Cloud Tears - Part 2

Story by AiverNim on SoFurry

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#5 of Tales from Vemiria

Part 2 is finally here! In which we get to know more about the market and how it's "product" is handled.



In the efforts to escape his abusive father, Nimbus lost his freedom. Now he's in Vemiria's underground slave market, strapped to a tilted table, his head pointing down and his body soaked in cheetah's urine as well as his own.


I didn't took much time checking for typos so if you see something out of place please be kind and make me know it.

Well, go on and enjoy!


I'd scarcely managed to sleep, when two buckets of ice-cold water were thrown over my body. I awoke startled. Hyperventilating. And then began to shake uncontrollably. Owww... why I moved my head? It felt as it was being trampled by an elephant.

"G'morning, kitty!" the scarred cheetah greeted me. I'll have to take his word that it's, in fact, the morning. There's no real way to tell down here.

"Mmm... Seems like the water alone wont do it. You still smell of me." he said running his nose next to my belly. A wide grin crossing his face as he briefly recalled how that happened. "Let's take him for a bath." he motioned his companions.

Leaving the iron buckets aside, the other two cheetahs unstrapped me and helped me stand, as I was still to dizzy after a whole night with my head upside down. They put shackles on my ankles that just let me walk small steps, making running impossible. Not that being free I could out run them, anyway.

While they walked me out of the cells area, I could take a better look at the idiosyncrasy of this place. Each sector was heavily patrolled by mercenaries, all big felines. The only kind missing were lions. Those, actually, were the more abundant in the pens. It seems there's a great amount of masters -with inferiority complex- demanding them. And the market supplies.

Other rooms were luxurious, but still had walls filled with shackles, poles fixed to the ceiling, and cabinets filled with many nasty instruments. These were the "recreational rooms", used by the masters who came to town, or those which noises were troubling their neighbors. Thank god none was in use while they walked me. I don't think I could've bear to see those devices in action.

In every portal we passed, the guards bowed to the one leading me. He must be the slave master, or at least a high ranked slaver. The terminology they used to refer to slaves varied from sector to sector, according to what kind of feline was in charge. But none of them treated them... well, us... as people. Words like "meat", "crier", "fuck-hole", were some I heard in the little course to the bath. So I think it's safe to say the cheetahs are nicer, calling me "kitty" and all.

The more I knew about this place, the more I felt discouraged to try to escape it. I mean, it would be easy to snatch the keys from the slaver. But then what? I can't outrun the cheetahs. I can't hide the keys anywhere. And I definitely don't stand a chance against the bulky guards. No. I guess its wiser to follow along with this process and try to escape from my new master. I've already seen what happens when I take risks. My freedom will have to wait.

We finally reached the baths. They weren't some crappy baths. This area was luxurious too; with several pools, hot-tubs, benches... and even a sauna! The whole room was covered in white tiles, and there was bright, natural light coming from a really high glass-ceiling, unlike the rest of the dimly lighted rooms. They must have buy a building in the middle of the city just for this purpose. It was morning, after all.

A pair of twin, Siamese cats took the job of washing me. It hurt a little that they weren't slaves like me. I still don't get why I can't clean myself. Its embarrassing to have it done by strangers. They were fast and harsh in rinsing me. Except between my legs, they took their time there... or times. Four to be more specific. They fondled me, teasing to a level I couldn't resist as they rubbed my tailhole with their sponges. I may have let one, or two, shuddering moans out, as my cock head peaked out of my sheath.

We weren't alone there. A tiger master was in one of the hot tubs, relaxing as his young, lion slave bounced on his lap. The scrawny, probably poorly fed, lion wasn't really enjoying the penetration. His cock was caged, preventing it from coming out of his sheath. I won't lie, it still turned me on to see them screwing. Its just that I feel bad for the crimson maned slave. You could see the red, tapered tip, painfully trapped against the metal mesh, making him wince.

I wasn't the only one aroused by that sight. "Let's see if you have vocation to service." the slaver said, unbuckling his pants while they made me kneel. Sigh... Sooner or later, I expected this to happen.

I just hoped there wouldn't be so many people watching. My ears were hotter than the sauna's embers. I meowed with shame. But he saw it as a sign to go ahead and smear his tool on my face. I just got rid of the cheetah's scent, I don't want it back. My maw opened wide, in the hopes of getting this done quickly. But nope, he took his time 'blessing' my cheeks and lips. Up and down his hips went. Very erotic... if we had been alone.

