Death on paws, The dark elucive killer. Chapter 1

Story by thedespicablestories on SoFurry

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#1 of Death on paws

An extreme story where a dark and ruthless werewolf is committing crimes throughout a country in medieval time.

WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING THIS STORY IS CLASSIFIED AS EXTREME FOR GOOD REASONS AND NOT BY MISTAKE!!! If in your country you are an underage minor, please leave right now and don't read further. THIS STORY has gore, blood, digestion, scat, EXTREME SCAT FETISH, extreme graphic description and IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. If you don't like these sorts of things, just leave and never come back to this account or the big werewolf will get you. WEAK STOMACH PLEASE KEEPS AWAY!! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!! Chump!!!

Note: In real life the author or this story does NOT eat or play with scat or do anything described here. It's a fictional work for the reading enjoyment only. That being said, those of you that are still here please enjoy this fiction. :-) Your comments good or bad are welcome.


Final edition with the removing of a lot of syntax and grammar errors...

Chapter 1

Nathan Wright is definitely not an ordinary citizen of this realm. Sometime ago he did accidentally fell upon some very ancient relics that did possess some very dark power from a forgotten past. Short stories, it zapped him and did transform him into a special werewolf. A loner ever since that day, his craving for human flesh had forced him into traveling a lot, crisscrossing the kingdom never staying long at the same place. Understandably, the disappearance of people had a tendency in rapidly increasing the local suspicion and paranoia, forcing him to move away every time. Fortunately for him, there was no lack of food in that kingdom as they have not been really touched by the black death, and wars. In fact, overpopulation was starting to be a problem in some of the village as the agriculture of the time was barely able to keep up with the demand.

However overpopulation also meant an overabundance of food for Nathan, and it had a side effect on his wolf beast form. It made it grow taller and larger further increasing his need for food, therefore causing even more paranoia and folklore among the citizens. That is the kind of environment he's been dealing with for many years. Fortunately for him, because it is the middle ages, the information spreading speed is quite slow. So, as long as he's a step ahead of the authorities, he can do as he wanted.

These last few days he did stop at this isolated farm wreaking his usual havoc. Upon arriving, he first ate the owner, and all the labors in order to calm down the place. Then in the following days he went after all the horses, followed by the cows, then chickens leaving for good only when the place was striped clean of any life. Even the barn mice and honey bee colonies have gone down his insatiable gullet. Feeding mostly at night, he eats until he gets his fill then leave the crime scene spending the rest of the day hidden in a nearby forest, so that he can rest and digest his daily meal away from the potential commotion. He knows that this modus operandi will eventually attract the authorities. Yet, until now it has taken days for them to show up after a reported problem. The information being only disseminated at the speed of a running horse probably explains such a poor response time. The authorities were just-baffle, but they had a good reason into finding out who or what was behind all those disappearances that were occurring all over the place. It was the fear of an outside force trying to invade their territories that warranted such urgency. So the king fearing the worst, did appoint a special investigator which after many months of fact-finding started to figure out that it was not an invasion force that was behind those crimes, but a monster of some kind. Of course, the occasional humongous pile of dung carelessly left on some crime scene surely gave that agent some clues as to what was happening, but that was about the extent of his knowledge. The clever werewolf was very good at hiding his trail so that he was impossible to track. Even the best hunter where baffles by the vanishing beast even though from the track left behind, it was believed to be huge. Unfortunately no eye witnesses have ever been found after a crime.

In the meantime, for Nathan it was life as usual, for a werewolf that is. Right now, he was in a deep sleep digesting his latest meal at the foot of a big tree. With sheer luck, the king's special investigator came across the werewolf latest feeding place in a matter of hours after he was gone instead of days, and he was going over the crime scene with a fine tooth comb using the help of numerous aids in an effort to find new clues. Lucky for Nathan he just had his last meal from that place that was now picked clean.

"Sir, this is like all the previous places that were attacked by that dreaded monster, the place has simply been striped clean of animals. Even the mice are gone. It feels like a curse had been put over this place."

"Hum, same as all the other places and nothing helping us further this investigation... Jacquemar we've lost enough time investigating here, tell everyone to pack up cause we are leaving and going to Osprey, that small town not far from here. We've been running all over the country for the past few months in search of that damned devilish thing. I think it's time us and the men to take a few days off and get some need rest."

