Chastity Story: Pussy in Chains

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A short little story of a feline out of her league, and finding herself experiencing the pleasurable hell that is chastity.

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Pussy in Chains for Nexii by Draconicon

The Vanadian feline took a deep breath, preparing to deal with the number of elven women requesting her to sleep with them. Normally, the feline was against dealing with many people, but with the number of furs they had - so pleasing to her eye - and the deal Offering had offered, she couldn't lose the opportunity.

However, she had barely taken a breath when the elven women stepped back, shaking their heads at her. Nexii arched an eyebrow and twitched an ear.

"Something the matter?"

"We were curious! Not asking!"

"It sounded as though you were."

"How could we? We are sworn to chastity. And here we were, around a hedonistically horrible foreigner."

The snow leopard's arched eyebrow rapidly fell as her eyes narrowed. The paladin elves continued to talk of her lower ways, but she gradually tuned them out. At least, she tried. A few of the more offensive words slipped through, and her fingers twitched with the itch to start teaching them a lesson.

"I am just as normal a person as any of you."

"No normal, decent person lays with a different person every night."

"We don't always -"

Clap, clap.

Everyone fell silent at Offering's clap, the pale elf merchant shaking her head.

"Girls, if you would leave us alone?"

"But -"

"I said, leave us."

The tone in her long-time friend's voice surprised Nexii. She was used to the gregarious nature of the merchant, the way that she would 'offer' anything as a deal, and make it work. She had seldom if ever heard the tone that the elf had taken then, to either follow the order, or to be dismissed.

As the elves left, Nexii settled herself upon one of the seats a little more comfortably. Her tail whipped from side to side in irritation, and she shook her head when the door finally closed behind the paladins.

"They asked."

Offering nodded, pouring a small cup of tea. Nexii took it, taking a few sips as the elf poured herself a cup. Yet, the feline couldn't stay quiet.

"I don't know why it matters to them so much. It's not like I'm a raving animal that's going to tear their clothes off. I am as normal a creature as any of them, not a lunatic beast in its first heat."

"Perhaps, but they have no idea of it. They feel safe here, even with the few men that come to visit, because of their orders of chastity. It's part of their security."

"It's a ton of nonsense. If you only trust them because of that, then you don't trust them at all."

"Heh, I agree, Nexii, but it is their way."

The tea continued to pour, and Nexii continued to stew. It was bad enough that she was here and having to deal with that experience once, but the idea that she would have to interact with the paladins again and again during her visit here was souring her mood more than the tea could lift it. She would have to deal with their accusations, their glares, their shifting eyes whenever she walked into the room, and she simply couldn't stand that.

After her fourth cup of tea, the feline stood up and walked away to avoid the temptation of smashing the glass. She walked to a curtained window, pulling it open slightly to lean on it. The cool glass soothed her thoughts, letting her think clearly again.



"What exactly do they wear to enforce chastity?"

"A simple chastity belt, from what they've been trying to get me to wear. A plate to prevent touching and penetration."

"Can you get me one?"

"I - Yes, but why?"

"Because I want to prove something."

By the time that Offering returned with one of the belts, Nexii was beginning to wonder if she was a little bit crazy. Perhaps there'd even been something in the tea to make her consider such a notion as this, because as soon as she saw the device, she was thinking that she'd made a grave error in judgment.

Though plain, she could see that the metal plate would accomplish its goal. With adjustable straps, it allowed just enough room for...elimination, but covered everything else, and would do it in such a way that no fingers could wiggle under it nor devices slide in. She would be covered by something that utterly sealed her in, and it felt terrifying to her wilder side. She imagined any Vanadian would feel that way.

She looked at it for a few minutes after Offering returned, ignoring her friend's questions in order to process what she was going to do. Nexii sighed as she finally gave up her resistance, and reached for the ties to her clothing.

"I am going to hate myself for this."

"For what, if you don't mind me asking what crazy plan you've come up with this time?"

"I'm going to try one of these on, and let everyone know I am." She was topless, her nipples hardening in the cool room. "I will show them that I am more than a crazed animal." Her belt came off, as well as her remaining gear. "And I'll make sure that they understand better what dealing with a Vanadian means in the future."

Letting the last of her clothes fall to the floor, the naked snow leopard stepped towards the chastity belt. Sliding her legs into the loops, she slowly pulled it up -


The soft, furless hand of the elf slipped between the feline's crotch and the plate, and Nexii turned in annoyance. Offering looked up at her with a gentle smile, and this was not the time for gentleness in the feline's opinion.


"I simply want to show you something?"

"And that is?"

"Just how hard chastity can be."

With no more warning than that, the elf suddenly released her magic, and Nexii gasped as she felt its familiar tingle in her most intimate of regions. The feline's knees quivered, but Offering was too quick for her. The elf had the chastity belt up and pulled over all the most appropriate regions in seconds, and to Nexii's disbelief, Offering even snapped a lock shut over the belt to keep it from coming undone.

The feline slid to her knees, groaning as she pressed her hands futilely to the metal plate. Even rubbing her hardest against it, trying to reach that increased warmth in her that the elf had sparked, she could feel nothing. Only the steady pressure of the immaculately prepared steel could be felt, and even its cool nature was rapidly heating as it pressed against her body.

She rolled onto her back, both of her hands pressed against her crotch as she tried in vain to touch herself. She beat her fists against it, and even that she barely felt, only getting the slightest of vibrations through the metal from the impact. Her body continued to warm from the elf's magic as she rolled onto her knees again.


"Why what, my friend?"

"Why did you inflict this hell on me?!"

"You were the one that wished to try it, my friend."

"Not like this."

"No, as something better than an elf."

Offering smiled as she stood up, and Nexii gasped in need as the elf slowly slid the fur clothes she wore along her arms, teasing the feline all the more. She whimpered, biting her lip as the elf moved closer and closer.

"I don't put myself above others the way the sisters do, my friend. But we both know you wouldn't prove anything wearing that normally. You don't have those needs that we struggle with. But now, my friend?"

The elf squatted in front of her, giving the feline a gorgeous view down her shirt. The way that her fur clothes pushed everything together, stroked the skin, left the feline gasping with need, and it wasn't helped when Offering laid her hands on the feline's thighs, pushing them further and further apart.

"Now, you can feel how we feel. How tempted we can get. How needy we all can be. And this is how you'll prove yourself."

"Please...please Offering, I can't take this. Get me out of this thing."

"Awww, but it's only been a minute."

The elf flicked the edge of the metal, and Nexii's hips thrust forward against it. The elf chuckled.

"Of course, I could make offering."


She was at that point where she would take nearly anything that the elf offered her. The feeling of being unable to get relief - something she never thought she'd crave this badly - was inconceivable. It felt as though this should be a capital punishment for someone, not something made as an oath for paladins.

She was trying to catch her breath as the elf stood up. Nexii could only stare as Offering's clothes came down, revealing a slit that was dripping as badly as her own was.

"Help me a few times...and I'll let you out."

It was an easy call to make. Nexii leaped forward, pinning Offering to the ground and buried her face in that wet slit. The taste was powerful, as it always was, sharp and slightly bitter as she dug her tongue in. The elf moaned, and Nexii panted for breath as she licked out the elf as vigorously as she had ever done in her life. Her pleasure depended on her doing this right, and she could waste no time.

The End