Companions Chapter 01: Little Red Pony

Story by Evoquus on SoFurry

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#1 of Companions

[Companions Chapter 01]


WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, then you must stop reading now. The author has taken steps to ensure that this story does not appear in any subject-inappropriate or age-inapropriate forum. This version has been posted with the author's permission to





* by Evoquus



* (c) Copyright 2002, Evoquus, All rights reserved.


* Feedback is appreciated: [email protected]



Rating: NC-17 for explicit sex: (typically) M/M, Human-Stallion, Anal, Oral

Chapter 01: Little Red Pony

I am basically a city person living in California, and was very fortunate to buy several dozen acres of hilly pastureland near the coast just before all of it disappeared, and what scraps remained became ridiculously unaffordable. My property is about 45 minutes away from the drudgery of citylife and it's a nice place to escape to on weekends. The land is undeveloped, save for a small country barn that provides sufficient shelter from the local elements. There aren't any amenities other than an outhouse that rarely gets serviced. No running water or electricity. Nothing much to do except do nothing. The parcel is more interesting than most. It contains several microclimates, a meadow, a grove, some natural springs, a seasonal creek, and a couple of 300-foot hills that provide a panoramic view of the highway and the coast. Down in the meadow, surrounded by pristine hills and grazing land, civilization a mile away is only a faint whisper.

The day of my destiny started out as a warm Friday morning in June. I left for work as usual, but for some reason, instead of turning south on the freeway, my autopilot headed north, and the usual commute traffic heading south backed up for miles. This trivial mistake easily added at least 30 minutes to my commute. That clinched it: it was going to be a three-day weekend. So I continued on this course until I reached my refuge near the sea. There is something rejuvenating about the parcel every time I set foot on it. It's mine, and no one can take it from me, not even the bank. My little piece of rustic Heaven on Earth.

But this day was different. There was something in the air... something ethereal, hidden, yet electric and compelling. It stirred my soul on a subconscious level. It was a silent siren's call, emanating from the saddle between the two hills behind the barn. Going for a climb was not my original plan when I arrived, but now it was the only thing I could think about.

As I began the short ascent, that something in the air became more vivid; I could sense it, and felt as if it could sense me. The gentle breeze off the ocean finally clued me in. It literally WAS something in the air - an aroma, both familiar and foreign, intoxicating and hypnotic. My brain recognized this smell on a basic level, but it did not fully register until I circumvented a large coyote bush and stumbled upon it's source - a lone horse. My gasp startled the massive unexpected sight that was ten feet in front of me. It jumped skittishly away several feet, then stood fast and regarded me with an uncannily intense set of eyes and ears.

Ever since adolescence, I have always fantasized about horses. I suppose it was an attempt to deny my sexual orientation. Sometimes the fantasies would fade, and years later they would come back to life, as potent as the originals. At first it was all about being seduced by, and then pleasuring a mare. (What sexual prowess I must have had to do that!) But I know now that it was really a stallion I had been pleasuring all along. The horse, after all, is the epitome of masculinity, whether or not it has a womb.

This horse did not have a womb. (It's always the first thing I check.) Not only did this one have a sheathed, and no doubt prominent organ, he also appeared to be fully intact. A stallion! How could I be so lucky!? The neighbors owned horses, but they were geldings that never strayed from their pasture. Most of the livestock in the area were cattle, which held no interest for me. Horses in this area were rare, and stallions non-existent. Who did he belong to? How did he get here? Is anyone looking for him? But most importantly, will my mouth be filled with horsedick today? My own dick was as hard as granite, but not because of my immediate musings. It was already impulsively stiffening during my climb. Unsated sex was in the air. My brain acknowledged now that it was indeed horse scent that it had detected, but not that of a local farm nor of ordinary manure. There was more than a hint of that coming from him, of course, but there was also something else, something instinctual, primitive, like a pheromone calling me, connecting with my psyche. No other animal had ever had such an instant effect on me.

He was a solid rusty brown, dirty, matted mane and tail, hadn't been groomed since - probably forever. Yet he was strong, healthy, muscled, alert, and now it seemed, quite fearless. His ears were locked onto me, as were his soulfully, brilliant black eyes. Those eyes were calculating, not at all like the dull, vacant gape of a saddle horse. He was definitely planning the first move.