His penis was big. At least bigger than mine. The strong musk filled my lungs, overloading my senses, as it's source filled my mouth. I don't have any control over my gag reflex, so I panicked every time his spear hit my throat. The cheetah didn't pay attention to my choking sounds, nor my watery eyes. No, he kept pushing my maw deeper against his pubes, tugging from my small, sensitive ears.

Just when I thought I would faint from lack of air, I felt his shaft throb and he suddenly pulled out. On the way out, a thick glob of his salty cum splashed my palate. While most of it, he made it land on my nose bridge, forehead, and chin. I was still trying to catch my breath when he pressed his shrinking penis on my lips. "Lick it clean." he ordered. And shuddered as I obediently did.

"Very good, kitty. You'll make a master really happy. But be more self aware of your teeth, unless you want them removed. Others wont overlook that." having recovered from his orgasm, the cheetah lectured me. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind the next time someone tries to asphyxiate me with his cock! ASSHOLE.- That's what I wish I'd answered. Instead, I just vaguely nodded.

Out of the blue, a bucket of water hit my face. Its not that I don't appreciate the gesture, I was covered in cum. But they could have taken the sponge out, before soaking me. It made a dull sound falling off my face. I lifted it and finished cleaning the last vestiges of the slaver's spunk while the twins laughed.

Before leaving the baths I was able to take another look to the lion. He was lying on his back, out of the tub. His master had freed his cock, and hovered over him. The tiger wanked him slowly, and bit his shoulder, with ever increasing pressure. The slave took everything he could, tensing every fiber of his body, until he finally screamed. His master released his shoulder, blood on his snout, and let go of the lion's cock as well. He looked into his slave's eyes, and directed them to his cock, raising his muzzle in await of the lion's decision. The slave hesitated, but in the end surrendered to the need of release, no matter the cost. His master dug his teeth back on his shoulder, and resumed jerking him furiously. It was brutal. Primal. I would've liked to ask the lion if the pleasure was worth it.

My mind drifted apart too long thinking about the lion's choice. It was not until we stopped walking that I realized they didn't brought me back to the same cell but to a different one, filled with tools and benches. Right in front of me were some stocks being opened.

"Put your hands in there" the scarred cheetah ordered. I hesitated. Were they going to flog me? ... throw shit at me? ...fuck me?! I may be paranoic, but I'd seen that kind of stuff happen in the stocks of the main square. In retrospective, all of that was better that what awaited me. Impatient, the slaver struck my kidney.

"I wont say it twice." he menaced, looking pleased when I rushed to lock my wrists in place.

"Now, now. Your owner will want you harmless. We'll get rid of those claws." the slaver patted my shoulder as one of his henchmen grabbed some pliers.

"What?! No! Master, they can't be cut!" I panicked, pulling with all my strength away from the stocks. All my strength was worth nothing against those restraints. I was firmly locked in place, unable to do anything else but watch.

"Who said anything about 'cutting'?" he grinned viciously, while the other cheetah squeezed my fingertip. A claw slid out in reflex.

"Oh no no-no no-no!" my heart was racing as the pliers closed their jaws on my claw.

"This little piggy went to the market..." the one working on me cooed. And so it began.

"AHHH! STOOP! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" I shrieked as he twisted, crushed and ripped my claw away.

"This little piggy stayed home..."



I lost all my piggys. The entire afternoon I spent it licking the blood oozing from my now smooth fingertips, my hands shaking uncontrollably. This new cell they threw me in had no weird tables or chains coming out of the wall, just a soft-enough hay pile for me to rest on it. Which I did after having lunch. They kept me on a fluid-only diet; just oranges, watermelons, and how to forget the cock-milk. Yeah, there was plenty of that. I didn't really mind the lack of solids, my throat was still sore from the baths.

I was busy lapping my index finger when the slaver knocked on my cell's bars. "Hey kitty! Have a good rest. Tonight's your turn on the main stage." he winked and disappeared in the shadows. Why?! Why to tell me? The expectation made it worst. Now the rest of my body accompanied my hands' tremors.

