Undergrad Pack - Late Admissions

Story by Saigir on SoFurry

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#4 of Undergrad Pack

Undergrad Pack #4: Ethan bumps into an arts student trying to bulk up. Being so friendly, Ethan is happy to help, in more ways than one.

Ethan finds another tail to turn for his pack, except this one isn't quite as willing as his past converts may have been... A story written for a friend of mine, since we discovered our mutual interest in yiffy TFs.

A light snow drifted through the air as Chris made his way back to his dorm from class, his sketchbook tucked under one arm. He huffed into his free hand, trying to warm his fingers as a group of other students passed him by, chatting about some project. Chris smirked, remembering his own impending art project, rather more neglected than he would have liked. Walking through the quad, he paused by the koi pond, the white flakes drifting into the not quite frozen water while vague shapes darted lazily in the murkiness deep below. He stared for a minute, forgetting the impending projects and just enjoying the quiet pool. A shout caused him to turn, spinning around and landing straight into another student. Dazed, he took a step backwards, and felt his foot slip on the slush near the pond's edge. He felt himself start to fall. "Hey!" The student's arm snapped out, grabbing Chris's free wrist. A sharp tug, and he felt himself being pulled away from the water's edge. "That was close, bro." Chris blinked and looked up. The guy wasn't that much taller than he was, but he was certainly wider. His chin had a faint scruff of dirty blond stubble, blending into his long sideburns and scruffy hair. "Uh," was all he managed, hardly noticing a small lightness in his chest as he stared dumbly into the guy's dark brown eyes. All at once he managed to gather himself and snapped out of the close hold the guy had on him. "Th-thanks." "No worries, that was probably my fault," the guy said, half grinning, half cringing. The sounds of snow crunching underfoot announced the arrival of another guy, this one not quit as tall, nor as bulky. "Hey Ethan," he said, "didn't you hear me shouting?" "I heard you fine, you goose," Ethan said, glancing back at the newcomer for a moment. "You alright, buddy?" he asked Chris. Chris took a breath. "Yeah, I'm good." He said quietly. "Thanks for the save." "Any time," Ethan winked. "See ya around!" Ethan bumped Chris on the shoulder with a fist before turning and jaunting off with the other guy. Chris watched them go, the gentle snowfall engulfing their footfalls after only a few strides. He shook his head, pushing the thought of him tangled up in bedsheets with this Ethan character out of his mind... at least until he got back to his dorm.

"What the hell was that about?" Ethan said, jabbing Arthur in the ribs. Arthur sucked a breath through his teeth. "I thought we were supposed to meet up an hour ago! I've been freezing my ass off out here." "Bullshit," Ethan said, "I know you've been in colder with less on." Arthur coughed, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. "Either way, I've been waiting on you." "Sorry," Ethan said, glancing back at the pond, "I got held up by other stuff." The cute guy by the water's edge was gone, vanished into the thin crowd of students milling through the area. Arthur frowned. "What are you looking for?" "Hm?" Ethan turned back. "Oh, some... guy. Nearly shoved him into the pond when you were screaming at me." "Huh?" Ethan shook his head. "Never mind." He clapped Arthur on the back, nearly sending the lankier guy sprawling. "Where d'ya wanna have lunch?"

His dorm room was up on the 6th floor of one of the older buildings, high enough that it had a decent view, but low enough that he could still make out the people milling past the buildings or loitering on the grounds. His sketchbooks slowly collected doodles of people he could see outside the window, fodder for his class assignments or keeping himself busy. He stretched in the chair as it creaked beneath him. It was nearly time for him to head over to the campus's gym, and besides that, he could use the break from working on his project. He could scan the line art in once he got back and start on the digital stuff later. He'd started a gym routine to try and get into some kind of shape, not because he felt like he needed to lose some weight, but more because he'd always wanted to be... bigger. Something about being a buff chunk of muscle he found alluring, and now that his new uni had a gym open to students for free, he was going to try it out. He'd found a couple workout regimes for beginners online and picked one that he thought he'd be able to manage on his own. He glanced over at the clock - almost 6pm now. The gym would close in a couple hours. "Now or never, I guess," he muttered to himself. He retrieved his new pair of gym shorts from the dresser, a clean t-shirt, and tossed them into the free drawstring bag the lady at the gym administration desk had given him when he signed up. The university's logo, a wildcat emblazoned on the front of the bag, snarled up at him as he pulled the strings shut. Chris walked down the 6 flights of stairs, an excited bounce in his step as he crossed the quad to the athletics building. The snow hadn't let up and was falling a bit thicker now so he stayed to the narrow paths the ground keepers kept clear. The path wound its way under the row of buzzing lamps, casting their yellow-tinged light into the dark, snowy night, and along the overhangs of other buildings before Chris finally reached the athletics building. He pushed the door open, the warm air billowing out around him. He walked down the hall to the changing rooms and scanned his pass at the door. The scanner beeped and the electronic lock clicked open just before he pushed the door inwards. He changed quickly, tossing his bag and clothes into one of the many spare lockers before heading out into the weight room.

