Back to school: Take #2

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Author's note: Because of the unusual setting of this story, I highly recommend reading about it here:

This is a sequel to: Next in the series is:

Laco and Nina were just biking through the park. It was bright outside, but not too hot, and a pleasantly warm wind was blowing on their backs, pushing them forward. However, as they were passing over a bridge going over a water stream, the boy suddenly heard a ringing noise.

He looked around as everything suddenly went black. He opened his eyes, seeing Udo by him again. Not long after, the feline turned around and stopped the alarm clock, after which he said, "Well, looks like it's school time."

The cub felt bad that his dream was interrupted like that, he was really enjoying it. He replied as he sat up, his voice not sounding too excited, "Mornin' Udo."

They went to put some fresh clothes on, after which they headed to get their usual morning stuff over with.

  Freshened up by the cold water which they cleaned their faces with, the two headed to the living room. Nina, her mom, and Georg were already there, waiting for the morningly news broadcast to begin, which was every day at exactly 6:15 in the morning. The two joined them.

Not long after they had seated themselves, the opening animation appeared on the screen, after which a lady behind a table and in front of a microphone appeared and said, "Good morning, dear viewers, and welcome to morning news. Today's broadcast I would like to begin with a special guest, our leader, comrade Enman L. Ismerten."'

The picture then faded, after which they saw the Leader behind a similar table. He started his monologue, "Dear comrades and comradins. I've personally came to announce some very important changes that will be, and are happening in our state."

"First of all, as you all probably know, we have been lately investing great amounts of money into research of solar energy collection technologies. Since we believe that our solar energy collection technologies are advanced enough for mass production and use, and since we believe that our economy is strong enough to withstand the following change without many problems, we will be slowly phasing out nuclear power plants over new solar collector fields. While these fields will not necessarily produce the same amount of energy as our nuclear power plants, will take up way more land and our geologists still report a great amount of uranium in our planet's crust, we believe that they will be a great investment into the future, as currently, the stability of our state depends on nuclear power, which in turn depends on the presence of uranium, a limited resource. As I've already said, we are not going to be running out of uranium any time soon, but the sheer fact that the stability of our country relies on the availability of a limited resource that will, in fact, run out one day, shows that it is badly designed and needs to be fixed. That's exacrly what we're doing."

  "Another big step we take in increasing the stability of our state is something we've been wanting to do for a long time, but our economy wasn't ready for it. The step I'm talking about is the trash reform. Basically, similarly to uranium, iron and other metals, which we build machines and many other things out of, are limited resources we will, like with uranium, eventually run out of one day. The only solution to this is the state-wide establishment of trash separation and recycling. Special factories to restore the raw forms of resources, mainly metals, but also other materials like cellulose, glass, and so on, will be built. We plan on accomplishing this goal before the end of the year 418. After this reform, we plan on manually sorting out the materials in junk yards and recycling them as well. This is a big project, but we believe that the result will be a strong boost of our economy, and of course reduced prices in all fields."

"Another, this time not as big change, that we're pushing in is one related to sexual activities. This reform is a minor modification to the social law section of the Old State Definition, which makes it possible for anyone of any age category to participate in sexual activities, as long as they fully understand the concepts and consequences of the actions, are given the opportunity of saying no without consequences, and when care is taken not to hurt them. We do not tolerate teen pregnancies; the children of non-adult women will be taken into orphanages and both subjects of the intercourse, if we can find the father, will be punished by the means of shock therapy."

  "We also do not in any way mean to support child abuse with this change. If our security officers discover someone sexually abusing a child, the treatment for them will be the same as the treatment of rape, except twice as severe, meaning at least a 2 year stay at a labor camp. This change also doesn't mean that we are allowing children to access age-restricted areas such as night clubs, it merely means that consensual sex with sex aware children is no longer something you can get state punishment for. Over the past couple of decades, we've been observing more than 3500 couples for which sex was illegal under the old law because of age, and we've concluded that sex does not cause any significant negative effects on the younger members of the relationships, as long as it was not forced upon them, and they were given the means to step out of it."

"All of these changes are further described in today's definition patch, which has taken effect as of the beginning of this day, and will become a part of the physical definition after the definition reprint in the year 420. As I've already said many times with prior changes, all of these changes are necessary steps in our path of building the perfect society. I wish you all a good day."

  The picture then faded back to the news lady, who continued rambling on about what had recently happened. Suddenly, Irina spoke up, "I'm worried. The last change, the leader said that he doesn't mean to support child abuse with it, but in essence, he just did. Cubs are vulnerable and easily convinced, I'm worried that this change will make it easier for pedophiles to get their paws at innocent cubs and do... not nice things to them."

