Dreaming on the run

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#4 of On the Run

Well here it is part 4 of the on the run series, this series has been really popular and I am so grateful for all your support, you guys rock. The first two parts drew more than 100 faves each, so please feel free to check them out. The first part can be found at the following link https://www.sofurry.com/view/849192

I hope you all enjoy, please feel free to fave, vote, comment oh and I'm eternally grateful to those who tip, it's definitely a good incentive for me to keep writing and producing stories as quickly as possible.

Lying the worst of crimes, according to my mother anyway. I remember anytime I got caught lying to cover up some mischief she would cry and when I apologised for what I had done she'd say,'it's not what you did that hurt me, it's that you lied to me about it afterwards.' My mother, ladies and gentlemen, is the all time master of the guilt trip, I feel guilty to this day about each and every time I was caught in a lie. It burns away in my mind when I remember what I did.

I was raised to tell the truth and even when I tell white lies they hurt me in a small way. The guilt of a lie as big as the one I was living was eating away at me. The camping trip had turned into a weird dream and nightmare at the same time. There were moments when all I could do is sit in silence hating myself and loving him. It wasn't right and I knew it, it wasn't a paper ring around my finger. It was a bond, a promise and oath to love and honour my wife and no-one else.

Yet I had found myself in the arms of my young lover too many times to deny my feelings. It was hard to watch him with my family, it felt wrong to see him and my son playing or joking together. It's strange how young he looks when they are around, yet as soon as they are gone; I get lose in his green eyes, my paws ache to touch his golden fur and my cock throbs with need to be inside his pert rump once more.

After the first night and our union in the shower, we had lain on the grass outside until the sun rose. Neither of us spoke, we just listened to the wind, the sounds of the night and each other's breathing. Dawn had eventually come and as the land started to come to life, the light of dawn creeping forward, so slowly and yet suddenly. The dew on the grass seemed to lift up and the British countryside was aglow with a golden haze. The light greens of the grass, mixed with the darker greens of the trees and the shrubs, only seemed to intensify the glow. It was almost magical, it's at moments like that when I think back to myself as a foal, when I could still believe in magic, and wish my parents had never told me Santa wasn't real, had never taken the magic away.

It was then, for the first time, Gary spoke to me for real, "have you ever read a Midsummer's nightmare by Gary Kilworth?" he asked in a soft whisper, the tents with my sleeping family inside were still nearby and if we spoke to loudly we might wake them. Then we would have to explain why we were laying next to one another naked on the grass.

It was a weird question that's for sure, it came out of the blue, "I... don't much like horror I'm afraid." I replied honestly a little sad that the moment seemed to have been spoiled.

He chuckled softly, his laughter was musical to my ears and then he said, "it's not a horror, it's a modern day fantasy comedy... it's about the fairies, you know from the Shakespeare play a Midsummer night's dream. They live in Sherwood forest, but civilisation has cut it back so far it can no longer hold them." My young lover explained rolling onto his front to look at me, his green eyes sparkling in the summer morning light, the golden haze surrounding his beautiful golden fur.

I rolled over as well, feeling the dew freshly soaking my crotch as we lay nose to nose, so close we could almost touch each other as he continued. "They enthral a mechanic and he drives a bus for them and they drive across England to get to the New Forest. On the way they steal a baby, and the movement of such powerful magical beings wakes up creatures long sleeping. Morgan Le Fey, giants, kelpies, faeries and so many other things. It's just a bit of fun but, I dunno... I feel sad sometimes cause I know it's not real... you know?"

"Yeah, I know that feeling, I used to get it when I read the Narnia books... I remember thinking how pissed off I would have been if that bloody lion had sent me home, like he kept doing to the kids," I whispered with a smile, those books had meant so much to me as a child. My favourite was the one nobody remembers, no not the Magician's Nephew, everyone remembers that one, I mean the horse and his boy. Just two friends against the world, doing nothing but trying to escape with each other and the best part, when they did escape, nobody sent them home. I glanced back at the sun still just peaking over the horizon, the sky a glorious mix of reds, ambers, gold, and blues, then I enquired, "why did you ask?"

He looked at me, the sky behind him slowly turning azure blue framing his beautiful face and slightly embarrassed expression, "oh well you said we'd be heading to the New Forest in a week and it just got me thinking. The six of us in one bus; Oberon at the wheel with his Titania, Peaseblossom, Cobwed and Mustardseed in the back..."

"Which one are you?" I asked as he paused in his list.

"I suppose... I'm Robin Goodfellow," he replied with a sly smile that could only be described as Puckish, as he winked at me.

"Well Puck, one word of advice... don't let John know you just called him Peaseblossom." It was just a gentle quip and yet something made us both laugh and giggle like naughty schoolboys. Well I suppose he was still in school and what we did in the showers that night would be considered by any normal person as very 'naughty'. So I had to wonder what my excuse for acting this way was.

I don't know how much longer we lay there, the sun was only half up by the time he stood up. "We should go for our run before the others get up."

Pulling the shorts I had with me on I mused on his words, 'our run' it was strange for so long my run had been a solitary thing. It was me time, to be girly, it was something I did to clear my head and yet when I run with him my mind is anything but clear. He'd trotted into my life so randomly, so hot swishing his tail, seducing me with a gesture and showing me just how good my run could be. Now it wasn't my run it was my escape, my time to be with him, and I was beginning to need my time with him.

