Companions Chapter 02: Destiny

Story by Evoquus on SoFurry

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#2 of Companions

[Companions Chapter 02]


WARNING! The following text contains explicit adult subject matter. It is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, then you must stop reading now. The author has taken steps to ensure that this story does not appear in any subject-inappropriate or age-inapropriate forum. This version has been posted with the author's permission to





* by Evoquus



* (c) Copyright 2002, Evoquus, All rights reserved.


* Feedback is appreciated: [email protected]



Rating: NC-17 for explicit sex: M/M, Human-Stallion, Anal, Oral

Chapter 02: Destiny

Rovaun followed closely behind as we headed down toward the meadow. His spirits had improved, but he still seemed somewhat hurt by my initial rejection.

"So, Rovaun... I'm your dream date, huh?"

"Yes, but I wish you would not take my dreams so lightly."

"Sorry, it's just that I don't believe in dreams."

"It is because your dreams do not show you your destiny."

"How much of your destiny can you see?"

"I see glimpses of things to come and of things long since past. I have seen world events unfold before they happen. Most of these visions mean little to me. Only one vision held my interest. It promised that I would not walk this earth alone forever. That someday I would find my Companion."

"You've been wasting your life, my friend. If I could see the future, I'd be living my life to the fullest. If I knew for certain that I'd be alive for years and years, I'd be having a blast every day. The possibilities would be endless. I could go skydiving without a parachute!"

"Which is why it is very fortunate that destiny does not reveal itself to you, since you would be living most of your years screaming inside an Intensive Care Unit. Destiny should be treated with respect, not imprudence."

"Okay, maybe that was a bad example, but if it's my destiny to be your companion, which in all honesty, I must say is very flattering, what happens now?"

"My dreams do not reveal all to me. For example, I had not foreseen that our first meeting would be so troublesome. And I cannot tell you what will happen in the next minute. However, I do know that very soon we will be intimate for the first time. It will be beautiful."

My heart skipped a beat. This was really going to happen. I was about to make it with a stud horse.

"Umm. Rovaun, I do find you attractive and desirable, but when you say 'intimate' do you mean... 'mate.'"


"As in sexual intercourse?"


"Do I put it in you or do you put it in me?"

"I put my penis in you."

"And... I'm okay with that?"

"Yes, you will have no regrets."

"And you're very, VERY sure of this?"

"Yes, it is one of my more vivid dreams, and I have seen it many times. The First Time will be beautiful. I am looking forward to it."

I stopped and turned to him. "Look, it's not that I don't believe you, but I really need to know what I'm getting myself into. There's really no other way to say this... Please show my your dick."

"I cannot. It is not meant to be."

"What? Why not?"

"I do not reveal myself to you until The First Time. That fact is very clear to me in my visions."

"But what's the harm in showing me now?"

"There is no harm. I simply cannot change my destiny. My destiny is now yours as well."

"But that's ridiculous. Just go take a leak and let me watch."

He snorted angrily. "I forgive your comments that are made out of ignorance. You do not understand what destiny means."

"I know perfectly well what destiny means. It means squat! Destiny is the future, and the future isn't written yet. If you could see a future event, then the very act of witnessing the event changes it, because it changes the choices you make, now."

"You are incorrect. Destiny cannot be changed. However, it CAN be misinterpreted. I have learned this fact long ago. If I deliberately try to change the outcome of a future event, inevitably, it will turn out that I had been wrong all along about the event itself, usually very much to my regret. Haven't you read Sophocles? He understood it when I explained it to him."

"I just want to see your dick."

"Foolish Companion. If I drop my penis for you right now, what do you think you will see?"

"I don't know. You tell me."

"I do not know either, because I know you will not see it. You are not meant to see it until The First Time, which I DO know is not right now."

"So, it will be invisible?"

He stomped the ground at my idiocy.

"No. But something will prevent the sun's photons from reflecting off of my penis and into your pupils. Perhaps a hawk will swoop down and claw your eyes out. I know in my heart that THAT is far more likely to occur right now than you catching a peep show. So I respectfully refuse your request, for your own safety.

"Destiny guides my existence. You may not think so, but it guides yours as well. It is what has brought us together, today, and will keep us together for the rest of our lives. We will explore and share and laugh and love and make love - A LOT - for years upon years. I know not for how long, but I know it is true. We will be one, and we will be happy. Let us move on, now."

The argument was over, I guess. It was pointless to continue it. There was no shaking his belief system so I stopped trying. We continued our way back down the path.

"You know, you're the smartest horse I ever met."

"Thank you for that revelation."

