Mephia's Chosen CH 1

Story by Draganorak on SoFurry

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#1 of Mephia's Chosen

My first upload on this site! But I am not a newbie at fanfic writing though..I am a writer over at another site called name over there is P0k3brOn..Anyway! This is a true plot development romance story..So if you don't like true plot development with lots of character buildup..This isn't your story..Also sorry if I misplace some tags..I don't know if i should do it by story or by chapters..But oh well..I am not used to this site! Anyway! Enjoy!

Storyline: This is a story of romance and adventure by a 18 year old human man name Alfredo Typhon..A gamer and most of all a new transfer at a new high school called "Greenleaf" But after about three days or so..His life starts to get interesting and before you know it..He meets someone he never thought he would meet in his life as a student or a gamer.

Rated M (Adult) for blood, Language, Lemons (LATER IN THE STORY!), and MAYBE harems.

A/N: What's up guys! Draganorak here! Or aka Pokebron! Now I have been on this website for quite sometime..Although I never wrote or published anything on here because I am a writer that writes stuff over at

But at any rate! Let's begin shall we!? The character I will be using is a new one I have created..Although I have never painted or drew a character on a computer as well as drew one on paper..So don't expect art from me because I suck at it! I am trying to learn how..But I think art just isn't my thing..Because no matter how much I try..It doesn't come out the way I want it to.

Anyway..Read and review! I am always all ears! PMs don't hurt either! Enjoy!

POV. ?

Time: ? AM

Location: ??? School

I sighed as I looked at my ID tag which I always got to wear around campus and begin thinking on what I should do now that I have P.E. next, I walked towards the window and saw my Brown hair which went to my forehead and slightly covered my eyes, Blue hoodie with a dragon on it, Long green pants, and finally Green shoes. I smiled at my white skin and my appearance but then jumped at the sound of someone calling my name. "Alfredo Typhon..Class A-3..I have been looking for you.."

I turn my head and saw my red headed cousin and sighed at how gloomy she is, She wore a blue beany, Dark red skirt, and a white collared shirt to match the school appearance. "Yeah..It's good to see you cousin Kimm."

Kimm looked at me with annoyance and then just gestured me to follow her and as I followed Kimm I tried to think of what I could ask her but I couldn't think of anything. "So..Umm..I-" I was cut off by Kimm looking at me out of the corner of her eye.

Kimm spoke and stared at me as we walked. "Why aren't you in school uniform?"

I rubbed my neck nervously and sighed before looking at Kimm somewhat sadden. "Well..Everyone else is wearing a uniform..And while I was told we do have a school uniform..It's optional to wear it..But there isn't a dress code..So..I didn't wear the school uniform."

Kimm stopped and gestured to the door which led me outside to the front entrance of the school, I look at Kimm confusingly. "Uh..Kimm? This leads me to the entrance of the school.."

Kimm cocks her head and sighed before pulling my schedule out and handing it to me. "You are so stupid....Did you read your schedule..You have work after school right? Then that means you only go to school for half a day..After all it is your final year."

I nodded my head slowly and left the building before heading down the shopping district. "It's all my fault..That they died..If only I never asked..."

I walk inside the market and begin working behind the counter. "And it's not just that...It's my last year..And I have no one to come to my graduation..."

I look up and saw a old lady in front of me and she was holding a can of corn, milk, and finally a fresh loaf of bread. I scanned the items and gave it to the old lady. "310 Yen will be your change ma'am"

I then brought out a little journal I like to write in and begin writing about my life so far.

(My name is Alfredo Typhon and I am a natural born white American who has transfer schools to Greenleaf high school in Japan Tokyo, I lost my parents when I was eight years old and since then I have been bouncing around from relative to relative..It was only then I transferred over to Japan, Tokyo because my relative Alyumi wanted to take care of me and well..Life hasn't been so great to me..But I am hoping my life will get better from here on out..Otherwise..I always got my knife in my pocket to take away the pain.)

I closed my journal and then sighed as I look at the time and noticed I still got a while to go unless someone else comes and takes my shift, I then pull out a little GameBox out and begin playing. "Mepha's Legends is probably the best game ever...I never get tired of it..It's storyline is just so magnificent."

Mephia's Legends is about a tamer who's name can be whatever you want it to but in the beginning of the game Mephia is the name of the Dragoness that created the planet and named it after her..Well that's what people assume because the creators of the game won't give out the actual name of the Dragoness..Anyway the Tamer doesn't believe in Mephia or the monsters called Mephis..Which are monsters that are said to hold incredible power if you can tame them..But one day the Tamer ends up saving a Mephi and they end up becoming the best of friends as well as comrades when it comes to Mephi Battles but that's just it..No one has ever saw Mephia..She is only shown in a cutscene which is blurred out by her figure being a silhouette and she is mentioned a couple of times in the books of the game but never shown. "Sigh..If only they were real..That would be awesome!"

