before grabbing onto the zipper of his jeans, easing them open with the sharp hiss of zzzt of the metal teeth before the fabric fell open. Reaching in, he tugged himself free of the fabric prison before letting the length, already intrigued enough to half mast jutted up from his pants. Slowly, his fingers pumped down from the tip, letting it flare while he hardened into his full size, the tip reaching up past his belly button. Veins stretched across the flesh, seeming to throb over the appendage before Bimini's eyes suddenly darted up to him with a sheepish reminder, "Your turn-"

"Truth or dare then?" He asked, smirking with a building sense of self-confidence against the competitive, but fluctuating female. His fingers continued to idly follow up the shape of his cock, keeping it twitching against his palm while Bimini straightened up a bit, giving a huffing, before declaring, "I choose dare also!"

"I showed mine, now you show me yours."

"Pssh! Easy!"

"-Uh uh uh!" He waggled his finger at her, "And do it creatively."

Slowly, she stood up from her knees. Her fingers ran down the length of her dress so that the skirt gave a little flounce around her thighs before she gave a slow turn, letting him see all the way around her frame before she began. The feline had a softness about her with curves defining her shape beneath a layer of lush, fuchsia fur. As she turned, he saw her breasts jutting out in front and the length of her bare legs beneath while she turned to give him a glimpse of her butt, perky and round beneath her skirt. Looking over her shoulder, still turned, she slide a single finger underneath the side strap of her dress. She worked her hand beneath it, gliding along the length of the strap and slowly easing it lower and lower on her shoulder before it dropped off and the opposite side quickly followed.

Without being supported by the criss-crossed straps, the dress began to droop over her body, just slightly so that as she turned, she held it up with a ginger hand. Axel could see her breasts peeking out where the edges of the dress slipped down, giving him a side view of the rounded mounds before her hands started to cup and squeeze around them. She lowered herself back to her knees, spreading them slightly so her hips rocked towards him, temptingly offering herself still mostly covered.

Her hands began to work the fabric, letting it slip and ride up to expose more of her bare fur with each passing second. Her legs spread, giving Axel a full view beneath the small edge of the fabric to see her crotch, covered with a dainty lace. Sliding her hand lower, she hiked the dress higher. Her fingers raked down to her thighs, groping at the soft flesh before she moved up and, in one fluid motion, stood back up to turn away from him again. This time, she released the dress and bent over. Then, as the skirt fell away, he saw a full, spread view of her ass with the strip of her sweet, white lace thong covering the mound of her pussy. Humming a little, she turned again with a little flourish, exposing her breasts while her hands worked and massaged over them, never giving him quite enough visibility to catch her nipples out from beneath her working, kneading hands or the arm that hugged around them when she let fingers wandered down her tight stomach.

Tracking through the thick fur, she traced the length of her body to toy with the edges of her thong, following the shape of the scalloped lace. Her fingers worked back up the length of her body, kneading into her breasts as her eyes caught his attention with their intensity. Her heavy lashes shielded her eyes directly before they lifted, suddenly catching his stare completely with his mouth drooping open slightly and eyes locked open wide.

She smiled, a small, but mischievously proud smirk. Leaning forward, her hands pressed both breasts together before spreading her fingers all out, letting him see for the first time the rosy buds of her nipples dotted in the center of each breast. Then, her hands sunk down the length of her stomach and between her thighs, starting to trace out the shape of her pussy, rubbing the fabric so it went flush to her lower lips. He could see the shape of her sex, perfectly cupped by the thin barrier of lace that her panties held. Lower, between her thighs, he could see the small shadow of excitement soaking through the fabric before her fingers hooked into the sides.

Lifting her legs up, she began to peel the panties up the length of her thighs. The thin strip, cupping over her sex, began to pull away torturously slow before he could see her bare sex hugged between her closed legs. Her pink fur seemed to fade into a soft pastel around her sex, letting the pink folds of her pussy pop against the faded backdrop. For a second, he could see the droplets of her excitement sliding down the length of her slit before she suddenly dropped her legs down and grinned, "Truth or dare?"

Blinking, he coughed once to clear his suddenly dry throat before he bobbed his head. "Dare."

