The Headsman and the Pianist: Better than a Dream

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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#2 of The Headsman and the Pianist

Generally I don't write disclaimers before my stories but, I feel that a disclaimer is warranted due to the subject matter that I will be exploring in this series. Aside from the gay relationships and accompanying sex. This series will also contain violence, racism, themes of genocide, and other not so nice things. This chapter is a bit more intense than the last one, so reader beware.

Thanks for reading :)


January 6th 1904, German South-West Africa

My ears flicked as swallows tweeted outside of the watch post. I yawned loudly and scanned the area around me. The night had been quiet and passed without incident. It was drizzling now, and the morning sun had just started to peak through the clouds. It was beautiful, but not as beautiful as the man sleeping in my arms. I smiled and looked down at him. Klaus had to be the closest thing to an angel that I've ever seen.

I yawned again and looked to the rear of the shelter with a sigh. My relief had to be on the way soon, which meant that the time he had alone with the beautiful human would soon come to a close. It had to have been a sin to wake him, but I had no other choice. I couldn't risk Herr Von Hoft finding out and taking his son away from me. With a sigh, I gently shook the human awake. Klaus yawned and slowly opened his eyes. He looked up at me and nuzzled back up to me.

"Good morning handsome," Klaus began, "Is it already morning?"

"Yes," I replied, "And an especially beautiful one."

Klaus sat up and looked out the window. He beamed, his eyes wide as he took in the beautiful scene in front of him. The sun started shining through stronger, beautifully illuminating the blooming gold and lavender flowers dispersed throughout the grass. I smiled and watched him. Africa could be a very dangerous place, but there were moments when her sheer beauty took your breath away.

"It's like seeing the face of God," Klaus looked back at the Fox, "I don't think I've ever seen anything more beautiful."

I wasn't easily embarrassed, but I felt a blush coming on as I thought of the perfect response.

"I feel the same way," I blushed and smiled as the human realized I was talking about him, "You're the most beautiful creature I've ever met Klaus."

Klaus leaned in and gave me a kiss. I knew we didn't have time for this, and at any moment my replacement could barge in and catch us in the act, but I didn't care. I kissed him back, my paws reaching out to rub and caress every inch of his body that I could reach. I felt a pang of arousal as he moaned for me again. With a mournful whine I pulled away and moved back from the human.

"We need to keep our distance until my relief comes," I sighed, "I hate it, but I have no other choice."

Klaus nodded and did as I was told. He looked me over again and turned back to look out over the savanna. I reached into the bag of provisions that hung from a nail inside the post and pulled out a week-old loaf of bread and a strip of salted meat. I split them both in half and gave a portion to the human. I had always been a big eater, and if I didn't have my three meals a day, there would be hell to pay.

"Here's breakfast," I mumbled through a mouthful of bread, "Something to tide you over until you get home."

Klaus nodded and grimaced as he took a bite of the bread. The human really must have been pampered if he couldn't stomach some old bread. Last night he had stuck to the fresh stuff I had packed in my saddlebag. He finished off his meat very quickly and, with much less enthusiasm, ate his half of the bread. I could tell he wanted to put on a tough front for me. I fought the urge to laugh, it really was good of him to try. It could only increase his chances of survival.

The door swung open behind me and Klaus. I turned and frowned as I saw my replacement. He was a Honey Badger who took the name Alfred. Alfred was born here in Africa under a different name. He used to be member of a tribe far to the south. For reasons unknown, he left the tribe and found himself in the service of Herr Von Hoft. He was not well-liked by the other members of the crew or the locals. We probably would have removed him long ago if not for his savage reputation. Herr Von Hoft loved his employees to have a ruthless streak, and Alfred satisfied those criteria perfectly.

He snuffed and looked over Klaus predatorily. I felt the fur on the back of my neck stand up and a growl forming in the back of my throat. Klaus waved at the Honey Badger, and recoiled as Alfred laughed loudly.

"Where did you get the soft meat Gustav?" Alfred murred, "Is he going to stay here with me? You know how much I like the fresh ones."

Klaus looked over at the Fox nervously. Gustav chuckled and shook his head.

"I know you do Alfred, but he's off limits," Alfred snapped his jaws angrily, "He's the boss's kid."

Alfred grumbled.

