Wonders of a New Moon

Story by Kadoro on SoFurry

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This story contains sex between two males; it also contains sex between a demon and a human, but if this does not offend you, please continue reading, if it does. Well, that is why they made a back button. Clicky clicky!

Wonders of a New Moon


Warmth was around me. I felt like I was lying in a shallow bath.


What is that name? Whose voice is that?

"Kadoro! Get up and help me Damnit!!"

I slowly opened my eyes. Damn, my head hurt. I looked around and saw trees. It only took a second later when shock hit me. I instantly got up and looked around me. Blood from the bodies around me had made a pool and had covered my clothes.

"Fuck! I'm good" I screamed to Inuyasha. I picked up my bow sword and quickly rejoined battle.

Inuyasha and I had been hunting a family of flesh eating demons that had a big momma. And she was pissed. We squashed the recently laid eggs and had killed nearly half of her children.

"I can't believe I got knocked out again." I thought as I began to quickly slice away at the little demons that attempted to eat my legs. Inuyasha was distracting the mother, while I dealt with all the children.

"What the hell?!" Inuyasha screamed.

I looked over and saw that the mother demon had sprouted four extra limbs. This was going to be trouble. Even when she had only 6 arms, it was hard to avoid them all, 10 arms was hell. As I finished killing off the little bugs I looked over at Inuyasha. He was being picked up by the big mother and slowly brought to her mouth.

"Damn you you fucking bastard! Put me down NOW!!!" Inuyasha yelled as he was slowly getting closer to the mouth.

Out of instinct, I pointed the tip of my sword towards the nest and pushed my will through it to summon water. Instantly, a stream of water seemed to attach itself to the end of my blade and I ran straight for the large demon. I swung the connected swords over my head, creating a spiral with the water tail. As I got within range of the demon, I swung my sword and the water traveled over the rest of the distance and cut off two demon arms holding up my love.

"I didn't ask for your help!" Inuyasha said to me as he landed to my right.

"I know, I just didn't want my great lover to be eaten, I would get lonely again." I said with a smirk.

"How about we finish this fucker off and go back and get a good rest" Inuyasha said to me as he widened his stance so that he could attack.

"Sure, sounds good, can you distract him while I find out where its weak spot is?" I replied.

Instantly Inuyasha jumped onto the demon and started to claw at its eyes.

"Hurry up and kill it!" he said.

The demon was not like the younger ones, its armor was fully developed and there were hardly any at all. As Inuyasha backed up and watch the demon swing blindly, I saw an opening. There was a small fleshy area under the tail. Which I am guessing was either the egg hole or the ass hole. Either way, that was my spot. I jumped in and instantly stuck my blade up the hole, forcing the water stream I had up into the demon. I pulled the sword out and rolled away as an arm cracked the ground where I had just been standing.

After I was far away enough I put my hand out and opened my palm towards the demon. I pushed my will into the demon and sensed the water inside the demon. I started to swirl the water, making the demon thrash about even more. As I stood there, Inuyasha came and stood next to me to watch. I continued to stretch my arm out as I swept the water throughout the demon's body and destroyed all that the water could hit. A few minutes later, the water came out the mouth of the demon and it fell down dead.

"That was eventful." I said sarcastically as we started to walk away from the dead bodies. As we continued to head back towards my cottage, I noticed that Inuyasha was looking more tired than usual. I decided to not say anything, because if I did, that would mean that he would be angry at me for asking. I never really got that after the weeks that we had spent so far together, but then again, I don't think I really do.

That night was the night before the new moon, and I would lose all my water abilities. The moon had a strange effect on my powers like it does with the tide. A new moon, though it pulls water, has a reverse effect on me like the full moon. With the full moon, I feel refreshed, new. I could sit in the light of a full moon for eternity if I could. But none the less, I had to focus on preparing for the new moon.

When I got home, I decided the first thing I would do to prepare was get a good night sleep with my love.

"Inuyasha, I am really beat, and I am going to be doing a lot of chores tomorrow. So I need to go to sleep pretty soon." I said while I slowly undressed and got ready for bed

All he did was look at me. It was not a surprised look, but a questioning look.

