11. "Saiyan Training"

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#46 of Iron Author

Iron Author commission for shy001

The Saiyan wolf Mac has disappeared for days, leaving his partner; Dorulumon Trey, and Trey's brother Matt the Weregarurumon worried about his wherabouts. Little do they know he has been training for an impending battle...

11. "Saiyan Training"

The morning came across the horizon like it was on fire, sending multiple shades of golds and yellows across the forest that awoke Trey from his sleep. He rubbed his eyes and yawned before noticing that Matt was standing in the sunlight growing around him, leaning against a tree to let the glow wash over him. It was somewhat striking and he sat up. "Matt? What's wrong?"

Matt sighed and looked at Trey with a frown on his face. "It's been two days." He said. "Two days since we've even heard from Mac."

Trey nodded slowly. "Hey, I'm supposed to be the one worrying about him." He added. "Funny that I'm not so worried right? I mean... I am but... I'm not." Trey was rambling which only made him scoff at his amusement. "I don't know what I'm saying. But I'm his boyfriend, I should be worrying about him more than you, you worry wart."

Matt smiled a bit and shrugged. "I guess you're right." He sighed again. "But where could he be?"

"Look, I'm sure one of the others'll know." Trey suggested. "Maybe we can head into the village to ask them? Omnimon could tell us something."

Matt nodded. "Alright." He agreed. "But let's just keep an eye out, okay?"

As they followed the path down through the small woodlands trail, Trey began to wonder why he didn't feel as concerned about Mac's whereabouts at this point like Matt did. Matt was Trey's brother, but Mac was Trey's lover and partner, why wouldn't he feel as much concern for his being missing than he did. But where that was concerned, Trey knew that wherever Mac was, that he was safe and protected by his brothers. As the trail wound down further, a figure stepped out onto the path; it was Rapidmon, dressed in his shiny green armor with a lighter pinkish color of fur underneath it as he came onto the road.

"HALT!" He announced. "Who goes there?"

"Rapidmon... it's us?" Matt said. "You know, your ol' pals Matt and Trey."

"Haha, sorry." Rapidmon said, nervously stroking the back of his head with the gun blaster built into his hand. "Gotta keep in practice y'know. You never know when the likes of Myotismon or Piedmon are gonna attack again."

"Oh we feel you there." Trey replied. "Hey, have you heard anything about where Mac is lately? He's been gone two days."

"Oh--uhm... I remember seeing him leave with his brothers the other day, but I didn't think to ask where they were going. Y'mean they're still not back yet?"

Matt shook his head. "Nope. We're getting a little worried about him, I mean after what happened..."

Rapidmon nodded. "Well, I sure don't know anything, maybe you can ask Bancholeomon. I heard he walked them out of the village."

"Thanks, Rapidmon." Trey said as they started walking forward.

"Hold on, you know I hate to ask, but I gotta ask you for the password to get past me."

"Digivolve." Both said at once. Rapidmon nodded and smiled as he stepped out of the way, letting the two of them pass.

It took until Rapidmon was safely out of sight before Trey spoke up again. "Seriously, that's such a silly password." He admitted. "I mean, don't you think any Digimon'll figure out that password?"

"I'm sure he'll figure out the differences between friends and enemies too, they'll probably be shot at before they can even guess the right password." Matt teased as they made their way to the village.

Just inside the village's fenced in border was the camp where all of them had settled in order to protect it from attack. Surrounded by the village houses, which were still under repair, most of their friends were scattered throughout in order to help the war effort, but Bancholeomon sat resting by their campfire. His eyes remaining closed as the boys approached, he seemed to know exactly who it was without opening them. "Good morning Matt, Trey. What seems to be troubling you?"

Matt and Trey looked at each other, but Trey spoke up first. "We were wondering if you knew where Mac had gone with his brothers?" He asked.

"Hmm. I do not." He said, not really changing his features to mark surprise or even concern as he glanced at them. "I merely escorted them out of the village two nights ago, but I have not seen or heard from them since."

"Man, where could they be then?" Matt asked, concerned now.

"I am not certain, but Frost may know more than I do. He was on patrol in the forest that night. I think he's up by the hut of the village elders helping to repair it."

