
Story by zombified on SoFurry

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I tapped on the computer my longish nails doing most of the work and my canine muzzle picking up the smells of musk from passers by those who loved each other and those who despised each other they were easy to pick up.

I continued my work not noticing the fox sliding up behind me his tail swaying a little as he moved in close ignoring my twitching ear he scratched me and I jumped and fell to the floor the thud just being noticed by passers by I looked up and saw the foxes blushing face.

â€What the hell? You almost gave me a heart attack don’t scare me like that again†we both extended our hands and he helped me up off the floor.

â€Sorry dog boy just thought I’d give you an invitation, my place this Friday and the weekend†he smiled and grinned slightly his eyes twinkled with the light which made me feel uneasy.

â€I don’t know are you going to scare me like that again?†he noticed my worried look and shook his head.

â€I promise I won’t dear†and with that I nodded my head and accepted his invite already knowing what the agenda would be nonstop sex for three days.

He gave me a little kiss on the cheek and then he walked away I sighed and sat back down on my chair and continued my work my ears flicked a little again before I noticed another figure near me with a sigh I turned around.

â€What do you want now Hun?†I looked up at him from my chair his tail still swaying.

â€Nothing just to tell you not to bring anything this time no clothes or toys†he giggled and bent over a corner of my desk slightly lifting his tail.

â€Alright I guess but why?†I leaned forward a little and looked up at him.

â€You’ll find out tomorrow afternoon good bye†he quickly straightened up and walked away this time swaying his rump making sure I was watching.

With a sigh I got up from my seat and walked to the cooler my suit feeling warm and itchy, it only took me a few steps before I was filling a plastic cup with cold water and drinking it. My boss a large and muscular horse slowly walked towards.

â€Hey Z just thought I’d tell you, you have tomorrow off†the horse bent over and started picking up a plastic cup.

â€What why?†I questioned him with a slight glare wondering if the fox was involved.

â€You’ve been working hard I think it’s time you had a little break and also your foxy boyfriend wouldn’t stop asking me so you both will have tomorrow and the weekend off don’t worry about sick days either†the horse filled his cup with water and gulped it down.

â€Thanks but you shouldn’t do things like this†I dropped the cup into the bin a small amount a liquid sliding out as it went down. The horse with a smile walked away shaking his head and just stood still watching and thinking ‘that fox really wants his fun I wonder what’s going to happen’. I sighed and looked at my watch it was five.

I walked passed my desk and towards the elevator looking around quite a few people had left already and it was quieting down the elevator was empty as I clicked the ground floor button the doors closed slowly and through them I could see the fox still at his desk typing bending ever so slightly to notice he was wearing thongs.

I walked slowly through the hallway and away from the front desk with a little wave to the cheetah girl I was gone and running through the rain towards my car, the door was quickly opened and my keys were in the ignition with a turn of the key the car roared into life and I was gone driving towards my flat which was only a couple of miles away though it would take me an hour either way.

An hour later and finally at my door, I depressingly unlocked the door and slid in taking off my coat and dropping my case, I closed the door and flipped the switch light gleaming through the room, I continued my walk walking through the hallway slowly I spied my couch and just flopped down onto it not caring about my clothes I began to sleep whimpering with every gust of cold wind.

The a few hours later I awoke my couch was covered in drool I slowly slid up and my fox boy was sitting in front of me his grin was more than noticeable.

â€What are you doing here? And why are you in my flat†I slowly got up not really caring about his answer and so I walked into the small kitchen for a drink as he spoke.

â€Well like I said I wanted you over at my place for Friday and the weekend I can’t believe that you forgot actually†his tail flicked before finally resting down, as I walked back in I noticed his clothes.

â€Sorry about forgetting.... what’s with the leather?†I sat back down and looked at him waiting for an answer but he just pointed towards a box next to me and grinned, I removed the lid and peaked inside a pair of cuffs and a collared mask gag was just laying there I looked back at him with a slight blush and then quickly removed my clothes. Nothing was pressing against my fur anymore I look back and smiled at him blushing before lifting the cuffs and mask waiting for him to apply them to my free body.

He got up and smiled at me showing off this leather suit it seemed tight with a zip going from his crotch to his tail hole and a nice collar around his neck, he slowly moved towards me forcing my hands behind my back and cuffing them tightly in place.

â€Hey careful Hun†I whimpered as the cuff felt extremely tight around my wrists he shook his head and then forced the mask down on me cutting off both my sight and ability to talk I squirmed slightly feeling the collar tighten just barely letting me breath, my nose was not covered which helped me keep my calm as he spoke.

â€Well I guess you know now this is no average weekend, don’t worry Hun you’ll be fine as my weekend sex slave, now be a good boy and I won’t have to whip you down those stairs and don’t worry about leading either â€he attached a leash onto the collar and pulled me through the door he slammed it behind me and lead me down the stairs to his car. As we stepped outside I could feel the cool air cross my body and it made me shiver.

â€No worry Hun I think the boot of my car will keep you warm enough†he opened his boot as I shook my head but got forced into it either way and before I could escape the boot was slammed shut and I was alone once again. I waited silently expecting him just to be joking but the engine started up and the vehicle began to move my breathing grew harder as fear began to set in my thoughts were over clouding me ‘have I made the right choice?’. I could not tell how long it had been but before I knew it the car had stopped and the boot was open letting in some cool air, I was stuck shivering again feeling his paw stroke my tail.

