Karla's Angel: Chapter one

Story by Aarti on SoFurry

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Okay so I may have been burnt out a bit writng this one. However criticism is welcome. I only wish to improve my writing skills, hope you all enjoy and I hope I can keep making things better and better. :P

Karla's Angel Chapter one: Snowfall             Silas put the dishes from their breakfast in the sink as Karla jumped out of her chair. "Hey!" as Silas looked at her and pointed to the chair. "Push it in, remember?"             She gave a pouting face and goes back to push it in and grabs her bag. "Fiiine."             Silas just smirks at her sass and she goes and waits by the door. Silas grabbing his keys on the hanger near his jacket and handed Karla her own. It was the middle of fall so it was chilly. He puts on his coat and helps Karla with her own as she always had trouble. He smiled and then makes sure his coat was on properly in the mirror, he even examining himself a bit too. He still had his athletic build like he did when he was eighteen, so he smiled about that, he barely looked like he aged besides fill out a bit with muscle.             He shook his head though as he sometimes daydreamed of events before. However now it seemed he changed completely. His life wasn't the best, but he had bits that made it worth it. Well..one bit anyways.             He looked at Karla who was adjusting her shirt under her jacket, he just smiled before opening the door for the 6 year old to leap onto the porch. Silas following as close behind her as he closed and locked the door. The screen door slamming shut behind them as the two went to the 1967 Chevy Impala. Sleek and black like he always wanted. He always wanted one since he saw it on his favorite show, Supernatural, and got it from his father when he proposed to Tanya.             "This isn't child friendly Dad~" Karla said as she went to the back seat. Silas giving her a playful glare while she leapt into the car. She snickers as Silas gets in as well. "And what do you know about it lil sassy pants?" He playfully toyed with her.             "Ermm....u-uh..I just..heard some teachers say it is all.." She mumbles before Silas snickers. "Well...they're right, but I wouldn't ever put you in danger." He chuckles and looks back through the rear mirror and smiles before turning the engine on. Roaring to life, the two buckled up and they were on the road in no time.             Karla flicked her heavy tail about next to her, she stared at it and then over the dash to Sila's as he drove through the suburbs. His tail was much more scaled and less sleek as her own. "Hey daddy, why is your tail so much...sharper looking?" She mumbles as she looked at him as he concentrated on the road.             "Well..it's because you have your mom's genes. So you look like her too." He states as he stopped at a light, a few more blocks would be the school.             "Her jeans? But I can't fit her jeans." She states as Silas realized his mistake and only laughs a bit. "Well..let me say you just have her looks as well as mine." Silas states with a smile again and sees the light turn green, he drives down the street getting closer to the school.             "But I wanna look like daddy more.." She mumbles softly as Silas soon sees the school and pulls into the parking lot.

            "What's wrong with looking like your mom hun?" He looks back at her as he turns the car off.             "N-nothing..just..hm.." She goes quiet before looking up with a small smile. "You just look cooler." She states simply with a smile on her lips. Silas stared at her for a few moments before nodding his head and smiling as he stepped out of the car with his daughter. Heading to the office, who then directed them to the room that his daughter was in, the two ventured to the room. Opening the door, Silas got to see the man that made him feel as butterflies took over his stomach.             Mr. Snow              The very name made him shiver as it felt as if his name carried more than just a title. The kindergarten class were in their stations, even he had a personal assistant in the class, a female cougar and also very good with the children. Mr. Snow looked up to see who entered the room and noticed the duo.             "Oh hey Karla, I was wondering if you were coming in today, I'm glad you did. I was saving your spot in the center too." He states with a smile as Karla gave her dad a quick hug and bounds off into the room. Mr. Snow smiled and then looks at Silas with a similar smile, if not more bright, at least that's what Silas wanted to think.             "Oh, before you go Mr. Wynne, I would love to talk to you before you go. Unless you're in a rush?"             I'd be late..but fuck it.             "No, I have time."             He states simply and smiles at the human as he came out of the classroom, looking in before closing the door and smiles at the Drake once again.  The human just gives a gentle sigh as I could have guessed a bunch of 5-6 year olds can be a handful. He just then chuckles after his breath of air. This giving Silas to give a quick look over of the human. He being a bit more slender, but close to average built. Black hair which was a bit messy yet gave a handsome aura to him as well. Green tinted eyes which were behind wired glasses. A light freckled face as well over his nose, which worked well with his light complexion.             "So I just wanted to talk about Karla of course with you Mr. Wynne."             "Call me Silas, not much for titles." He states a bit smoothly, his gruff voice making it all the more appealing. He didn't want to flirt with the teacher, but dammit he loved to talk to him.             "Oh..okay...Silas. I just wanted to let you know that your daughter has an amazing time at reading and writing. Only thing she may have to worry about is math, she does alright in it but I'm working with her to get better. However like I said, her writing and reading assignments are out of the park."             Mr. Snow states pretty enthusiastically and even gives a little laugh. Silas just chuckles as well and leans on the door a bit to look at the man. He just looks at Silas, and Silas could swear he gave him a once over but he wasn't sure completely that his mind was playing tricks on him.             "I'm guessing you and Mrs. Wynne work really well with her on her writing and reading?"             "We-...I do yes, we read a bed time story every night, if so I make her read me one sometimes." He says back, but Mr. Snow looked at him confused a bit.             "Only you do? I would think Mrs. Wynne would assist.." He notices Silas's scales flex a bit as the human stammered a bit. "S-sorry, I don't mean to offend you Silas, I shouldn't have."

