A Dragon's Love: Rescue

Story by Dragon Valor on SoFurry

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#8 of A Dragon's Love

(A very short one. My apoligies)An alternate ending to the previous story where Valor was forced to watch vengful elves and centaur men to rape and brainwash his family. This is the happy ending the other time-line never had...


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He recognized the spot, he had seen it from the air several times as he flew over the forests a world apart. The large red dragon melted slowly in his cave, reshaping himself until he was that twisted angel man, then stepped away from the giant mirror. They were forcing a phial to Faith's lips, even as she was once again bound to the stocks in all her nakedness. Once he knew he was out of sight, he let his aura expand and contract as his power fluctuated. The world around him melted away and rebuilt itself from the ground up, no longer the red-brown of the volcanic cave, but the brown-green of a forest clearing. The centaur holding the phial to Faith's lips was facing away from him, which gave him ample time to raise his tail not unlike a scorpion ready to strike, then plunge it forward into the centaur's horse-back, sinking through his spine and into his heart like a warm knife through a stick of butter.

Faith gave a yelp, her white-wings quivering in fright as she watched the centaur's body slump to the ground and two strong arms grip her restraints. What were they going to do to her, Valor wondered as he ripped the straps off of the wodden stocks and wretch the naked angel against his chest to hug her desperatly. It took her a moment, but soon she burried her face against his bared chest and sobbed loudly. "A... A house to the east... They have the children..." She sobbed.

Valor kissed the top of her head, running his hands through her tangled black locks for a moment before he watched her melt away in his arms to re-materialize back in the cave, their home. Spreading his wings, he lept into the air and soared up over the treetops, his eyes searching and looking for the roof to the east. He flew for only a short distance and he saw the shingled roof perched in a small clearing. He landed just outside the ricketty front door and raised a bare foot to kick it in, even as two elves within were beginning to undress his elder daughter Twilight. He let out a beastial roar that caused the two to blink in suprise before charging him with battlecries of their own. Valor knew they would take him to the ground, but before they could get to him, he relocated each of his children from the cottage to the nest nestled safely in the volcano. He barely managed to relocate his youngest, Blaze, as the elves overtook him and tackled him to the ground.


That evening, Valor watched the world re-make itself around him into the crystal clear lake fed by the waterfall that flowed from the peaks of his mountain, his home. He stood on the grassy shore and stared out over the glassy surface before he waded into the water. He heard a sound and before he could turn around to look at the source, an aweful splash washed over him and two strong arms and wet feathery wings wrapped around his form.

"Valor, thank you! I thought we would never come home again! I dont know what they were going to do to us!" he heard his lover's voice croak through a hicopping sob. He turned around in her arms to find her just as naked as he had found her, but clinging desperatly to him as if any moment she would be wretched away again. He held her comfortingly and cooed to her now and again. "Shh, shh, it's alright my love. I wont ever let them harm you again." It was the truth. They were all of them strewn about the clearings in various stages of dismemberment.

She just nodded again and again, kissing at his chest more and more, slowly trailing up to his collarbone. As she reached the bone, she pulled her head back just enough to stare up into his eyes for a long moment, as if afraid it was all a dream. He leaned down to brush her lips with his own and she responded by clinging desperatly to that kiss and deepened it with a desperation he never would have known was in her nature.

He pulled her form against his own and let her have the desperate passion she wanted, but how was he to know it was one of the after-effects of the tonic she had been force fed? She pressed eagerly against him, reaching a hand down to cup his testicles against her palms, feeling their swollen weight for a moment before giving the slightest squeeze, then another, and another. Valor gasped lightly at each tough, then broke their kiss to stare down into her eyes curiously. "Faith?"

She just returned his gaze for a long moment, then pressed her lips against his own again, consuming him with a desire induced by cruelty and malice, but a love brought on by years of living together and bearing so many children. He was not going to complain. Valor's hands roamed over her back and soaked wings, slowly drifting the both of them back towards the shore. Only now did it all catch up to him. He had missed her so much, had thought he would never see her again and now she was clinging to him, begging for something they both needed. He needed to make love to her, he needed to show her what his heart held for her.

