Offering to the god of lizard valley

Story by jlmdragon on SoFurry

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This story is based on a role-play between myself and Kothorix, which has been re-written into a story with his permission.

The male dragon character Ammune belongs to Kothorix.

The female lizard character Gloria belongs to me

please give me constructive feedback as this is the first story I have uploaded to this site

Standing at the alter in the middle of a simple primitive lizard-folk village is a female lizard-folk. She has light blue scales over most of her body with white underbelly scales. She has a small head frill which is a slightly darker blue. Lizard-folk females do not produce milk so she has no breasts making her chest flat. She is wearing only a simple robe made of cheap woollen cloth and her name is Gorlia.

For the last 18 years she had been prepared and trained to be the village's offering to the dragon god Ammune. Every 10 summers it was always the same. One young unspoiled virgin had to be given up to the mighty dragon god. The offerings were never seen again but the village was always blessed with good fortune in all things. Suddenly Gloria hears the beating of wings and looking up into the summer sky she sees her god approaching.

The sky darkened overhead as the Ammune's feathered wings beat. He has the characteristic western dragon build of a long graceful looking body built for graceful flying which is further aided by his unusual feathered wings. He as teal coloured top scales and feathers with pure white scales and feathers under him and a white mane running from his head all down his back to his tail and a pair of white horns the go mostly straight only curling a little to point towards each other. He also has enchanting light green eyes and white claws. He not a particularly massive male but his somewhat angelic appearance, and control over wind and weather, caused some to see him as a god. Ammune descended in several swooping motions, before finally fanning his wings and landing near the village centre. The town was quiet, most denizens hiding and observing from their houses, no doubt. All hiding, except of course, his prize, who stood trembling before him. He leaned in toward Gorlia, slowly moving forward.

The only other time Gorlia had ever seen her god was when she was 8 and she was terrified then. Now that she was standing out at the alter ,alone and in full view of him, it felt like she had been turned to stone. So scared was she that for the moment she had forgotten what she was supposed to do now. She just kept stock still looking up at her god and trying hard not to wet herself.

Ammune stood still for a moment, simply moving his eyes to gaze up and down upon Gorlia. He grinned a bit, memorizing every scale, every curve, and every movement she made. This female was to be his, after-all. In a few moments, he spoke. "Well then, are you ready to begin your new life? I hope you've said goodbye to your village." He smiled again at her, showing a few of his teeth.

When her god spoke to her she snapped out of her daze and answered his question at once while taking off the robe she is wearing letting it fall to the ground so she is completely naked for him to see "yes oh great one, you humble servant is ready to go with you" She begins to approach her god slowly making sure she does not anger him

Ammune looked over his new prize thoroughly, once again. He eyed down her neck, to her belly, and finally to the area between her legs. With a soft grunt of approval, Ammune turned his gaze back to her. "And I hope, for both you and your village's sake, that you are I have instructed." He turned slowly away from Gorlia, before glancing back and beckoning her to follow. "Walk with me then, and we will go to a secluded place in the forest...where I will see for myself."

Gloria quickens her pace to keep up with him but making sure he go before her by a little bit "yes great Ammune, I have never known the touch of another male. I am pure. I am ready to fulfil my life's purpose." She means every word of it despite her fear of what may come. A fact that she still does not know for sure. no-one in the village knew why their god always demanded young virgin females. But that didn't stop them from giving him what he wanted.

Ammune let out a small chuckle at his female's words. Slowly, he walked toward the forest's edge, always glancing back to make sure she followed. His pace was slow, so that she could keep up, Ammune seeming to have a bit of a spring in his step. Gloria's village disappeared out of sight beyond the brush, before he spoke again. "Tell me, what is it that you think I'm going to do with you? I'm always interested to know what your village elders think..."

"Well no-one really knows but we don't think its for food, you come too seldom for something like that and there is not much meat on young virgin females. All we really know is that the offerings are never seen again." replies Gloria.

Ammune narrowed his gaze when he glanced at Gorlia again. "Are you afraid of that? Never being seen again?" He smiled a bit afterwards, his expression softening. "I'm not going to eat you, it would be such a waste." Twigs snapped underfoot as the larger creature pressed onward, waiting for her response. Though, after a few moments the sound of water echoed faintly ahead.

