Mama's New Boarfriend

Story by Eiji Otaka on SoFurry

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A young man finds his doting mother returning home from a blind date with a slob of a new boyfriend who's planning to make her a horny sow that won't rest until her house is turned into sty filled with squealing horny pigs.

This was a commission for the awesome foogo

Mama's New Boarfriend (is a Jerk)

Written by Eiji Otaka

Commissioned by Foogo

Linus was sitting on the couch watching television waiting to hear back from his mom, Linda, about how her date went. The lanky brown-haired 18 year old wasn't too happy that she was trying to date but wanted his mom to be happy so he tried to be supportive. After having his dad walked out, the only man he wanted in her life was him but he knew that wasn't necessarily an option.

Linus did well to cover up his attraction to his own mother, even to himself in some ways. He even got himself a hot 21 year old girlfriend who he's been dating since the start of senior year that got a lot of props from his classmates for.

As he sat on the couch he started thinking of what it would be like having his mom and girlfriend naked and making out but shamed himself out of the fantasy right as he heard the front door unlocked. He adjusted his growing woody as he heard his mom come inside laughing like a school girl. He rose up and walked into the foyer to greet her as she entered.

To his surprise, she wasn't alone. Walking in behind her was the last person he'd think she would even give the time of day. A towering 6'5 man that was nearly fat as he was tall. The guy might have been one to work out from the muscled biceps he had, but his fat beer belly overshadowed any idea of fitness. What was worse, the guy looked like a total slob, wearing a dingy plaid shirt, riddled with stains of food, grease and god knows what else. Linus was taken aback staring down the gross man who had courted his mom enough to get her to bring him home.

"Hahahasnort! You are too funny!" Linda said walking through the door, "Oh hey, Linus honey, my date was wonderful. I want you to meet Rufus. Rufus, This is my son, Linus."

"So this here's yer piglet ya were talking about. Nice meeting ya boy," said Rufus before reaching his grubby hand over and ruffling Linus' hair. Linus already didn't like the guy and the moment he got close a rancid odor burned into his nostrils that nearly made him dizzy.

"Yeah, hey... So when's the last time you took a bath?" said Linus with a bit of venom oozing from his words.

"Linus! That's not how you greet a guest," said Linda admonishing him.

"He stinks mom! I have to ask. Don't act like you don't smell it," said Linus.

"I'd say it's been a few weeks but I ain't got time ta keep up wit that. When you smell like a man, the ladies come runnin' fer a whiff. Ain't that right Sugarplum?" said Rufus proudly.

"Heeheehee, Rufus, you're the manliest hunk I've ever gotten a whiff of," Linda giggled.

Linus grimaced at his mom indulging this smelly bum, and couldn't help but feel a bit humiliated that she thought this guy was leagues manlier than him. He watched as Linda led him through the house giving him a short tour and nearly dropped his jaw to the floor as he saw the tracks of mud the filthy bastard was leaving all over the floor with his dirty boots. Any other time, his mom would nag on him about tracking dirt in the house which she worked so hard to keep clean, and yet this guy gets a pass. The thought almost infuriated Linus, but hoping not to get on his mom's bad side, he bit his tongue.

He did his best to ignore the bizarre situation and go back to watching television. Sitting back on the couch, he tried to absorb himself in his favorite show that he was watching earlier. As his mom, finished giving Rufus a tour of the house, he lumbered into the living room and plopped on the other side of the couch. Linus wasn't going to say anything but then he grabs the remote and changes the channel, stopping on some trashy reality TV show about bartering rednecks.

"What the hell! I was watching that," said Linus starting to lose his cool again. He was just about ready to fight over the remote when his mom walked in, oddly swaying her hips.

"Honey, you get to watch what you want all the time. A good host lets their guest decide on the first visit," Linda says like the doting mother she is while pinching his cheek.

"Alright, alright," said Linus rolling his eyes. He wasn't about to argue with the 5'8 woman. What she lacked in size she made up for in personality. He preferred his curvy, friendly faced mother in a good mood, and didn't want to have her shoulder length brown curly hair turn into vicious snakes from being offended. She probably would have him doing chores all week long if he didn't be nice, and that was the last thing he wanted. He was too busy trying to tread lightly, to notice how much wider her hips seemed and fuller her cheeks were. If anything he was far more critical of the potential freeloader she had brought into their midst.

The brown-haired young man, attempted to distract himself with the garbage on the television but could not help but stare at his mom's trashy new boyfriend from the corner of his eye. It didn't take long for his attention to be completely pulled away from the screen when Rufus unceremoniously propped his muddy boots on the coffee table in the living room.

"What are you doing? Get your boots off the table! This isn't a barn!" said Linus, before looking at his mom incredulously.

"He's right dear, we don't put our shoes on the table," said Linda, much to Linus' relief, "Let me help you with those." His shock could not have come back harder as he watched his mom, bend over and remove Rufus' filthy boots for him, coating her manicured fingers in dirt and grime.

Rufus apparently wasn't one to wear socks as sweaty, size 12 feet were released from their leather prison. The sweat was almost slimy as he aired out his big feet. Unrestrained stench radiated from his soles and toes almost visibly and could clearly be smelled from the other side of the couch along with the big man's pungent body odor.