Udo looked down, what she described was essentially what he did with Laco. Laco replied, "But... how else would someone find out whether they'd like it or not, than to try it out? I'm glad Udo convinced me to try it, I've experienced some of the most wonderful feelings in my life with him. I don't think that sex is a `not nice thing', it's wonderful."

(Important note: There are no fatal STDs on Geb, as no one from the original selection infected by one would've been allowed on board of the rocket to Geb. Only the most healthy of people were allowed in, and even they had to go through several thorough de-toxication sessions.)

  She looked at him and explained, "But what you don't realize is that those kinds of people generally don't care about the feelings of the cubs they do the things to, to them they're simply fuck toys, nothing more. They don't care if it hurts, they don't care if you don't want it, they don't care that you're crying, all they care about is getting the most they can out of their victims."

Laco just sighed and replied, "Well, at least Udo does care about me. He's done more for me than any other single person that I can recall."

Hearing him say that was a relief for the feline, he was really starting to worry that Irina would convince Laco to see him as a selfish child molester.

They continued watching TV, until Nina spoke up as she stood up, "It's about time for us to head to school Laco, get your backpack and we'll go," heading to her room. Laco did similarly, heading to the hallway once he held his backpack with his right paw. He met up with Nina again, where the two put on their shoes and jackets, after which they put their backpacks on and headed out.

  As they were walking on the pavement to the tram stop, Laco asked, "So, Nina, how's the school like? Do you think the rest will accept me?"

She replied, "Of course they will, why wouldn't they? As for the school itself, people say that it's the best mutant primary school in the region, and it surely deserves that title, we have high-end lab equipment, a lot of very good teachers and even a computer classroom! I'll have computer science class next year, you have no idea how excited I am about it."

He replied back, "Nice... Do you know who's gonna be my class teacher?"

She put her right paw over her chin as she said, "Hmmm, let me think... It should be comrade Vash. He's a teacher of Russian, literature, ethics, and even math. He teaches my class ethics, and I'd say that he's pretty nice."

Once they finally made their way to the tram stop, after waiting a couple of minutes, the tram pulled in, stopped, and its doors opened. The two cubs boarded it, found a place for themselves to sit at, Laco picking a spot by the window. He then spoke up as the tram started moving again, "I'm excited, yet at the same time, I'm worried."

  (Important note: In most cities of the Old State, public city transport is free of charge for people who live in the given city, since they already pay taxes to it, and like with almost everything, it's a state-provided service)

Nina tried to comfort him, "Don't worry, Udo told me about what happened the last time, and I can tell you, no such thing can even think of happening here. You'll be fine, you'll find yourself some new friends, and life will go on, it's nothing to be terrified of."

Laco was looking out of the window, thinking about whether he really would make friends, worried that it wouldn't go well. Eventually, Nina nudged him and said, "It's our stop, let's go."

He stood up and followed her, the two of them disembarking the vehicle. They walked for a bit until they got to a panel building of a considerable size, it being the school.

As they passed through the school's gate, two boys of the same mutant race as Laco, very similar to each other, their shirt color being the only thing that differed them from each other, one having a red one and the other one having a green one, of similar age to Nina, came across Nina and Laco. The one in the red shirt mockingly said, "Oooooh, looks like Nina's got a boyfriend!"

  In a similar fashion, the other one said, "Nina, I didn't know you were into little boys."

Laco hid behind Nina. Annoyed, she sighed and said, "Can't a girl have male friends?" while continuing to walk to the school building. The two boys chuckled and the one in the red shirt said, "Sorry Nina, we're just fooling around. Still though, who is that guy? I've never seen him before."

Nina stopped, turned to face the two boys, grabbed Laco by his shoulder and moved him in front of her, after which she said, "Niko, Nika, meet Laco. He moved to Vrudkof the day before yesterday and is now my roommate. Laco, meet Niko and Nika, two of my classmates."

Laco wanted to hide behind her, he tried to pull himself away, but Nina's grip was firm enough to hold him in place. The two boys said to him in unison, "Nice to meet you, Laco!" and they offered to shake their paws with him, but Laco was way too shy and afraid of them. The boy in the green shirt said, "You don't have to be afraid of us, we don't bite."

Laco slowly pulled up his paw, which was shaking of nervousness, and shook it with the green shirted one's, then with the red shirted one's. The green shirted one then said, "My full name is Nikita Ilyich Bavor, you can call me Nika."

  The red shirted one added, "And I'm Nikolai Ilyich Bavor, call me Niko. What's your full name?"