I finish playing and I save the game before shutting it down and I put it in my pocket. "Sigh..I wonder if that one rumor is true.."

There is a rumor going around that there is a underground virtual Mephia battle arena, They say you can get a REAL Mephes but it's kinda sketchy plus unbelievable which is why I haven't decided to look for it. "I guess I could try asking around..Oh..Look at the time."

I noticed it was 4:30 PM and I begin packing my stuff to get ready to go and when I clocked out that was all the motivation I needed to get my ass home. "Man..I can finally rest in my bed..After all it's my day off tomorrow..I wonder what I should do.."

As I ran it begin to rain and I moved faster trying to get home as soon as I can. "Damn rain..Go away..Come again and fuck away..Hahahaha! Man..I am probably the only one that finds that funny..But hey I rhymed."

I laughed at my own stupid joke and fell to the ground and immediately got up and kept running towards the house with a giant walls around it and one entrance with a gate and speaker. "Damn it..Looks like I am climbing over the gate."

I climbed over the gate and then went inside the house using the spare key that was given to me by Kimm and I then took off my shoes in respect and then headed upstairs. "I am home! Alyumi!? Kimm!?"

No answer..They must be asleep..Reguardless I go to my room which is pretty average with a flat screen, Computer in the corner, Queen Size bed, Alarm Clock on a nightstand, and finally a small closet. "Sigh..It's good to be home..If I can call it that.."

I change into my boxers and jump in bed before grabbing my Gamebox and turning it on, I then start playing Mephia's Legend. "Must..Beat..Final..BOSS."

POV. ?

Time: ? (A few minutes before Alfredo arrived at home.)

Location: ?

It's almost time..I can sense it and his aura but I wonder if he can handle someone like me I don't wish for his mental health to be broken. "Mmm...This will be interesting..But no matter what happens I will be there to serve."

I watch from a little mirror as I saw the male running to get out of the rain. "Time will only tell...I hope I serve you well."

POV. Alfredo

Time: Next morning (6:25 AM)

Location: Greenleaf High school (History class)

I heard the lunch bell ring and I just kept my head up with my right arm holding my chin up while everyone in class was being loud and eating lunch as well as talking, I closed my eyes and yawned until I heard a loud bang and I saw two hands on my table and immediately looked up and saw Kimm, I immediately knew she was pissed. "Why did you fall asleep in class today? When did you go to bed last night?"

I groaned and I then sat up straight, I looked at her in the eye and sighed. "Like 3:00 in the morning.."

Kimm stared at me and I saw her eye twitched. "That leaves you with two hours of sleep..Are you trying to kill yourself!?"

This outburst caused everyone to look at the two of us and I then stood up and grabbed my things. "Too be honest..It wouldn't matter much would it? To die or to live is something I really don't care about..And I also have no meaning as my parents are dead..And I am only a bother to you and Alyumi." I then left the classroom leaving the room in absolute silence.

I then decided to use the bathroom real quick so I could wash my face and comb my hair a bit before heading off to work and I immediately noticed a strange guy wearing a track suit of some sort and a badge on it, Black pants and shoes, and finally a white undershirt, His hair was also a silver color. "Who are you and what are you doing in this school..Only athletes are allowed to wear a tracksuit..And that tracksuit is not this school's colors or even a design from this school."

He turn to look at me with a smile. "Alfredo Typhon..Age 18..Lost his parents when he was eight years old..A born citizen of the united states..And finally a born gamer who enjoys playing Mephia's Legends..Tamername..Orpheus..I must say..Naming your name after a mythical character of a famous Mythological Tale is somewhat unexpected of someone like you."

I flinch and backed off a few steps afraid of this guy. 'How does this guy know everything about me!? H-He..must be a stalker! Y-Yeah that's it!'

I then shake my head and look at him with a slight of fear. "What do you want from me?"

He then smiles and hands me a card with a Mephia sign on it. "It's not about what I want but rather what I want to give something to someone trustworthy"

_ The strange figure walks away and when I turn around he wasn't there but I could still hear his voice. "Go to the shrine just northeast of where your job is..And then place your card in the offering box..Retrieve your card and go into the elevator..Enjoy."_

Once the strange figure was gone I look at the card and saw the Mephia sign from the game and I threw it in the trash before walking to work. "I-I need to install surveillance cameras in my room..But even so..How did he get past the ones outside my house? What the hell was up with that guy?"