She grinned, wide enough that her fangs poked out of her lips, white against the pink of her lips. Then, her eyes even seemed to glint with mischief. "Gooooood." She paused, giggling once before she clapped her hands together. "I dare you to return the favor, but not a strip tease, I want a show with that-" She flicked her finger through the air towards his shaft, still jutting into the air.

His smile deepened into a smirk as his hand clutched tighter. Sliding his curled hand down the entire length of his shaft, he started to merely pump along every inch so that it continued to harden and throb in his grasp. Precum dotted the tip, oozing out and sparkling as it smeared back down across his flesh. As he went, he started to notice that not only were Bimini's eyes locked onto the motion of his hand as though she was tracking a mouse.

As he watched her, her tail started to lash madly behind her. Wide, arcing motions swept over the floor as the tip seemed to trace mysterious designs through the air. At the same time, her bottom lip tucked into her teeth and a heat spread up her jawbone. Her fingers slide up over her bare chest, sliding over the space between her breasts where her heart raced beneath, a faint and steady pounding before they began to twirl and run through her hair with building agitation.

Knowing how interested she was, he started to buck faintly into his hand. His hand clenched tighter, coaxing out another stream of oozing, leaking precum to race down the sides of his cock until her breath hitched in her throat with a little gasp. Instantly, a sheepish squeak followed and he stopped with a smirk.

"My turn! Truth or dare?"

She eyed him, back, narrowing her stare at the sight of his smug expression. Lifting her chin with a sassy puff of air out from her dainty, dotted nose she picked 'truth.'

"Hmm... you're not getting off easy by picking truth..." He mused, scratching beneath his chin as he thought, trying to find something that'd continue to escalate their adventure, and when he did, his lips curled up into a toothy, beaming grin.

"What were you thinking during my show?"

Bimini's eyes swept down to her lip for a second, though this time, not with shyness. Instead, she's collecting her thoughts with both eyes narrowed slightly, but peeking up through the veil of her lashes with a seductive flavor of mischief. "Well, first, I was just marveling over how impressive you are, baby! It's so thick... and long...." She scooted a bit closer, letting him hear the small raspy in her voice, the faintest hint of a purr rumbling into her words. "I pictured replacing your hands with my own, stroking over the length and teasing at the tip till it drooled, but then, I thought of it sandwiched between my ass cheeks, hugged back against me."

Axel swallowed, feeling his entire cock jump with the sudden shift in her teasing. It'd gone from relatively innocent, the sharing a curiosity more than anything, into the depiction of fantasy. He eyed her, letting her naked frame fill his vision while her words morphed the picture of her just sitting, fidgeting sweetly as she spoke into something much dirtier...

"I can practically feel your hands gripping onto my sides, kneading into the flesh before you teased the tip of your cock up my slit, feeling just how wet I am for you. Or maybe you're sitting back, like you are right now, with your cock jutting up into the air like an invitation. Maybe instead I'm pumping my breasts down around you, hugging you in the soft, lush mounds-" Her hands had slid up, starting to grope and squeeze her breasts together as she spoke, giving him a clear image of how it'd look with his tip jutting out from between the twin mounds. Her tongue swept over her bottom lip, accompanying a rich sigh before she continued.

"Precum would drip out onto the fur, just making me all messy! And sloppy... Mmph!" She grunted sweetly, as though the thought was too much for her to even imagine before she continued, rocking a little against the floor, letting him glimpse the glistening wetness between her thighs.

"Best of all though, what I pictured most plainly, was of you pressing me flush to the wall... squashing my best into the wallpaper or bending me over the edge of the bed, yanking my butt up for yourself to take and then spreading me wide open, dragging the oozing, leaking tip of your cock up my slit and pressing to the tight hole of my ass. You'd have to stretch me open, work your huge cock in, force it, but eventually you'd be pounding into me, shaking the frame of the bed until it rattled against the wall with a steady beat. Then, at last you'd fill my ass with cum, thick and creamy and let it just leak out of my stretched hole..." Her voice seemed to melt to a finish, leaving a sudden silence in the room that let the sound of their breathing pick up, a little raspy and hoarse on each end.

Gulping, Axel realized his hand was sticky with the building precum that trickled from the tip, egged on by her tempting description. "Now, Axel," she started, smiling smugly. "Truth or dare to you?"

"Might as well stick with our... theme here..." He paused and chuckled, "So truth."