"What's up with you? We have done harder things than that and you always wanna yiff around a bit before sleep." He gave me a devilish smile as he slowly walked over to me.

I tried to resist. But damn was he hot. And I didn't want to leave my man unsatisfied...

"I tell you what... let's take a bath together. We are covered in blood and I feel like I am in dire need of a good hot bath." I said as I started to walk to the door. "And if you help me... maybe we can do a little something dirty while we get clean." Winking at him as I walked out the door and headed for the wood box.

After a few minutes, we had a good fire going and the water in the bath was starting to heat up. We slowly lowered ourselves into the tub, which was big enough for at least 4 people, maybe more if they were smaller. But it was a perfect size for just me and Inuyasha. As I started to relax, I closed my eyes and breathed in the night air. I sat there just enjoying myself when I felt a hand slowly wrap around my shoulders and embrace me. I looked at Inuyasha and smiled at him, laying my head against his shoulder. "I could live like this" I thought to myself.

Instantly, I knew why Inuyasha had gotten closer. No matter what they say, I think that I have as sharp a nose as any dog, wolf, or canine out there. And I could instantly smell Inuyasha's musk in the steamy hot bath water.

I looked up at him, and he had that same devilish smile on his face. I couldn't help but smile back.

"You dirty dog you..." I said as he came in for a kiss. That was it. No matter what I could say or do now, he was going to have sex with me, and he knew it. We kissed for quite some time, our tongues dancing in the warmth of each other. I wrapped my hands slowly around his head and rubbed his long hair. I moved my body so that it would sit comfortably in his lap and I would still be able to kiss him. By now though, there was a hard dick running its length along my back, begging for attention.

"Let's get out of the dirty water and back into the house where it will be more comfortable." I said.

With a devious smile, Inuyasha agreed. We both got out of the bath and headed for the house. Once inside, Inuyasha practically jumped on top of me, his dick poking my stomach for attention. We both headed for the bed and lay down.

As we lay the kissing, I slowly broke the kiss and went down his chest, kissing all the way down. As I got near his penis hair, I started to lick at it and slowly worked my way up the front of his penis. Once I got to the head, I slowly sucked on the head of the penis, letting all his pre graced my tongue with its salty sweet taste. This taste nearly drove me insane. No matter how many times I tasted it, it was always tastier than before, and this thought made me slowly take more of his 11 inches into my mouth.

Once at the bottom of his massive shaft, I worked my way back up to the head, and back down. Inuyasha moaned loudly in pleasure as I did this. I continued to suckle his beautiful manhood until I felt the knot starting to form at the bottom. Once I felt it, I worked my way back up to the head and slowly took the length out of my mouth.

Inuyasha, knowing by now that I was not done, kept his head back, not looking waiting for the surprise I was about to give him. Keeping one hand on his dick, I put my other on his stomach and moved my mouth more south. I burying my face directly between his legs and inhaled. I loved the smell of his musk. Sticking out my tongue, I slowly licked and sucked from between his legs up to his balls. Once there, I took the hand from his stomach and started to put the glorious orbs into my mouth. Sucking on both orbs, I started to jerk him off. Slow at first, but then going really fast. I used my free hand to slowly rub between his legs and along his asshole, both moaning from the pleasure of the other's warmth.

The hole was tight, as I suspected, but that didn't stop me from continuing my plan. I took both orbs out and moved my mouth back to his penis, where his knot had fully formed. The hand that had been on his shaft was coated in pre-cum, and I switched it with the other hand by his tail hole. My mouth was filled with the taste of pre once again as I indulged in putting his dick back in my mouth. Once I heard him moan again, I slowly slipped my pre covered fingers into his tail hole. I heard him gasp, and I stopped pushing in, so that he could get used to it. I continued to suck on him, trying to distract him from what I was doing with his ass. Once I felt him starting to relax, I started to move in once again. I could hear him panting above me as he started to hump a little into my mouth. Once I put my fingers all the way into his ass, I started to slowly move them back and forth, and at this, Inuyasha moaned loud and proud, letting me know he was enjoying what I was doing.