"Although, I haven't really met that many."

We came off the hill and entered the meadow. The grass was soft and green, and did indeed look very inviting. Rovaun trotted out into the meadow, giving into his equine instincts to romp through a fresh green pasture. I watched him enjoying himself as a horse instead of a philosopher. He seemed so much more at peace that way. It was very touching. Was I really to be his companion? The idea was becoming more and more appealing. I was no longer thinking of him as just a sexual object. Now he was my partner. He would satisfy my needs and I would somehow satisfy his. But how the hell was I going to do that?

Then I figured it out. The answer was so simple it was laughable. Still, I felt a little sorry for him. Poor Rovaun, you couldn't satisfy the ladies, could you. You have a needledick. No wonder you wouldn't show it to me. In any case, I'm sure it's bigger than mine, and if not, well, size isn't all that matters.

I continued to watch him exercise and frolic, admiring his body as it rippled over his frame. He was so sexy, and he was mine. The First Time would be soon, he said. We would be naked together, soon. He would be on top of me, completely enveloping me, and then he would insert himself into me, and mate with me, and cum inside me. It sounded wonderful! I didn't need any more convincing. The First Time would be soon - why not today. Why not right this very minute?


He turned his gait and trotted to me. "Yes, Companion." His breathing was heavy from exertion.

"I desire you," I said in ritualistic fashion.

"And I desire you," he responded in kind.

"I wish to mate with you," I said, and felt my heart racing. "I am ready for The First Time, now."

He was still worked up from his exercise, and now he jumped and whinnied with excitement. We laughed together at his antics. "I'll let you in on a secret," he said, while prancing circles around me. "The First Time is your lead. You can do whatever you want with me. It will be beautiful."

"Of that I have no doubt," I said. "Let's do it right here!" And I laid down seductively in the grass.

He stopped his prancing and stared at me for a moment, still breathing heavily, then looked up and around the meadow, swishing his tail until he found what he was looking for. Then he trotted off, saying, "Follow me."

"What? Where are you going?"

"This way. Follow me, dear Companion."

"Slow down!" I caught up to him and he slowed to a pace I could maintain. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

We were heading straight for the barn. "Yes, this is it," he whispered to himself and to me.

"This is it?" I asked, incredulously. "Our First Time takes place inside that crappy barn?"

"Yes, this time and many others," he said, as if it were obvious.

"But I don't want to do it in the barn. I want to do it out here, in front of nature and Mr. Sun. I want to proclaim our love to the world. I'm not ashamed anymore. I don't want to hide in a barn like some deviant.

"I LIKE STALLIONS!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, the words echoing through the canyon.

"My Companion," he said, starting his lecture again, "it is our destiny. We have had this discussion. We shall be intimate in the barn, or we shall not be intimate at all. That is all the choice that Destiny allows you."

Everything had to be by his rules, and I could tell it was always going to be that way. He'd just mention the "D" word, and end of discussion. Well fuck that!

"Rovaun," I said. "Do you have any doubt that I am your Companion?"

"I have no doubt."

"And now I can honestly say I have no doubt about it, either."

"I am happy to hear that."

"I desire you now more than ever."

"I also burn for you, my Companion."

"Please, Rovaun, do this for me, out here."

"NO!" He snorted and kicked the ground. "We can only be intimate INSIDE! Do not ask that of me again!"

"Okay! I won't ask anymore. Because I'm not stepping foot inside that barn!"

He whinnied and kicked the air, furious at my insolence. I didn't fear him, because I knew he would never hurt me. He was my Companion, just really pissed off right now. Well, so was I.

"You lied to me!" I said. "You told me you've been alone all these years, but that isn't true!" He paused, still fuming, to hear me out. "You've always had a companion with you. The cunt's name is 'Destiny'!"

He roared to the heavens at my blasphemy.

"And she's still here. She doesn't just guide you, she leads you around by the nose like a fucking plowhorse!"

He reared up, screaming with fury. I had to shout to be heard. "I'm not going to be a third wheel, Companion. Yes - COMPANION! I truly believe it now and so do you. But now YOU will have to choose. It's either me or the Dominatrix. You cannot have us both."

He landed with a snort and pawed the torn-up turf, his nostrils exhaling like a steam engine. "Don't do this, Companion," he pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but I must know with whom your loyalty truly lies. I dearly hope, for both our sakes, that it lies with me."

"It is not that simple. You are asking me to deny my existence."

"I'm asking only that we can be free to make our own destiny. Nothing more. Please, choose me, your true Companion."