I hadn't planned a route for our run out so we both just started to head out of the campsite, side by side. No music today, just the rhythmic clop of our hooves on the floor, and the sounds of our controlled breathing. As we jogged through the village every house was silent, the day still so newborn that it belonged to us alone. We took a right and headed out into the country, away from houses and off into the fields. The hard concrete being left behind, only cool grass beneath our hooves.

He pulled ahead a little playfully and I let him, it was good to watch his tail swishing and his pert buttocks swaying with his almost feminine hips. He neighed softly and whickered a challenge picking up the pace even more and that's when I replied with a deep throated whinny. My body was not going to allow some other stallion to challenge me and get away with it, my legs doubled their efforts and we ran, laughing and shouting as we raced. We had no destination, no goal, no fishing-line just the thrill of running, of letting go of being who we where, revealing in the world around us. The scent of grass crushed under hoof, dew hanging in the air, sweat and horse, filling every deep breath.

He was faster than me, but then he was slender, and sleek with the body of a true sprinter. I was taller and far broader, my muscles well developed and built over years of running and time spent in the gym. I wasn't built for the sprint, I was built for the marathon, and I smirked to myself as I knew that would lead to my ultimate victory. All I had to do was push him just a little and he would run himself out.

As we approached a ruined old building on the top of a hill he began to show signs of wavering. He ran to the building and sat down on a small wall. There was a small sign explaining the significance of the small crumbling old castle. Not that I cared, nor did he, the English countryside is littered with old castles, but handsome young willing stallions... they are a truly rare artefact and should be properly admired for their unique beauty.

He sat panting framed against the early morning sky; the sky behind him turning a beautiful azure blue, the warm red of the morning sun making his golden fur glow burnt amber. His fetlocks stirring in the slight breeze as his lithe frame heaving as he panted for breath. He looked so perfect in that moment that I didn't pause in my run, until he was in my arms, he gasped as my lips found his and then he returned the kiss with fierce passion.

Green eyes looked back into my steel blue ones, My speckled grey and white chest pressing to his. His body trembling against mine, I could feel his heart racing, the soft tickle of it's thumping rhythm made me moans softly into his mouth. Our tongues met, like two old friends embracing, I could taste his sweetness and youth, delicious cherries and cream in the summer sun. I was so hungry for him, my tongue delved deep into his maw, as my paws roamed over his naked golden chest.

His arms wrapped around my neck, holding on to my strength, as I showed him once more who the true stallion was. My paws slipped lower onto his shorts and I found the tent he had pitched there, unzipping the fly my hand pushed inside. I swallow each one of his delicious moans and gasps and pull his cock out into the cool morning air. Breaking the kiss I began to kiss and nibble my way down his neck. He gasped as I reached his chest and kept gong.

In the golden wheat fields of his chestfur I found a hard pink hill, my tongue caressed the fleshy nub and he neighed softly in appreciation. My paws stroked his cock, working over the hot flesh quickly. I could feel the moisture of his pre drenching my fingers. I pulled one paw up to my face and looking up at him I sucked two fingers into my mouth moaning at the flavour, musk and chestnuts on my tongue. He looked down at me blushing so hard there was a tinge of pink on his golden furred cheeks.

I hadn't sucked a cock since university, but one taste of his pre was all that it took to know that I had to fully taste this delight in my paw. He gasped audibly as I slipped to my knees before him, my paws stroking and caressing the delightful maleness in front of my eyes. I took in the visual feast, the mottled pink and black cock, the shaft so smooth it felt like hard silk in my paw. His flare smaller than mine but still impressive, his medial ring well developed and prominent on his shaft. His cone shaped equine meatus drooping pre, it ran down his flare to form a glistening jewel dangling from the tip. It fell and I caught it on my tongue as I licked out and ran my tongue around his flare.

His cries rolled down the hill as I wrapped my lips around his stallion meat. His taste overpowering my hungry tongue I sucked firmly my tongue running wild over his flare. I had never tasted another horse before, musk, grass and a strange sweetness gripped my mouth. I swallowed greedily thrusting my muzzle forward, my long equine muzzle the perfect sheath for his long equine cock.

He gazed out over golden fields of wheat in the summer sun, as my eyes were filled with his golden fur, the world fading away until nothing remained but him. I bobbed my muzzle on his length hungrily, swallowing again and again as he drooled copious amounts of pre, his cock throbbing against my tongue, the heat and firmness of the shaft between my lips felt perfect. I could feel his flare pushing at the back of my throat.

Two slender hands caressed my cheeks and I looked up to see him looking down at me, his eyes long lost to lust and desire, "my Oberon." He whispered softly and it was too much for me, I was his and I knew it, hell I loved it. I pushed my muzzle forward again. His medial ring tickled my lips as it slid in and out, his flare being pushed further and further back, my throat squeezing it. With each thrust he made a new sound, gasps, squeals and moans of pure pleasure filled my ears.

Sucking and swallowing his maleness did nothing to sate my hunger, it merely stoked the fires of my desire. I thrust my muzzle harder and harder, his flare pushing slowly further down my throat. I could hear his breathing growing desperate. My paws reached up to his leathery orbs, impressive yet not a match for the pair aching between my thighs. I could feel them twitching and shaking as he got ready to unload into my mouth. The with one last thrust I forced his flare fully into my throat, resisting the urge to gag or pull back.