"Thanks Bancholeomon." Trey said as the two of them made their way past the fire and toward the village.

"Good luck, you two." Bancholeomon's voice sounded soft and reassuring as they made their way up the main strip toward the center of the village.

Frost grunted as he lifted the entire side of the building that had been put together laying down and pushed it into place. His muscles strained and stretched as Matt and Trey approached, their bodies shadowed by the distant dancing flames behind them. The Wargreymon was sweating from his hard labor, hints of it could be seen on his face and his hair was limp from the saturation, but he still greeted the two of them with a silent nod as they approached.

"Frost, we know you're busy." Matt said.

"But do you know where Mac and his brothers are?" Trey asked. "They've been gone for days and we were getting a little worried."

"Hnnh..." Frost strained to hold a thought as he held the structure up. "Well... I last saw them a couple days ago, Bancho had me escort them out of the woods, when I dropped them off I didn't bother asking where they were going though...sorry." He grunted as his knees nearly buckled. "NNNNNhhhh...." He groaned. "Bladeleomon or Magnamon might be able to help though if you can find them. I think they're helping put the roof on the digi-daycare center. His muscles flexed as he stood sternly in the wall's path, holding it as other Digimon around him swarmed to fill in the corners and tie it to the building.

Their trip to the care center was only about a hundred yards or so, entering the building it was immediately apparent there was no roof as both Bladeleomon and Magnamon stood up near where the ceiling should be. "Hey, head's up you two." Bladeleomon warned. "They're bringing the roof in now."

"And if they misjudge the opening you could be squished." Magnamon added.

"We're just here for a few minutes. Have you guys seen Mac or his brothers lately?"

"They went to do some training, I believe." Bladeleomon said as the roof was lowered toward them. "Up in the dark forest to the north."

"The dark forest?" Trey asked. "Couldn't they easily get lost in there?"

"I believe that's part of the training." Magnamon said. "But we're not sure where they went once they traveled up that way. Maybe you should ask Omnimon, he tends to be all-knowing at least."

Both males grunted as the rooftop was finally lowered into place, filling the air with a shower of straw flakes, making Trey sneeze on instinct.

The pair returned to the front of the village and past the bonfire that Bancholeomon was still sitting at. Exiting the gates, they spotted Omnimon standing guard, staring up into the silvery light from the moon overhead.

"Omnimon, we just needed to ask you--"

"Yes, I have seen Mac and his brothers training." Omnimon said matter-of-factly before Matt could get the words out. He looked at them, the eyes clearly indicating that he was smiling in his amusement. "Frankly, I am surprised you didn't come to me earlier." He said. "But I'm afraid that--"

He paused, and all three of them felt it; a strange feeling fluttering in the air around them as a surge of energy rose sharply within their perceptions. Matt and Trey suddenly shifted into Wargreymon and Dorulumon as Omnimon trembled at the sensation of power growing in the air around them.

"Wha-what's happening?" Trey asked as the rest of their friends ran out of the village to meet them.

"F-feeling so much energy." Matt agreed.

"It must be Mac, his power is rising exponentially and I'm not sure why!" Omnimon said. "We must go to him!"

"We'll come too." Bancholeomon said. "If there's trouble, we need to be there together as a team."

"Agreed." Bladeleomon nodded.

"If my brother is behind this..." Frost growled.

Magnamon lifted Demiveemon to his arms and placed him on his shoulder. "What are we waiting for?"

"So we're all going." Rapidmon said, leaving the bushes and joining the others in the clearing. "Anyone know which way?"

"I will guide us there." Another voice spoke as Taomon emerged from the woods. "My magic can transport us to him in an instant." He said as he stepped into place between the group.

As Taomon summoned a sigil that appeared on the ground underneath them and spoke a brief chant before thrusting fingers forward, the sigil illuminated and washed over them. The entire group was suddenly tossed onto one side as the world around them grew dark and a strong gust of wind blew upon them. Either they couldn't hear anything, or they couldn't speak and be heard, this realm was completely silent for a second, then after a pop reality snapped back in an instant, thrusting the group back onto the forest floor.