I continued this process for quite some time, but I could tell he was nearing his climax soon. Using my free hand, I put it behind his knot and held it hard. This made him push up hard into my mouth, making his dick go down my throat a bit. I was almost there, I thought to myself. Inuyasha continued to moan loudly as I sucked him and finger fucked him. Suddenly, I felt his balls cling tight to his body, and this, I knew all to well, was what I was waiting for. Instead of what I usually did, just sucking the head and collecting the cum in my mouth, I put his entire dick down my throat, messaging his knot with my hand. Just when I got it all in, I heard a loud roar and I felt the hot liquid seed spill forth from his tip, slowly going down my throat to my gullet. I continued to swallow all of his seed until it stopped.

Pulling my fingers out of his ass, and slowly pulling my mouth off his dick, I slowly went back up to his face. We both looked at each other. As we both slowly drifted to sleep, he got close to me, and wrapped his arms around me. I felt protected. We both went to sleep, comforting each other as we drifted into our awaiting dreams.

The next morning was beautiful. The sky was blue, the wind was blowing just a little, creating a cool breeze, and the scattered clouds blocked the blazing sun. We both got up and started to go into the forest just to walk around. As we walked, I noticed some wild herbs and berries that were very good when cooked together, so I gathered some and put them in my pockets for stew later.

"Huh, its peaceful this time." I said blankly as we continued to walk.

"What?" Inuyasha replied.

"This is where I was first attacked by those demons; this is where my life continued. It was the same day I met you."

"Oh." He said as we looked at the scene. there were some large foot tracks that looked like they were there for quite some time, so I judged there were no demons in the area at the moment.

"If I remember correctly," I said as I walked towards my left, "the stream was in this direction."

We walked in the direction I was heading for a few moments when we both heard the sound of trickling water.

"It seems the demons from a few weeks ago are gone." I said, slowly walking into the stream. Even though I was in the water, I could barely feel it around me. Physically it was plain as the sky was blue, but my senses said that there was no power here.

"Let's go back now." I said as I looked at Inuyasha. He looked at me with a quizzical look, but decided to drop it.

We walked back to my hut and started to do the normal chores that were due every day: gather food from garden, clean fire pit, bring in wood for fire, all the fun stuff that nobody likes to do.

The day went on, and I could slowly feel my power sipping away from me. But I did not show it. Inuyasha on the other hand, seemed to be getting jumpier at nearly every sound. Did he know that I was losing my power? I don't think he did, but I kept up the charade that I was fine.

The day seemed to go by agonizingly slow. All I wanted was for the rest of this day and night to just be over with little as incident as possible, and knowing my luck, and my constant paranoia about it, there was something that was going to happen. But during all of this, I felt at ease, at least this time I had my lover with me. Thinking about him made me feel safer.

The sun was beginning to set, and my powers had completely seeped out of my body. I went back to my hut, waiting for Inuyasha to return from the forest with the wood. I continued to sit there, the horizon was getting darker and I began to worry. I knew he was a half-demon with incredible strength, but I still could not help but worry a little.

Nearly half an hour later, the door to my opened and I could not help but stare at Inuyasha.

"Ummm... Inuyasha, your hair is black." I said as I started to giggle. I couldn't help it. I was so used to seeing his hair shining silver, but the dark black was such a contrast it was kinda funny.

He looked at me like he was really pissed. "So what, my hair changed color, what is the problem?!" he yelled at me, dropping the wood all over the floor.

"Sorry, it's just that I am not used to seeing you like this..." I said as I started to calm down. "Ok, ok, so why is your hair black?" I asked in a flat voice.

"It doesn't matter. I just don't wanna talk about." He said. Now I was interested. Normally he was stubborn, but he always told me what was really going on.

"C'mon, you can tell me." I said in a slightly seductive voice. He looked over at me and saw that look I gave him that he always fell for. "No, you don't understand." He said, he was obviously hiding something. "Just tell me." I said, I was slowly walking towards him, I knew he wouldn't resist me much longer. " Fine, tell me why you've been acting weird all day and haven't used your water manipulation power at all since last night." I was slightly taken aback. So he did notice.