"Well you're relieved," Alfred began, his anger gone as quickly as it developed, "Boss wants you to take the crew out to work on the fence again."

I nodded. It was too bad I wasn't working closer to the house today. I would have loved to be close to Klaus, and maybe even spend some more time with him. Von Hoft would never allow his son to travel with me to the frontier of the property, not this soon into the young man's time here. I sat up with a groan, collected my gear, and stepped out of the watch post. Klaus followed suit, making himself as small as possible as he squeezed past the Honey Badger.

My horse whinnied excitedly as we approached and nosed my side as I unhitched him. We loaded up onto the horse and started the long ride back to the mansion. Klaus breathed a sigh of relief and nuzzled into my neck from behind.

"Is Alfred like us?" Klaus asked, "Does he like being with males too?"

No one knew what Alfred was. As far as I knew, Alfred would fuck anything with a pulse. I looked back at the human and shook my head.

"No," I began, "You stay away from him though, you hear? He might try something with you."

"He'll have another thing coming if he tried that," Klaus replied defiantly, "I can handle him."

I chuckled and urged my horse to go faster. I liked my males to be a bit feisty, and Klaus fit that requirement perfectly. I elected not to tell him about the last living thing Alfred had been with. Horrific tales about a thirteen year old Lioness found with her throat ripped out in a seedy brothel weren't going to get Klaus to warm up to me any time soon.

"Stay away from him," I began, "Trust me."

Klaus nodded and wrapped his arms around me. He didn't play around with me this time, which I very much appreciated. The last thing I needed was to be working with a bunch of guys with my cock tenting my pants. The human sighed and looked around.

"There probably is no chance my father would let me go out with you guys today is there?" Klaus asked, "Is it dangerous where you'll be working today?"

I nodded.

"Yes to both of those questions," I replied, "Even if he did allow you to come, I don't think I'd want you to."

"Why?" Klaus asked, "I can't be in much more danger than you are."

Sometimes, the brutal truth of my way of life needed to be shared. I really didn't want to scare him, but it was the only way that he would learn.

"I'm one of the youngest workers on the crew for a very good reason," I began, "The last kid your age we had on our crew was dragged off into the night from the very watch post we spent the night in. The next morning, we found his dismembered body nailed to the barn. It's only a place for the experienced, not for people like you."

Klaus fell silent and his fingers gripped into my fur tighter. I sighed. It had been a long time since I had felt this terrible. We came into view of the estate and, reluctantly, I pried the human's fingers off of me. Klaus put his hands on either side of the saddle and held on. I looked back at him and frowned.

"I'm sorry if I scared you," I began as we pulled into the stable, "But I couldn't lie to you. I just want you to be safe. Good things like you don't come around too often around here."

Klaus nodded and stepped off of my horse.

"I understand," Klaus replied, "Will I see you again today?"

"I hope so," I smiled as I got off of my horse, "Let's get you to your father."

I tied my horse up and followed Klaus as he walked up to the house. Klaus's father was standing on the porch, his foot tapping impatiently. I caught up to Klaus and, together, we walked up the steps and stood on the porch in front of him.

"Well?" Herr Von Hoft began, "What did you think? It's terrible isn't it?"

Klaus shook his head and beamed.

"It was so beautiful," Klaus replied, "I wish I knew how to paint, because what I saw this morning would be a masterpiece."

Von Hoft sighed and looked over at me.

"How did he do?" The older man asked, "He wasn't a bother was he?"

I shook my head.

"No," I ruffled his hair with a paw, "He did great. He's very sharp. I'm disappointed that he's not out on the crew with me."

Von Hoft scoffed.

"Of course he's sharp," The old German snapped, "I wouldn't have spent all of that money for him to go to university if he wasn't."

I bowed my head.

"Of course," I replied, "Is there anything you need from me before I head out to the fenceline?"

Herr Von Hoft thought for a moment and shook his head. I stepped off of the porch and started walking back towards my cabin. My keen ears picked up Klaus and his father fervently discussing something. I could only make out the last bit.

"Once you finish in your bath," Herr Von Hoft commanded, "I want you to practice on the piano. I've picked up some pieces for you while we were in Windhoek. Learn them, I want them to be perfect the next time we have guests."