Linus frowned and pinched his nose, eyes watering a bit as he tried waving away some of the smell. Linda on the other hand seemed a bit entranced as her eyes went glassy. Giving his soggy feet a quick rub as her nostrils deeply inhaled the putrid scent. Her slender fingers swelled into chubby digits as they were coated in Rufus' sweat. Her nostrils flared a bit as the odor meshed with her olfactory senses.

He didn't know how but even with the foul smell starting to permeate in the living room, Linus' stomach grumbled for attention. He momentarily unpinched his nose and decided to see if he could get his mom, to stop doting on the slob in their house and dote on him like she normally does not even noticing her rubbing the guy's filthy feet.

"Mom, can you please get me a bowl of popcorn?" asked Linus, which to his glee his mom stopped pampering Rufus and stood up.

"Sure sweetie, I'll get you the extra butter, just how you like it," said Linda, who started to make her way to the the kitchen.

"Hey Sugarplum, while yer at it, can ya git me a pillow fer ma neck?" said Rufus stopping her in her tracks.

"Sure thing, snugglebum. I can't have my man get a crick in his neck," said Linda without a moment's hesitation. Rufus slaps her ass for encouragement and she giggles as she made a beeline up the stairs to get one of her nice pillows from her bedroom. Each step seemed to make her ass jiggle a bit in her dress as she slowly gained a few pounds around her belly, thighs, and waist. Linus was far too annoyed to notice the relatively minor changes as he looked at Rufus like the man was the devil. Rufus only gave Linus a shit-eating grin in return and wiggled his stinky toes.

"Yer lucky ta have such a hot mama. Gotta say I'm surprised ya ain't tried to pork her yerself, HAHAHAHASNORT!" Said Rufus crudely.

"That's not the least bit funny," said Linus with utter disgust. Sure he thought his mom, was pretty hot but that didn't mean he wanted to hear this fat slob tell him how he should have sex with her regardless of how many times he may have pondered it in his sleep.

"I think I going to go to my room," said Linus as Linda came back down with one of her good pillows.

"Linus, don't be rude, stay here so you and Rufus can get to know each other better," said Linda as she tucked her pillow behind Rufus' sweaty neck.

"I think I've gotten to know Rufus plenty, thank you," said Linus sneering.


"Yes ma'am..." he said relenting to her wishes like the good son he is. He grumbled a bit under his breath as they all watched more TV. Some redneck show about ducks was on, which definitely wasn't his cup of tea.

"Them boys shur know how to hunt! I bet they'd catch a greased hog if they whistled right, HAHASNORT!" said Rufus, making Linda giggle as she sat in his lap.

"Not if it was one of yours!" said Linda teasing Rufus as she rubbed his fat chin. They both laughed and snorted as they swapped jokes about the show and how much they enjoyed it. Linus was too busy grinding his teeth in frustration to take note of his mom's increasingly frequent snorts. What he did notice was the smell in the living room getting worse as the humidity built up. He aired out his shirt a bit to cool down as he could feel the stenchy heat radiate from the grungy man his mom seemed far too enamored with.

"Hey Sugarplum, grab me a beer, I'm startin' ta git a bit thirsty," said Rufus as sweat soaked his plaid shirt.

"Can you please get me one too, mother?" said Linus, hoping to get something out of this torture.

"No, Linus. You just turned eighteen. I can't have you dr-"

"Git tha boy a beer so he can git some hair on his chest, darlin'," said Rufus as he interrupted her.

"Alright... I can't say no to you, Rufus," she smiled before he slapped her ass and made her giggle once more. She walked into the kitchen to oblige him without a moment's hesitation.

Linus was surprised Rufus actually had his back on that one, and starts to have second thoughts about him. Trying to tell himself that maybe the guy wasn't so bad, or maybe he judged him too soon, but those thoughts were quickly tossed to the wind as remembered the guy just slapped his mom's ass like she was some hussy.

Linda returns with two beers and a family sized bag of chips, which Linus thinks is for them all to share. Unsurprisingly, after she handed him his beer, she gave the bottle and bag to Rufus, and said her man probably could use a snack. Linus was bit annoyed at that, considering she completely forgot about his request for popcorn, but it was becoming clear that Rufus was going to get the majority of her attention tonite.

"I must be walking around too much, my feet are aching," said Linda as Rufus chugged his beer and devoured handfuls of chips. He watched with a crumb-covered grin as she removed her oddly tight shoes to reveal swollen feet and chunky fat toes that were almost dripping with warm sweat as a palpable stink flowed from them. They were nearly as bad as Rufus', just a few sizes smaller, but she just seemed relieved her shoes were off her feet.

"You got tha cutest stubby toes I din seen," said Rufus before he finished off the last of his beer, " come sit in ma lap so you can rest those cankles."

Linda happily obeyed, and sat back down in his lap. He was soon rubbing her back while she fed him chips, and giggled as he squeezed her thickening thighs. Linda wasn't even thinking of her son sitting on the other side of the couch as Rufus rubbed further towards the inside of her thigh. Suddenly, the background noise of the show was interrupted with the ripping sound of flatulence.

BBRRRRRRRTTTTT! Rufus farted so loud the sound of the television was temporarily drowned out as a light brown haze rose from the couch under him.

"Linus! HeeheeheheSNORT!" yelled a giggling Linda like some stupid school girl.

"Whut?! It's natural," chortled Rufus, "Even women do it. Go on. Give it a try girl." He quickly pinches her ass cheek as encouragement and she gasps as a fart just as smelly as his shoots out.