There was a gentle breeze coming from my back. As it wafted toward him, he raised his head and inhaled into flared nostrils, held it for a moment then lowered his head and regarded me with those hypnotic onyx marbles each reflecting a sunburst from the corner. If a horse could have an expression, his was one of cautious anticipation, as if I had passed the first test, and it was time for the second. He took one step forward and paused. I held my ground, but my heart was racing. His eyes spoke to me, assuring me of no malice on his part. He continued to approach carefully, deliberately, never breaking eye contact. Neither of us wanted to frighten the other off.

I slowly raised my hand. He craned to sniff my fingers, then stepped forward to allow me to pat his head. First contact. He let me touch and caress the entire length of his face, and for the first time since our meeting, his eyes dropped their guard as if to savor the contentment of a friendly scratching. His head lowered to allow me to scratch his ears, and then he nuzzled my crotch. At first it seemed accidental, but after a few seconds it was clear he was doing more than scratching his nose. With nostrils flared again, he inhaled deeply and loudly from my groin several times, apparently aware of my arousal. Then his ministrations became frenetic. He snorted and swished his tail while he probed and sniffed. He was after something and would not be denied. When his teeth came out, nipping and tearing at my belt, I snapped out of my trance and broke free of him, backing away several feet. Strange teeth and my crotch I always make sure are kept very far apart.

At first he stepped forward to pursue me, then looked up and stood his ground, as if suddenly aware of his brutish behavior. He calmed himself down by bring his tail to a stop, then whickered softly. Perhaps a minute passed before he did something incredible. While still standing his ground, he briefly lowered his head and pointed his nose at my crotch, then raised it again. It looked as if he were asking, "Please." This was the act of a thinking being, or maybe it was just a random motion. I waited to decide which. He motioned to me again, with a soft pleading whinny. He would not harm me, he seemed to be saying.

I put my hand on my belt, and pulled it open. His tail let fly a single thwack, then he held it back. "Please continue," he was beckoning. I slowly opened my pants and let them slide to the ground. This elicited another thwack, and after a moment, another head motion to my groin, which was still covered by bulging briefs.

"This is insane. What am I doing..." I muttered as I slid the final stitch of cotton and elastic down to my ankles. When I stood up again, he and my hard-on were staring eye-to-eye. He whickered again - was that a "thank you?", then gingerly took one step forward. I suddenly realized that with my ankles shackled, I would not be able to make a graceful exit. His approach continued with measured steps and gentle whickering. He would not be denied his prize, and his manipulation to attain it was masterful. I was again enthralled by him, and before I knew it, he was upon me. He pondered my erection for a moment, then, making sure to keep his teeth well out of sight, he delicately placed his nostrils to my balls and sucked in their scent.

He closed his eyes and curled his upper lip, as he analyzed the complex molecules in his lungs, then completed his analysis by curving his tongue deep between my legs and slowly drawing back, in one agonizingly slow and sensual swipe, tasting everything I offered from my ass, my balls and up the entire length of my pulsing cock. With final conviction, he raised his head to the sky, trumpeted to the heavens, and shouted, "Praise the Gods of Destiny, we are ONE!"

My ears heard a horse bray, but my brain heard the exultation, and my sanity quickly dwindled, along with my erection. His eyes now regarded me in an entirely new light, black as obsidian, yet ablaze with fire.

"You are the one!" the lipless voice said in my head. "How long I have sought you, my Companion. I had nearly given up hope, having lost all sense of time. The promise of your existence, I feared might be lies from faceless vindictive deities, amusing themselves with my fruitless quest. Yet here you are, standing before me, and I to you, the same place, the same time, alive, strong, and virile..."

He noticed that my cock had made a rapid retreat, so he took pity on my sanity and introduced himself.

"I am Rovaun," said the voice in my head, while the stallion bowed, reverently. I stood frozen and quite dumbstruck. After a very awkward silence, he looked up and resumed his stance. "How are you called?"

I looked around. This had to be a joke. Someone was doing this to me, but I couldn't locate the voice. No matter where I turned, it always emanated from inside my head. "Perhaps you would be more comfortable with your clothes on."