I smirked, my tools were stored in a shed on the side of the house the bathroom was on. As long as I was sneaky, I saw no problem in sneaking a quick look on Klaus. I knew that he wouldn't mind. I entered my cabin and stripped down again. My work clothes were dry and I changed into them quickly. I chuckled and put my now dry cigarettes into my coat pocket. Whistling happily, I walked out of my cabin and towards the shed.

The flimsy door creaked as I opened it. I retrieved my tools and looked at the bathroom window. The curtains were not closed, and if I got closer I knew I would be able to see the man of my dreams. I checked to make sure the coast was clear before I stalked up to the bathroom window. Klaus was standing with his back to me, naked. No, Klaus was truly beautiful, with his soft skin and smooth body. He was nothing like me.

This wasn't like the teaser I had got the night before. I had him, all to myself, uncovered and vulnerable. He turned, his hand covering his genitalia and smiled at me. I blushed hard, but didn't duck out of sight. Klaus turned away from me again and slowly entered the bathtub. I watched him for a few more moments before starting my long walk out to the fence line. I stopped at the front of the house where I saw Von Hoft, one of the local chieftains, and a large horse and cart carrying unmarked crates. This must have been the chieftain of the tribesmen I had killed last night. Von Hoft saw me and waved me over.

The chieftain, a very physically imposing Hyena, glared at me as I moved to stand beside my employer. It seemed my reputation had preceded me.

"Ah Gustav," Herr Von Hoft began, "This is the leader of the tribe those two trespassers came from. One of them was her son."

"Tell her that a trespasser is a trespasser," I glared back at the Hyena, "And I kill all trespassers, regardless of their importance."

Von Hoft practically wriggled with joy as I said that. He liked us to be tough, unforgiving, and most importantly intimidating. The Chieftain bared his teeth and snarled.

"Your luck will run out one day Headsman," The Hyena spat in perfect German, "One day, your corpse will feed the buzzards."

The Hyena turned around and gestured for a smaller, male member of her kin to get the cart in motion. The chieftain hopped onto the back of the cart and sat down. I looked over at Von Hoft and sighed.

"What did you give them this time?" I asked, "That didn't look like the usual bribe."

Herr Von Hoft shook his head and scoffed.

"Greedy bastards," The human sighed, "They just wanted some supplies, and the horse and cart."

I knew there was something the older male wasn't telling me, but I let it go. Von Hoft was a very open individual, but he, like everyone, had secrets. The only difference was that his secrets tended to be the kind that got people killed. I growled and shouldered the tool bag.

"Is the crew already out there?" I asked, "It seems pretty dead around here."

Von Hoft nodded.

"Yes," He replied, "I sent them out there at the break of dawn. Ernst is in charge."

I nodded. Ernst was a Short Eared Owl from Bernberg, very close to where I was born. He was a few years older than I was, but nowhere near as sharp as I was. I took my leave and walked out to the fences. We never brought the horses out there, even though it was a very long walk, because they were far too valuable to risk being damaged in an attack. If trouble occurred, those stationed close to the house rode out and bolstered our defenses.

The rain hadn't gone away, which made the walk even muddier and nastier than before. I would have given anything to be sitting in Von Hoft's parlor listening to Klaus play the piano. Our paths never would have crossed if I had still been in Germany. It was fate. We were fated to be together, and this great, dangerous land was the instrument that brought us together. I grumbled and shook my head. I was silly to fill my head with such nonsense, I would see him soon enough. Until then, my head needed to be solely focused on my work. After a long walk, I finally made it to the fence.

The rifles were covered and resting in the back of the tent. I put mine onto the pile as well and walked down the line of working men to Ernst. He was splitting wood with his shirt off. I never really found the Avian form to my liking, but Ernst was something special to behold. He was very well-built, not thin and wispy like so many of his kind were. I walked up behind him, narrowing dodging the backswing of his axe, and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Ernst," I began, "How are things going out here?"

The Owl turned to face me. Ernst always looked very happy and hopeful. His bright yellow eyes always seemed to be twinkling, as if there were always some warm and pleasant thought tucked into the brain behind them. He clapped me on the shoulder and nodded.

"Things are very well, very very well," Ernst replied, "We're moving very fast."