He hadn't even noticed they were on the grass, her wings wrapped around him tightly, holding him against herself and her legs curled about his waist, pulling him down against her hips. She moaned lightly through their kiss and he noticed his hands were at her breasts, squeezing and groping her hungrily with a lust and desire that if he didnt know any better, may have been the desire to make love to her like it was the last time. His dragonhood was stiff, sandwiched between their warm bodies and pulsing with his heartbeat. It ached and throbbed almost painfully as he ground his hips against her own.

Somehow he pulled himself away from her enough one of her hands gripped his length and aimed it at her opening. She pulled herself up with her legs, thrusting herself upward onto him, shoving him completly into her womanhood and impaling herself wholey on his length. She gasped and arched her back, moaning deeply as her inner walls squeezed him hard, milking him already like a starving calf on the teet.

Valor himself gave a deep growl of pleasure as he let her body adjust to his length, as he had to every time. When she seemed slightly less-tight around his length, he pat her thighs and smiled down into her eyes. "Please let go. I cant move." Faith blinked until understanding hit her and her legs loosened their grip at his waist. "Sorry..."

He smiled and kissed her again before he withdrew himself fully from her. He let her body realize it was empty, then plunged back in slowly until he pushed past her deepest barrier, pushing directly into her womb, as he usually did. He repeated the process a few more times, but by then Faith had her nails dug into his back and was moaning loudly. "Faster, pleeease... Dont make me wait, Valor. I need this..."

He was happy to oblige. His hips slowly withdrew nearly completly from her, but when just the tip remained burried inside of her, he slammed himself quickly into her, causing her to yelp and moan loudly. Even as their hips slapped together, he was already withdrawing quickly and thrusting back into her. Faster and harder he went until the both of them were gasping for breath and crying out their names in the cool twilight air.

Faith's body suddenly quivered and trembled beneath the red dragon above her and she threw her head back, arching her back as she gasped and came to the most intense orgasm she had ever felt in her life. Valor gasped as well. Her body gripped and milked him more tightly and desperatly than ever before. He growled loudly and burried himself deeply inside of her, stretching her womb's deepest wall a little for a moment until his own climax overcame him. His length swelled a considerable amount and his balls tensed up, spilling forth their contents in copious ammounts into the angel beneath him.

As usual her belly began to swell with his length, but then something solid pressed against his tip and firmly pushed him out of her womb. He blinked and looked between them as her belly grew and grew and grew until she appeared a year along with triplets. Now he knew he didnt have that much seed to give her... what in the blazes? As he pulled himself out of her, he sat back and closed his eyes. He extended his mind to envelope her body and felt something most peculiar...

"Valor, wha- what's happening? What did you do?" he heard her ask. He gulped nervously and bit his lip before he remembered the phial they force-fed her. Maybe that was behind it... "Faith I.... You're pregnant.. You're carrying sectuplets. I think it was that stuff they made you drink..."

Faith looked at her belly and blinked in astonishment before he hands slowly rose to press against the stretched skin, rubbing her belly curiously for a moment before a smile spread along her lips and her rubbing turned into gentle caressing. "Oh... I see..." she said dreamily.

Valor smiled and laid beside her, gingerly pulling her against his side and humming to her lightly as she staired at her belly. Several hours passed and soon she was asleep. Valor pressed a hand lovingly to her belly and felt a little kick against his palm. He closed his eyes with a happy sigh on his lips and slowly drifted to sleep. He had rescued his family, brought his children and lover him and, in a strange twist of fate, turned a weapon of vengence into a tool to create life.


The goddess smiled at the starfield infront of her as the images faded away and leaned back slowly with a happy sigh. There, that was a much more appealing ending to that scenario, she was sure of it. She knew of an infinitium of others, both grim and joyous, but this one could only make her smile. She looked down to her taut belly and poked it with a frown. "Some day, Valor, I'll carry you again. When our roles are reversed and it is time for you to return to the world, and me to return to the stars." she whispered, though the dragon she knew to be her son would not hear her words. She closed her eyes and smiled before she began to ponder other images of her son and grandchildren. What other adventures would they go on? How else would they grow and develope as a clan? Oh, she couldnt wait to see! Something happy, something grim... Perhaps something more in between? She giggled gleefully and started to weave another tapestry in the stars before her, weaving the dragon Valor's choices together into a universe apart she had not yet taken the time to view yet. What was he up to in this continuum?