Laco swallowed, after which he said, "Ladislav Georgovich Schwartzblut."

Nika asked, "Hmmm, son of Georg Schwartzblut? Isn't that the mad researcher from Binderhof?"

Laco nodded, "T-that would be correct."

Niko asked, "You're joking, right?"

Puzzled, Laco replied, "No? Why would I?"

Niko explained, "Well, I don't want to be mean, but no one has ever made it out of Binderhof alive, and you're not an exception. So, could you please tell us the truth?"

Nina interrupted them, "He's not lying, he showed me his move-out order he got from the leader himself. I know, it sounds unbelievable, but he really is from Binderhof, he also came with his father and roommate."

The two brothers were very surprised. None of them would have guessed that the mad research director would leave Binderhof, the city that was always associated with him, to their Vrudkof. And even if it did happen, they still wouldn't believe it, but because they trusted Nina, and the accent Laco caught while he was in Binderhof did sound a bit weird to them, they did, in fact, consider it as a possibility.

  Nina then said, "Okay guys, I'll be going, I still have to show Laco where his classroom and everything is, see 'ya."

All four of them then went towards the school building and entered it. The two brothers split from Nina and Laco near a staircase up which they walked to the next floor. Nina and Laco continued through the main corridor, until they got to the end, from where they went to the left, into a smaller one.

Once they saw a door with the label `2. ?' on it, they opened it and Nina said to him, "Okay now, find yourself a seat, I'm going to my classroom now. Once you're finished with school, wait for me on the benches near the main exit."

Laco just nodded, and so Nina turned around and headed on her way. He then closed the door, and like back when he went on his first day in school in Binderhof, the classroom was full, with the exception of one spot. Since there were desks for two, there was a person sitting next to the free spot. It was a girl, again of the same race as Laco, the race officially known as the `Standard War Mutant' race.

  He walked over to the desk and asked her, "Uhmm... Could I sit next to you?"

She replied, "Sure, go ahead."

And so Laco sat down, after which he unpacked his stuff for the Russian lesson, taking extra care not to accidentally bump into his new neighbor. Once he was done unpacking, the girl asked him, "I see you're new to this school. What's your name?"

He replied, "You can call me Laco. And what's yours?"

She replied back, "Mine's Lynda, nice to meet you."

The two shook paws. That's when the school bell rang and after not even a minute later, a teacher came in. As soon as he entered, the entire class stood up to greet him. Once he was behind his table, he said, "Thank you, sit down," as he himself seated himself.

He then looked around, and after he spotted Laco, he said, "Before we begin today's lesson, I'd like to introduce you all a new student of ours, his name is Ladislav Georgovich Schwartzblut. Yes, he, as well as his father, who's known for being the director of the Binderhof Research Center, have recently moved over to our city. This sounds unbelievable, I know, but the leader himself came here and announced it to us, so it has to be true. Now, I would like you, Ladislav, to get in front of the blackboard and tell us something about yourself."

  Laco stood up, left his seat and made it to the blackboard, feeling really nervous, seeing as all the cubs were looking at him. He began, "Ehmmm.. I really don't know what to say."

The teacher suggested, "How about telling us how we can call you?"

He replied, "Uhm... L-Laco."

The teacher suggested, "Okay, Laco, maybe you could tell us about why you left Binderhof? It's a mystery to most of us."

That question made him even more nervous than he was before. He didn't want to repeat the same mistake he did in Binderhof, and so he simply said, "Uhmm. Let's just say I wasn't accepted very well, and dad decided that it'd be better if we left it. He himself had some big problems in work."

The teacher asked, "Really? And why was that? Some cultural reason? Have you done something wrong over there? I see you're really nervous, you don't have to be, just tell us the reason, we don't bite over here."

He stated to feel desperate, he didn't want to let them know it, and so he said, "I... I can't."

That made the teacher angry. He yelled, "Ladislav Georgovich Schwartzblut! I order you to tell us all, why were you not accepted in Binderhof! And disobeying an order from a teacher is against the school's rules!"

  There was no way out, and so as tears started emerging from his eyes, he said, angrily, "Okay! You wanted to know it, well here it is! I'm gay! I'm gay, I'm GAAAAAY! You can kill me now, stone me to death, burn me in a fire, I don't care anymore."

The teacher, as well as most students, had puzzled looks on their faces. The teacher then asked, "That's it? That's the entire reason why why you weren't accepted? I really thought it would be something more serious. Also, why should we kill you for it?"