Hours passed with me staring at that stonebed and the fire in the forge. Again, I considered all the possible outcomes of trying to escape. And none led to a happy ending. I'll bare whatever more awaits me in this hellhole and then escape my owner's house. That's the plan. And this time, I'll stick to it. No more rushed decisions.

The last moments of my consciousness I dedicated them to think of Mike. I was beaten. Abused. Alone. And he showed up like a ray of light into my darkest moment. It blinded me, the hope. And I ruined it, ruined it for both of us. Now, the doubt of if what we had was more than just a night of lust will ever haunt me. There's nothing I regret more than not following him to his home that night.


It had been two, maybe three hours, when the slaver knocked back on my cell. "Wakey, wakey, kitty! Its time to get you marked!" I recoiled, cringing in the far corner, as he opened the door. The two cheetahs following him jumped on me and tossed me to the floor outside the cell.

"Come on, to the stage!" one of the henchmen shouted, pulling me up from my hair as the slaver passed beside us, heading to the forge. I knew better than to resist. They made me laid over the stone, tightly securing the straps. Especially the ones on my torso. There's nothing worst than a double brand as result of an unsteady hip. I began whimpering when the scarred cheetah came closer to me, wielding the red-hot brand.

"Mmm... kitten's fur is always the smoothest. It burns faster." he said while running his fingertips on my pubis. The next thing I knew, the shinning seal of the iron was burning my flesh where his paw had been, just moments ago. I screamed in shocking pain. An awful hissing sound coming out of my skin as the smell of burnt fur hit my nose.

The slaver removed the hot iron, smiling pleased at a job well done. There it was, the indelible proof that I'm a slave. "You know what the best part of my job is?" the cheetah asked me.

"N-no sire." I managed to reply between sobs.

"That I get to feel your freshly branded skin all I want, and you can't do anything to stop me", he grinned and slid his paw on my seared flesh.

I shrieked. My vision getting blurry with tears as he brushed, pinched and slapped my sensitized skin.

Only when my pleads got to a pitch so high, that my voice could no longer be heard, he stopped. "You think it hurts now? Wait until tomorrow, kitty." the slaver spoke in my ear, patting my shoulder as he signaled his companions to unstrap me.

He was right. The pain was mind shattering. I spent the following morning biting my arm till my jaw went numb. I couldn't sit, it added pressure to the burn, so I laid on the hay pile, clenching my fists whenever my jaw was too weak to keep going. By lunch time, I'd sweated more fighting the pain than running a marathon. I devoured all the fruit they got me, licking my fingers with pleasure. But not even that simple experience I could enjoy completely. The emotional whiplash took over me as I stared to my fingertips. My claws were gone.

The rest of the day I was left undisturbed. Although, on second thought, I couldn't be more disturbed, watching other helpless souls getting branded like me. Let's better say there weren't any visits from the slaver, for a change. When they brought me dinner, I was already able to keep my arm out of my maw, and even dared to sit. Great progress. The last of the grapes had just rolled down my throat when a scarred, feline face peered through my cell's bars.

"Enjoying your last meal?" he asked, smiling when his gaze met my brand. My eyes widened in terror.

"M-my last m-meal?! I'm getting executed?! WHY?!" I whined, rushing to kneel against the bars, feeling my heart pumping faster than ever, like it chased the life the slaver was stealing from me with that question.

"Oh, sorry. That was poorly phrased. Your last meal here. Tomorrow's auction day, you'll be leaving." he clarified, scratching his head.

I breathed relieved. It's actually the first time I'm not upset by one of his notices. I'm finally getting out of here! "Uhm, yeah... it was... tasty, master." I answered the first thing that came to my mind.

"Well then, I hope you've left some room for dessert" he grinned unlocking the door. Great, more cock milk. I really wasn't eager to give to him, the same cheetah that burned my flesh and left me a whole night soaking in his urine, another blowjob. But then, I didn't have a say in it.

I snarled in protest, looking aside, arms crossed, as he unbuckled his pants.

"Wait-wait-wait!... please, let me", were my begs when he forced my head to his member. Out of sheer curiosity, he loosened the grip on my nape. I sighed resigned. This is going to happen, like it or not; but at least I can be on control. My goal was simple: reduce the throat-fucking to the minimum. If I'd learned something from that night with Mike, this was the time to show it.