I whirled back around to him. It took several more awkward moments for his words to register, but they did, and I clumsily pulled up my pants.

"Good. You understand me. I am Rovaun," the voice reiterated, awaiting a response that still would not come. "How are you called?"

He was a horse goddammit! This was LUDICROUS!! But to look at him, his stance, his stare - it sure looked like he was waiting for an answer. The question was asked again in my head: [How are you called?] I responded in kind: [My name is Daniel.] This produced no immediate response from him, however, he seemed to sense that I had replied to his query.

"Forgive me," the voice said. "Although I can make my thoughts known, I cannot hear the thoughts of others. It is one of many contradictions of my existence."

"My name is Daniel." The words seemed harsh, breaking the silence of this strange conversation.

"Daniel. A noble name," the voice said.

"As... is yours...," I replied. [What the hell is going on!]

"I am very pleased to meet you, Daniel. And at last, to know your name."

"I must be losing my mind."

"No, your mind is very much intact. Otherwise, we would not be communing. In fact, your very existence is what has kept me from losing mine. As you have no doubt surmised, I am not an ordinary being."

"You look like a horse to me."

"What you see before you is true. Physically, and with few exceptions, I am entirely equine. I eat, sleep, attract flies, just like any other. However, my soul and my existence is not equine at all. I don't even know what I am, except that my soul is ancient. I have been on this world in this form, it seems, forever.

"How can this be happening?" I said to myself, but was apparently overheard.

"There are more things in Heaven and Earth..."

"Okay, now I'm certified. It quotes Shakespeare!"

"Actually, Shakespeare spoke those words to me himself while composing his work. I sensed that he knew I was unique among my kind, but he could not hear my thoughts. To him, it was just a silly game. To me, too, I suppose."

"You met Shakespeare... so you're not just a talking horse, you're a talking horse that is well-read and immortal, is that it?"

"No, I am not immortal. I have been close to death many times. However, I do not age, and minor injuries may heal quickly. But I assure you, should the blood drain completely from my veins, I most certainly would die. I have thought about taking my own life countless times to end my meaningless existence. The only thing keeping me alive was you."

"I REALLY don't know what you're talking about, or what... whoever is talking... is talking about... Christ, this is nuts! You've got the wrong guy, fella..."

"It will all become clear to you, soon. Do you find me desirable?" he asked, somewhat lacking in tact. He was, after all, a horse.

"Um, what exactly do you mean by that?" I stalled, knowing perfectly well that the answer was "Hell yes!", that is, the dick part, anyway, but I'm sure he was referring to the whole package deal, and also, he was probably wired and this whole scheme was some new kind of entrapment by the Feds.

"Do you find me physically attractive?" he rephrased.

"I think you are a very nice horse." I was pretty sure that that was not the answer to his question, but I still didn't know where this was going. He apparently found this discourse frustrating, and pawed the ground while trying to devise the question that would provide the answer he sought. Ultimately, he settled on bluntness.

"I desire you," he said, " mate with you. Do you desire me in the same way?"

To MATE with?! Whoa Nelly!! I was hoping for a bit of fondling and maybe some tongue action, but this was way over the top, and clearly a bad idea.

"I, uh, have to go." I turned and ran down the hill, but hoofbeats soon followed.

"Companion, STOP!" the voice commanded.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted, tearing down the gravel path. I couldn't outrun the horse. My only chance was to outmaneuver him. I turned off the path and climbed up a rocky slope. He would have trouble finding footing here. If I could make it over the ridge, I might be able to lose him. I looked back and saw him on the path directly below me. He tested the slope with a hoof, then stepped back, deciding not to follow.

The sun was hot on my back and it sapped my strength. The terrain I scrambled over wasn't make it any easier. It was severely eroded and crumbled with the slightest touch. My escape route was two steps forward, sliding one step back, all the way up. I wasn't very far from him before I had to stop and take a breather. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and looked down at my pursuer. He stood below me, watching, silent, that is, the voice was silent. Only his tail and mane moved, lifted occasionally by the wind. From this distance, he wasn't so intimidating... and yes, he was attractive. Why couldn't he just be a stupid horse? Why did he have to be Mr. Ed? [Still, Mr. Ed was hot. Wilbur - what a lucky guy he was. I wonder if he ever sucked off Ed? Probably not; Ed would blab.] Okay, coffee break's over, time to make more distance between myself and Chatty Cathy.