A long, rectangular room ran about half the length of the whole building, large windows overlooking the track and tennis courts to one side. The cardio machines were lined up near the windows, with an odd television on an overhead mount between them, while the weight machines took up most of the rest of the room. There was a couple running on treadmills farther down the room, and somewhere else was the rhythmic clanks of someone doing a set on one of the other machines. Aside from that, Chris had the place to himself. He checked his phone, having prepared a list of the exercises he was supposed to do. Glancing around, he found a barbell rack in the corner, with a good stack of weights to go with it. Having reviewed the exercise routines before hand, he picked up one of the bars, and started practising the movements unloaded. Concentrating on the movements, he practised an overhead press, trying to reproduce the motions as he'd seen in the videos, remembering the way it felt. After a couple reps, he racked the bar and put a pair of ten pound weights on it. Repeating the motions again, this time under a bit more strain, he completed another set. He went a couple more times, adding a small amount of extra weight each time until it became a real struggle to move the bar correctly. He finished the last set and slammed the bar down, arms and shoulders burning pleasantly and an odd weak feeling in his upper body. His pulse was hammering as he stood, one arm on the bar as he tried to catch his breath. He sat down on a nearby bench and added some notes to his phone, noticing the cardio couple leave, still chatting to each other. Chris checked the next exercise on his list, found the right equipment, and started in on it, trying to figure out the correct form and then slowly adding more weight. The half hour seemed to glide by as he continued the routine, getting to his last set just as the woman at the front desk popped in and announced that the facility was closing in ten minutes. He grunted, straining to finish the last couple reps of the bench press, his heart thumping and his arms burning. Chris strained against the bar, trying to push it up to lockout as his arms started shaking as the last of his strength bled away. "Hey, careful there, bud!" A pair of hands grabbed the bar just as it started to drop. "C'mon, push!" the oddly familiar voice intoned, "You got this!" Chris pushed, finding the resistance of the bar somewhat decreased. He pressed it back up, and the extra pair of hands helped guide the bar back to the resting frame. "Good job!" Chris tilted his head further back, feeling too weak to stand. A hulking wall of muscle greeted him, and a familiar face perched on the top, past a pair of sweeping pecs, barely contained by a muscle shirt. "Y-you again?" The guy smirked. "Oh, it you! I didn't know you came here." The guy rounded the rack, and offered Chris his hand. His forearms were thick, veins running up their length and over his bulgy biceps, eventually vanishing into his chest. "F-first time here," Chris replied, tearing his eyes away from the beefcake in front of him. "Trying out a new routine," he said between breaths. Chris took the guy's hand, and in a flash was pulled to his feet. He wobbled for a second, his legs still complaining over the squats from earlier. "Good stuff. Name's Ethan, by the way. Sorry about the pond thing." "Chris," he said, "and don't worry about it." He brushed a hand against his forehead, wiping the beads of sweat off. "You... come here often?" Ethan grinned. "What do you think?" His eyes slid down Ethan's form again, the broad, rounded shoulders, the cleft of the pecs with a slight scruff of hair... "I'mma guess yes." "Well, stick to it, and you'll get here too," the jock said, squeezing Chris's shoulder. "You should stretch out before you hit the showers, otherwise you'll feel like you got hit by a train tomorrow." "Oh. Yeah, I was gonna." "Good stuff, man. See you around!" Ethan turned, and strode off to the showers. Chris managed to pull his gaze away from Ethan's round, firm butt in the tight-fitting gym shorts he wore. He sniffed and tried to remember which stretches the routine had said to do once he'd finished. He wobbled for a moment, grabbing a bench to steady himself and started his end of session stretching.