His hands gripped my mane so tightly I thought he might pull out the fur. He whinnied and neighed at the top of his voice, his hooves stamping in the grass. I felt a throb of his cock pass my lips, I could feel the throb of muscle travel down my tongue. Then I felt his flare widen as it was crushed and massaged by my throat. He came right down my throat and I was happy to swallow it, the fire of hunger being quenched by his fluids. He came as only a horse can and I held firm, resisting the urge to pull off so I could breath.

As his cries of passion turned to whispers, and the throb of his cock stopped, I slowly pulled my head back. Getting my first real taste of his cum as his drooling cock dragged over my tongue, a weak musk with a surprisingly nutty taste. As it popped free I heard him groan in pleasure, he leaned heavily against the wall panting desperately for breath. I looked up at him and smiled, it was good to see the satisfied happy look on his face, it made me feel right, like I had done my duty and done it well.

He looked down at me and smiled as well, he offered me his hand and I took it, he pulled gently and I rose to my feet under my own power, as he had no strength left with which to help me. My own tent fully erected in my stretchy shorts, I kissed him, sharing his own taste with the panting boy. His tongue delved hungrily into my maw and then I found the kiss was broken. My stallion had slid off the wall and down to his knees before me.

Looking down I knew this was right; this was where we were meant to be, him before me, my huge cock just inches from his face waiting for the tender caress of those wonderful lips. He looked up at me as his fingers wrapped around the base of my cock and all I could see in those eyes was desire and love. I gasped as I felt his soft subtle lips kissing my flare, his moans pure music to my ears. There is little that is sexier than someone who lets you know how much they love your cock.

That's just what he did by taking as much of my maleness into his mouth as he could in one smooth whinny generating motion. I cried out in sheer bliss and put my paws down on his head, not holding him on because I didn't have to, just holding him. My palms caressing his velvet cheeks and my fingers stroking through his light blonde mane. His paws reached around to grab my buttocks and he pulled me forward. I felt my cock sliding further and further into the warmth of his nirvana.

A stiff breeze reminded me how exposed we were, this was no little nook in the cliffs, we were ontop a hill by what would clearly be at least a marginal tourist attraction. I tore my eyes away from the beautiful sight of watching my thick cock sliding between his perfect lips. my eyes scanned the horizon for any signs of anyone who might catch us. The was no-one, just fields of golden grain swaying in the still breeze, the sun reflecting off the warming the ground. The scent of heady stallion musk was in the air, mixed with the earthy tones of the dew evaporating in the early morning sun. It was glorious and more so for the sensations of pleasure that came in waves with each bob of his muzzle.

I kept my eyes locked on the glory of nature, placing my hands back on the rough sandstone of the castle wall. Built over a thousand years ago, the fort would support me, as it no doubt had supported others before me, as I lost myself to the rapturous bliss of my young lover. My whinnies of pleasure echoed through it's empty crumbling towers. The sandstone crumbling a little, making my paw pads dusty as I began to thrust into his willing mouth.

My blood rising, my desires taking control, my paws grasping his head tightly. I forced my cock forward pressing it to the back of his throat again and again. He was looking up at me when glanced down and I saw in his eyes trust and love. There was nothing he wouldn't do for me in that moment and nothing I wanted more than what he was already doing.

My cries grew louder as I felt my balls begin to rise again, I felt like a young colt again, twenty years young full of fire and spunk... soon to be drained of spunk. My voice raised as the pleasure being driven relentlessly into my cock became too much. My hooves stamped and kicked back, the wall shook at a glancing blow by a stallion hoof, mortar laid millennia ago was knocked free and fell to the ground and neither of us gave a shit. What was this ancient monument compared to our new love, nothing but a convenient place for us to be together.

I felt myself pass the point of no return, my cock throbbed hard and I felt jet after jet spraying over his tongue. I felt his mouth clenching around my flare as he tried to swallow it all, however he wasn't able to contain my stream. After a fourth jet of liquid horse silk he pulled off with a cough, pointing my cock to the ground where I left quite a puddle of musky smelling horse spunk.

He licked his lips and I pulled him to his feet and then into my arms. I kissed him deeply, tasting my own potent spunk on his lips and tongue. I shared his own weaker taste with him and I held him protected in my powerful arms. There was nothing I wanted more than to hold him forever, until the ancient castle was worn down to nothing but a bump on the landscape.

However, that was not to be and after a few minutes we broke the kiss and hug. Our shorts were both pulled up and we jogged back the way we had came. We could both taste and smell the other's cock in our mouths as we ran, for me it was an old familiar sensation that I had long forgotten about. I liked the feeling in my stomach, his warm seed sloshing about. Someday I'd have to try and deep-throat his pretty face and he could have the joy of drinking every last drop.

When we reached our campsite all three tents were still zipped shut, Gary looked at me and his voice was hopeful as he said, "maybe we should go shower before they all wake up."

Hope sprung in my chest at the thought of one more soapy adventure. We wouldn't need to even have sex, just being close with him is all I craved, to hold him in my arms and run my paws over his naked form would be bliss. However, that hope was dashed by the petulant voice from within his and John's tent saying, "You go shower Gary, Dad needs to fix us all breakfast. Besides there's only one shower room so you can't both go at once, can you?"

