Chapter 1: Forced Loss

Story by Psycotiger on SoFurry

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#1 of Regaining the Forgotten

Stepping out of the pub Trent McKnight gave a slight shiver as the cold night air blew against his body, his white fur fluttering against the wind as he used his trench coat to block the draft. "Hmph, I truly hate this town" the tiger grumbled o himself making his way down the street. Under passing streetlamps the light reflected off his golden blond hair as well as his glasses making them shine almost like headlights, his clothing became visible for just a few moments, showing off his red shirt and blue plants and just barely making the handle of his 9MM visible. Trent was not in a good mood, today he turned 22 and had to work a case instead of getting the day off like he requested a month earlier but that was the life of a SNEAK; odd hours, called upon at anytime and never permitted to refuse a job; Though getting paid under the table wasn't too bad, it was good money and 100% tax free.

Lighting a cigarette the tiger stared at a burned out lamp, through the noise of the wind mixed with passing cars he could clearly hear the soft buzzing sound of a socket desperately trying to light a dead bulb. His thoughts trailed off to the events that had transpired just a few hours ago. His target was Adrian Vilk'den a mean bull from the worst parts of the world, he stood a good 6'4" to Trent?s 5'10", it was reported that Adrian had vital information on a major Child Trafficking Job. The Chief had given Trent the green light to acquire the information by any means necessary, now he wasn't much for torture but in Velk?den?s case he was more than willing to make an exception.

"But.." The feline took a long drag before blowing the smoke out his nostrils. "You never gave me that chance did you Adrian? You were strung out on some drug and went nuts"

Pressing himself against the door, pistol in hand, Trent breathed steadily as he looked up at the building he was about to enter, it was an abandoned apartment complex, deemed unfit to live in, a perfect place for a ruthless bovine and his lackeys. Trent already had it planned out he would dispose of the lackeys then take care of the bull. Slowly pushing the door McKnight made his towards the broken up front desk, his senses on high alert, listening for anything that wasn't the wind. His weapon out in front he crept into the entrance hall eyeing everything and anything that looked as if it could move. Clearing the hall and all connecting rooms Trent headed for the stairs, knowing Adrian had a thing for 2nd floors; passing the corner the tiger stopped dead in his tracks, laying at the bottom of the stairs was a body in a large pool of blood. Cautiously and steadily Trent knelt down towards the body his weapon trained on the torso, already knowing who the deceased was didn't comfort him. The Victim was a gray rat name Cinna, Adrian's main man who always insured he got his daily fix. There were no bullet holes anywhere on Cinna's front so that meant he got it from behind, rolling the rat over o check out the wounds Trent?s eye widened as he stumbled back almost falling to the floor.

"Holy shit" He whispered hand shaking a bit. "Jesus Cinna?What did you do to make him do this?" With the corpse on its stomach he had a perfect view of cause of death, somehow, maybe in a drugged out act of rage Adrian had completely removed a great majority of Cinna's back leaving the spinal cord perfectly visible but what really got Trent was Cinna's organs, they were gone as if they were torn out along with his back. Breathing steadily he calmed himself and made his way up the stairs. Gun in hand, finger locked on the trigger, his tail twitching none stop as Trent rounded the corner; only to drop his gun on to the floor staring in shock at the blood covered walls. Breathing heavily trying to grasp what was going on Trent stared at the mangled, torn bodies that littered the 2nd floor hall, organs stuck to the walls like putty.

Fighting back the bile building up in his mouth the tiger regained himself and retrieved his weapon. The sound on sniffling caught his ear, it was coming from the room right next to him, knowing it was best to not take any chances Trent kicked the door down and swung his weapon in the direction of the noise. What he saw was more disturbing than what was spread throughout the hallway, there in the furthest corner of the room, curled up into a ball was a sniffling, sobbing Adrian. There many times Trent had seen full grown males crying; loss of a loved one, pleading for the lives wanting justice for the wronged but never had he seen one has big and ruthless as Adrian crying on the floor after mutilating his own men.

Carefully inching forward, gun aimed at the bull, he drew nearer to the suspect.