A couple minutes later, he left the room, just as the lady from the front appeared. "Hey, gonna close up pretty quick. You the last one?" Chris nodded, "Yeah, do I have time for a shower?" "Sure," she said, "The doors will open from the inside for another half hour or so, so make sure you don't dawdle." "Okay," Chris replied, turning to go. "Oh, and if you see Ethan still lurking around, let him know that I'm not coming back and letting him out again." Chris raised an eyebrow. "He... gets stuck in here often?" She sighed. "Yeah, he loves coming in really late, and then takes ages in the shower. I've locked up twice this week with him still in there." "Sure, I'll let him know if he's still in." "Thanks," she said as she left. She vanished up the stairs. Chris wandered back into the changing rooms and found his bag. He grabbed his towel and bar of soap and walked towards the shower area. He could hear one of the showers going already. "E-Ethan?" A grunt was all that acknowledged him. "The lady at the front says to make sure you don't get locked in again." Ethan's voice was barely audible over the spray of the shower. "Yeah," he said, voice oddly gravelly. Chris pushed the door open on a stall and set his bag down, stripping off his damp t-shirt. He caught a whiff of something odd, almost like wet dog. He peered into the shower's drain and turned the water on, making sure that it was going to drain properly. The water pooled for a moment in a low spot on the floor before dribbling away without an issue. He shrugged, and chalked the smell up to 'old building' syndrome. He washed up quickly, mindful of the fairly short time limit he had. He paused occasionally, listening for Ethan's movements, but all he could hear were the twin showers and the occasional grunt. He shrugged, and finished his shower, drying off and wrapping his towel around his waist. Ethan's shower was still running, and the wet dog smell seemed to be a bit stronger. "Don't forget, Ethan." "Yeah," the voice replied, "Don't wait for me." "Well, see you around, I guess?" A grunt was the only reply. Chris shrugged, and wandered back to the locker room to get dressed.

Ethan's ears perked up when he heard the locker door slam. He looked up from his hard cock, knot in hand as he tried to restrain himself from changing all the way. He'd been halfway to cumming when Chris walked in. It was a good thing the kid had been shouting, otherwise he might have gone all the way... and that would have caused a fuss. He'd been waiting there, trying to keep a lid on the beast. It was getting easier now to not go completely wild when he changed, thanks to his 'practice' sessions with Arthur, but it was still challenging, especially when they smelled as good as this newcomer. He shuddered as he stroked himself again, another couple tufts of fur springing up on his shoulders and forearms. His heels had already lifted off the floor slightly with his widened foot paws, nails not quite claws. He grunted, shuddering as he came, his hot, thick spunk spurting from his cock and splattering on the wall. He hissed in a breath between his enlarged fangs and grunted, humping the wall and smearing his seed over the tiled wall. Ethan sighed, suddenly feeling weak. The subtle changes slowly retreated as he softened, his fully hard, red canine rocket slowly paling as his erection faded. In a span of heartbeats, he was his old, human self again. He finally shut the water off, shook himself quickly, water droplets flying off his shoulders and scruffy hair. Quickly grabbing his towel, he rubbed himself down quickly, getting most of the moisture off him before hastily wrapping the towel around his waist. He jaunted back into the locker room as Chris was tying up his shoes. "Hey." Chris glanced up at him before looking down again. "Hi. Sorry if I was-" "No worries, bro." Ethan dropped his towel by his locker, and pulled out his clean clothes. "So, you plannin' on coming back more?" "Three days a week, if I can manage it." "If?" Chris grunted and pulled his other foot up to the bench to tie up his laces. Ethan could see his arms were shaking slightly. "This... it's kind of a lot right now." "Don't worry man, you'll get into it." "Makes things awkward." "Bro, it's the best feeling. It only lasts a little while, and it means you've kicked the shit out of your muscles. You'll be better next time, and better the time after that..." Ethan paused, pulling his sweats on. "Look, if you think it'll help, I can spot for you." Chris was quiet for a moment as he put the last of his sweaty gym clothes into the bag. "I don't wanna hold you back." "No worries, I've got plenty of time in the evenings. I'd love to be able to help a beginner get a good start." Chris smiled at that. "Thanks, man. I'll think about it." Ethan grinned. "Three times a week, you said? You'll probably feel like hell tomorrow, but the day after that should be better. Come meet me, and we'll push through whatever stiffness is left." He pulled on his shirt and grabbed his hoodie. He tossed his workout shoes into his bag and slipped on a pair of sandals. The other guy was looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "Hm?" "Really?" "What?" "Sandals. In the snow?" Ethan shrugged. "Cold doesn't really get to me." Chris visibly shivered. "What are you, some kind of ice man?" He laughed. "God, I can't even imagine what it'd be like to get snow between my toes." Ethan picked up his bag. "Ready to get out?" Chris coughed, wincing. "Yeah, ready," he said as he stood. "What's wrong?" "Dunno. Feels like I've swallowed a bunch of water." "Ah, I remember what that was like," Ethan said, moving to the door. "That's just your diaphragm. It's a muscle too, remember." Chris made a face as he caught up with Ethan. "Not sure I'm going to be able to get used to that." "Don't worry bro, keep with it and you'll have a rockin' body."