I turned to continue my climb, but my footing gave way and I slipped, sliding down with a small avalanche of rubble, right into the arms of my four-legged loverboy. I rolled onto the path in front of him, and when I came to rest, my head was inches from a crushing hoof. I instinctively curled into a fetal position, protecting my head with bloodied hands, and whimpered, "Please don't hurt me."

For an eternity, that was really only a few seconds, nothing happened, but I imagined several painful things that could have happened. I didn't imagine that a warm and soothing salve would be applied to my scrapes, accompanied by a horse's soft whickering. I slowly uncurled to peek at my nurse. He nose was low to the ground and a gentle tongue licked my wounds clean. They had stopped bleeding almost immediately, apparently superficial. He raised his head to block the sun. He was as tall as a mountain.

"Are you injured?"

The voice had returned. If this had been a dream, I surely would have woken by now.

"If you are injured, I can summon help."

I coughed out a wheezing giggle, reminded of a running gag from Mystery Science Theatre 3000. [What's that, Lassie? Dad's Hurt? In Dead Rock canyon?] I rolled over slowly, and carefully sat up. Nothing was broken. And then there was that wonderful sexy odor again, and those dark bronze tennis balls were so close to my mouth. Saliva started welling. I snapped out of it, though. This guy was all bad news. If I stole a taste from him, he'd demand something in return. Nope. He was strictly off limits.

I stood up and brushed myself off, then looked at him for a few seconds. Still in complete disbelief, all I could think to say to him was:

"Why the long face?"

I started laughing aloud at the stupidness of it.

"I am glad to see you are uninjured," he said, ignoring the joke.

"Yeah," I said, still chuckling, "me too, Pal."

"Is that your word for 'Companion'?"

"Huh? Oh... yeah sure, 'Pal', 'Companion', 'Little Buddy', whatever." I turned to walk down the path. Perhaps if I bored him to death with disinterest, he would leave me alone.

"I prefer 'Companion'," he said, following behind.

"Great... then, 'Companion' it is. Glad that's settled."

"May I ask you a question, Companion."

"Yeah, sure, shoot."

"Do you already have another companion?"

"Nope. Not at the moment. Nosireee. Freeeee as a bird."

"May I ask one more question."

"Fire away."

"Do you find me attractive?"

"Oh, not this again. The next thing you'll be asking is 'Does this saddle make me look fat?'"

"I would not ask such a question."

"Not now, but just wait a few years when you catch me ogling the neighbor's gelding."

"Do you find geldings attractive?"

"Oh geez! I can't take this anymore!" I stopped and whirled around. He stopped, too, raising his head. "Look! I am not your mate. I am a man. It would be cool to bring home a talking horse, but you come with way too much baggage. I think we should just part company right now and go off in different directions. I'm going down that way. You can go any other direction except down that way. Got it? Good-bye!"

I turned and headed back down, hoping to God he wouldn't keep following. I could hear him snorting and stomping around, but he seemed to be staying put.

"I know you desire me," the voice cried, actually sounding farther away.

"I DON'T DESIRE YOU. LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted without looking back.

He whinnied loud and furious at the denial.

"I saw your arousal. I tasted it!" The voice was fading fast.

"I'm always horny!"

A terrifying cry pierced the air. I turned around with a start. The stallion had reared up and was gouging the air, braying furiously. He came down and stomped the earth, kicking up dust, smiting all life under his deadly hooves. He scared the living shit out of me.

"Trust me," I shouted, "you're not making yourself any more desirable." He tempered his rage when he heard my words.

"I know you desire me," the voice said pitifully, "you carry my image with you."

"It's a Ralph Lauren polo shirt. It has nothing to do with you."

"On your left breast."

The hair stood up on my neck. I turned away from him and stared down at my shirt. It was solid maroon, completely opaque. There was no way he could have seen it. I had to think... Did I take off my shirt? No, only my pants. How did he know about it?

"It is your tribute to me, Companion," the voice cried, wearily.