He thought deeply about his response, then lowered his head in shame and uttered two words that stabbed my heart. "I cannot."

I couldn't believe it. He would not let go. Today I changed his life, but he preferred the old one.

"Companion," I pleaded, "I can't live in your world. Please, reconsider, and come live with me in mine."

He shook his head dolefully in silence.

I sat down on the grass to try to sort this out. Was this relationship over before it had started? What could I do to change his mind? Nothing. Could I live with him this way? No way.

"I don't understand this," I said sadly. "Am I your companion or not?"

"You are," he whispered, his tears returning, "but it must still be too soon."

"I don't want it to be too soon!" I cried, my own eyes welling up. I stood up again. "Please Rovaun, please be MY companion!"

He sighed and closed his eyes to deny me. "In time," he said to himself. "Just a little more time. You will come around, in time."

"Not today," I shook my head. "Not this way, possibly not ever." I took a deep breath then let it out. "I will never let destiny run my life. This must be good-bye, I'm afraid."

He shut his eyes tighter.

"I know I can't touch you intimately, but may I at least hug you just once."

He raised his head and nodded. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our tears both broke the surface. "You are my Companion," I choked. "My Little Red Pony."

His breathing was sporadic, he cried just like humans. "You will always be close to my heart," I whispered. "And I hope you will forgive me for what I must do now. There is no other way."

I hugged him tightly, then quickly let go, ran around to his rear and voraciously licked his balls over and over again.

"You mustn't TOUCH ME!!!" A hoof out of nowhere connected with my chest, sending me airborne for fifteen feet, and landing with a painful crunch on the ground.

The mad stallion reared up again, whinnying and braying, kicking and screaming, tearing up everything his hooves could destroy. He looked at my crumpled body and hollered and whipped. He circled around me snorting, confused. I was in too much pain to fear him, and if he killed me now, he'd be doing me a favor. He tore down the meadow, then came right back, frantic, out of control, both of his companions now seriously in doubt.

Blood oozed from my mouth. He saw it, and froze, stomped around some more and then froze again. Finally he approached, still trembling, but more under control, bent down and licked my face.

"You should not have done that," he said, still furious with me and at himself.

"You left me know choice. I had to kill the bitch," I coughed.

"You cannot kill destiny."

"I can and I did. She's dead and buried. We were intimate for two seconds. I'd say that counts."

"We were not intimate," he snorted in denial.

"Oh no? Then tell me, Companion, what is that WONDERFUL flavor I still have on my tongue right now, hmm?" He did not respond. "I'll tell you what it is: It's my Little Red Pony's SEX. Which, by the way..." I stuck out my tongue and sniffed it deeply. "... I find VERY appealing."

He snorted again and trotted aimlessly.

"You should thank me," I shouted. "I freed you from your bondage."

"You have done nothing but invite disaster," he shouted back.

"The only disaster around here is your left hook."

I coughed up some more blood, while trying to sit up, then decided that staying down would be better for a while. He came over to me immediately.

"Are you injured," he asked, genuinely concerned.

"Hell yes, thanks to you."

"I am deeply sorry that I assaulted you."

"Yeah, me too."

"You should not have touched me."

"Rovaun. Why am I lying here?"

"Because you touched me."

"No. I'm lying here because you kicked me."

"I kicked you because you touched me."

"No! You kicked me because you kicked me! Get it? You didn't have to kick me, but you CHOSE to do so. You chose to kick, injure, and possible kill your Companion. That wasn't a reflex. YOU did it! Now just admit it, and I'll forgive you."

It took a few seconds, but he eventually confessed, "I kicked you, Companion. Please forgive me."

"Done. Water under the bridge. It was worth it, really. Now I don't have to share you anymore." I sat up slowly again, my chest severely bruised, but miraculously, no ribs had broken. I took off my shirt to inspect the damage and saw something very interesting.

"Companion, look at this. I think this is a good sign. What do you think?"

The stallion looked at the curious image on my chest: A small red stallion, surrounded by a purple upturned horseshoe. He did not hazard a guess as to its meaning, but I did.

"I think it means our new destiny will be filled with good luck, don't you?" He disagreed, but kept it to himself. He didn't like the mark at all, only because he put it there.

I stood up, perhaps a little too fast, and leaned against him for support. "I'll be okay, I just need to get out of the sun for a while." He helped me to the barn, then I opened the door and hobbled into a chair. The horse stayed outside, afraid to enter. "Come on in. The barn won't bite. I might, though." Reluctantly, he entered.

[End of _COMPANIONS_ Chapter 02: Destiny]

[Next in series: Chapter 03: First Time]