â€Good boy would you like a drink?†he placed his other paw on the tight mask around my face as I move a little closer nodding my head, from what I could tell he chuckled and stopped touching me listening carefully I heard a zip and what seemed like a liquid being poured a few seconds later and the muzzle part of the mask was taken away from me my eyes still covered and my neck still tightly wrapped he pushed the plastic cup into my maw and I gulped down the liquid. It tasted rank and warm I refused to swallow and quickly rejected it spitting it out coughing slightly because of the strength.

â€Bad boy either drink it out of the cup or my rod either way you’re taking it down before we go in and trust me I can wait to need to go again†I whimpered hearing his words and feeling the cup press against my maw again I drank it gulping it down harshly choking with every gulp but eventually the cup was empty.

â€Good boy now get out of the car and follow me†He tugged on the leash and I slowly got up and slid my leg over the side feeling the cold grass under my foot paw I shivered and continued getting out. My tail stuck up a little as I followed him wondering if I should talk or not.

â€Master where are we?†I questioned with a scared voice hearing a wooden door open he continued to pull me in, through the door I could feel the heat from a fire, he wrapped his paw around my rump and pulled me close his fox member sticking into me slightly and he leaned around me a little and shut the door at this point I knew of no escape and was trapped inside.

He slowly pulled me into another room my feet sliding across the floor slightly my member unsheathed as he rubbed me with his tail I began to whimper wanting him to squeeze my lower half. He slackened the leash and slowly he pushed me down onto a bed.

â€Master please tells me what you are going to do to with me†I rubbed my muzzle up against him feeling him un-cuff my wrists.

â€Don’t worry my cute Labrador sex slave just lay down and our fun will begin†he rubbed me slightly before helping me into a lying position cuffing my wrists and ankles to the bed my member unsheathed more and began to harden, the fox slowly climbed on top of me and just sat there waving his tail over my member.

â€Now then I think our first day should be remembered for a very long time so don’t think I won’t be mean to you just because it’s the first day†I nodded trying to see through the mask with no prevail, I could feel him move around on top of me his feet now under my out stretched arms and his tail over my head, I breathed in slightly smelling his hole close to my muzzle I shook my head and grinned, he pushed his hole closer to my muzzle and I began to lick the outside of his hole as the fox moaned slightly he pushed further down and I moved my head back a little pushing my tongue into him, He began to stroke the tip of my member as he moved further down on my muzzle my head moved down onto the bed and my tongue went into him deeper.

â€Now you are a good boy but I want you in deeper†He pushed further down and his hole slowly widened over my muzzle I whimpered struggled slightly but he kept on going down onto me my maw closed as his hole tightened slightly around it, He continued my muzzle going deeper and deeper his soft hand stroking my ever thickening length with one final push my entire maw was inside him I whimpered wanting to breath as he began to ride my muzzle back and forth stroking my length more and more forcefully.

The fox moaned louder taking advantage of me as a toy riding faster and pushing my muzzle in deeply with each push I began to lack oxygen but became more aroused with it, I pushed in as he went down and he began to paw me off continuously moaning, I opened my maw stretching him inside as rode me our lengths reaching an unbearable stiffness, with one final push and paw we both came onto each other my seed landing on his paw and his seed squirting across my belly fur.

He pulled up slightly as I pulled out my breathing slightly heavy the fox giggled and licked the tip of my member before I blacked out.

I awoken a few hours later my movements limited but my eyesight returned to me I looked around large and small toys were hanging off of the walls masks and other bondage items on the table near me, I tried to get up by my paws were cuffed in place on the floor it looked like I was in a bent up position I looked around into a mirror my face was covered in a mask again but no muzzle zipper but this time I had both nostril holes and eyes holes, my body was covered in a leather suit it didn’t look like there was any zips for me to get out and my tail was also covered except for my hole which had a small draft.

I sighed and looked around again not expecting much to happen till I noticed a note just in front of me I began to read whimpering with every word. ‘Hey Labrador sorry about you passing out don’t worry when you read this you should be fine also I’ll be out so don’t you worry by the way we have a special guest with us a very nice horse who I’ve given permission to play with you, always said you liked them big so have fun kisses Eric’.

My eyes widened seeing a muscular horse walk in front of me his face covered with a mask his member already wanting to play with me. He picked up a long nine tailed whip and a type of switch which seemed connected to the suit, with a push of the button the suit began to tighten slightly and I moaned loudly and painfully. The horse pressed the button again and the suit stopped tightening he walked around to my rear and brought the nine tailed whip down onto my exposed hole harshly causing me to scream out loudly into the mask.

The horse continued to whip me a few more times before throwing it aside and stroking my painful rear he did not say a word but his touch stopped me from whimpering, he shifted around and slowly pressed his member against my hole and he slowly pushed in stretching me wide I gasped and tried to move forward his length slowly filling me with every push he grunted and I moaned.

He began to thrust and grunt louder as his rod slowly went deeper inside, I whimpered and shook feeling him pull out and thrust back in going in as deep as possible with each push he continued not caring about my moans of pain after a few minutes of his length I came inside the suit as he continued pounding I looked behind me at him begging for him to stop, He looked back with a grin and shook his head.

â€You’re not going anywhere see your boyfriend didn’t tell you much but you’re my pet now†my eyes widened as I heard his voice, it was my boss and I knew about his pet habit and how he always wanted me.


Authors notes= I thought I’d add a few fetishes this time hehe ^.^ woof woof I think I have a fancy towards foxes.... o well hope you guys liked this one also this took me about a month to write, Also no ideas this is only a story....


One day John, a straight, young and relatively muscular fox was walking through the darkened alleyways of London, he was returning home from his security job at a well known porn industry. He wasn't allowed to go anywhere besides the lobby of the...

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