"Yes sir, right away sir..." So the special envoy group, which included some scientist, and a detachment of big heavily armed soldiers left for the nearest town.

In the meantime, Nathan having stayed in his werewolf form for the last few days started to awake from his meal induced sleep. Having digested part of his last meal, the werewolf felt that it was time to go take a dump. Groggily he did open an eye squinting as it was still sunny in the late after noon.

Nathan in his werewolf form was just huge, even now sitting, his shoulders were at least 9 feet off the ground, and he had a body mass of at least 5000 lbs. However, despite that size, he was still quite nimble on his feet do to his incredible strength. Getting up and stretching, his full-body height was passing the 15 feet mark! Although Nathan was classified as a dreadful and evil monster by the humans, he was still a nice-looking werewolf with marked male attributes. Yea his genitals were quite oversized, but he did not seem to perceive them as an impediment. In fact he was quite used to live and walk with such an appendage dandling low between his hind leg.

His belly having melted into a rounder shape was an indication that his meals had been converted into something more useful for his body, he now had some add pudge around his waist and a lot of accumulated bowel waste byproducts that were starting to manifest themselves against his back door. So Nathan decided to go back to the place he used as a latrine these passes few days. It was a clearing in the forest just a few hundred yards away that had this big jagged rock shooting up in the middle. About ten feet off the ground, a flat ledge jetting out on one side of the rock formation was the perfect toilet spot for a big wolf like he was. So he got up on the ledge that overhang his growing piles of feces, turn around and adopted the typical canine shitting stance, raising up his big tail revealing his huge black pucker to the hot afternoon air. Releasing his holds on the accumulated waste, his strained anus started to relax suddenly expanding outward under intense internal pressure, unfurling, and opening from the center. A brown turd started to peek its head slowly flowing out, making some squishing sound as it came out the werewolf's body. The stool was full of bone fragments, hair, even pieces of clothing. This werewolf was definitely not a finicky eater and his system was able to digest just about anything. Because of his huge body size, his anal hole was at least twelve inches in diameter permitting evacuation of complete cranium and femoral bones.

Only the occasional horse head from biggest specimens could give him some blockage trouble. Unfortunately for the werewolf that was the exact present situation. He damn knew when eating that huge horse that not taking his time to masticate and breaking the bones apart would eventually give him some trouble. Of course, the noise made by the animal and the fear of attracting unwanted attention had hastened his action, and being gluttonous as ever it ended into a soft vore that was now regretting. Squatting on the rock ledge with the thinnest part of the horse bony head protruding halfway out of his asshole and the widest part stuck quite painfully inside, it had come out to bit him right in the ass. Literally. Crossing his two arms and holding his belly, the werewolf used them as leverage and started to put some incredible pressure on the offending pieces of bone.

Obviously struggling a lot by the look of his raised lips and angry face, it went on for quite sometime, until the piece of bone finally broke with a loud crack, dislodging itself and dropping on the huge pile below making a splat sound. Still pushing with force, the werewolf made a loud smelly fart, followed by the forceful expulsion of a great amount of crap, pushes out at great velocity incasing itself within the mound of crap growing it from the inside. Then the wolf finally relaxed taking a breath of fresh air and kept on pooping out a prodigious quantity of remaining wastes. Defecating for more than ten minutes, he finally got all the digested waste out of his system down to the last few stray nuggets of poops falling out. Of course, it was only the already digested part of that last gargantuan meals consisting of two draft horses, a few cows, some mice and a colony of bees for desert. The rest would come out later after his stomach had the time to work some more on the remaining food. That meal was so gargantuan that he had some difficult walking. It was not the weight of the food that causes him problems but the size of his huge belly that was protruding in front of him. He was at the practical size limit cause any more food and he would have risked being stuck in the farm, belly on the floor and foots in the air. Not a good thing when you don't want to stay on a crime scene.