"Goodie! I want to hear about your most shameful fantasy. Tell it to me."

For a second, his mind shuffled through the various options. "Could just lie." He thought, thinking of the classic porn description of one's dirtiest fantasy being something like... a gang bang or fucking someone's mouth, but at the same time he found it hard to ignore the truth of what particular idea always rushed to mind when he let it and seemed to bring a red blush to his cheeks even when alone.

"Well, I've always wanted to try rimming-"

"-Giving or receiving?"

"Uh, receiving."

She tuts once, as though unimpressed. "That's not bad. I'd do that if a guy asked for it." She discarded his dark fantasy with a little shrug, only deepening his flush before something in her wording caught his attention.

"So, will you rim me then?"

Bimini paused a second, replaying the scene to catch what he'd picked up on: I'd do that if a guy asked for it before she just chuckled and nodded to the bed. For a second, he hesitated even though he asked for it. Some parts of his mind still dwelled on the fear that kept him from it before, but then he crawled up over its edge and let his tail sway in the air, exposing his ass to the feline behind him.

She sidled up behind him, her own long tail sweeping out through the air with its own beat while her fingers curled around his bushy tail and guided it up to fold over his back, exposing the tight pucker of his ass. Shyly, the pink hole clenched and opened in a cycle of anticipation and concern. She leaned closer, playfully nipping at his pert ass before she zeroed in towards the crevice of his rump. The cloud of his rich, masculine musk washed over her nose, making it wrinkle slightly as it nuzzled in against his tailhole and sending shudders up the length of his spine. Her whiskers, dancing a bit when she shifted, tickled against the sensitive flesh of his asscheeks through the soft fur before her tongue extended and dragged over his taint right to the tight hole of his pucker.

With the first lick of her rough, sandpapery tongue up against the sensitive flesh of his hole he stiffened, leaning forward as his muzzle dropped open, "Oh! Ooh..." His gasp melted into a full moan before he pushed his ass back towards her mouth, easing her lapping tongue up to the small, sensitive spot. His legs shuffled a bit wider, welcoming more after the first taste of it and his tail began to twitch against his back. With a soft giggle, buzzing her lips against the sensitive skin, Bimini slid her hands onto his side, spreading him wider so her muzzle fit right in between his asscheeks, letting her tongue start to work over and tease him so that the tip writhed inside, starting to stretch and spread his pucker out around her.

Once the very tip got inside, the rest began to writhe harder so that its textured surface rasped over the sensitive muscle, easing it wider and wider so she could get deeper. Her tongue worked against the tight ring, lapping into the tunnel of his rump until he started to relax slightly, loosening the tension of that first, shocking rimming. Her fingers started to knead, pulling him back so her muzzle squished between his ass cheeks, letting her entire tongue stretch into him, working deep inside the clenching tunnel of his ass. His breath caught, hitching in his throat before his cock started to throb. He could feel it, even without being touched any longer, hovering at the edge of her orgasm. Her tongue inside his seemed to be playing with an entirely new set of triggers, making his entire body jolt with pleasure with every hard, rasping slurp inside him, especially with the combination of the raspy surface of her tongue and the smooth underside, which she used expertly.

First, the rough side would swirl over his hole, then the silky smooth underside, giving the sensations even more depth before the tongue plunged forward and her nose would huff with a full breath of his musky scent. His tip drooled with precum, leaking onto the bed in a sticky stream before suddenly he felt his bum clenching, readying for an explosion. His entire body tensed. His heart raced.

Then, she yanked her tongue back out. "Your turn!"

Turning around slowly, flushed and dazed, Axel sheepishly covered his raging boner with his tail, for the first time in the game seeing the true competition raging through the sweet looking feline. She just smiled at him, blushing a little as she licked at her lips and cleaned off her musky cheeks with one paw, a hard juxtaposition of something adorable and something oh-so-dirty.

"Okay, evil cat. Truth or dare?" He asked with a long sigh out, readying his countering 'truth,' "How can I rephrase that so I can basically ask the same question back without her pitching a fit. I want to know what's going on in that head of hers ... especially now!" However, she surprised him by shifting back to the riskier option. "Dare... hmmm..."