I lifted up my shirt and stared at it: a small red stallion, genitals and all, right over my heart. I got it during a night of binge drinking. My dorm buddies tattooed their bodies with naked women. I chose the stallion, because I could crassly brag that it represented my rogue, studly nature, but secretly, it represented the closest thing to my heart.

I lowered my shirt and turned to him. "How did you know?"

"I have seen the mark many times," he said.

"That's horseshit! I have never seen you before. I certainly would have remembered you!"

"I have seen the mark in my dreams, Companion."

"Your dreams!?" [Do horses dream?]

"May I approach? I will not harm you," he spoke, his voice regaining confidence.

He looked like he had sufficiently calmed down. I nodded to him, but still intended to stay well out of striking range. He walked slowly down the gravel path toward me, seemingly aware that a sudden move might frighten me off. His saunter was quite sexy, even mesmerizing, and while under his spell, I allowed him to violate my personal space, and walk right up to me. I looked into those all-knowing eyes, and suddenly found comfort in them.

"What is this all about?" I asked, earnestly.

"It is about you and I, Companion." His voice was now calm, warm, and soothing. I no longer felt threatened. In fact, I now felt quite safe in his presence, and I loved being near such a beautiful creature as he.

"Why do you dream about me? I don't dream about you."

"My dreams are not like yours. They are not fixed in time, perhaps because I am not fixed in time. I have existed for thousands of years. My dreams show me images of my past and my future. My past has been a solitary one, but my future will be shared with a Companion. It is you who are my Companion. We are destined to be one."

"But why me?"

"It is our destiny."

"Let me tell you something. That is crap!" He snorted and thwacked his tail at the insult to his religion. "I make my own destiny, and so should you. I don't believe in destiny. Therefore I can't be your companion."

"But you are..."

"How can you be so sure!?"

"All the signs point to you."

"What signs."

"The mark, for one."

"Lot's of guys have horsey tattoos."

"Your ability to commune with me, for another."

"You mean... not everyone can hear you?"

"No, not everyone."

"But SOME can, right?" He nodded, sullenly. "Aha!"

"Then there is your flavor."

"Nah, you've tasted one guy, you've tasted them all."

"That is not true, Companion. I don't know how many men you have tasted, but I have likely tasted more. And I have tasted YOU many times in my dreams. My sense of smell and taste is far more discerning than yours. None has even come close to your flavor, Companion, which, by the way, is very appealing to me."

"I'm touched, and still nowhere near convinced."

"You desire me."

"Oh Lord. Haven't we settled that yet."

"No, because you continue to deny it."

"Well, why do you desire me? Why not a mare or another stallion?"

"I have no interest in other equines. They do not provide the companionship I seek, so I do not desire them, physically or emotionally."

"Then why me?"

"Because you are my Companion."

"Sorry, Bub, that's circular logic."

He snorted, fidgeted and whacked his tail in frustration. All of his arguments required belief in destiny as their premise. His frustration was also evident in his voice.

"I don't know why I desire you, I just do. In my dreams we are one, and it is beautiful. Why do you desire stallions?"

I couldn't really answer that question. "It's just who I am," I finally confessed.

"You seem ashamed to admit your desire for me, and I do not understand why. If one being desires another, there is no shame in that. And if the other being shares that desire, then, when the two meet, something truly glorious is created. I have waited a very, very long time for you. There is no doubt in my mind that you are the one. However, I understand that you have doubts, and I will respect them. I will wait for you. When you are ready, I will be here."

He turned and started slowly back up the hill, his head hanging wearily low. He was a sly son-of-a-bitch and was manipulating me now. If his story was true, and how could it possibly be true, then I, his lifelong companion, had just treated him like shit. If his story was false, which was far more likely, then what could possibly be his motive? Why would a talking horse make up a story like that? Then the answer was suddenly obvious: to get me into bed! The bastard!!

He took his sweet time skulking up the hill. Didn't fool me for a second. His ass tilted to the left, then to the right, then to the left again, then to the right again... He had a nice ass, I'd give him that. Nice ass. Balls, too. Nice ass and balls. Mm-hmm. Nice. Didn't see his dick, though. Couldn't comment on it. But I sure saw those juicy balls up real close. Wouldn't mind getting a closer look at that ass. Dick, too, but he kept that hidden... You know, I bet if I asked him, he'd show it to me. He might even let me... Oh, my God, I'm such an idiot!