The grass they were on was considerably longer than that standing on the roadside outside the village. Looking around, they found that they were in a completely different place now, the sound of running water from a nearby waterfall was the first hint, then the positioning of the moon which was completely unhidden by the trees above. As they stood up, they saw Mac's brothers, Jax and Mark slowly backing away from the wolf, who was immersed in a bright energy field; his fur was rolling wildly along his body, as if it were on fire. He crossed his arms over his chest and roared out suddenly vanishing in a flash of light. The group all shielded their eyes for a moment before returning their gaze to Mac.

Mac's fur had turned an ash gray color, his hair now black. His body, lean and muscled was dressed in a blue vest and dark pants with a gold belt tied around the waist. He was breathing heavily for a moment before opening his eyes and gazing at his audience. "RAAAHHHH!" He roared loudly as he stood upright, the flow of energy pouring off of him.

"He did it!" Jax exclaimed with a laugh. "He really did it!"

"How did he do this?" Omnimon asked. "And without the dark sword at that?"

"It's his second Digivolved form. Wow!" Matt said as he shifted back into his human form, Trey following a second later.

"What's going on?" Trey asked. "Why is he in his evil form?"

"Because he isn't evil. This is his natural form." Mark answered.

"Whoa, whoa, back up." Bladeleomon said. "How is this possible?"

"He realized he didn't need the sword to change." Jax answered. "He told us that he could feel what was needed the last time he changed in order to make that change."

As Jax spoke, Magnamon realized that Demiveemon was struggling to get out of his grip. "Demiveemon, stop that." He said softly.

"But big brother, I know what I need to do! I can feel it in my bones!" Demiveemon objected as he struggled to get free of Magnamon's grip. "Come on! Come on!" He complained, growing impatient.

"You stop that now." Magnamon warned. "Or so help me I will keep you at the village next time we--" It was too late, Demiveemon suddenly squeezed out of his big brother's grasp and bounced through the air. "Demi! Stop! Come back here!" He called after him.

Demiveemon bounced past Jax and Mark, giggling as they dove for him, and he simply bounced off their heads, making forward somersaults onto the ground before hobbling toward the wolf who glared down at him. Mac was still there, it seemed. But he didn't seem to have all of his control either, his hands were shaking as he fought the urges to grab the tiny Digimon. "Demiveemonnnnnnnn!" The little Digimon called out. "Digivolve!" He shouted even louder, but nothing happened. His bouncing came to a stop as he realized nothing was happening; there was no field of energy for a moment, but as the in-training Digimon bounced closer, a strange field of energy came off of Mac's body and electrified him. "Demiveemon!" He shouted again, this time a flash of light reacted and encompassed his body. "Digivolve to....!" His body grew in size as it filled out a bit more, he became taller, he hit the ground and did a front flip. "Veemon!" He announced.

"He--Digivolved?" Magnamon asked aloud.

The energy field continued to swarm around Veemon's body, he looked at his hands and back up at Mac. "I'm feeling even stronger! I think I'm gonna Digivolve again!" Another field of energy enveloped him as he threw his arms back and was lifted into the air by the light. "Veemon, Digivolve to...!" His body vanished into the waves of energy which then expanded out like a cocoon, as the Digimon's arms emerged, they were much longer and much more muscular, his legs came back into view, also quite a bit longer as the cocoon unwound into a pair of small wings, a horn emerged from the top of his head as he did a backflip away from the energy field, landing on the ground with an explosion of light. "Exveemon!"

"Wow. He did it again!" Bancholeomon exclaimed. "Incredible."

Exveemon looked at himself, and a jubilant expression illuminated his face. He laughed joyfully and bounded toward the others, particularly his older brother. "Hey! Hey Magnamon! Look! Look at me!"

"Wow. That's amazing, little brother, you digivolved!"

"Not only that! But I'm a grownup now!" He said as he flexed his impressive arms. "I can fight just like you guys can!"

"That's... ahh---great." Magnamon said as he glanced up and down his brother's new body. "But first, I think we need to get you some pants!" Everyone laughed, as Exveemon's cheeks grew darker in color.

"Nnngh!" Mac grunted as the power suddenly popped from around him. The force of the de-digivolution caused the ground to quake under him and he fell backwards, shifting back into his traditional white wolf form just as he hit the ground and he cringed in pain. "Hahhh....ouch..." He complained as he felt every muscle in his body knot up.