            Silas stood up straight and waved it off. "Nono, you're fine. I'll just say that Mrs. Wynne hasn't been around much I guess." He said simply while looking away as if ashamed by the information.             "I see..well I may spend most of my time with children now, I'm more than happy to talk if you need it. Since I started last year, it would be nice to talk to someone outside work and such besides talking to them ABOUT work." He gives a big smile and Silas can't help but return one as it was a pleasure to see such a smile. Well looks like today is a good day after all.             "I mean, I've seen you at the meetings and simple things like that, you are a really good father. Heck, even jumping outside of school and landing a teaching job so quickly into this...well I just don't have many friends around so.." He began to ramble, it was a bit cute to Silas as he just chuckles and pats the human's shoulder.             "I'd love to talk and hang out Mr. Snow. Be nice to have a friend as well, family life makes it hard for that to happen." He states simply and grins at him as the human stares before smiling again.             "Heh..good. Ah! I should really get back to the kids, sorry!" He opens the door but stops and looks at the Drake who was in mid turn to walk down the hall. "Oh, and Silas? Call me Ryon, I don't like titles." He smirks at the drake who only smiled back before he went into the classroom full of children.             Silas walked out of the school. Keeping his cool as best he could until he got into his car, then jolting about joyously like a fat kid getting cake. He had a huge grin on his face that made him just feel like he could fly.             We're friends, oh dammit what an amazing day so far! Sooo damn excited for our friendship!             He thinks with a big grin on his face as he turned the car on. He just backs it up out of the parking lot and drives down the road. His thought began to wander which soon landed about his wife. He hasn't ever cheated on her, and he probably won't. But this is the closest he can get to what he thinks is love. His daughter brings his joy and Ryon brings his happiness. Intimacy or not, it makes him happy that the man will be around him.             As he thought about it, he was tempted to go home to see if Tanya got home well enough from wherever she was. He shook his head however and headed to work as he was already late and will call her on his break. Soon arriving at a factory where they build Toyota cars. He parks his vehicle close to the gate and buzz's himself in before heading off to work. ~~ Silas drills the sides of the car and puts the bolts into the side as he stood on the line. He then buzzes the seats into place and steps back to prepare for the next when the bell finally rang for lunch. He wasn't a big fan of his job, but somehow he made it so his hours were flexible. Best he could do with good money being made for himself and his family. He walked off to the lunch area that had a patio, which he soon stepped out onto. His mind has been circling about his wife, how Karla is doing, and a big part of it about Ryon Snow. He totally forgot to get his number so they could talk, however he could try and get it when he picks up Karla. However as of right then, he pulled his phone out and seeing he had no messages, he needed to call Tanya. He sighs and dialed her up real quick. The ringing blaring in his ear as he waited till finally something stopped the ringing. A mumble was heard and a groan. Shifting of sheets as well. "mm..eh..hello?" A tired sounding woman said on the phone. Silas sighed and rubbed his muzzle gently and sighed. "Tanya, where were you this morning?" "Ohh..hey Silas, eh..I passed out it..I guess..don't worry. I'm home now." She said simply and mumbles out a bit something. "You know Karla barely ever sees you. You need to stop this shit." "Oh shut it, not like we don't like the same thing. You gotta understand that." Silas heard that and shivered at that. "Really? Dragging that out already Tanya? Listen..we'll talk when I get home and before I go pick up Karla. Don't leave and don't do some more stupid shit." He states aggressively before a growl was heard over the phone. "You ain't the boss here fag boy! Go suck some dick and loosen up!" He nearly threw his phone, however he just hung up on here and growled before slamming the door to the cafeteria open. Why did I even bother telling her about that. Least I don't sleep around, even if I don't get what I want or need in bed. FUCK! He mentally screams in his head as he walks to the line once again. Even though lunch wasn't over, he sat by the machine and just thought about what actually made him happy. ~~             Silas heard the last bell go off, he had overtime however it wasn't too bad and he could go home and talk to Tanya. He sighs as he puts his goggles off his head and walks out the door as he feels his phone vibrate. Looking to see it's a text.             Hey Silas, it's Ryon. So Karla gave me your number so we can keep in contact about grades and such. (And friendship!) J  So if you need anything, let me know!             Silas read the message and just grinned at it. It was sweet, but there was something he needed. He texted back:             Yeah there is something I could really need help with, could you watch Karla for an hour there? I know I'm asking a lot, but you are her teacher...who else can I trust besides my own mom? Haha. Pretty please?             