Adipose City: Dinner Date

Story by psion42 on SoFurry

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#8 of Adipose City

Rated adult, if only barely, for the kind of films played at the Red Light Theater

Characters and setting (C) Psion42

What started as a short valentines day story I wrote for the setting grew into a more general night out for Soy and Thunder. Enjoy as they sample some of Adipose City's entertainment.

Dinner Date

By Psion

An Adipose City Story

All Rights Reserved

Evening had fallen on Adipose City, the light of the sun slowly surrendering to the incandescent glow of neon and LED lighting. The cyberpunk metropolis was glistening with hundreds of illuminated billboards and advertisements promoting everything from dinner specials to the latest soft drink. Down below, waddling along the streets and skyways, an overstuffed population of furries and humans milled about to enjoy the city's nightlife.

One couple in particular enjoyed the cool night air; the first time both of them had some time to themselves in a long while. After dealing with conflicting and taxing schedules for several weeks, Soy the panda aniwoman and the human Thunder were finally able to have an evening to themselves. And what better way to relax and unwind then dinner and a movie?

The black-haired male smiled sheepishly as his ursine girlfriend took him by the hand and lead him along, their pale green eyes glimmering in the artificial light of the halo of advertisements. "Dinner" was something appropriately for their appetites, a several "course" meal spread across different restaurants. Their bellies grumbled as the couple slowly waddled into the first eatery, ready to enjoy a night of debauched indulgence.

Soy had the first pick and as the panda aniwoman had an employee discount, their first stop was unsurprisingly a PanAsian outlet. The Sushi Hut was relatively deserted, something Thunder wasn't surprised with given how popular sushi was in Adipose City, but it meant that they had their pick of a table once the black and white ursine ordered a deluxe mega-platter for the two of them. Sitting in the dining room at a low table surrounded by glitzy stylized murals of Japan, the two lovers deftly manipulated their chopsticks into the huge pile of seasoned fish, spearing tasty morsels to slowly feed to each other.

Thunder smiled as he gingerly placed a roll on his lover's tongue, hands normally used to delicately manipulating an Omnidriver proved to be equally adept at handling two finely carved pieces of wood. Given that he was used to Western-styles of utensils, he felt he had reason to feel proud for managing to not make a fool out of himself in front of Soy. The panda probably wouldn't have minded though, given that it felt like she was pushing the majority of the platter into his greedy mouth.

Half an hour passed and soon all that remained of the platter was a white plastic plate and their chopsticks, the devoured plate of fish was a nice appetizer for the entrees that were to follow. Rising back to their feet with their appetites properly whetted, the couple left Sushi Hut for their next stop. Down the street was an Italiana Pasta Palace advertising an all you can eat spaghetti special. Successfully devour the Deluxe Tour of Italy spaghetti plate and the meal was free. Supposedly it was impossible to successfully finish off one of the towering plates of stringy pasta but then again, the special hadn't fought a gut like Thunder or Soy's to the femboy's knowledge. Time to see if their bellies were up to the task.

The lovers found themselves seated at a corner table shortly after the dinner rush by a big-bellied waiter in a tight three piece suit. The Pasta Palace was a family-style restaurant that projected presumptions of being a higher-class establishment. White tablecloths with tomato sauce stains, lit candles placed on the tables at request, and cheap chairs made for a pre-peak waistline that creaked ominously underneath their generous girths. Three chairs held up Thunder's broad posterior, each of them groaning in protest of the fleshy human they struggled to hold up, four fought to support the mighty rear end of the rotund giantess Soy. It was a safe bet that all seven of them would be scrap by dinner's end.

Ten minutes later, two Deluxe Tours were wheeled out on a small dolly. Each plate was piled high with pasta cooked right in the tomato sauce, looking more like a nest for some giant mythical bird then a plate of food. The smell of Italian spices wafted up and tickled their noses as the waiter carefully set the five-pound plates down and poured them each a glass of some club soda. Seconds later, both gluttons were digging in, slurping up pasta or twirling it into large bundles with their forks as they worked on demolishing the pasta special.

A steady torrent of spices, tomato sauce, and carbohydrates from genetically modified wheat slide down their throats, bellies starting to bulge as pasta was squished together with the sushi from their previous course. But there was another taste, a chemical one, that lingered underneath beneath the delicious mosaic of savory flavors. Were they two normal gluttons, the duo may have written it off as Italiana cheapness but both of them had experienced enough of the Sicilian megacorp's dirty tricks to recognize the telltale taste of nausea-inducing drugs. It was extremely faint, obviously very well diluted throughout the plate of food, but it tasted like enough to make lesser stomachs queasy.