Gloria thought for a moment before giving an answer "Well I knew from the start it was about something bigger than just me. Its for the whole village so what is one life compared to all that. besides I will be with you, my god, why should I be afraid when you will be with me."

A chuckle escaped Ammune's maw at her words, and he only continued in silence. Before long, the two reached a clearing in the forest, surrounding a large lake and the river feeding into it. Ammune stopped there, turning toward Gorliabefore moving into a sitting position. "This will be a good spot for your first....lesson." He looked sternly to her. "You will do whatever I say, is that clear? If not, your village will suffer for it."

Gloria takes a moment to admire this spot, a place she had often been to as a child but once she sees the change in his face she knows that he means business, but was that not always the case with her god? This was going to be more complicated than she thought but she didn't delay with her answer. "yes great one. I live to serve you"

Ammune nodded once to her. "Good, then you will not try to run when we begin." He chuckled a bit. "You may scream, or cry, or protest...these things please me. But, you will still do as I say." His voice lowered, Ammune watching Gorlia, his words meant to frighten her. "Now, I know you have not been touched by a male, but surely you know what it is males and females do with each other. You must know why your virginity is so important to me..." Ammune grinned, waiting to see how quickly she caught on.

Gloria gulps the old fear rising up inside her again as she begins to shiver but does not make to run away. She then franticly tries to think on how to answer. She knew that a virgin was someone who had never been bred at all, but in her village it was only important for the offerings be a virgin. The rest were free to breed as much as they liked and everyone in the village helped each other with raising the children together. "I know that men and women breed to make children and that a virgin is someone who has never been bred before. But I don't know why you desire that of your offerings. But its not our place to question you oh great Ammune, just to obey you."

The dragon 'god' only laughs at her response. "Among dragons, one is only as great as the power he has, and great power can come from numbers. However...that is for later. Today is about pleasing me." Ammune slowly moved onto his side, facing Gloria. He curls his tail around behind her, pressing the thick of it against her back as if to encourage her to come closer. "I'm sure you've had certain urges. You've wondered what it would feel like just to sink your fingers between your thighs, haven't you? Maybe, despite the elders telling you not to, you've touched yourself. Tell me the truth."

Gloria is confused when he talked about other dragons but then maybe he is speaking of demi-god children he has sired. When she sees him lay on his side and pull her towards him she take the hint and goes right up to him still looking up into his eyes. When he asks her if she has been touching herself like that she is simply confused. "well yes I have but it has never been a forbidden thing to do, and it was only me and my fingers, no-one else was involved"

Ammune tilts his head a bit. "Oh? Well then, you know how it feels. I simply want to feel that pleasure as well...and I want to feel it with you." He lets out a deep rumbling sound, almost like a cat's purr, but much louder. Ammune adjusts his weight after a moment, a noticeable bulge having slowly formed between his legs while they spoke. "Enough talk. Are you ready to please your god?" He pulls her a bit closer with his tail, nearly pushing her to his belly. Ammune uses his maw to motion between his legs. "Rub me there..."

Gloria sees that the time for talking is over and now she must do as he commands of her. She is pushed so that she falls onto his belly. When told to rub him she is happy to comply with this. She is truly doing her best rubbing her scaled hands over his soft under belly where his genital slit is. She soon begins to notice a strong scent in the air, it reminds her a little of the one she makes when she rubs herself but stronger and more... male. The scent is also stirring something inside herself and she can feel herself getting wet on her neither lips.

Ammune stretches out a bit on his side, relaxing as Gloria sets into motion. He smiles and watches her work, his dark purple cock tip soon peeking out from its hiding spot, quickly firming up under Gloria's touch. Gloria's scent only quickens his arousal, giving her more and more to rub. The dragon's shaft was quite large, many times the size one of Gloria's species would be. It tapered down from the tip, bulging at the base with a thick, yet deflated knot. Before long, tAmmune gives another command, grinning in approval so far. "And your maw...use it as well."