I chuckled and looked around. Ernst was by no means dumb, but he was very plain. He liked to please people, and worked very hard to keep everyone happy. I liked to throw him a bone every now and then, just to see him smile even more than he usually did.

"Sounds like you've got things under control then," I smiled, "Where would you like me to go?"

Ernst's face erupted into a smile as he realized that I had put him in charge. He looked around and pointed at the cart.

"It would be nice to get another pair of eyes watching the tree line," The Owl began, "It has been way too quiet today. I think the crew would feel much better with a Fur of your experience guarding them."

Guard duty was not a job that I usually chose for myself. It always made me feel like I was being lazy. I looked around and saw how nervous the men were. This position would be a good fit, at least for today. I nodded and made my way over to the cart. Ernst warbled happily and went back to work. I picked up my rifle and shouldered it. Guard duty usually consisted of nothing but walking back and forth behind the working men, but today I chose to stay by the cart.

Movement caught my eye in the bushes close by. I raised my rifle and aimed. The men nearby noticed, and slowly moved back from the trees. I chuckled and lowered my rifle as the source of the disturbance revealed itself. It was nothing but a fat squirrel trying to shake a couple of berries off of a branch. The smile was still on my face as a long, black arrow was loosed from the trees. It hit one of the Furs, an old Badger named Wilhelm, square in the back and knocked him to the ground.

"AMBUSH!" I screamed as a swarm of arrows erupted from the forest.

I knocked the wheels of the cart on the side away from the trees and brush off. The cart wobbled and crashed down into the mud with a loud splat. I poked my head out and readied my rifle. The crew ran to the cart, and aside from a few poor souls who were cut down along the way, the majority made it to cover. The taller members of the crew reached into the cart from their cover and distributed rifles and ammunition to everyone. A few of the bolder members returned fire. I shook my head. The only thing firing back was good for was to signal those at the house of trouble, we could never tell if we hit any of them until after the fact.

Both sides ceased firing their weapons at the same time. I flinched at the sound of a horrible cry of pain. I looked out into the field to count the dead. There were four that I could see. Their bodies were absolutely riddled with the savage's barbed arrows. I stifled a whine as I saw the source of the cry. Just out of reach from the cart was Hans. The human was on his knees, two arrows buried in his left leg. Tears streamed down his face as he tried to pull one of them out. I grimaced. One of the arrows had gone all the way through and pinned the human to the ground.

"Hans," I called out, "Break off the half of the arrow sticking out and pull your leg off."

Hans did as he was told, but couldn't get free. Without warning, a rifle shot erupted from the woods. Hans fell forward dramatically as the rifle shot sped through the back of his head and exited out the side of it. The jagged hole where the left side of his head used to be glared at me from beneath Hans's blond locks. I popped my head back into cover and took a deep breath.

"On my order, I want you to fire into the brush," I growled, "After that, fire at will at anything that remotely looks like a target."

We waited for a few moments. I could hear the natives in the forest on the other side of the cart laughing. I bet the bastards thought that they had us beat. They were wrong.

"FIRE!" I shouted.

We raised up out of cover and fired a volley into the brush. As we ducked down to reload it was very clear that we had hit a good number of our targets. Moans and sharp cries of pain filled the field once more. There was no feeling sweeter than revenge, and I intended for these savages to pay heavily for our dead. The field erupted into chaos again as both sides began to fire indiscriminately. Bullets whizzed through the top of the cart, which meant that we needed to stay low. Rudolf, a heavyset, black furred Wolf, fell to the ground writhing in pain as a bullet grazed the side of his face.

We couldn't stay here much longer. The cart was being torn to shreds, and a couple more of our riflemen had fallen to the ground. A loud cheer erupted from behind us. I turned to look as the remainder of Von Hoft's work force rode towards our position. That was all we needed to rally. We fired off another volley before the horsemen caught up to our position. I, along with some of the braver males behind the cart, stood up to fire our parting shots into the brush along with those fired by the horsemen surrounding our flanks. There was one final shot that came from the savages. The shot hit me in the top of my upper arm and buried itself into my shoulder blade.

I snarled out in pain and fell backward. Blood spurted out of my wound and past my vision. I needed to be strong, but all I could do was shiver as my vision slowly went black.


You're the most beautiful creature I've ever met Klaus.