Chris couldn't help but grin as Ethan clapped him on the back. "Well, thanks for everything," he said shivering in the sudden gust of wind outside. "See you around?" Ethan nodded, a couple droplets clinging to his hair. "Yep. I'm usually here in the evenings. I like it quieter. It's too busy in the afternoon." "Right. Yeah, I can see that." He offered his hand to Ethan. "See you later!" Ethan gave him a toothy grin and seized his hand. "Lookin' forward to it." Ethan released his hand and set off through the drifting snow, seeming not to care as he trudged through the snow bank. Chris turned and made his way back to his apartment in the opposite direction. By the time he made it back to his dorm, he had barely enough time to take his shoes off before flopping backwards onto his bed, and promptly fell asleep.

Two weeks later, Chris arrived at the gym, ready to work. Ethan was standing outside the change rooms, waiting for him. "Hey, Ethan," Chris said. "Hey! I got something for ya," Ethan said, moving towards the door. "Come on, I'll show you." Chris was curious, following Ethan into the empty change rooms. "What is it?" Ethan grinned, and pulled a plastic package out of his bag. "Here," he said, handing it to Chris. An eyebrow raised, Chris took the package, and popped the seal. A folded cloth bundle was tucked inside, and as he pulled it out, it spilled out into a muscle shirt with the university's logo emblazoned on the back. Chris's eyes went wide as he looked back up at Ethan. The big jock was grinning. "You like?" "D-dude, I can't wear this!" Ethan shrugged. "Sure you can. It's all about attitude, man. If you don't feel the part, you'll never look the part." He stripped off his shirt, and flexed a bicep to punctuate his statement. "If it wasn't against the rules, I'd go shirtless in there." Chris coughed nervously as he caught a wave of Ethan's musk. It had an odd, spicy quality to it, and almost something dank. He... liked it. "Y'know... I don't think I'd mind that," Chris mumbled. Ethan tilted his head slightly. "Whassat?" "Er, nothing. T-thanks for the shirt." Ethan cocked his eyebrow, grinning. "You gonna try it on?" "I... I guess I could." Chris pulled off his shirt, the air of the locker room cool on his skin. He was awkwardly aware of Ethan watching him, grinning as he pulled the muscle shirt over his head. "Good on ya," Ethan said. "You'll grow into it soon enough," he said, dropping his pants. Chris's eyes nearly bugged out of his head as Ethan's junk sprung into view. "WOW," he said turning abruptly. Ethan laughed then, his voice oddly low and gravelly. "I can smell it, you know." The sound of Ethan stepping over a bench and crossing over to where Chris was standing prefaced the touch of the other man's hand on his shoulder. He felt Ethan's stubbly chin rubbing on his ear and heard him sniff deeply. "You're attracted to me... aroused even." Chris's attention shifted to his crotch as his blood rushed there, underwear suddenly growing uncomfortably tight. He swallowed and tried to pull away from Ethan. "Uh, I'm not-" Ethan chuckled in his throat, lower than before. "Not so fast, kiddo," Ethan said, backing off somewhat. "I've been working out with you for a couple weeks now. You don't think I haven't noticed your sideways glances at me? Your tent-pitching while I'm benching?" Chris shifted, nervous. "W-well..." The big jock wasn't wrong. "I'm..." "You're what?" Ethan asked, his breath hot against the back of Chris's ear. Chris turned. Ethan grabbed Chris around the torso with one muscled arm, pulling him up against his chiselled abs and chest and went in for the kiss. Chris's heart leaped up into his throat for a moment before melting into the big jock's embrace. His own hardness was greeted by another as Ethan's cock slipped up between the shirt and shorts, the tip coming to rest just against his stomach. After an eternity, Ethan pulled away, grinning. His chin seemed to be shadowed more darkly than before. "You were saying?" he asked, his teeth looking somehow more pointed. Chris panted for a second, trying to think of a response, struggling before giving up. "Fuck it," he said before grabbing Ethan's head and pulling him back for another muscley kiss. He smirked up at the slightly taller jock. "Well... that was..." "Just the start, I think," Ethan said as Chris felt the hands slide down past his waistband and cupped his butt. "Seems pretty firm down here." A squeeze made Chris shrink forward, pressing farther into Ethan's embrace. "F-oh fuck it," Chris said. "Let's get into the back and get this over with." "Whassat, stud?" "One way or the other, one of us is getting stuffed." Ethan's low chuckle made him shiver in anticipation. He turned, leading the nude stud into the shower area and ducking into one of the stalls. The big jock smirked. "You gonna ride me, pup?" Chris gasped as Ethan tugged his shorts off, his hard length bouncing up in the dank shower stall. A whiff of that odd dog odour met his nose again. Ethan's tongue was already playing against his hole. His heart was pounding in his chest, butterflies in his stomach. He was going to let this jock take him, let Ethan hump his big piece of meat up his hole. He was already aching for it.