BBBBBRRRRRTTTT! Her slightly chubby cheeks blushed with embarrassment until Rufus took a deep sniff in delight and said "That's my Sugarplum." Feeling encouraged and aroused she giggled and snorted before she kissed him. Their noses pressed up against each other until they broke the kiss which left hers upturned a bit.

The display of affection was bad enough, but the stink in the living room had easily multiplied from the two's farts, leaving a heady stench the that started to make Linus dizzy as he started to sweat a bit himself.

"I think I'm going to be sick," Linus said, swaying a bit.

"You can lay down in bed and rest for a bit if you want, honeybun," said Linda, not liking the idea of her baby not feeling well. Linus quickly takes this opportunity to make his way to his bedroom. He pulls out his phone as he closes his bedroom door, wanting to call his girlfriend, Trish, and vent.

With a few rings, a velvety voice answered the phone and said, "Hey baby, how are you doing?"

Linus couldn't hold back his pent up frustration and worry now that Trish was on the phone.

"I've been feeling like crap, honestly. My mom brought her new boyfriend over after one date, and the guy's a total pig. I'm talking fat, foodstains, smelly, shitty redneck attitude, the whole nine yards!"

"I would have never expected Linda to date someone like that," said Trish, clearly hearing the distress in her boyfriend's voice.

"I know! It's completely out of character for her, and she's been acting weird all evening. Giggling and snorting like some drunken schoolgirl, completely ignoring me unless I say something she doesn't like about Rufus as if he doesn't smell like a filthy barn. And I mean he stinks bad! She even let the guy walk in the house with muddy boots and prop his feet on the table!"

"Wow, that really does sound like something's going on over there."

"No doubt about it! When I said something about his shoes being on the table, I thought she might've gathered some of her senses when she agreed with me, but you know what she did?

"What?" said Trish, now pulled in.

"She took his dirty boots off for him, and I think even rubbed his feet before letting him prop his sweaty as feet back on the table!" said Linus barely believing it himself as he retold what happened.

"Oh my gosh! Really!? That's unheard of. What woman in her right mind would do that, after a first date no less?"

"I know. I think something may seriously be wrong. She may even be drugged or something. I don't know how he may have did it but it's even affecting me I think. After spending all afternoon with them, my heads been spinning. Maybe it was when I drank that beer or something but I just had to lay down. I wanted to talk to you first just in case something happens though."

"I don't think anything bad will happen, baby. Sometimes women stumble over a bad guy or two before they find the right one."

"Yeah maybe you're right. Thanks for listening, Trish. I think I'm going to rest up here a bit until he leaves."

"Love you, baby."

"Love you, too," said Linus as he hung up the phone. Laying back on his bed, he did his best to ignore the laughter bouncing up the stairs, closing his eyes as he thought of Trish.

Her lightly tanned skin that encapsulated her curvy figure that was well proportioned to her height, with luscious red hair that hinted well at her mixed heritage was the envy of many. Linus thought about all the guys in his class that hated and praised him for catching such an attractive older woman, just shy of college graduation. She got him alcohol and he got her flowers, but those things were nothing to the sexual gratification they gave each other. She had taken his virginity and he didn't regret it in the slightest, each time after getting better and making him forget how much he was actually attracted to his mom. But every now and then, he would dream about them both pleasing him, and each time he woke up feeling ashamed at his perversion. It didn't take long for him to drift off, the dizziness fading into to sleep.

Meanwhile, back downstairs Linda and Rufus were on the couch getting to know each other better. She now was straddling his lap, feeling the obvious bulge in his stained jeans as they kissed and made out vigorously. Their tongues danced flopped around each others mouths as her body got just as sweaty as his. Her armpits soaked stains into the sides of her dress, while her own body odor grew exponentially, though still paling in comparison to his. Rufus rubbed his grubby hands over her thicker form, enjoying how Linda had plumped up a little since they had arrived to her house that afternoon. Her now thoroughly buxom body turned him on and he figured is was time to test if she was ready to go the next level of being a fat horny pig that was just as sloppy and smelly as he was. He rubbed over her thighs before reaching around to her ass, rubbing those rounded fat cheeks before he slid his grubby fingers over a peculiar nub sitting between her buttcheeks, which caused her to snort loudly as it twitched. Rufus grinned sinisterly as he broke their kisses, and sat her increasingly plump form on the couch.

"I gots ta use tha shitter. I'll be back," said Rufus as he got up.

"It's at the foot of the stairs, honeybun," said Linda as she arduously watched Rufus waddle his way to the bathroom. Her look of attraction didn't fade in the slightest, even as he scratched his ass and hairy belly that peeked under his stained wifebeater and plaid shirt.