The reaction he got and the words of his teacher really surprised him. He stopped crying, taking control over his emotions. He didn't know what to think, the teacher seemed to be okay with it, but what about the others? He wanted to know, and so he asked, "And... won't I get beaten and bullied for it, now that the entire class knows?"

The teacher assured him, "Don't worry, homosexuality is generally accepted these days. There were times when gay people were considered mentally ill and many people treated them meanly, but that was a long, long time ago, and even then it was discouraged to show hatred against them, since mental illnesses are never a good reason to give people a hard time for. I'm genuinely surprised to hear that Binderhof, of all the places, is that far behind. And even if someone decided to bully you, we have a CCTV system installed, so we can very easily find and prove the given person guilty. Would you like to say anything else about yourself?"

  He quietly replied, "No."

The teacher replied back, "I guess you can sit down then, I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable. Now everyone, open up your textbooks at page 34."

Laco sat down and opened up the textbook. The lesson continued like usual. He did have some troubles, as he wasn't in a proper school for exactly a year, but the teacher was going easy on him, so in the end, it went quite well. The same was true for other lessons.

As the first lesson ended and the teacher left the classroom, one of the students came over to Laco and asked him, "What does it mean to be gay?"

He replied, "It's nothing important, really."

Another kid spoke up, "It means he'd rather kiss a boy than a girl."

"Ewwww, kissing is disgusting! Why do people do it in the first place?" said the one who asked him the first question.

Laco chuckled as he replied, "It's not nearly as bad as you think, it feels really nice when you suddenly have someone else's tongue in your mouth and you get to explore his... or hers, depending on what you like."

  "Yuck, that's so... eee, I don't even wanna think about it." replied the boy as he went to sit back.

Laco then changed his stuff for the next subject, and not too much later, the bell rang again, signalizing the beginning of the next lesson.

During the breaks in-between of the lessons, Laco talked a bit with Lynda, but not too much. Once the bell rang to signalize the end of the final lesson, everyone packed their stuff and left the classroom, Laco not being an exception. He, like he was told to, went to sit on a bench near the school's main exit. Since it would most probably be a long wait, he pulled out an issue of a magazine with many sudoku puzzles in it and started working one of them out.

After what seemed like ages of solving sudoku, a familiar voice struck his ear, "Okay Laco, let's go home."

He looked up to see Nina, after which he packed the magazine into his backpack and followed her. As they were on their way to the tram stop, Laco asked, "Am I always going to have to wait for you as long as today?"

  She replied, "If you won't get someone else to pick you up after school, unfortunately, yes. You're still too young to go home all by yourself, you could get hurt, or lost."

Once they finally reached home, after pulling off his shoes, Laco went right into his room. He put his backpack aside, after which he went to lie down on his back for a little while, stretching himself out. After that, he put his hand paws below his head as he thought, "Well, that went smoother than I thought, they really didn't seem to mind me being gay, and the teacher even called Binderhof `far behind'. I guess Udo was right, it's a good thing that we moved out."

Someone then slowly and quietly opened the door, from behind which Irina's head popped up, asking him quietly, "Are you asleep?"

Laco sat up as he replied, "No, I was just relaxing for a little bit."

She replied to that, "Okay then. Well, we're waiting for you in the dinning room, lunch's ready."

"Lunch..." said the cub as he stood up from the bed, heading to the door, after which he followed the adult to the dinning room.

  An incredibly pleasant aroma entered his lungs as he crossed the door to the room, making him realize his hunger as he went to seat himself. There were food covers made of stainless steel that were hiding plates filled with goodness. As soon as Georg saw him, he said, "Finally, we were waiting for you. I prepared something special for today, I hope you will all enjoy it."

Upon lifting the food covers, they saw rations of delightfully looking ratatouille. Everyone ate faster than usual, the food having tasted so good. The first one to finish was Nina, after which she said, "Wow. This was the best thing I've ever eaten. Georg, you're a boss at cooking!"

Georg smiled at her and replied, "Thank you! It makes me glad to hear that you like my cooking."

She suggested, "You should seriously consider going to a cooking competition, the others wouldn't stand a chance against you."

Georg just smiled back at her, continuing on with his meal. Not long after, Nina stood up and headed to her room.

She wanted to feel what she felt yesterday with Udo, or at least something similar. She looked into the drawer where she put the toy Udo gave her the day before. Her heart started pounding as her eyes admired the shape of the blue penis-like thing, but she didn't want to use it just yet, as her mother was still at home and she didn't want her finding out.

  So instead, she decided to wait until her mom would go to work. She headed to the living room to see what was on TV. Surprisingly, there actually was a really good film that ran, and so she decided to sit down and watch it. The others joined her as they started leaving the dinning room, Georg doing the dishes this time.