Your luck will run out one day Headsman


Feed the buzzards


Feed the buzzards


Luck will run out


I woke up with a dull, throbbing pain in my shoulder. In the back of my mind, I remembered the voices I was hearing in my head. They were probably nothing more than fever dreams. My eyes opened up wide as I remembered I had been shot. I noticed the strange, uneven pattern in the roofing and realized that I was in my bedroom. I looked down, and my eyes went even wider. In my shoulder, attached to a set of gloved hands, were metal tools. I could see inside of myself, and felt a terror the likes of which I'd never felt before and would never feel again.

I screamed. The pain suddenly flooding my senses. My arms were tied to the table, and my muscles bulged as I tried to flee. Strong arms held me down as I screamed even louder. I was bleeding again. I could feel the hot spurts of arterial blood spattering against my face, which sent me into even more of a panic. My eyes rolled back and forth wildly as I looked for someone, anyone, to help me. I tried to formulate words, but all I could do was scream.

"Give him some more fucking morphine," A powerful voice shouted out, "If he fights any more he'll bleed out on the goddamn table."

After a sharp pinprick in my shoulder, the pain magically washed away. The owner of the strong voice leaned in close, his eyes blurring as the drug took its effect.

"Sleep Gustav," The owner of the voice said quietly, "Sleeeppp."


Hands, Klaus's hands, rubbed over my body. I sat up, the fur on my haunches and the back of my neck raised, as I tried to figure out where I was. The room was white and painfully bright. I stood up from the bed and walked over to the window. Outside was the scene that Klaus and I had enjoyed earlier that morning. Only this time, the savanna was a veritable sea of flowers. The Fox had never seen so many colors. Exotic shades of purple, orange, blue, and many more seemed to dance in the field.

"Beautiful isn't it," Klaus said from behind me.

I turned around and gasped. Klaus was lying completely naked on top of the bed. He was on his stomach, his legs bent up at the knees. I felt drawn to him, like a dying man in the desert is drawn to an oasis. I walked to him without my brain directing me. My paw reached down and gently traced down the length of the human's buttermilk colored back. I shuddered. God he was so soft.

"Would you care to join me Gustav?" Klaus giggled, "I want to get to know you better."

I didn't need to be told twice. I jumped onto the impossibly soft mattress and clutched the human tightly to me. Klaus moaned loudly as I took the initiative and rolled him on to his back. I looked over his naked body, my eyes lingering at his semi-flaccid penis and the small golden tuft of curly hair above it. I growled and shuddered in ecstasy before bending my head down to kiss and lick hungrily over Klaus's neck and chest. The human moaned again as my teeth nipped and nibbled over his collarbone.

_His taste was intoxicating, and each kiss and nibble left me hungrier. Part of me wanted to move slowly, but I needed more and I needed it now. I moved lower and encapsulated one of Klaus's nipples into my maw. The human whimpered and ground his hips up into mine as I teasingly nipped and suckled on it. Klaus gasped and moaned as I gave the same treatment to the other one. _

"Oh Gustav my love," Klaus moaned as I moved my paws down to his hips, "Gustav my mate. I NEED you. Please don't make me wait anymore."

I murred and kissed my way back up to the human's lips. We shared a passionate kiss and my tongue entered his mouth. As Klaus suckled on my tongue, I closed my eyes in bliss and moved my paws down to the human's ass. I lifted his ass up into my crotch, ready to consummate our verbal mateship. Suddenly, a sharp wave of pain shot through my shoulder and down my arm. I yipped and dropped the human onto the bed.

"Gustav my love," Klaus sat up and pushed me down gently onto the bed, "You're hurt."

I shook my head.

"I-It's nothing," I replied, "Please, we can keep going."

The human shook his head, his beautiful blonde hair shifting as he did so.

"Let me take care of you," Klaus bent down and tenderly kissed the Fox's injured shoulder, "I love you."

I shivered and felt tears fall from my eyes. The human curled up beside me and all thoughts of the pain I was feeling vanished. Klaus looked up at me, his crystal blue eyes staring into my hazel ones. He reached up for my face, a delicate finger sweeping the tears away. I closed my eyes and smiled.

"I love you too."