Once inside with door closed, he grimaced at how tidy the place was and decided to make a few adjustments once he made this house a proper sty. He moans a bit as the sweat over his body thickened to an almost slimy consistency before it steamed off his skin as his body temperature rose and his stench more than doubled. He snorted as he dropped his pants, clearly having gone commando as a thick footlong cock with an oily foreskin packed with thick juices and a slight corkscrewed tip drizzling precum was revealed. The buttons on his red plaid shirt popped off as his hairy gut swelled out even more, stretching his wifebeater his flesh filled his shirt to the brim. The sleeves popped open at the cuffs as his arms packed on even more muscle, biceps bulging through to give a clear outline of his corded muscle. His fingernails turned dirt black as his fat fingers merged into thick strong three fingered hoof-hands. His fat chin doubled as his flaring nostrils dribbled green snot while his nose upturned to give a clear view into the wet mucousy caverns before it merged with his upper lip. His nose and mouth cracked forward as thick yellow tusks rose up from his bottom lip and thick drool hung from his porcine snout. His softball-sized nuts churned slowly as a thick tail spiraled out his spine. Sweaty fat feet mutated, toes extending and merging into two chubby hooftipped toes that were far from human. The boarman gave a tusked smiled in the mirror as he looked at himself, enjoying the stink rising off his true form as his wide pointy ears flopped over at the top of his head. His stomach gurgled to remind him of what he needed to do. He sat on the toilet to do his business, and his cock leaked tainted precum all over the floor before he started farting near constantly as he released his bowels. The bathroom filled with a dense foggy brown mist that left a film over the mirrors and shower curtain, even staining the porcelain from a fresh clean white to a dingy yellow.

After finishing, Rufus stood up and pulled up his pants, keeping them up with one hand. He wiped some of the brown condensation from the mirror with a thick hoof hand to give himself a once over before changing back into his human form. His size barely decreased with the change, just the majority of his porcine features except for his cock which was still hard. Rufus stroked his cock a couple times before spurting yellowish clear fluids into his reflection and over the faucet before stuffing his cock back in his pants to leave, the shaft clearly tenting his britches.

The moment he stepped out of the bathroom, Linda got up from the couch and met him halfway, rubbing his belly seductively.

"I thought you were going to be in there forever, handsome. I need to use the restroom myself now, if you'll excuse me," said Linda looking at Rufus with a loving smile.

"Be my guest," said Rufus as went to the couch and plopped down, spreading his legs as he grinned almost sinisterly and waited.

Linda thought about how great her date has been as she opened the bathroom door a was hit with a wave of stench as a brown fog swept over her. She gagged, as she was momentarily knocked from her trance from the sharp shock of the odor. She panicked a bit as she remembered meeting her blind date for lunch and coffee, and how repulsed she was at his appearance. How after getting his name, Rufus, she was ready to politely tell him he wasn't what she was looking for. The fleeting memory of him knocking her muffin onto the floor accidently and picking it up to give her a clear view of his hairy asscrack before farting a cloud of gas into her face, fresh in her mind. Unfortunately, just as back then the pervasive odors muddled her mind and her eyes glazed over once again. Now she was only thinking about how great Rufus was, even though he stunk up her bathroom.

"You should have flushed, honeybun," said Linda as the flushed the toilet for him. The act did nothing to help the pungent smell though, as she started to get dizzy and her nostrils dripped a bit as they flared and took in more of the corruptive heady musk.

Linda started sweating profusely, as the mist layered over her skin. Bristly hairs sprouted up here and there while her slightly pointed ears widened and grew pointier before they slid up her head and flopped over. The mutative stench started to roll to the back of her mind as she lifted her oddly tighter dress to sit her bubbly fat ass on the oily toilet seat. Her jiggly cheeks expanded further with the act of squatting, which caused her lower spine to crack and extend the sensitive nub between her bodaciously fat butt cheeks out into a curly chubby pig's tail. The changing brain chemistry in her mind warped the putrid stench into a powerful aphrodisiac as her nostrils flared even more and slightly pushed out, causing a bit of green snot to drip from her left nostril. She snorts loudly, nostrils taking in the swinish stinky fog like two vents oozing mucus as her eyes flutter and she moans in ecstasy from rotund cheeks. Her labia, dripping wet with piling arousal, swelled in size. Bushy brown hair sprouted up from her previously well trimmed crotch that was already soaked with a mixture of her sweat and increasingly tainted honey. A twisted, increasingly inhuman odor wafted from her wet rug of a snatch.

She moaned uncontrollably when her breasts expanded from their previously modest B cups to hefty Cs until her mammary glands went into overdrive and pushed them into big veiny D cups straining with tainted sow milk that was fit for a fat slut mama. Her nipples thickened and stretched, turning from pink to brown as her big sweaty tits ripped open the 'V' of her dress to free themselves, thick blue veins pulsing under her camel beige skin as her bust surpassed the confines of her clothing. Sow like teats started to dribble a thick yellowish milk as wide areolas grew sprigs of hair. Linda's mind was twisting from the porcine stink soaking into her. Thoughts warped and rearranged to resemble something more bestial and filth oriented. Her stomach grew further into a fat jiggly potbelly that had thick fur like hair creeping past her belly button from her soppy wild cunt that plumped up three times in size and oozed increasingly corrupted nectar. Her body grew with waves of tubby fat, arms and legs covered in a thick layer of her new corpulent cells as they dusted with a light coating of bristly brown hair. Her floral dress was ripped at the seams but clung on to her perspiring portly body, her sleeveless hairy arms jiggling as she massaged her aching breasts with chubby black nailed hands. Her underarms carried congealed sweat as wild thick hair bloomed from them, dripping almost slimy perspiration as her body's stench changed rapidly from that of an unwashed human's to that of a slobby filth-born sow's. Linda's brain contorted and changed with perverse corruption as her way of thinking became more suited to that of a slutty southern-bred sow with little more than a barn's education, hair growing long, curlier, and wild as it reached the middle of her sweaty back. She farted long and loud, filling the bathroom with nearly double the brown fog as when she walked in, and snapped out of her reverie as she realized she was done doing her dirty business. Thick hairy legs jiggled as Linda got up and readjusted her straining big breasts before waddling her fat ass out the bathroom.