A mischievous glint appeared in their eyes as Soy and Thunder redoubled their efforts to clear their plates. If they lost to this trick it wouldn't be for a lack of trying. Tomato sauce stained their lips as both stuffed themselves full of carbohydrates. The piles of spaghetti shrank smaller and smaller, their bellies bulging out just a little more, becoming a little rounder until finally the double Tour was finished. The cheap chairs were finished shortly after, sending both tubby titans to the floor with a sickening crack of wood. Thunder hardly felt his sudden descent, his well-padded rear cushioned far worse falls then an ungraceful descent during a restaurant binge.

The shift manager was clearly not amused when he learned he had to write off their entire bill including the several chairs their mighty rumps crushed into so much kindling. But unfortunately he apparently hadn't planned for two gluttons that actually could stomach his scheme so the shifty big-bellied wolf had to honor his restaurant's agreement. Wiping napkins over their faces, the loving duo left the restaurant for their next destination, bellies gurgling happily as they let the feeling of nausea pass. There was still one last place they wanted to stop by before they caught a movie at the Red Light Theater, The Big Grub...

The Big Grub was a Texan steakhouse franchise owned by Burger World. The pride of the company's dinner entries, the restaurant chain's reach extended far outside it's disputed home state, extending as far to the northeast as Adipose City and as far west as the silicate techno-cities of California. And in all of them, it serves the "meanest steak on either side of the Mississippi." Or so the advertising slogan went at least.

Cheesy country music played softly in the background as the hostess greeted the lovers and led them to a booth. Cushiony memory foam conformed to their broad bottoms as a portly waitress took their order and returned with a pair of well-done steaks with all the trimmings and a pile of steak fries for both of them, balancing the tray heaped with food against her plump hips.

The third and final course was much more leisurely, a far cry from the rushing binge of Pasta Palace. Potatoes and beef were consumed more slowly as the two of them began to talk about what has kept them occupied over the past few weeks. Soy had been tied up by company business while Rebecca Stone thought she had a breakthrough with Thunder's sister. Stomachs happily groaned and gurgled as the meal winded down to a close just in time for the Big Grub to close up and the amorous duo to catch the first subway train for the Red Light Theater.

The Red Light Theater was a small hole in the wall cinema simply named for its location within the city's red light district. Its main specialty was trashy adult films and equally campy comedies and the main reason why people went there was because it was a good place to enjoy a cheap movie, especially a guilty pleasure one, without attracting too much attention.

Waddling into the Red Light's small front foyer, Soy and Thunder stood in the red carpet-lined room as they briefly reflected their choices. A smaller theater, the establishment only had two real choices for movies; a porno flick called "The Ass that Ate Detroit" and a hilariously bad-sounding comedy titled "My Life as a Consortium Spy." The former was an ass-expansion/general butt-worship porn film that both of them had already seen more times then either of them would willingly admit, a trashy film about the legendary pornstar Queen Badonkulous devouring a mock Detroit neighborhood with a brilliant use of edible building materials and animatronic people built from sugar-based "plastics." Needless to say, both of the bottom-heavy gluttons were guilty fans of "Queen B's" work.

The latter on the other hand was something they never heard of before. But with ticket prices being cheap at the Red Light and their expectations not particularly high for the kind of movies it played, they bought a pair of tickets for "My Life as a Consortium Spy" and took a seat in the back of the projector room. Metal benches creaked slightly as the two lovers sat down next to each other and waited for the film to start. A handful of other moviegoers discreetly filtered in, some people the couple recognized while others were strangers. Soon the lights were lowered and the movie began in earnest.

"My Life as a Consortium Spy" was a budget comedy about a PEC "spy" trying to infiltrate Burger World by pretending to be an employee and it was about as stupid as one expected, hitting on all the usual lunkhead stereotypes. The muscle-bound Consortium spy trying to hide his sculpted body in a laughable fat suit, getting weird looks from his coworkers when he suggested they'd all bond over a game of some extreme sport that only PhysEd employees played, overselling his Burger World patriotism, and yet somehow not getting his cover blown despite all the mistakes he was making. Eventually the wide side of living won out and the spy ultimately went native, chugging burgers and ended up becoming a sumo wrestler representing Burger World in the WSL.

As the credits began to roll, the audience laughed and shook their heads collectively. Thunder couldn't blame them but no matter, the movie was over and now it was time to head home. Sushi, pasta, and steak formed a heavy lump in his gut, as comforting as it was encumbering, and from the look on his girlfriend's face he could tell Soy was feeling the same warm torpor. No matter, ten minutes on the transit system and they were back home at the panda's apartment. The doublewide door rolled upwards to let them in before closing shut behind them. Once safely inside, the black and white ursine titaness turned and smiled at her lover, giving the human an affectionate squeeze as the two of them got ready for bed. There, laid flat against the floor in the homogenized Asian style PanAsia agents tended to furnish their homes in, Thunder snuggled against Soy. Bloated bellies pressed against one another as the couple embraced for a long, lazy kiss to celebrate the end of a relaxing evening...

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