Gloria does not like that sound of that command as much but this is her god that is telling her to do this. So obediently she leans down and begins to lick over his cock from its tip to its knotted base trying to lick over every bit of the great purple shaft. Her own arousal is now running down her legs as a heat builds up between them but she ignores her own desires know that her god must come before her in all things.

Ammune's tongue comes to the aid of Gloria. He could not simply watch her, Ammune dipping his head down behind her and pushing his thick tongue up between her legs. He does not push it inside her, instead simply cleaning her with a few warm laps. Her taste causes him to rumble out, his thick, sticky pre beading at the tip of his fully erect shaft simultaneously.

When Gloria feels her god beginning to lick between her folds she moans out but still keeps licking between moans licking up his heavily musky pre-cum. Her hands now trying to stroke his length while she licks at his tip and her own juice keeps coming for her god's eager tongue to lick up. This was getting so weird but also good. If serving her god was going to keep being this easy then this was going to be a heavenly life, as long as she does not displease him.

Unfortunately for the Gloria, Ammune's next desires would not be so easy. He slowly pulled his maw from her, looking over her untouched, perfect pussy one last time. He places his paws at her hips, lifting her off the ground without warning. It only takes him a few moments to roll onto his back before placing Gloria down on his tail so that she straddles it. He places her so that she faces him, his thick length pressed up against her belly. Ammune, his head elevated above hers, looks down at her in this new position. "It's too bad really..." He mumbles to himself as he positions her.

Gloria feels a little disappointed when she feels her god remove his muzzle from wet nethers but soon she feels a little fear again as with out warning he suddenly picks her up with ease showing how much stronger he is than her. As she comes to rest on his tail she simply looks up at him confused by his actions and begins to worry that she might have displeased him now.

The 'god' watches Gloria for a few moments, before beginning to gently run his paw up along her smooth stomach and chest. His cock tip smears pre right along side it, upon her belly. "It's a shame that I have to ruin you like this...but I know that the pleasure will be immense." He places his paws once again at her sides, slowly lifting her until she is positioned right over the end of his cock. His sticky tip touches lightly to her wet nethers, swapping their juices. He tilts his head to look her in the eye, Ammune grinning deviously. It was completely clear that he would NOT fit inside her, but Ammune seemed like he was about to try anyway!

The full reality of what was going to happen finally hits Gloria like a brick wall. With a fearful gasp and cry of fear she is torn between defying her god and being hurt a lot and maybe even killed. It was a real test of faith for her but and she begins to cry but does not tell him to stop as she tries to relax her opening to at least make what was going to come more bearable.

Ammune watches Gloria squirm, still grasping at her sides and holding her so her nethers just barely touched to his sticky tip. Slowly he rubs the tapered end up against her, back and forth across her unused folds. "Oh, yes, you see now! I want to feel you around me...engulf me wholly..." He snickers as he bucks up ever so slightly, letting her feel pressure from his rigid shaft. "Perhaps even my knot."

her god's slow teasing is helping Gloria to calm down a bit and also helping her to relax more which will make taking him a little bit easier but it was still going to hurt. As Gloria keeps crying her vision is blurred and fuzzy but she still keeps herself from saying anything not wanting to anger him as she tries to stifle her crying.

Ammune lets out a pleased purring sound as he once again pushes up against her. This time, the very tip of his length pushes just inside her folds, spreading them apart slowly as he works the head in. " should be enjoying this~ Finally, you're giving me what you've been saving your entire life." He purrs to her again. "Virgins fetch quite a bit in trade...but when I saw your body in the village, I knew I needed it. Perhaps if you hadn't disrobed so quickly...."

The mention of trade would have confused Gloria if she had been able to pay attention but right now she was quite distracted by taking her god's cock. "Ahh I'm glad I can please you oh great one ohhhh!" She cries out the pain hitting her hard but she knew her desires were to come last in her new life. Pain would become her new companion but it was for a much greater purpose so that was okay.

A chuckle escaped Ammune at those words, he narrows his gaze. "Oh, we will see what you think about that in a few minutes..." Ammune quickens his movements a bit, working a bit rougher now as he pushes Gloria down on him. At the same time, he lightly rolls his hips up, his shaft slowly spreading and stretching her around him. The feeling of her warm body swallowing his cock tip sent shudders through Ammune, only encouraging him to push up against her harder.