Childish smirks came to both our faces as we exchanged a happy glance and shared memory of just a few hours earlier. "No I guess we can't, you go shower Gary and I'll have one after breakfast." I said giving the sweet blonde pony a nod, he turned tail and ran. I noticed him out of the corner of my eye picking up our towels left in the grass earlier and take them with him. That was a good save, as I imagine Karen would have asked about that if she'd spotted them.

I busied myself making breakfast, it was something else I loved about camping. The smell of bacon cooking outdoors, the slight burn of gas in my nostrils bacon sizzling. I had the two hob gas stove going in a matter of a minute. A kettle on one hob to make the ever important cup of char. I snagged a bowl from the ten and broke a few eggs into it, whisking them with some milk.

As the kettle reached boiling I heard John stirring, I smiled to myself, there was one easy way to my son's heart and that was through his stomach. The zip on his tent opened just as I slapped the first cooked slice of eggy bread onto a plate. His eyes shot to it as he stepped out, stretching. He was just wearing shorts and as he stretched I found myself realising that my young boy had become a man, well almost. Still there was a definite hint of morning wood poking in his shorts, which became far more prominent as he stretched and arched his back.

His stretching over he plonked himself on the grass next to me, "morning." He muttered as he grabbed the plate. "Ow!" he practically snarled as my spatula hit the back of his hand.

"Guests first, you know the rules, besides that plates not finished yet." I replied with an amused chuckle.

"What guests, Gary's in the shower and Kaylee's still asleep?" My son retorted his eyes rolling and his voice dripping with the incredulity at my unreasonable actions.

"They will be here soon enough," I answered as I scooped the bacon out spreading it out onto six plates, working both frying pans with eggy bread it didn't take much longer to finish breakfast. By the time I had the girls had gotten up and run off to pee. They came back with Gary, both of them looking up at him in awe, giggling and blushing at his half naked torso.

He didn't seem bothered by it and he plonked himself down next to John. I passed him a plate and then relented and handed my son his breakfast as well. My wife was up a few minutes later and the family all sat down on the grass to eat. Now I can't do a roast, bake a pie and my soup making skills are abysmal. However, when it comes to cooking on a camp stove, I'm Gordan Ramsey without the stupid haircut and arsehole attitude.

For a few minutes there was mostly silence as food was shovelled into hungry mouths. Then their plates cleared Mary and Kaylee grabbed their washing gear and headed to the showers, while the rest of us indulged n that most English of activities, drinking a brew that originated from India, tea.

"How was your run this morning, did you two see anything interesting?" Karen asked as she sipped her tea, she was looking a Gary who put down his DS and smiled back a her.

"Yes, it was great, there's this cool castle just passed the village out on a hill. We took a break there." He replied without so much as a hint of a smirk or a giggle, he sounded fully enthusiastic.

"Aww I missed a castle?" John whined, last time I tried to take him to a castle was six months ago and he'd complained to me that castles were lame and so was I.

"Yeah it was cool," replied Gary and just for a second his eyes and mine met and I had to resist the urge to wink.

"Well if you don't want to miss things maybe you should go for a run with them, you could use a bit more exercise, you're getting a bit podgy," observed my wife as I almost spat my tea out in surprise. I could see the shocked look on Gary's face, I was counting on that run, I needed my alone time with my young stud.

"Yeah, I guess... I mean if Gary does it then it must be fun," John replied and that's the moment I saw it, the look on my son's eyes. The_'lost in puppy love'_ look, as he looked at Gary. Like father, like son, apparently we share taste in men, only I have actually had a taste while he has just popped morning wood thinking of it.

I didn't like the idea of my son interloping on my morning run with Gary, that would put an end to things for a while. Tomorrow we were heading on and most of the other camp sites I had plans for us to stay in were bigger and any night time shower meetings would be extremely risky. Less than twenty four hours earlier I had been desperate to put Gary off and now I was desperate to be with him.

Still there was nothing I could do, it's not like I could say_'sorry son you can't come with us because you don't want to see just how hard I am going to fuck the boy you fancy.'_ No it was the end, probably for the best I thought at the time. The way we had been going it was only a matter of time before we got caught. So I resolved myself to my fate and the lack of sex, though even as I did so my mind started to plan for scenarios. I had thirteen more days with him, I should be able to find at least one more chance.

It was as I washed up the breakfast dishes that Gary snuck over, under the pretence of bringing me a cup, I gave him a sorrowful glance and he looked back at my son and observed, "he won't last."

My ears perked up and I realised he was right, John had started a thousand hobbies and never stuck at any, his room was littered with half painted warhammer figurines from his last hobby. That had lasted all of two months and involved him sitting on his ass most of the day. One long run with me and Gary and he'd crawl back into his sleeping bag and never darken our mornings again.

So it was with an optimistic outlook that I got into the car with the family that morning. It took the girls a few minutes longer than everyone to arrive, while I waited I pulled out my mobile and switched to my reading app. A quick search found the book I was looking for and I ordered an e download of a Midsummer's nightmare.

It was a long day, but fun, Wookey Hole turned out to be awesome or I thought so anyway. Massive cave systems with a few awe inspiring sights. I didn't get to spend as long there as I'd like because the battery on John's DS died and he started making a big deal out of being bored. Gary never uttered a word of complaint and I could see a look of admiration on his face.