Once the film ended, Nina stood up from the couch and said, "I think I'm going for a walk, if anyone wants to join me, feel free."

Irina looked over to her and asked, "Where are you going?"

She replied, "Just to the park, mom. I need some fresh air."

She then headed to her room to get something, after which she went to the hallway and left the house. Laco asked Udo, both still sitting by the TV together with Georg and Irina, "Do you think we should have joined her?"

The feline replied, "Nah, I think she wants to be alone."

The cub wondered, "Hmmm. Why do you think so? Why would she want to be alone?"

He replied, "I have a theory, but we can't discuss it here. Wanna hear it?"

"Yeah!" replied Laco.

  Udo then said, "Well, let's go to our room then."

The two then stood up and left the living room, leaving Georg alone with Irina. After a short while, she asked him, "Why do you think they don't want to discuss it here?"

Georg replied, "Maybe they think it is a touchy subject. Or perhaps once they are finished discussing it, they will test out the new change, so they took the discussion as an opportunity to get some privacy."

After another short while of silence, she asked him again, "Do you really think that change was necessary? I really don't like it."

He explained, "They would do those things either way, there is no cure for horniness, and that is nothing new. The only difference is that now, if they get caught, they will not get punished by the state."

She replied, "I guess you're right... But I'm still concerned..."

Georg assured her, "Listen. The leader said that it was a necessary change. There were many changes he did that were at first not accepted at all, but turned to be very helpful in the long run. While it may not seem so at times, he knows very well what he is doing, and he has everything under control."

  "How can you be so sure?" she asked.

To that, Georg replied, "I have known him for quite some time, and I can tell you, it is sometimes creepy how good he has everything under control. He also likes to play mind tricks a lot, so keep that in mind when you see him looking desperate or sad the next time."

Back to the two youngsters, as they entered their room and Udo closed and locked the door, he said, "Now Laco, sit down on the bed."

The cub gave him a puzzled look and said, "Wait, I thought you were going to tell me why Nina wanted to be alone."

Udo walked over to their new wardrobe and from one of the drawers on the bottom of it, he pulled out a small bottle of lube while he was saying, "It takes some interaction to fully explain, you'll understand what that means in a while."

He decided to do as Udo said, and so he went and sat down on it. The feline then walked over to him and started pulling off his clothes, saying as he was pulling off the cub's shirt, "One thing I want from you is to make as little noise as you can, it's a part of the explanation."

  Once Laco was completely naked, the feline got onto his knees, after which he poured some of the lube onto his right paw's fingers, prodding the cub's backdoor with them afterwards. Just the sight of how the lube was flowing was enough to make Laco's heart beat stronger and for his member to slowly grow out of its sheath.

Udo looked up to Laco, looking right into his eyes as he was slowly pushing his index finger in, saying, "Remember, stay quiet, and of course, enjoy."

He then looked back down and once he found his prostate, he started rubbing it, stroking the cub's member with his left paw. Laco was breathing heavier, but he tried not to go beyond that, his mouth tightly sealed.

The feline said as he increased his stroking pace, "See how much fun you can have with just paws? Nina also wants to have some fun like this, or maybe even a little more, as I bought her a toy to play with yesterday, but she's afraid that her mom'd find it out, and so she's trying to find ways to spend time until her mother goes to work. She doesn't necessarily want to be alone right now, I just said that so I could get to do this."

  "You dirty lier," replied Laco teasingly, winking at him.

As Udo felt that the cub was getting close, he increased his pace even more and rubbed his prostate more intensely. As he was just about to climax, the feline wrapped his lips around Laco's tip, stroking him even harder. Laco couldn't stand it anymore, squirming as he squirted a little bit of his thin, white seed into Udo's mouth.

Udo stopped both of his paws as he felt the warm and sticky liquid being shot into his mouth, after which he swallowed it, letting go of the cub's member as he started pulling his finger out. He looked up to him again and said, "She could have decided to just lock herself and keep her mouth shut like we just did now, but you can say for yourself that it's less enjoyable than when you can just let go and not think about anything. But that's just a theory, it could be completely off."

Laco nodded, replying as he grabbed his shirt again and put it on, "Yup. Well, I guess thanks, this was a fun way to explain it."

The feline smiled back at him, handing him some paper towels to clean himself up after he dried his paw of the lube. After that, still without his lower clothing, Laco stood up and grabbed the feline by his paw, giving him a kiss as he dragged him back over to the bed again, the two falling down onto each other.