A wave of brown gas followed Linda as she waded out the the bathroom. The odor flowing around the living room was three times more potent than it was before, leaving the area hazed with mutative stink. She saw Rufus on the couch, looking positively porkish, with his legs wide open and stroking his musky cock as he looked at her with a fat grin. She nearly squealed in lust and trotted over while she licked her lips. She quickly was on her knees, looking directly at Rufus' oily footlong cock. The foreskin was coated with thick yellow cock cheese while a thick slightly curled tip poked through and oozed porcine precum. Big hairy balls slowly churned below as fumes reeking of sex rose from them and his crotch before being sucked in the two wet vacuums that were her nostrils. She felt a bit lightheaded while a string of green mucus fell from her nostrils. Something in the back of her head told her to not to go any further, making her hesitate, but Rufus was quick to give her the nudge she needed. He slid his big grimy hands around the back of her head and guided her sweaty face to his big wobbling cock. Her drooling lips wrapped around his shaft, and the taste of pure swinish male sex flooded her palette. Linda's eyes glazed over as she started sucking, a new hunger grumbling in her belly and brain, pushing her to go further and further down his cock. Her fattening tongue swirled under his foreskin scooping up a wad of his smegma before she swallowed the gummy substance. Her tainted hunger ignited to a new level as the viscous glob fell into her stomach. In seconds she had his cock pushing at the back of her throat before forcing it down. Her gag reflex was a thing of the past as the fat boar cock coated her esophagus with precum.

Rufus grunted and snorted in pleasure as his soon-to-be slobby sow slobbered all over his throbbing shaft. Her throat massaged his cock as her nose and mouth pressed forward, cracking and shifting forward into a proto-snout as her nostrils pressed into Rufus' musky crotch. The pungent aroma had her eyes water and roll up, cooking her brain with piggish hormones as the whites of her eyes yellowed. Linda's long fat tongue lathered Rufus' spire, and rubbed his bloated sweaty balls with her grubby fingers, the bristley sprigs there tickling her fat palms as she felt them slowly rise and fall. Her other hand gripped his thigh as he curled his filthy fingers into her sweat soiled hair and pressed his cock further down her throat. Her esophagus kneaded his cock as she snorted around it. The taste drove her to her prize, making her suck harder as her stomach grumbled and growled.

"Aaaw yeah, Sugarplum. That's tha spot. Ya ready for this gravy? SNORT! Yeah! Here it cums ya fat sow! WREEEEEEEE!" Rufus goaded and squealed as his balls rose up and surged his load through his veiny shaft. Thick jets of warm corruptive hog spunk sprayed directly into Linda's stomach, and made her potbelly expand even more as she gorged on the pork sausage. Her snout pushed out into completion as thick tusks rose from her jaw, framing the shaft spurting hoggish cock cream into her gullet. The jizz filled her to the brim, before backing up her throat and coating Rufus' cock as he pulled out. His cock withdrew, covered in salty swine slime, as strings of semen hung from her lips.

"That wus good, BRRUURRRP!" said Linda with a cummy burp. Her mind was fully corrupted now, lost within a concoction of sow lust, and backwoods brain chemistry. She looked at Rufus, with a dull, almost stupid grin.

"Good job, Sugarplum. Now git your hog another beer. I'mma bit thirsty after feedin' ya," said Rufus stroking her fat cheek.

Linda snorted and was about to oblige him, when she thought of Linus upstairs.

"Give me a sec, snugglebum. I gotta check on ma piglet," said Linda, before trotting upstairs without a second's delay, the steps creaking under her much higher weight.

Rufus, was a bit annoyed but didn't let it keep him from grinning. He was soon going have a hot sowslut and a filthy sty that was much bigger than his old one. The boy wouldn't be a problem much longer either once she was done with him. Might even have him calling him 'papa' after he's been porked up. Yup, he'd have a sty filled with filthy pigs to call his own in no time and he couldn't wait.

Linda crept up to Linus' door and called his name to no response. Opening up his room she found him lying on the bed, napping. She gave a porkish, motherly smile as she thought of how adorable he looked but was dismayed to find her piglet so skinny and malnourished. Her aching tits that visibly strained with milk, gave her the instinctive response to seeing her offspring so hungry-looking in her eyes. She leant over Linus, her porcine stench radiated around him before she pulled out her dripping teat from her torn dress and pressed it to his lips. The stench influenced his subconscious to point where his mouth opened reflexively and he started to suckle, and drank down gulps of her pork polluted milk as she moaned from being milked the most natural way a sow could.

This went on for minutes, and she could see the effects already setting in as his face rounded out a bit, fatty cells starting to multiply in his body. She snorted and moaned as the pressure in her breast lessened, sighing in relief before she switched teats for him to suckle. The act of nursing her piglet caused her sow hormones to surge and fill her mammary glands. With every suckle they slowly expanded until her D cups pushed into DDs with greenish blue veins becoming more prominent over the taut skin. A dribble of green snot fell from her snout as she sniffed in his scent, and noticed the it started to change as well, gaining an underlying arousal. She looked over to see his shorts clearly outlining a hard cock. Her twisted mind thought nothing of it and soon she was stroking his cock tent while he drank, watching with glee as precum stained where the tip was.

The affectionately perverse moment was interrupted when Linda suddenly farted. The loud expulsion of gas woke Linus, and his eyes fluttered open before they filled with shock to see her teat in his mouth. He looked up to see the barely recognizable porcine face of his mother and started to panic as he pushed her away.