"A, Adrian Vilk?don.." The tiger was quickly cut as the bull lurched forward smacking the 9mm out of his hand and knocking him to the ground. Now at the mercy of Adrian he stared up at the bull awaiting his fate.

"He, he didn't kill me..." Adrian stuttered as he looked at Trent with almost pleading eyes. "He said I wasn't worth it. Bu, but everyone else, th, they were worth killing but not me."

The bull had clearly gone insane but Trent still held hope on gaining some kind of info, at the moment he didn't care what happened in this building he was more concerned about the abducted kids that would be sold into prostitution.

"...Adrian, what happened to the children? Where are they being held?"

"S, said I wasn't worth it, tha, that I was too pathedic...I'm n, not path.."

"ADRIAN!!!!! WHERE ARE THE KIDS!?" Trent had lost all patients, he needed the info and he needed it now, time was a factor. The bovine stopped stuttering and became calm then looking at the tiger he gave a smile but not one that meant everything will be alright, it was a smile Trent had seen on the faces of many addicts?.it was the "all hope is lost" smile. The feline heard a familiar clicking sound, he filled with fear as his mind registered it, it was the sound of the hammer to his 9mm being pulled back. Before he could utter a word of plea or protest the bull placed his large hand over Trent's muzzle.

"It's ok." Adrian spoke as though nothing was wrong though his eyes were still filled with tears. "They're ok, I had them put into a cargo trailer and then I ordered it to be dropped into the Alcovent River close to the old docks. They're playing together at the bottom."

"Oh Gawd I was too late". Trent thought to himself as the image of those abducted kids flew through his mind, crying and screaming for their parent as the trailer slowly filled with water. Closing his eyes as his own tears began to form, it was his fault. He waited too long to make his move. If only he'd...


Trent shot his eyes open just in time to watch Adrian's body fall to floor, gun in hand and now a large hole in the side of his head.

"He, he shot himself?" Laying on the floor breathing heavily he reached into his trench coat pocket, retrieved his radio and proceeded to call in what had transpired at the apartment complex and what Adrian had done with the kids...

The cold wind brushed against the SNEAKs muzzle as he took one last drag on the cigarette before dropping it to the ground.

"But we got lucky and that rarely happens."

Much to Trent's, and the entire police forces, relief Adrian's man at the dock had been drinking and had just started heading the boat towards to old docks for the drop off. The tiger almost shed a tear when he saw all those parents breaking through the police barricade to get to their young ones. Even through all that joy Trent still held so much anger toward himself, if he had done his job properly he would have realized that Adrian wasn't just a thug but was actually in charge of the whole operation and would've taken him down much sooner. Slamming his fist into a nearby dumpster the feline crossed the street and proceeded into the building at the corner. Heading up the stairs towards his place he could hear his neighbors screaming through the walls this made him happy he owned a loft and never had to listen to them while in it.

Locking the door behind him Trent went to his liquor cabinet and for the first time in his career he poured himself a glass of "Just forget about it", he was just about to take a swig when.


"You know, drinking for reasons such as that aren't good for you"

Trent spun around reaching for a 9mm only to remember it was taken as evidence and he wouldn't get a replacement until tomorrow. Looking around he could see the room was empty but he was sure the person was right behind him.

"I'm still behind you" The voice chuckled

Whirling to face his back the feline tripped over his own feet and crashed onto floor. "Where are you? Show yourself!" Trent growled at whoever was toying with him. Just then a large ball of what looked to be black fire appeared in the middle of the room and out emerged a figure that almost made his heart stop.

Before him stood a small wolf of some sort, it looked to be about 5'4", its eyes were a solid ocean blue. It wore a large look of disinterest shown in both its eyes and muzzles, the top of its had what Trent first thought was a mohawk but instead it was a large piece of metal that resembled a diamond, two metal lines were sticking out the bottom of the diamond and wrapped around its head. The wolf had a grayish blue fur that lightened up on its neck and down towards the chest. It wore a large black robe with emerald spirals sown all over the fabric. Raising it hand to cross its arms Trent could just barely make out its hand in the robe but he could see.

The wolf then looked down at Trent and gave a look of annoyance. "Do you enjoy what you see?" The tone in the wolfs voice made it clear it was male but that didn't matter since the tiger was in complete shock. He didn't know what was happening or how to even speak, it was as if his entire body just locked into place and couldn't become unlocked. He was afraid and he didn't know what of, the wolf standing in front of him or that he was losing his mind.