January 11th 1904

"You are all young, love all manner of things, and have many pleasures." Klaus began, "One loves a woman, another weapons, a third has some hope or some grief which is to him as a beloved one. But believe me, a time will come--it may be during your young days--when all these joys and even pains will become worthless as faded wreaths from yesterday's banquet."(1)

I slowly opened my eyes. There were a few extra pillows in my bed which propped my shoulders and my head up. I turned my head and saw that Klaus was reading a very thick book aloud at my bedside. I was in my bed now and I was awake. There would be no more strange dreams and no more waking nightmares. Especially now that Klaus was here. I smiled and put my paw softly on the human's thigh.

"What are you reading?" I asked softly.

My ears recoiled at the raspy sound of my voice. The human marked his place in the book with a blue ribbon and set it aside. Klaus smiled at me and moved his glass of water to my lips. He helped me to take a small drink and moved the glass back to my bedside table. I licked my lips and nuzzled into my pillow.

"It's not important," Klaus began, "What's important is that you're finally awake."

I rubbed my eyes with the paw on my good arm. I remembered through the drug fueled haze what shoulder was injured. I looked down and saw a fresh and clean bandage covering my wound and a sling that held my shoulder in place. Klaus put a hand on my good shoulder.

"How long have I been sleeping?" I asked, "What day is it?"

Klaus rubbed my shoulder soothingly.

"It's the 11th of January," Klaus replied, "We were starting to worry that you wouldn't wake up."

I looked up at the human and sighed.

"How long have you been here?" I asked, "By my side I mean."

Klaus smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

"Since the doctor's finished up with you," The human began, "I convinced my father that out of all the people on this estate, that I was the one who was best suited to take care of you."

"How did you manage that?" I chuckled, "I figured Von Hoft would have kept you way too busy."

The human scoffed and laughed.

"Those pieces were a total breeze," Klaus replied, "I had them mastered the hour after I finished my bath."

Klaus's hand moved down to the bed to hold my paw. As I squeezed it, my mind shot back to the last dream I remembered, and the sensation of these hands on my naked fur and flesh. Klaus intertwined his fingers with mine and chuckled.

"I told him my slender pianist's fingers were best suited for the job," The human brought my paw up to his lips to kiss it, "I told him they were far more delicate than any he could find on his staff."

I grinned and scooted closer to the human. I wanted even more attention.

"I hope Hilde didn't hear you say that," I replied, "She might make you do all the sewing from here on out. Then I'll never get to see you."

"She helped me out a lot," Klaus began, "She really likes you Gustav."

I chuckled and smirked. Hilde was always trying to get my attention in one way or another. It probably had something to do with the fact that the two of us were the only non-savage Foxes for miles. I didn't want to think about her anymore, not with Klaus right here. I looked over at the human and whined quietly.

"I wish you could come into bed with me," I began, "I've never been much for cuddling, but right now that's exactly what I need."

"I wish I could get into bed with you too," Klaus sighed, "But you know we can't."

My thoughts went back to the dream, to the feeling of Klaus's soft, naked body pressed against mine. I sighed and looked up at the human.

"Did I make any weird noises in my sleep?" I asked, "I had really vivid dreams."

Klaus chuckled and blushed.

"Oh yes you did," Klaus replied, "You were dreaming about me. I could tell."

I blushed hard.

"It was so good that I even got to see your cock out of its sheath," Klaus continued, "I really wanted to pleasure you. Especially when you started moaning my name."

I couldn't help but wonder what else the human had heard as I dreamed. Hopefully it wasn't anything too embarrassing. If I were lucky, the only words that escaped my mouth would have been drug induced gibberish.

"What else did I say?" I asked, "I'm just curious."

Klaus giggled.

"You said you loved me," Klaus began, "I really liked that."

I whined. That wasn't a good sign at all.

"What?" Klaus asked, "I thought it was very sweet. In fact right after you said it I gave you a kiss."

I chuckled.

"You really are an angel Klaus," I smiled.

The human blushed very hard and looked down at his feet. I shifted closer to the human, grimacing at little at my sore shoulder, and kissed Klaus softly. The human embraced me. His finger's combed through my neck fur as we tenderly locked lips. Klaus moaned quietly as my tongue parted his lips and started exploring the inside of his mouth. The human got closer to me and moved his other hand down to my crotch. I murred and growled into his mouth as he started groping me through the sheet.