Turning around and jumping down from the ledge, the wolf was now at ground level facing his big filthy pile. Like any ordinary wolf he just had to inspect it. Representing days of accumulated feces the heap of crap was now almost as high as the rock itself and was smelling as bad as it looks. It was now the time to let loose the excess urine that had accumulated in his bladder. Lowering his sheath with one furry covered paw while pushing down on the huge penis with the other, he aimed at the pile of shit relaxing his urethral sphincter. A one inch wide stream of golden liquid came rushing down and out of his two-and-a-half-foot-long canine penis. He kept it going until his bladder was empty because he wanted to turn back to his human form. Had he stayed in his wolf form, he would have only marked the pile and kept the remaining strong smelling liquid in order to mark his territory as he went. However, tonight he had other plans and wanted to inspect his next target, the small town that stood nearby. Being in human form was the only way he could get in undetected to survey the place and build a mental plan of the place so that once the feeding was done, or in case of trouble he could leave quickly. Of course, he could always fight his way out, but it has never been his modus operandi, as he preferred to operate in a stealthy fashion. This was no simple farm but a town that he was going to attack and it definitely needed some preparation.

Concentrating, the werewolf shrank back to his human form which magically did also shrink his belly. Even though he did shrink back to his human size, his stomach content although smaller was still leaving him with this huge obese belly containing the magically packed and still undigested remains from his last meal. Fortunately the clothing that he took off one of his victims back at the farm was able to fit him but his belly was still sticking out in front of him as he was unable to button his shirt. But in those times it was not something unusual as it took time to make the tissue need to modify a piece of clothing. Leaving the forest behind Nathan took the direction of the nearby town. Approaching the outside gate, he could see that they were on alert with more guards than usual. Unfortunately for them the beast did pass control without any worry as they were not aware that the dreaded beast was an abnormally huge werewolf that was able to shrink back down to normal or in this case obese human size.

Walking around town, he did study the small village layouts including all the nook and crannies of the place. Remembering the layout of the land is something that he was excelling at, an ability to come from his canine side. Eventually, the evening came and Nathan noted that people were slowly getting back to their home. Now that the streets were getting empty, he decided that heading to the local pub would be the best thing to do to prevent raising any suspicion from the local. Later that evening he would just hide in a dark corner, change back into the wolf and start snatching a couple of careless humans for a midnight snack. It was a perfect plan and none would suspect a thing!

Entering the pub, it was jam-packed full of people including a lot of armed guards and a few patrons looking like they were part of the royalty. Yet they all seem to have a good time and the guard did not look like they were on active duty, all were sited at their tables drinking beers. Seeing that Nathan decided that it would be great to take a pint or two for himself since he had a few coins coming from the farm, he had ransacked. So, taking a seat at a back table, he did order a beer and stayed in his corner inconspicuous to the crowd while observing for opportunity.

As the hours flew by, they were marked by an increase in tension that was proportional to the beer consumed, causing the inevitable friction among the different classes of people present. Usually, the patron's of the place were only the town's people mostly from the same social class. However, tonight with the presence of the king's investigator and his entourage the tension was building really fast sparking some brawl here and there, finally culminating in general fight. A fight that the werewolf did not want to take part in by staying put in his corner. That is until the military finally decided that they had enough and decided to arrest everyone present.

"Everyone! Stop fighting or we will start to drop heads!" The head officer shouted holding his sword high in the air.

"Now that I got your attention, everybody that is not part of the royal group goes to that corner. That is including you back there at the corner table."

This is when Nathan decided that he was not up to a fight with all those people and wanted out, all he wanted in the first place was the easy midnight snack, and nothing else. So he stood up and headed for the door.

"He! I said in the corner with the others!" The Officer shouted at Nathan.

"I was sitting all along not taking part into your little party. So I'm leaving."

"He scumbag, have you heard what I said? In the corner with the others or you lose the head..."

Seeing that there were only two doors in the place, and remembering from his previous scouting that the place was situated in a corner of the town away from any regular housing, and that the back door was leading to lock and enclosed courtyards. A courtyard surrounded by the high exterior walls of the town, and a third one leading to a deserted alley solely dedicated to manufacture activities during the day. Theirs was very little chance that cries for help could be heard. Also seeing that all the windows were blocked by iron bars, Nathan decided that instead of having a light snack tonight he might have to settle for a full-course meal. Closing the half-open door and locking it from the inside, he did turn around facing the crowd with an evil laugh.