In one quick move the wolf was on top of Trent, their faces so close together they could've been kissing. "I don't know what he ever saw in you but I'm only doing this for him." The canine spoke harshly as he forced the tiger flat against the floor, his hand pressed firmly against his chest.

"Wh, what?" Somehow finding his voice Trent tried forcing words out of his own mouth. "Who are you?" The wolf stood up and stepped away from the tiger, looking around the room as if looking for something.

"Someone who is willing to break all of the Wohgtall Laws for the sake of another." He trailed off as he reached into Trent's liquor cabinet and retrieved a bottle of brandy, "This will have to do." pouring out half the contents he then pull some sort of vial from within his robe and added whatever was in it to the brandy. Trent attempted to sit up but was quickly knocked back down, before he could protest the wolf sat on his chest, knees penning the tigers' arms down and forced the neck of the bottle into his mouth. The feline could taste the brandy but there was another taste mixed in the brandy it was horrible and made his eyes water, he tried spitting it all out but the wolfs' hand was firmly wrapped around Trent's muzzle giving him no choice but to drink the awful liquid. "That's right, drink it all, every last drop." The wolf had a look of enjoyment as he spoke, removing the bottle when it was empty and tossed it to the side before getting off the tiger.

Trent panted as the awful taste lingered in his mouth; he once again attempted to get up only this time he stopped on his own. His stomach began to ache, his whole body became hot and the room felt as if it were spinning at 50mph. Cupping his hand over his mouth the tiger stared at the wolf. "What the fuck did you do to me!?" Lying back on the floor as he became more and more dizzy, the wolf only looked at him.

"Just shut up and let the mixture do its work." The canine then sat in a chair and poured himself a glass of Vodka. "You should be happy that I'm doing this to you here I originally planned on doing it in that apartment complex but after having to dispose of all those insects the place became too dirty." Trent watched the wolf downed the vodka in one go. "Apartment complex? No, he couldn't be referring to Adrian's.." Trent's thoughts were cut off by the wolfs' next line.

"But I have to admit the bull was interesting, said I wouldn't kill him because he "wasn't worth it" and he broke down but I guess he didn't like the idea of living while his men were all dead." Setting the glass and vodka on a nearby table the wolf stood before Trent and just stared at him, as if he were debating something. He then knelt down and pulled the tiger closer. "For once I'm going show a little compassion and explain to you what's happening, not that it matters." Trent could barely keep his eyes open, the dizziness made him want to sleep but he fought it off to listen to the wolf.

"When someone loses a memory it's never truly gone its stored deep in the mind but you, you are a different story. You have completely forgotten an entire lifetime worth of memories, your mind doesn't even have them stored and that has caused a problem for someone close to me, someone you swore you'd never forget. Now I'm going to send you back and hopefully you'll regain those lost memories because that person misses you very much, of course they'd never admit it."

Through groggy eyes Trent stared at the wolf "He's mad, he's completely mad" but there was nothing he could do it took all his strength just to stay awake.

Laying the tiger on the floor the wolf stood up and continued. "You'll be going to sleep soon and when you next awaken you will have forgotten this life." The canine began to chuckle a little. "Ironic isn't it? To remember your old life you must forget your new one." With a wave of his hand the wolf summoned the black ball of fire into the room once again, it slowly began to expand. "This portal will completely engulf you and take you where you belong." The wolf began chuckling again. "Since you won't remember any of this I guess it wouldn't hurt to confessing anything. You see I never liked you, never understood how someone could want a complete bitch. So I added a little something extra to that concoction I gave you, it'll ensure all those you meet know just how much of a bitch you truly are." Now laughing the wolf turned and stepped into the enlarging sphere. "Have fun staying awake." With that the wolf disappeared into the flames and the ball began expanding more rapidly. Trent laid on the floor his eyes now shut, no matter how much he struggled he could not get them to open. He couldn't give up he had to stay awake but he was so tired and the thought of sleep was so soothing. Before the ball had covered half his body Trent was already asleep, already lost in eternal darkness.