  They were kissing for a while, until Udo broke the kiss and said as he snuggled with him, "You have no idea how much I love you, my little darling."

As they were lying there together, snuggling against each other, Laco asked, "You think we should give her a visit, if your theory is indeed true?"

Udo shook his head, "I'm pretty sure she'd rather do it alone, everyone needs their privacy here and there."

As they were just lying there, holding each other, Laco's eyelids gained weight as the warmth from Udo's body was making him sleepy, and so he drifted off for a nap. Udo sighed when he noticed it, lying there with him for a while, until he very carefully freed himself from the sleeping cub's grasp, tip-toeing his way out, taking extra care to not make much noise when he was unlocking, opening and closing the door.

As he returned to the living room, sitting down on the couch, Georg asked him, "And where did you forget Laco?"

"He's just taking a nap, he fell asleep on me, again..." replied the feline.

  Georg chuckled, "He did that to me as well a couple of times, I remember how in the train when I was taking him home for the first time, he wrapped himself around me and fell asleep. He is such a sleepyhead sometimes, but it is hard to be mad at him when he is so adorable."

Udo nodded, "Agreed."

Irina then spoke up, "Udo, I've got you a job at the factory. I'll bring you there tomorrow, they'll explain everything you need to know. Georg is going there on Thursday."

"Awesome! Thanks a lot, Irina," replied the feline to that.

After several hours, Nina finally came home. She went to the living room, where everyone except for Laco was watching TV. She went to the couch and sat next to Udo, asking him once she was sitting, "Udo, could you show me some stuff on the computer? I'd really like to see it in action, so far all I've seen was Laco working on his game."

He replied, "Sure... Laco is taking a nap in our room, but it's midday, so he might as well get up."

And so the two went to the boys' room. They didn't bother with being quiet, as the computer would have woken him up either way. Laco dazedly opened his eyes, seeing the two walking up to the computer. His eyes widened, however, when he realized that he was still half naked and Nina was around, a dark blush appeared on his face as he covered his crotch with his paws, making the two invaders giggle.

  "Wh-what are you doing here, guys?" he asked.

Udo grabbed the cub's underwear from the floor and handed it over to him as he replied, "Nina just wanted to see the computer working, and it's midday, you shouldn't exactly be sleeping at this time."

Laco, somewhat calmer now that he had at least his undies on, replied, "I guess you're right. I'm quite bored, what is there to do other than watching TV and working on the computer, which you guys are occupying?"

Udo suggested, "If you'd like, we could visit an aqua park in the weekend, that could be quite a bit of fun."

Excited, Laco exclaimed, "An aqua park? Yaaaaaaaaay!"

Udo chuckled as he replied, "Yes, there's one in a city not far from here. But it might not be this weekend, as I don't know how my working schedule's going to be laid out. Now, I think you should prepare for school, so that you don't have to do it later."

A bit disappointed, Laco replied, "Well, okay then," and once he had his pants on, he went to where he had his backpack and stuff for school and started preparing.

  The feline gestured to Nina to sit down by the machine, after which he then pressed the power button and said, "It's powering up."

Nina looked at the keyboard and said, "One thing I don't understand is, what are these weird symbols on the keyboard? I mean, I know that this is A points at the correct key, this is V points at the B key, this is R points at the P key, this is O points at the correct key, this is M points at the correct key, this is N points at the H key, this is S points at the C key and this is T points at the correct key, and a couple others I recognize, but I don't know what the other symbols are, like this mirrored Ya thing points at the R key."

Udo replied, "Well, you've only got four of them right, A, M, T and O. This is the German alphabet, some of the letters are the same, some just look the same and other are completely different from Russian ones. There is a way to make the computer use Russian as its main language, but it's complicated and we'd need to buy a new keyboard and graphics card."

  She nodded, "Yeah, Georg already told me that about that."

The screen, previously full of scrolling green text, erased itself and only left two lines at the top. Udo continued, "Now, this is the login prompt. The first line says that the operating system is nOS v3.14 Binderhof Edition, and that we're on the virtual console #1. The second line asks for a user name. Once I type in one, another line will be printed on the screen asking me for my password. After that, I'll be put into a shell in my home directory."

As that was a bit too much on her at once, she asked, "Operating system? Virtual console? Home directory? Care to explain?"

Udo tried his best, "Well, an operating system is a computer program which basically gives the hardware inside of a computer common interfaces, it manages computer memory, hard drive space, etc. And most importantly, it allows other, more common programs to be ran on top of it."

Nina, still confused, asked, "Could you explain it a bit easier to me? I really don't understand what you're saying."