"Well then, I dare you to masturbate for me and act out whatever your most shameful fantasy is." He grinned, broadly before sitting back against the headboard with his arms stretched back behind his head, expectantly ready to watch her show.

At first, she just sank back into the pillow. Her eyes slowly closed, as though locking herself off from the real world to escape into another realm all of her own, where her fantasy could come to life.

Her fingers traced down between her breasts, they stroked over the length of her stomach with gentle caresses that just brought the skin to attention. They made it to her crotch, following around the edge where her thighs met her groin and sending her gentle touch sliding over the lush fur. She let out a sigh, feeling her clit throb with impatience, but her hand retreated back to her breasts. Starting to grip them, she began to knead and grope with hard, strong motions. Her breasts mashed within her grasp, pancaking flat against her chest before she'd release them, tweaking the nipples into a hard nubs on the top of either soft mound.

Her lips parted, a moan escaping before she started to let her hands back down. She writhed against the bed, thrusting her hips up gently. Her legs spread wider, opening her up to his view entirely. Her pussy was exposed, raw and needy. The pink of her folds seemed to pop against the faded shade of her fur so that he could see every crease of the petals of her sex blooming wide. Her thighs pressed to the bed, letting him see down to the tight pucker of her ass.

Her touched glided over her sex, seeking out the wet, dribbling line of her slit before she began to work her clit in slow, building circles. Her voice broke with a little, trembling mewl before her free hand dropped down, pumping into her sex with three fingers right away, roughly fucking her sex.

Axel's attention perked, watching the way her fingers spread her out, flinging little droplets of her excitement out onto her fur and letting it ooze out onto the bed, but mostly catching it so it pooled in her fingers, slopping back into her and filling the air with lewd, wet noises.

"Is her fantasy just really rough sex?" He thought, glancing at his lap where his boner is raging with impatience, but then a sudden mrowl! burst through the air. His eyes darted back on target to see her hand had dropped even lower so now her tight asshole stretched out around two fingers quickly adding into three.

"O-Ohhh!" she sighed, moaning with a sudden ecstasy that quickly explained that this was the main show. The tight hole stretched, straining around the fingers but she didn't even slow her pumping hand. Her back arched, thrusting all her focus into her pumping hand. "Oh! Axel! Faster! Fuck my ass harder! I wanna gape!" she yelped, writhing her hips up so that he couldn't avoid the sight of her asshole stretching around her fingers, tempting him and begging him to replace her fingers, to slam himself deep inside her.

Then, she stopped. Yet another torturous tease.

"Truth or dare!?" She chirped, smiling at him with a smug little grin while smoothing her flustered cheeks.

He took a long breath in, trying to catch his breath while she eyed him. "Dare, why not!?"

She giggled once, barely even pausing before she blurted, "I dare you to make me cum! BUT! You cannot cum..."

Axel crept forward, his cock jutting in front of him as he pushed her back into the pillows. Her chest rose and fell, shuddering a little with the hitching breaths she took. She sucked in a long gust, letting her chest heave before his tip dragged up the length of her sex. Her body quivered, feeling the heat of his cock, tempting her... so close... ready to fill her up... to stretch her...

Then, he ducked down and ran his tongue up the entire length of her slit like he was licking the side of a melting ice cream cone. Her juices pooled onto the dip of his tongue, a tangy, spicy, and wholly female flavor in his mouth. His fingers gripped her thighs, pressing them into the bed to spread her even wider and expose those hot pink, glistening folds to his wide, lashing tongue. His hands kneaded on the soft flesh of her fuschia-furred thighs, dotting his fingertips over the yellow speckles over her hips as his muzzle settled over her crotch.

Steady slurping ran his tongue up the length of her sex, flicking it against her clit with every upstroke so that she'd jerk upwards, but his hands held her in place. He locked her against the bed with his tight grip, keeping her prisoner to his tormenting tongue that licked over her clit, building it until the pleasure would start to mount. Heat spread through her loins, setting out a burning sensation of intensity across her flesh before he'd pull back, licking up the juices that formed with long, slow strokes while her heart rate would start to dip and the buildup would flat line again to a steady neediness.