Ethan grinned and willed himself to change, feeling the beast coming to the surface slowly. He loved the kid's eagerness, and the way he tried to hide his boners while pumping iron. He was perfect.

Chris shivered as Ethan's hands ran up his sides through the holes of the muscle shirt. The big jock stood, and brushed his length against the inside of Chris's thighs. "Ready?" Chris nodded, pinching a bit of his lip between his teeth. He felt a warm dribble slowly sliding down his legs. "Do it." He gasped as a sudden pressure pressed against his hole. Ethan's length pushed insistently, slowly forcing its way inside.

He squeezed Chris's shoulder as the change took hold. It started as it usually did, a fire in his crotch, reshaping the flesh of his manhood into a bestial, canine shape. The resistance of the kid's hole to his blunt, human cock head vanished as his meat took on the tapered head he preferred. The boy beneath him gasped as he slid in, entrance slickened by his drooling meat which was already producing his sticky, slick pre. The muscles of his back shuddered as his shoulders broadened and his dark grey fur erupted across his back. He breathed deeply as his nose pressed outwards. Chris was practically sweating his arousal, his need. He'd make a perfect addition to Ethan's pack.

Chris twitched upwards at the feeling of a fuzzy crotch brushing against his backside. Had Ethan been that hairy before? The thought fled as the jock started sliding further into Chris's ass, the man's enormous meat humping farther upwards into him. His own erection throbbed, dribbling his own juices onto the tile floor. "Urg, yeah," he grunted. Ethan's other arm wrapped around his stomach, odd pinpricks at the ends of the jock's fingers on his skin through his shirt. His breath quickened as Ethan's tongue caressed the back of his right ear, the jock's nose snuffling in his hair. "You smell," Ethan grunted, "so good." The jock behind him leaned forward, his chest pressing the folds of the over big shirt into Chris's back. An odd pressure built against his hole as Ethan began to thrust deeper, something trying to stretch him wider. "God, you're huge," Chris muttered, rolling his head back. Ethan closed the distance with his mouth, his tongue sliding into Chris's mouth as the smaller of the two returned the favour. Something seemed off somehow, but he hardly spared it a second thought as the pressure built again on his ass as the jock humped him relentlessly. He felt Ethan tense, grunt, and then stabbed his hard rod up into Chris's hole. Ethan's moan echoed oddly in the stall as Chris's hole burned as something wide was forced up into it. He felt the jock's hot dick twitch inside him, filling his belly with a fire as Ethan came into him.