"Mac!" Trey was over to his side faster than the others could react, and everyone else came after him. "Mac, are you okay?"

"Give him a little room." Jax said as he gestured the others to stand back. "Let him breathe a little!"

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Mac insisted, gesturing his hands gently. "It takes a lot to hold that form, but I hope to get it."

"What happened?" Mark asked.

"I had it, but... I just couldn't hold it. I guess I need a lot more training to try and perfect that."

"Hey! At least it's working for ya." Matt said jokingly, and Mac smiled.

"You know?" Magnamon said. "Between my kid brother's digivolving finally, and Mac's attempts to control this new form of his, I say it's grounds for a celebration. Why don't we go to Binary Beach? It's not far from here, and we could use a party."

"That sounds like a great plan, big brother!" Exveemon cheered, jumping up and down in his excitement.

The moon was high in the sky as everyone made their way to the beach. Waves washed across the shore, filling the night air with a gentle washing noise. Exveemon had gathered a pair of swim trunks, the same with the wolves; Mac, Mark and Jax, as well as Matt and Trey who followed the rest of the crew as they wandered onto the sand. It was soft and slightly damp, allowing feet and claws to sink in ever so slightly as they came across the ground. It didn't take nearly any time for Exveemon, Bancholeomon and Blademon to set up a net that the stretched across the beach for some volleyball. Rapidmon quickly joined them and they were soon having delightful fun bouncing the ball back and forth under the moonlight. The difficulty seeing the white volleyball added to the fun as their laughter filled the air.

Taomon sat on an overturned hollowed out tree trunk that was sitting on the sand. The trunk sat with three other long pieces in a semi circle that surrounded the ashen remains of a campfire. Omnimon and Magnamon lumbered over with large stretches of logs from freshly cut trees and spilled several portions of them onto the ashes. Omnimon used one of his attacks to ignite the wood and soon a raging campfire was going, illuminating the entire area for the group. "This is such a beautiful setting." Taomon said, sighing in delight at the flames and resting back on his palms. "I don't think it could be any more perfect if it had to be."

"Sure it could!" Jax said, leaning in and producing a large pack. "S'mores anyone?"

Omnimon stared at him dubiously as Mark appeared with another similar pack slung over his shoulder. "You two brought... ingredients with you?"

"Nah, we just made a run back to the village." Mark explained. "We'd been saving it for when Mac completed his training anyway. I guess technically he did, so go us."

"Where is Mac, anyway?" Magnamon asked.

"Oh, he and Trey wandered off somewhere." Matt said as he seated himself on one of the logs and reached into one of the packs, pulling out some chocolate and marshmallows. Instead of sticking the marshmallow in the fire though, he simply popped the both of them in his mouth. "They should be back anytime." He mentioned, his mouth now sounding like there were cotton balls in it.

"Yeah, as long as they're not gone so long they miss the tasty treats!" Jax exclaimed as he pulled out a long stick and squished a marshmallow into it like a pike. He moved the treat over the fire to let the sugar start cooking. "Hey guys! If you all want S'mores, now's your chance!" He shouted.

On the other side of the beach, Trey and Mac had come across a fairly secluded cove of stone. As they had crept their way into the dark underpass, Trey transformed into Dorulumon and stood point as a means of protecting his mate, but by the time they reached the moon-bathed center, they weren't able to keep their hands off each other. The Dorulumon had grabbed Mac and pushed him hard against the stone wall and kissed him. His hands already probing Mac's shirt as their tongues wrestled in their mouths as Mac's hands shoved their way past the Digimon's waistband and could feel the canine's thick, drooling cock underneath. Trey whimpered only slightly as his sensitive cock was grasped, Mac pulling their crotches together madly as he turned around and kissed him harder, avoiding the Digimon's singular horn as they grew more and more lustful.