"You don't realize it yet, but that was your last order. Tonight I was only here for a beer and a light snack but it seems that you have forced my hand into a full-course meal."

"What the hell are you talking about??"

"Let me demonstrate..." On these words, Nathan transformed into his werewolf form, all fifteen feet+ of it, the clothing on his back just exploding into little pieces. Lucky for him, this place had a two-story ceiling. Still it was not high enough for him, so that he had to stay in crouched down position. Upon seeing the huge monster right in front of them guarding the front door, all present mindlessly flew into a panic toward the back door of the pub. As planned, they all just ended up in a courtyard surrounded by the high masonry walls, and very sturdy locked door in one of the walls as the only other exit. The trap was cleverly sprung and close shut by the werewolf! It was so successful that the plan not only did trap some delicious innocent citizen from the town but it also trapped the entire group that was dispatched by the king. The same group which was supposed to be shedding light on the mysterious disappearance by trapping the suspected beast. Unwittingly stumbling upon the said monster, they could not believe that such a being could exist, a huge werewolf that was actually intelligently enough to capture them all. Talk about the hunters being hunted down by their prey... They all had heard of the probable existence of werewolves being out there, but none could imagine one so big and so real.

Going through the back door after his prey, the huge werewolf came upon the backyard in a furry of dust, splitting wood, and masonry exploding as he came through and destroyed the small opening that was just an impossibility for his huge body. Standing at his full height, Nathan slowly waged his huge fluffy tail to the fact that his plan did work flawlessly. He was now looking at the assembled crowd, laughing at the facility he had in catching this bunch.

To all the humans present, this was the scare of their life. In front of them stood a huge and very impressive werewolf, all fifteen feet+ of him, looking at them with his yellow eyes. His fur floating in the light wind did let the light from the rising moon, shine through from behind, giving the appearance of an aura surrounding his body. Being so huge and tall, the small space in front of them was not enough to prevent the human from perceiving the heat radiated from his body. They could even smell his canine odor, in fact it was quite strong in the yard. Another disturbing fact was that while he was looking at them, he was also starting to salivate profusely with huge glob of jellied saliva dropping down in long strings from the sides of his mouth.

Then the werewolf started to speak with a very dark and powerful voice. "You are just a bunch of helpless puny humans, and tonight you will all come to know me on a very personal basis. I was not in an eating mood when came in the pub, I was here only to drink some beer and eventually leave the place like a normal customer, but the way that officer had addressed me back in there, had the effect of awakening my predatory instinct and opening up my appetite. Now that we're done with this little predatory game, I just feel so ravenous that I will probably eat you all." The werewolf pointing with one of his claws at the said human finishing his sentence with an evil laugh.

Alarmed by the werewolf worlds, the few in the crowd that were armed suddenly rushed toward the beast arm in hand trying to fight their way out. It only took one swing using one of his long-clawed paws to literally drop them dead in their tracks. His reach was so great and the swing so strong that it did cut in half, both the men and the arms they were carrying like they were just made out of soft butter. On impact, the gore and blood just spew back toward the crowd standing in the back, spraying them with a nasty combination of juice and body gore thorn out from the sliced remains of the soldier that fell to the ground.

"Now that you've discovered my real form and intentions, let me tell you lots that attacking me is just futile. In fact you can hardly scratch me with those weak attacks."

"You're an evil monster!" Shouted out loud one of the humans in the crowd. "Now tell us, are you the one responsible for all the disappearance in this country?" That was the head figure, still looking brave in front of the humongous beast and certain death. He was the king's investigator after all...

"Ha ha ha, I really hope that you now understand the grave you dug yourself in when you did confront me back there in the pub. To answer your question, yes I am..."

"Have you killed all of them? Where are they? I want you to show me where you have disposed of their body."

"One thing is for sure, you're a persistent son of a b..." Suddenly, the werewolf felt something pushing against his tail hole giving him an urgent need to relieve himself. The crowd could see that he was suddenly distracted by something and then... the big werewolf made a big toothy smile at the thought of what he was about to do... "On the other hand, I could show you how I did dispose of their body."

"What! You did kill them all?"

"You need to come closer if you want to understand." The werewolf said, waging his tail. The king's emissary stayed put not moving an inch.