With my paws caressing his thighs, I inhaled sharply at the base of his cock. The stench was strong, it burned my lungs, making me cough. The cheetah patted my back, rather impatient. I tried again. This time, digging my snout deep between his legs, lifting his balls with my nose bridge to get a better access to that sweaty patch of skin behind them; his taint.

I rubbed my cold nose against it, taking slow, soft breaths with my eyes closed. It intoxicated me, a warm feeling of lust ran through my body. I licked his taint teasingly, and heard him moan softly. So the licking continued as I moved up to his balls, taking each orb separately into my mouth. I liked the feeling of having his nuts, so vulnerable as they were, just a crunch away of rendering him eunuch. My paws wrapped around his shaft and I lapped a tasty droplet of pre out of his pee-hole. Stroking and lapping, and stroking and lapping, I got him all worked up.

His penis was slick with my drool when he, inevitably, shove it down my throat till it bottomed out. My head bobbed as he mercilessly tugged my ears. In this moments, air really became a precious resource. The fear of suffocating was overwhelming, my vision getting blurry with tears. But I hadn't played all my cards yet.

I did something more to make sure he would cum faster. Something that Mike couldn't. I purred with his cock in my maw.

The slaver closed his eyes and shuddered, his thrusts increasing in speed. And then it happened, his body went still. I barely had time to swallow one spurt of his thick, hot cum, when another was being shot. With my snout pinned to his pelvis, there was nothing I could do but to wait for it to end.

"Ohhh... Kitty... you... you're a natural." he said in between gasps, releasing my head and petting it. I wiped my tears, focusing more on his scratching behind my ears than on his shitty compliment. A couple of strokes did wonders to ease my sorrow.

I could've spent the rest of the night just purring with my eyes closed as he stroked my hair. But a sudden tug to my cathood made me open them wide.

"You like sucking cocks, don't you? Just look how big you grew." the slaver said while teasingly sliding my penis between his toes. Instant moaning is what he got as an answer.

"Too bad. I'm not helping you with that." he shrugged and crushed my dick against the brand. I screamed, curling up into a ball and shielding my crotch. He got out laughing, the bastard.

I stayed like that for a while, still turned on by his scent on my fur, cock in paw, pondering what to do. Masturbating was appealing, but I still had some dignity left. With my belly warm and full of cum, I snuggled in the hay pile, trying not to worry about the next day's sell. Look at the bright side, Nim; tomorrow you'll be out of here. I told to myself and went to sleep with a faint smile.


Early in the morning the three cheetahs appeared on my cell's door. Again, my ankles were shackled and we took another long walk through those dimly lighted corridors. I said early in the morning cause they set me another date with the Siamese cats. That got me a good sight of the dawning sky, and a nice, hard boner. Molesters. The baths were quite crowded with slaves being prepared for today's auction, there was a general feeling of excitement in the air. The only exception were the lions, their tails hung flat along with their ears. They knew their target audience.

Once clean, I was taken to the exhibition area; a large hall with countless numbered cages, separated by narrow corridors of red carpet. At the end of the room was an auditorium where the auction took place.

Inside the cage, the shackles were removed and I was spread eagled between two wooden post. My limbs were stretched to their limit. The three cheetahs delighted themselves feeling my muscles, six paws contouring my body as I gasped.

After that the only nice experience I had since getting here was over, I was made to drink a big jar with milk, eggs, oat... and something green? I love milk, but that tasted awful.

"This will give you energy enough to endure a couple of days of travel. Masters and mistress from all corners of the mainland send their emissaries to buy here. We don't want them to receive a fainted slave. It would hurt the reputation of this fine institution." The slaver explained, as the glass was pressed on my lips.

Fine institution... sure.

I drank it, wincing. Yeah, the taste was bad, but considering the things I've been swallowing lately, it was fairly easy to finish. With a big burp it settled in my stomach. To complete the setup, I was gagged and my tail tied to a collar on my neck, giving anyone passing by a full view of my anus. It twitched involuntarily when I caught the slaver staring at it with a smile on his face.

"Too bad I can't play with this", he caressed my rosette with his fingertips. "The buyers should be here anytime soon.... Lucky bastard whoever gets you." the slaver slapped my ass on his way out and locked the cell.

It wasn't long before the bidders populated the corridors and I started feeling uncomfortable with their way too long glances to my privates. I tried to figure them out, guess where they were from, how they would treat me, how their house could be, and let my imagination go wild thinking how I would escape them. You know, just keeping my mind busy and away from this creepy situation.