Trey's hands reached down and shoved their way into the back of Mac's pants and he cupped the wolf's backside hard. Mac growled a bit and playfully lowered his head to the Digimon's left nipple. His canines bit down slightly, causing Trey to huff in response. It was a tender twirl of his tongue around the pinkish flesh that Mac knew drove his lover crazy, he could feel the Digimon's fingers clench and twitch slightly as he expanded his chest and used a hand to push Mac's muzzle into it. Mac inhaled and growled, suckling it a bit harder as he peeled away the Digimon's pants with a quick flick of his wrists. Trey wasn't so subtle, he simply pushed down on Mac's pants until they about fell over his waist and dropped to the ground. They rolled again, this time, Mac landed on top of Trey and instead of his jaw clenching shut he simply moved his mouth over to the other nipple and began to play with that one as well. As Trey's cock bounced up against Mac's tail, slapping against the top part of his ass. Mac smiled and continued to kiss his nipples. Being turned abruptly over onto his back, Mac was surprised at the energy that Trey was showing him as the dorulumon craned his neck down and began to use his tongue to also play with the wolf's nipples.

"Nnnnh... Trey..." Mac whispered, his own arousal arching back until his cock touched against his stomach. They returned to a kiss a few moments later, but the cool air of the evening washed over the wolf's wet nipple, intensifying the feeling as he grabbed Trey's head with both of his hands, pulling him closer. He could hear the Digimon growling, he could feel his lover's cock pressing against the underside of his tail, which made him only want him even more. He pulled Trey in closer, feeling the cock throb and bounce a bit against his tail.

Trey moaned and spread his partner's legs apart a bit, scooting in under him as he could feel the tight ring of flesh around his tip. He pushed in a bit more and could feel the soft pop of his cock breaking the seal and both of them gasped and moaned at the same time. Leaning back, Trey lifted Mac's legs slightly and settled between them he could see a stream of white precum draining from the tip of the wolf's shaft and marking out dark wet lines in his belly fur. He wrapped his arms around Mac's thighs and leaned forward again. Mac moaned loudly as he scooted slightly down onto the sand as his ass went upward. He rolled his head back and breathed deeply as he felt the Digimon's thick cock push into him. Trey's teeth dragged along his lower lip slightly as he leaned forward, letting Mac's legs grapple at his lower back, helping him to push in further. Downward plunge, it was like Trey was doing a pushup with his hips, and Mac wasn't objecting one bit. "Oh, Mac... this is... so hot." He uttered as he leaned forward as best as he could and landed a soft kiss, feeling the shaft lurch up against him as their bodies pressed together. Their heated kisses causing the other to sweat profusely as they made love on the beach.

Water washed up around them as Trey began to slow his thrusts, he was getting close already, and from the way he felt his lover's cock twitch, he knew that he wasn't the only one. The salty sea air filled his lungs, the warm glow from the moon above bathed the entire area in a silvery white light that almost made Mac disappear into his white fur. They kissed again, this time Trey clutched Mac's outstretched hands on each side and dug his cock downward, causing the wolf's butt to plop onto the sand under them.

"AHHH! Hahhh!" Mac moaned and then grunted as he came between them. Streams of liquid coated the both of them as he let loose with his volley. It shot as far as Mac's chest, then a few shots landed on Trey's chin. This only made him moan, growing closer and closer to his--

"NNHHH!" He grunted long and loud as he came suddenly. Gush after gush of seed pumped into Mac's ass as Trey finally unleashed his torrent. For a moment briefly stuck due to his size and the smaller width of Mac's hole, they could only hold and kiss as Trey rode Mac hard and heavy into the ground. The orgasm he felt was so intense that suddenly, Trey changed back to his normal form, and then easily fell out of Mac's hole, spreading another shot of cum as he did so and the two curled up together, each panting as they held one another.

"S-sorry about that." Trey said after several minutes. "Guess it's been too long since--"

"No, don't worry about it." Mac added with a smile. "That was nice, actually perfect."

"Mmm hate to say it, but the others will probably miss us if we're gone much longer, and given what they'd find when they look for us--"

Mac laughed. "Point taken." He said. "Let's clean up and rejoin the others then."

The firelight could be seen well in advance as Mac and Trey made their way from their secluded cove. They could see several of their friends around the fire, and a few more playing volleyball not far from where the others were. As they approached though, a strange rumbling under their feet made the two of them look at one another, then run toward the beach head.