"O comes on, don't be so terrified of me. It's not like I'm going to kill you... like right here and now." The emissary finally came forward and stopped in front of the towering wolf.

"Now what?" Ask the inspector, curious as to what he did do with the corps. It suddenly became bone chilling clearly as to what had happened when the beast suddenly turned sideways from the crowd and the emissary in order to give them a better view.

Laughing at was, he was about to do Nathan did squat down splaying his hind canine legs to his side while lifting up his tail making sure his huge black pucker was visible too all present. Now was as good a time as any other to relieve himself as he could no longer keep it in anyway. His bowel was now full to the brim with the brown smelly shit containing all the indigestible remaining wastes from his last vore, and he needed the space for this coming feast.

So why not make it a show that this crowd of weaklings would never forget, they did not have long to live anyway... The werewolf loving this idea, began to relax his anus releasing a huge smelly fart that shook all of those presents. "Here are your missing citizens inspector, it was a great pleasure for my stomach to meet them... This is what you all will be turned into the next few days. Take a good look as it is your destiny. Pudge around my waist, and fertilizer to the trees where I decide to drop you off! BTW inspectors, why don't you have a personal meeting with them." The huge werewolf suddenly making a side move, placing his black pucker right over the inspector head. A big turd making some click, pop and squishing sounds started to come out through his expanding butt hole finally dropping right in front of the bewildered spectators.

Being suddenly put right under werewolf shit holes, the king's inspector was able to do a quick side move of his own getting away just in time but also falling on his ass as the first piece of shit fell right beside him with a 'tund' sound. As he pushed himself further out of the way as fast as he could, the werewolf slowly continued to empty his bowel. The pile of shit grew in proportion to the falling jaw from the people in the crowd as they realized what they were seeing. The great stink from the pile only matched by the twelve-inch diameters size of the logs coming out one after the other. The werewolf kept going unloading great quantity of shit in front of the captive crowd for what seems like forever. Some even fainted just unable to accept their coming faith.

Nathan was really enjoying these toilet breaks as emptying his bowel not only felt great, but it also gave him these erotic feelings especially in his werewolf form. Those sexual feelings were probably coming from the prostate message given by those huge pieces of hard crap as they move pass the gland on their way out. In the process they also did stimulating his anal ring as it was acting like a rubber gasket, conforming to the shape of the exciting cylindrical pieces of shit activating all the nerve endings surrounding the sensitive spot, giving even more of this wonderful sexual stimulation. Nathan was now in bliss almost forgetting his captive public.

Because Nathan was a canine, he was also excreting with the crap that awfully smelly anal paste made by those infamous canine anal glands both acting as a lubricant and a strong marker that gave out that very strong smelly musk so alluring to other werewolves, stating sex, social standing, and pack affiliation. That paste gunk was efficiently spread by their anus coating all the pieces of crap coming out, and in the case of this very strong alpha, multiplying by an order of magnitude the awful smell that all of the humans present had to endure.

Finally, the last few nuggets of poops came down crashing on the pile as the werewolf flexed his anal muscle a few times making sure his rectum was finally empty. A final closing of his anal sphincter did expel this last blob of anal gunk that almost looked like a cherry put on top of the fresh pile of shit.

The pile was just huge, full of bone fragments and pieces of clothing sticking out here and there. Turning around the werewolf did push the insult even further by taking his huge penis in his left paw and emptying his bladder on the still fuming pile. He knew that he needed all the available space in his belly in order to accomplish what he was about to undertake. The crowd just stood there speechless at what they were witnessing, while he pissed out hundreds of gallons of the golden liquid waste.