Adding to the will seem like a bit of weird quirky text he sent, he sent that one with a smile. Soon his phone buzzed again.             Sure! No problem, I'll let her play in the playground as I go over my planner. See you soon!             The happy go lucky attitude he felt go through the texts made this seem a bit easier as he got into his car and drove down the street till he got home. Getting out of his car, he walked to the door with the weight returning to his shoulders as he opened the door. The scent of the house was the same and everything seemed to be in order. What was sitting on the couch was the only thing different. Still a bit slender and pretty much the same looks. Tanya sat and watched TV as she ate a TV dinner. Silas stood at her side, who then looked up at the large male.             "Welcome home." Was all she uttered before Silas sat down next to her.             "We obviously need to talk. This drinking thing has to stop, you sleeping around..has to stop. Karla is getting old enough now to see that her mom isn't worth much here right now." Silas states bluntly. He stopped being nice to her about this after she called him a fag the 1st time.             "Why should I? I never get anything. Never had time for myself or anything like that." She said as she keeps watching TV.             "Because you are a mom, you don't get that fun shit anymore. You get to be a parent or you get to be nothing. I don't care what my dad will say, I won't let you ruin this family."             "What family? You and Karla? Not like you get me what I want, plus you didn't even want this! You wanted to have a life with a guy and nothing to do with a child!" She nearly yells as she pushed her tray away ad stood up and glared at Silas who also stood up. Silas just growled lowly. "Yet here I am, taking care of her while you go out and fucking party. Least I grew the fuck up, I don't go around sleeping with a guy every night and shit. I lost my life for this one, only reason I haven't gave up on it is because of Karla. You on the other hand don't give two shits about your family. Even if my father, the proud traditionalist bought me a yacht to have me say that all you do can be forgiven, I'd say 'fuck you dad and fuck you Tanya!' Because I am tired of this shit with you!" He growled at her and just stared each other down. "Just. Fucking. Stop." Silas states as Tanya just shakes her head a bit and goes to the kitchen. "Fine, we'll see huh? I won't go out as much and I'll try because as much as you say I don't, I do give a shit about Karla. So don't try throwing me under no damn bus saying I don't love my kid."             She states as he shaking continued before Silas looked out the window and over to the keys. "I need to pick up Karla. You going to be here?" He asked her as she only nodded her head and sat back down.             Silas just walks out and pulls out his phone. Dialing up a number he's been calling often lately. Ringing and ringing till an older female voice was heard over the phone.             "Hello?"             "Hey mom." Silas said as he unlocks his door and gets in the car again. He sighs and turns the ignition on. "Hey sweetie, you okay?" He mentally nodded. "Yeah, just some more shit about Tanya. Ever since she figured I was.." He stopped for a moment. "Yes, because your gay son. Don't be so bashful about it." He blushed as it was awkward about it with his parents. His mom accepted it at least.             "Yeah, well today she didn't even come home last night. So that was wonderful to explain to Karla. Just got into another argument. Still going on, but she did say she will try. Kept pretending like I actually do shit with other people like she does."             "Do you hun?" His mom asks simply. "Nono, not at all, she'd smell it on me and so would you. The only thing is.." He mumbles as he contemplated telling her about Ryon.             "What sweetie?" Silas stopped himself and just shakes his head as he pulled out. "Nothing mom, just thinking if I will ever get out of this mess I created." He mumbles softly. "I mean, I'll keep Karla as my daughter forever..but Tanya changed for the worst. I can't let her ridicule me for my likes.."             "Well...honey, does Karla know that you like boys?" Silas turns a bright red and thinks if he ever told her. "I..I don't know, I would think she'd be too young to understand since I am technically still with her mother." Even if it seems like we're both giving up.             Thoughts still running through his mind as he drove down the road. The cloudy day seeming like it will never clear. "Well..maybe she needs to know a little on why her parents are always at eachother's throats hun. Maybe this weekend I'll take her of your hands for a while, your father is out on a business trip so it would be nice to have company!" She states in a happier tone.             The idea did sound nice, maybe just try and get this bad blood out of each other with Tanya and maybe spend time with Ryon. Yeah...             "Sounds perfect mom. So I'll drop her off tomorrow then?" Silas stated in a bit of a happier tone. "Sounds like a plan sweetie. See you tomorrow." Silas smiles as he hung up the phone and drives down the road. Soon drifts of snow drifted over the windshield. Seems winter is coming early this year.