"What's going on?! What's going on!?" Exveemon shrieked in a bit of a panic, only to be calmed by Rapidmon who rushed over to him past the volleyball net.

"Calm down! It's an earthquake!" He explained.

"But we're not on earth! Where's this coming from!?"

"He is right." Taomon said as the rest of them ran toward the two of them from the fire. "Something big is happening!"

"What is that?" Jax asked as he and Mark ran up and he pointed out toward the sea.

In the ocean's waters, a clearly black layer of water appeared across the surface, and the waves coming in resembled more or less streaks of claws that raked across the sand now, taking down the volleyball net as the water came in closer and closer. A dark laugh could be heard on the horizon, as everyone stopped to listen, the laughter got even louder and it was joined by more laughing.

"What is that? It--it couldn't be!" Omnimon exclaimed as he joined the others as they looked out over the water.

Figures grew from the waves and were now riding along the top of them, almost hovering as the waters approached the shore, causing the rest of the group to take a step back.

"What's going on?" Mark asked. "What is it?"

"Myotismon..." Taomon said, narrowing his eyes as he observed the vampiric Digimon appear.

"Not just Myotismon!" Another voice called out as Piedmon appeared alongside him. "Good day kids, such a pleasure to see you having such fun!"

"No! Piedmon as well!" Bancholeomon shouted as he, Bladeleomon and Frost appeared from another direction down the beach.

"Don't forget about me." Shadow said as the black wargreymon appeared to stare down his blue colored brother. "Would you forget about me, brother?"

"Shadow!" Frost shouted in anger. "What's going on here?!"

"That's for us to know, and for you to find out." Piedmon teased, giving the group a wink as Mac and Trey both ran up to join the party. "But for now, a little surprise."

"A surprise?" Trey asked.

"Don't think we came alone to this party." Myotismon said as he waved his hand back behind him, revealing that the entire ocean had been covered in a blanket of oily blackness. "We've brought plenty of guests!" As he gestured, hundreds of Diaboromon began to rise from the waters, falling over each other like waves as the water approached the beach.

"No! We won't stand for you doing this again!" Mac exclaimed. "Trey! Matt"

"Digivolve!" Matt exclaimed as he transformed into: "Weregarurumon!"

"Dorulumon!" Trey added as he too transformed into his muscular canid form.

"Let's go Saiyan, brothers!" Mac said as he rejoined Jax and Mark near the water. Clasping their hands together, there was a brilliant flash of light as the three wolves evolved into their saiyan forms instantly.

"We're not gonna let you hurt anyone again!" Exveemon shouted as he bounded through the air, landing in front of them.

"Agreed, little brother." Magnamon said as he walked up next to him. They were then forwarded by Taomon and Rapidmon who stood in front of them, while Bancholeomon and Omnimon stood in front of them, then Bladeleomon stood beside Mac. Frost stood beside him and glared up at the black wargreymon hovering in the sky.

"We can talk this out, brother!" He shouted.

Shadow smirked. "I think not." He said. "It's hard to negotiate off the winning side."

"There's so many of them!" Magnamon said. "What are we going to do?"

"I have a suggestion." Bladeleomon said, looking at the others. "I say we fight."

Mac smiled and nodded. "Can't agree with you more on that one." He said.

"Well then, let's kick their butts back to the rocks they crawled out from under!" Trey said, stepping in place beside Matt as the two of them crouched into ready positions.

"READY!?" Mac asked. "Let's do this!!!"

Zootopia 12/13

Part 12 There was that sound again, a constant beep, beep noise that roused Chase from his sleep. His eyes were burning as if suffering from a fever, he didn't remember anything that had happened after being dragged into the Tundra Town bay by an...

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Zootopia Park 10/??

Part 10 Chase grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and rather easily tore it off as Judy sat nearby nursing her leg, which was still throbbing. Bending down, the wolf tied the sleeve around the wound and tightened it. "You sure you can walk?" He asked...

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12. "Dog Dazed and Confused"

**12. "Dog Dazed and Confused"** The storm back to the Echo Isles would have been angrier, if Vol'jin hadn't had to travel so far in order to return to his home on the island. About halfway, about Razor Hill, he found himself tempted to stop in...

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