"Mr. Rovaun!" I shouted to him. He stopped his ascent, but didn't turn. "Where are you going?"

"I am going up."


"Because you have forbidden me from going down."

"Oh that, forget it. I changed my mind. You can come down."

He looked back at me. "Do you still doubt me?"

"Well, yes, but walking away isn't going to change that."

"What would you have me do?"

"Come back with me. You're a smart fella, probably smarter than me. Maybe you can convince me."

"Your tone is less than sincere." He turned away and quickened his ascent.

"Oh come on! What do you want me to say? Please? I'm sorry? What?"

"I have already told you: 'When you are ready, I will be here.' You are not ready." He disappeared over the hill.

[Oh damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT! You moron! You had the gift horse in your bed and you pushed him out!] There was nothing else to do but go after him. I dashed up the hill, crossing my fingers that he hadn't run off once he had disappeared from sight. I rounded the coyote bush and there he was again, nibbling the same spot as before. I bent over to catch my breath, and found myself standing in a muddy puddle of piss. He ignored me, but he acted like that seemed very appropriate.

"Please come back with me."

"Not while you still doubt me." He continued grazing.

"Well what do you expect! Of course I doubt you! I doubt all of this!! The way I see it, we have two possibilities here: A) Rovaun, the immortal talking horse meets Daniel today and proclaims his undying love, or B) Danny Racher is loonytunes. Which of these two scenarios seems the most logical to you?"


"Errphh. To you, maybe, but not to me! You have the benefit of thousands of years of hindsight and foresight. What's it been for me, twenty minutes? I need more time to sort this out."

"Take all the time you need. When you sort it out, I will be here."

"But I need your help to sort it out."


"Why not?"

"Because it is too painful for me to be near you while you still deny me."

"But wouldn't a little pain be worth the potential reward?" He stopped foraging to consider it. Meanwhile, the sun still blazed above causing my eyes to sting with sweat, so I sat down, pulled off my shirt and wiped my face dry. When I opened my eyes again, he was staring at me, transfixed on the tattoo. I looked down at it and then up at him. Something had changed in me at that very instant. For the first time, I think I really cared for him.

"Tell me what you know about this," I said, curiously.

"It is your tribute to me."

"How can that be? I got it years ago. Why do you think it's about you?"

"You call it your 'Little Red Pony.'"

"Yes,... I do. Not many people know that, but,... so?"

"You refer to me in the same manner."

I supposed that could be possible. He was neither little, nor red, nor a pony in the true sense of the word, but I could maybe see myself calling him that, if he were really very dear to me.

"...And there is something else you say to me. An affectionate rhyme: 'When we're together and when we're apart, my Little Red... '" He turned away, unable or unwilling to finish.

My hair stood on end again. Nobody knew that! Not a single person had I told!! How could he know these things!? He walks, he talks, he bares my soul! Could it possibly be true?? No, it can't! But yes, it can, because I'm looking at him right now. I'm not going crazy. And if I AM going crazy, then I can't think of a better way to go nuts.

"...My Little Red Pony is close to my heart," I said, rising to my feet. He continued to turn away from me. I walked around to the other side and he turned away again.


He didn't respond.

"Are you... Are you really my Little Red Pony?"

He finally turned to face me with watering eyes.

"What do you believe?" he asked.

"I believe... oh hell, I don't know what to believe. I've been a cynic all my life! To suddenly find out that my Little Red Pony is real, and will be my companion forever. It's a fairy tale that's too good to be true! I can't believe it right this second, but there's no question that I WANT to believe it. Isn't that good enough for now?"

He stretched his nose forward and touched the tattoo, nuzzling it softly. I suddenly sensed a tremendous love emanating from him. It could be true. It felt so true.

"Yes," he whispered.

My heart leapt. I reached up and scratched him gently behind the ears, while his velvet nose continued to nuzzle his likeness. I finally had a horse of my own - one that was completely uncontrollable, perhaps, but he certainly had other fine qualities to make up for that. "My Little Red Pony is close to my heart," I whispered. He whickered along with my words.

[End of _COMPANIONS_ Chapter 01: Little Red Pony]

[Next in series: Chapter 02: Destiny]