"M-M-Mom? What the hell are you doing!? What's going on here!? Y-You're a fucking pig! Why do you look like some disgusting pig!?" Linus yelled as he started to hyperventilate, his woody unnoticed.

Linda slapped him with a surprisingly heavy hand, "Calm down boy, that ain't no way ta talk to yer mama. Now git down them there stairs and git tha table ready fer supper."

Linus was shocked that his mom doesn't seem to realize she's changed and was at a loss for words. Still the thought of how all this was wrong still was there, and he started to hyperventilate again as his panic rose. He's so caught in his own thoughts he does not pay any attention to Linda getting up and turning to leave the room. He's about to have an anxiety attack when a sudden gaseous fart to his face cloaks him in a brown fog, and settles his nerves as he inhaled deeply. The mutative odor leaking from her rear mixed with the corruptive milk warped his thought processes as his nose slightly upturned. His urgent questions washed away under the need to do what his 'mama' told him as he got up and left his room.

Cock leading the way, he goes downstairs in almost a trance. His nostrils flared and his nose upturned more as he passed the sullied bathroom that was rank with swine funk. He didn't even notice the hoggish Rufus sitting in the living room and walked into the kitchen to see his mama throwing all kinds of food into a blender before she filled the gruel into a pot and repeated the process.

Linus stood there watching his mom from behind in a lustful blank. He momentarily forgot what he was supposed to be doing as the sight of her fat ass captivated him. It was so big and bouncy, filled with fat that accentuated her wide birthing hips. Her dress had blatant tears, showing swaths of plump flesh that was discolored with stretch marks from her increased size. The way her rump swayed had his cock twitching as he stood there before a loud snort snapped him out of it. Remembering his task he sets the table with big bowls, not thinking to lay out any utensils as Rufus waddles in and pats him on the back.

"That sow shur knows how ta cook. Guess we both lucked up hahahaSNORT!" said Rufus sitting down. Linus watched his mom pour the three bowls full of the sloppy mixture and before he could sit down and say grace, her and Rufus were gorging on the gruel like no tomorrow. He watched with awe as she changed further while she ate. Her chubby fingers fused into fat blacknailed hoof hands as she gripped the bowl her snout was dug into. Mutated fingers covered in sweat and food grime while they lost any semblance to their former petite selves. The act of feeding seemed to fuel her change as two rows of nipples pressed against her tight dress. Fat built under them as the taut fabric covering them ripped apart and sweaty fat flesh broke free. Perspiring C cup breasts pushed out under her sagging DDs in three pairs, veins pulsing under the skin as they all oozed yellowish milk that rolled down her belly and dripped to the floor. Her cankles swelled until they were fatty ham hocks and her filthy feet popped and her toes stiffened. The nails turned a thick crusty black as her toes fused and extended into fat portly digits that looked like a ninja turtle's.

In minutes, both her and Rufus ate seconds and thirds, belching and snorting all the while Linus watched with disgusted awe. The animalistic display having pushed him out of his stench induced lust trance even with waves of funk radiating off their bodies so close to him.

Having emptied the pot and her bowl, Linda looked up with snout dripping with slop to see Linus had not even sat down.

"Whut are ya doin' just standin' there boy? Eat yer slop 'fore it gets eaten fer ya" said Linda, completely snapping Linus out of his trance.

"I-I'm not hungry mom. I seriously think something is wrong here. Y-Y-You don't even look human!" shouted Linus. Rfuus didn't waste a moment before he grabbed Linus' bowl and started devouring the slop within much to Linda's annoyance.

Despite Linus' protests, Linda's floppy ears could hear his stomach grumble in hunger and that was more than enough incite her.

"No piglet of mine is goin' to go unfed," Linda said forcefully, and rose up from the table. Scraps of cloth that was her floral dress fell from her plump naked body to reveal sweaty sow flesh and she trotted over to Linus as he tried to back away. Quickly knocking him to the floor, Linda pins him down and straddles him as she snorts, "Ya jus' need a good feedin' and fuckin' and you'll be right as rain in no time. Now be a good piglet and drink mama's milk!"

She tore away his shorts to reveal his throbbing seven inch cock poking through his boxers. She sat her pulsating fat cunt over his shaft as she forced a leaking teat as thick as a thumb into his mouth. Linus tried resisting the instinctive urge to suck when Linda squeezed her straining breast and caused a jet of sow milk to fill his mouth. The taste of her sugary infected dairy was too much to ignore, his tastebuds already having reformed to acquire a taste for a sow's lactose. He started suckling as his cock twitched. The feel of her fat hairy cunt enveloping his cock was enough to make him thrust up instinctively as he drank Linda's milk. Her juicy folds massaged his cock, lathering it with sow slime as it pulsed inside her.