  The feline tried again, "Okay. So, from the inside, every computer is different. It has different so-called hardware. Now, considering that every computer is different, to take advantage of all of a computer's capabilities, you need to rewrite a program for every single computer. However, an operating system solves this problem. It makes, from the programs' and users' perspective, every computer look like it's the same machine, meaning that time, which would be wasted on rewriting a program for a different machine, is saved."

It finally clicked, Nina replying, "Ahaaaa. That actually makes a lot of sense! So, an operating system is a way to make things work on all computers the same?"

Udo nodded, "Basically, yes. Some operating systems, such as nOS that we have here, have also some other very useful features. nOS is considered to be a multi-user multi-tasking operating system, which means that you can run multiple programs at once, and more people can use it at once without any interference, which would be impossible without an operating system."

  Nina, a bit puzzled about the multi-user concept, asked, "And... How can you have several people using this computer independently at once? It only has one keyboard and monitor."

Udo nodded and continued, "Good question, that's where the virtual consoles come in use. They're basically like little mini monitors, you're able to log in as any user you desire in them and do things as you desire, and you can switch between them at any time. If you want, however, two or more real people really working at the same time, independently, that's also possible with so-called serial consoles. They are basically monitors mounted on keyboards which you connect to the computer, and you use them exactly like virtual consoles, except that they're real."

Nina asked, "Okay, I think I understand that now. And what about the home directory? What's that?"

Udo continued, "nOS has a system for storing information on the hard drive, a device inside of the computer. The way it does it is way too complicated even for me, but the way you interact with the data on the hard drive is through so-called files. A file is basically a chunk of data with a name. The data can be literally anything, like text, or a program, and the name can also be anything, with some restrictions, and it can be freely changed, if you have the required permissions."

  "The files can then be put into so-called directories, which are things similar to files in that they have a name, but they don't have any data associated with them. Instead, they act as file containers, you put files and other directories into them. By creating directories in directories, you can make some pretty complex directory trees. In nOS, there is a special directory reserved for each user, the so-called `home directory', where the users are supposed to store most of their files and directories in. Does that make any sense, or did I over-complicate it?"

She replied, "No, I think I understood, you're explaining it pretty well."

Udo said, "Thanks," as he stretched his fingers out, putting them on the keyboard, after which he typed his username and password.

He showed her some of the things that can be done, he showed her some of the programs he wrote, and even Laco's game, or at least the prototype of it. Nina enjoyed the show quite a lot. During this, Laco managed to finish prepping for school, and so he went to the living room to watch some TV. It also came to Irina's time to go to work, and so she went. Once he felt that there was not much else to show, he asked, "So, what do you think?"

  She replied, "Well, I think computers are really interesting, but I don't really see myself working with one at home, as from what you've shown me, they seems like machines mostly useful for scientists or mathematicians, I can't really think of a use of one for myself."

The feline nodded, "Yeah, that is true. They are indeed used mostly by researchers and scientists, but there are some useful things you can do with them for personal use. But like you've said, there's not that much, unless you can think of something and write a program to do it."

She nodded back and replied as she stood up from the chair, "Okay, this was a fun demonstration, I've also learned some stuff, so thanks. I think I'll head to my room now."

Udo replied, "I'm glad you liked it then, have fun."

"Oh, I will" went through her mind as she went out of the room, heading for hers, since her mom had left for work some time ago. Udo finally got to sit down, laying his feet on the table and putting his paws below his head as he relaxed. After a while, he put his feet back to the ground, typing something into the computer that turned it off. He then headed to the living room.

  Once Nina entered her room, the first thing she did was locking it, so no intruders would disturb her. Her heart started pounding as a strange flavor of excitement filled her. She walked over to the drawer where she had put the things Udo bought her yesterday. She finally opened up the box, sliding the inner plastic part of it out, having her first touch of it.

"So, this thing's supposed to go inside of me...." went through her mind as she was examining it, it feeling very soft and smooth. She couldn't help herself but to bring it up to her mouth and to lick it, after which she wrapped her muzzle around it, examining it with her tongue. It didn't really have a taste, but the shape felt very convincing to her, even though she never had a real one in her maw before.

Without even realizing it, she started to slightly bob her head over it. She eventually pulled it out, after which she also grabbed the bottle of lube from the drawer and pushed the drawer in, heading for her bed.

She then pulled her lower clothing down to her knees, lying down on the bed. She didn't know what to do, was she to put it into her honey pot, or into her chocolate factory? She eventually decided for the latter, as it would feel familiar, as it would be similar to what Udo did with her yesterday.