"Can I?" Klaus asked, "We should have time as long as we don't do anything too drastic."

I nodded. My sheath was already swelling under his gentle, but insistent touch. The human peeled the sheet down, exposing my naked body. Normally, I wasn't too concerned about the way I smelled. I worked very hard, and rarely, if ever, got a chance for a bath. I didn't want to disgust Klaus. Klaus noticed my discomfort and rubbed my paw reassuringly.

"Don't worry," He began, "Hilde and I bathed you yesterday."

Before I could even begin to imagine what that entailed, Klaus's tongue licked the emerged tip of my member. I shuddered and moaned, my mind concentrating on nothing but the pleasure I was feeling, as the human's tongue slid into my sheath and licked around my rapidly hardening cock. Klaus murred and moved his tongue back as he pulled my reddish orange sheath down. My cock, larger than the average Fox, sprung free, knot and all.

"I like this," Klaus licked his lips, "You're bigger than my last Fox."

Klaus chuckled and bent down to kiss over my tip. I whimpered in pleasure as I felt those tender lips kiss up the stray drops of arousal that rolled down my engorged shaft. He extended his tongue once he reached my base, and licked his way back up to the tip again. My eyes closed, and my breath hitched as I felt his warm, wet mouth engulf the first couple inches of my foxhood. His talented tongue snaked out again to teasingly rub my shaft again.

I whined like a newborn pup and my leg twitched like a dog's as Klaus took his time taking more of me into his mouth. He was moving agonizingly slow, but it felt so goddamn good. Klaus moaned submissively as he pulled back off of my cock, a strand of saliva connecting his pink lips to my raging red cock. The human moved his hand to my member and started stroking it slowly.

"How does that feel?" Klaus murred as my pre-cum started to cover his hand, "Does it feel good?"

I panted and chuckled.

"Klaus," I bit my lip, "I don't even have words."

"How about dexterous?" Klaus offered.

I closed my eyes and whined in pleasure.

"I don't know what in the hell that means," I began, "But if that's what you're doing, don't stop."

Klaus stopped stroking my cock and brought his mouth down to it. This time, he didn't linger. He took all of me into his maw, up to my knot. I shivered in pleasure as I felt my tip brush against his throat. I had only been on the receiving end of one of these once before, and it had only felt half as good as this did. I threw my head back and moaned loudly as Klaus slowly started bobbing over my cock. He created suction with his lips, and rarely, little pops and wheezes of air escaped from the human's moving mouth.

My eyes were screwed shut and I couldn't stop moaning. Whenever I managed to get a breath of air in, it was stolen away by a deft movement of the human's tongue or the feeling of his velvety smooth throat on my shaft. I opened my eyes, wanting to see Klaus sucking me off. I felt a pang of arousal as Klaus's blue eyes looked directly into mine. He angled my shaft into his maw just right, so I had the best view of what he was doing. That right there was almost enough to set me over the edge.

This felt so good that I hardly even felt my orgasm coming on. I closed my eyes again, and saw stars each time the human moved on my cock. I bit my lip, and started to thrust my hips wildly. I swear I heard the human chuckle. Little did I know that he was saving the best for last. He moved back to take a breath and rapidly took my whole cock into his maw, knot and all. He locked his lips behind it and sucked, hard. I practically howled as I came into his mouth. He pulled off of my knot before I tied with his mouth, and swallowed down every drop of my essence. I panted hard.

I couldn't remember the last time my heart had beat this fast. I couldn't remember the last time I had orgasmed this hard. I couldn't remember the last time I ever wanted to run away with someone so bad. In my post-orgasmic haze, I swore I saw Klaus glow. I chuckled and panted hard.

"I told you," I began, "I told you were an angel."

Klaus wiped his mouth and covered me back up. He moved back to his chair beside my bed and nuzzled me gently.

"That wasn't too much was it?" Klaus asked, "I told you I had experience with Foxes."

I shook my head.

"That was amazing!" I replied, "Where did you learn to do that?"

Klaus chuckled.

"I learned lots of things in university," Klaus smirked, "I spent quite a lot of time in the Fur district."