Karen and the girls seemed to have fun too, but they had far more at Cheddar Gorge, which for some reason failed to strike a cord with me. It was a canyon and not like the grand canon, which was somewhere I had always wanted to go. It reminded me of a complaint I hear all the time about American fast food restaurants all over England. The English ability to take an American thing and remove it's one redeeming feature. Our fast food is slow and our Grand Canyon is anything but Grand.

Still there was a lot of tourist shops and stuff for Karen and the girls to look through. John's DS had been fully recharged so a nuclear bomb could go off next to him, as long as it didn't disrupt his pokemon playing, he would be fine. In the end Gary, John and I sat outside a pub while Karen took the girls to look at dresses, or bags or... ok I wasn't listening they were looking at something so dull and boring my ears refused to even hear the words.

Gary had joined John playing pokemon and as they sat there playing I contemplated getting myself a DS and figuring out what the bloody hell a pokemon actually was. Apparently they were as addictive as crack but left your teeth intact. Instead I started reading the book I had downloaded, a recommendation from a sixteen year old had my doubts to begin with.

However, I was pleasantly surprised with expert prose and a well crafted engaging tale of fun adventures. I have always been a speed reader and so by the time Karen and the girls came back I was halfway through the book. We stopped off at another pub on the way back to the campsite and had a nice meal, which saved me from having to cook at the end of that rather long day.

Bedtime came quickly and before long I was back in my sleeping bag with Karen. This time I made no attempt at anything with her, I just set my phone for two am and hoped that Gary would do the same. Sleep came easily after such a long day, I slept for a good four hours before my phone woke me. I switched the alarm off as quickly as I could then lay still listening to Karen's breathing.

After thirty seconds of no reaction I slipped very carefully out of the sleeping bag. Grabbed my towel, washing gear and running shorts and unzipped the tent as quietly as I could. The campsite at night was dark, no moon meant the only light was the stars and the tiny beacon of the toilet block window. I could make out the other tents, it was a monochrome world in greyscale though, just shapes and structures.

As I closed the door to my tent I heard the soft cautious zip of another tent opening. I spotted the perfect young male standing up and he turned to spot me. He gave a nod in the direction of the toilet block and we both started to head there. However, we had only gone a few steps when I heard a petulant voice whisper out harshly, "hey dude, if you're off to the loo I need to pee too!"

We both froze for a second in panic, his brain worked far faster than mine and before I knew what was happening he was throwing me his towel and washing gear. I caught them more through good instincts and reflexes than any conscious thought. As the zip on Gary's tent door opened I stumbled to the ground behind my daughter's tent, trying not to breath loudly as my heart was beating so hard it felt like it was trying to escape the captivity of my chest.

I heard John get up and the two young ponies wandered off. I waited until they were inside the toilet block before getting back to my feet as quietly as possible. I shoved Gary's washing gear into his tent and then snuck back into mine and back into my sleeping bag, where I lay wishing bad things upon my son. It may not make me father of a year, but hey I was fucking my son's best friend my chances of that trophy were already blown, around the time I first blew in Gary's mouth.

A few minutes later I heard the two of them return and get back into their tent. I sighed as I realised that was the last chance I was certain to get to be with Gary in the next two weeks. I closed my eyes praying that my son would not suddenly decide that running was the one thing he would stick with. Sleep took hold of me quickly and it felt like a mere moment before my phone alarm went off again, letting me know it was time to get up for our run.

I was less cautious about getting up this time, after all this was my morning routine, if Karen woke and asked anything I had the ultimate reply,'it's time for my run'. Crawling to the door I unzipped it and stepped out into the cold morning air. The sun was already up, though there was still a gloom in the air coming from the low hanging dark clouds that threatened ran and maybe even a lightening storm later.

A few seconds later I heard the other tent open and Gary stepped out, looking so fucking delicious I just wanted to taste him right there and then. His mane mused up, somehow looking even better than when it was neatly brushed. He yawned and stretched and I almost choked as I spotted his wonderful bulge. He winked at me and gave me his puckish smile, for a moment hope sprang forth in my chest that even the least requirement of running had proved too much for John and he had refused to wake up.

However, those hopes were quickly dashed by a grey head poking out of the tent, yawning and muttering a little too loudly, "seriously six am... we're getting up at six am?"

Gary didn't reply and I gave him a fatherly shusshing as I grabbed my ipod. Gary put his headphones in and then we started to stretch. We hadn't bothered yesterday, but then we'd both know we weren't running that far. This morning I had plans to run my son off the face of the planet and return to my new and exciting love life.

John looked a little lost and baffled for a moment and then he stood behind us, actually right behind Gary I noted, the little perv had eyes on his best friend's ass. Which is fine, he could look, I had felt and tasted it and it was pure equine perfection. Still he was trying to copy our moves, my fatherly instinct told me to help because he was doing it wrong. However, my cock told me to let him do it wrong, a good cramp attack would probably ensure that he never dared to run with us again.

With our stretching over Gary and I both just started to run, a brisk trot to get our muscles warmed up properly. John stumbled behind us, I took a moment to flick my ipod onto my faster play-list, a lot of high paced music I used on mornings I really wanted to push myself. As we left the campsite both Gary and I kicked it up a notch, our hooves hitting the ground in unison as we ran side by side, the music drown out the gasps and pants of my child struggling behind me. Yes I know I'm a terrible father, I should have some compassion and time for my struggling child. Normally my first instinct when any child struggles is to help, I'm normally a good dad and a good guy, I still feel guilty for what we did that day.