"Ok, I guess I have nothing to hide." I took a deep breath. "During the new moon, I lose my powers because the moon is connected with the tide of water. I do not completely understand it, but I lose all my water abilities on the night of the new moon." Inuyasha just looked at me. He couldn't believe what I actually just said.

"Your turn, Inuyasha." I said. He just fidgeted. "C'mon, I told you my secret, its your turn, why is your hair black?"

"I am human!" he yelled. I looked at him. "Are you serious?" I said. "Is this something to do with the new moon?"

"Yeah, because I am half demon, I lose my demonic powers during the new moon. It is literally my darkest night." He said. We both just stayed silent, looking at each other. "That is it, I am just a regular human for now, but the second the sun comes back up, I will be normal again."

I looked at him. So my hopes of him protecting were all false. He was just as weak as I was, or maybe not. He was completely human, and I suppose his main ability was his demon strength. I on the other hand, was handy with my twin blade bow. Did Inuyasha know how to defend himself in his human form? Was he at all knowledgeable about his limited abilities of his human side? I was curious about this and asked him.

Inuyasha seemed surprised by my questions. He obviously did not know how to properly defend himself in his human form.

"It's ok Inuyasha, it's not that hard to learn how to work around your human weaknesses." He seemed to be embarrassed by what I said. Obviously Inuyasha was not used to being considered "weak".

"Just forget it, we can just stay up all night and wait for morning, if anything bad happens, I guess we'll fight." Inuyasha said.

"Well, I can defend myself with my swords; do you have any weapons to defend yourself with?"

"No, I am not trained in anything. I simply use my demonic strength to do what I need done."

"Ok. So I guess I could help you learn how to wield a sword if you like." I said, looking away. I knew Inuyasha was stubborn and did not like to accept help, but I couldn't help offer it, I loved him, and did not want him to die.

"Fine." I looked at him. He had never accepted help before, and I did not think this was any exception. Apparently he wanted help, though he was reluctant to accept.

"Ok, I will teach you how to wield a sword tomorrow if you like." I said, I started to move closer, "but for now, let's get a little more comfortable for the night."

Inuyasha seemed to be getting the idea. He started to undress me with his eyes before his hands even came near me. That look in his eyes made me so horny I could feel my pants getting tighter. I looked down at his groin, and he obviously had the same problem. I moved and started to remove his pants, letting his penis pop out of his pants. It seemed a little smaller, but I paid it no mind, assuming that it was because he was in his human form.

"Excited I see." I said. I could see that he was starting to get further into the mood. "God, I love that look of pure carnal lust you get when you look at me." I moved towards his hard shaft and got down on my knees. I could see a small drop of pre start to slowly ooze down his shaft. I went down to the base and slowly licked up his long cock, licking up the pre and slowly moving towards his head. He moaned loudly, giving me greater vigor to continue. His musk was overpowering by now. I was happily drunk in bliss.

"Hey, Kadoro..." Inuyasha said. All I did was grunt while I continued to suck on his demonhood.

"What is it like to be taken?" This question took me off guard. Inuyasha curious about subbing... this was an interesting opportunity I couldn't pass.

Slowly taking his dick out of my mouth, I answered him. "It's..." I started, "Wonderful." He seemed to not believe me. "Well, the first part is going to hurt a little, but after a couple of thrusts, it is the best thing I have ever felt."

"I would like to... see what it feels like." He said in a soft voice. I looked at him with lust, and he knew what I was thinking immediately.

"Ok Inuyasha, but tell me if you want me to stop."

"Pfft, yeah right, if you can take my cock abuse in your ass, I'm sure that I can take whatever you can give me." He said in a cocky voice.

"Ok then, I won't go easy on you." I was going to enjoy this. Not only was I going to have sex again with Inuyasha, but I was going to be on top.

Inuyasha got on his hands and knees and lowered his head. His hair slid off his shoulder and fell to my side. He lowered his head and slowly took my length into his mouth. This feeling sent a shiver down my entire body. I gasped out loud, and Inuyasha took it as he was doing well. I put both my hands on the back of his head and began to run my fingers through his hair. He murred, sending yet another wave of pleasure through my body.

I gently pulled his mouth off of my dick, bringing him up to my face.