I murred. Normally, I preferred virgins. All of the other non-virgin partners I had been with up until that point were just as experienced or less than I was. I had never been with someone like Klaus. Someone who knew so much about pleasing you that it was scary.

"Maybe I'll be able to repay you once I heal," I began, "I may not know much about pleasing humans, but I am a fast learner."

Klaus smirked.

"I'm looking forward to it," Klaus replied, "But, speaking of healing, I think you may have finally stopped bleeding. We can take the bandage off now if you want."

"How long was I bleeding?" I asked as Klaus gently removed the bandage, "Was it serious?"

I looked over my freshly revealed wound. The fur was trimmed around the stitches. I shuddered and looked away. It looked unnatural, like I was just a bad gust of wind from falling apart. Klaus sighed and put my bandage down on the floor.

"It wasn't serious," Klaus looked over my stitches, "Just a little bit. It looks like it stopped though."

I squeezed Klaus's hand with my free paw.

"You're going to be ok Gustav," The human smiled, "I'll be here every step of the way until you get back to your old self."

I heard Herr Von Hoft's signature knock on my front door. Klaus stood up without a word and let his father in. I got comfortable, this was going to be a very interesting conversation.

"Is he awake yet?" Von Hoft asked as he came into view of the Fox, "Gustav! I was beginning to think you weren't going to rejoin us in the land of the living. How are my stitches holding up?"

I blinked.

"Your stitches?" I asked, "What do you mean sir?"

Von Hoft laughed loudly.

"Who do you think patched you up?" Von Hoft beamed, "I used to be an army doctor before I came to Africa. I'm glad to see I've still got it."

I smiled. I know I gave Herr Von Hoft a hard time, but the old man did always find ways to surprise me. There was much more to him than met the eye.

"I'll have you know that we hunted down and destroyed the savages that wounded you," Herr Von Hoft continued, "The story of their betrayal was spread to all the tribes surrounding us, it's not very likely that we'll see an attack of that scale again."

"I was about to ask sir," I began, "How did they get all of those guns? It was like fighting a militia."

The human chuckled nervously.

"Well," Von Hoft began, looking very much like Klaus when he was nervous, "I gave the savages those weapons. The chieftain was very angry that we killed his son and threatened to get the other tribes involved in his dispute. He asked for the guns and promised that he wouldn't use them against us."


"You fucking idiot!" I growled and jumped up from the bed, "How could you be so stupid?"

I reached out and slapped him hard. Joy filled me up as I watched that hefty idiot fall backwards and hit the floor with a thud.


That's what I wanted to do. As I watched Von Hoft stand there like a small child caught in the middle of a fib. I knew what was expected of me.

"Those filthy backstabbers!" I shouted, "It just goes to show, you can't trust a single one of those shifty, savage bastards."

Herr Von Hoft nodded and huffed.

"I'm very glad you see things the same way," Herr Von Hoft began, "We'll leave you alone so you can rest."

I raised a paw and shook my head.

"Leave Klaus here please," I began, "He's been doing such a good job of keeping me company. He's a true testament to your skills as a parent."

The older man chuckled.

"Flattery will get you everywhere my dear boy," Von Hoft replied, "Very well, he can stay with you."

Klaus smiled and moved back to his seat as his father left the Fox's cabin. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Your father is just like a machine," I began, "You say and do the right thing, and he does whatever you want him to do."

Klaus rubbed his arm.

"You think what happened last Wednesday was my father's fault don't you?" Klaus sighed, "Just please tell me you aren't going to hurt him."

Klaus's request caught me off guard. I could never hurt Von Hoff, even if at times he could be an insufferable idiot. The man was the closest thing I had to a father ever since mine drunkenly wandered off of the estate and never came back. I shook my head.

"I'd never hurt your father," I replied, "I do think it is his fault, but he didn't know this would happen."

Klaus moved and sat down in the bed beside me. He nuzzled up to me and sighed.

"I'm scared Gustav," Klaus began, "What if we get attacked again? What if something happens to you, or him, or me? What then?"

I shook my head and kissed the human on the forehead.

"As long as I draw breath," I replied, "I will protect you."

"You promise?" Klaus looked up at me. Hope filling his beautiful blue eyes.

"I promise."


(1) Exercpt was taken from A Struggle for Rome, by Felix Dahn