By the time we hit the edge of the village my muscles were beginning to complain from the pace we had set. With a quick glance I knew Gary had the same idea as me, somehow that just made everything justified. I steeled my mind, this was going to be one of those days when I ran until I couldn't run anymore. The sounds of gasping and panting could be heard growing increasingly distant behind us.

I have to hand it to my son, despite never having trained or ran before he managed to stay with us the entire way the whole run. He was a good few hundred meters behind us, but he continued on with a painful look of determination on his face. By the time we returned to the camp he was dripping in sweat, his shorts were stuck to his flesh you could see everything outlined there.

Gary and I reached the tents a good five minutes before John finally came up gasping and spluttering like a terminal patient on a ventilator. He collapsed onto the grass with a whimper, "you guys do that every morning?" he asked his voice a pain-filled whine.

"Oh no, usually we go much further, we just thought we should take it easy as it was your first day," I replied with a wink at Gary.

"Yeah, I usually break much more of a sweat, especially when out with your dad, he's like a_fucking_legend," the blonde pony added impishly, the slight stress to the word fucking made my cock twitch and ache. It knew that today it had missed a wonderful chance to show the young pony just how legendary a fuck I could be.

"Hey, he said fucking," panted my son with pure adolescent indignation.

"Yeah well I'm not his Dad so I'm not going to punish him for swearing, but if you swear again no DS for the day," the was a definite warning edge to my tone, it was my mildly annoyed father warning tone. My son knew not to push it when I gave that tone. "Why don't you go shower?"

"Yeah, good idea, come on Gary," He muttered getting to his knees and reaching into his tent to grab his towel and cleaning gear.

"Only one shower stall, so unless you want me to hop in with you I'll wait here until you've been." The blonde pony replied and I could see the puckish smile return to his face as my son looked all flustered and embarrassed, a noticeable twitch in his shorts let us know what he really thought of that idea. It was obvious to me my young lover knew my little boy had a crush on him.

"Oh err, right. Save me some eggy bread will you?" He mumbled and I couldn't help but note it too him a minute or two of laying there silent before he got up. I chuckled internally when I spotted the half a bulge in his soaking pants.

I leaned over to Gary, whispering just in case anyone was awake in the tents I muttered, "he really likes you huh?"

The equine looked a tad embarrassed and nodded before whispering back, "he's not really my type though." I had to assume that was true, given that apparently I was his type, an older fit and muscled stud. My son, well he had my colouring and if he put effort in he could have my physique. "I like my men...fully grown and... well hung." He bushed deeply as he added that and my cock throbbed in my pants. Just five words describing me from his perfect lips and my cock was at attention and ready to serve his needs. It wasn't until later I realised that meant he knew how well hung my son was, good enough to compare, but on the plus side apparently I'm bigger.

Fortunately for me it was a good five minutes before anyone else woke up and focusing on cooking breakfast allowed my cock to deflate. It was a quick breakfast and then I started to pack up the camp, we were moving on to the next site today, a far bigger campsite near Stonehenge. I would have to do some research and find some running routes that would allow us to find some privacy, a forest would be good.

I showered last, after everything had been packed into the car, then it was just a matter of rounding everyone up and another long drive. The rain hit a half hour into the drive making me have to concentrate hard on the road as the weather lashed around us. The first flash of lightening got a squeal from the two girls, torrential downpours and lightening falling from the sky, perfect camping weather and you could tell I had planned to barbeque that evening.

It at least made the ride interesting and the rain was just stopping when we pulled into the camp site, the sun peaking out. This time the family actually helped set up the tents, a rare event indeed and a good sign that Karen and the kids were in high spirits. The sun beaming down and the wonderful scent of grassland after a thunderstorm. Fresh cut grass, mixed with fresh rainwater, earth and just a hint of ozone. It cleared the sinuses, and refreshed your muscles, our hooves all got soaked from the rainwater on the grass, not that we cared, it was cooling and they would dry. Only Kaylee wasn't happy about that, being a non-equine the cheetah wore trainers which got soaked and she had to change her socks and shoes.

There was a gastro-pub on site, another sign of the ubiquity of these places slowly eating away at everything once unique about the traditional English local. Of course that meant the food would be edible but not good or terrible, a sort of happy bland that works for parents more than anyone else. Either way we had a hot meal and then came the matter of what to do for the afternoon.

Karen wanted to visit Stonehenge, I suspect to get it out of the way before I tried to make a full day of the visit tomorrow. The kids were surprisingly up for it, it's quite a cool monument after all, I remember seeing it when I was a colt, those huge monoliths towering above me blocking out the sun. Of course in those days you could get a lot closer, these days they keep the tourists back, the vibrations of so many feet were making it threaten to fall down or something. The only people allowed in were the druids on midsummer and midwinter to perform their religious ceremonies.

I have to admit it would be nice to actually get among those stones, as a child I could feel the history and myth surrounding them. Still there were many more stone circles around, some older that you could walk up to. I of course had planned a visit to one of these, Avebury, very soon. It was one I had never been to before and had high hopes it would feel as mystical to the kids as Stonehenge had to me as a colt. Maybe even be a match for the all mighty DS and pokemon.