Linus' cock thickened and lengthened in her walls, twitching as she bounced her ass into his crotch and slowly pushing to 8 inches, then 9 before settling into a fat foreskinned 10 inch phallus while his balls churned below. The masculine orbs that were soaked in Linda's juices inflated and filled with virile corrupt hog seed pushing his nuts to the size of apples. The potent milk filling his belly made it expand, causing his shirt to ride up with a gut that looked like he had chugged beer all his life. Corruptive vitamins filled his body with strength as his ribcage expanded and his pecs filled out with muscle. Linus was becoming the piglet on the cusp of being a boar from Linda's force feeding. He thighs fattened under her weight, no longer feeling crushed as they grew the musculature to support an overweight frame. His skinny arms that had flailed in resistance slowed and laid prone as they pumped with muscle and a thick layer of fat. His biceps bulged as they hunger and lust overtook him, before increasingly meaty hands grabbed the fat tit providing him nutrients and massaged to get harder gushes of milk from it. Linus' ears pointed and widened as he drank, upturned nose cracking forward slightly as he became more and more of a fat hog. His thoughts were muddled, forgetting that anything was wrong as he suckled his mama's teat eagerly. His eyes glazed over as his mind wandered, thinking only of horny swine breeding and feeding like they were supposed to. Rufus watched with a dirty grin as Linda brought her son into the fold, and slowly stroked his cock from the incestuous rape and feeding.

Trish had gotten a bit worried after a while, and tried calling Linus to no answer. She thought something may have been wrong, and went to his house to see if everything was okay. Even though the door was locked, she had been to Linus' house enough times to know where they kept the spare and took the key under the third rock by the door to unlock it. She didn't know what to expect but the last thing she thought was to be hit by a wave of potent musk. She nearly gagged from the smell and walked in the foyer.

"Linus? You in here?" she weakly called out as she followed the sounds she heard from the kitchen. Creeping in, she was horrified to see a fat pig woman pinning down what looked to be her boyfriend as he sucked on her breast. That wasn't all either, as the sight of the sow woman's stretch-mark riddled ass bouncing on his naked crotch told her he was being fucked as well. Not sure what to think with a wave of disgusted emotions sweeping over her, she was distracted long enough for Rufus to close in. When she realized she was being approached by a fat pigman she tried to screamed as he grabbed her wrists. Unfortunately her scream was cut short as he lathered her mouth with his drooling, food dripping snout. Her cries were muffled as his thick tongue pushed into the back of her throat and he forced her against the wall. His sweaty stink covered her as he forced himself onto her, and ripped away the panties under her yellow skirt.

In no time Rufus is grinding his cock against her, staining her skirt and blouse with his musky precum, and taking pleasure with the fact that her struggling weakened with every inhale of his corruptive odor. Her lithe, athletic body was being cradled by his while he felt her chest slowly rise and fall with each breath. Trish's mind grew cloudy from the pungent smell around her as she was forced to gulp down the pig's saliva. Her tears started to dry with her eyelids weighing heavier.

"Got you a fine one Linus. Though she's a bit too skinny fer me. I'll have ta give her tha concentrated treatment," said Rufus as he bent Trish over the table and lifted her skirt as he aimed his cock. With a quick spurt, he coated her ass and exposed pussy with his yellowed precum before he shoved his footlong pole inside her tight vagina.

Trish's eyes widened as she was shocked out of the trance from the sudden penetration, and started to struggle once more. Rufus on the other hand wasn't in the mood for any fuss and was quick to remedy it by digging one of his hoof hands into his slimy armpit while he kept her pinned down, and rubbed the musky infectious grime over her face. The pure concentrated boar musk seared her mind with piggy pollution, and made her eyes roll up as her nose upturned. The skin of her ass having soaked up his pre starts to swell with jiggly fat as bristles of hair sprout up on her cheeks. Her fattening rump begins reflexively bouncing against his crotch as her pussy is speared. She moaned and drooled on the tablecloth in building pleasure as the rancid cock buried deeper and deeper into her pussy. Her well-shaved pussy is stretched wide around the boar's shaft, coated in his precum as the hair sprouts up. The reddish hair grows and thickens from completely shaved to a trimmed snatch until it spreads wildly into an unkempt jungle of red vines soaking with honey and tainted precum. Her cunt plumps up with every thrust until it is over three times in size, juicy folds squishing and slurping over the cock filling them. Trish's thighs jiggle and swell as blubber packs into them and her ass exponentially, his bristly skin covered in a sheen of sweat as the expanding flesh streaks with stretch marks. Trish is overwhelmed from the raw fucking she's getting, the stench around her coupled with the sweaty boar slime on her face giving her a direct dose of mind twisting corruption. She licks up the sweat from her lips with a fattening tongue as she eagerly bounces her ass against the hog cock drilling into her. Nostrils start to flare and drip as she snorts in the stink that is becoming increasingly attractive. She groans as her nose fuses with her upper lip and shifts forward, cartilage cracking as her face slowly pushes into a porcine snout. Her formerly taut abs, giving way to fatty sow cells as she grows a paunchy belly. Her C cup breasts grow along with her tummy to start straining her black blouse. Increasingly chubby hands gripped the ends of the table as she rocked her hips into Rufus' thrusts.