Finally done... the werewolf turned back facing the crowd with a huge smile. "My appetizing little friends, now that I just increased the available space inside my belly, we will shortly start playing this game called, feed the hungry werewolf..." In a flash, jumping on the nearest humans he took two of them, one in each hand and got back in front of the door blocking any escape attempts. Stuffing the humans in his mouth head first starting with the left one, he quickly swallowed down his food eating them whole, clothes, body armor, side arms and all, repeating the same technique with all present eating at a frenzy paste induced by his gluttony. His belly visibly expanding as he pilfered himself, did not bloat to exaggerated proportion, the werewolf gut muscle being very strong at packing everything very tightly. So strong that one could hear troughs the wolf stomach walls the breaking of bones coming from the humans that were shoved down his gullet. For the werewolf that feeling of bone breaking and food entering his stomach was just bliss and felt great! However, for the remaining humans the noise coming from his belly was getting louder and louder as he keeps stuffing himself, provoking chain reactions of bones breaking from each piece of food added, and what was already inside, breaking away under the increasing pressure. It came to a point where it sounded more like an explosion each time the bones were slowly grounded onto smaller pieces. He ate and gobbled every human until only one was left standing. Then he proceeded with the unconscious and dead ones. Overall he ate more than one hundred humans that included lots of big extra meaty men.

For the last one, he did prepare a little extra. "You my little friend seems to be the one in charge and the one that did order the attack on me, so you will be the one that will be my cream filled dessert." The human standing there was frozen stiff, scared out of his wits looking at the huge wolf who just ate everybody and everything right in front of him. The place was stripped clean, even from the blood and gore that had fallen on the ground and walls, or the broken side arms that were on the ground. Other than the big pile of waste and piss that was deposited earlier by the werewolf, everything else had disappeared behind the beast choppers. No proof and no loose end other than the gift that was left earlier. Now the damn wolf was rubbing his penis and then it dawns on remaining human what cream filled meant. Now stiff as an iron bar the werewolf took hold of the human and did stuff him on his cock, hilting him to the knot, starting to fuck him to his heart's contempt. The werewolf did not care that the human was screaming in pain and bleeding a bit as it just made for good lube.

That went on for a few minutes until the werewolf felt that he was about to release, then took both of his paws and used them to pull the human back spearing him passed the knot making this pop noise as the knot forcefully pass the anal O ring and then started releasing in the human making these grunting noises. No, he did not howl like the normal stereotyped werewolves but he surely did cum like one. He came and came filling the poor human with an endless torrent of cum blowing him up like a balloon, cum going all the way through and exiting through his mouth and nose. Finally, the ejaculation did subside leaving the werewolf in the bliss of the afterglow... He just sat there feeling great while the human in front of him was so bloated with cum that he could no longer move pin down under his own weight.

After a little while the werewolf did snap out of it, looking down at the cream filled human... "It's time for dessert my little friend." The werewolf picking up the frighted human, stuffing him in his mouth. However, unlike the others before, started to chewing his desert having all this goowhee cream and blood substance exploding in his mouth filling it with this wonderful taste. That werewolf was definitely addicted to those cream filled humans, they taste so great and had this wonderful crunchy texture that just melted under his teeth. He took his time enjoying his desert then swallowed him up licking all the remains of his fingers and talons.

Being done, he then left by jumping over the city's wall using his super strong legs then headed for the surrounding woods so that he could have a long sleep and digest this record-breaking meal. He never ate so much before in his life. His meal was even bigger than the last one, weighing more than seven tons. He had to use his long arms to carry his belly up in the air otherwise it was dragging along on the ground. He was finally able to make it to the nearby forest using the main stone road and hide himself being careful as to not leave any paw print in the soil as it was going to take at least a few days to completely digest this meal.

The only proof left of his presence, the huge pile of shit proudly standing in the middle of the pub courtyard, and the strong acrid smell of piss. A trophy to his power and might that he left for others to contemplate in the complete confusion that followed the next day. It was a complete mystery as to what really happens in that place since no witness could be found. Not only that but the special task force assembled by the king to investigate those vanishing mystery had also vanished without a trace ever to be found. They had to start from scratch with a new team a few months later when they came to the conclusion that the first team of special investigator had vanished into thin air. And since the new task force started its work many months later they were not even aware that the previous team had been eaten alive in the now rebuilt pub they were standing in as they had just received news that some vanishing had occurred here a few months ago.

P.S. If you have read the story, please comment positively or negatively and comment on a PM if you don't want to do it publicly! I'm curious about your reaction, as this story is quite hard core.

Death on paws, The dark elucive killer. Chapter 2

**WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING** **THIS STORY IS CLASSIFIED AS EXTREME FOR GOOD REASONS AND NOT BY MISTAKE! If in your country you are an underage minor, please leave right now and don't read further. THIS STORY has gore,...

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