Ethan caught himself from slumping after his climax, knowing if he fell, it could pull his cock out of Chris's hole, letting his feral seed spill out. He felt his canine dick twitch inside Chris, unleashing another spurt. He shuddered, and held the other man close. "Not long now," he said quietly.

"For what?" Chris asked, putting a hand down between his legs to feel the alien form stuck in his ass. He touched flesh, but it felt strangely slick and almost furry in another spot. He tried to turn to look down, but was instead greeted by Ethan's wide shoulders sporting a thin dusting of black fur. "Wh-What the fuck?!" He gaped at Ethan, trying to pull away. The jock's flesh seemed to be stuck in his asshole though, unable to pull out. "Easy there, bud," Ethan said, holding Chris's pelvis against his own. "This dog isn't finished with you just yet." "Wh-you- you weren't this hairy before!" Ethan flashed a grin. His teeth seemed sharper, almost pointed. A moment of terror washed over Chris. "W-what are you?" he whispered. "A werewolf... just like you're going to be." Almost on cue, the heat in Chris's belly erupted outwards like liquid fire. It rushed to his own hard length first, glancing down to see his human cock seem to melt into a black lance of flesh before tapering into a point at the end and a bulbous shape growing at its base. "Wh-What?! No, STOP!" "Too late, bro. I cum in you, you're pretty much gonna have a doggie bone." Ethan grinned, his long, canine tongue lolling out for a second. "You'll love it." The heat was spreading outwards, his crotch soon covered under a patch of light brown fur. Chris's panic rose, his stomach suddenly very uneasy. "No, no no! You have to stop it!" He tried to push away from Ethan, the hand on his belly pulling on the shirt, twisting it. The pressure in his ass turned to pain as whatever was lodged there strained against his clenched hole. Ethan grunted, the noise almost like a growl that sent a shiver of fear up Chris's spine. No matter how he twisted or tried to pull away from Ethan, between the jock's iron grip around his torso and the thing in his ass pinning him, he couldn't pull away. He watched as Ethan's muscular biceps twitched, the veins standing out farther than usual as the muscles in his arms expanded outwards before vanishing beneath glossy black fur, the small claws on the end of Ethan's fingers growing into truly dangerous weapons. Chris shivered as the heat inside him billowed outwards. He felt his groin twitch as his sack sprouted fur, followed soon by his inner thighs, then darker brown fur appeared from around his butt, crawling up his sides. The sensation felt like hundreds of ants crawling over his skin. He wanted it to stop. The fur grew outwards from his crotch, consuming his skin. His insides seemed to be melting in the intense heat of whatever it was the monster behind him had pumped into him. Chris's energy seemed to drain away and he slumped back onto Ethan.

Ethan caught Chris as the transforming man wilted. "Please stop it," the new werewolf mumbled, "I don't want to be a monster." Ethan's muzzle exploded out of his face at that moment, the odd sensation not something he'd ever been able to get used to. Even so, it sent shivers of excitement through him, his tail involuntarily wagging behind him as the fur grew in. "You callin' me a monster, pup?" Chris's expression was unreadable, caught somewhere between fear and something else. Ethan glanced down between Chris's legs. His erection was still gently twitching upwards to the boy's pulse, milky fluid oozing from it. "I... I don't-" Chris gasped as Ethan's paw moved from Chris's midsection and gently grasped his rod. "Don't fight it," Ethan whispered. He stroked his changing packmate's rod, eliciting a small groan from him.