"I love you Inuyasha." I said, looking at him.

"I love you too." He said before leaning in to give me a kiss. I could taste my own pre inside his mouth, mixed in with the familiar taste of him. We broke the kiss and rolled him over onto his back. Lifting his legs up over my shoulders, I put my face next to his asshole. It smelt clean, not like shit, but simply smelt like his musk. I stuck out my tongue and licked over his small pucker. It didn't taste like ass either, just him. After a little more licking, I stuck my tongue into his hole.

Inuyasha gasped loudly, shocked at the intrusion. I simply smiled and continued to lick the inside of his ass, lubing his hole the best I could. When he started to moan, I slowly took my tongue out, Inuyasha moaning a little as I let the end slip out.

"This next part is going to hurt a bit, but trust me, it will be one of the best things you will feel in your life. Try to relax as much as you can, it will help." I said, trying to sound caring.

"Just fuck me." He said in a low but commanding voice.

All I could do was smile at this. If he wanted it rough, who was I to deny my love's wants? Rearranging his legs to rest comfortably on my shoulders, I aligned my tip with his hole. The look he gave me was all that I needed.

I pushed my entire cock 7 inch cock all the way into him at once. He arched his back and screamed at the rough intrusion. Maybe I should have gone slower.

"You said you wanted it rough, right?" I asked in a tender voice.

"God, I said to fuck me, not impale my ass." He said between breathes.

I slowly pulled out of him to my tip, and slowly re-inserted myself into him. He was obviously still hurting, but was starting to enjoy it. I left my entire cock in him for a few minutes, letting him get used to the size, then pulled out and pushed back in.

After a few more thrusts, he started to push back, meeting my hips half-way. I took this that he was starting to enjoy it. I pulled out and pushed back into him a little faster, pushing him a little on his back.

He started to moan, apparently drunken in the feeling of his hole, and I was the same at the sensation of complete warmth and tightness of his ass around my cock. All of a sudden Inuyasha let out a loud gasp, and immediately I could tell that I had hit his prostate. He looked at me.

"Do that again." Was all he said as I pulled out again. I shoved as hard as I could back into him, hitting his prostate again, making him let out a loud moan. I loved that sound.

His cock was now leaking pre like a fountain and I was nearing my orgasm. I reached around with one hand and began to stroke his slick cock. "Oh God! Yes Kadoro" he screamed as my fucking became more random and he was enjoying it all.

"Oh god, I'm goin to cu...!!" he screamed. Next thing I felt was his ass squeeze my cock so tight it felt like he was about to rip it off. I pushed all the way into him with all the strength I had left, letting my seed fill his ass. I looked up at his face; it was covered in cum, white blotches staining his human black hair.

"That... was... wonderful" he said in between pants. A devilish grin split across my face.

"What?" he asked me completely oblivious to what I was planning.

"Just like you marked me as yours, I mark you as mine." I said. Inuyasha smiled a little and seemed to enjoy the warm liquid that was overflowing his ass and leaking down his back.

"I marked you because I wanted to protect my love..." he said looking at me, " why did you do that to me?" he asked a little seductively.

"I did this not to just show ownership, I did it to show you that I love you." I said. Inuyasha did not look completely convinced. "But I did do it partly to tell anyone who might go near there that you are my mate as well." I said with a smile. I pulled out of him with a slurp. He let out a small whimper, as if to show some displeasure of me leaving him. I leaned forward and kissed him deeply on his mouth. Breaking only to clean his face with my tongue simply to go back to kissing him.

"We should probably get to sleep, you have training in the morning, and I expect you to be ready for anything I throw at you." I said as I got off him and lay next to him.

"I am going to stay up a little longer, I want to be awake when I change back." He said.

"Fine, but we are starting your training when I get up, and you might be a little sore." I said jokingly, going to sleep next to my lover.

This had to be as good as my life gets, I though, because I feel like I am in heaven, even if it is with a demon.

Thanks for reading my second story, sorry it took so long, college is a bitch of a beast, and I actually finished this as a break from studying for finals. Please vote, comment, and if you want, fav. Enjoy and wait till next chapter. "The Blue Moon Flower" =P