It was after lunch as we were walking back to the car that I had an idea, a sneaky plan to hopefully get some time with Gary alone. Or at worst a few hours on my own, resting under canvas. As we reached the tents I swung into action, dynamically, ok not so dynamically, I just moaned softly and muttered, "I have the king of all headaches, why don't you take the kids to Stonehenge and I'll have a bit of a lie down."

I gave Gary a quick glance out of the corner of my eye and for a second our eyes locked and I knew he had gotten the message. Karen gave a soft sympathetic sound as she reached up to pat my forehead, I wish she hadn't; I felt like such a bastard as she showed me sympathy. "You have been pushing yourself pretty hard, why don't you stay and take a bit of a nap?"

I nodded my agreement and turned to get in the tent as everyone else got into the car. My disappointment started to grow as I noticed Gary climbing into the car, I had been so sure he had picked up on my hint. I picked up my phone and opened the e-book I had been enjoying, at least I had some quiet time. I had been on my own for about a minute before my reading was disturbed by the sound of approaching hooves. My heart started to race, I was sure it was him not some passing camper.

When I heard the hooves stop outside my tent and someone unzipping my heart leapt into my mouth and I had to suppress a whinny of joy, just in case. Then I saw him standing there with a grin on his face, I rolled quickly to the zip on the bedroom compartment door and was outside of the tent in a heartbeat. A quick glance around confirmed we were alone and I hugged him tightly and pressed my lips to his passionately.

"I though you weren't coming," I whispered as I nuzzled his neck and drank his sweet scent. He was back to his own shampoo, coconut and mango, sweet scents with his tasty young fresh musk.

"I figured if we both said it at the same time everyone would decide to stay, I said I needed the loo and then faked throwing up," he chuckled and he nuzzled my broad chest, his tender lips nibbling on my chest-ruff. "John tried to come back with me, I told him I hated being around people when I am feeling ill."

"He really has a crush on you," I said softly as I nibbled softly on his ears delighting as they flicked and tickled my chin.

"Yeah I know, but ... guys my age don't interest me, I like a nice mature stud who knows how to fuck, like his dad." Gary whispered as he looked up at my, those dazzling emeralds shone with lust and something else, I think it was love.

A deep horny neigh erupted from my lips, it was a feral instinctual reaction as I heard him judge my prowess as a lover and find it more than satisfactory. I must admit I took a certain amount of joy from his rejection of my son, it is always nice to be chosen over someone, especially someone much younger.

His paws slipped down from my chest to cup my crotch where he found my cock thick and throbbing aching and desperate for his tender caress. "Why don't we get into my tent and then you can get into me." He whispered lustfully squeezing my cock firmly and making me whinny desperately as I soaked my boxers with stallion pre. He didn't need to ask me twice and we dove into his tent.

Our lips wrestled as our paws roamed over each other. Clothes were discarded rapidly, and we lay on a bed of his and my son's sleeping bags. I pulled him into my arms as I kissed him deeply my hungry tongue feasting on his sweet taste as I rolled onto my back, pulling him on top of me.

His legs slid around my waist and I felt my hard aching cock, hot-dogging between his pert buttocks. My hips thrust and I felt my flare mashing into his tail, my paws stroked down his back and onto his buttocks, squeezing them until he neighed softly into my mouth. Our kiss was broken and he reared up above me. I could see his cock dripping pre onto my stomach. "We are going to make a mess," I chuckled as my large paws wrapped around his cock, stroking it slowly, one palm rubbing over his smaller flare as the other stroked his full length.

He gasped and a jet of his pre shot over my chest and stomach. "Fuck the mess, I have to have you inside me." He replied with such deep earnest need my cock throbbed and my balls ached. There is nothing sexier than being needed, than someone wanting you inside them.

I moaned at the feeling of his hot juices soaking into my fur, I loved the scent of fluids as he marked me. My cock throbbed hard between his buttocks as my hips started to thrust and he looked down at me and I could see the hunger in his eyes, he wanted me and, more than air or water, I needed him.

He grabbed something from his pants and I recognised a packet of lube and suddenly an idea came to my mind. I reached for my pants and pulled something out, a horse sized condom, I had bought packet on the sly after Karen had refused to let me cum in her on the first night of our trip. I saw the look of abject disappointment on his face and groaned deeply shooting more pre over his ass. The thought of how badly he needed to feel my cock inside him and feel my cum inside him, turned me on more than anything I thought could. Each time I laid with him I found my pony managed to turn me on even more, as we grew accustomed to each other, started speaking and sharing I knew this would only grow.

I just winked at him and tore the packet open with my teeth and pulled out the large rubber disk. Before he could complain or object I slid it down around his cock, and he gasped as he finally realised the condom wasn't for me. Doubt filled his shinning eyes and I shook my head, my paws reached up and pulled his head down to mine. I kissed his nose and whispered, "it's just to stop you making a mess when I fuck every last drop of cum out of you."

He sighed and nodded his head as understanding was reached, I couldn't wait much longer I grabbed his buttocks and started to guide him into position. This was a position I had always loved, laying under my lover and letting them impale themselves on my huge cock again and again. Then once they think they are in charge I grab their hips and start fucking up into them so fast and hard they lose all control.

With his concerns, over the rubber, addressed his desire to ride my cock returned with a vengeance. A small part of my brain told me that even with his spunk in a condom the tent would reek of sex and John would surly figure it out. However, that part of my mind was shouted down by my cock, which demanded to be sheathed inside a warm pony boy right that moment.