Beyond some soreness in my joints and a excessive salivation through the gag, the morning had me in a really good mood. That is until an old tiger leaned in front of my cell, adjusting his glasses to have a better look at my crotch. It was the judge that sent me here. It took me a moment to recognize him without the wig.

I bit hard on the gag, growling and shouting unintelligible things to him. It just made him grin as he walked behind me. "I knew there was a hot body behind those clothes! My, my... I hope I'd brought enough money to buy you, thief!" he laughed and then crouched. Immediately, a cold wind current fluttered on my hole, making it twitch. He was blowing. I've never felt this humiliated, this impotent.

My eyes began to moisten as I kept growling, but I took a deep breath and sucked my emotions in. I wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing me crying.

Satisfied with what he saw, the judge got up, winked and left to the auditorium with a big smile. Sadly, that wasn't the only familiar face I'd met that day. Shortly after, my dad was gripping the bars of the cell.

"Look at yourself, Nimbus! You had to fucking steal, huh?! I gave you everything you needed!" -everything but love. I thought. He supported his head on the bars, looking to the floor in silence like I did.

"I'm not here for the money. I don't want their fucking money! Your mother wanted me to look after you, son. How can I look after you, now?" he sighed.

"I know I haven't been a good father. It's just... I had all my hopes set on you Nim. Your older brother is lazy as a sloth and the youngest, you know he's special. The business, Nimbus, it was going to be yours. And then I found out about your sick-... about your likings. I'd just lost your mom, and now I was loosing my heir. I thought that with enough pressure you could go back to the path I'd set for you. But, perhaps, I should've understand you'd made your own. I'm sorry son, I shouldn't have used my hands to do anything that wasn't patting your back." he raised his gaze and looked me in the eyes with regret.

And there, for a brief moment, I saw the father that raised me. The one that used to play with my brothers and I. Not the intolerant widower that unburdens himself beating me. But who he was before mom passed away. I cried bitterly, knowing that this was the last time I'll see him. Beyond all the abuse, he was still my dad.

My father closed his eyes and gripped the bars with all his strength, clenching his teeth. Shortly after, he left. He was too masculine to let me see him cry.

The tears on my cheeks had dried by the time my cage was rolled to the auditorium's stage, where the biddings began. It was a fierce battle of raising paws competing to get me. I was nervous, begging to all the gods and the universe, to take pity on me and don't let the judge buy me.

For once they listened. I was sold to a female hyena. Her best years already seemed to be long passed, and something in her constant grin unsettled me. The cage was downloaded from the stage while she filled the paperwork and delivered an amount of gold that hurt my ego. I was that cheap? Not that I knew about slave prices, but it could easily fit into a tankard.

They took me out of the market in the same way they got me in. I changed been bound and spread to been bound and packed. Having left the city gates behind, the caravan made a stop and my naked form was taken out of the barrel, trembling in the winter's cold.

The sunlight blinded me, just letting me see the hands of the mercenaries that untied the straps and replaced them by shackles. Two of them guided me inside the carriage were the hyena was and sat at each of my sides. I instinctively tucked my tail, covering my crotch from her constant glances.

"Do you want to go back to the barrel?" she arched an eyebrow.

"N-no mistress" I shook my head.

"Then move your tail away. The only reason you're traveling with me is to provide me a nice view in these barren lands."

I left my tail hung limp and spread my legs all I could, between the two wolves, to her further enjoyment. It was degrading, but better than spending more time, all bent, in that confined and dark cask.

"Good boy. Now, do something useful and give me a massage." her fingers snapped twice as she placed a footpaw on my lap. I began working it with my thumbs while her other leg reached for my crotch, it's cold toes spreading and softly kneading my balls. My vocalizations immediately caught her attention.

"That's enough to make you moan? You're so sensitive down here? Heh, your new master will love that" she let out one of those annoying hyena laughs.

"M-my new master?! But-but you just bought-" her foot in my maw let that statement unfinished.

"Aaand at a really good price. I'm selling you back, slave. I know just the perfect buyer for someone like you. And once he sees you, he'll pay whatever I ask." A wide grin crossed her face, unsettling me as I reluctantly sucked her toes.

What did she meant by someone like me?