"Oooh, Axel. Stop teasing. Just fuck me. I want to feel you inside me. I want you to feel how tight I am, how horny I am for you. I want you to cum in me, fill me up. Fuck my ass, baby. Stretch me open, make me gape around your big, girthy cock..." Her breath suddenly hitched, stopping her vindictive dirty talk as she howled with a sudden explosion of sensations from her sex where he'd trapped her clit in the suction of his mouth, focusing all his attention onto the little orgasm buzzer.

Her body jerked, trying to escape the rough circling of his tongue, but his hands kept her in place. She flailed, hissing and howling into the air for another second before she stiffened. Her feet gave a little, weak shake against the bed before she just moaned. A sudden spurt of juices drenched Axel's muzzle, a genuine squirt of excitement before her orgasm crashed over her soundlessly and she just quivered against the sheets.

"A-Ahh... G-good job..." she stammered, sucking in a lungful of air before she gave a small smile. "Your turn..."

"Okay, truth or dare?"

"I think you know." She gave a small, sheepish almost smile while her eyes took on a glowing, soft hazy look from her orgasm. Her tail swayed behind her, swishing through the air as she leaned into him, whispering in his ear with a purr. "I choose dare..."

"I dare you... to return the favor of making you cum-" He paused abruptly, smirking at her for a second before he ran his hand up beneath her chin to cup her face dominantly, "but outside."


"Are you sure we are hidden here?" Bimini swept her gaze over the rest of the yard, peeking over the chest-height garden fence apprehensively while her tail lashed madly. Without so much concern, Axel crept in behind her. His hand rubbed down her side before he started to peel down the tight fabric of her shorts, bringing her little, slutty thong with to expose her tight puckered asshole and the dripping, needy slit of her sex. Then, pushing a hand into the center of her back, he pushed her so she clung to the edge of the fence and his thigh nudged between her legs, spreading them out so he could see her asscheeks pulled apart.

A long, oozing droplet of her cum still leaked out dripped between her legs, stretching all the way down to the grass of the garden before he rubbed his cock head up to her wet cunt. "Someone's all horny, all needy being outside, exposed for anyone to witness me fucking your ass. I don't think you really want us to be hidden at all, do you?"

He tightened his grip on her side before lining up to her ass, smearing the dribbling tip of his shaft to her clenching back entrance. He felt it, relaxing and tightening in pulsating seconds of anticipation. Easing forward, the tightness clamped down on him.

"Oooh, fuck." He coughed into her neck, catching himself from being too loud as he clutched her tighter and pulled her ass back to him, taking it. His hips pumped forward, sinking him down into the clamped walls of her rump.

Her breasts rubbed into the fence, shirt falling open to let them be naked over the top of it, but she didn't even care. Suddenly feeling him stretching out the tight entrance of her ass left her with no concerns. A deep moan escaped before he reached his fingers up into her mouth, essentially gagging her with her own flavor before he started to pound into her ass.

The lewd, animalistic sound of their humps slamming into each other filled the garden, overwhelming the faint tinkling of wind chimes and tweeting of birds with the rough sounds of sex. The fence wobbled in place with an aging, repetitive creak, but neither noticed. The two playmates were both lost in the fantasy of it, feeling each other just as they'd wanted the entire time.

"God, fuck..." Axel grunted, feeling his entire body twitch. His balls were clenched tight, knot inflating already in anticipation. He felt the cum inside him practically sloshing, he felt like he'd burst. "I'm gonna cum. Do you want me to knot you?"

She looked back over her shoulder, cheeks flushed with heat and eyes twinkling, "Oh baby, I double dog dare you to knot me."

So, he slammed forward. Thick, gooey ropes of cum began to spurt forth into her ass, filling the tight cavity before the massive knot pounded to her hole, forcing it to yawn open wide before he popped inside. With the sudden girth, the first portion of his load spurted out, leaking down onto her thighs and tripping into the bowls of the tulips below.

"Oooh..." She sighed, clinging to the sensation of his hot semen flooding into her, filling her to capacity until she felt bloated with the thick substance and both just froze, clutching to each other and breathing heavily.

"Oh... wow... That was awesome..." Axel huffed, catching his breath before he leaned into her neck, "Think anyone saw us?"

"No way of knowing..."


"Hey, Mr. Johnson!" Axel strut out of the house the next day, waving at the neighbor with a broad, proud-of-myself smile. "Want me to come over and mow your lawn again like last weekend?"

"Oh yeah! I double dog dare you to!"