Open Content Story: Doggie for Rent

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by Heru on FA, this is a little story of a useless jock being made useful by his dragon landlord, and finally paying a bit of the overdue rent.

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Doggie for Rent for Heru By Draconicon

Aaron sighed as he knocked on Hank's door. He could already imagine the excuses for this month, but the dragon wasn't going to take the husky's reasons for not paying today. After three months, the dog needed to take some responsibility.

The door opened to reveal the bleary-eyed husky, and the red dragon shook his head. His tenant was barely on his feet and it was already almost noon. He wouldn't have been surprised if the canine had been out and about partying or something; these younger men were always getting into trouble and expecting the world to get them back out of it.

He pushed the door open without a word, stepping inside past the complaining dog. A glance in the corners showed more trash than he'd like, and there was enough ripped carpet around to make him suspect a cat. Yet another thing he was hoping not to see. He shook his head, looking over his shoulder.

"You're behind on your rent still, Hank."

"Hey, I'm good for it. Or...will be. I just gotta get a job, and you'll have everything you need."

"That was your excuse last month."

"Well, it ain't gonna be much longer. I got a lead."

"That was the excuse on the first month." Aaron shook his head, holding up a hand to forestall the next excuse. "I don't want to hear it. I want to see some money."

"...But I don't have any."

"Heh, well then, we have an issue, don't we?"

He turned around, crossing his arms as he looked down at the husky. Hank slouched, which made the size difference between them all the more drastic. A dog barely over five feet definitely didn't match up with a dragon over seven feet tall.

Aaron held the glare with the dog for nearly a minute before smirking.

"I might have another way you can pay your rent."


"Yeah. Just for a month, unless that job STILL doesn't come through. Then it's gonna be much worse."

"What is it, man? I'll do anything."

"You dogs like bones, right?"

Aaron would have laughed at the dog's surprised blinking, but he was more interested in getting something out of the lazy tenant than anything else. He reached down to his jeans, unzipping them without a word. His cock, a solid 9 inches of soft dragon meat, flopped into his palm, and Hank stared wide-eyed at it. The dragon dragged his hand up and down it a few times, slowly teasing it to hardness.

"You doggies like a good bone, don't you?"

"U-usually not that kind..."

"Heh, well, you'll learn to like it, or out you go. Get on your knees, boy."

He half expected to see the dog throw him out, but Hank must have been more desperate than he looked. That, or the dog was just ready to obey a well-toned command. The husky got down on his knees, and slowly crawled across the floor. Aaron kept stroking himself the whole time, smiling as his cock slowly got hard.

By the time that the husky was in front of him, the nine inches of dragon cock had grown erect, topping out at fourteen inches. It throbbed and swelled, and the tip was even slightly wet with pre. The dragon saw Hank's eyes haze over for a second before the dog shook his head, and he knew it wouldn't be the last time that happened today.

"I'm sure you know this trick, boy. Beg."

"I'm not -"

"Don't talk. Dogs don't talk to their masters. Beg for my cock."

Aaron smacked the husky's cheek with his cock, leaving a wet spot behind as the dog looked up at him with a whimper. The husky pulled his hands up, holding them to his chest like a real dog, and the red dragon smiled.

He grabbed the husky's head and pulled him in, making him take a good sniff of his musk. He felt the puff of air over his shaft, and heard the soft gasp that came after as the dog got his first scent. The slightly glazed look returned to the husky's eyes, and the dragon grinned. That would stick around for a while; he had seen it happen more than a few times with the reluctant renters around here.

After a few forced sniffs, he could tell that the husky was starting to get into the mood. The bulge in the canine's pants against his leg, as well as the couple of small thrusts from him, were all the clues that the dragon needed to have. The husky was falling into the thrall of anyone that smelled a dragon.

"That's it. Now give it a few licks, boy. I want you to get my cock dripping."

"Y-yes -"

"What did I say about talking?"


"Heh, better. Now get licking."

Hank's tongue was surprisingly dexterous around the dragon's cock, the dog managing to curl it around the shaft in ways that the building owner didn't expect. He grinned, dragging the husky's face along the side of his shaft, making sure that the boy always had a good nose full of musk to go with. The hazy-eyed look was getting stronger and stronger, and Aaron knew that his hold was getting more and more powerful.