I shaked my head and once I got to the market district I then look at the sign up top and stared at it for a while. "Kaze's Mini Mart..Lock & load all your items here."

I shaked my head at the name and motto, I then walked inside and begin my shift behind the counter. "Sigh..I guess that this day is interesting so far."

I put my hand in my right pocket to grasp my Gamebox and felt something square-ish in my hands, I then pull it out. "Aaaah!!"

I flinched and my eyes wandered around the empty market until they went back to the object in my hand, in my hand was the card with the Mephia sign on it. "B-But how? I-I threw it in the trash.."

I shrugged it off and put it in my right pocket before checking my left pocket for my Gamebox and I immediately started calming myself down by playing Mephia's Legend. "H-How did that thing get in my pocket? D-Did that strange figure and stalker manage to slip it into my pocket?"

I shaked and shrugged my head but as time flowed by it was time for me to leave work and I then decided to do what that strange figure or man wanted me to do. "Time to see what he is talking about."

I leave Jone's Lock & Load and begin heading north and saw a bunch of steps leading to a shrine which is to the east. "This must be it.."

I head upwards and hit a mossy shrine with vines attach all around the place, I turn my head and saw a fishing pond which still looks quite nice, I then turn my head straight and started moving forward towards the Offering box when I stop in front of it and slowly begin putting the card inside the offering box. 'What will happen? Will something explode? Will I get hurt? What is going to happen? If what that guy says is true..A elevator is supposed to appear once I put this card in..But what if it doesn't? What if he is lying to me?'

I put the card in and then something bright started to glow from within the offering box and then all of a sudden the ground beneath me started to shake and I immediately backed off and when I turned around to look I saw that the offering box raised up and there was a elevator that popped out and when the door opened I slowly walked towards it but making sure to retrieve my card before entering. "W-What the h-hell?"

The elevator door closed and the elevator started to move downwards and play music until the music stopped and the door opened. "Holy shit......."

It was a giant underground Arcade and I look around and immediately noticed giant moniters and such everywhere showing Mephi battles. "T-This is incredible...How..When..Where..Why..And who..?"

I then heard a chuckle and it was the same guy from before but this time he was in a Black hoodie, White pants, and white with a blue trim shoes. "Why hello..We see each other again..My name is Silver Omochi! Sorry about freaking you out back in the city..But I have to stay low because I don't want to draw suspicion to myself or others who may know me..I wish to be your partner and friend in Mephiotoplis! The land of Mephis and gamers alike!"

I look at him with widen eyes but then I look downwards somewhat sadden. "Why do you wish to be friends with someone like me? And what do you mean partners?"

Silver looks at me with a smile and I then noticed his premature grey hair which was partially covering his right eye. "Partners as in friends or people who help one and another overcome obstacles and help each other grow strong..Not just by brute strength but the bonds we carry with one and another."

I look at him directly in the eyes and he smiles but then he grabs my hand and he starts showing me around the place. "This place is a paradise for those who love Mephia's Legends."

I saw a Igura which is a Fire iguana with a flaming tail and I immediately stare at it in awe. "NO WAY! That's a flipping Igura! You can find those all around the mountain and forest regions..It has the No flaming ability..Which blocks any type of fire move the opponent may have..It evolves in-" I was cut off by Silver pointing to a building to the side of us. "No way...This is a dream.."

Silver walks to the building and gestures me to follow him by tilting his head towards the building, I walk inside the building and saw many people leaving with Mephis and I then got nervous once I got up to the receptionist desk. "Um..Excuse me?"

Silver smiles and then grabs my card before handing it to the receptionist. "What he is trying to say is that this guy wants a Mephe..He's new here so scan his card and you will understand what I am talking about."

The receptionist takes my card and puts it in a scanner and then reads out the info. "Username Orpheus..Puts a total of ten thousand forty hours into the game..And has been playing it since it was released..Correct?"

I nod my head really fast and she hands me my card back, She then grabs a clipboard and a pencil before getting up. "Follow me..Also don't be afraid of big crowds..People love seeing what kind of Mephi people get."

I look at Silver nervously and he pats my back and I then follow the receptionist who is in a blue work dress with a blue triangular cap with the Mephi's sign on it. "Um..So how do you guys get food and stuff?"

The receptionist looks back at me with amusement. "Well..Not much people have asked me that..Actually you are the first..But we get our food by having some of our stuff shipments from stores that we trust..We also get our water from shipments as well."

We then went through a door and I saw two machines on the opposite side of the circular arena and I turn my head and saw all the people who came here just to see what type of Mephi I am to get. "Whoa..Incredible."