The coolness of the lube made me shiver and then I moaned as his two slender paws caressed my maleness, spreading the slice substance along my full length. My lust had full hold of me and my paws were not entirely gentle as I guided his ass to my slick flare. He looked down at me and smiled, then winked before his ass suddenly was forced down. I cried out as he impaled himself on my thickness roughly. His voice joined mine as my thick shaft spread his pucker wide.

I was lost in pure heaven, his warmth surrounding every inch of my maleness, he drove himself down onto my length with such passion and need. I bit my lips so hard I tasted blood again, the pain was needed though, the intensity of his tight thin body clenching around my length was threatening to force me right to orgasm. My huge balls churned as his ass came to a rest, lightly squeezing those leathery orbs.

For a moment we paused, I looked up at him; his small chest lifting as he panted, his cock surrounded in it's pink rubber prison, his face flushed with heat and his eyes filled with lust and need. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen, his golden fur practically glowed in the dusty light of the tent. The tent filled with the scent of our arousal, each breath driving our lust higher and higher.

I reached up with both paws and grabbed his waist pulling him forward, our lips met as he bucked in my lap, a few inches of my maleness pulling out and being slammed back inside him. We both moaned in unison, sharing the sweet taste of our passionate groans with each other. Our tongues danced as he bucked again and again, his eager young body siding up and down on my hot length. Our cries of pleasure could no doubt be heard by any who passed, neither of us gave it a moments thought, there was no holding back in our moment of passionate union. All that mattered was we were together, we were connected in the most intimate of ways, everything beyond that was meaningless.

Our kiss was broken as his bucking grew wilder and wilder. His hips pounding down into mine eagerly, he forced my thick horse meat inside him desperately, my flare pressing hard into his prostate, as powerful sensations travelled down my shaft. I neighed and then his cock caught my eye, bobbing and dangling tantalisingly just a few inches from my muzzle. I grinned and suddenly lifted my head up.

My lips sealed around his cocktip, the taste of cherries flooded my mouth, they only had flavoured condoms in the pub toilets, it was sweet but my mouth hungered for his real taste. I suckled firmly, my tongue lashing heavily against the rubber, eager to make up for the material separating us. The warmth and thickness of his cock in my mouth was wonderful. I took him deep into my muzzle, my nose picking up hints of his wonderful juvenile musk, soft and earthy and just wonderful.

With the scent of another male so strong in my nose my feral instincts took over. My paws grabbed his waist and I started to rut up into him. I didn't hold back I let go with everything I had, slamming into him hard fast and deep. His whinnies and cries of pleasure must have been audible cross the entire camp site, my deep throated moans of delight were not far behind. I bobbed my head on his cock in time with my thrusts, I could feel my abs burning from the workout I was giving them. I ignored any pain, my only thought was on pleasuring my mate and myself, of burying myself as deep in his quivering ass as I could.

My nuts slapped loudly off his ass, the smacking sound an echo of each whinny of pleasure he gave. I fucked him with brutal feral intent, my cock ramming deeper and harder, I forced every last inch into him with each buck. My flare was reaming his prostate and my muzzle was sucking his cock as firmly as it could. I could feel my own orgasm, my nuts were roiling with potent horse seed, aching and screaming to be released into my lover. I knew the point of no return was almost on me.

I thrust my head faster and faster, then with a mighty thrust of hips and mouth I forced his cock down my throat, pushing my huge equine phallus right in to the hilt. My screams of ecstasy were muffled by his thick meat filling my muzzle. However, his muzzle was unmuffled and his neighs of pleasure rang out across the campsite. I felt his cock throbbing in my mouth and his balls dancing on my chin.

As my lungs burned from lack of oxygen I pulled my head back, feeling not just his cock slip from my lips, but a fully loaded condom. It was awe inspiring to see almost a pint of pony cum dangling from the end of his cock. I wondered just how much of my seed I had emptied inside him, it had to be at least equal, if not more. I lay back panting and looked up at him still resting on my lap, my softening cock still fully inside his blissful depths.

Every time I looked at him that day he seemed to grow more beautiful, this time was no different. His fur was mussed, soaked in sweat, his face flushed and his lithe body trembled as he panted heavily. His mane had fallen over his green eyes, his paws rested on my chest, leaning on his sire for support. Moaning softly I placed my paws onto of his and squeezed, I could see his panting face break into an amazing smile as he looked down at me.

He leaned forward and I felt my thick length slipping from his depths. My balls and crotch were hit by a flood of warm spunk, soaking the sleeping bag under me. He lay his chest down on mine, my paws reached down and deftly pulled off his condom, tying it shut with the flair of an expert, I dropped it on my pants to make sure I wouldn't forget it.

His arms closed around my chest and his muzzle nuzzled under my chin. I placed my arms around him protectively. I lay back as we both basked and I felt wonderful peace and contentment. This was where I was meant to be, Gary was meant to be in my arms. Soon I heard a soft snore coming from under my chin as my young lover gave in to the exhaustion. I smiled and held him to me kissing his forehead as he slept, I lay back and just basked in that moment. The feel of his warm body over mine, the scent of our amour filling my nose and the aftertaste of fake cherries on my lips. In that moment even the guilt of my actions went away, there was nothing in the world but us inside the tiny stuffy tent.

Ok i do hope you have enjoyed part 4 of this series, please feel free to fave vote or comment to let me know what you think.

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