Chris was drowning in sensation, between the canine dick up his ass, the fire in his body, the bizarre sensation of fur growing and now his neglected shaft being gently, almost lovingly attended to. He let his jaw go slack as the heat exploded upwards into his chest. He took a sharp, huge breath and it almost felt like his entire torso popped like a stiff joint, glancing down, he saw his chest seemed... bigger. His pecs twitched and as the fire within him took them, he watched as they expanded outwards, bit by bit. His skin turned from pale and pasty to lightly tanned, just as milky brown fur exploded from his sternum, the muscle shirt he still wore slowly filling out as the body within it grew. Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad... Chris grunted as a pressure built in his spine and feet, the incredibly heat burning away his human body, replacing it with something entirely different. As the heat spread through him, he could feel his strength returning. His feet crunched as they changed, becoming wider, sporting bigger toes with huge claws. His big toes twitched upwards, drawn up off the ground as his heels lifted, the bones of his feet lengthening, becoming digitigrade. His legs vanished beneath a coat of chestnut brown fur as it finally spread down his calves to his feet. He felt his arms grow bigger, muscles bunching and pressing outwards against his skin, drawing it taut, veins bulging. His fur soon grew over them and his hands, now more paw-like. All that remained was his head. "Ff-fuck yeah," was all he managed before the heat exploded out of his face, nose, teeth and jaw bursting forward. It was like a sneeze he'd been holding in for his entire life, vaguely orgasmic, leaving him wanting more. His neck crunched as it lengthened, ears twitching as they pointed. He could hear things clearly, like he'd been wearing earmuffs up until now. New scents and smells wafted into his awareness, most prominently the musk of sex and sweat, the scent of his alpha, Ethan. "Welcome to the pack, boy." Chris instinctively grinned, feeling his tail wag as it thumped against Ethan's waist. He was different than he'd been only minutes earlier. He felt stronger, confident, and for the first time in a while, he felt like he belonged. "It... it feels good," Chris said, grasping Ethan's paw with his own, still on his hard cock. "I told you it would. Didn't you believe me?" Ethan said, licking Chris's ear. He giggled. "Stop that! It tickles." "But it looks like you've still got something we should take care of," Ethan said. A mild pain and a sucking sound announced the sudden emptiness in Chris's belly. Ethan had finally grown soft enough to slip out. "Oh man," Ethan said, "Damn, you furred up nicely." Chris looked down at himself and flexed. "Wow... Looks like the shirt fits after all!" Ethan smirked and touched his nose to Chris's. "Let's take care of that doggy boner of yours before we finish up." Ethan dropped to one knee. Chris gasped as his meat vanished into Ethan's toothy maw. The transformation had left him on edge, and it wasn't going to take much to bring him over. "Oh fuck... EthannnnHHG!" Every muscle in his body seemed to clench as his loins erupted, his balls tensing as his crotch was set aflame once more. He could feel his seed, the last of his human cum as it pulsed up his shaft into the waiting mouth of his alpha. After two spurts, he could feel his furry globes twitch as they started producing the same transformative spunk as Ethan's. Ethan pulled off Chris's cock as it spasmed again, launching thick, slightly yellowish ropes of semen over his face and chest. "Good boy," he said. Chris panted, tongue lolling to one side as he humped the air, three more spurts of musky goo shot through the air before he finally came down. "Holy shit," he said, slowly sliding down the shower's wall. "Fuck... is it always that intense?" Ethan licked the spunk from his face. "It's even better when you turn someone." Chris smiled. "Tell me when you find someone," he said between breaths, "so I can fuck 'em for you." Ethan crouched and pulled Chris into a hug. "Sure thing, bro." Chris felt his tail slapping the tiled floor as his cock began to soften and retreat into its sheath on his belly. He loved being held in Ethan's strong, protective arms. Felt like he belonged, the subtle scent of another werewolf on Ethan. "You've got a bigger pack than just me, haven't you?" "Yeah," Ethan nodded. "My room mate." Ethan stood, pulling Chris upright. "Come on, let's shower up. I think we can skip your workout for today." Chris flexed his arms, posing for Ethan. "I'm doing pretty good, huh?" he asked, a goofy grin on his muzzle. Ethan laughed and turned on the water. "Come on, I'm sure Arthur is anxious to meet you."

An Alpha's Awakening: Unleashing

_Last chapter in my collab with [Taurus111](https://tarus111.sofurry.com/)_! Thanks for reading, we hope you enjoyed it! * * * Kevin woke up to the buzzing of his phone on the bedside table next to him. He reached over for it, his claws grating on...

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An Alpha's Awakening: Wild Hair

_Part 3 of 4 of my collab with [Taurus111](https://tarus111.sofurry.com/)!_ _Things start getting a bit hairy for Kevin, and Joseph decides now is a good time to come clean about a couple things._ * * * Kevin's sleep was restless. He was too hot,...

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An Alpha's Awakening: Subtle Start

_Part two of my collab with [Taurus111](http://tarus111.sofurry.com/)! Kevin starts to notice things are a bit off today, but he's got some chores to distract him!_ * * * When Kevin woke up he felt like he hadn't moved in ages. His legs felt stiff,...

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