The Lead Crown: Ch 8.5a, Rude Awakenings

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#102 of The Lead Crown

We've made it to the end of Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 will soon be upon us. This is the final post of Chapter 8 for the new Group A (which now includes Sanmer once again.... yay!).

The Princess' plans begin to grow a little clearer as the party followers her on her way to Graddin with the aid of Grange and his non-descript carriage.

With the intermission fast approaching there is no Contributing Reader vote this week, but keep an eye out for opportunities to submit contributions; there won't be many more chances to increase the party's chances of a positive ending as we draw nearer to the story's conclusion.

Rather than consider how to vote, think instead on this: what are the possible outcomes of joining Princess Noriene in Graddin and what would each of those outcomes mean for Lehsunia, the royal line, and the characters of the story?

The floor is now open for questions, comments, and critiques!

Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 8.5, Rude Awakenings

Theo realized that the journey out of town was no Sunday ride and that, at any moment it was possible that the group would be set upon by men who meant them harm; it was therefore all the more frustrating that he couldn't keep his mind on remaining attentive and astute... not when he had to say a heartfelt and all-too-brief farewell to his sister and nephew. Ever since being put on leave by the University his days were full of things he didn't truly want to do but he had not uncounted one as important saying his farewells. The road ahead would be dangerous, and he knew that thus he was forced to part ways.

His eyes continued to scan the streets they traveled through town and he peered through the wooden slats covering the carriage's windows, permitting him to gaze upon the early morning scenery without anyone on the outside being able to see in. Theo had spent time in a number of conveyances during his time at the University but the one in which he found himself traveling alongside a street Rat, two Tribals, a clockwork dragon, and a Princess was the oddest yet-- not just because of his companions; there was a scent he simply couldn't place and it was far from pleasant.

In the end it was Roaring-Flood that identified it. "This thing smells like death."

Their less-than couth guide was matter-of-fact with his confirmation. "Yea... things like that happen now and again... makes it easier ta get wagons at a good price."

That answer left Theo a little ill-at-ease. "How DID the prior owner die?"

Grange's smile was all needley teeth and the Rat casually moved a paw to cover what appeared to be a bullet hole in the wall, passing the gesture as a casual lean. "Natural causes, ah'm told."

Before the conversation could get any more disquieting Enarork thankfully pulled his attention away from the Rat with an observation. "You still fear for your sister."

The Ermine shrugged, looking back out the window. "I didn't realize it was that obvious."

Even though he couldn't see it, Theo felt the faint shift of the carriage as the Bear shrugged. "You normally look among the group, not beyond it."

The scholar paused, realizing that Enarork was absolutely right. He turned back to the tribal Bear immediately. "Hmm... I hadn't realized--"

The brown furred Bear reached out to rest a paw on the Ermine's shoulder, dwarfing it. "She is safe, Theo Vinson... the Princess' guards will look after her. Spend less time worrying about her and more time guaranteeing you will get back to her."

It made sense... a lot of sense, in fact. Evelyn had the princess' guards and, with the aggressive interest being on the Princess and not the estate that likely gave his sister a better chance than the party following Princess Noriene had. He shook his head, not much liking that line of thinking either. Fortunately his overactive mind was cut short as the carriage came to a halt.

Kesst, who had been silently sitting in a cross-legged position on the floor of the carriage during the trip opened his eyes. He asked the question a moment before Theo could. "Why have we stopped?"

Grange stood up off of the bench and moved to the door. He gave a poor imitation of a courtly bow, complete with the flourish of a paw. "Lords an' Ladies, this's where ah take me leave."

The Ermine's first thought was that they were being led into a trap and the Rat wanted to make a get-away before it was sprung; his second thought was that the gutter-dweller had sold them out; his third thought was self-reproach, realizing that Grange had passed up many opportunities to have done so. Besides, he reasoned, he could see the town gates just up ahead.

Roaring-Flood wasn't so tight-lipped in his curiosity. "Why?"

The Rat lingered at the doorway, one foot on the step down, half-way inside and half-way out. "Why what?"

The huge Bear stared at him flatly. "You not come with?"

Grange let out a flat 'ha'. "Nah... th' city's my place... it's where ah was born an' ah wouldn't know the first thing 'bout Graddin.

Roaring-Flood snorted, motioning to himself and his brother. "We are here. You could be there."

Princess Noriene interjected. "Some people are not the kind to leave town... the thought of adventure to them is seeing a new street a few blocks over."

The big black Bear wasn't done fumbling through his questions. "Sanmer? Where is Sanmer?"

The Wolf chuckled. "You can calm yourself, good sir... I assure you that he will not be left to his own devices-- it benefits us ALL to have him close at hand."

Roaring-Flood grunted. "We can find him before we go."

An unmistakable voice called theatrically from just beyond the gate. "Find who?"

Theo murmured under his breath, sticking a toothpick into his muzzle. "Whom."

The big nlack Bear didn't bother waiting. He pushed the door open and stepped down onto the street after the Rat and lumbered out of the gate with a hearty announcement of "Oani, Sanmer-hamah!"

The Fox's reply was full of levity with his words followed by a giggle. "Oani, hamahni!"

Theo was not in such a good mood. "We're trying to be subtle about leaving town, aren't we? Is all of this noise such a good idea?"

The Princess waved away the notion with a paw. "We've traveled as far as we need to in silence. Come... we can disembark here."

Theo followed but not without objection. "Your Majesty... if we don't take the carriage are we going to WALK all the way to Gr--"

His words came to an end when he emerged from the carriage and caught sight of a much finer one parked right outside the gates. Princess Noriene was all smiles. "I asked Sanmer to meet us here. While a nondescript transport is fine within the city I honestly WOULD rather have something much nicer for a long distance journey."

Despite Theo's concern over being seen by the men coming after the Princess he couldn't wholly argue with that assessment; short distance carriage rides were one thing but the jerking, bouncing motion of the transportation was definitely off-putting after enough leagues. Sighing, he surrendered to her superior logic and simply made a quick production of transferring from the carriage they were abandoning to the one brought by Sanmer. His confidence was marginally improved by the fact that there were several city guards within view and it was obvious that they were keeping an eye on the situation.

The overall procedure of moving from one carriage to the next took hardly any time at all, which was good since, despite the guards nearby, Theo still felt a little too exposed. He hadn't been paranoid until recently and that change, he realized, was why he was probably still alive. The Ermine fondly looked forward to the point when things would return to normal; constantly worrying about his safety was exhausting, both mentally and emotionally.

Not everyone else in the group seemed to share his concern; Roaring-Flood was making quite the spectacle of himself, practically juggling the Fox back and forth from paw to shoulder to other shoulder to opposite paw, all the while singing some kind of Tribal song that, by its mere tempo and melody sounded like it would probably be humorous if he could understand it. Theo HAD picked up a lot of the Tribal tongue during his time traveling with the Bears but it was still hard to translate when it was being sung.

When everyone FINALLY calmed down and gathered up in the new carriage the Ermine managed to slow his breathing as his heart stopped pounding vigorously in his chest. They were getting out of Newport alive and on their way to the capital where they'd get their resolution and all of the insanity of the past weeks would be resolved

Priness Noriene's first comment once the carriage started up again said it the best. "Ah... the final leg of our journey. After this things can be set right."