  She prodded her entrance with the blue toy, eventually getting a tiny bit of it in. "If only it went in smoother, this is too... wait, that's what the lube stuff is for," she thought, pulling the little of the toy that was in her out. She then grabbed the bottle and opened it up. She gently squeezed the bottle with her left paw, a little bit of the strangely thick and slow-flowing liquid leaking onto her right paw.

It made her fingers feel really slippery, almost too slippery, and so seeing that it worked, she rubbed the paw against the toy. She disliked how she wasn't able to get a grip on it with the paw, but it got even worse when she was trying to put it in, she was afraid that it would slide all the way in, so she had to get back up from the bed to get a couple of paper towels.

"Darn, this stuff is annoying," she thought as she was cleaning it off of her paws. She then went back to the bed, this time grabbing the toy by the very end with a paper towel so she could actually have control over it. After that, she aimed the tip of it at her opening again, pressing it against it.

  The lube did indeed work, it went in almost unnaturally smoothly, but a sharp pain struck her as she stretched herself out down there way too fast, making her cringe her teeth as she immediately pulled the toy out. It thankfully subsided after a couple of seconds. "Ow, I'll have to be more careful, that really hurt," she thought.

She then tried it again, this time pushing the toy in way slower, giving her muscles more time to adapt. Once she got most of it in, she tried pulling it almost out, and then pushed it back in. It felt strange, she felt as if she was being used, but it also felt neat. The small rubber barbs on the tip were especially nice-feeling.

As it was getting a bit dry, since she had not really given the toy a lot of lube in the first place, she decided to pull it out and this time, she gave it a decent amount. Not wanting to repeat her mistake, she leaked it onto her left paw this time, coating most of the toy with it, after which she slipped a finger down there to also get some of it into her butt.

  The next time, the toy slid in very easily and it didn't hurt anymore. She started thrusting it in faster and rougher, letting that strange feeling of submission overtaking her. She let her mouth open, letting out sounds of joy as she moved her left, slippery paw down to her crotch.

She rubbed her clit for a while, until she slipped one of her lubed-up fingers down her front entrance. It felt so strange, so many new feelings coming to her all at once, she just couldn't handle it as her breath's tempo increased dramatically, until she let our a loud yell, her entire body tensing up for a couple of seconds. She fell limp on the bed, panting heavily.

"Wow... now that was something," she thought, the toy sliding out of her butt as she pushed it out. "I'll have to thank Udo double-time, this is such an awesome gift."

After simply relaxing on her bed for about 2 minutes, she sat up, wiping herself and the toy dry of the annoying slippery semi-liquid. Once that was all done, she pulled her lower clothing back up, heading to the drawer again, where she put the lube and grabbed the cleaning solution from it.

  After a quick read-through of the instructions printed on the label, she opened it up, dripping some of it onto another paper towel, with which she then cleaned the toy up. She then put both the bottle and the toy into the drawer, grabbing all of the used paper towels, and after unlocking the door, she headed with them to the kitchen, where they had a trashcan.

She then went to the living room. All three of the others seemed to be in a good mood, Laco speaking out once he noticed her, "Nina, you've got no idea how much you've missed out, this show's crazily funny."

"Really? I guess I shouldn't miss out on any more then," she said, gently smiling at him, as she was sitting down. She sat down in-between Laco and Udo. The show was indeed great, it being a parody of a rather popular film, and damn was it funny. Nina eventually whispered into the feline's ear, slightly blushing, "Thanks a lot for the gift yesterday, I absolutely love it!"

Udo patted her on the back, replying, "I'm glad to hear that."

Georg said, thinking that they were referring to having sex yesterday, not hearing the part about the gift, "Laco, you have competition, watch out."

  That made the cub chuckle, replying, "Nina's no competitor, she's a friend. We've decided with Udo to have a bit more open relationship, so we're not closed onto each other and so we don't get bored of each other as fast."

Surprised, Udo asked, "I know you said that... but did you really, actually mean it? I just wanna be sure before I do a stupid mistake."

The cub nodded, "Yeah, why not? Sex isn't the only thing that makes up a relationship. And even if we break off, let's say that you found someone else you'd love even more, we can still be friends with benefits."

Georg commented, "Wise words, son, wise words. Always think about the future, remembering the past."

Udo, again surprised, replied, "Laco, you can't talk about things like breaking up! We're a couple! After what we've lived through together, I would never think of leaving you!"

Laco just nodded as they continued watching the TV. The rest of the day continued predictably, all of our roommates took showers, except for Laco, to who Georg liked to give baths, they prepared for sleep and slept as they did the day before.

  [To be continued...]