The bra under her shirt snaps as her tits grow out into D cups and then filled with infected sow milk as they bulge into DDs. Her blouse started to tear at the seams as her milk filled jugs ripped through the front, brown nipples stretching into thumb thick teats as they dribbled yellow milk and were pressed against the table. The sow hormones were reconfiguring her body and mind to that of a slobby beast's while fatty flesh built under her skin. Her ears pointed and rose up through her red hair before growing wide and flopping over while her luscious locks grew wild and damp with perspiration. Her beautiful tanned face looking just as much like a swine's as it did a woman's as her flaring nostrils leaked, and her chin doubled under itself. Formerly manicured fingernails flaked and turned a crusty black as her fingers became thick and chubby before fusing into sweaty hoof hands. Trish's skirt lifted up as a thick tail curled out of her fat tanned ass. Her brain was soaked with regressively sow-minded thoughts and instincts while her skin dripped with pungent sweat. Being bred, pushing out piglets, eating and being filthy were the cornerstones of her psyche as her mind reformed around this logic. Her body shook with ecstasy as Rufus plowed into her like a jackhammer, their wild mating knocking the bowls off the table as her dripping tits soaked the tablecloth with milky yellow stains. Her dark areolas growing sprigs of hair as bluish veins pulsed under the skin of her breasts. Her plump arms and calves shading with bristly red hair as her feet ripped through her flats. The toes merged into two thick chubby digits with thick black keratin capping the tips. She could feel the heat in her pussy searing her brain as she got closer and closer to orgasm, snorting and moaning like the swine hybrid she had become.

Linus was busy guzzling his mama's milk like the good piglet he wanted to be, his final changes just a close orgasm away, when he was drawn to the increasingly frequent sound of his girlfriend's moans that were being interrupted by snorts more and more. His mind clawed through the haze until he heard her squeal like a sow in orgasm with Rufus squealing right after. He looked over to see his sow of a girlfriend convulsing in ecstasy as gushs of yellow corruptive hog cum and infected sow syrup spill from her jiggly fat hairy cunt onto the floor in a steamy perverse puddle. Musky fumes rose from the fluids as they rutted like beasts. Rationale broke through his lust and hunger and he pulled his mama's leaking teat from his proto-snout.

Before the maternal sow, that Linda had become could say anything, she was pushed off of Linus as he was on the brink of orgasm to her surprise. He rushes to Trish and Rufus, ignoring his increased weight as Rufus unplugged Trish's now soppy pussy. Linus is far too freaked out to be as angry as he wants to be at seeing the yellow sludge ooze from Trish's cunt, and grabs her hoof hand. He wastes no time to pull her away, guiding her out the house in a hurry to reach his car.

"Get in the car, we have to get out of here," said Linus as they both squeezed in and he started the engine up.

"Why are we leavin' tha sty, Suga," said Trish with a thick country drawl. Linus is confused as he tries to think of an answer, his mind still subject to the porcine hormones reprogramming it.

"I'm not sure, babe. I just think something is wrong," said Linus as his chubby hands gripped the steering wheel and they started driving off.

"Tha only thang that's wrong is ya'll din't save any slop fer me, but I know where ta git a good meal," said Trish, staring at his still beaming hard cock that stood 10 inches with the tip draped in thick musky foreskin. She was obviously now a sow slut in body and mind and her lusty hunger hadn't been satiated. She bent over and and forced her snout around his cock and started giving Linus a blowjob, the pleasure causing him to slowly stop the car. Her short tusks framed his cock as her head bobbed up and down the shaft, licking and sucking it to its peak. Linus snorted and thrust his hips as his cock pushed out another inch to 11 hard inches when the tip corkscrewed in his sow's snout. His body was covered in sweat, the fluids congealed at his hairy armpits and his ears rose through his hair before they flopped over. His face cracked and shifted, pushing out into a completely porkish snout with thick large tusks rising from his bottom lip. His fat hairy ass cheeks parted a bit when a pig tail curled out his spine. Linus shoes whined and ripped apart as his mutating feet burst through them, fat toes fusing as his fingers gripping the wheel did the same. He pressed his sweaty hooflike foot against the brake as his balls rose up in the orgasm he denied himself earlier.

"WREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Linus squealed out in unrestrained orgasm as the last legs of his human mind collapsed under the weight of hoggish hormones and brain chemistry. His cock spewed quarts of fully corrupted cum down Trish's fat throat, his leg twitching with pleasure as his change completed. The corrupted meal, washes the last remnants of Trish's humanity when the whites of her eyes turn yellow and her blouse rips open with three fleshy rows of veiny C cup breasts straining with milk grow under her primary DD tits that push into F cups. Drool poured down his snout into the bristly hairs on his double chin as green mucus fell from his nostrils and the whites of his eyes turned a dirty yellow like his sweaty sow's.

"We better git back to tha sty before mama gits mad," said Linus with a mind just as warped as his girlfriend's, and turns the car around.

When they get home, Linus is happy to see Rufus breeding into his mom, like the swine they are. He can only think how he wants a be as good a boar as Rufus, and how much of a father figure the hog is to him.

"WREEEEEEEE! Good ta see ya two piglets made it back 'fore Sugarplum got her panties in a bunch," said Rufus with a grin as he came inside Linda.

"SNORTSNORT! I dun' wear any panties to git bunched ya sexy hog, WREEEEEE!" Linda teased as she orgasmed.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," said Rufus, slapping Linda's blubbery ass and pulling out, "Say Linus, what say we let these sow sluts have at it fer a bit?"

"Sounds like swell idear to me, I'm glad yer mama's new boarfriend" said Linus as he and Rufus plopped on the couch. Linda and Trish grunt and snort as they grind up against each other, drinking each other's tainted milk while the two boars jack off and watch. The place was well on its way to being a sty they could be proud with a few more cumstains and filth to make it feel right at home. Rufus had turned these pristine humans into filthy porkers he could call family and he couldn't wait to have the place filled with more dirty pigs.

The four anthro swine enjoyed the stench and family fucking until their floppy ears heard Trish's sister ring the doorbell. Looks like the sty had another to make squeal with corrupted lust.

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