The receptionist gestures me to stand in the machine and I stood in it as it brought out a hula hoop-like machinery and begin analyzing my body..After words the machine closed all the light and I was trapped within the machine. "Uh..Is this part of getting a mephi?"

A monitor appeared and showed a guy with brown hair that goes downwards on each side of his head, He wore glasses, Red pants, Black shoes, and finally a purple shirt with a red graffiti sign on it. "Okay..Listen up kid..In order for you to get your Mephi..You will need to feel a little bit of pain because your mental health will be slightly unstable for a bit while the RMCS chooses what kind of Mephi you will get so hold your head to minimize the pain okay..It should be over within two minutes."

The monitor closed off and I started banging on the wall of the machine. "W-Wait! What do you mean it SHOULD be over within two minutes!? You aren't positive!?"

I then begin hearing some noises and lights started going around my body as I felt like my head was being split in two. "Gaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!! It hurts! Gaah!!!"

I felt like I was dying and I clutched my head but then I heard a loud bang and immediately looked up to noticed that the ceiling was on fire. "W-What's"

I blinked and saw a castle of some sort with a beautiful forest surrounding it and when I blinked again the castle and forest disappeared. "W-Wha..t...wa..s..."

My vision blurred and then my eyes closed, I felt myself fall on the metal colorful floor and blacked out.

POV. ?

Time: 4:30 PM

Location: Mephiotoplis (???)

I looked at the monitor as people rushed to help the newcomer named Orpheus and begin wondering what is causing the fire. "What is causing the fire? It can't be a system failure can it?"

I then rushed out of my office with my tools needed to fix the machine but when I got there a blinding light erupted from the machine and I heard a voice that sounds so motherly yet godly. "Thou art I..Thou shall be thy's Master and serve thee until death!"

The light disappeared and as well as the voice, when the light cleared up, Alfredo was outside the machine and I saw him floating until his body dropped and when we rushed to his aid, the machine blew up and parts went flying causing us to duck and then we heard a A.I. speak inside the arena monitor. "Uploading data..Uploading complete."

When everyone looked towards the screen everyone gasped and stared at the screen in awe. "No way..It's..It's M-Mephia..The creator of Mephios and a dragoness as well as a goddess.."

The name was Mephianas Numizilias and her attack power was unknown, her evolution form was unknown, her traits were unknown, her favorite food is Unknown, Alignment is Light, Talents are unknown, and finally her family was unknown. "H-How is this possible...?"

I look at the man who was being treated by a nurse and a Silver haired male. "Hurry and get him to the medical dorms! Stat! We can't afford to lose this guy!"

POV. Alfredo

Time: ?

Location: Dream?

I open my eyes and immediately saw that I was in a bed that had dark red colored sheets, Blankets, and pillows. "Where am I? Wasn't I in the arena getting my Mephi?"

'Yes..And I am your Mephi..Do you wish to see me Master?' I suddenly heard a voice in my head causing me to jump out of the bed and start looking around the room.

I then raise a eyebrow as I realized how big the room is and I immediately nodded my head while getting prepared for the worst. "S-Sure..Just don't try anything! I..I don't know who you are or why you took me here..H-How are you even doing this?"

My Mephi speaks to me through my mind. 'I am speaking telepathically..Also this place does and doesn't exist..This place is real..But at the same time fake..This is my virtual Humble home..However it's based off the real place..I made it to make you and myself comfortable every time we might come here in the future..As for me taking you..I did not take you anywhere..When you become unconscious or knocked out on the first time of gaining a Mephi..You are automatically visiting the virtual place of where they lived..Such as this place..This place is my home..But it's not the real thing..As I said before..This place is virtual..But yet real at the same time.'

I then turn around and saw a giant violet colored Dragoness with blue eyes and a long gorgeous tail with a tail blade on it, On her ass was a outline heart with a bright white color, Her wings were big and the membranes were a velvet color, and finally she had markings on her top right hind leg which were black. "W-Who a-are you?"

The dragoness smiled with amusement. "I am Mephianas Numizilias..The creator of Planet Mephios..And a Dragoness Goddess..You are my Master..And I am.."

"Your Mephi."

So! So! How did I do!? I worked hard on this chapter! Anyway..I hope all of you guys enjoyed this chapter! Make sure to review so I know how I am doing! Also if I mispelled anything please let me know and i will correct it! Also i need to know if i post the tags by chapter or by story..Because i am still new to this site..I work on fanfiction over at another site..So i am used to that site more then this one..Haha!! Anyway! I hope you guys liked this!

And as always! Stay cool! Stay awesome! Stay safe!

Draganorak out!