He dragged the husky's lips up to his cock head, and forced the tip down the dog's throat. It took more than a few thrusts to get past that gag reflex - or at least, to get the husky to not care about it - but when he did, he groaned at the pleasure it brought. He humped back and forth, thrusting his massive cock down the dog's throat, feeling the husky clamp down on him. The soft sounds of wet gags only made him harder.

"Heh...doggy likes his bone, huh? If I didn't have to go get more rent later, I'd stay here and bury it under that slutty tail of yours. Bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?"

The husky grunted, the sound almost like a muffled bark to the dragon's ears. Just what he wanted to hear, really. Aaron panted, thrusting the boy's head down his cock again and again, feeling his cock throb harder and his balls start to draw up.

At the last second, however, he pulled out. He panted, looking down at the gasping husky, saliva connecting his cock to the pup's mouth with long, thick strings of goo. It made it look like the husky was tied to his shaft.

Heh, not a bad thought.

Resolving to bring rope next time that the husky was late with his rent, the dragon pulled his shirt and his pants off, kicking his clothes off to the side. He gestured for the husky to do the same, and slowly laid down on the ground, his wings splayed out to the side and his cock pointed up towards the ceiling.

"Heh, get over here, pup."

Hank obeyed immediately, sitting down and squatting beside the red dragon. Aaron patted his chest.

"You're going to keep blowing me, pup. If you can get me off before I think your ass is ready for my cock, then you get to go along without an ass fucking. If you don't, I'm going to pound that rump of yours so hard that you won't walk straight for a month."


"Heh, that's what I want to hear. Come here."

The husky leaped onto his chest, laying down on it and squirming down his scales to his cock. Aaron leaned his head up, pressing his scaly fingers to those furry ass cheeks. They were surprisingly soft, and not just because of the fur.

Heh, guess he takes care of something, at least.

As he kneaded those warm cheeks, he felt the husky's breath on his shaft. He didn't have to look to know that those glazed eyes were focused on one thing, and one thing only. The musk of a dragon easily took over a person's mind, and the lazy husky was no exception on how quickly he was taken down.

The dragon grinned, feeling that mouth around his cock. It bobbed up and down quickly, the thick doggy tongue running along the top of his cock due to the angle. Grunting in his own pleasure, Aaron leaned forward to give the dog some of his own.

Spitting on the husky's pucker, the red dragon leaned forward and ground it in with his tongue, swiping the forked appendage all over the wrinkled flesh. He grinned as he kept the cheeks apart, allowing no retreat for the husky's hole. It was his little plaything, and he was going to enjoy himself.

The husky moaned beneath him as he rimmed the slut, dragging his tongue from the taint to just under his tail. The fur matted beneath his licks, and the hole puckered again and again, the husky pushing it up and back to get more, all while sucking on Aaron's cock. The dragon loved it.

"Heh, that's it, doggy. Keep sucking on your master's bone."

He was panting as he forced his tongue into the husky's hole, pushing it in deep as he could. The hole was clean, and hot, and tight, squeezing down on his tongue. He could feel it slowly opening, and the temptation to just take the idle Hank was almost too strong. The only thing that kept him from it was the feeling of that mouth sliding up and down his cock and the heady feeling of the dog's body bowing down to him, giving in to him as the tongue fucking went on.

When he felt the dog oozing pre onto his stomach, the dragon grinned, knowing that the slut was getting extremely close to cumming. He redoubled his efforts, even as his own cock throbbed harder and harder. The dog's throat was clamping down around his cock somewhere around the mid-point, the husky sucking him deep. Aaron growled, thrusting his hips up even as his tongue flicked at the husky's prostate, making the flow that much stronger.

However much he wanted to force the husky to cum first, though, the dog proved to be just a little better than he thought when it came to the oral stuff. Grunting as he finally went over the edge, Aaron flooded the husky's mouth even as Hank came all over his stomach. The dragon took some small satisfaction in that, feeling the husky give up a load from all the rimming.

Dragging his head out of the canine's wet, sweaty ass cheeks, the dragon slowly pulled his cock free of the dog's mouth and pushed him to the side. His cum had been extremely plentiful, surprisingly, as it kept spurting out even as he slid the husky off of him, spurting over the dog's face and lips. He chuckled as he stood up, and reached over to pat Hank on the head.

"Such a good doggie. You'll be a good pet from now, won't you? A good boy for your landlord."

Hank didn't even talk. He just whimpered, bowing his head and nodding in submission. Just as Aaron wanted.

The End