Gloria is still trying to reason out all this. Maybe this was a test to see if she would break and ask him to stop so to pass she must make out that she did not mind it or even enjoyed it. Well she couldn't lie but she could at least bear this for her people and her god. "What happens to me does not matter. All that matters is your happiness oh great Ammune"

Ammune watched in amusement as Gloria attempted to resist her urges to cry out. He slowly rolled his hips now, in even, slow thrusts. Each time, his shaft stuffed about halfway into her, Ammune slowly working on getting more inside. And every time he pulled away, to just the tip, his movements were accompanied by a slick sound. " need to lie to me. Tell me how you really feel~ If you beg for it...perhaps I'll be convinced to do as you say." Ammune stifled a soft chuckle.

Gloria was again confused as she had been telling the truth. She didn't understand why he was trying to play mind games with her if not to test her "I am telling you true great one, my life means nothing. All that matters is that you are pleased with me." The deeper he went the more pain she felt and now she was balling her fists her claws digging into her palms but still she did not tell him to stop she was determined to pass this trial to show him how strong her faith is.

Ammune only worked her more roughly now, his paws moving to roam across her chest and back, as he no longer needed to hold her. His breathing began to pick up as nearly his entire length crammed inside her, made slick by their juices. His quick hips motions bounced the poor female on his dick, allowing her to catch herself with her knees, or hands, or however she could, to prevent from taking the even thicker base of his shaft. The shuddering male couldn't help but groan out loudly in pleasure. "Ah....yesss...."

To Gloria the removal of his grip and the caressing of his hands only helped to confirm her thoughts on the subject. This was a test and if she didn't resist him then maybe she would be rewarded with something. She didn't move to stop him but neither could she force her body to take him any quicker she would just have to take him at his pace and do her best to endure the pain. She was getting no pleasure from this but she on some level felt glad that she could please her god so much.

A pleasured growl escapes the maw of Ammune, as his speed only increases. He shows no signs of slowing, only bumping up harder and harder against the abused female atop him. "Mmm....soon you'll be filled with my seed...mmf...and then you'll be but breeding stock to me. This will be your please me like this whenever I desire. " Ammune shuddered again before grinning at Gloria , hoping to fill her head with thoughts of regret, and perhaps giving her one final chance to plead her way out. "Just remember.... I gave you a chance, and you chose this. "

This one last try at a mind game goes completely over the head of this young religious fanatic. By now she had no doubt that this was a test and that she must do her best to pass. If the choice was to Breed with her god forever or to fail the test and dam not only herself and her village then she would choose to be his breeder, no matter how much pain it would cause her. "If what you desire is to breed with me for life then I will gladly accept it great one. I live only to serve you."

Ammune once again growls out in an attempt to hold back his orgasm. He stares at her for a moment, before suddenly grasping at her thighs and pushing down hard. With no regards for her well-being, he shoves Gloria down over his knot, the thick bulb stuffing completely inside her and quickly swelling, his cock tip well past her cervix at this point. With no reason to hold back any longer, he simply relaxes and allows her body, pulled tightly over his shaft, to squeeze the climax from him. It only takes a moment for his throbbing cock to erupt inside her with sticky blasts. Hot and thick, his seed spills deeply inside her, quickly filling the young female. The sensation is enough to cause Ammune to groan out deeply and tremble in bliss.

The last violent shove from his cock and knot causes Gloria so much pain she can only gape in a silent scream before passing out briefly from it. When she comes too her world is nothing but burning hot pain but she knew she had done it. She had passed the test and her god was very happy by the sound of it. So despite all the pain she was feeling she could not help but smile a little, too weak to speak just yet as she sat on top of him feeling him fill up her insides with his liquid desire.

Ammune, calmed after that, his body relaxing under her as his lust left him. Still though, she was stuck on him, and would be for quite a while. He rumbled softly to himself, laying back and settling in as his orgasm tapered off. Even the tight seal of his knot wasn't enough to keep his seed from leaking out, so filled was t Gloria 's belly.